Jini Technology

Part of the original vision for Java, it was put on the back burner while Sun waited for Java to gain widespread acceptance. As the Jini project revved up and more than 30technology partners signed on, it became impossible to keep it under wraps. So Sun cofounder Bill Joy, who helped dream up Jini, leaked the news to the media earlier this month. It was promptly smothered in accolades and
hyperbolic prose.

When you plug a new Jini-enabled device into a network, it broadcasts a message to any lookup service on the network saying, in effect, "Here I am. Is anyone else out there?" The lookup service registers the new machine, keeps a record of its attributes and sends a message back to the Jini device, letting it know where to reach the lookup service if it needs help. So when it comes time to print, for example, the device calls the lookup service, finds what it needs and sends the job to the appropriate machine. Jini actually consists of a very small piece of Java code that runs on your computer or device.

Jini lets you dynamically move code, and not just data, from one machine to another. That means you can send a Java program to any other Jini machine and run it there, harnessing the power of any machine on your network to complete a task or run a program So far, Jini seems to offer little more than basic network services. Don't expect it to turn your household devices into supercomputers; it will take some ingenious engineering before your stereo will start dating your laptop. Jini can run on small handheld devices with little or no processing power, but these devices need to be network-enabled and need to be controlled by another Jini-enabled hardware or software piece by proxy
The first customer shipment is slated for the fall. Jini-enabled software could ship by the end of the year, and the first Jini-enabled devices could be in stores by next year.

Security. Jini will use the same security andauthentication measures as Java. Unfortunately, Java's security model hasnot been introduced yet

Microsoft.. Without Jini, Java is just a language that can run on any platform. With it, Java becomes a networked system with many of the same capabilities as a network operating system, like Windows NT. Don't expect Microsoft to support Jini.

Lucent's Inferno, a lightweight OS for connecting devices; Microsoft's Millennium, a Windows distributed computing model; and Hewlett-Packard's JetSend, a protocol that lets peripheral devices talk
Sun Microsystems has a dream: The future of computing will not center around the personal computer, but around the network itself. Any network will do -- your office Ethernet grid, your home-office local area network, the Internet; it doesn't matter.

Sun has carried this banner for years, and essentially cemented its network-centric computing model with the invention of the Java programming language. This week in San Francisco, Sun -- with 37big-name partners -- unveiled Jini, its latest and most ambitious initiative yet. A programming platform and connection technology, Jini is designed to allow painless immediate networking of any and all compliant electronic devices, be they personal digital assistants, cell phones, dishwashers, printers, and so on. Partnering companies include hardware and software vendors, and marquee consumer electronics players like Sony.
is a network architecture for the construction of distributed systems in the form of modular co-operating services.

Originally developed by Sun, responsibility for Jini is being transferred to Apache under the project

Jini provides facilities for dealing with some of the Fallacies of Distributed Computing, problems of system evolution, resiliency, security and the dynamic assembly of service components. Code Mobility is a core concept of the platform and provides many benefits including non-Protocol dependence.

The Jini team at Sun Microsystems has always stated that Jini is not an acronym. Some have joked that it meant Jini Is Not Initials, but it's always been just Jini. The word "Jini" means "the devil" in Kiswahili; this is a loan from an Arabic word for a mythological spirit, which is also the origin of the English word 'genie'.

One of the goals of Jini is to shift the emphasis of computing away from the traditional disk-drive oriented approach, to a more network oriented approach. Thus resources can be used across a network as if they were available locally. Jini is based on Java, and is similar to Java Remote Method Invocation but more advanced. Jini allows more advanced searching for services, through a process of discovery of published services (making Jini more similar to the Service-oriented architecture concept).

There are three main parts to a Jini scenario. These are the client, the server, and the lookup service.[1]

The service is the resource which is to be made available in the distributed environment. This can include physical devices (such as printers or disk drives) and software services (for example a database query or message service). The client is the entity which uses the service.

[edit] Using a service

The first step in creating a Jini service is for the service to find the lookup service (LUS) - a process called discovery. Once the LUS is found, it returns a Service Registrar object to the service, which is used to register the service in the lookup (the join process). This involves providing information about the service to be provided, such as the ID of the service, the object which actually implements it and other attributes of the service.

When a client wishes to make use of a service, it too uses discovery to find the LUS - either by unicast interaction, when it knows the actual location of the LUS, or by dynamic multicast discovery. After contacting the LUS, the client is returned a Service Registrar object, which it uses to look up a particular service. It does this by consulting the lookup catalog on the LUS and searching based on the type, name or description of a service. The LUS will return a Java proxy, specifying how to connect directly to the service. This is one of the ways in which Jini is more powerful than RMI, which requires the service to know the location of the remote service in advance.

Using the Proxy, the client may connect directly to the service implementation (without further interaction with the LUS), and use it as if it were a local service. However, there are some differences to the event model, in that the order of events occurring across a network cannot be guaranteed.

Services in Jini will not necessarily be permanently available, which leads to the concept of leasing. When a service registers with a LUS, a lease is granted, with a certain duration. This can be manually decided, or set to a default (such as 'forever'). Leases will need to be periodically renewed, to check a service is still 'alive', which means if a service fails or becomes unreachable, it can be timed out.

