
1._____________is a summary document issued by an insurer before a formal insurance policy Short note Policy note
(A)short note ©policy note
(B)cover note
(D)Debit note

2.A person can insure ;
(A)Only his own property
(B)Anybody’s property
(C )Any property that he is interested
(D)Any property in which he has a financial interest

3.In insurance “uberrimae fidei" means
(C ) Insurable interest
(D)Utmost good faith

4.Which among the following is not a marine policy?
(A)Time policy(B)Subrogation Utmost good faith
(C ) Blanket policy(D)Fidelity policy

5.An insurer is someone who:
(A)Buys an insurance policy
(B)Undertakes to make good for a particular loss of someone else
(C )Insures his life or property
(D)None of these

6.A person insures his goods worth Rs. 30,000/- against fire for Rs. 20,000/- and suffers a loss by theft of Rs. 15,000/-. What will be the claim if the average clause included?
(A)Rs. 15,000(B)Rs. 10,000
(C )Rs. 20,000(D)None of these

7.Risk of loss due to strike and riot can be covered by :
(A)Comprehensive policy(B)Mixed policy
(C )Fidelity insurance policy(D)None of these

8.Which of the following principles of insurance is against the general principle of consumerism “caveat emptor"?
(A) Insurable interest(B) Utmost good faith
(C ) Indemnity(D) Subrogation

9.The term “assurance" is related to:
(A) Life insurance(B) Marine insurance
(C ) Fire insurance(D) None of these

10.  An insurer can reduce the Burdon of liability on insured property by:
(A) Double insurance(B) Reinsurance
(C ) Group insurance(D) Joint life insurance 

11.Both security and investment elements are appeared in:
(A) Marine insurance(B) Life Insurance
(C ) Fire insurance(D) All of these

12.“Insurance is not possible without consideration"true?in this context which among the following is
 (A) Insurance is not a gambling(B) Insurance is not a business
(C ) Insurance is not a charity(D) None of these

13.The oldest form of insurance is:
(A) Fire Insurance(B) Life Insurance
(C ) Marine Insurance(D) Fidelity Insurance

14. Which among the following is not covered by insurance?
(A)Loss or damage caused by explosion
(B)Loss or damage caused by implosion
(C ) Loss or damage caused by terrorism
(D) Loss or damage caused by nuclear activity

15.Great fire of London occurred in the year of:
(C )1691

16.Primary function of insurance does not include :
(A)Insurance provides certainty(B)Insurance provides protection
(C )Insurance provides risk - sharing(D)Insurance provides capital to society is an obligatory duty of the nation.
(A) Social insurance(B) Life insurance
(C ) Fire insurance(D) None of these

18.In which year ESI corporation was established?
(A) 1956(B) 1962
(C ) 1957(D) 1948

19.Warranties which are included in the insurance contract in the form of answers to question are called as:
(A) Express warranties (C ) Affirmative warranties
(B)Implied warranties
(D)Promissory warranties

20.The period of insurance in Fire policy generally does not exceed more than :
(A)One year(B)Two years
(C )Five years(D)Ten years

21.The policy which covers more than one life under a single policy is called as :
(A)Joint life policy(B)Double insurance policy
(C )Triple benefitpolicy(D)None of these

22.In India General insurance was nationalised in the year of:
(C )1981(D)1966

23.In marine insurance, which of the following contracts does not include?
(A)F.O.B(B)C and F
(C )C.I.F(D)F.l.B

24.The period starting from the date of commencement of the policy to the date of commencement of risk is called as :
(A)Risk period(B)Waitingperiod
(C )Grace period(D)None ofthese

25.Expenses for issue of premium receipt for a life policy is an example of:
(A)Initial expenses(B)Recurring expenses
(C )Pinal expenses(D)Fixed expenses

26.IRDA means:
(A)The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority
(B)The Insurance Regulatory Development Agency
(C )The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
(D)The Insurance Regulatory and Development Agency

27.In marine insurance the person who agree to insure cargo, ship, or freight is called as :
(C )Representative(D)Underwriter

