Wireless Interrupt: Inter-Device Signaling in Next Generation Wireless Networks


In the history of wireless technology, the demonstration of the theory of electromagnetic waves by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz in 1888 was important. The theory of electromagnetic waves was predicted from the research of James Clerk Maxwell and Michael Faraday. Hertz demonstrated that electromagnetic waves could be transmitted and caused to travel through space at straight lines and that they were able to be received by an experimental apparatus.
David E. Hughes, induced electromagnetic waves in a signaling system. Hughes transmitted Morse code by an induction apparatus. In 1878, Hughes's induction transmission method utilized a "clockwork transmitter" to transmit signals.
In 1885, T. A. Edison uses a vibrator magnet for induction transmission.
In 1888, Edison deploys a system of signaling on the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In 1891, Edison attains the wireless patent for this method using inductance
The first generation (1G) and second generation (2G) of mobile telephony were intended primarily for voice transmission. The third generation of mobile telephony (3G) will serve both voice and data applications. There really is no clear definition of what 4G will be. It is generally accepted that 4G will be a super-enhanced version of 3G, when all networks are expected to embrace Internet protocol (IP) technology. During the last year, companies such as Ericsson, Motorola, Lucent, Nortel and Qualcomm came up with "3G-plus" concepts that would push performance of approved, though still emerging, standards beyond current ones
Wireless does not mean sparks, noise, or a lot of switches. Wireless means communication without the use of wires other than the antenna, the ether, and ground taking the place of wires. Radio means exactly the same thing: it is the same process. Communications by wireless waves may consist of an SOS or other messages from a ship at sea or the communication may be simply the reception of today’s top 10 music artists, or connecting to the Internet to check your email.
Any form of communication that does not require the transmitter and receiver to be in physical contact.
Electromagnetic wave propagated through free-space, Radar, RF, Microwave, IR, Optical Simplex: one-way communication (e.g., radio, TV), Half-duplex: two-way communication but not simultaneous (e.g., push-to-talk radios), Full-duplex: two-way communication (e.g., cellular phones) are all examples of wireless devices.
Wireless networks continue to develop, usage has grown in 2010. Cellular phones are part of everyday wireless networks, allowing easy personal communications. Inter-continental network systems use radio satellites to communicate across the world. Emergency services such as the police utilize wireless networks to communicate effectively. Individuals and businesses use wireless networks to send and share data rapidly, whether it be in a small office building or across the world. The present usage of the 3G networks lead to the rise of Wireless and the advancement and development will soon be seen through the usage of the upcoming 4G wireless technology.
Recent advances in wireless technology have led to the proliferation of wireless devices, ranging from wireless LAN to cellular phones. Wireless has pervaded into our daily lives; it has become common to find people carrying a tiny handheld, with which they make a phone call, text, surf the web, and download music on their way to work. While it is difficult to precisely predict the future of wireless technology, it seems apparent that the trend in which wireless technology has emerged and developed is unalterable.
There are several notable aspects of this trend. First, there will be lots of wireless of all kinds. Wireless technology has gradually replaced wired systems, mainly communication systems such as phones and computers, and this trend will continue. This means there will be an increase not only in the number of devices, but also in the number of kinds of devices. Second, the demand for mobility and portability will keep increasing. Mobility and portability that wireless enables are the key driving forces of wireless technology. Future wireless technology must support various devices that impose more diverse and intense mobility and portability requirements. Third, there will be greater demand for integrated services. Current wireless systems depend heavily upon the wired infrastructure, and it was this integration of wireless and wired systems that have played a crucial role in wireless success. In future networks, such as infrastructure-less ad hoc networks, the integration and interoperability among wireless devices, in addition to the wireless-wired interoperability, will be important as well.
For wireless success to continue, future wireless technology must provide necessary features to keep the trend, characterized as above, going. This is reflected in the concept of Next Generation Wireless, which has emerged to characterize the paradigm shift towards more flexible and ubiquitous wireless communication systems. Following this concept, flexibility and interoperability is considered as our keywords, and to investigate the underlying technologies that must be developed in order to achieve them

