Blue eyes (Download Full Report And Abstract)
presented by:
Amit Kumar(07)

Blue eye technology
( blue eyes –Human operator monitoring system )

Human error - a frequent reason of catastrophes and ecological disasters
What is blue eye technology ?
The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings.
How can we make computers “see” and “feel” ?
Blue eyes uses sensing technology to identify a user’s actions and to extract key information.
Information is then analyzed to determine the user’s physical ,emotional ,or informational state.
What is BlueEyes ?
The complex solution for human-operator monitoring:
Visual attention monitoring
Physiological condition
Operator’s position detection
Wireless data acquisition using bluetooth
Real time user defined alarm triggering
Recorded data playback
What is BlueEyes not?
Doesn’t predict nor interfere with operator’s thoughts
Cannot force directly the operator to work
Applications of BlueEyes
Generic control rooms
(System can be applied in every working environment
requiring permanent operator’s attention)
Power station
Captain bridge
Flight control centers
Operating theatres – anesthesiologists
BlueEyes - benefits
Implementation and engineering considerations
-THREE groups of users
OPERATOR -a person whose physiological parameters are supervised
- authorization in the system
- receiving alerts
SUPERVISOR – a person responsible for analyzing operator’s
condition and performance.
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS- maintains the system
deliver tools for adding
- new operator’s to the database
- defining alarm conditions
- configuring logging tools
- creating new analyzer modules
A personal area network for linking all the operators and the supervising system
Two major units
DAU (data acquisition unit )
CSU (central system unit )
System overview
The eye movement sensor
Off-shelf eye movement sensor – Jazz multisensor
Supplies raw digital data regarding
Eye position
Level of blood oxygenation
Acceleration along horizontal and vertical axes
Ambient light intensity
Jazz multisensor
The DAU consists of the following components
ATMEL 8952 microcontroller
BLUE TOOTH MODULE – supports synchronous voice data transmission
PCM CODEC –used to transmit operator’s voice and central system sound feedback
UART –communication between bluetooth module and microcontroller (115200 bps)
MAX232 –level shifter
LED indicators
ID CARD interface
DAU - components
Microcontroller & blue tooth module
Implementation - DAU
DAU - features
Runs on batteries - low power consumption
Easy to use - does not disturb the operator working
ID cards for operator authorization
Voice transmission using hardware PCM codec
CSU - features
CSU – components
CONNECTION MANAGER – main task to perform low-level blue tooth communication
DATA ANALYSIS MODULE – performs the analysis of the raw sensor data in order to obtain information about operator’s physiological condition
DATA LOGGER MODULE – provides support for storing the monitored data.
VISULAIZATION MODULE – provides user interface for the supervisors
CSU - Visualization Module
Data security
Only registered mobile devices can connect to the system
Bluetooth connection authentication
Bluetooth connection encryption
Access rights restrictions
Personal and physiological data encryption
IBM research
sensors in the mouse ,sense the physiological attributes which are correlated to emotions using correlation model
-by simply touching the mouse ,the computer will be able to determine a person’s emotional state.
BLUE EYE enabled TELEVISION – could become active when the user makes an eye contact.
In the near future ,ordinary household devices- such as television , refrigerators ,ovens may be able to do their jobs when we look at them and speak to them.
Future applications of blue eye technology is limitless
hgfcgvguoggfgugtyrfuygjgtuofygbiblue eyes:Big Grin
presented by:

Human error is still one of the most frequent causes of catastrophes and ecological disasters. The main reason is that the monitoring systems concern only the state of the processes whereas human contribution to the overall performance of the system is left unsupervised. Since the control instruments are automated to a large extent, a human – operator becomes a passive observer of the supervised system, which results in weariness and vigilance drop. Thus, he may not notice important changes of indications causing financial or ecological consequences and a threat to human life. It therefore is crucial to assure that the operator’s conscious brain is involved in an active system supervising over the whole work time period.
BlueEyes system provides technical means for monitoring and recording the operator’s basic physiological parameters. Computers would be much more powerful if they had a small fraction of the perceptual ability of humans. Adding such perceptual abilities to computers would enable computers and humans to work together more as partners. Imagine yourself in a world where humans interact with computers. You are sitting in front of your personal computer that can listen, talk, or even scream aloud. It has the ability to gather information about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. It can even understand your emotions at the touch of the mouse. It verifies your identity, feels your presence, and starts interacting with you .You ask the computer to dial to your friend at his office. It realizes the urgency of the situation through the mouse, dials your friend at his office, and establishes a connection. Blue Eyes uses sensing technology to identify a user's actions and to extract key information. This information is then analyzed to determine the user's physical, emotional, or informational state, which in turn can be used to help make the user more productive by performing expected actions or by providing expected information realize his physical or emotional states that people take for granted .
Blue eyes system monitors the status of the operator’s visual attention through measurement of saccadic activity. The system checks parameters like heart beat rate and blood oxygenation against abnormal and triggers user defined alarms. BlueEyes system consists of a mobile measuring device and a central analytical system. The mobile device is integrated with Bluetooth module providing wireless interface between sensors worn by the operator and the central unit. ID cards assigned to each of the operators and adequate user profiles on the central unit side provide necessary data personalization.
The system consists of
• Mobile measuring device (DAU)
• Central System Unit (CSU)
The tasks of the mobile Data Acquisition Unit are to maintain Bluetooth connections, to get information from the sensor and sending it over the wireless connection, to deliver the alarm messages sent from the Central System Unit to the operator and handle personalized ID cards. Central System Unit maintains the otherside of the Bluetooth connection, buffers incoming sensor data, performs on-line data analysis, records the conclusions for further exploration and provides visualization interface.
One proposed, non-invasive method for gaining user information through touch is via a computer input device, the mouse. This then allows the user to relate the cardiac rhythm, the body temperature, electrical conductivity of the skin and other physiological attributes with the mood. This has led to the creation of the “Emotion Mouse”. The device can measure heart rate, temperature, galvanic skin response and minute bodily movements and matches them with six emotional states: happiness, surprise, anger, fear, sadness and disgust. The mouse includes a set of sensors, including infrared detectors and temperature-sensitive chips. These components, User researchers’ stress, will also be crafted into other commonly used items such as the office chair, the steering wheel, the keyboard and the phone handle. Integrating the system into the steering wheel, for instance, could allow an alert to be sounded when a driver becomes drowsy.
Emotional mouse
The mouse developed in order to evaluate the user’s emotion such as anger, fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, surprise, etc when we use a computer.
• Measure the physical and physiological data without user¡¯s perception or obstruction as much as possible
Data acquisition system to get the analog data from several sensors.
Behavioral information
• Mouse movements
• Button click frequency
• Finger pressure when a user presses his/her button
Physiological information
• Heart rate ( Electrocardiogram ,Photoplethysmogram )
• Skin temperature (Thermester)
• Skin electricity (Galvanic skin response, GSR)
• Electromyographic activity (Electromyogram, MG)