28.Which among the following is the duty of “Actuary”?
(A)Give advice on insurance matter
(B)Prepare accounts relating to insurance
(C )Prepare insurance certificate
(D)Value the net liability of insurance business

29.“An insured is not allowed in any way to make profit out of insurance” Which among the following principles is/are implicit in the above statement?
(C )Indemnity(D)All the above

30. Which among the following risks is not covered by marine insurance?
(A)Loss due to sinking of vessel(B)Loss of freight
(C )Loss due to delay invoyage(D)None of these

31.In marine insurance cause of accident is generally known as :
(C )Peril(D)None of these

32.Which of the following risks is/are covered by fire insurance?
(A) Loss or damage due to smoke(B) Loss or damage due to over heating
(C )Loss or damage dueto ignition(D)All the above

33. LIC was established in the year :
(C )1968

34.In the case of fire insurance the insurable interest must be present:
(A)At the time of taking the policy
(B)At the time of claim
(C )Both at the time of taking the policy and claim
(D)Throughout the period of policy

35.'A' can take insurance policy on the life of ‘B’ if:
(A)A owed money to B(B)B owed money to A
(C )A has blood relation withB(D)All the above cases

36.A fire policy which covers property at different localities against loss by fire is called as :
(A)Floating policy(B)Specific policy
(C )Valued policy(D)Valuable policy

37.Marine policy to cover a particular route only is known as:
(A)Time policy(B)Voyage policy
(C )Mixed policy(D)Comprehensive policy

38.'A' insured his goods worth Rs. 1,000/- for Rs. 700/- and suffers loss of Rs. 800. A’s claim is :
(A)Rs. 1,000(B)Rs. 700
(C ) Rs. 800(D) None of these

39. “After the payment of insurance claim, the insurer steps into the shoes of the insured” Which principle is related to this statement?
(A)Causa proxima(B)Insurable interest
(C )Contribution(D)Subrogation

40.Mr. X insured his life with LIC for Rs. 1,00,000 and with TATA-AIG for Rs. 2,00,000. On his death his nominee can claim the amount from :
(A)LIC only(B)TATA-AIG only
(C )Both from LIC and TATA-AIG(D)Half each from LIC and TATA-AIG

41.A fire policy taken to cover all fixed and current assets of the insured is called as :
(A)Blanket policy(B)Excess policy
(C )Specific policy(D)Current policy

42.In motor insurance additional premium is added to the basic premium on the basis of:
(A)Horse power of vehicle(B)Value of the vehicle
(C )Use of the vehicle(D)All of these

43.Measurement of loss is not possible in __________insurance.
(A) Life (C ) Fire
(B) Marine (D) Motor

44.On duty personal accident policy covers :
(A) Accident while coming to work place (B)Accident while returning to house 
(C ) Accident during employment(D)All of these

45.Which clause in fire policy helps to check under insurance?
(A) Operative clause(B) Average clause
(C ) Time clause(D) Premium clause

46.Surrender value of life policy is the amount payable :
(A)On the maturity
(B)On the death of the insured
(C )On the maturity or death whichever is earlier
(D)On withdrawal of policy before maturity

47.Normally personal accident policy covers in a day: 
(A)24 hours within India only
(B)24 hours anywhere in the world 
(C )24 hours in land only(D)None of these

48.Which of the following is compulsory insurance?
(A) Motor insurance(B) Life insurance
(C ) Fire insurance(D) Crop insurance

49.A wager agreement is : 
(A) Valid (C ) Void ab initio
(B) Voidable
(D) Forbidden by law

50.Section--------------of Income Tax Act provides tax benefits for mediclaim premium.
(A) 80 G(B) 80 D
(C ) 80 E(D) 80 F

51.The policy where the amount payable to the insured will not be paid before the death of the insured is called as :
(A) Whole life policy(B) Endowment policy
(C ) Annuity policy(D) Money back policy

52.Which insurance policy will cover the risk of loss due to the act of dishonesty by the employees entrusted with carrying of money?
(A) Burglary insurance(B) Third party insurance
(C ) Fidelity insurance(D) None of these