The ways in which people use wireless have become diversified, different technologies have been developed, each supporting a specific use. Cellular systems provide wide area voice and data services, WiFi (i.e. IEEE 802.11 family) systems provide a wireless means of creating local area networks (LANs), and Bluetooth is tailored to enable personal area networks (PANs), and the list goes on. While the miniaturization of radio hardware has enabled engineers to install multiple radios in a device to support multiple technologies (e.g. Apple’s iPhone 3GS [2] comes with 3G, WiFi, and Bluetooth interfaces), such parallel brewing of technologies will hinder further innovation, mainly due to the following two limitations:
1. A separate radio hardware architecture must be devised for every single technology that gets developed.
2. Devices that use different protocols cannot directly communicate with each other.
The first limitation addresses the flexibility issue, while the second refers to the interoperability issue. We define these terms more precisely as follows:
Definition 1 (Flexibility): A wireless device is flexible if it can support multiple wireless modes with a single hardware configuration, and can switch from one mode to another seamlessly.
Definition 2 (Interoperability): Two (or more) wireless devices are interoperable, if one can communicate with another device that employs a different protocol.
Flexibility deals with the device design, while interoperability addresses the issue of networking the devices. We argue that new platforms such as software defined radios (SDRs), radios that can be reconfigured in software at any given time, will enable the flexible transformation of a device from one wireless mode to another Ideally, one should be able to configure a SDR to use it as an IEEE 802.11 transceiver, and later transform the same radio into a Bluetooth device.
While putting SDRs into a practical use is identified as a challenging task due to performance and cost reasons, there have been great interests in developing high-performance SDRs, and we envision that they will closely mimic hardware radios in the near future. Under such vision, the focus of our work is on exploiting such flexible and adaptive platforms to construct interoperable networks among wireless devices of heterogeneous nature. Such a feat can be accomplished by enforcing a minimal set of requirements on every device, while keeping the link-layer protocol designs intact.
Now let’s take an assumption of a simple SDR model, which is illustrated in Fig. 1. In this model, a SDR consists of multiple modules, where a module is a pre-defined package of signal processing and algorithmic components that implements a particular wireless technology (e.g. IEEE 802.11). A module accepts a data stream from the network layer, processes it accordingly, and outputs the signal to the transceiver. We assume there is only one transceiver shared by all modules; that is, at most one module must be active at a time. This is enforced by the controller, which is responsible for managing the modules and appropriately reconfiguring the SDR, based on some preset rules or user control.
Presented By,
Manoj Sudharshan J

Wireless Interrupt: Inter-Device Signaling in Next Generation Wireless Networks

 Recent advances in wireless technique which has led to the rapid reproduction of wireless devices.
 Even greater increase in number of wireless services.
 FLEXIBILITY and INTEROPERABILITY are the main factors for the success of future wireless networks
 Main aim of this is to investigate the Technical issues that must be overcome in dealing with flexibility and interoperability
 Device discovery is the main issue
 Therefore Wireless Interrupt has been proposed to solve the problem of Device discovery
 The prediction of future wireless technology is difficult but the trends in which it has emerged and developed is unalterable
 There are severable aspects of this trend
 First, there will be lots of wireless of all kinds
 Second, the demand for mobility and portability will keep increasing
 Third, there will be greater demand for integrated services
 For wireless success to continue necessary features should be provided to keep the trend characterized
Flexibility and Interoperable Wireless Networks

