WORKS MANAGER - STATE WATER TRANSPORT kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.The co ordination number of FCC crystal structure is :
(A) 4
(C ) 8

2.According to Gibb’s phase rule, the number of degrees of freedom of a two 

component, three phase system is:
(A) 3
(C ) 1

3.Which one of the following is correct for Berger’s vector in screw 

(A) perpendicular to the dislocation line
(B)parallel to the dislocation line
(C ) inclined to the dislocation line
(D)opposite to the dislocation line

4.In high speed steels, the alloying element with maximum percentage is :
(A) Vanadium
(C ) Tungsten 

5.In electric arc welding, arc is created by :
(A) current
(C ) frequency
(D)contact resistance

6.Tool life is affected mainly with :
(A) depth of cut
(C ) cutting speed

7.The surface roughness on a drawing is represented by:
(A) circles
(B) triangles
(C ) squares
(D)zig-zag line

8.Among the conventional machining processes, the maximum specific energy is 

consumed in :
(A) turning
(C ) grinding

9.The optimum value of the helix angle of a drillis:
(A) 10°
(C ) 30°

10.Auto-collimator is used for measuring :•
(A) roughness.
(C ) automobile balancing

11.Density of a fluid is sensitive to change in pressure. Such fluid is known as :
(A) ideal fluid
(B)real fluid
(C ) compressible fluid
(D)perfect fluid

12.The density of one litre of petrol of specific gravity 0.7is :
(A) 600 kg/m3
(B)600 N/ms 1
(C ) 700 kg/m3
(D)700 N/ms

13.Whirl pool in a river is an example for :
(A) forced vortex flow
(B)free vortex flow
(C ) irrotational flow
(D)viscous flow

14.A steady irrotational flow of an incompressiblefluid isknown as:
• (A) laminar flow
(B)creeping flow
(C ) potential flow
(D)shear flow

15.Bernoulli’s equation is:
(A) momentum equation
(B)energy equation
(C ) force equation
(D)mass equation

16.The equations of motion for a viscous fluid is known as :
(A) Euler’s equation
(B)Bernoulli's equation
(C ) Reynold’s equation
(D)Navier-Stoke’s equation

17.Darcy’s friction factor in a pipe flow corresponds to a Reynold’s number 

of 2000 is :
(A) 0.016
(C ) 0.32

18. Pitot tube is used for measuring :
(A) discharge
(C ) viscosity

19.The slip in a reciprocating pump is : 
(A) positive
(C ) zero
(D)positive or negative

20.Modern Francis turbine is essentially a :
(A) Tangential flow turbine
(B)Mixed flow turbine
(C ) Axial flow turbine
(D)Radial flow turbine

21.The ratio of pressure force to inertia force is known as;
(A) Reynold’s number
(B)Froude’s number
(C ) Weber number
(D)Euler’s number

22.Series operation of & centrifugal pump results in-
(A) high head
(B)high discharge
(C ) high speed
(D)reduced power consumption

28.Hydraulic ramworks on the principle of:
(A)positive displacement action
(B)centrifugal action
(C )reciprocating action
(D)inertia force of water in the supply line

24.Hydraulic intenaifier is used for :
(A)storing energy of a fluid in the form of pressure energy
(B)increasing the pressure intensity of a liquid
(C )transfer and lift heavy loads
(D)augment the supply of water

25.The capacity of a hydraulic accumulator is defined as :
(A), maximum amount of energy it can store
(B)maximum discharge which can deliver
(C )the volume of liquid which can store
(D)the maximum height to which it is capable of lifting the liquid

26.The pump to be used for pumping highly viscous fluids belongs to :
(A)screw pump
(B) turbine pump
(C ) centrifugal pump
(D) plunger pump

27.Cavitation in centrifugal pump can be reduced by :
(A)reducing the discharge 
(B)reducing the suction head 
(C ) throttling the discharge
(D) increasing the fluid velocity.

