WORK SUPERINTENDENT - AGRICULTURE - kerala psc previous question paper

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1.2.54 inch is equal to :
(A)6.35 mm
(B)63.50 mm
(C )6.40 mm
(D)64.516 mm

2.One square km is equal to _________hectare.
(C )100

3.T - Square is used to drawing________lines.
(C )Curved

4.If a cubical tank of one meter sides is filled with water, the weight of water will be_
(A)1000 kg
(B)100 kg
(C )10 kg
(D)1 kg

5.Prismatic compass was invented by________.
(A)Captain Kapler
(B)Captain Kater
(C )Dr.C.L. Kochher
(D)Prof.K.V. Kulkarni

6.Scale of chord is used to measure or set out______.
(C )Width

7.A simple circular curve is designated by______.
(A)Degree of curve
(B)Radius of curve
(C )Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of these

8.Stadia rod is used in________.
(C )Thedolite

9.If the external contour is higher than internal contour, it is found to be a___________.
(C )Hill

10.During chaining____________survey instrument is used for marking the ends of each chain length.
(A)Ranging Rod
(B)Cross Staff
(C )Arrow
(D)Flag Staff

11.In Surveyor's compass, the zero of the graduated ring is located at_______.
(A)South Find
(B)North End
(C ) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these

12.The method of surveying used for determining the relative height of points on the earth surface is called_________..
(C )Tacheometry

13.Which of the following is not a sewer appurtenance ?
(C )Man hole
(D)Lamp hole

14.The valve which allows water to flow only in one direction and prevents it from flowing back is known as_____________.
(A)Reflux valve
(C )Both (A) and(B)
(D)Gate valve

15.The process of raising the outer edge of the carriage way than the inner edge in a horizontal curve is known as____________.
(B)Sight distance
(C )Camber

16.Colloidal impurities found in water can be removed by _________.
(C )Disinfection

17.The vertical distance between the two adjacent contours is known as 
(A) Rise
(B) Reduced Level
(C ) Horizontal Equivalent
(D) Contour Intervals

18.Photographic surveying is also called____________.
(A) Aerial Photography
(B) Ground Photography
(C )GeometricPhotography

19.The value of multiplying constant is_____________.
(C )100

20.The tabular form which is used for the computation of a closed traverse is known as
(A) Gale's Traverse Table
(B) Balancing the Traverse
(C )Field Book
(D)Bowditch's Rule

21.Clinometer is used for measuring
(B) Vertical Angle 
(C )Gradient
(D) Camber

22.Zero Circle is associated with__
(B)Prismatic compass
(C )Pentagraph

23.According to BIS, the length of folding staff is______meter.
(C )4

24.Mean Sea Level (MSL) at Karachi is_______________.
(C )100

25.If the true bearing of a line is 130° and declination is 2° W, then the magnetic bearing is
(C )132°

26.If three lines drawn from a point parallel to the throe isometric axis meeting at a point makes an angle of___________________with each other.
(A) 30°
(C ) 90°

27.English Cross Bond is otherwise known as_____________.
(A) Silverlock's bond
(B) Monk bond
(C ) Boundary wall bond
(D) St. Andrews cross bond

28.The wall which supports the face of a solid ground is known as 
(A) Retaining wall
(B) Breast wall
(C ) Cavity wall
(D) Both (A) and (B)

29.Trimmed size of A5 drawing sheet is____ ___.
(A)138 x210 mm 
(B)148 x210 mm 
(C )138 x297 mm 
(D) 148 x297 mm

30.Lehmann's Rule is applied to reduce the size of_____.
(A) Triangle of Error
(B)Errors of Plotting
(C ) Error of Manipulation
(D) Instrumental Error

31.The irregular triangular space between the extrados and a horizontal line drawn through the crown is___________________.
(A) Haunch
(B) Jambs
(C ) Skew back 
(D) Spandril

32.Le - Chatelier test is used for finding the____of cement.
(A)Setting time
(C )Soundness

33.Foundation boll consisting of a hook at the bottom and a threaded stem at the top is called :
(A)Rag bolt
(C )Loop boIt
(D)Both (B) and(C )

34.The urinals which are mostly used in ladies laboratories are__________
(A) Bowl type urinals
(B) Stall type urinals
(C ) Drain type urinals
(D) Squatting plate urinals