 In Wireless different technologies have been developed each supporting a specific use
 Eg: Recent ipods have come with 3G, Wifi and Bluetooth interfaces.
 Such parallel brewing of technologies will hinder further innovations mainly due to two limitations
 A separate radio hardware architecture
 Devices using different protocols cannot directly communicate with each other
 A device is Flexible if it can support multiple wireless modes in a single hardware configuration
 Two or more devices are Interoperable if it can communicate with another device that employs a different protocol
 Software Defined Radios(SDR’s) can be reconfigured to enable the flexible transformation of device from one mode to another
 But putting SDR’s into a practical use is a challenging task due to performance and cost reasons
Software Defined Radio Model
Device Discovery
 First step in constructing the interoperable networks is to enable heterogeneous devices to discover each other
 Device discovery is not an easy task since a device should discover another device without any a priori information such as protocols, carrier frequency and existence of other devices
 There are 2 approaches to solve this problem
 To actively send alert messages
 To passively listen to other signals and analyze them
• Overview of Wireless Interrupt
 To solve the problem of device discovery, explicit signaling is used which we call Wireless Interrupt
• Establishing the Interrupt-Request Line Over the Air
 Since there is no dedicated Interrupt request line in Wireless Interrupt it proves to be a great challenge
 A solution to this problem is to create a Control channel which is a frequency band dedicated to control message signal
 Synchronization between Tx and Rx is not possible in heterogeneous wireless environment
 Following 2 properties should be satisfied for ARS
 The interrupt signal must be transmitted over N channels with equal probabilities
 Two devices make a rendezvous in N channels with equal probabilities
 Time should be assumed to be divided into slots of length ‘μ’
 A concept Expected overlap is introduced here
 In simple scanning Tx transmits its interrupt signal in one channel at a time while the receiver uniformly picks a channel and monitors it
 Expected Overlap for Simple Scanning is given by
 Enhanced Scanning can be done by Scrambling the order of channel hops by defining (N-1) sequences
 Tx then selects one of the (N-1) hopping sequences to transmit the interrupt signals
 Expected Overlap for Enhanced Scanning is given by
Drawback of Scanning
 The drawback of Scanning is that the receiver sits in one channel to monitor signals.
 If that channel is bad (e.g. interference) for the monitor duration of the receiver, then it cannot pick up any of the signals.
 It is, therefore, preferred to make the receiver channel-hop along with the transmitter to add a degree of channel diversity, and it must be done carefully to not break the rendezvous guarantee, leading to the next scheme.
 A quorum system is a set S = {S1, S2, ..., SN}, where Si is a subset of some universe U, such that ∀Si, Sj ∈ S, Si∩Sj ̸= ϕ
 Given a quorum system S over U, a transmitter and a receiver pick quorums Si and Sj , respectively
 The transmitter transmits an interrupt signal via the channels in Si in a certain order, repeatedly
 The receiver visits the channels in Sj in a certain order, repeatedly, each time circularly shifting the order by one.
• Quorum System Table and Scheme
• TTR - Time to rendezvous
• CBR - Constant bit rate
 Common examples of wireless equipment in use today include:
 Professional LMR (Land Mobile Radio) and SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio)
 Consumer Two way radio
 The Amateur Radio Service
 Consumer and professional Marine VHF radios
 Cellular telephones and pagers
 Global Positioning System (GPS)
 Cordless telephone sets
 Satellite television
 Security systems
 Cellular telephone (phones and modems)
 Wi-Fi
 Computer interface devices

 Mobility
 Neat and easy Installation
 Less cost
 More user supported
 Flexible
 Lower speed
 Less secure
 More complex
 Attenuation(Affected by surrounding environment)
 In this paper, the research authors has examined the issue of networking flexible wireless devices, such as software defined radios (SDRs), by proposing a signaling mechanism called Wireless Interrupt
 They have proposed two channel rendezvous schemes and analyzed their characteristics.
 They argued that such inter-device signaling and device discovery is the first step towards the construction of Next Generation Wireless networks

