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1.Deepest parts of the oceans are called :
(A)Mid-ocean ridges(B)Seamount
(C )Trench(D)Continental shelf

2.The most abundant component of sea water is ;
(A)Chlorine(B)Sulphate(C )Sodium(D)Potassium

3.The average speed of sound in the ocean is :
(A)200 m/s(B)800 m/s(C )1500 m/s(D)2500 m/s

4.The layer where ocean temperature decreases rapidly with depth is called :
(A)Halocline(B)Pycnocline(C )Thermocline(D)SOFAR channel

5.On the average, sea surface salinity is :
(A)Maximum at the equator(B)Maximum around30 degrees latitude
(C )Maximum at poles(D)None of the above

6.Heat lost by sea due to evaporation is called :
(A)Shortwave radiation(B)Longwave radiation
(C )I atent heat(D)Sensible heat

7.If the time taken by a sound pulse to travel from the sound source at sea surface to the ocean floor and back is 3 seconds, then the approximate ocean depth is :
(A)2250 m(B)4500 m(C )9000 m(D) 9500 m

8.Coriolis force at the equator is : (A) Maximum(B)Zero
(C ) Varies with longitude(D)Varies with depth

9.Wind stress is proportional to : (A) Wind speed(B)Square of wind speed
(C ) Cube of wind speed(D)Squre root of wind speedSquare root of wind speed

10.In the ocean, light intensity :
(A)Increases linearly with depth
(B)Increases linearly with depth
(C )Increases exponentially with depth
(D)Decreases exponentially with depth

11.The major limiting nutrient in culture ponds :
(A)Phosphorus(B)Nitrogen(C )Potassium(D)Calcium

12.Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease, popularly known as Early mortality syndrome is
an emerging disease that affects__________.
(A)Indian major carps(B) Macrobrachium rosenbergii
(C )Penacus/s vamtamei(D)Pangasius sp.

13.___________has to be applied to ponds to increase pH after stocking of fishes/shrimps.
(A)Quick lime(B)Agricultural lime
(C )Gypsum(D)Slaked lime

14.Peasoup green colour of water is often associated with this algae :
(A)Microcystis(B)Anabaena(C )Euglena(D)Spirogyra

15.The paddle wheel aerator commonly used in shrimp culture ponds is an example of:
(A)Gravity aerator(B)Diffuser aerator
(C )Surface aerator(D)Bucket dissipater type

16.Ovaprim used for fish breeding consists of:
(A)Natural salmon GnRH
(B)Pituitary extract and domperidone
(C )Synthetic analogue of sGnRH
(D)Synthetic analogue of sGnRH and domperidone

17.The number of days normally taken by Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae to settle as post larvae at 28-32*0:
(A)22 - 26 days(B)35 - 38 days(C )15-18 days(D)32 - 35 days

18.The scientific name of silver pompano, the captive breeding of which has been standardized is:
(A)Trachinvfus mookalee(B)Epinephelus coioides
(C )Rachycentron canadum(D)Trachinotus blochii

19.A widely used cryoprotectant for fish spermatozoa is :
(A)Buffered formalin(B)Ethyl alcohol
(C )DMSO(D)Isopropyl alcohol

20.The members of this group of fishes are  non- guarders scattering eggs :
(A) Cichlids(B)Gouramis
(C ) Tetras and barbs(D)Guppies and molliess

21.The zone of shallow water near the shore is called :
(A) Oceanic Province(B) Continental shelfContinental Shelf
(C ) NIeritic Province (D)Continental SlopeContinental Slope

22.Methylene Blue is a : (A) Basic dye(B)Acidic dyeAcidic dye
(C ) Neutral dye(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

23.Which one of the following does not indicatea species diversity index ?
(A) H index(B)Shannon diversity- index
(C ) Pielou's evenness(D)Margalef's index

24.An agent or a factor which causes malformation of an embryo isknown as :
(A) Carcinogen(B) TeratogenTeratogen
(C ) Mutagen(D)AllergenAllergen

25.Ramsar convention was held in : 
(A) USA (B) India(C ) Japan(D)IranIran

26.IPCC headquarters is located at : 
(A) New York (B) Geneva(C ) London(D)RomeRome

27.Which one of the following is a keystone species in a Kelp forest ?>
(A) Sea Otter (B) Starfish(C ) Parrot fish(D)SharkShark

28.What is function of immersion oil in anoil immersion objective of light microscope ?
(A) Increase magnification(B)Increase resolution
(C ) Improve contrast(D)None of the above

29.Genetic material possessing the dual capacity to exist either asan extrachromosomal chromosomal entity is called : 
(A) Episome (B) Autosome(C ) Mesosome(D)Oxysome

30.Bioindicators cover a wide spectrum of organisms serving as indicators of:
(A)Water(B) Climate(C ) Air(D) Environment

