labview and railway level crossings

Dear sir or madam ,
we are MSc student in RailWay.
according to our project about Automatic Level crossing (Schematic and coding )
we are considering if we can do our project in Labview.
Could you have any document similar to our project?
Email Adress : elahe.torabi_m[at]
labview and railway level crossings

A level crossing (UK and Commonwealth), Railway Crossing (Canada and Australia) or Railroad or Grade Crossing (U.S.A.) is an intersection where a railway line crosses a road or path at the same level, as opposed to the railway line crossing over or under using a bridge or tunnel. The term also applies when a light rail line with separate right-of-way or reserved track crosses a road in the same fashion. Other names include railway crossing, grade crossing, road through railroad, railroad crossing, and train crossing.


901. General Location : As far as possible, new Level Crossings may not be located in busy station yards where heavy detention to the road traffic and other operational problems are likely to be encountered. If provision of Level Crossing is inescapable, it may be located outside the outermost facing points. For Level Crossings already located within busy station yards affecting Railway operations and causing heavy detention to the road traffic, efforts should be made to replace them by Road Over/ Under Bridges as per extant rules or shift them outside the outer most facing points, especially during planning of gauge conversions, yard remodeling and doublings and its operation from the cabin should be possible.

902. Classification of Level Crossings -

(1) The classification of level crossings should be settled in consultation with the Road authorities concerned keeping in view the class of the road, visibility conditions, the volume of the road traffic and the number of trains passing over the level crossing.(Advance Correction Slip No. 100)

(2) The classification of level crossings shall be as under-

(a) Special..............: for roads.

(b) 'A' Class..............: for roads.

© 'B' Class..............: for roads.

(d) 'C Class..............: for roads

(e) 'D' Class for cattle crossings.

(3) Level crossings over colliery, factory and other similar sidings where Railway traffic is light may however be dealt with according to local conditions, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Railway Safety concerned being obtained in each case to the measures adopted for the safe working of trains over the crossing.

903. Categories of Roads - (1) For the purpose of this standard, Roads shall be categorised as under-

(a) Class I roads -

(i) National Highways,

(ii) State Highways,

(iii) Important roads within municipal towns, and

(iv) Roads in and around towns where road and rail traffic is heavy.

(b) Class II roads -

(i) Major and other District roads,

(ii) Unimportant roads within municipal towns,

(iii) Roads within non-Municipal towns including those within shunting limits of Railway stations, and

(iv) Other surfaced roads.

© Class III roads -

(i) Earth roads, and

(ii) Cart tracks.

(d) Class IV roads -

Cattle crossings and foot-path.

904. Standards for different classes of level crossings - The standards to be follow2ed (within the Railway limits) for the various parameters in respect of different classes of level crossings will be as shown in Annexure 9/1. These standards are applicable to all new constructions and also in the case of upgradation of the existing level crossings. The existing level crossings which are of a lower standards than those prescribed in Annexure 9/1 need not be altered or modified merely to suit these standards.(Advance Correction Slip No. 115), (Advance Correction Slip No. 128)

905. Gates and Locking Arrangements -

(1) Gates-

(a) The gates may be in the form of chains, lifting barriers or movable gates of approved design.

(b) At new manned level crossings or when existing unmanned level crossings are upgraded to manned level crossings, lifting barriers should normally be provided which should be coupled so as to operate simultaneously. Chains or swing gates at existing manned level crossings should be replaced by lifting barriers on a programmed basis, giving priority to the important and busy level crossings.

(2) Locking arrangements -

(a) Lifting type barriers, swing gates or chains when closed against road traffic shall be securely locked.

When the locking arrangement is of the hasp and staple type with padlocks, two spare chains with loops at both ends should be provided for locking the gates when the locking arrangement goes out of order.

(b) Stops should be provided to prevent level crossing gates from swinging towards the track and causing infringement. Catches should be provided to secure gates when in the open position to avoid obstruction to road traffic.