Prepared by
Rajeev Yadav

Blue eye technology
What is blue eye technology ?

 The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings.
 How can we make computers “see” and “feel” ?
 Blue eyes uses sensing technology to identify a user’s actions and to extract key information.
 Information is then analyzed to determine the user’s physical, emotional, or informational state.
What is BlueEyes ?
 The complex solution for human-operator monitoring:
– Visual attention monitoring
– Physiological condition
– Operator’s position detection
– Wireless data acquisition using bluetooth
– Recorded data playback
 Designing
 A personal area network for linking all the operators and the supervising system
 Two major units
- DAU (data acquisition unit )
- CSU (central system unit )
System overview
DAU - components
DAU - features

 Lightweight
 Runs on batteries - low power consumption
 Easy to use - does not disturb the operator working
 ID cards for operator authorization
 Voice transmission using hardware PCM codec
CSU – components
 CONNECTION MANAGER – main task to perform low-level blue tooth communication
 DATA ANALYSIS MODULE – performs the analysis of the raw sensor data in order to obtain information about operator’s physiological condition
 DATA LOGGER MODULE – provides support for storing the monitored data.
 VISULAIZATION MODULE – provides user interface for the supervisors
CSU - features
 Data security
 Only registered mobile devices
can connect to the system
 Bluetooth connection authentication
 Access rights restrictions
 Personal and physiological data encryption
Current Developments
 MAGIC pointing
Becomes active when the user makes an eye contact and automatically detect users area of interest and start searching it.
 In the near future, ordinary household devices- such as television, refrigerators, ovens may be able to do their jobs when we look at them and speak to them.
 Future applications of blue eye technology is limitless
[font=Times New Roman][size=xx-small][color=#FF1493]SmileSmile
Darshan K R


Imagine yourself in a world where humans interact with computers. You are sitting in front of your personal computer that can listen, talk, or even scream aloud. It has the ability to gather information about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. It can even understand your emotions at the touch of the mouse. It verifies your identity, feels your presence, and starts interacting with you .You ask the computer to dial to your friend at his office. It realizes the urgency of the situation through the mouse, dials your friend at his office, and establishes a connection.
The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings. It uses non-obtrusive sensing method, employing most modern video cameras and microphones to identify the users’ actions through the use of imparted sensory abilities. The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking at, and even realize his physical or emotional states. The six basic emotions are anger, fear, sadness, disgust, joy and surprise.
A correlation between a person’s emotional state and a person’s physiological measurements. (Using Wilks’ Lambda test)
Manual and gaze input cascaded (MAGIC) pointing: This work explores a new direction in utilizing eye gaze for computer input. Gaze tracking has long been considered as an alternative or potentially superior pointing method for computer input. THE IBM ALMADEN EYE TRACKER is used for gaze tracking.
 Reduction of manual stress and fatigue
 A more natural mental model for the user
 Practical accuracy level.
 Speed
 Improved subjective speed and ease-of-use.

