Home Security System A Project Report

Home Security System
A Cornell University ECE 476 Final Project
Chun-Pai Jimmy Hsieh & Yang Cao

I n t r o d u c t i o n
This is a digital home security system with voice feature which can monitor room temperature, smoke, motion, and
windows & doors.
The goal of this project is to utilize the after-market parts and build an integrated home security system. Besides
traditional magnetic switch equipped on doors and windows, we have also incorporated temperature sensor, smoke
detectors, and motion sensor. Hence the security system will sound an alert when there is an attempt of break-in
or if there is possible smoke or fire.
The system is fully digital and also be fully customized. It incorporated a 16x2 LCD display with a 4x4 keypad. Each
sensor can be enabled or disabled, and alarm frequency and skim can also be chosen by users. We have also
equipped a voice playback chip, and it will speak which sensor has gone wrong.
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H i g h L e v e l D e s i g n
Project Idea
The idea of our project comes from lab 3 when we did a simple security system. However, that security
system is quite basic and only offers simple password lock. Hence we would like to enhance our
security system with different kinds of sensors. We have also browse some of the old final project and
found the "Phone Dialer" project from spring 2002. Originally, we were going to put Zarlink MT8880C
DTMF transceiver chip, so it will dial a desire number that user specify. When the phone connected, we
will use Winbond ISD1420 voice record and playback chip to play pre-recorded voice signal. However,
due to the lack of the phone jack in the lab, plus the majority of the Cornell campus has digital phone
line instead of analog phone line, we decided to put away this idea. Since ISD1420 chip has address bit
feature, we decided to make our system playback certain pattern of voice when the system goes into
alert status.
Logical Structure
Hardware & Software Tradeoffs
The IR motion sensor is quite inexpensive ($5.99 dollars for the one we got), so we also decided to buy
it instead of building one on our own. We also acquire one of the smoke detector from home. This is
the very basic version and will sound the alarm when the smoke is detected.
The logical structure of our
design is shown in the block
diagram on the right. The
central system will handle
all the sensors and keypad
input, output information to
LCD screen, indicate system
status on LED, and make
buzz or voice alarm.
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Besides some necessary capacitor and resistor connections to the ISD1420 chip, the majority of our
project is based on our software. This is mainly because our system if fully customizable and has quite
a lot of features. It need to monitors all the sensor, and time the appropriate seconds in order to play
certain voice pattern (ex. "Temperature, smoke error, please¦" "Door or window error, please¦")
depending on which sensor goes wrong. It also need to handle the user interface via keypad and LCD
screen. All of these are programmed in our software.
The 16x2 LCD we use has standard 16 pin connection (pin 15 and 16 for LED backlit power). The
keypad is also standard 4x4 which has 8 pin connector. The smoke detector is powered by standard Eblock
9V battery. The motion sensor is powered by 2 AAA 1.5V battery in serial.
Existing Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks
The magnetic contact switch is manufactured by SECO-LARM The motion detector is manufactured by
SPY GEAR. The smoke sensor is a little bit hard to identify because we do not have the original box, but
we believe it manufactured by FAMILY GARD
P r o g r a m & H a r d w a r e D e s i g n
Program Detail
The hardest part of the program is timing. When any sensor goes wrong, the program will wait for
certain seconds (set by user), and then make ISD1420 chip play back the desired voice pattern we
want. Originally, we though we can just output the appropriate address bit and then make the chip
play, however, later on we discovered there is a THOLD in the ISD1420 chip that we need to take care
of, otherwise it will reference to the previous address bits. The voice playback chip does not have a
very fast internal clock, so we have to manually use the delay function in our program after we set the
address bits, and then make the chip play. Although using the delay function is somehow undesirable,
however, we have implemented our program such that this delay will not cause any error in our
Besides, we also need to implement the keypad function so it acts accordingly when the LCD is
displaying certain menu. This is not very difficult but we have to take care of all the possible
circumstances. We have 12 submenus in our system. Set temp define the lowest temperature allowed
before sounding the alarm (70~120F, with step size of 1F). The Sec. Allow is the time in second before
the voice alarm goes off (0~30sec, with step size of 2 seconds).
We also have simple de-bounce feature for our keypad, and it will sound a buzz when you press any
key (if you HOLD a key but buzz will only sound once). Although the de-bounce function is as easy as
1.Enable System
2.(*)Temp Sensor
3.(*)Mot. Sensor
4.(*)Smk. Sensor
5.(*)Mag. Switch
6.Set Temp: 100F
7.(*)Voice Alarm
8.(*)Buzz Alarm
9.New Pswd:
A.Buzz Freq: 7
B.Buzz Skim: 3
C.Sec. Allow: 10
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few lines, it takes a while to think about the logic and how to actually implement it. Also we implement
the backspace feature so that when use enter a wrong password, this key can be used to delete the
previous entered number. Also just a quick note, our password is masked on LCD for a safer purpose.
Hardware Detail
The first sensor we have is the temperature sensor. Since we implemented a digital thermometer in lab