© In the case of all manned level crossings, two long spare chains with loops at both ends, should be kept as reserve for use as an alternate to the barrier/gate, in case of damage to them. Two discs painted red with the words "stop" with arrangements for fixing them on the ground should also form part of the spare equipment. Separate rail posts should be erected near the gate, so that the chains can be fixed on them ( Annexure 9/2).

906. Skew Level Crossings -

(1) All roads should preferably cross the railway line at right angles. In special cases, when modification is required to suit the road approaches the angle of crossing should not be less than 45�.

(2) At all level crossings the gate posts shall be fixed square to the road.

907. Normal Position of Gates -

(1) General - Subject to such Special Instructions in that behalf as are permitted by these rules, all gates at level crossings shall be kept constantly closed and securely fastened across the through fare on both sides of the railway and shall only be opened when it is necessary and safe to open them for the passage of road traffic; provided that any Railway Administration may from time to time issue special instructions for any particular level crossing or class of level crossing and may by such special instructions permit the gates at any level crossing or class of level crossings to be normally kept open to road traffic and may therein prescribe the conditions under which gates are to be kept closed against road traffic for the passage of a train or trains or for the purposes of any other railway operation.

(2) At all level crossings over which trains are required to pass, the normal position of gates may be as under -

(a) Level crossings provided with gates and protected by signals -(Advance Correction Slip No. 100)

(i) The gates must normally be kept open to road traffic and may only be closed against the road traffic for the passage of trains or for any other railway operation by taking off the signals.

(ii) The signals must be interlocked with the gates.

(b) Level crossings provided with gates and not protected by signals - The gates must normally be kept closed and securely fastened against road traffic and may only be opened for the passage of road traffic when it is necessary and safe to do so. The Railway Administration may under special instructions permit gates of level crossings not protected by signals to be normally kept open to road traffic prescribing the conditions under which they may be kept closed against road traffic for passage of trains or any other railway operation.

© The normal position of gates at level crossings between station limits shall be as sub-para (a) and (b) above, fixed station signals not being regarded as affording any protection unless the gates are interlocked with signals.

(d) Level crossings having heavy seasonal traffic - In case of level crossings having heavy seasonal road traffic with normal position of gates closed to road traffic, the Railway Administration may permit gates of such level crossings, to be kept open to the road traffic during the busy season, when road traffic is heavy, by issuing special instructions and prescribing the conditions, under which they may be kept closed to road traffic for passage of trains or any other railway operation. The special instructions should be incorporated in the working rules for the gates and stations concerned.

(3) Gateman, where provided, shall at all level crossings other than those controlled by gates designed to close across the line, be prepared, wherever such level crossings be open to road traffic, to show a danger signal to any approaching train and for this purpose invariably keep a hand signal lit during night to show Red throughout the period the level crossing is open to Road traffic.

908.Gate Lamps and Blinders -

(1) Fixture of gate lamps and indicators to road users - Gate lamp should be mounted preferably in rectangular sockets over gates so as to give correct indication to road users vide item 6 of Annexure 9/1. The lamp should be lighted by the Gateman at sunset and remain lighted till sunrise.

(2) Provision of Blinders to Gate lamps -

(a) All gate lamps should be provided with blinders to conform with item 6 of Annexure 9/1.

(b) Drivers of trains shall get no light indication from the gate lamp except at "Special Class" level crossings where they will observe red lights when the gates are closed across the railway line and are open for road traffic.

909. Traffic and Engineering Gates -

(1) Traffic Gates -

(a) The manning and operation of the gates at level crossings located between the outermost stop signals shall be under the control of Operating Department. The level crossings and structures pertaining thereto shall be maintained by the Engineering Department.

(b) When protected by signals the equipment shall be governed by the signals of the station/block hut and the operation as per the station working rules.

(2) Engineering Gates -

(a) Level crossings beyond the outermost stop signals shall be under the control of the Permanent Pay Inspectors both as regards to their operation and maintenance.