BlueEyes system provides technical means for monitoring and recording the operator’s basic physiological parameters. The most important parameter is saccadic activity1, which enables the system to monitor the status of the operator’s visual attention along with head acceleration, which accompanies large displacement of the visual axis (saccades larger than 15 degrees). Complex industrial environment can create a danger of exposing the operator to toxic substances, which can affect his cardiac, circulatory and pulmonary systems. Thus, on the grounds of plethysmographic signal taken from the forehead skin surface, the system computes heart beat rate and blood oxygenation.
The BlueEyes system checks above parameters against abnormal (e.g. a low level of blood oxygenation or a high pulse rate) or undesirable (e.g. a longer period of lowered visual attention) values and triggers user-defined alarms when necessary. Quite often in an emergency situation operator speak to themselves expressing their surprise or stating verbally the problem. Therefore, the operator’s voice, physiological parameters and an overall view of the operating room are recorded. This helps to reconstruct the course of operators’ work and provides data for long-term analysis.
BlueEyes consists of a mobile measuring device and a central analytical system. The mobile device is integrated with Bluetooth module providing wireless interface between sensors worn by the operator and the central unit. ID cards assigned to each of the operators and adequate user profiles on the central unit side provide necessary data personalization so different people can use a single mobile device (called hereafter DAU – Data Acquisition Unit). The overall system diagram is shown in Figure 1. The tasks of the mobile Data Acquisition Unit are to maintain Bluetooth connections, to get information from the sensor and sending it over the wireless connection,
1 Saccades are rapid eye jumps to new locations within a visual environment assigned predominantly by the conscious attention process.
to deliver the alarm messages sent from the Central System Unit to the operator and handle personalized ID cards. Central System Unit maintains the other side of the Bluetooth connection, buffers incoming sensor data, performs on-line data analysis, records the conclusions for further exploration and provides visualization interface.
The task of the mobile Data Acquisition Unit are to maintain Bluetooth connection, to get information from the sensor and sending it over the wireless connection ,to deliver the alarm messages sent from the Central System Unit to the operator and handle personalized ID cards. Central System Unit maintains the other side of the Bluetooth connection, buffers incoming sensor data, performs on-line data analysis, records the conclusion for further exploration and provides visualization interface.
The portable nature of the mobile unit results in a number of performance requirements. As the device is intended to run on batteries, low power consumption is the most important constraint. Moreover, it is necessary to assure proper timing while receiving and transmitting sensor signals. To make the operation comfortable the device should be lightweight and electrically safe. Finally the use of standard and inexpensive IC’s will keep the price of the device at relatively low level.
The priority of the central unit is to provide real-time buffering and incoming sensor signals and semi-real-time processing of the data, which requires speed-optimizes filtering and reasoning algorithms. Moreover, the design should assure the possibility of distributing the processing among two or more central unit nodes (e.g. to offload the database system related tasks to a dedicated server).
In creating the BlueEyes system a waterfall software development model was used since it is suitable for unrepeatable and explorative projects. During the course of the development UML standard notations were used. They facilitate communication between team members, all the ideas are clearly expressed by means of various diagrams, which is a sound base for further development.
The results of the functional design phase were documented on use case diagrams. During the low-level design stage the whole systems was divided into five main modules. Each of them has an independent, well-defined functional interface providing precise description of the services offered to the other modules. All the interfaces are documented on UML class, interaction and state diagrams. At this point each of the modules can be assigned to a team member, implemented and tested in parallel. The last stage of the project is the integrated system testing.
The unique feature of our system relies on the possibility of monitoring the operator’s higher brain functions involved in the acquisition of the information from the visual environment. The wireless page link between the sensors worn by the operator and the supervising system offers new approach to system overall reliability and safety. This gives a possibility to design a supervising module whose role is to assure the proper quality of the system performance. The new possibilities can cover such areas as industry, transportation (by air, by road and by sea), military command centers or operating theaters (anesthesiologists).
During the functional design phase we used UML standard use case notation, which shows the functions the system offers to particular users. BlueEyes has three groups of users: operators, supervisors and system administrators. Operator is a person whose physiological parameters are supervised. The operator wears the DAU. The only functions offered to that user are authorization in the system and receiving alarm alerts. Such limited functionality assures the device does not disturb the work of the operator (Fig. 2).
Authorization – the function is used when the operator’s duty starts. After inserting his personal ID card into the mobile device and entering proper PIN code the device will start listening for incoming Bluetooth connections. Once the connection has been established and authorization process has succeeded (the PIN code is correct) central system starts monitoring the operator’s physiological parameters. The authorization process shall be repeated after reinserting the ID card. It is not, however, required on reestablishing Bluetooth connection.
Receiving alerts – the function supplies the operator with the information about the most important alerts regarding his or his co-workers’ condition and mobile device state (e.g. connection lost, battery low). Alarms are signaled by using a beeper, earphone providing central system sound feedback and a small alphanumeric LCD display, which shows more detailed information.
Supervisor is a person responsible for analyzing operators’ condition and performance. The supervisor receives tools for inspecting present values of the parameters (On-line browsing) as well as browsing the results of long-term analysis (Off-line browsing).
Thumbs Up 
Its great..............keep it up
