JUNIOR kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.“Brewers Dried Yeast" is a by-product of:—— industry.
(A) Meat
(C )Poultry

2.Surfactants may act asin food. 
(A) Thickening agent
(C ) Stabilizer

3.Main Reason behind packaging bread in plastic : 
(A) To maintain airflow
(B)To prevent drying out
(C ) For good appearance
(D)To improve consumer safety

4.Vitamin K2also known as :
(A) Menaquinine
(C ) Naphthoquinone

5.The enzymatic browning is due to the oxidation of phenols to:
(A) Phenolase
(C ) Orthoquinones

6.Phenylthiocarbamide is related to :
(A) Colour
(B)Texture .
(C ) Odour

7.Chicory is made out of:
(A) Coffee beans.
(B)Cichorium Intybus
(C ) Roots of coffee

8.Expand HFCS: 
(A) High Fructose Corn Sugar
(B)High Fructose Cane Sugar
(C ) High Fructose Corn Syrups
(D)High Fructose Cane Syrup

9. Food product prototype is the important step in :
(A) Food processing
(B)Food preservation
(C ) NPD

10.Sensory evaluation is related to :
(A) Composition
(C ) Nutrient content

11.The process which gelatinized starch get converted liquid to.gel is called as :
(A) Gelatinization
(C ) Retrogradation
(D)Gel formation

12.Which one is an emulsion? *,
(A) Mayonnaise
(C ) Cake

13.Moule heating’ is also known as :
(AX Pulsed electric heating
(B)High pressure technology
(C ) Microwave heating
(D)Ohmic heating

14.Citrus sinensis is the scientific name of:
(A) Lime
(B)’Sweet orange
(C ) Grape fruit

15.High dose of ethylene leads to:
(A) Ripening of fruit
(B)Improved texture
(C ) Increases shelf life of product

16.----------is a metabolic process in which carbohydrate and related compounds are oxidised
with release of energy.
(C )Rancidity

17. The principal acid present in apple :
(A) Citric acid
(B)Tartaric add
(C ) Malic acid
(D)Oxalic acid

18.The anti-staling agent used in bread making :
(A) Cilycerolipids
(B)Fatty alcohol
(C ) Sulphur di oxide
(D)Sodium hi carbonate

19.The enzyme present in pineapple :
(A) Papain
(C ) Peptidase

20.Bleaching agent used in the manufacture of wheat flour :
(A) Potassium dichromate
(C ) Acetone peroxide

21.Macaroni is made out of:
(A) Rice
(C ) Corn

22.TVP is made from :.
(A) Soy
(C ) Bengal gram
(D)Cow pea

28.What is the packaging technique used for fresh or minimally processed foods?
(A) Vacuum packaging
(B)Asceptic packaging
(C ) MAP
(D)Active packaging

24.The pungent principle in chillies is due to an alkaloid called :
(A) Cathepsin
(C ) Capsazepine

25.are those in which the content has been modified from the standard
(A) Modified eggs
(B)GM eggs
(C ) Designer eggs
(D)Organic eggs

26. Agoing temperature of meat:
(A) 0.50- 20C
(B)0.50 - 5°C
(C ) -2°C - -30C

27.Pearl Essence is a by-product of:
(A) Egg
(C ) Fish

28.What in acidulants?.
(A) Emulsifier
(C ) Additive

29.“Barrier technology” is also known as :
(A) Canning technology
(B)Hurdle technology
(D)High pressure technology

30.Example of marinade ’:-
(A) Vinegar
(C ) Nitrites
(D)Calcium Ascorbate

31.Consumption of inadequately preserved and improperly refrigerated fish causes :
(A) Ciguatera fish poisoning
(B)Histamine fish poisoning
(C ) Amnesic poisoning
(D)Shellfish poisoning

32.Expand AFD:
(A) Accelerated Fish Drying
(B)Accelerated Force Drying
(C ) Accelerated Freeze Drying
(D)Accelerated Frequency Drying

33.'Winterisation' is related to:•
(A) Oils
(C ) Cereals

34.WMP stand for:'
(A) Whole Milk Process
(B)Whole Milk Powder
(C ) White Milk Powder
(D)Whole Milk Pasteuriser

35. The process of separation of proteins, gums, phospholipids etc from the oil refining process is called as:
(A) Clarification
(C ) Degumming

36.Viruses that can infect bacteria are called : 
(A) Bacteriophage
(C ) Bacterivore