(b) Where the level crossing is protected by Signals, fixed signals shall be provided in each direction in accordance with the relevant general rules(G.R.3.34 New Rules)/approved special instructions.

(3) The maintenance of signals, interlocking and communication equipment will rest with the Signal Department in the case of all level crossing gates, whether located within or outside the outermost stop signals.

(4) (a) The working instructions including the signalling diagram of level crossings equipped with gate signals and situated beyond the outermost stop signals in either direction of a block station and/or provided with telephone connections with the nearest adjacent station on either side, shall be kept at the gate-lodge. A copy of the working instructions shall also be kept at the station concerned.

(b) The working instructions in English and local language of every level crossing within outermost stop signals of a block station, and also of level crossing beyond the outermost stop signals which are provided with telephone connections and whose operation is governed by the system of exchange of private numbers under special instructions, should be incorporated as an appendix to the Station Working Rules of the station concerned and kept at the gate-lodge.

910. Equipment At Level Crossings - (1) The equipment for a manned level crossing shall be as follows; in addition to such others as may be prescribed by special instructions :-

(a) 2 hand signal lamps, tri-colour provided with bright reflectors,

(b) 1 hand signal flag, green.

© 2 hand signal flags, red.

(d) 1 staff suitable for exhibition of red lamp or red flag.

(e) 2 long spare chains with "stop" marked disc attachment at the center to cover the full width of the gate, for use in case the gates/barriers are damaged (Annexure 9/2).

(f) 2 spare small chains and padlocks for locking gates, in case locking arrangements of gates become defective.

(g) 12 detonators.

(h) 1 tin case for flags.

(i) 1 tin case for detonators.

(j) 1 canister for muster sheet.

(k) 1 can for oil.

(I) 1 tommy bar.

(m) 1 water pot or bucket.

(n) 1 mortar pan.

(o) 1 powrah.

(p) 1 rammer.

(q) 1 pick-axe.

® 1 tool list (with columns drawn for checking of tools),

(s) 1 book of safety rules in Hindi or regional language.

(t) Duty roster.

(u) Complaint book for road users.

(v) Inspection register.

(w) Level crossing working instructions (in local language) where applicable,

(x) Two gate lamps.

(y) Gatemen working on double line/multiple lines, ghats, suburban and automatic block territories shall be provided with three fusees. Gatemen working on single line sections shall be supplied with one fusee.

(z) Diagram indicating the method of protection to be adopted, in case of obstruction in the level crossing.

z (i) Wall clocks in gate-lodges at all manned level crossings to enable the gateman to correctly record the time of exchange of private number, expected and actual time of passage of train, time for opening and closing of level crossing, etc

Note : In the case of level crossings in multiple lines the hand signal flags/lamps, detonators shall be increased suitably.

(2) There should be sufficient supply of kerosene oil, wicks and matches at the gate-lodge. The Gateman should always keep their hand signal lamps trimmed and ready for lighting and use at a moment's notice. During night, one of the hand signal lamps should be kept lit throughout to show danger stop signal to an approaching train. When the level crossing is closed to road traffic, the hand signal lamps should be kept lit dimly only.

(3) At every manned level crossing there should be distinct indication at 600 meters and 1200 meters on Broad Gauge and 400 meters and 800 meters on Meter Gauge and Narrow Gauge and at specified distances suitably increased on M. G. high speed routes where trains run at speeds above 75 km.p.h., on either side to guide the Gateman for placing the detonators in case of obstruction at the level crossing. Indicator posts should be provided with one dot and three dots at these distances to indicate the number of detonators to be placed. Arrangements for exhibiting the danger signal at a distance of 5 meters during emergency should be made at each level crossing.

(4) Height Gauges on Electrified Sections.-(a) Adequate arrangements shall be made to erect height gauges on either side of the overhead equipment or other equipment at every level crossing so as to ensure that all vehicles and moving structures passing under the height gauge also pass under the overhead equipment or other equipment with adequate clearance.