Imagine yourself in a world where humans interact with computers. You are sitting in front of your PC that can listen, talk or even scream aloud. It has the ability to gather information about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. It can even understand your emotions at the touch of the mouse. It verifies your identity, feels your presence and starts interacting with you. You ask the computer to dial to your friend at his office. It realizes the urgency of the situation through the mouse, dials your friend at his office, and establishes a connection.
BLUE EYES is the name of a human recognition venture initiated by IBM to allow people to interact with computers in a more natural manner. The technology aims to enable devices to recognize and use natural input, such as facial expressions. The initial developments of this project include scroll mice and other input devices that sense the user's pulse, monitor his or her facial expressions, and the movement of his or her eyelids.
The BlueEyes technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings. It uses non-obtrusive sensing method, employing most modern video cameras in microphones to identify the user’s actions through the use of imparted sensory abilities.
BlueEyes uses sensing technology to identify a user's actions and to extract key information. This information is then analyzed to determine the user's physical, emotional, or informational state, which in turn can be used to help make the user more productive by performing expected actions or by providing expected information. For example, a BlueEyes-enabled television could become active when the user makes eye contact, at which point the user could then tell the television to "turn on".
WHY IT’S NAMED ‘BLUE EYES’ : Blue Eyes emphasizes – Bluetooth technology and the movements of the eyes. Bluetooth provides reliable wireless communication whereas the eye movements enable us to obtain a lot of interesting and important information.
1. Visual attention monitoring (eye motility analysis).
2. Physiological condition monitoring (pulse rate, blood oxygenation).
3. Operator’s position detection (standing, lying).
4. Wireless data acquisition using Bluetooth technology.
5. Real-time user-defined alarm triggering.
6. Physiological data, operator’s voice and overall view of the control room recording recorder data playback.
The major parts in the Blue eye system are Data Acquisition Unit and Central System Unit. The tasks of the mobile Data Acquisition Unit are to maintain Bluetooth connections, to get information from the sensor and sending it over the wireless connection, to deliver the alarm messages sent from the Central System Unit to the operator and handle personalized ID cards. Central System Unit maintains the other side of Bluetooth connection, buffers incoming sensor data, performs on-line data analysis, records the conclusions for further exploration and provides visualization interface.
One goal of human computer interaction (HCI) is to make an adaptive, smart computer system. This type of project could possibly include gesture recognition, facial recognition, eye tracking, speech recognition, etc. Another non-invasive way to obtain information about a person is through touch. People use their computers to obtain, store and manipulate data using their computer. In order to start creating smart computers, the computer must start gaining information about the user. Our proposed method for gaining user information through touch is via a computer input device, the mouse. From the physiological data obtained from the user, an emotional state may be determined which would then be related to the task the user is currently doing on the computer. 1. What is emotional mouse?
The mouse developed in order to evaluate the users¡¯ emotion such as anger, fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, surprise, etc when we use a computer.
• Measure the physical and physiological data without user¡¯s perception or obstruction as much as possible
• Data acquisition system to get the analog data from several sensors.
1. Behavior
o Mouse movements
o Button click frequency
o Finger pressure when a user presses his/her button
2. Physiological information
o Heart rate ( Electrocardiogram(ECG/EKG), Photoplethysmogram(PPG) )
o Skin temperature (Thermester)
o Skin electricity (Galvanic skin response, GSR)
o Electromyographic activity (Electromyogram, MG)
This work explores a new direction in utilizing eye gaze for computer input. Gaze tracking has long been considered as an alternative or potentially superior pointing method for computer input. We believe that many fundamental limitations exist with traditional gaze pointing. In particular, it is unnatural to overload a perceptual channel such as vision with a motor control task. We therefore propose an alternative approach, dubbed MAGIC (Manual And Gaze Input Cascaded) pointing. With such an approach, pointing appears to the user to be a manual task, used for fine manipulation and selection. However, a large portion of the cursor movement is eliminated by warping the cursor to the eye gaze area, which encompasses the target.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT SPEECH RECOGNITION: It is important to consider the environment in which the speech recognition system has to work. The grammar used by the speaker and accepted by the system, noise level, noise type, position of the microphone, and speed and manner of the user’s speech are some factors that may affect the quality of speech recognition .When you dial the telephone number of a big company, you are likely to hear the sonorous voice of a cultured lady who responds to your call with great courtesy saying “Welcome to company X. Please give me the extension number you want”. You pronounce the extension number, your name, and the name of person you want to contact. If the called person accepts the call, the connection is given quickly. This is artificial intelligence where an automatic call-handling system is used without employing any telephone operator.
One of the main benefits of speech recognition system is that it lets user do other works simultaneously. The user can concentrate on observation and manual operations, and still control the machinery by voice input commands. Another major application of speech processing is in military operations. Voice control of weapons is an example. With reliable speech recognition equipment, pilots can give commands and information to the computers by simply speaking into their microphones—they don’t have to use their hands for this purpose. Another good example is a radiologist scanning hundreds of X-rays, ultrasonograms, CT scans and simultaneously dictating conclusions to a speech recognition system connected to word processors. The radiologist can focus his attention on the images rather than writing the text. Voice recognition could also be used on computers for making airline and hotel reservations. A user requires simply to state his needs, to make reservation, cancel a reservation, or make enquiries about schedule.
Computers would have been much more powerful, had they gained perceptual and sensory abilities of the living beings on the earth. What needs to be developed is an intimate relationship between the computer and the humans. And the Simple User Interest Tracker (SUITOR) is a revolutionary approach in this direction.
By observing the Webpage a netizen is browsing, the SUITOR can help by fetching more information at his desktop. By simply noticing where the user’s eyes focus


