
1."Business unit is .separate and distinct from the person who supply capital" is based on :
(A)Money measurementconcept(B)Going concern concept
(C ) Accounting entity concept(D) Dual aspect concept

2.Mr. A purchased a machinery costing  ₹ 1,00,000 on 1st November 2013. Transportation and installation charges were incurred amounting  ₹ 10,000 and  4,000 respectively. Dismantling charges of the old machine was  ₹ 10,000. Market value of the new machine was estimated at  ₹ 1,20,000 on lST March 2014. While preparing final accounts, A values the machinery at ₹1.20,000 in his books. Which of the following concepts was violated by A ?
(A)Cost concept(B)Matching concept
(C )Realisation concept(D)Periodicity concept

3.A company wishes to earn 20% profit margin on selling price._is the profit mark-up on cost, which will achieve the required profit margin.
(A) 33%(B)25%25%
(C ) 20%(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

4.Debit note is associated with :
(A) Purchase return(B)Sales return
(C ) Purchases(D)SalesSales

5.When shares are forfeited the share capital account is debited by :
(A)Calls in arrear(B)Nominal value of such shares
(C )Paid-up amount(D)Called-up amount

6.Accounting Standards in India are issued by :
(A)Central Government
(B)Reserve Bank of India
(C.) Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

7.The basic rule of "debit the receiver and credit the giver" applies to :
(A)Real account(B)Personal account
(C )Nominal account(D)None of the above

8.Balance sheet shows financial position of a concern :
(A)For the year ended(B)As on a particulardate
(C )For a given period(D)All of the above

9.Fixed assets of a business is ₹ 1,00,000; Current assets are ₹20,000; Capital and Long term liabilities are ₹50,000, then Current liabilities will be :
(A) ₹70,000(B)₹ 50,000(C )₹30,000(D) ₹ 20,000

10.Preliminary expenses are an example of:
(A)Revenue expenditure(B)Deferred revenue expenditure
(C )Capital expenditure(D)All of the above

11.Closing stock of a trading concern is equal to :
(A)Opening stock + Purchases - Sales
(B)Sales + Opening stock — Purchases
(C )Sales - Opening stock + Purchases
(D)Opening stock + Purchases - Cost of goods sold

12.Provision for bad and doubtful debt is created on :
(A)Sundry debtors
(B)Sundry debtors plus bad debts (C ) Sundry debtors less doubtful debts
(D)Sundry debtors less bad debts

13.The study of relationship of various items in the financial statements of one accounting period is called :
(A)Horizontal Analysis(B)Vertical Analysis
(C )Trend Analysis(D)Comparative Analysis

14.Ratios calculated to measure the efficiency with which the resources of a firm have been employed are called :
(A)Liquidity ratios(B)Profitability ratios
(C )Turnover ratios(D)Solvency ratios

15.If the working capital of a company is ? 90,000 and its current ratio is 2.5, what is the value of its current asset ?
(A) ₹ 1,50,000(B)? 60,000(C ) ₹ 2,25,000(D) ₹ 1,20,000

16.The capital structure of a company consists ot ₹ 1,00,000 Equity shares; ₹ 50,000 10% Redeemable preference shares; and ₹ 30,000 8% debentures. What is its Capital Gearing ratio ?
(A) 1.66(B)1.33(C )2.00(D) 1.25

17.In provision method of depreciation, the asset always appears at:
(A) Market price(B Cost price
(C ) Written Down Value(D) None of the above

18.Which of the following is shown in Profit and Loss Appropriation account ? (A) Provision for Income tax(B) Provision for depreciation
(C ) Provision for doubtful debt(D) Contribution to General reserve

19.Written Down Value is calculated as :
(A) Book Value - Depreciation(B) Original Cost —Scrap value
(C ) Book Value + Depreciation(13) None of the above

20.The revenue is generally considered as realised at the time of:
(A)Receipt of order(B)Receipt of cash
(C )Sale(D)Agreement to sell

21.Which of the following is considered to be the appropriate objective of Financial Management ?
(A)Profit Maximisation(B)Wealth Maximisation
(C )Sales Maximisation(D)Asset Maximisation

22.Financial management is mainly concerned with :
(A)Financial planning and forecasting
(B)Acquisition and investment of funds
(C )Maintaining profitability and liquidity
(D)All of the above