(b) The adequate clearance referred to in sub-rule (a) shall be sanctioned under approved special instructions.

© Height Gauges should be located at a minimum distance of 8 metre from gate posts. In exceptional circumstances where site condition do not permit, Chief Engineer can give exemption in these standards subject to a minimum of 8 metre distance from the centre line of the track. Road surface upto this point may be at the same level as the road surface inside the gate posts.

(d) Vehicles and moving structures, which can not pass under the height gauge without striking or touching it, shall not be permitted to pass the overhead equipment or other equipment except in accordance with special instructions.

911. Siting of Gate-Lodges -

(1) Gate-Lodges shall be so sited that a clear and unobstructed view is obtained of all approaching trains and road vehicles, care being taken that allowance is made for all future extensions, e.g., doubling of line or widening of roadway.

(2) Where the level crossing is on a curve, the gate-lodge should be built on the outside of the curve.

(3) Level crossing at cuttings or near cuttings should be avoided as far as possible.

912. Appointment of Gatemen, Rosters and Medical fitness Certificates -

(1) Before appointment, the Permanent Way Inspector should ensure that competent men selected as gatemen have obtained Certificates of fitness for class A3 from the Medical Department and that they are examined thereafter at periods stipulated by the rules in force. In all level crossings provided with telephone connections literate Gateman capable of exchanging private numbers, should be posted.

(2) The hours of duty for the Gateman should be laid down and must confirm to the regulations in force. The rosters detailing the hours of duty and rest for each Gateman shall be maintained at the gate-lodge. The roster should indicate clearly as to which gateman is required to be on duty at any particular time. No Gateman shall change his hours of duty without the order of the Permanent Way Inspector.

(3) Full particulars regarding the periodical medical examination and vision test of each Gateman shall be maintained at the gate-lodge.

(4) When handing or taking over charge, the Gateman and their relievers should jointly check all the equipment and test all the gears to see that they are in order.

(5) Every Gateman shall be fully conversant with the use of hand signals, detonators, fusees and protection rules.

913. Duties of Gateman -

(1) Alertness - The Gateman should be on the alert and be prepared to take immediate action, should danger be apprehended. The keys of the gates shall be on his person.

(2) Position during passaga of trains - The Gatemen should stand facing the track on the gate-lodge side of the approaching train. He should observe all passing trains and be prepared to take such action as may be necessary to ensure safety of trains.

(3) Action in emergency - In case of an obstruction at the level crossing the Gateman should maintain the gate signals, if any, in the "ON" position and if unable to remove it, protect the line as under-

(a) On double line, if both lines are obstructed during day, he shall plant a red banner flag at a distance of 5 metres from the end of check rails on the line on which a train is expected to arrive first, then plant another red banner flag on the other line at the site of obstruction. He shall then pick up red hand signal and showing it, proceed on that line towards the direction of an approaching train to a point 600 metres on Broad Gauge and 400 metres on Metre Gauge and Narrow Gauge from the level crossing and place one detonator on the line, after which proceed further to not less than 1200 metres from the level crossing on Broad Gauge and 800 metres on Metre Gauge and Narrow Gauge and place 3 detonators on the line about 10 metres apart. Having thus protected the line on which a train is expected to approach first, he should return to the level crossing, picking up the intermediate detonators on his way back. He shall then proceed on the other line showing red hand signal, place detonators similarly and return to the site of obstruction to warn the Driver of an approaching train.

Provided that on those Metre Gauge sections where trains run at more than 75 Km/h, the detonators shall be placed at distance to be specified under special instructions by the Administration (Annexure 9/3).

(b) On single line, if the line is obstructed during day, he shall plant a red banner flag at a distance of 5 metres from the end of check rails towards the direction from which a train is expected to arrive first, then plant another banner flag towards the opposite direction at the site of obstruction. He shall then pick up red hand signal and as in sub-para (a) above, protect the line in the direction from which a train is expected to approach first, return to the site of obstruction, and proceed with all haste in the other direction to protect the line. Having protected the line on both sides, he should station himself at the place of obstruction to warn the Driver of an approaching train (Annexure 9/3).