5, we decided to use the same circuit. So we incorporated National Semiconductor LM34 temperature
sensor, with National Semiconductor LMC7111 OpAmp chip to amplifier our output voltage going into
ADC. The final connection of our circuit look like the following.
The second sensor we have is the motion sensor. Although we do not have the diagram of the circuit (it
has some IC components), we discovered there are few NPN transistors in the circuit. NPN transistors
are like switches, so it is obvious these are used enable the original buzzer on the circuit. Hence we
took the base pin together with ground to connect to our ADC pin input. If the voltage exceed VTH
(threshold voltage), we know the alarm goes off.
The third sensor we have is the smoke detector. The smoke detectors mostly equipped with
piezoelectric buzzer, which has F (feed back), C (main electrode), M (metal plate) three pins.
Piezoelectric buzzer has an internal crystal and will sound if small current is applied (voltage drop).
Hence we took out the piezoelectric buzzer and connect the F pin into our ADC input. When the sensor
goes off, the voltage will go high.
The final sensor we have is the magnetic switches. It is normally closed. So when the switch is right
next to each other, the resistance is zero. When the switch is separated, the resistance will become
infinity as if itâ„¢s disconnected. So we drive the switch with an 10K pull-up resistor, and connect the
output to the ADC. Since we have two magnetic switches, we decided to build a simple AND/OR gate
by using 1 74LS00 chip. There are four NAND gates in 74LS00, and if we connect two of NAND gate in
parallel with their input signal to another NAND gate, we will get as if there are 2 AND gate in parallel
with their signals to an OR gate. The diagram can be found in our appendix.
Reference Design
The Winbond ISD1420 voice record and playback chip also requires external resistors and capacitors.
We build the circuit from the reference circuit on ISD1420 specification sheet. The modification we have
is to connect the address bit to our PORTB on our MCP, and PLAYL to our pin 6 in PORTA of our MCP.
The specification of this chip can be downloaded from the appendix. In addition, we also learn some
information about piezoelectric buzzer from this website http://imagineeringezineezine/
The 4x4 keypad has the layout like the table on the right. The - and +
buttons next to 0 can increase numbers in the submenu, such as time or
frequency. the UP and DOWN button next to 3 and 6 will navigate the
menu. BK is backspace while entering the password. EN is enter and is
used do enable/disable menu item or enable the system.
1 2 3 ˆ
4 5 6
7 8 9 BK
- 0 + EN
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R e s u l t o f t h e D e s i g n
Speed of Execution
The speed of the execution is work very well. In the beginning the system will boot up with default
password 1234. The user can now navigate through our menu, and enable or disable each type of
sensor. If a particular sensor is enabled, the LCD screen will output a * symbol before the sensor
name. User can also set the alert temperature, enable/disable voice or buzzer alarm, and even specify
the ring tone and frequency of the buzzer alarm and the time before voice alarm goes off. The button
de-bounce scheme also works fine so users can navigate through the menu and use the keypad
After the user enables the security system, the green status LED will lid to indicate the system status.
User can now enter proper password to unlock the system. If any sensor goes wrong, the LCD will
output ERROR and with proper initial for the sensor (T for temperature, M for motion, S for smoke, D
for door or window magnetic switch). The red led light be will flashing at 4Hz to indicate such event. If
the buzz alarm is enable, it will sound the tone that user choose. If the voice alarm is enabled, it will
wait for few seconds (user specified), if the system is still not locked, then it will start playing voice to
indicate which sensor goes wrong. (For example, "Temperature Error, please check and unlock the
security system.") If another sensor goes wrong after that, the system will also act accordingly and
indicate that in the voice alert in addition to the LCD screen. ("Temperature Motion Error, please check
and unlock the security system.")
As soon as user enters the correct password, the system will be unlocked and the buzzer and voice
playback will stop. The user can now navigate through our menu and make any changes in the
There are two kinds of smoke detectors, ionization chamber and photoelectric smoke detectors.
Ionization chamber one is more popular due to its low cost. Our smoke detector from home also has an
ionization chamber. However, this kind of smoke detector has a small amount of radioactive material
(americium-241), which has a half-life of 432 years (alpha decay). We have checked the specification
of such radioactive element and government web pages regarding to such kind of material. We have
found such radiation is relatively small as long as we do not inhale or swallow it. The exposures is
relatively weak so as long as we are not in touch of it all the time, it is relatively safe to operate the
smoke detector.
Our home security system is very practical. It can be used not only in the home environment but also
in a business environment too. It can monitor the surrounds to not only protect our properties but also
our lives. Besides, it can be highly customized to suit each one's need and preference. So our security
system is very useful for us as well as other people. We believe every house in the world should equipt
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a security system like the one we design.
C o n c l u s i o n s
Expectation and Improvement
The result of our design has met our expectation, in which every sensor is working and will sound