23.The discount rate that equates the present value of cash inflow's with initial investment associated with a project is called :
(A) Internal rate of return(B)Real rate of discount
(C ) Average rate of return(D) Nominal rate of discount

24.__________measures present value of returns per rupee invested.
(A)Net present value(B)Terminal value
(C ) Profitability index(D) Return on investment

25.The choice of investment proposals under financial constraints of capital expenditure budget is called :
(A)Capital rationing(B)Capital budgeting
(C )Capital gearing(D)Capital expenditure control

26.The risk to the firm of being unable to cover fixed operating cost is called :
(A)Financial risk(B)Interest rate risk
(C )Business risk(D)Systematic risk

27.The KBIT level at which KPS is the same for two alternative financial plans is referred to as :
(A)Break-even point(B)Indifference point
(C )Financial Break-even point(D)None of the above

28.Average rate of return is calculated from :
(A)Annual cash flow's(B)Annual profits
(C )Annual salesAnnual sales(D)None of the above

29.In which method of capital budgeting cash
(A)Internal rate of return(B)
(C )Net present valueNet present value(D)None of the above

30.Financial leverage is calculated by :
(C )Contribution /EBIT(D)EBIT/EPS

31."Pecking order theory" is associatedwith:
(A)Dividend decision(B)
(C )Working capital decision(D)Financing decision

32. Arbitrage process is the operational justification of which of the following theories ?
(A)Net Income theory(B) Net Operating Income theory
(C ) Modigliani and Miller theory (D) Waller's theory

33.EBIT - EPS analysis is associated with :
(A) Designing Capital structure (B) Dividend policy (C ) Capital Budgeting(D) None of the above

34.If the Fixed cost of a firm is ₹
 90,000 and Contribution is ₹
₹1,00,000, its Operating Leverage will be:
(A) 9(B)0.90(C )10(D) 0.10

35.As per Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) the required rate of return on equity is given by : 
(A) (DlV/P0) + g(B) IVFB^-Rf)
(C ) EPS/Kp(D) Rt^(Km^Rf)Bi

36.Which of the following is costlier source of capital ?
(A) Debenture(B)Preference Shares
(C ) Retained Earnings(D) Equity Shares

37.The formula for Present Value is :
(A) 1/(1 + r)"(B)1/(1 -r)"(C ) 1/(1 xr)n (l>) 1/(1 + r)n

38.Walter's Dividend Model is based on the relationship between rate of return and 
(A) Gamings per share(B) Rate of growth
(C ) Equity capital(D) Cost of capital

39.Scrip dividend means : (A) Cash Dividend (C ) Arrears of dividend
(B) Dividend paid other than cash (D) None of the above

40.Which is the correct formula for the computation of NOPAT ?
(A)PB1T(1+T)(B)PBIT-(INT + T)
(C )PAT-INI (1 — T)(D)PAT+ 1NT(1 — T)

41.Which of the following is the component of capital market ?
(A)Commercial bill market(B)Treasury bill market
(C )Government securities market (D)Short term loan market

42.The introduction of Liquidity adjustment facility in India was on the basis of the recommendations of :
(A) Chore committee(B)Jilani committee
(C ) Kannan committee(D)Narsimham committee

43.The jobber is also known as :
(A)Taravaniwala(B)Badliwala(C )Tejiwala(D)Mandiwala

44.Shares issued by companies which have the ability to surpass the GDP of the country are known as :
(A)Asset plays(B)Stalwarts(C )Blue chip(D)Turn around

45.In mortgage guarantee,____________ means the classification of a borrower account as NPA.
(A) Trigger event (B) Grooming(C ) Filter event(D)ChurningChurning

46. The term 'Availing bank' is related with :
(A) Discounting (B) Factoring(C ) Forfeiting(D)Hire purchaseHire purchase

47. The equity assessment process commences at ?
(A) Issuer (B) Investorthe request of: (C ) Government(D)CourtCourt

48.Refactoring charges have to be paid in the case of:
(A)Collection factoring(B)Full service factoring
(C )With recourse factoring(D)Without recourse factoring

49.Certificate of Deposit are issued as Usance Promissory Notes with maturity ranging from :
(A) 7 days(B)14 days(C )45 days(D) 365 days

