
1.The World Health Day is celebrated on :
(A)April 1st(B)April 7th(C )April 17th(D)April 30th

2.The founder of modern nursing :
(A) Florence Nightingale(B) Faye C: Abdellah
(C )Imogene King(D)Betty Newman

3.Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of:
(A)Vitamin D(B)Vitamin C(C )Vitamin B(D)VitaminA

4.Tuberculosis is caused by :
(C.)Mycobacterium tuberculosis(D)Pneumococci

5.Infection transmitted between individuals infected with different pathogenic organisms is :
(C )Cross infection(D)Concurrent infection

6.The urine specific gravity is :
(A) 1.016 to 1.025(B)1.027 to 1.032(C )1.037 to 1.039(D) 1.041 to 1.049

7.Abnormal increase in the volume of urine is termed as :
(A)Dysuria(B)Anuria(C )Oliguria(D)Polyuria

8.The inflammation of middle ear is termed as :
(A)Otitis externa(B)Otitis media(C )Adenitis(D)Sinusitis

9. The term used to denote loss of appetite is :
(A) Alopecia(B) Anuria(C ) Anoxia(D)

10.The concentration of dettol used to disinfect thermometer is :
(A)1 : 20(B)1 : 40(C )1 : 80(D)

11.The microscope is invented by :
(A) Antony Van Leeuwenhock (C ) Louis joblot
(B) Louis Pasteur (D) Robert Koch

12.The smallest unit of an element is :
(A)Atom(B)Compound(C )Element(D)Mineral

13.The pH value of blood is:
(A)7.15 to7.25(B)7.30 to 7.35(C )7.35 to 7.45(D)7.55 to 7.65

14.The pace maker of the heart:
(A)AV node(B)Purkinje fibres(C )Bundle of His(D)SA node

15.The cardiac output in a healthy adult at rest :
(A)2 litres(B)3 litres(C )4 litres(D)5 litres

16.The largest organ in our body is :
(A)Brain(B)Skin(C )Liver(D)

17.Tine smallest unit of the body is :
(A)Tissue(B)Muscle(C )Cell(D)Relaxin

18.The solution used to detect sugar in the urine is :
(A) Benedict's reagent(B)Nitric acid
(C ) Liquor ammonia(D) Sodium nitroprusside

19.The hormone responsible for the secondary sex characteristics in females
(A)Progesterone(B)Oestrogen(C )Androgen(D)

20.The largest artery in human body :
(A) Cerebral artery(B)
(C ) Aorta(D)

21.One ml. contains :
(A)10 drops(B)15 drops(C )20 drops(D)Pulmonary artery Femoral artery-

22.The International Nurses day is celebrated on :
(A)May 1st(B)May 10th(C )May 12th(D)May 15th

23.The pigment responsible for skin colour :
(A)Arginine(B)Alanin(C )Methionin(D)

24.Inflammation of the tongue is termed as :
(A)Glossitis(B)Parotitis(C )Gingivitis(D)Stomatitis

25.Body building foods are :
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Fats
(C ) Proteins(D)Relaxin

26. The most effective method of disinfection :
(C )Use of hot airUse of hot air(D)AutoclavingAutoclaving

27.The cheapest source of vitamin A :
(A)Fish liver oil(B)Butter
(C )Egg(D)Green leafy vegetables

28.Which of the following is a water soluble vitamin ?
(A)VitaminB(B)Vitamin A(C )Vitamin D(D)Vitamin K

29.Which among the following is a live vaccine ?
(A)BCG(B)Cholera(C )Diphtheria(D)Tetanus

30.Which of the following communicable diseases is eradicated in India ?
(A)I B(B)Polio(C )Small pox(D)Filariasis

31.The World AIDS day is celebrated on :
(A)December lst(B)December 10th
(C )December 14th(D)December 31st

32.A sudden severe attack of shivering in which the body temperature rises rapidly to a stage of hyper pyrexia :
(A) Pyrexia(B) Rigor(C ) Swinging fever (D) Inverse fever

33.The number of pulse beats in a minute :
(A)Rhythm(B)Volume(C )Tension(D)Rate

34.Increased respiratory rate over 24 breaths per minute :
(A)Apnoea(B)Bradypnoea(C )Tachypnoea(D)Orthopnoea

35.The lack of oxygen in the tissues :
(A)Dyspnoea(B)Asphyxia(C )Anoxaemia(D)Anoxia

36.The instrument used to measure blood pressure is :
(A) Barometer (C ) Tonometer
(B) Sphygmomanometer (D) Audiometer

37. Total cessation of breathing is termed as :
(A) Apnoca(B) Hyperapnea (C ) Hupnea
(D) Bradypnca

38. The largest gland in the body :
(A) Thyroid(B) Liver
(C ) Pancreas(D) Parotid gland

39. Infancy is a period from :
(A) 0 - 1 year(B)1-3 years
(C )3-6 years (D)6-12 years

40.Cessation of menstruation is termed as :
(A)Menarche(B)Telarche(C )Menopause(D)Puberty