Human-Operator Monitoring System

Blue in blue eyes technology stands for BLUETOOTH, which enables reliable wireless communication and eyes in this is used because the eye movement enables us to obtain a lot of interesting and important information.
What is BlueEyes ?
Blue eyes is the technology to make computers sense and understand human behavior and feelings and react in the proper ways.
Basic idea :-
• Give computer human power.
• Physiological condition
• Wireless data acquisition using Bluetooth.
• Recorded data playback
• How can we make computers “see” and “feel” ?
• Blue eyes uses sensing technology to identify a user’s actions and to extract key information.
• Information is then analyzed to determine the user’s physical ,emotional ,or informational state.
What is Blue Eyes not?
• Doesn’t predict nor interfere with operator’s thoughts
• Cannot force directly the operator to work
• Design smarter services.
• Create devices with emotional intelligence.
• Create computational devices with perceptual abilities.
• can easily adapt to your mood.
• Saves you the job of having to move your cursor to a long distance.
• Heart pulse rate
• Facial expressions
1) Eye brows and mouth lines primarily
• Eye movements
1) as a pointing device
2) also to determine the emotion
• Voice
• The eye movement sensor
• Eye position measuring
• Oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin measurment
• Two axial
• Ambient light
• Jazz Multi sensor
• Jazz Multi sensor
• Jazz
• System overview
• Microcontroller & blue tooth module
• DAU - features
• Lightweight
• Runs on batteries - low power consumption
• Easy to use - does not disturb the operator working
• ID cards for operator authorization
• Voice transmission using hardware PCM codec
CSU - features
• Implementation - DAU
• Bluetooth module inside
• Jazz sensor
• Microphone and
earphone sockets
• 5-key keyboard
• Two lines, 8
characters LCD
• Powered from
6 AA batteries
• Implementation - DAU
• Implementation - CSU
• Custom-built

• Intel USB camera
• ID card programmer
• Developed using Visual C++ 6.0
• Deployment environment:
Windows 2000,
MS SQL Server

• Blue eyes software is called “agent”.
• Agent analyzes and modifies the mother program , according to the user’s needs and moods.
• Dedicated hardware.
• Embedded devices are used.
• The embedded devices have their own processing capabilities and can function on their own to achieve specific purposes.
• IBM research
sensors in the mouse ,sense the physiological attributes which are correlated to emotions using correlation model
-by simply touching the mouse ,the computer will be able to determine a person’s emotional state.
• BLUE EYE enabled TELEVISION – could become active when the user makes an eye contact.
The Blue eyes technology ensures
• A convenient way of simplifying the life by providing more delicate and user friendly facilities in computing devices.
• The gap between the electronic and Physical world is reduced.
• In the near future ,ordinary household devices- such as television , refrigerators ,ovens may be able to do their jobs when we look at them and speak to them.
• The corporate value of blue eye is from Blue Eye Technology Corporation
• For more details visit
Imagine yourself in a world where humans interact with computers. You are sitting in front of your personal computer that can listen, talk, or even scream aloud. It has the ability to gather information about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. It can even understand your emotions at the touch of the mouse. It verifies your identity, feels your presents, and starts interacting with you .You ask the computer to dial to your friend at his office. It realizes the urgency of the situation through the mouse, dials your friend at his office, and establishes a connection.
Human cognition depends primarily on the ability to perceive, interpret, and integrate audio-visuals and sensoring information. Adding extraordinary perceptual abilities to computers would enable computers to work together with human beings as intimate partners. Researchers are attempting to add more capabilities to computers that will allow them to interact like humans, recognize human presents, talk, listen, or even guess their feelings.
The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings. It uses non-obtrusige sensing method, employing most modern video cameras and microphones to identifies the users actions through the use of imparted sensory abilities . The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking at, and even realize his physical or emotional states.
One goal of human computer interaction (HCI) is to make an adaptive, smart computer system. This type of project could possibly include gesture recognition, facial recognition, eye tracking, speech recognition, etc. Another non-invasive way to obtain information about a person is through touch. People use their computers to obtain, store and manipulate data using their computer. In order to start creating smart computers, the computer must start gaining information about the user. Our proposed method for gaining user information through touch is via a computer input device, the mouse. From the physiological data obtained from the user, an emotional state may be determined which would then be related to the task the user is currently doing on the computer. Over a period of time, a user model will be built in order to gain a sense of the user's personality. The scope of the project is to have the computer adapt to the user in order to create a better working environment where the user is more productive. The first steps towards realizing this goal are described here.
Rosalind Picard (1997) describes why emotions are important to the computing community. There are two aspects of affective computing: giving the computer the ability to detect emotions and giving the computer the ability to express emotions. Not only are emotions crucial for rational decision making as Picard describes, but emotion detection is an important step to an adaptive computer system. An adaptive, smart computer system has been driving our efforts to detect a person’s emotional state. An important element of incorporating emotion into computing is for productivity for a computer user. A study (Dryer & Horowitz, 1997) has shown that people with personalities that are similar or complement each other collaborate well. Dryer (1999) has also shown that people view their computer as having a personality. For these reasons, it is important to develop computers which can work well with its user.
By matching a person’s emotional state and the context of the expressed emotion, over a period of time the person’s personality is being exhibited. Therefore, by giving the computer a longitudinal understanding of the emotional state of its user, the computer could adapt a working style which fits with its user’s personality. The result of this collaboration could increase productivity for the user. One way of gaining information from a user non-intrusively is by video. Cameras have been used to detect a person’s emotional state (Johnson, 1999). We have explored gaining information through touch. One obvious place to put sensors is on the mouse. Through observing normal computer usage (creating and editing documents and surfing the web), people spend approximately 1/3 of their total computer time touching their input device. Because of the incredible amount of time spent touching an input device, we will explore the possibility of detecting emotion through touch.
Based on Paul Ekman’s facial expression work, we see a correlation between a person’s emotional state and a person’s physiological measurements. Selected works from Ekman and others on measuring facial behaviors describe Ekman’s Facial Action Coding System (Ekman and Rosenberg, 1997). One of his experiments involved participants attached to devices to record certain measurements including pulse, galvanic skin response (GSR), temperature, somatic movement and blood pressure. He then recorded the measurements as the participants were instructed to mimic facial expressions which corresponded to the six basic emotions. He defined the six basic emotions as anger, fear, sadness, disgust, joy and surprise. From this work, Dryer (1993) determined how physiological measures could be used to distinguish various emotional states.
Six participants were trained to exhibit the facial expressions of the six basic emotions. While each participant exhibited these expressions, the physiological changes associated with affect were assessed. The measures taken were GSR, heart rate, skin temperature and general somatic activity (GSA). These data were then subject to two analyses. For the first analysis, a multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedure was used to determine the dimensionality of the data. This analysis suggested that the physiological similarities and dissimilarities of the six emotional states fit within a four dimensional model. For the second analysis, a discriminant function analysis was used to determine the mathematic functions that would distinguish the six emotional states. This analysis suggested that all four physiological variables made significant, nonredundant contributions to the functions that distinguish the six states. Moreover, these analyses indicate that these four physiological measures are sufficient to determine reliably a person’s specific emotional state. Because of our need to incorporate these measurements into a small, non-intrusive form, we will explore taking these measurements from the hand. The amount of conductivity of the skin is best taken from the fingers. However, the other measures may not be as obvious or robust. We hypothesize that changes in the temperature of the finger are reliable for prediction of emotion. We also hypothesize the GSA can be measured by change in movement in the computer mouse. Our efforts to develop a robust pulse meter are not discussed here.
An experiment was designed to test the above hypotheses. The four physiological readings measured were heart rate, temperature, GSR and somatic movement. The heart rate was measured through a commercially available chest strap sensor. The temperature was measured with a thermocouple attached to a digital multimeter (DMM). The GSR was also measured with a DMM. The somatic movement was measured by recording the computer mouse movements.