specific alarm when the system goes into alert status. The keypad and LCD also offer great interface
and users can be familiar with our system in less than few seconds.
If we have chance to design this project again, we will add a phone dialer chip like the Zarlink MT8880C
we mentioned before. By doing so, we can make sure if no one is at home or if no one is around the
area, someone else can be notified to take immediate action. In addition, we feel like our PORTB is a
little bit wasted. We only have 4 output patterns but we are using all 8 pins. Next time we will use 74LS
series chip together with only 2 output pins from MCP, so together we can save 6 I/O pins. Besides, we
will like to have another small microcontroller at a higher frequency, so we can output our buzz alarm
at a higher frequency tone.
Intellectual Property
Besides the reference circuit from ISD1420 chip specification, reference keypad decode scheme from
lab 3, and temperature sensor circuit from lab 5, we have designed and coded everything on our own.
There is no code from public domain, and we did not reuse any code from the previous lab (we do
reference, but not copy). Because we are using two pre-built sensor circuits (motion and smoke
sensor), we feel like we should not pattern our whole design. However, if we take out these two parts
and only have these inputs, we definitely have opportunity to pattern our design.
Ethical Considerations
Reference to IEEE Code of Ethics, we have try our best effort to meet all requirements. Here are the
few examples.
1. To accept responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent with the safety, health and
welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the
Our design kept safety as one of the top priorities. For example, we could have built the smoke
detector circuit on our own. However after we found out that itâ„¢s radioactive and it would be dangerous
to expose the radioactive material; we decided to keep the smoking detector intact. We do not want to
injury anyone working around us or spread radioactive material in the air.
2. To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data.
From the beginning we were realistic about the specifications of our projects given time, knowledge,
and economic constrains. Our final project closely follows our claims except we give up on the phone
dialer part because there is no active phone jack in the lab.
4. To reject bribery in all its forms.
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We were not bribed in anyway and we will not accept any bribery in the future.
7. To seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and
to credit properly the contributions of others
We asked TAâ„¢s and Prof. Land when we encountered any difficulties. We are grateful for any insights
they shed on our project.
8. To assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in
following this code of ethics.
The lab was a cooperative work environment. When we encountered problems we always welcomed
inputs and feedbacks from our fellow classmates and many time they can help us pinpoint the problem.
We also did the same thing to them while working on this project.
A p p e n d i x
Program Codes
project.c - Click on the filename and it will open up a new window with our commented code.
1. Main connection from Atmel Mega32
2. Temperature Sensor Circuit (Vout to PORTA.0)
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3. Magnetic Sensor Circuit (Sensor output to PORTA.3)
4. ISD1420 Reference Circuit. This circuit is copyright and belong to Winbond. The circuit is within the
document that we mentioned in our appendix.
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Note: We built a similar circuit from the above reference circuit with some modifications. First the
Address bit A0-A7 will connect to our Mega32 PORTB. We also do not have pushbutton switches and
unnecessaries LEDs.
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P.S. Upon time of demo, we have decrease our bread board from 3 to 2.
Cost Detail
Various resistors, capacitors, wires, LED, 74LS series IC, etc are free of charge. We acquired the smoke
detector from home so it is considered free. STK500 and TV speaker is also provided to us in the lab.
We have designed our old box using old cardboard boxes, papers, and watercolor dyes. The total cost
of our design is 45.17. It is slightly off the budget because we do not know the white breed board cost
$5.00 dollar each until the very end. If we know this earlier we would solder our own the board.
Here is how our task is divided in our group.
Parts Name Price Vendor
Atmel Mega32 8.00 Lab
16x2 LCD 5.00 Lab
4x4 Keypad 5.00 Lab
White breed board 5.00 x 2 Lab
Winbond ISD1420P Voice Record/Playback
5.20 futurlec.com (ISD1420P)
Magnetic Contact Switch (Closed Circuit) 2.99 x 2 smarthome.com (7113)
Spy Motion Alarm 5.99 smarthome.com (9511)
Main programming.
Smoke Sensor
Magnetic Contact Switch Circuit
Sound Recording
ISD1420P hardware & specification
Temperature Sensor Circuit
Motion Sensor Circuit
ADC part of the code
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1. Winbond ISD1420 specification
2. EPA - Smoke Detector and Radiation
3. 110db Piezoelectric beeper circuit
4. LM34 specification
5. LMC7111 OpAmp
6. IEEE Code of Ethics
L e g a l N o t i c e
All the contents on this pages including the appendix project.c code is owned by Chun-Pai Jimmy Hsieh and Yang
Cao. This is copyright material so if you would like to use any of our design or use any of our code.
May 5th, 2004
P D F F o r m a t
The PDF format of our report can be download here.
Buzzer & LED stuff
Report and web
(Analog phone circuit, transformer, etc)
House Model
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ive tried to click on to *project.c* to have a view on the code..but it seems like the page link is not working...
can u help me on that?thanx...Shy