28.A direction control valve designated by DC 3/2 implies :
(A)3 position and 2 port
(B) 3 port and 2 positions
(C )3 supply port and 2 exhaust port 
(D) 3 exhaust port and 2 supply ports

29.The function of check valve is :
(A)to allow the flow of fluid in one direction only
(B)to allow the flow of fluid on both directions
(C )to regulate the flow
(D)to check the flow

30.Sequence valves are also called as :
(A)counter balance valve 
(B) shuttle valve 
(C ) throttle valve
(D) diverting valves 

31.A simply supported beam of span 10 m carrying a concentrated load of 1000 

N at the mid span will have the maximum bending moment of:
(A)10000 Nm
(B)5000 Nm
(C )2500 Nm
(D)500 Nm

32.The ratio of maximum shear stress to average shear stress for a beam with 

circular section is :
(C )3:2

33.The maximum shear stress developed on, the surface of a solid circular 

shaft under pure torsion is 320 MPa. If the shaft diameter is doubled, then 

the maximum shear stress developed corresponds to the same torque will be :
(A)160 Mpa
(B)80 MPa
(C )40 MPa
(D)30 MPa

34.When aclose coiled spring' is subjected to axial load, its axial 

deflection is directly proportional to :
(A)Diameter of the wire
(B)Modulus of'rigidity of the spring material 
(C ) Modulus of elasticity of the spring material
(D)Mean radius of the coil of the spring

35.A universal joint is an example of:
(A)higher pair
(B)lower pair 
(C )rolling pair
(D)sliding pair

36.Coriolis component of acceleration is always :
(A) parallel to the link 
(B) perpendicular to the link
(C ) radically outward along the link
(D) coincide with the axis of link

37.Axial thrust is minimum in case of:
(A) helical gear 
(B) bevel gear 
(C ) double helical gear
(D) miter gear

38.Whenever the follower moves with simple harmonic motion, the velocity 

diagram is :
(A) parabolic
(B) sinusoidal
(C )hyperbolic
(D)cosine curve

39.In case of multi-disk clutch, if there are 3 disks on the driving shaft 

and 2 disk on the driven shaft, then the total number of pairs of contacting 

surfaces is equal to :
(C ) 4_
(D) 1

•10. A key connecting to a flange coupling to a shaft likely to fail in :
(C )torsion

41. Second law of thermodynamics defines a property known as :
(A)internal energy
(C )temperature

42. The entropy change in a reversible adiabatic process is :
(A) zero
(C ) >0

43.The efficiency of a Carnot cycle operating between the temperature limits 

of 327'
(B) 60%
(C ) 50%
(D) 70%

44.One ton of refrigeration is equal to :
(A) 3.5 kW
(B)3.8 kW
(C ) 4 kW
(D)3 kW

45.Which of the following processes is not associated withDiesel cycle?
(A) constant volume
(B)constant pressure
(C ) adiabatic

46.Morse test is conducted only on :-
(A) variable speed engine
(B)low power engine *
(C ) multi-cylinder engine
(D)water cooled engine

47.The ignition quality of a petrol engine fuel is expressedas:
(A) Cetane number
(B)Octane number
(C )SAE rating
(D)API gravity

48.The brake lining is usually made of:*
(A) leather
(C ) cork

49.The throttling process in a refrigeration cycle is :
(C ) isochoric

50.For the same temperature limits, the COP of a refrigerator is 4, then the 

COP of a heat pump equals :
(A) 5 
(C ) 3
(D) 2

51.Which among the following is a Primary supporting member?
(A)Bracket floors.
(B) Deep Transverse
(C ) Deck Beam
(D) Hold frame

52.What is a Gun Whale?
(A)Area joining keel to Garboard strake
(B)Area joining bilge plate to bottom plate 
(C ) Area joining sheer strake to stinger plate 
(D) Area joining bulkhead to deck