A study has shown that people with personalities that are similar collaborate well. Dryer has also shown that people view their computer as having a personality. For these reasons, it is important to develop computers which can work well with its user. This is where the blue eyes technology come into force. With the abilities to gather information about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. , it can even understand your emotions at the touch of a mouse. It verifies your identity, feels your presence and starts interacting with you. So the ultimate aim of BLUE EYES TECHNOLOGY is to create a user friendly system that can increase the productivity of the user by adapting itself to the user’s mood. With the eye tracker technology it can reduce the user’s load. It will move the cursor directly to the place where the user is staring at. The additional facility of speech recognition bestows you with the ability to just dictate commands to the computer while you can engage yourself with some other work. Using eye tracker technology the computer can use the SUITOR facility to provide the user about the additional information about the topic he is reading/ looking out in a tab. This will for sure reduce his job of having to search for the information all by himself. So this concept of BLUE EYE TECHNOLOGY IS SURELY A BOON. After all who would not own a computer that
(1) Can easily adapt to your mood.
(2) Perform task the moment you “actually tell it” what you want.
(3) Help you by gathering more additional information.
(4) Save you the job of moving your cursor for a long distance.
(5) With further additions, can even help to monitor you health.

The computers we use in our day-to-day life have tremendous abilities to sophisticated tasks easily. They can do the tasks assigned to them with a lightning speed. They can understand a variety of computer languages. They can effectively compile the programs written in these languages and understand what to do.
Despite their lightning speed and awesome powers of computation, today's PCs are essentially deaf, dump and blind. If we want our computers to be genuinely intelligent and interact naturally with us, we must give them the power to recognize and understand emotions.
Imagine ourselves in a world where human interact with computers in the same way as with humans. It has the ability to gather information about us and interact accordingly. It can even understand the emotions of it's user at the touch of a mouse. This can be brought into reality with the help of the upcoming technology The BLUE EYES.
For the implementation of The Blue Eyes technology we must give our personnel computers the power to recognize and understand our emotions. The search for a unique and reliable technique for securing resources has finally led to the realization that human physiological traits are unique enough for it to be used as an identifier. The thing lacking was the technology to exploit the potential of these characteristics. The new technology, BIOMETRICS emerged as a solution for this situation. Thus BLUE EYES used biometric sensors can make incredible effect in the field of emotion detection which itself can act as a security measure.
Imagine yourself in a world where humans interact with computers. You are sitting in front of your personal computer that can listen, talk, or even scream aloud. It has the ability to gather information about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. It can even understand your emotions at the touch of the mouse. It verifies your identity, feels your presents, and starts interacting with you .You ask the computer to dial to your friend at his office. It realizes the urgency of the situation through the mouse, dials your friend at his office, and establishes a connection.
Human cognition depends primarily on the ability to perceive, interpret, and integrate audio-visuals and sensoring information. Adding extraordinary perceptual abilities to computers would enable computers to work together with human beings as intimate partners. Researchers are attempting to add more capabilities to computers that will allow them to interact like humans, recognize human presents, talk, listen, or even guess their feelings.
The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings. It uses non-obtrusive sensing method, employing most modern video cameras and microphones to identify the user’s actions through the use of imparted sensory abilities. The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking at, and even realize his physical or emotional states.
The computers must be given power to sense emotion of its user, in order to make them 'attentive computers'. BIOMETRICS is the science used for the implementation.It is the science by which we measure the physiological &behavioral characteristics of a person. And
by using these characteristics the emotional state of the user is identified.
The eyes are the most expressive part of a human being. So iris scanning is the most important technique used. The emotions of a human being will directly reflect in his physiological attributes. So the measure of heartbeat, blood pressure etc. will give straight information about the emotional state of the user. Several techniques like eye gaze tracking, facial expression detection, speech recognition, detection using Emotion mouse, Jazz multi sensor etc. are used for emotion detection.
Besides the emotion detection, the Biometric techniques can be used for security purposes. The physical characteristics like the finger prints, hand geometry, retina, voice etc. are unique for every human being. Thus by analyzing these characteristics a person can be easily identified. Thus several methods like finger print identification, retinal scan, voice identification etc are successfully implemented for the purpose of security. Here in the implementation of Blue Eyes, the biometric techniques are used mainly for the purpose of emotion detection.