tell me which page link you have tried....
You seem to have clicked on the project.c in the appendix. It is not uploaded yet in the report. We will try to upload it .
the page link in pdf format of home security..under appendix, page 7 of 12...program.c...and ive tried it in the site itself.Shy

ok i have uploaded the source code..

download this zip file inside you will see the C source code...

enjoy ..it..
thanx...appreciate it...
sir,would you provide me source code for Home Security System project.i want programme whatever used in this project.please send it on my email (raj.sramss.kumar[at]gmail.com). I will be thankful to you for this
GSM Based Home Security System


Home security has been a major issue where crime is increasing and everybody wants to take proper measures to prevent intrusion. In addition there was a need to automate home so that user can take advantage of the technological advancement in such a way that a person getting off the office does not get melted with the hot climate.


The project is aimed at developing the security of Home against Intruders , Gas Leak and Fire . In any of the above three cases any one met while you are out of your home than the device sends SMS to the emergency no provided to it.
The report consists of a background into the area of 8051 microcontroller and mobile communication, how they are interfaced to each other and AT (Attention) commands set used in communication.


1. AT command supporting GSM mobile phone.
2. 89S52 Microcontroller
3. Max 232 IC.
4. Relays
5. Relay driver IC ULN 2803
6. Voltage regulator 7805.
7. Diode IN4007
8. GSM Phone
9. LPG Gas Sensor


1. Keil u-Vision 3.0

Keil Software is used provide you with software development tools for 8051 based microcontrollers. With the Keil tools, you can generate embedded applications for virtually every 8051 derivative. The supported microcontrollers are listed in the µ-vision
2. PRO51 Programmer Software


In this project we interfaced 8051 microcontroller with Motorola’s C168 GSM mobile phone to decode the received message and do the required action. The protocol used for the communication between the two is AT command.
The microcontroller pulls the SMS received by phone, decode it, recognizes the
Mobile no. and then switches on the relays attached to its port to control the appliances. After successful operation, controller sends back the acknowledgement to the user’s mobile through SMS.

AT-Command set

The following section describes the AT-Command set. The commands can be tried out by connecting a GSM modem to one of the PC’s COM ports. Type in the test-command, adding CR + LF (Carriage return + Line feed = \r\n) before executing. Table gives an overview of the implemented AT-Commands in this application. The use of the commands is described in the later sections.

When we have to learn about a new computer we have to familiarize about the machine capability we are using, and we can do it by studying the internal hardware design (devices architecture), and also to know about the size, number and the size of the registers.
A microcontroller is a single chip that contains the processor (the CPU), non-volatile memory for the program (ROM or flash), volatile memory for input and output (RAM), a clock and an I/O control unit. Also called a "computer on a chip," billions of microcontroller units (MCUs) are embedded each year in a myriad of products from toys to appliances to automobiles. For example, a single vehicle can use 70 or more microcontrollers. The following picture describes a general block diagram of microcontroller.