35.The defect caused by the winds constantly turning the trunk of the tree in one direction is : 
(A) Twisted Fibre 
(B) Upsets
(C ) Rindgall
(D) Shakes

36.For a turbulent flow the reynolds number should be more than :
(A) 4000
(C )2000
(D) 500

37.Brass is an alloy of__ _____.
(A) Zinc and Tin
(B) Zinc and Lead
(C ) Copper and Zinc
(D) Copper and Nickel

38.Well irrigation is an example of_________________
(A) Storage irrigation
(B)Lift irrigation
(C ) Flow irrigation
(D)None of these

39.A solid bounded by planes are called_______.
(A) Prism
(B) Pyramid
(C ) Polyhedra
(D) Polygon

40.A vertical curve having convexity upward is known as_____________.
(A)Simple circular curve
(B)Compound curve
(C )Transition curve
(D)Summit curve

41.If the arm of a couple is doubled, its moment will be :
(B)Remains the same
(C )Doubled

42.The total depth of water required by a crop during the entire period of crop in the field is known as :
(A) Delta
(B) Duty
(C ) Base period 
(D) Crop period

43.The process of loosing water from the leaves of the plant is termed as :
(A)Surface evaporation
(C )Transpiration

44.A good trap should :
(A)Not have self cleaning velocity
(B)Restrict the flow of water
(C )Have an adequate water seal
(D)Be of solid material

45.The ratio of different ingredients of M20 mix is :
(B)1 : 2 : 4
(C )1:1.5:3
(D)1 :1 : 2

46.The truss suitable for roofs of spans varying from 8 m to 12 m is :
(A)Queen post truss
(B)Mansard truss
(C )King post truss
(D)Truncated truss

47.As per IS code the characteristic strength of M15 grade concrete at 28 days is :
(A)1.5 N/cm2
(B)15 N/cm2
(C )15 N/mm2
(D)150 N/mm2

48.The process of applying cement mortar under pressure through nozzle is called :
(C )Guniting
(D)None of the above

49.The process of filling up of all the nail holes, cracks etc with putty is known as :
(C )Filling

50.For plastering exposed brick walls, the cement mortar should be :
(A)1 : 3
(B)1 : 5
(C )1 : 2
(D)1 : 6

51.The mortar in which both cement and lime are used as binding material is called :
(A)Cement mortar
(B)Gauged mortar
(C )Fire resistant mortar
(D)Lime mortar

52.The straight link of a chain is made-up of__________.
(A)Mild steel
(B)Galvanized mild steel
(C ) Stainless steel 
(D) None of the above

53.The characteristic red color of a brick is due to_________.
(A)Its property burnt condition
(B)Its magnetic content
(C )Its iron oxide content
(D)Its alkali content

54.The soundness of cement is tested by____________.
(A)Le-Chatlier apparatus
(B)Vicat apparatus
(C )Hopper apparatus
(D)Izod apparatus

55.The trimmed standard size of A1 drawing sheet is______________.
(A)841 mm x 1189 mm
(B)594 mm x 841 mm
(C )420 mm x 594 mm
(D)297 mm x 420 mm

56.The fractured surface of a stone geometry indicates its__________
(A)Grain size
(B)Atomic structure
(C )Texture
(D)None of the above

57.The type of needle used in Surveyor's compass :
(A)Edge bar needle
(B)Broad needle
(C )Prismatic needle
(D)Straight needle

58.Plain scale of 1 cm = 4.7 m, R.F of the scale
(A) 1 : 4.7
(B)1 : 0.47
(C )1 : 47
(D) 1 : 470

59.In which level D.P.C should be provided ?
(A)150 mm aboveground
(B)500 mm above ground 
(C )50 mm above ground
(D)Any level can choose

60.The first staff reaching taken after setting up the instrument is called :
(A)Back sight
(B)Fore sight
(C )Change point
(D) Intermediate sight

61.The sum of the percentage of tricalcium silicate and dicakium silicate for Portland cement varies from:
(A)50 - 60%
(B)60 - 70%
(C )70 - 80%
(D)80 - 90%

62.The compressive strength of Portland cement (1 : 3) cement mortar cube after 7 days test should not be less than :
(A)110 kg/
(B)275 kg/
(C )175 kg/
(D)220 kg/

63.The diameter of bars used for main reinforcement in slabs may vary from :
(A)4 - 8 mm
(B)2-4 mm
(C )8 - 14 mm
(D)14 - 18 mm