© At night the Gateman should light the two hand signal lamps and take action to exhibit red light and protect the lines as in sub-paras (a) and (b) above.

(d) Gateman should take immediate action to inform the Mate, P.W.I, and the nearest Station Master about the obstruction at the level crossing through messenger or other means available.

(4) Parting of a Train -If a Gateman notices that a train has parted he shall not show a stop hand signal to the Driver, but shall endeavour to attract the attention of the Driver and the Guard by shouting, gesticulating or other means.

(5) The Gateman should ensure that the gate lamps and lamps of all gate signals are lighted and kept burning continuously from sunset to sunrise.

(6) No Gateman shall leave his gate unless other Gateman has taken charge of it. If it is necessary to leave his gate in an emergency, before doing so, he should close and lock the gates against the public road.

(7) The Gateman should see that the channel for the flange of the wheel is kept clear.

(8) The Gateman should keep the road surface well watered and rammed.

(9) At level crossings, if any gate or barrier gets damaged / out of order the Gateman should use the spare chain and disc, for closing against the road traffic.

(10) As soon as possible, the Gateman should report to the nearest Station Master, Gang Mate or Permanent Way Inspector any defect in his gate or the apparatus pertaining to it.

(11) At gates the signal or signals of which have become defective, the Gateman should close and lock the gates on sighting of train and hand signal or pilot the train past the defective signal. In such case he should inform the Driver to report about the defective signal or signals to the Station Master at the next station.

(12) In the event of a gate signal becoming defective the Gateman should maintain the signal in the 'ON' position by disconnecting the signal or the wire if necessary.

(13) The Gateman should ensure that the equipment supplied to the gate is in good order and ready for immediate use.

(14) Every Gateman shall as for as possible prevent trespassing by persons or cattle.

914. Maintenance of Level Crossing, Examination of Gate equipment and Gateman in Rules - (1) By Permanent Way Inspectors -

(a) Obstruction of view- All trees, bushes or undergrowth that interfere or tend to interfere with the view from the Railway or road way when approaching level crossings, should be cut down taking care to comply with the procedure laid down in para 222.

(b) Inspection and Maintenance- (i) Each level crossing except those laid with PSC sleepers must be opened out and the condition of sleepers and fittings, rails and fastenings inspected at least once a year or more frequently, as warranted by conditions. However, level crossings laid with PSC sleepers should be overhauled with each cycle of machine packing or more frequently as warranted by conditions and in no case shall opening be delayed by more than two years. In all cases, rails and fastenings in contact with the road shall be thoroughly cleaned with wire brush and a coat of coaltar/anti-corrosive paint applied. Flange way clearances, cross level, gauge and alignment should be checked and corrected as necessary, and the track packed thoroughly before reopening the level crossing for road traffic.

(ii) The painting of gates and discs should be done at regular intervals.

(iii) The Permanent Way Inspector should keep a manuscript register of repairs for all level crossings on his section. This register should show the date of opening, the condition of sleepers with their age and time, the date and type of each sleeper changed and other requisite particulars.

(iv) The Permanent Way Inspector will be responsible for the proper upkeep and maintenance of whistle boards and 'STOP' boards provided on the approaches to level crossings.

(v) Check rails of level crossing are required to be removed for tamping operations, overhauling of level crossings, distressing of LWR or track renewals etc. Check rails should be re-fixed as quickly as possible and preferably before leaving site.

Should a situation arise where check rails cannot be re-fixed for any reason and trains have to be passed, a speed restriction of 30 kmph should be imposed besides ensuring that road traffic is diverted till the check rails are put in place. In case such diversion is not possible, temporary arrangements should be made for passage of road traffic till the check rails areput in place. However, in both these cases, the check rails should necessarily be provided latest by close of next day. In such cases, a stationary watchman shall be posted to ensure safety.