3.1 Facial expression detection
The facial expression detection consists of two steps — The Face recognition and Expression detection.
Face Recognition
Face recognition is applied in a variety of domains, predominantly for security. The user's face must be identified before further processing. The first problem to be solved before attempting face recognition is to find the face in the image. The first stage of the process is color segmentation, which simply determines if the proportion of the skin tone pixels is greater than some threshold. Subsequently candidate regions are given scores. Next instead of searching for all the facial features directly in the face image, a few 'high level' features (eyes, nose, mouth) are first located. Then other 26 low level' features that may be parts of eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows etc. are located with respect to high level feature locations. The approximate locations of the high level features are known from statistics of mean and variance relative to the nose position, gathered on the training database.
Expression Detection
The facial expression determination is a field in which fast researches are going on. The most intriguing invention is Expression Glasses. This is a mobile device which can be worn by the user. This is very comfortable to wear and the survey about it among the subject users provides a good result. This device measures the movement of face muscles. The movement is then compared with some reference index to determine emotion.
This device is used to determine the user's level of interest or confusion by measuring the movement of muscles around the eyes. The output from the expression glasses are fed to the computer for further processing. There it is converted into a two colored bar graph, in which red bars indicate confusion and green for interest. This graph will give a clear indication about the level of interest or confusion.
3.2 Speech Recognition
Speech recognition is the process of converting a speech signal to a set of words, by means of an algorithm implemented as computer program. Voice or speaker identification is a related process that attempts to identify the person speaking, as opposed to what is being said.
Speech is processed by means of complex voice processing algorithms. First the speech signal is converted into a set of words, by proper sampling, quantization and coding. These words are called voice prints. There is already a reference index which contains different voice prints corresponding to each emotion. By comparing the subject user's voice print with these reference the emotion is identified. Mainly the tone of the voice is compared, besides what is being said.
3.3 Emotion Mouse
A non-invasive way to obtain the information about the user's emotional state is through touch. People use their computer to store and manipulate data. The proposed method for obtaining user information through touch is via a computer input device, the mouse. The computer determines the user's emotional state by a simple touch. Sensors in the mouse sense physiological attributes, which are correlated to emotions using a correlation model.
The emotion mouse consists of a number of sensors which will sense individual attributes. The different sensors incorporated in the emotion mouse are IR sensor, thermosister chip, and galvanic sensor. The IR sensor will measure the heartbeat from the fingertip, the thermosister chip will measure the body temperature and galvanic sensor will take the measure of skin conductivity. All these attributes are combined to form a vector which is the representative of the emotional state of the user.
This vector is used to determine the present emotion of the user. This vector is being compared with the emotion-to- attribute correlation model and the emotion detection is realized.
3.4 Eye Gaze Tracking
The eye gaze tracking system monitors the eye movement of the user to detect his emotional state. This system uses a technique called Pupil finder to monitor subject user's eye movement.
3.5 Jazz Multi Sensor
Jazz multi sensor is a sensor which will sense multi attributes. This sensor is a mobile device that the user can wear it on his forehead. This device is a marvelous one which has multi sensors incorporated on it. This device uses all the techniques of emotion detection described above. This single device is capable of detecting a subject user's emotional state. This device is developed at the research laboratory of Poznan University, Poland.
what is blue eyes ?
• aims on creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings.
• interactive computer.
• computer acts as partner (and friend) to the user.
• realize his physical or emotional states.
how is that possible ?
employing non-obtrusive sensing method, employing most modern video cameras and
microphones to identify the users actions through the use of imparted sensory ability.
Why The Name ?
eye movement
• contents
• System Overview
• Emotion computing
Emotion mouse
Eye tracker
• Speech recognition
• Suitor
• emotion mouse
• pressure
• galvanic skin response
• skin temperature
• heart beat
facial expression recognizing geometric facial data extraction basic emotion-specified facial expression
Emotion mouse
• eye tracker a device which tracks the movement of eye IBM Almaden eye tracker
• speech recognition inputting sound signals data extraction
• suitor
[Simple user interest tracker]
• Operator
• Supervisor
• System Administrator
• At power point control rooms
• At captain bridges
• At flight control centers
• Professional drivers
• reduce fatigue
• practical accuracy
• speed
• ensures a convenient way of simplifying life by providing more interactive and user friendly facilities in computing devices.
• reduce differences between man and the machine (computer)