37.Gas produced during fermentation :
(A) NO2
(C ) CO2

38.Favism is caused by:-
(A) Broad beans
(B)Cow pea
(C ) Mung bean

39.HPLC stand for:
(A)High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
(B)High Performance Liquid Chromatography
(C )High Pressure Line Chromatography
(D)High Potential Liquid Chromatography

40.. The device helps to detect the odour and flavour of food sample :
(A)Electronic nose
(B)Electronic detector
(C )Electronic odour separator.
(D)Electronic analyser

41.What is the use of enrober in food industry?
(A)Protects from hazards
(C )Additive. 
(D)To coat a food item with another

42.MPN stand for:•
(A)Most Probable Number
(B)Multi Probable Number
(C )Maximum Probable Number
(D)Minimum Probable Number

43.Phosphatase test is used in the analysis of:
(A)Water (C ) Milk
(B) Tea (D) Juice

44.Chinese Restaurant Syndrome is associated with :
(C )Lutein

45.What is the reason for blanching vegetables prior to freezing?
(A)To maintaincolour
(B)To denature enzymes
(C )To improve texture
(D)To prevent microbial activity'

46.Homofermenter bacteria converts carbohydrate to:
(A) Acetic acid 
(B) Hydrochloric acid 
(C ) Ethyl alcohol
(D) Lactic acid

47.In which year the FSSAI act came into effect?
(C )2006

48.The enzyme used in the coagulation of milk :
(A) Chymosin
(B) Phospholipase 
(C ) Amylase
(D) Xylanase

49.Central AGMARK Laboratory situated in :
(A) Mysore 
(B) Pune 
(C ) Nagpur
(D) Hyderabad

50.Green vegetables subjected to heat processing and storage turn from bright green to dull olive brown colour due to the conversion of chlorophyll to :
(A). Phytol
(B) Polyphenols
(C ) Pheophytins
(D) Malvidin

51. Mesophilic bacteria lives at a temperature of:
(A)0o C
(C ) 0-7oC

52.MFPO stand for:
(A) Meat Food Product Order
(B)Milk Food Product Order
(C ) Meat Fruit Product Order
(D)Meat Food Prevention Order

53.Percentage of fat present in cow milk :
(A) 3%
(C ) 5%

54.Liver sausage is an example for :
(A) Cooked sausage
(B)Dry sausage
(C ) Fresh sausage 
(D)Raw sausage

55.Temperature-time combination of HTST pasteurisation :
(A) 72°C for 15 min
(B)76°C for 15 min
(C ) 82°C for 15 min
(D)75°C for 20 min

56.The study of fungi is called as :
(A) Mycology
(C ) Protistology

57.The colouring matter used in the butter making process :
(A) Caramel
(C ) Annatto

58.The preservation technique using radiation is also known as :
(A) Uperization
(B)Cold sterilization
(C ) Dry sterilization .
(D)Heat sterilization

59.Basidiomycetes fungi are commonly known as :
(A) Fungi imperfecti
(B)Sac fungi
(C ) Club fungi
(D)Conjugation fungi

60. The inability to digest the sugar found in milk leads to
. (A)Protein intolerance
(B)Sucrose intolerance
(C )Food intolerance
(D)Latose intolerance

61.Eukaryotic bacteria do not contains :
(C )Ribosome

62.The main photosynthetic pigment of spirulina :
(A)Polyene enolates

63.Specific gravity of milk :
(C )1.050- 1.052

64.MSG is used as:
(A)Flavour enhancer
(B)Thickening agent
(C )Colour enhancer

65.Lathyrism is caused by :
(A)Grass pea
(B)Pea nut
(C )Bengal gram
(D)Green peas

66.is a micronutrient
(A) Flourine
(C )Phosphorous

67.Tannins are also called as :
(B)Gallotannic acid
(C )Anthraquinone'
(D)Tartaric acid

68. The deficiency disorder caused by protein :
(A) Scurvy
(C ) Kwashiorker
(D)Night blindness

69.Which packaging material has less chance to decompose?
(A) Steel
(C ) Aluminium
(D)Waxed cardboard

70.Vacreation refers to:•
(A) Vacuum sterilization
(B)Vacuum packaging
(C ) Vacuum pasteurization
(D)Vacuum creation

71.Freon 12 is used as :
(A) Stabilizer
(C ) Preservative

72.The complete active enzyme, consisting of both the protein and the cofactor, is called :
(A) Holoenzyme
(B)Mobilized enzyme
(C ) Immobilized enzyme
(D)Sumo enzyme

78.Aflatoxins are produces by:
(A) Rhizopus
(C ) Aspergillus flavus

74.Time-temperature combination for Thermization:
(A) 63-65°C for 15 sec
(B)65-67°C for 20 sec
(C ) 70-75°C for 15 sec
(D)72oC for 15 sec.