Jini uses serialization to send Java objects across the network. This means an entire Java object can be saved and sent, and used remotely as if it were local, as opposed to creating a specific format for sending data in each new implementation.

Jini services can be grouped together, to allow a client to search for specific groups. A group of services in Jini is called a federation.

[edit] Limitations

Jini uses a look up service to broker communication between the client and service. Many falsely believe that, because of this, it is essentially a centralized model (though the communication between client and service can be seen as decentralized) and that it does not scale well to very large systems. In a Jini network, one scales the look up service by running multiple instances that listen to the same multicast group. As such, the look up service is, indeed, scalable. Because Jini is implemented in Java, many applications require a Java Virtual Machine to be present.

i want to jini technology seminar topic
This article is presented by:
Kaushik Lahoti

Jini Connection Technology

Jini: A Vision

Areas to focus on

Areas to focus on ( contd. )

Jini is Java based.
Jini is about how services connect to one another.

Areas to focus on ( contd.)

Jini is similar to LDAP or name server but not the same.
How is reliability achieved ?
Serendipitous interactions among services.
Spontaneous networking with no explicit user involvement.
Self - Healing
Administration free.
No explicit user involvement.
No need for driver or software installation to use a particular service.

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Introduction to Jini

Jini is a simple set of Java classes and services that has the potential to create its own revolution because it allows technology to be exploited in new ways. Created by Sun Microsystems as software for networking in all sorts of electronic devices, services, and applications, Jini lets them join up easily, seamlessly and gracefully - it is a sort of plug-and-play capability for spontaneously forming networks of heterogeneous equipment to share code and configurations transparently. And Jini has the potential to radically alter our use of computer service networks, since it allows and encourages new types of services and new uses of existing networks.

What is Jini
Jini is a set of specifications that enables services to discover each other on a network and that provides a framework that allows those services to participate in certain types of operations. For an instance, take a Jini-enabled laptop into a Jini-enabled conference room and the laptop automatically be able to find and use the services of the conference room such as the laptop will automatically find the printer inside the room, seamlessly download any drivers required by the printer and will send its output to the printer. But Jini is not about hardware and devices. Jini is all about services.
A Jini-enabled printer provides a print service to the network; that the particular service is provided by a piece of hardware is irrelevant. There may be a software service on the network that also provides the same print service by accepting print requests, rasterizing them and emailing the rasterized images to a distant recipient. There are many services that are only software.
Thus Jini not only allows hardware and applications to interact but also allows this interaction to happen in a dynamic, robust way. Jini software also gives network devices self-configuration and self-management capabilities. It lets devices communicate immediately on a network without human intervention. And Jini has the potential to radically alter our use of computer service networks, since it allows and encourages new types of services and new uses of existing networks. These networks are self-healing in that devices that leave the network for any reason, such as machine crashes or power surges, do not affect the remaining devices' operation. A Jini client that loses contact with a server can recover and continue processing. It is precisely these features that make Jini technology ideal for embedded systems in a dynamic environment. But network plug-and-play capabilities and self-configuration are also attractive for enterprise systems.