41.How many calories will be obtained from one gram fat ?
(A)4 calorics(B)12 calories(C.)9 calories(D)15 calories

42. The method of transfer of heat directly through a substance from hot part to the cold part, from one molecule to the other :
(A) Convection (B) Evaporation (C ) Radiation(D) Conduction

43. The formula to convert Fahrenheit scale to Celsius scale :
(A) C =  (F —32) x 5/9(B) C = (F + 32)x5/9
(C ) C = (F —32) x 9/5(l>) C - (F + 32) x 9/5

44.A sudden return to normal temperature from a very high temperature within a few hours or days :
(A)Crisis(B)Lysis(C )Decline(D)Fastigium

45.The normal range of pulse rate in an adult:
(A) 50 - 60/mt(B) 60 - 70/mt
(C ) 70 - 80/mt(D) 110 - 115/mt

46.The abnormal condition of the vertebral column characterized by increased convexity in the thoracic spine :
(A)Opisthotonus(B)Scoliosis(C )Lordosis(D)Kyphosis

47.The type of bed made for a client who cannot get out of the bed :
(A)Closed bed(B)Open bed(C )Cardiac bed(D)Occupied bed

48.An agent that inhibits the growth of bacteria :
(A)Bacterioride(B)Fomite(C )Bacteriostat(D)Antipyretic

49.The condition in which blood pressure is low associated with weakness or fainting when rises to an erect position :
(A)Hypotension(B)Postural hypotension
(C )Hypertension(D)Secondary hypertension

50.The state of complete physical, mental, social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity' is termed as :
(A)Illness(B)Health(C )Wellness(D)Equilibrium

51.The incubation period of measles :
(A)2 - 6 days(13)6 -10 day's
(C )10-14 days. (D)14 - 20 days

52. Koplik's spot is seen in :
(A) Measles(B) Mumps(C )Rubella(D)TetanusTetanus

53.German measles is also known as :
(A) Measles(B) Rubella(C )MumpsMumps(D)PolioPolio

54.Bordetella pertussis causes :
(A) Diphtheria(B)Influenza
(C ) Tetanus(D)Whooping coughWhooping cough

55.The test used in the diagnosis of TB :
(A) Hey's test(B) Rotheras test(C )Shick test(D)Mantoux test

56.The Vaccine used in the prevention of tuberculosis;
(A) BCG(B) DPT(C )TT(D)MMR Vaccine

57.Fertilizable life span of Oocyte :
(A) 6 to 12 hrs(B) 12 to 24 hrs(C )24 to 48 hrs24 to 48 hrs(D)48 to 72 hrs48 to 72 hrs

58.Fertilizable life span of sperm :
(A) 6-12 hrs(B) 12 - 24 hrs(C )24-48 hrs24 - 48 hrs(D)48-72 hrs48 - 72 hrs

59.Fertilization occurs in
(A) Fallopian tube(B) Ovary(C )Uterus(D)CervixCervix

60.Implantation of the fertilised ovum occurs inthe endometrium on :
(A) 4th day(B) 5th day(C )6th day(D)9th day

61.The endometrium during pregnancy is termed as :
(A)Inner cell mass(B)Chorion(C )Trophoblast(D)Decidua

62.The amniotic fluid volume reaches its peak at:
(A)36 - 38 weeks(B)34 - 36 weeks(C )28 - 34 weeks(D)26 - 28 weeks

63.The umbilical cord contains :
(A) One artery and two veins(B) 2 arteries
(C ) 2 arteries and one vein(D) 2 arteries and two veins

64.The average weight of a newborn in India :
(A)2 kg to 2.5 kg(B)2.5 kg to 3.5 kg(C )3.5 kg to 4 kg(D)4 kg to 4.5 kg

65.The weight of a uterus in the non pregnant state :
(A) 30 gm(B)40 gm(C ) 60 gm
(D) 70 gm

66.The net maternal weight gain during pregnancy :
(A) 6-8kg(B)8-10 kg(C ) 10-12 kg (D) 12-14 kg

67.The stage of labour which starts from the onset of true labour pain and ends with full dilatation of cervix :
(A) lst stage(B) 2nd stage(C ) 3rd stage(D) 4th stage

68.The vaginal discharge for the first fortnight during puerperium :
(A) Bleeding(B) Lochia(C ) Show(D) Menstruation

69.The process by which secondary oocyte is released from the ovary following rupture of a mature Graafian follicle is termed as :
(A) Oogenesis (B) Spermatogenesis (C ) Menstruation (D) Ovulation

70.The blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood from placenta to the fetus :
(A)Uterine artery(B)Hypogastric artery
(C )Umbilical artery(D)Umbilical vein