75.How much percentage of lactic starter is added in cultured buttermilk?
(A) 2%
(C ) 1%

76.What is SWMA?
(A) Solid Waste Management Act
(B)Solid Water Management Act
(C ) State Waste Management Act
(D)State Water Management Act

77. Organisms grow at refrigeration temperature is called as :
(A) Mesophilic Bacteria
(B)Thermophilic Bacteria
(C ) Psychrophilic Bacteria
(D)Halophile Bacteria

78.Salinometer is used to measure :
(A) Specific gravity
(B)Sugar content
(C ) Salt content
(D)Water content

79.Citrus fruits are rich invitamin.
(A) Vitamin C
(B)Vitamin D
(C ) Vitamin A

80.Sauerkraut is made out of:.
(A) Beet Root
(C ) Cabbage

81.Which one of the following Indian rivers forms an estuary?
(A) Mahanadi
(C ) Kavery

82.The Bodo language is spoken in which of the following States of India :
(A) Mizoram
(C ) Assam
(B)Arunachal Pradesh

83.Which type of soil is used for plantations  of Tea, Coffee, Spices and fruits? .
(A) Black soil
(B)Laterite soil
(C ) Peaty soil
(D)Forest soil

84.The State with highest population growth rateas per2011 census:
(A) Manipur
(C ) Meghalaya
(D)Madhya Pradesh

85.’Garibi hatao' is the slogan of:
(A) Second Five Year Plan
(B)Third Five Year Plan
(C ) Fourth Five Year Plan
(D)Fifth Five Year Plan

86. 'Annapurna' scheme started by the Govt, in 1999-2000 is to provide :
(A) Better education to women
(B) Food to senior citizens
(C ) Lunch to school children
(D) Employment programme

87.Rani Gaidiliu is associated with :
(A)Civil Disobedience Movement
(B)Non Co-operation movement
(C )Quit-India Movement
(D)Swadeshi Movement

88.In which session of Indian National Congress Tri-colour flag was accepted as the official flag of congress:
(C )Madras

89.All Indian Kisan Sabha (AIKS)wasformed in the year :
(C )1932

90.Which Act passed by the British Govt, introduced provincial autonomy?
(A)Minto-Morley Reform Act of 1909
(B)Montague-ChelmsfordReform Act of 1919
(C )Govt, of India Act of 1935
(D)Indian Independence Act of 1947

91.When Quit India movement was launched who was the President of Indian National Congress?
(A)Abul Kalam Azad
(B)J.B. Kripalani
(C )Rajendra Prasad

92.The committee enquired and submitted its report of IPL spot fixing scandal:
(A)Ram Pradhan Committee
(B)Justice Mudgal Committee
(C )Varadharajan Committee
(D)Kirit ParikhCommittee

93.Which film won the Oscar Award for the best film for 2014?
(A) Gravity.
(B) Dallas Buyers Club
(C )12 years a slave

94.Which film star was selected by the Election Commission as its National Icon for the Lok Sabha elections in 2014?
0(A) Aamir Khan
(B)Shahrukh khan
(C )  Salman Khan
(D)Faisal Khan

95.Who built St. Angelo Fort at Kannur?
(A) The British
(B)The Portuguese
(C ) The Dutch
(D)The French

96.Gabriel Garcia Marquez was awarded Nobel Prize for his work :
(A) Love in the time of Cholara
(B)The Autumn of Patriarch
(C ) In Evil Hour
(D)One Hundred Years of Solitude

97.The last temple consecrated by Sree Narayana Guru is:
(A) Kalavan Kode
(C ) Aruvippuram. 

98.'Moksha Pradeepam' is the work of:
(A)Vaikunda Swamikal
(C )Kumaranasan
(D)Brahmananda Sivayogi

99.Whose Autobiography is 'Ente Jeevitha-Smaranakal?
(A)K. Kelappan
(B)Mannathu Padmanaphan
(C )A.K. Gopalan
(D)Dr. Palpu

100.Who organized Villuvandi Strike in 1893?
(A)V.T. Bhattathirippad
(C )Thycaud Ayya

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JUNIOR kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 22-04-2017, 04:29 PM

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