53.Which is the modified form of Comprehensive Crop insurance scheme (CCIS)? 
(C ) IFFCO(D) None of these

54.Which of the following disablements is not covered under personal accident policy?
(A) Permanent total disablement(B) Permanent partial disablement
(C ) Temporary partial disablement(D) Temporary total disablement

55.The insurance which covers the damage to a vessel:
(A)Hull insurance(B)Cargo insurance
(C )Freight insurance(D)None of these

56.In fire insurance when the insurer pays certain portion of the claim before final settlement, it is called as:
(A)Advance payment(B)Ex-bonus payment
(C )Ex-gratia payment(D)Pre-payment bonus

57.According to which clause the insurer has the option to discharge his liability by replacing the damaged property:
(A) Borderaux clause(B) Arbitration clause
(C ) Intermediary clause(D) Reinstatement clause

58.Consequential loss policy covers financial:
(A)Loss due to reduction in the volume of business by fire
(B)Loss of net profit as a consequence of fire
(C )Loss of profit caused by interruption of business by fire
(D)All of the above

59.Voluntary throwing away of the cargo or part of vessel's equipment for lightening the vessel for common safety is termed as :
(A) Barratry(B) Jettison
(C ) Restraints(D) Detainments

60.The cost of repair and replacement of a damaged ship was estimated to be Rs. 60,000 whereas the real value of ship was estimated to be Rs. 50,000. In this case loss is treated as :
(A)Constructive total loss(B)Actual total loss
(C )Particular average lossParticular average loss(D)General average lossGeneral average loss

61.The catastrophe insurance covers risk like :
(C )TsunamiTsunami(D)All of these

62. A nominee is an authorised agent to receive the assured sum :
(A)On the death of the assured
(B)On the maturity of the policy
(C )On the death or maturity whichever is earlier
(D)None of these

63. A marine policy may be assigned :
(A) Before loss(B)After loss
(C ) Either before or after loss(D)None of theseNone of these

64. The tenure of office of chairperson of IRDA is :
(A) 6 years(B)5 years5 years
(C ) 3 years(D)2 years2 years

65. IRDA was established on the recommendation of_________________committee.
(A) C. Rangarajan(B)D.R. Mehta
(C ) R.N. Malhotra(D)A.C. Shah

66.__________________ is a strategy adopted where insurance and banking business are complementing and supplementing each other.
(A)General bank insurance(B)Insurance bank
(C )Bancassurance(D)Merchantbanking

67.Generally in motor insurance the insurer is not liable in respectany accident, loss, damage incurred outside the geographical area of India. But the area can be extended to:
(C )Srilanka(D)Pakistan

68.Which of the following is / are not covered by motor insurance?
(A)Loss due to depreciation(B)Loss due to wear and tear
(C )Loss due to electrical breakdown(D)All of these

69. ‘M' leaves some goods with 'N' for safe custody. Who can insure the goods?
(A) Only M(B)Only N
(C ) Both M and N(D)M and N jointly only

70.‘X' transfers his policy to 'Y' Here 'Y' is called as:
(A) Assignee(B)Nominee
(C ) Consignee(D)Pawnee

71.In India'. Insurance Act enacted in the year of:
(A) 1937(B)1938
(C ) 1939(D)1940

72.Which among the following assumptions is /are underlying in the calculations of premium?
(A)Premiums are collected in advance or in the beginning of the period
(B)All collections are immediately invested
(C )Claims will be paid only at the end of the period
(D)All the above

73.An insurance is a / an :
(A) Agreement(B) Contract
(C ) Promise(D) Treaty

74.Third party insurance come under the category of___________(on risk point of view) ?
(A) Persona] insurance (C ). Liability Insurance
(B) Property insurance (D) Rural insurance

75.The first general insurance company in India was :
(A)Triton Insurance Company
(B)North British and Mercantile Company  (C ) Lloyds’s Company
(D)Indian Mercantile Insurance Company