64.In a residential building the rise of a step may vary between :
(A)10 cm -15cm
(B)15 cm - 18 cm
(C )18 cm - 25 cm
(D)25 cm - 30 cm

65.The length of stair situated between two landings is termed as :
(C )Widthof stair

66.For 1 cu.m of brick masonry the number of bricks required are__________.
(C )500

67.The foundation most suitable for bridge is :
(A)Raft foundation
(B)Stepped foundation
(C )Mat foundation
(D)Well foundation

68.If the depth is equal to or less than the width, the type of foundation used is :
(A)Shallow foundation
(B)Deep foundation
(C )Pile foundation
(D)Well foundation

69.The average water absorption of a brick should not be greater than_by weight.
(C )60%

70.What is the internal angle of a pentagon ?
(A) 36°
(C )108'
(D) 180'

71.The horizontal angle between the true meridian and a line is called :
(B)Arbitrary meridian
(C )Bearing
(D)Magnetic declination

72.The Compass survey is unsuitable for :
(B)Open field
(C )Non-magnetic area
(D)Closed traverse

73. The Dip at equator is :
(A) Maximum 
(B) Minimum
(C ) Zero
(D) 90

74. The window which is projected from external wall is known as : 
(A) Bay window
(B) Dormer window
(C ) Clearstorey window
(D) Gable window

75. In a stair the head room should not be less than________
(A) 200 cm
(B)210 cm
(C ) 100 cm
(D) 180 cm

76. As per BIS : 1077/1957 the minimum crushing strength of a brick is
(A) 3.50 N/mm2 
(B)14 N/mm2 
(C )35 N/mm2 
(D) 13.5 N/mnV

77. Polished terracotta is also known as 
(A) Porcelain
(B) Tile
(C ) Stoneware 
(D) Faience

78. For covering 1 m2 roof area____numbers of Manglore pattern tiles are used.
(C )12

79.The inclined surface of abutment which receives the arch and from which the arch springs is called __________..
(A)Springing line
(C )Squeback

80.The transverse slope given to the cross section of a carriage way for draining water is called
(C )Kerb

81.Who won the Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 2014 ?
(A)Amitabh Bachchan
(B)Hema Malini
(C )Rajanikanth

82.Who performed the first human heart transplant operation ?
(A)Dr.Christiaan Bernard
(C )Dr John H. Gibbon
(D)Dr. F. Lanchester

83.The sun consists mostly of :
(A) Helium 
(C ) Nitrogen

84.The disease caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B :
(A) Night Blindness 
(C ) Beriberi

85.The term associated with Ac official on serious charges :cusation and Prosecution of the head of the state or high public
(A) Impeachment 
(C ) Guillotine

86.Statistical study of Elections and Voting iscalled :
(A) Psephology 
(C ) Etymology

87.Bull's eye is a term associated with :
(A) Boxing 
(C ) Wrestling

88.Ex-officio Chairman of Planning Commission of India is :
(A)President of India
(B)Vice-President of India
(C )Prime Minister of India
(D)Union Cabinet Minister for Finance

89.Who was the leader of Ezhava memorial ?
(A)Dr. Palpu
(B)K. Kelappan
(C )Ayyankali
(D)Sreenarayana Guru

90.The Tamil Dravida leader associated with Vaikom Satyagraha :
(A) K. Kamaraj
(B) E.V. Ramaswami Naikar
(C )C.N. Annadurai
(D)Potti Sriramalu

91.The year in which Temple Entry Proclamation was held :
(C )1936

92.Darsanamala is written by :
(C )Chattampi Swamikal
(D)Sreenarayana Guru

93.The National Institute of Virology is located at:
(C )Calcutta

94.2013 Nobel Peace Prize has been Awarded to :
(D)Red Cross

95.Who invented PencilIin ?
(A)Edward Jenner
(B)Alexander Fleming
(C ) Louis Pasteur
(D) Ronald Ross

96.Who among the following became the Chief Minister of Two States ?
(A)Mulayam Singh Yadav
(C )Lain Prasad Yadav
(D)N.D. Tiwari

97.The main constituent of Haemoglobin is :
(C )Fat

98.World AIDS Day is celebrated on :
(C )February4
(D)June 4

99.Which Musical instrument is associated with Lalgudi G. Jayaraman ?
(C )Violin

100.The words 'Satyameva Jayate' in our National Emblem is taken from :
(C )Brihadaranyapanishath

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