Wireless Interrupt: Inter-Device Signaling in Next Generation Wireless Networks

Advanced Technology-Increase in wireless devices & wireless services
Demand for mobility , portability & integrated services
For success to continue-devices should support flexibility & interoperability
Heterogeneous devices should communicate with each other
Problem-Device Discovery-
Introduce Wireless Interrupt in SDRs
In Wireless different technologies have been developed each supporting a specific use
Portable wireless devices are now common
Multiple services are now seen in devices
Eg: Recent ipods & mobiles have come with 3G, Wi-fi and Bluetooth interfaces.
Such parallel brewing of technologies will hinder further innovations mainly due to two limitations
A separate radio hardware architecture
Devices using different protocols cannot directly communicate with each other
Flexibility & Interoperability
flexibility-Can support multiple wireless modes with a single hardware configuration and can switch from one mode to another seamlessly
Deals with device design
Interoperability-Devices are interoperable if they can communicate with another device that employs a different protocol
Deals with networking the devices
Existing eg:-SDR
Issue with performance & cost
Software Defined Radio Model(SDR)
First Step : Inter Device Signaling & Device Discovery
Enabling heterogeneous devices to discover each other
Not an easy task
Device discovery problem-How can a device discover another if it does not have any priori information such as
What protocol(PHY or MAC) the other device is using
What carrier frequency the other device is operating in &
Whether there exist any other device to begin with
While allowing each device to implement its own local policies without changing existing protocols
Proposed Solutions
2 solutions proposed
1-Actively send alert messages
2-Passively listen to signals from other devices and analyzing them(looking for a known pattern)
Latter –difficult-requires detector-hurts scalability
preferred-Wireless Interrupt
HWI : Features
Has an interrupt request line
Provides many desired features of our purpose
1-we are interested in making a device alert another
2-Alerting is a rare event-
3-Each device must be able to enforce its own set of policies in handling these alerts
Controller receives the interrupt signal
ignore the signal
Reconfigure itself to another mode
Respond to originator
No interrupt request line-great challenge
Share with all devices-
Same transceiver for both interrupt and data signals-challenge-2
Quick and dirty solution-Control channel-frequency band dedicated to contr0l message exchanges
Control channel saturation problem
Adopt TDMA like scheme
Controller of SDR periodically changes to interrupt mode
Tp (monitor interval)-receiver halts normal operation
Tm (monitor duration)-monitor for interrupt signals
In Tm –Tx and Rx-channel –rendezvous-MTTR
In heterogeneous system-Ts ≥ Tp+Tm –Ts-Signal duration(practical)
How can two nodes make a rendezvous in a finite and possibly short time assuming no synchronization
How can transmitter encounter as many receivers as possible in a finite time
Synchronization between Tx and Rx is not possible in heterogeneous wireless environment
Time is divided into slots of duration μ
Whole spectrum range is divided into N equally sized channels
2 properties
The interrupt signal must be transmitted over N channels with equal probabilities
Two devices make a rendezvous in N channels with equal probabilities
A concept Expected overlap is introduced here
Round Robin fashion
In simple scanning Tx transmits its interrupt signal in one channel at a time while the receiver uniformly picks a channel and monitors it
Limitation-Chance of complete overlap
Enhanced Scanning can be done by Scrambling the order of channel hops by defining (N-1) sequences
Tx then selects one of the (N-1) hopping sequences to transmit the interrupt signals
Exactly one overlap after every N slots
The receiver sits in one channel to monitor signals.
If that channel is bad (e.g. interference) for the monitor duration of the receiver, then it cannot pick up any of the signals.
It is, therefore, preferred to make the receiver channel-hop along with the transmitter to add a degree of channel diversity, and it must be done carefully to not break the rendezvous guarantee, leading to the next scheme
A quorum system is a set S = {S1, S2, ..., SN}, where Si is a subset of some universe U, such that ∀Si, Sj ∈ S, Si∩Sj ̸= ϕ
Given a quorum system S over U, a transmitter and a receiver pick quorums Si and Sj , respectively
The transmitter transmits an interrupt signal via the channels in Si in a certain order, repeatedly
The receiver visits the channels in Sj in a certain order, repeatedly, each time circularly shifting the order by one.
Quorum System Table & Scheme
Neat and easy Installation
Less cost
More user supported
Lower speed
Less secure
More complex
Attenuation(Affected by surrounding environment)
In this paper, the research authors has examined the issue of networking flexible wireless devices, such as software defined radios (SDRs), by proposing a signaling mechanism called Wireless Interrupt
The challenges were
No priori information about neighboring devices at the transmitter end
To guarantee a quick delivery of the message when there are multiple channels
They have proposed two channel rendezvous schemes and analyzed their characteristics
They argued that such inter-device signaling and device discovery is the first step towards the construction of Next Generation Wireless networks

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