89s52: The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory pro-grammer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller, which provides a highly flexible and cost-effective solution to many, embedded control applications. The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes of Flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89S52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves the RAM con-tents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt



In the field of home security systems, the methodology of protection is quite different. First is to detect, second to delay, and third to alarm. Home security systems are designed as an integration of several sensor systems.

This is mainly because our system if fully customizable and has quite a lot of features. After the user enables the security system, the green status LED will light up to indicate the system status. User can now enter proper password to unlock the system. If any sensor goes wrong, the LCD will produce an ERROR, thus, indicating the attempt action are mistaken and with proper initial for the sensor (T for temperature, M for motion, S for smoke, D for door or window magnetic switch). The red led light will initially flash at 4Hz to indicate such event. If the buzz alarm is enable, it will sound the tone that user chooses. If the voice alarm is enabled, it will wait for a few seconds (user specified). If the system is still not locked, then it will start playing voice to indicate which sensor goes wrong. (For example, "Temperature Error, please check and unlock the security system.") If another sensor goes wrong after that, the system will also act accordingly and indicate that in the voice alert in addition to the LCD screen. ("Temperature Motion Error, please check and unlock the security system.")


Recent news shows that there had been a large increase between home intruder and thief conduct in our society. In addition, home accidents have been experienced by many of the local respondents in the society. There had been a rampant home crimes and attacks that happen almost every minute. With regards to this matter, the situation calls upon our attention in generating this one of a kind proposal. Therefore, problem speculations among the members are made considering the whole safety of the residence. This includes the following:
If in case there is a presence of smoke, the people inside the house will automatically know the situation because of the alarm being detected by the smoke detector sensor. In that case they can prevent fire to happen.
People intruders will be detected if they have to attempt in any part of the doors and windows to open. By the use of magnetic switch sensor connected to the specific area location.
For indoors, temperature sensor are used in climate control systems such as air conditioners, freezers, heaters, refrigerators, and water heaters.
And also motion sensor is design to use in indoor spaces to control electric lighting. If no motion is detected, it is assumed that the space is empty, and thus does not need to be lit. Turning off the lights in such circumstances can save substantial amounts of energy. In lighting practice occupancy sensors are sometime also called "presence sensors" or "vacancy sensors".



The general objectives of this project are the following:

To utilize the after-market parts and to build an integrated home security system. Hence the security system will sound an alert when there is an attempt of break-in or if there is possible smoke or fire.

• Reducing loss - Minimizing chances of losing possessions. Losing things can be traumatic and expensive. The alarm system will sound if an intruder tries to get in and most times will scare them off.
• Prevent a confrontation - By having an alarm system, the alarm will sound if an intruder breaks in, so if you come home and the alarm is sounding, you know not to go into your home. This is the best way to avoid a confrontation with a burglar, which can be traumatic for anyone.
• Fire detection - The alarm will sound alerting you to the danger. It will also alert the security company to the danger so they can call for help for you. This could save your family's lives.


Specific objectives of the project are:

• To secure the safety of the whole premises in the house.
• To protect the properties and our lives.


Our home security system is very practical. It can be used not only in the home environment but also in a business environment too. It can monitor the surrounds to not only protect our properties but also our lives. Besides, it can be highly customized to suit each one's need and preference. So our security system is very useful for us as well as other people. We believe every house in the world should equip a security system.


The scope of this home security systems are the following:
 It can able to detect the temperature range inside a certain residence.
 It can also sense various parts of a house including the open and close motion between doors and windows under specified condition establish by the magnetic switches.
 The system will automatically produces an alarming sound in connection with the occurrence of a smoke (cigarettes smoke, fire smoke, etc.) inside the house premises.
The System is a boot up-enabled by a password.

The limitations are listed as follows:
• The system is beyond the range of its performance if the situation is established outside the specified area it may serve.
• The system is quite vulnerable to power interruption since it highly depends in an electric driven manner.


The result of our design has met our expectation, in which every sensor is working and will sound specific alarm when the system goes into alert status.

The keypad and LCD also offer great interface and users can be familiar with our system in less than few seconds. If we have chance to design this project again, we will add a phone dialer chip like the Zarlink MT8880C we mentioned before. By doing so, we can make sure if no one is at home or if no one is around the area, someone else can be notified to take immediate action.