31.Which one of the following nutrient cycle is considered as sedimentary type ?
(A)Carbon cycle(B) Phosphorus cycle
(C ) Nitrogen cycle(D) Manganese cycle

32.Fundamental status of an organism in its community is known as :
(A)Ecological niche(B)Edaphic factor
(C )Trophic level(D)Primary producer

33.Which one of the following organisms possesses Aristotle's lantern ?
(A)Asterias(B) Ophiothrix (C ) Antedon(D) Echinus

34.Analytical characters are generally expressed in terms of:
(A)Chi-square test(B)3 - point test
(C )5 - point test(D)None of the above

35.BOD of the waste water after secondary treatment :
(A)Will increase(B)Will decrease
(C )Remain the sameRemain the same(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

36. Catla catla belongs to the family :
(A)Cichlidae (B)Cyprinidae(C )Scombridae(D)Mullidae

37. larval form of lobsters is known as :
(A)Phyllosoma (B)Megalopa(C )Veliger(D)Mysis

38.Which of the following factors will affect the Hardy - Weinberg Equillibrium ?
(A)Genetic drift(B)Natural selection
(C )Mutation(D)All of the above

39.The maximum number of individual that can be supported in a habitat at a given time is known as :
(A)Biotic potential(B)Carrying capacity
(C )Vital index(D)Aggregation

40.Which one of the following country' exerts maximum carbon foot print ?
(A)Norway(B) Japan(C ) USA(D) India

41.Potential benefits of MPA :
(A)(i) Protection of marine species (ii) Protection of fixed, critical habitats (iii) Protection of coral reefs, estuaries
(B)(i) Protection of marine species (ii) Protection of marine seas (iii) Construction of marineparks
(C )(i) Construction of aquapark (ii) Construction of large marine aquarium
(D)All the above

42.Motivation theories were proposed by :
(A)(i) Frederick I lerzberg (ii) Abraham Maslow (iii) Douglas Me Gregor
(B)(i) Max Weber (ii) F.W. Taylor (iii) Henry Fayol
(C )All the above
(D)None of the above

43.Input controls are :
(A)(i) Total Allowable Catch (ii) Individual Quotas (iii) Escapement Targets
(B)(i) Fleet size (ii) Vessel capacity (iii) Fishing Effort (iv) Fishing area/Boat
(C )(i) Gear Limitations (ii) Closed areas (iii) Closed seasons
(D)All the above

44.Output controls are :
(A)(i) Gear Limitations (ii) Closed areas (iii) Closed seasons
(B)(i) Fleet size (ii) Vessel capacity (iii) Fishing Effort (iv) Fishing area/Boat
(C )(i) Total Allowable Catch (ii) Individual Quotas (iii) Escapement Targets
(D)All the above

45.Rights in fishery systems :
(A)(i) Open access (ii) Limited entry (iii) Trip limits
(B)(i) Use rights (ii) Access rights (iii) Harvest Rights
(C )(i) TURF (ii) Management rights (iii) Property rights
(D)All the above

46.Sustainability in fishery systems includes :
(A)(i) Ecological Sustainability (ii) Socioeconomic Sustainability
(B)(i) Community Sustainability (ii) Institutional Sustainability
(C )Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of the above agencies involved in fishery management and development :
(A)(i) FAO (ii) UNDP (iii) IPFC (iv) IOFC
(B)(i) ICLAARM (ii) GFCM (iii) IUCN (iv) AIT
(C )(i) FAO (ii) UNDP (iii) IPFC (iv) CRY
(D)All the above

48.HU Regulation to prevent IUU :
(A)Illegal, Unregistered and Unregulated fishing, entered into force on 1 January 2001
(B)Illegal, Unrecorded and Unregulated fishing, entered into force on 1 January 2010
(C )Illegal, Unregistered and Unregulated fishing, entered into force on 1 January 2010
(D)Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing, entered into force on 1 January 2010

49.Certifications in fisheries management :
(A)(i) Catch certification (ii) Green certification (iii) MSC (iv) MAC
(B)(i) ISO 9000 (ii) BRC (iii) HACCP (iv) ISO 22000
(C )None of the above
(D)All the above

50.Biological Diversity Act, 2002 :
(A)Act of the Parliament of India for Preservation of biological diversity in India
(B)It provides mechanism for equitable sharing of benefits arising out use of traditional biological resources and knowledge
(C )The Act was enacted to meet the obligations under Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
(D)All the above

51.KMFR Act. 1980 :
(A)Kerala Marine Fishing Regulation Act, 1980
(B)Amended by Act 21 of 1991
(C )An Act to provide for the regulation of fishing by fishing vessels in the sea along the coast line of the State
(D)All the above