 The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings.
 This makes the human – computer interaction more – Natural, Easier, Richer.
The term BLUE EYES
How can we make computers “see” and “feel” ?
 Blue eyes uses sensing technology to identify a user’s actions and to extract key information.
 Information is then analyzed to determine the user’s physical ,emotional ,or informational state.
 Prevention from dangerous incidents.
 Minimization of Ecological consequences financial loss, threat to a human life.
 Reduction of Manual stress.
 Practical accuracy.
 Improved subjective speed.
 Ease of use.
 Blue Eyes system can be applied in every working environment requiring permanent operator's attention.
System overview
 Two major units
 Data Acquisition Unit(DAU).
 Central System Unit(CSU).
• The DAU consists of the following components
 ATMEL 8952 microcontroller
 MAX232
 LCD display
 LED indicators
 ID CARD interface
Jazz multisensor
• Microcontroller & blue tooth module
CSU - Components
Emotion computing

 The process of making emotional computers with sensing abilities is known as affective computing.
 Types of emotional sensors
 Emotional Mouse.
 Sentic Mouse.
 Expression Glasses.
 Facial expression identification.
 Artificial Intelligence Speech Recognition.
 Eye Tracking.
IBM research
 The method for gaining user information through touch is via a computer input device which led to the creation of EMOTION MOUSE .
 sensors in the mouse ,sense the physiological attributes like Skin temperature, body pressure, heart rate, galvanic skin response etc which are correlated to emotions.
Basic emotion specified facial expression
 Fear.
 Disgust.
 Joy.
 Surprise.
 Sadness.
 Anger.
Sentic Mouse
 It is a modified mouse that indicates a directional pressure sensor for aiding in recognition of emotional valence(liking vs. disliking).
Expression glasses
 A wearable device which allows any viewer to visualize the confusion and interest levels of the wearer.
Facial expression identification
 Assesses emotions by using the image of the person.
 Simple states like anxious and happy can be assessed easily.
 Complex states still being researched.
Geometric facial data extraction

 It stands for Simple User Interest Tracker.
 It implements the method for putting computational devices in touch with their user’s changing moods.
 Suitor can infer what kind of information will be interesting to the user at a particular time and deliver it.
 Intelligent data gathering and data mining.
Artificial Intelligent Speech Recognition
 Artificial intelligence(AI) involves two basic ideas.
 First, it involves studying the thought processes of human beings.
 Second, it deals with representing those processes via machines.
 NLP refers to AI methods of communicating with a computers in natural language.
 Main objective of NLP program is to understand input and initiate action.
The IBM Alma den Eye Tracker
 In comparison to the system reported in early studies, this system is much more compact and reliable.
 work on The Bright Pupil Effect and The Dark Pupil Effect.
Applications of Blue Eyes
 System can be applied in every working environment requiring permanent operator’s attention
 Power station.
 Flight control centers.
 Video games.
 military operations.
 Automobile Industry.
 Generic control rooms.
 With reliable speech recognition equipment, pilots can give commands & information to the computers by simply speaking into their microphones.
 Voice recognition could also be used on computers for making airline and hotel reservations.
 Ensures a convenient way of simplifying life by providing more interactive and user friendly facilities in computing devices.
 Reduce differences between man and the machine (computer).
 In future a Blueeyes-enabled television become active when the user makes eye contact,at which point the user could tell the television to “turn on”.
pls send this report
plz send me the abstract and full report of the topic
We communicate with others using visual, audio and sensory information (touch, smell, etc.). This is possible only because the human brain is highly skilled in integrating and interpreting such data. What if a computer can do the same? If computers can understand what we feel and act accordingly, the possibilities are endless!!! Blue Eyes technology being developed by the IBM research center at Alma den to make such "Smart" Computers. In this paper, basic concepts of Blue Eyes are discussed. The motivation and the benefits of Blue Eyes are also mentioned in this context. The concepts and design of the software's included in Blue Eyes are also carried out in detail. At IBM's lab, researchers are talking the lofty goal of designing 'Blue Eyes', its aim being to create devices with embedded technology that gathers your personal information. They'll track your pulse, breathing rate, and eye movements, and then react to those physical triggers by performing tracks for you. Following your movements of your eyes, the "gaze-tracking" technology uses MAGIC to control your mouse. With MAGIC, the cursor follows your eyes as you look around the screen. When your eye stops on an object, you click the mouse to select it. Also current versions of gaze tracking technology only come within an inch or so of its target.
mail me the full report,abstract and ppt of blue eyes....
send the report as soon as possible

Human error.
Monitoring system.
What is blue eye technology ?
The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines.
Blue Eyes system.
how can we make computers “see” and “feel” ?
Blue eyes uses sensing technology.
Information is then analyzed.
Features of Blue Eyes system
Visual attention monitoring
Physiological condition
Operator’s position detection
Wireless data acquisition using bluetooth
Real time user defined alarm triggering
Recorded data playback
A personal area network.
Two major units:
DAU (data acquisition unit )
CSU (central system unit )
System overview
Jazz multisensor
DAU - components
DAU - features
Runs on batteries
Easy to use
ID cards
PCM codec
CSU - features
Applications of BlueEyes
Power station.
Captain bridge.
Flight control centers.
Operating theatres.
Doesn’t predict
Cannot force
IBM research
BlueEyes system provides technical means for monitoring and recording the operator’s basic physiological parameters.
It has the ability to gather information about human and interact with them through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc.
i want pdf file of 'blue eyes technology'...
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