In addition, we feel like our PORTB is a little bit wasted. We only have 4 output patterns but we are using all 8 pins. Next time we will use 74LS series chip together with only 2 output pins from MCP, so together we can save 6 I/O pins. Besides, we will like to have another small microcontroller at a higher frequency, so we can output our buzz alarm at a higher frequency tone.

There are two kinds of smoke detectors, ionization chamber and photoelectric smoke detectors. Ionization chamber one is more popular due to its low cost. Our smoke detector from home also has an ionization chamber.

However, this kind of smoke detector has a small amount of radioactive material (americium-241), which has a half-life of 432 years (alpha decay). We have checked the specification of such radioactive element and government web pages regarding to such kind of material. We have found such radiation is relatively small as long as we do not inhale or swallow it. The exposure is relatively weak so as long as we are not in touch of it all the time, it is relatively safe to operate the smoke detector.


With the increasing prevalence of intelligent home automation, many aspects of a conventional home environment have undergone changes to make living more comfortable, convenient and safe. In home safety, automated security systems play an important role of ensuring that home intrusions are thwarted and illegal trespasses are detected and tracked.

At the forefront of security technology, imaging-based security systems have thrived with growing interest and research work. This thesis delves into the algorithmic design of home security system and which is compose of temperature, magnetic switch, motion, and smoke detection sensor. The system is fully digital and also be fully customized. It incorporated a 16x2 characters LCD display with a 4x4 alphanumeric button keypad. Each sensor can be enabled or disabled, and alarm frequency and skim can also be chosen by users. We have also equipped a voice playback chip, and it will speak which sensor has gone wrong. The logical structure of our design is shown in the block diagram below. The central system will handle all the sensors and keypad input, output information to LCD screen, indicate system status on LED, and make buzz or voice alarm.

Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. An access control for doors forms a vital page link in a security chain. The Microcontroller based Home Security System can be adopted at Home it has various type of Sensors. In our Project we have magnetic sensors, Wire Loop sensors, Fire sensors. The system is fully controlled by the 8 bit microcontroller AT89C52 which has a 8Kbytes of ROM for the program memory.
The Microcontroller will continuously monitors all the Sensors and if it found any security problem then the Microcontroller will switch on the Alarm until the Reset button was pressed.

When we have to learn about a new computer we have to familiarize about the machine capability we are using, and we can do it by studying the internal hardware design (devices architecture), and also to know about the size, number and the size of the registers.
A microcontroller is a single chip that contains the processor (the CPU), non-volatile memory for the program (ROM or flash), volatile memory for input and output (RAM), a clock and an I/O control unit. Also called a "computer on a chip," billions of microcontroller units (MCUs) are embedded each year in a myriad of products from toys to appliances to automobiles. For example, a single vehicle can use 70 or more microcontrollers. The following picture describes a general block diagram of microcontroller.
AT89S52: The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory pro-grammer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller, which provides a highly flexible and cost-effective solution to many, embedded control applications. The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes of Flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89S52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves the RAM con-tents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt
to get information about the topic "SECURITY SYSTEM" full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow



Home Security System


ere is a low-cost, invisible laser circuit to protect your house from thieves or trespassers. A
laser pointer torch, which is easily avail-
able in the market, can be used to oper- ate this device.
The block diagram of the unit shown
in Fig. 1 depicts the overall arrange- ment for providing security to a house. A laser torch powered by 3V power- supply is used for generating a laser beam. A combination of plain mirrors


M1 through M6 is used to direct the laser beam around the house to form a net. The laser beam is directed to fi- nally fall on an LDR that forms part of the receiver unit as shown in Fig. 2. Any interruption of the beam by a thief/ trespasser will result into energisation of the alarm. The 3V power-supply cir- cuit is a conventional full-wave recti- fier-filter circuit. Any alarm unit that operates on 230V AC can be connected at the output.

6V relays (RL1 and RL2), an LDR, a transistor, and a few other passive com- ponents. When switches S1 and S2 are activated, transformer X1, followed by a full-wave rectifier and smoothing capaci- tor C1, drives relay RL1 through the laser switch.
The laser beam should be aimed con- tinuously on LDR. As long as the laser beam falls on LDR, transistor T1 re- mains forward biased and relay RL1 is thus in de-energised condition. When a person crosses the line of laser beam, relay RL1 turns on and transformer X2
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