52.Trawl ban in Kerala in the year 2015 is for :
(A)(i)45 days(ii)June 15 to July 30 (iii) Not joined the uniform ban
(B)(i)47 days(ii)June 15 to July 31 (iii) Not joined the uniform ban
(C )(i)61 days(ii)June 1 to July 31 (iii) Uniform ban period for whole of India
(D)(i)47 days(ii)midnight of June 14 to midnight of July 31 (iii) Uniform ban period for

(A)The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(B)Law of the Sea Convention (C )Law of the Sea treaty
(D)All the above

54.Matsyasamrudhi is a project of Kerala State fisheries aiming at :
(A)Integrated development of inland fisheries and aquaculture
(B)Implemented in 14 districts of the slate
(C )Provided extension of Karimeen production in ponds, cages etc.
(D)All the above

55.Departments, Institutions and organizations under the fisheries department of Kerala :
(A)(i) Matsyafcd (ii) FFDA (iii) BFT-DA (iv) KFVVFB
(B)(i) Marine Lnforcement (ME) (ii) Harbour Engineering Department (HKD)
(C )(i) Agency for development of Aqua Culture
(D)All the above - (A), (B) and (Q)

56.Redline Torpedo Barb is :
(A)(i) puntius denissoniii (ii) Miss Kerala (iii) Indigenous ornamental fish
(B)(i) Top exported ornamental fish (ii) Exotic (iii) Cyprinid fish
(C )(i) Hndemic (ii) Endangered (iii) Sahyadna denisonii
(D)(A)and(C )

57.State fish of Kerala :
(A)(i) Etrophus suratensis (ii) Green chrornide (iii) Pearlspot
(B)(i) Rastrulliger kmagurta (ii) Mackeral
(C )(i) Sardinella iongiceps (ii) Sardine
(D)(i) Miss Kerala (ii) Puntius denisonii (iii) Indigenous ornamental fish

58.Which species of prawn now dominates the exports from India ?
(A)Penaeus monodon(B)Mctapmacusdobsonii
(C )Parapeneopsis stylifera(D)l.itopt'fiacusvannamei

59.Information about netmouth opening, depth and position of net relative to fish is found by:
(A)(i) Net recorder (ii) Net sonde (iii) Trawl eye
(B)(i) Gear monitoring system (ii) SONAR (iii) Ecogramme
(C )(A) and (B)
(D)None of the above

(A)(i) Satellite Navigation and ranging (ii) Aimed purse seining and trawling (iii) Horizontally scanning echosounder
(B)(i) Sound Navigation and ranging (ii) Aim purse seining and trawling (iii) Horizontally scanning echosounder
(C )(i) Sound Navigation and radiating (ii) Aimed purse seining and trawling (iii) Horizontally scanning echosounder
(D)All the above

61.Longlines are:
(A)(i) Passive fishing gears (ii) highly fuel efficient (iii) Ecofriendly
(B)(i) Gravel line (ii) Floats (iii) Sinkers (iv) Buoys
(C )(i) Snood wire (ii) Sekiyama (iii) Branch line (iv) Buoy lines
(D)All the above

62.On the basis of bio-physico characteristics seas have different zones :
(A)Pelagic zone, Benthic zone, Neritic zone, Oceanic zone
(B)Epipelagic, Mesopelagic, Bathypelagic, Benthopelagic (C ) None of the above
(D)(A) and (B)

63.Trolling is:
(A) Passive fishing method
(C )Type of fishing craft
(B) Active fishing method 
(D) None of the above

64.Edible Oysters are :
(A) Crassosotrea maiimsensis (C ) Crassosotrca diacoides
(B) Crassosotrea cucullta (D) All the above

65.Bombay duck, Harpodon nenereus (Hamilton) belong to the family : 
(A) Syngnathidae(B) Schilbeidae
(C ) Sciaenidae(D) None of the above

66.Commercially important ratfishes in India belong to the family :
(A) Plotosidae (C ) Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of the above

67.Molluscan fisheries is constituted by the taxonomic class :
(C )Cephalopoda(D)All the above

68.Name a computer software with the help of which the fish stock assessment by using length  frequency distribution is done :

69.Total marine capture fish production in India during 2013 - 14 :
(A)1.9 million tonnes(B)2.1 million tonnes
(C )3.4 million tonnes(D)6.1 million tonnes

70.Total inland fish production in India during 2013 - 14 :
(A) 3.14 million tonnes(B) 4.14 million tonnes
(C ) 5.14 million tonnes(D) 6.14 million tonnes

71.Fibrous protein present in connective tissue :
(A)Actin(B)Myosin(C )Actinomyosin(D)Collagen

72.Complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose into C02 and H20 yields : 
(A) 8 ATP equivalents(B) 15 ATP
(C ) 30 ATP(D) 38 ATP