© Checking equipment and examination of Gateman in rules - (i) The equipment with the Gateman shall be checked by Permanent Way Inspector once in a month.

(ii) The Permanent Way Inspector shall ensure that the Gateman have a correct knowledge of rules by examining them periodically during his trolly inspection and on appointment, promotion or transfer. He should not only educate them in rules, but also conduct practical demonstration of protection of level crossing in case of emergency.

(d) Surprise day/night inspection of level crossing should be carried out to ensure presence and alertness of Gateman.

(2) By Assistant Engineer -

The Assistant Engineer should inspect the equipment at every manned level crossing on the sub-division once in six months, and examine the Gateman in rules during his inspection.

The Assistant Engineer should scrutinise the manuscript register of level crossings maintained by the Permanent Way Inspectors and inspect as many level crossings as possible, when they are completely opened out during the year.

915. Level Crossing Registers - In the office of the Divisional Engineer, Assistant Engineer and Permanent Way Inspector, complete particulars of level crossings in serial order should be maintained in a register as shown in Annexure 9/4.

Whenever additions and alterations or improvement to level crossings are made, the level crossing registers should be amended and where necessary a copy of the new or revised working instructions with the revised signal and interlocking diagram posted at the gate-lodge.

916. Level Crossing indicators -(Advance Correction Slip No. 128)

(1) Whistle indicator - (i) At the approaches to all unmanned 'C class level crossings or manned level crossings where the view is not clear on either side for a distance of 600 meters and those which have normal position open to road traffic, without interlocking and protection by signals, under special conditions, bilingual whistle boards as per design (Annexure 9/5) should be erected at 600 meters along the track from the level crossing to enjoin the Drivers of approaching trains to give audible warning of the approach of a train to the road users. The Drivers of approaching trains should whistle continuously from the time they pass whistle boards to the time they cross the level crossing.(Advance Correction Slip No. 100)

(ii) The whistle indicator shall consist of two 600 mm. square boards painted yellow and bearing letter W/L in black. Its height shall be 2100 mm. from the rail level to the underside and the post on which it is fixed, painted with 300 mm. high bands in white and black. It shall not be lighted at night.

(2) 'Stop' Boards - (a) On the road approaches to all unmanned 'C class level crossings 'Stop' boards should be provided on the road at either side of the level crossings at suitable points, within the railway boundary.

(b) This shall consist of a board 675 mm.X525 mm. on a suitable post bearing the indication of an engine and the legend "Stop, look out for trains before crossing" in English, Hindi and Regional language. The paint used shall preferably be of luminous variety. The distance of the "Stop" board from the track on the approaches of the unmanned level crossings shall be 5 meters from centre line of the nearest track, within the Railway boundary.

© The vertical post shall be painted black and white, each strip to be 300 mm. in height starting with black paint at the bottom.

917. Visibility Requirements for unmanned Level Crossings - For new unmanned level crossings the visibility requirements for road users along the track shall be 600 M. with single or double line track. Where this is not feasible, the distance may be reduced suitably with the approval of the Chief Engineer provided the maximum permissible speed is less than 100 km.p.h. and/or there is only a single track to be crossed on the level crossing. Visibility of trains for road users at unmanned level crossing may be assessed, from a distance of 5 meters from the centre of the track.

918. Provision of speed breakers on the approaches of level crossing -(Advance Correction Slip No. 128)

Provision of rumble strips on approaches of level crossings as per the standard design is the responsibility of Road authorities. Matter may be perused with all State Governments/Road authorities to ensure that rumble strips are provided on all level crossings as per standard design over the total width of the road i.e. edge of the berm to edge of berm with proper road warning signs as per the standard design. However, it is incumbent upon Railways to provide speed breakers as per the standard design on both manned as well as unmanned level crossing irrespective of whether the approach road are metalled or un-metalled, as a temporary safety measure, till such time these are replaced with rumble strips of proper design by the Road authorities. While providing speed breakers, following guidelines may be observed:-

(1) One speed breaker should be provided on either approach of level crossings located within the Railway land boundary at a distance maximum feasible but not exceeding 20m covering full width of the road including berms as per Annexure - 9/6. For safety reasons, the paint marking should be provided and their maintenance ensured.