71.The weight of placenta at term :
(A)200 gm(B)500 gm(C )900 gm (D) 1000 gm

72.The blood group termed as universal donor is :
(A)A group(B)B group(C )O group (D) AB group

73.The normal random blood sugar level is :
(A)160 - 180 mg%(B)140 - 160mg%(C )120-140mg% (D) 80 - 120 mg%

74.Who discovered the bacillus of tuberculosis ?
(A)Louis Pasteur(B)Neisser(C )(D) Hansen

75.Bacteria that are spherical or oval in shape :
(A)Cocci (B)Bacilli (C )Vibrio (D) Spirilla

76.Cross infections occuring in hospitals are called :
(A)Focal infection(B)Nosocomial infection
(C )Endogenous infection(D)Exogenous infection

77.A person who harbours the pathogen but has never suffered from the disease caused by the pathogen :
(A)Healthy carrier(B)Convalescent carrier
(C )Chronic carrier(D)Contact carrier

78.Pathogens cross the placental barrier and infect the fetus in uterus :
(A) Ingestion(B)Vertical transmission
(C ) Iatrogenic infection(D)Inoculation

79.The resistance to infections which an individual possesses by virtue of his genetic and constitutional make up :
(A) Acquired immunity(B)Active immunity
(C ) Innate immunity(D)Passive immunity

80.Which among the following is a permanent method of family planning ?
(A)Condom(B)Copper T(C )Lippes Loop(D)Tubectomy

81.Who declared Temple entry Proclamation in Travancore ?
(A)Sri Mulam Tirunal Balarama Varma
(B)Sri Karthika Tirunal Balarama Varma
(C )Sri Vishakam Tirunal Balarama Varma
(D)Sri Chithira Tirunal Balarama Varma

82.The traditional dance form of Kerala which was recognized by UNESCO :
(A)Mudiyettu(B)Theyyam(C )Padayani(D)Koodiyattam

83.The last Hindu King who ruled India before the advent of Muslim rule :
(A) Samudragupt(B)Kanishka
(C ) Chandragupt(D)Prithviraj Chauhan

84."Mamamkam" is celebrated in Kerala once in every :
(A)8 years(B)6 years(C )12 years(D)28 years

85.The National Movement of India which became popular during the First World War :
(A)Khilafat movement(B)Civil Disobedience movement
(C )Salt satyagraha(D)Home Rule movement
(C )825 A.D.
(D) 725 A.D

86.Malayalam Era started in which year ?
(A)623 A.D.(B)925 A.D.

87."Nivarthana Agitation" started in the year :
(A)1930(B)1932(C )1931(D)1928

88.Nalanda University was established in the reign of :
(A)Samudra gupta(B)Chandragupta-1
(C )Kumaragupta(D)Chandragupta-11

89.'Atingal revolt' was against which of the Foreign Country ?
(A)Portuguese(B)British(C )Dutch(D)French

90.Who lead the First war of independence in Kanpur ?
(A)Nana Saheb(B)Rani Lakshmi Bai
(C ) Tantia Tope(D) Bahadur Shah- 11th

91.The 'Aikya Kerala' convention was held at Trichur in 1947 under the Presidentship of:
(A)K.P. Kesavamenon(B)C. Kesavan
(C )K. Kelappan(D)P. Govida Menon

92.Gandhiji held the first Satyagraha in India at Champaran which belongs to the state of:
(A)Maharashtra(B)Orissa(C )Gujarat(D)Bihar

93.Who was the author of 'Treatment of Thiyyas in Travancore' ?
(A) Dr. Palppu (B) G.K. Pilia(C ) T.K. Madhavan (D) Dr. A. Gopalan

94.'Hindustan Republican Army' was established by :
(A) Sachin Sanyal(B) Ram Prasad Bismal
(C )Surya Sen(D)Raj Guru

95.'Kallada Hydro Electric Project' belongs to which district ?
(A)Kollam(B)Pathanamthitta(C )Thrissur(D)Kannur

96.The age of Moderate in Indian Freedom struggle was :
(A)1890-1910(B)1885-1905(C )1900-1910(D)1909-1919

97.'Swaraj' as goal of Congress was declared in 1905 at which congress session ?
(A)Banaras(B)Surat(C )Calcutta(D)Bombay

98.Why did Gandhiji start satyagraha in 1919 ?
(A)To protest against Minto-Morley reforms
(B)To protest against Rowlatt act
(C )To protest against Communal award
(D)To protest against Salt Satyagraha

99.The British Officer Rand was killed by :
(A) Chepekar Brothers(B) Sayyad Brothers
(C ) Chandrashekhar Azad(D) Ras Bihari Ghosh

100.Who was lathi charged while protesting against Simon Commission and died later ?
(A)Bal Gangadhar Tilak(B) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C )Gopal Krishna Gokhale(D) Bipin Chandra Pal

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