76.Which among the following is not a subsidiary of GIC India?
(A)National Insurance Company(B)New India Insurance Company
(C )Oriental Insurance Company(D)None of these

77.‘Causa Proxima’ principle implies that the loss must arise from :
(A)Uncertain sources(B)The nearest places
(C )The cause insured against(D)Any of the above

78.Which of the following risks is excluded from cattle insurance policy?
(A)Theft of animal(B)Flood
(C )Cyclone(D)Lightning

79. Poultry insurance generally covers birds of _______________age.
(A) 0 to 72 weeks(B)1 to 72 weeks
(C ) 2 to 72 weeks(D)3 to 72 weeks3 to 72 weeks

80.Sericulture insurance scheme is applicable to: 
(A) Honey bee(B)Silkworms
(C ) Fish(D)Water prawnWater prawn

81.The state which share the border with Butan? 
(A) Rajastan(B)Jharkhant
(C ) Assam(D)Meghalaya

82.The Andaman island consists of how many smallislands?
(A) 204(B)104
(C ) 72(D)68

83.Largest salt water lake in India : 
(A) Loktak(B)Sambar
(C ) Chilka(D)Dallake

84. Ranthambore national park located at:
(A) Mysore(B)Bhuvaneswar
(C ) Jaipur(D)UP

85.Deputy chairman of planning commission : 
(A) Montek sing ahluwalia(B)R.R. Rao
(C ) Narendramodi(D)Kapil Sipal

86.Objective of 12th five year plan : 
(A) Faster growth(B)Poverty eradication
(C ) Food production(D)Improvement of health

87.Who was known as "Prince of workers”? 
(A) Ambedkhar(B)Dadabai Naoroji
(C ) Gopal Krishna Gokhale(D)M.N. Roy

88.The year in which “Chauri choura" incident happened?
(A) 1922(B)1927
(C ) 1942(D)19461946

89.Which is the paper edited by Bal Gangadar Tilak9
(A) Common wheel(B)Sandya
(C ) Harijan(D)Kesari

90.The first national park in Kerala : 
(A) Periyar(B)Silent valley
(C ) Eravikulam(D)Parambikulam

91."Political father of Ezhavas” :
(A) Kumaranassan(B)Itti achutan
(C ) Dr. Palpu(D)Sree Narayana Guru

92.Founder of “Anandamaha Sabha" : 
(A) K. Kelappan(B)Chattampi Swamikal
(C ) Brahmananda Swami Siva Yogi(D)Mannathu Padmanabhan

93."Adukkalayilninum Arangathekku" a famous play waswritten by:
(A) Kovilan(B)V.T. Battathiripad
(C ) K.N. Panikkar(D)VKN

94.The birth place of Ayyankali:
(A) Venganoor(B)Kakkanad
(C ) Panmana(D)Iravipuram

95.The first president of Travancore Devaswam Board :
(A) Narayanapanikkar(B)Chattampi Swami
(C ) Mannathupadmanabhan(D)A.K. Gopalan

96.The winner of “Golden Boot” award in the FIFA world cup 2014 :
(A) Lionel Messi(B)Miroslav Kholse
(C ) Polpogba(D)James RodriguezJames Rodriguez

97.“Operation protective edge” is an on going military conflict between :
(A) Philiphines and China(B)Russia and Ukraine
(C ) Israel and Hamas(D)India and pakIndia and Pak

98.Present Railway budget introduce first bullet -train itconnect which corridor:
(A) Mumbai - Ahemedabad(B)Mumbai - Visakapattanum
(C ) Kandla - Gujarat(D)Kolkota - Midnapure

99.Ali hassan award 2014 goes to:
(A) V.S. Achudanandan(B)Gauri Amma
(C ) Vayalar Ravi(D)P.K. Sreemati

100.Present governor of Gujarat:
(A) OP Kohli(B)Sankara Narayan
(C ) S.K. Panth(D)Sheela Dikshit

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LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-GENERAL INSURANCE -kerala psc previous question paper - by anusree - 24-04-2017, 12:45 PM

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