50.Liquidity adjustment facility is a tool which allows banks to borrow money through :
(A)Arbitrage(B)Marginal standing facility
(C )Margin trading(D)Repurchase agreement

51.A fund that combines the features of open-ended and close-ended schemes is :
(A)Interval fund(B)Growth fund
(C )Dual fund(D)Balanced fund

52.Which of the following is not a part of systematic risk ?
(A)Market risk(B)Business risk
(C )Interest rate risk(D)Inflationary risk

53.Which of the following is beyond the control of monetary policy authorities ?
(A)Action lag(B)Implementation lag
(C )Impact lag(D)Recognition lag

54.refers to increase in the number of items that a licensed industry can produce within the licensed range of products.
(A)Full line forcing(B)Broad banding
(C )Vertical restraints(D)Forward linkage

55.Under economic environmental analysis_____________explains the relation between lax rate
and tax revenue.
(A)5 curve(B)Paasche's index
(C )Lorenz curve(D)l affer curve

56.If the economy is already close to full employment, any substantial dose of government investment will tend to displace private investment plans. This is called_____of public investment.
(A)Country risk impact(B)Multiplier effect
(C )Crowding out effect(D)Veiled quality deterioration

57.A profitable business or government organisation with regular cash flow because of the sustained demand or popularity :
(A) Blue chip(B) Cash cow*(C ) Gilt edged (D) Stag

58.Basel norms are regulatory stipulations meant for :
(A)Money market(B)Capital market
(C )Banks(D)Insurance companies

59.Providing permission to use technical know how by parent organisation to another individual is known as :
(C )Dealership(D)Franchising

60.EXIM Bank is owned by :
(A)Fully owned by Government of India
(B)Government of India and RBI jointly
(C )RBI and State Bank of India jointly
(D)State Bank ofIndia and its associates

61.Factoring means_____________.
(A) Financing against bills receivables
(B) Financing invoices without recourse only
(C )Purchasing and administering the receivables of a concern
(D)Collecting the receivables and remitting to the seller

62.The standard rate of interest at which RBI is prepared to buy/rediscount bills of exchange or other commercial paper from banks is :
(A)Repo rate v(B)Bank rate
(C )Call rate(D)Reverse repo rateReverse repo rate

63.Growth Fund is a mutual fund that :
(A)Assures growth in income(B)Invests in fixed income securitiesInvests in fixed income securities
(C )Assures fixed returnAssures fixed return(D)Invests primarily in equitiesInvests primarily in equities

64.Which of the following forms part of social environment ?
(A)Money supply in the society
(B)Consumer protection
(C ) Constitution of the country (D) Composition of family

65.Factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns make up the environment.
(A)Demographic(B)Economic(C )Natural(D)Technological

66.In the implementation stage of a project,________provide start up finance.
(C )Investment companies(D)Venture capital

67.___________is a continuous and constant involvement in the operations of the venture capital
company by the venture capital institution.
(A)Hands off nurturing(B)Hands onnurturing
(C )Hands holding nurturing(DAftercare

68.SEBI was established in the year :
(A)1988(B)1989(C )1991(D)1992

69.__________ refers to measures taken by RBI to control and regulate money supply,
(A) Credit policy(B) Financial policy
(C ) Monetary policy(D) Final policy

70.Open market operations are mainly used as :
(A)A device which assists Government borrowing
(B)A measure to counteract extreme trends in business
(C )A measure to influence the balance of payments position
(D)A monetary' measure to regulate quantity of money in circulation

71.Double compartmental system is :
(A)Accounting procedure followed by wholesale co-operative stores
(B)Marketing procedure followed by agricultural marketing co-operatives
(C )Keeping physical stock by marketing co-operatives
(D)Technique to grow improved varieties of produce

72.Section__________of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act deals with disposal of net profit.
(A) 55(B) 56(C )57(D)57A

73.Section 72 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act deals with :
(A) Winding up of societies(B)Cancellation of registration
(C ) Award on disputes(D) Liquidator

74.An amendment of the bye-laws of a society shall come into force on the day :
(A)On which it is passed
(B)On which it is approved by the government
(C )On which it is registered
(D)On which it is approved by the court

75.A member of co-operative society shall not have a right to vote if he is admitted within_________  immediatelypriorto thedate of election.
(A) 30 days(B) 45 days(C )60 days(D)75 days