73.Fish fat is nutritionally important becuase of the presence of:
(A) PUFA(B) Glycerol(C ) Phospholipids (D) Monoglycerol

74.Dry ice is :
(A) Freon
(C ) l iquid Nitrogen
(B)Liquid ammonia (D) Solid carbon dioxide

75. Case hardening is seen in fishes during : 
(A) Freezing(B) Drying
(C ) Canning
(D) Salting

76. Vibrio parahaemolyitiicus is found in :
(A) Marine waters(B)Fresh waters
(C ) Both of the above(D)Neither of the aboveNeither of the above

77.HACCP is :
(A)Freezing technology developed by USFDA
(B)Freezing methods imposed by USFDA
(C )Quality management system imposed by EIA
(D)Quality management system imposed by USFDA

78.TQM means :
(A)Total Quotient Management(B)Total Quality Management
(C )Total Quadra Management(D)Total Quantity Management

79.Hxport Inspection Agency is administered by Ministry of:
(A)Agriculture(B)Foreign trade(C )Commerce(D)Foreign affairs

80.The ratio of ice to fish during icing is :
(A)1: 2(B)2:1(C )1.5 : 2(D)2 : 1.5

81.One of the greatest literary works of Lalithambika Antharjanam :
(C )Nalukettu(D)Oru Theravintekatha

82.The name of publication started from Kozhikode in October 1924 :
(A)AIIslam(B)Mathrubhumi(C )The Deepika(D)AIAmin

83.The credit for having laid the foundations of western eduction in Malabar area goes to :
(A)CMS Missionaries(B)Prussian Missionaries
(C )British Missionaries(D)Basel German Evangelical Missionaries

84.The K.T.E Act was implimented in India on :
(A)26 August 2009(B)10 July 2010
(C )1 April 2010(D)30 March 2011

85.Which of the following is not a jurisdiction of the Supreme Court ?
(A)Supervisory jurisdiction(B)Appellate jurisdiction
(C )Advisory jurisdiction(D)Original jurisdiction

86.Who was the captain of the Volunteer corps of Guruvayur Sathyagraha movement ?
(A)A.K. Gopalan(BK. Kelappan
(C ) T. Subramanian(D) T.K. Madhavan

87.Who issued an order permitting the Channar woman, who become converts to Christianity to cover their bodies ?
(A)Rev. Mateer(B)Rev. Mead
(C )Dr.Gundert(D)Col. Munroe

88.Who founded Samatva Samajam ?
(A)Vaikunta Swami(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Swami Vagbhatananda(D)Chattampi Swami

89.The power to increase the number of judges in the Supreme Court of India is vested
(A)The President of India(B)The Parliament
(C )The Chief Justice of IndiaThe Chief Justice of India(D)The Law CommissionThe Law Commission

90.When was Mangalyan launched ?
(A)26 January 2013(B)8 August 2013
(C )11 October 2013(D)5 November 2013

91.Which unfortunate event took place in 1905?
(A)Jallian Walla Bag massacre(B)Surat Split
(C )Partition of BengalPartition of Bengal(D)Death of Bala Gangadhara Tilak

92.The famous journalist mentioned inthe auto biography of Mahatma Gandhi :
(A)G. Parameswaran Pilla
(B)G. Govinda Pilla
(C )Swadeshabhimani Rama Krishna Pilla
(D)V.K. Krishna Menon

93.Who among the following was awarded the Nobel prize in literature in 2014 ?
(A)Shuji Nakumura(B)Edvard L. Mosev
(C )Teju Cole(D)Patrick Modiano

94.Mahar Movement was initiated by :
(A)Jyotiba Phule(B)(B)B.R. Ambedkar
(C )Ram Mohan RoyRam Mohan Roy(D)Atmaram Pandurang

95.Whois the recipient of the 49th jnanpith award ?
(A)Firaq Gorakhpuri(B)V.K. Gokale
(C )Kedamath Singh(D)Nativar Singh

96.What is the power of the President not to take any action on a bill pending it for an indefinite period ?
(A) Pocket Veto (B) Crossing(C ) Ordinance (D) Pardon

97.Who wrote "The Accidental Prime Minister : The making and unmaking of Manmohan Singh" ?
(A)Anitha Nair(B)Joy Battacharya
(C )Sanjaya Baru(D)Faraz Ahammed

98.Which poem of kumaranasan portrays the character of Mathangi ?
(C )Leela(D)Chandala bhikshuki

99.The summer Olympics of 2016 will be held in :
(A)South Korea(B)Germany
(C )Brazil(D)Qatar

100.The National Womens day is celebrated on the Birth day of :
(A)Annie Besant(B)Indira Gandhi
(C )Kasturba Gandhi(D)Sarojani Naidu

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