Jini Advantages
Jini developers intended Jini technology as a sophisticated platform on which to develop network-aware applications. Jini technology provides users access to resources located anywhere on the network. Both user and resource locations can change without affecting the application. Users, devices, and resources can join and leave the network without manual reconfiguration. Jini developers used the Internet as a model for developing their product and sought to take advantage of the Internet's advantages in terms of reliability, scalability, maintenance and administration, and security. Jini is freed from having to deal with specific operating system and hardware requirements by Java technology, while Jini itself frees the client and service to interact without having to concern themselves withe the particulars of the network.
Jini Infrastructure
Jini is a distributed computing framework. Hence the participants in the Jini network are called clients and servers. A server has an interface, which is the API that it presents to the outside world. This interface is called the service interface or the service. A server is hence an implementation of a service.
Jini software runs on top of Java Virtual machine and will work in any IP-based network of machines with Java VMs. It is based entirely on Java and depends on Java to function. Jini technology presupposes the existence of network connecting devices and Jini-enabled communicate with each other over this network. A Jini network contains communities, or federations, or clients and services. A Jini service joins a federation, to share its service with clients. A Jini client joins a federation to gain access to services. Federations are dynamic constructs, appearing and disappearing based on the demands of Jini devices.
i want seminar abstract,report,ppt & main thing current application,pros n cons
i want seminar abstract,ppt,report on jini technology
Jini Technology
Introduction and Architecture Overview
What is Jini
A breakthrough initiative based on Java™ technology
Enables all types of devices to simply connect into impromptu networks, making access to and delivery of new network services as simple as plugging in a telephone.
Enables all types of digital devices to work together in a community put together without extensive planning, installation, or human intervention.
Each device provides services that other devices in the community may use.
What is Jini
A distributed system based on the idea of federating groups of users and the resources required by those users
The overall goal is to turn the network into a flexible, easily administered tool
The focus of the system is to make the network a more dynamic entity
Where Jini Technology be Used
Almost anything that passes digital information in and out
Traditional computer hardware and software
Consumer appliances such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), digital cameras, VCRs, TVs, DVD players, cell phones, and CD players.
An Example Scenario
History of Jini Technology
The idea of the Jini system sprang from Sun cofounder Bill Joy at Sun Aspen Smallworks R&D lab in 1994.
Under the leadership of Bill Joy and Jim Waldo
Ann Wollrath, the inventor and designer for Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI)
Ken Arnold, the designer of JavaSpaces™ technology
Bob Scheifler, a principal of the X Consortium and designer of Lookup/Discovery.
Based on the potential to create a ubiquitous network by leveraging the unique distributed computing characteristics of Java technology
History of Jini Technology
On January 25, 1999, Jini was officially launched and the technology is available for download
By September 1999, 18,000 click-thru agreement /downloads of Jini release from Sun’s web site
Sun currently has agreement with a wide range of technology companies to develop Jini technology services, both hardware and software.
includes Axis, Canon, Datek, Epson, FedEx, Mitsubishi, Norwest Mortgage, Novell, ODI, Quantum, Seagate, Toshiba, Computer Associates, Oki, Salomon Brothers
History of Jini Technology
It is expected that by using Jini technology, we can enable infinitely connected network of services into which anyone will be able to plug-and-participate anytime, from anywhere, using the simplest possible technology.
Why Jini Technology
Network plug and work
Enables a services based architecture
Spontaneous networking
Erase the distinction between hardware and software
A distributed computing infrastructure to make writing distributed programs easier
Jini Technology Builds on Java Technology
Key terms used in talking about Jini
Federation -- A federation consists of a group of devices (like printers, hard disks and so on) and software programs (any program that is compiled down to Java bytecode) that form a single, dynamic, distributed system.
Resource -- The devices and programs within a federation are called resources
Service -- A resource offers a service. A service can be storage, communication, computation or anything that a resource can do.
Structure of Jini Technology
Jini Infrastructure
Infrastructure is the set of components that enables building a federated Jini system:
The lookup service, which serves as a repository of services. It reflects the current members of the federation and acts as the central marketplace for offering and finding services by members of the federation
The discovery/join protocol, a service protocol that allows services (both hardware and software) to discover, become part of, and advertise supplied services to the other members of the federation
A distributed security system, integrated into RMI, defines how entities are identified and how they get the rights to perform actions on their own behalf and on the behalf of others
Jini Infrastructure -
Lookup Service
The central organizing mechanism for Jini-based systems
The lookup service reflects the current members of the federation
When new services become available on the network, they register themselves with a lookup service
When clients wish to locate a service to assist with some task, they consult a lookup service
Jini Infrastructure -
Discovery / Join / Lookup protocol
Discovery enables clients and services to locate lookup services.
Join enables a service to register itself in a lookup service.
Lookup enables a client to query a lookup service for services that can help the client accomplish its goals.
Jini Infrastructure -
Registering a Service
Jini Infrastructure -
Finding a Service
Jini Infrastructure -
Using a Service
Programming Model
A set of interfaces that enables the construction of reliable services, including those that are part of the infrastructure and those that join into the federation
Leasing interface: defines a way of allocating and freeing resources using a renewable, duration-based model
Event and notification interface: a notification mechanism between services and resources that stretches beyond machine boundaries
Transaction interface: wrapping of multiple operations on multiple services into a single unit of work that either completely succeeds or is rolled back
Programming Model -
Leasing interface
A lease in Jini is a finite duration agreement between two Jini entities. A lease is negotiated between the entity requesting and the entity granting the lease.
With this design, resources claimed in a lease can be automatically released after a period of time. A long-running Jini system
Can effectively recover from disconnection and/or partial system failure
Has the equivalent of a garbage collection process for stale and unreferenced entries and resources
Programming Model -
Transaction interface
The transaction interfaces introduce a light-weight, object-oriented protocol enabling Jini applications to coordinate state changes.
The transaction protocol provides two steps to coordinate the actions of a group of distributed objects.
voting phase: each object "votes" whether it has completed its portion of the task and is ready to commit any changes it made.
commit phase: a coordinator issues a commit request to each object.
Various levels of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) can be implemented and guaranteed
Programming Model -
Event and notification interface
Distributed event notification is handled via registration to event generating entities and providing objects that implement the appropriate listener interface
These interfaces are specially designed to cater for the less predictable event propagation characteristic over a distributed system. Specifically, it caters for having agents or middlemen that will manage and handle event registration and notification on behalf of client objects.
Hand-coded using the programming model. Can be programmed to do any task suitable of the resource
Services appear programmatically as objects written in the Java programming language, perhaps made up of other objects.
A service has an interface which defines the operations that can be requested of that service.
The type of the service determines the interfaces that make up that service and also define the set of methods that can be used to access the service.
A single service may be implemented by using other services.
Separation of interface and implementation
Service object can be:
completely local proxy
RMI stub as a proxy
smart proxy
Client does not care about network protocol
Service implementation can evolve over time
A Jini System in Action - Remote PDA Printing
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