76.Who designates officers to assist the conduct of election of a co-operative society ?
(A)Stale Co operative Flection Commission
(C )Court
(D)General body

77.A society is ought to be wound up if it has not commenced working within_____registration.
(A)6 months(B)6 weeks(C )90 days(D)1 year

78.__________is the apex body responsible for co-operative education and training.
(A)National Council for Co-operative Training
(C )State Co-operative Union
(D)National Co-operative Union of India

79.Any society for its first year of audit:
(A)Exempted from the payment of audit fee
(B)Needs to pay only 50% of audit fee
(C )Needs to pay full audit fee
(D)Need not audit books of accounts

80.A minor can be a member of a co-operative society :
(A)Formed exclusively for the benefit of the children
(B)Formed exclusively for the benefit of the students of any school or college
(C )If he is a resident within the area of operation of the society
(D)If he is in occupation of land in the area of operation of the society

81.Among the following which is not the tributaries of the Canga river ?
(A) Yamuna(B) Gomti(C ) Ravi(D) Kosi

82. Name the programme announced in 2009 to make India Slum free within five years.
(A)Rajiv Awas Yojana(B)Aam Ad mi Bima Yojana
(C )Indira Awas Yojana(D)Udyami Mitra Yojana

83.Which Act of British in India was named as'Black Act' by Gandhiji ?
(A)Vernacular Act(B)Rowlatt Act
(C )Minto Morley Act(D)Council Act of 1892

84.Choose the wrong pair.
(A)Paradip - Orissa(B)Cochi - Kerala
(C )Kandala - Gujarat(D)Tuticorin - Maharashtra

85.Among the following leaders who is not related to the Revolt of 1857 ?
(A)Nana Saheb(B)Rani Laxmi Bai
(C )Rani Gaidiliu(D)Kunwar Singh

86.India's largest Solar Power Plant inaugurated recently is situated in which state ?
(A)Madhya Pradesh(B)Kerala
(C )Uttar Pradesh(D)Bengal

87.Which country was the fourth largest Steel producer in 2013 ?
(A) Pakistan(B) Japan(C ) China(D) India

88.The first Indian Woman Singles player to win a medal at the World Badminton Championships :
(A)P.C Thulasi(B)P.V. Sindhu
(C )Neha Pandit(D)Dhanya Nair

89.Which film won the Oscar Award in 2014 ?
(A)The Great Gatsby(B)12 years a slave
(C )Frozen(D)Blue Jasmine

90.The book "Train to Pakistan" written by famous writer who died recently is :
(A)Kushwant Singh(B)Vikram Seth
(C )Anitha Desai(D)Javed Akhtar

91.Which is the largest fort under the care of Archaeological Survey found in Kerala ?
(A) William fort(B)
(C ) Bekal fort(D)Anchunthengu fort

92.The widest pass in Sahyadri is :
(A) Aryankav pass(B)
(C ) Kambam pass(D)

93.Which of the following is not the tributaries
(A) Gavatri Puzha(B)Kannadi Puzha
(C ) Cheru Puzha(D)Kalpathi Puzha

94.Samuthiris were the rulers of:
(A) Kozhikode(B)
(C ) ThiruvananthapuramP)

95.Which is the predominant soil in Kerala ?
(A)Black Soil(B)Laterite Soil
(C )Alluvial Soil(D)Saline Soil

96.Who founded Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha ?
(A)Ayya Vaikundar(B)V.T. Bhattathirippad
(C )Vakkam Moulavi(D)Poikayil Yohannan

97.Among the following who was not the disciple of Thycaud Ayya ?
(A)Vagbhatananda(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C )Ayyankali(0)Chattambi Swamikal

98.The book "Treatment of Tiyyas in Travancore" is written by :
(C )Krishnan(D)Kesavan Asan

99.Among the following which is not the work of Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi ?
(A)Sivayoga Rahasyam(B)Ananda Kkummi
(C )Ananda Ganam(D)Kannirum Kinavum

100.Who changed his name from "Mudichudum Perummal"as "Muthu Kutty"due to resistance from upper caste ?
(A)Chattampi Swamikal(B)Swami Sivayogi
(C )Vaikunda Swamikal(D)Kumara Guru

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