(2) Standard warning signs for speed breakers as. per Annexure - 9/7 should be invariably provided at a prescribed distance as indicated in item 19 of Annexure 9/1 to Para 904.

(3) Speed breakers should be constructed with hot pre-mix bituminous material, well compacted after laying on well prepared surface. Enough time is to be allowed for the bituminous material to harden before opening it to the traffic. On berms and unmetalled roads, the speed breakers should be supported on proper base of compacted road metal.

919. Census of Traffic at Level Crossings, Unmanned/Manned - (1) Periodical census of traffic at all level crossings, unmanned/manned should be taken at least once in five years to review the classification, in the case of manned level crossings and need for manning in the case of unmanned level crossing. However, for manned level crossings with traffic density 75000 TVUs or more but less than 1 lakh TVUs, the census should be taken up once in a 2� years to determine their eligibility and priority for replacement with ROBs/ RUBs on cost sharing basis. The total train vehicle units/day (train units x vehicle units) are worked out taking the census for a week. Train motor vehicle, Bullock carts and Tongas being considered as one unit, Cycle rickshaw/Auto rickshaw being considered as half unit.(Advance Correction Slip No. 100)

(2) In the case of unmanned level crossing involved in an accident, census should be conducted immediately, to determine whether manning is required.

(3) In the case of manned level crossings, the quinquennial census should be substituted by a census-cum-job analysis so as to avail of the opportunity of checking up the adequacy of men on consideration of Hours of Employment Regulations.

920. Unmanned 'C class Level Crossings - The upkeep of all unmanned 'C class level crossings should be to the same standard of maintenance as that of manned level crossings. The posts at such unmanned level crossings may be either of unserviceable steel sleepers or unserviceable rail pieces, painted white.

The keyman during his daily beat should pay requisite attention to the general condition of such level crossings and keep the flange ways clear and free from obstruction.

921. Track Structure in Level Crossings

(1) In level crossings 'IT category sleepers (durable) should preferably be used.

(2) All sleepers used in level crossings should be provided with suitable bearing plates.

(3) Rail joints should be avoided in check rails and on the running rails, within the level crossings and three meters on either side.

(4) In each rail seat, four spikes should be provided.

(5) In the case of S.W.R., the short welded panel may be continued through the level crossing, avoiding fish plated joint on the level crossing and within six meters from the end of level crossing.

(6) The level crossing should not fall within the breathing length of L.W.R., as per the provisions contained in L.W.R. Manual.

922. Manning of the unmanned Level crossings through Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS):

(1) The manning of unmanned Level Crossings has been included in the list of works covered under Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS). The funds for capital cost of construction covering the cost of road, provision of lifting barrier, arrangement of water and electricity, quarters for the gatemen, duty hut etc. will be provided by Member of Parliament from MPLADS Fund and recurring maintenance and operation cost will be borne by the Railways.

(2) Unmanned level crossings equal to number of level crossings manned through Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme, will be converted into manned level crossing at Railway's cost as selected in consultation with Member of Parliament concerned.

(3) Preferably, selected unmanned Level Crossings, should fall in the category I-V with priority given to Level Crossings falling in Category-I followed by Category-ll, III, IV, V. For Level crossings falling in the same category on different routes, priority shall be given to A route followed by B, C, D-Spl., E-Spl, D and E-routes.

(4) Divisional Railway Managers will liaison with the District Authorities and the Hon' ble Member of Parliaments in selecting the Level Crossings for manning. On identification of the Level Crossings, Member of Parliament will send his recommendations to the District Magistrate/ Dy. Commissioner for releasing the funds. Railway will provide an estimate for the work and any other details to the District Administration as required. Departmental charges shall not be levied on these works and supervision and establishment charges will be kept to the minimum as provided in the case of similar Railway works. Separate accounts shall be maintained for each work and 'Utilisation Certificate1 will be submitted to the District Administration on completion of the work.