53.What is the standard size of a TEU container?.
(A)20' x 6' x 6'
(C )25' x 8' x 8'’
(D)40’ x 6' x 6'

54.Why do you sub divide the hull into compartments?
(A)To make the ship afloat when one compartment is flooded
(B)To increase speed
(C )To get directional stability
(D)To increase stability

55.Which compartment standard is given for passenger vessels with respect to 

(A)One compartment standard
(B)Two compartment standard
(C )Three compartment standard
(D)No compartment standard

. 56. What is the stability criteria for Trim and Stability booklet?
(A) ILO Criteria
(B) ILLC Criteria
(C ) SOLAS criteria
(D) I MO Criteria

57.How do you reduce free surface effect?
(A)By carrying liquid of less density
(B)By giving rectangular tanks
(C )By giving partition bulkheads in tanks
(D)By giving cylindrical tanks

58.What is the advantage of variable pitch propellers?
(A) Can function for varying loads
(B)Can increase speed
(C ) Economical in operation
(D)Can use lesser diameter propeller

59.Which rule is applicable for the design of light nnd sound signals?
(D) 1LLC

60.Which among the following is an item in FFA?
(B)Bilge and firepump
(C )Embarkationladder

61.In an alternator, the regulator controls output voltage by :
(A) Sine wave voltage regulation 
(B) Speed regulation
(C )Output current regulation
(D)Field current regulation

62.The number of windings in the stator of an alternator is :
(C )6

63.The torque developed at the motor armature, when the battery current is 

switched on, is called :
(A) Engine resisting torque (C ) Motor locked torque
(B) Breakaw ay torque (D) Starting torque

64.Continuity test of motor field windings can be done with a :.,
(C )Voltmeter,

65.The light used to indicate the direction in w'hich vehicle turning is :
(A)Park lamps
(B)Reverse lamp
(C )Tail lamp.

66.The device that give an indication whether certain electric units have 

turned on or not, is called :
(A) Tell-tale relay 
(B)Limit relay   
(C ) Solenoid relay
(D)Neutral switch

67.The frequency of a 2 pole alternator running at 3000 rpm is 
(A) 60
(B) 120
(C )50
(D) 150

68. EMF of a cell is always--------------its terminal voltage.
(A) Greater than
(B)Less then
(C ) Equal to
(D)The sum of a series R-CJ circuit, current always—the applied voltage.
(A) Lags
(C ) At an angle

70.The unit of capacitance is :
(A) Farad
(C ) Weber
(D) Henry

71.What is standardization in material management?
(A) dimension of product and material
(B)character of product
(C ) mechanical behaviour
(D) chemical property

72.In order increase productivity, how? .
(A)eliminate wastage and economic usage of resources
(B)production control
(C )costing properly
(D)maintain accounts

73.What is bath-tub cure stands
(A)maintenance schedule
(B)failure rate
(C )vibration chart
(D)viscosity chart

ABC represents what?•
(A)fast, slow and non moving items
(B)high, medium and low items
(C )vital, essentia] and desirable
(D)moving, non moving and ghost

75. Identify one of the objective of work study :
(A)problem solving
(B)cost effectiveness
(C )eliminates unnecessary human movements
(D)prepare balance sheet

76.Indirect Inventories among these are what?
(A)tools and supplies
(B)raw materials
(C )work in progress
(D).purchased parts and finished goods

77.Annual consumption 300; Co = Rs. 30; Cu =Rs 36 and 1 = 0.2 What is EOQ?
(C )51

78.What is Lead time?
(A) square root of average consumption
(B)requisition time + procurement time
(C ) • minimum inventory
(D)procurement x consumption

79.Which is not work measurement?•
(A) stop watch study
(B)work sampling
(C ) quality circle
(D)analytical examining

80.Which is not manpower planning?
(A) working hours
(B)product mix
(C ) quality
(D)nature of production