923. Level Crossings on National Highways/State Highways and Other Important roads.

(1) In case of National Highway/State Highways or their bypasses and important city roads, no new Level Crossing to be provided and only grade separators agreed to be provided.

(2) In case of other important roads, it is preferable to provide grade separators. However, depending upon the traffic density envisaged, manned Level Crossings can also be considered.

(3) Relaxation of the above (1) will require Board's prior approval.

924. Provision of New Level Crossings/ Manning/Demanning/Elimination:-(Advance Correction Slip No. 100), (Advance Correction Slip No. 128)

(a) Provision of the new level crossings: If, provision of new level crossing is inescapable, then only manned level crossing is to be provided. This is applicable to all existing lines, new constructions and gauge conversions. However, these instructions are not applicable in case of private sidings.

(b) Manning of Unmanned Level Crossing :

(i) Based on traffic density, visibility and regular plying of buses etc., unmanned level crossings have been categorized into I-V categorized for manning at Railway's cost in a phased manner on a programmed basis as per following priority.

Category-I Level Crossings where the Train Vehicle Units (TVUs) exceed 10000.

Category-II Level Crossings where TVUs exceed 6000 and where visibility is restricted.

Category-III Level Crossings where TVUs is less than 6000 and visibility is restricted but buses, motor vehicles ply regularly.

Category-IV Level Crossings where TVU is less than 6000 and visibility is restricted but motor vehicles do not ply.

Category-V Level crossings where visibility is adequate but traffic density exceeds 6000 TVUs.(Advance Correction Slip No. 115)

(ii) All unmanned level crossings on Rajdhani and Shatabdi routes where maximum permissible speed is 120 Kmph or more should be manned on priority.

(iii) For manning of unmanned level crossings with traffic density more than 10000 TVUs, Board's approval is not required. However, in all other cases Board's sanction is required.

© De-Manning/Elimination of the Level Crossing: The existing manned level crossings should not be demanned. However, the detailed review/survey of the existing level crossings both manned and unmanned to be carried out with a view to eliminate them by either passing the road through an existing bridge or by constructing page link roads to combine two or more level crossings etc.

925. Criteria for replacement of existing level crossings (other than those provided on deposit terms') with Road Over/Under Bridges on cost sharing basis:

(1) Minimum Train Vehicle Units on a Level Crossing should be 1 lakh per day to become eligible for replacement with Road Over/Under Bridges on 'Cost Sharing' basis. However, this could be relaxed in the following cases:-

(a) Suburban sections having high frequency of train services; and

(b) Near stations where detentions to road traffic are very high on account of either shunting operations or multi-directional receipt/despatch of trains or stabling of trains etc.

(2) Preference should be given to the Level Crossings located on trunk routes vis-a-vis those located on branch lines. In any case, minimum number of times the level crossing is required to be closed against the road traffic should at least be 12 times per day.

(3) Subject to (1) and (2) above, priority should generally be accorded by the concerned State Government giving preference to Level crossings on National Highways.

(4) In case of Road Over/Under Bridges constructed in replacement of busy level crossings situated in Municipal/ Corporation/ Metropolitan areas where Light Vehicular traffic is considerable and where the Railways are satisfied that closure of the level crossings would cause hardship, additional provision may be made for construction of the subway or a light Over Bridge with ramps for the use of light vehicular traffic at the time of framing the proposal for the construction of Road Over/Under Bridges. The proposals for providing the ramps/sub-way should be examined critically and should be provided for only in the case of genuine hardships and not as a matter of course. The cost of these ramps/ subway will be shared equally with the Sponsoring Authority on 50:50 basis.

(5) Closure of the Level Crossings should be ensured before commissioning of the Road Over/ Under Bridges. All such cases where State/Local Authorities do not agree to abide by this should be reported to the Railway Board promptly.

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