81.Which of the following case is known as Fundamental Rights Case?
(A)Golak Nath Vs State of Punjab
(B)Sajjan Singh Vs State of Rajastan
(C )Kesavananda Bharati Vs State of Kerala
(D)None of the above

82.One among the following Articles talks about 'Equal Fay for Equal Work for 

both Men and Women*:
(A) Article 49
(B) Article 19(d)
(C )Article 39(C ).
(D) Article 39(d)

83.The Administrative Tribunals Act owes its origin to----------of the 

Constitution which
empowers Central Government to set up by an Act of Parliament?
(A) Article 323 A 
(B)Article 315 
(C ) Article 151
(D)Article 327

84.Which Article of the Constitution of India provided for free legal aid to 

the poor and weaker sections of the society and ensures justice for all?
(A)Article 51 A
(B)Article 39 A
(C )Article 19
(D)Article 14

85.Clause 3 of Article 15 provides exemption in favour of:
(A)Non Citizen
(C )Women and Children

86.Mahila Samakhya is a programme which focuses on :
(A)Women EmpowermentWomen Education
(C )Issues of adolescent girls
(D)Health issues of rural women

87.‘Brown Agenda’ refers to :
(A)Concern for environment
(B)The well being of the present generation, particularly in urban slums
(C )The need to preserve the earth for future generation
(D)None of the above

88.Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha (1909) was founded by :
(A)Blessed Elias Kuriakose Chavara
(B)Pampadi John Joseph
(C )Pandit K.P. Karuppan
(D)Poikayil Yohannan (Kumara Guru)

89.Who attended the Coconada Congress (1923) and enlisted congress support in 

his fight for social justice?
(A)T.K. Mndhavan
(B)Dr. Palpu
(C )K. Ayyappan
(D)C.V. Kunhiraman

90.The ‘Swadesabhimani’ edited by Ramakrishmi Pillai was owned by :
(A)Makthi Thangal
(B)M.C. Joseph
(C )Sahodaran Ayyappan
(D)Vakkom Abdul Khadir Maulavi

91.The first post office in Travancore was opened at Aleppey (1857) during 

the reign of:
(A)Ayilyam Tirunal
(B)Visakham Tirunal
(C )Uthram Tirunal Marthanda Varma 
(D)Swathi Tirunal

92.The Kizhariyur bomb case* was the most important episode of the struggle :
(A)Civil Disobedience
(B)Quit India Movement
(C )Salt Sathyagraha
(D)Malabar Rebellion

93.‘Pandavodayam a mahakavya written by:
(A)Kochunni Thampuran
(B)Kunhikuitan Thampuran
(C )Pandalam Keralavarma
(D)Kerala Varma Valiyakoyi Thampuran

94.One among the following satygrahas was connected with the tragic death of 

K.G. Velayaudhan:
(A) Vaikkom Satyagraha
(B) Guruvayur Satyagraha
(C ) Paliyam Satyagraha
(D) Payyannur Satyagraha

95.What was Montreal Procotol concerned with?*
(A)Checking global warming
(B)Checking ozone depletion .
(C )Checking global warming and ozone depletion
(D)Checking global warming ozone depletion and protecting bio-diversity

96.Gasoline is the name given to the same substance as :
(A)Crude Oil
(B)Diesel Oil
(C )Natural Gas

97.Who is the winner of Australian open 2015 women's singles?
(A) Elena Vesnina
(B)Maria Sharapova
(C ) Serena Williams
(D)Saniya Mirsa

98.Who sworn in as 43rd Chief Justice of India?
(A) Justice T.S. Thakur
(B)Justice H.L. Dattu
(C )Justice RajendraMai Lodhn
(D)Justice V. Sadasivam

99.International Day of Person with Disabilities (IDPD) is being observed on 
(A) 1rd June
(B)10rd December
(C ) 26th November
(D)3rd December

100.Who was the director of the film ‘Ottaal’?
(A) K. Mohanan
(B)R. Jayaraj
(C ) Shaji N. Kanin
(D)Dr. Biju

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