
1.The name of process of controlled wounding on rubber tree tor extraction of latex is :
(A)Picking(B)Sheeting(C )Cutting(D)Tapping

2.The grade of rubber sheet which is used mainly for tyre manufacturing is  :
(A)l ot(B)Off grade(C )RSS -1(D)RSS - 4

3.The name of plastic which is used for mineral water and carbonized beverage bottles :
(A)Polythene(B)Poly propelene (C )PET(D)PVC

4.What is the name of fibre which is extracted from coconut husk ?
(A)Coir(B)Jute(C )Cotton(D)Linen

5.______ ____is a commodity plastic.
(A)PET(B)Teflon(C )Acrylic(D)Polythene the ISNR grade which doesn't show storage hardness.

7.Rain gardening is used in rubber tree for _________.
(A)Tapping in rainy season(B)Growing in rainy season
(C )Organic farming in rainyseason(D)Protect sheet rubber fromrain

8.What type of printing in plastic are used for multy colour photo graphic design pictures in branded multi layer plastic sheet packets ?
(A)Screen printing(B)Graviour
(C )Flexographic printing(D)None of these

9.What is the scientific name of  rubber yielding trees mostly cultivated inKerala ?
(A)Castilla elastic(B)Partheniumargentaltum
(C )Hevea brazeeliensis(D)Gagulee

10.Different types of rubber trees are called :
(A)Genesis(B)Clone(C )Brand(D)Plantation

11.The origin land of rubber tree :
(A)Kerala(B)Brazil(C )Argentina(D)America

12.The chemical used to preserve latex :
(A)Ammonia(B)Aceticacid (C )Formic acid(D)Sulphuricadd

13.___________is the acid usually used to coagulating skim rubber.
(A) Formic acid(B) Sulphuric add
(C ) Acetic acid(D) Hydrochloric acid

14.The best grade of creep rubber is :
(A) EBC(B)PLC (C )Sheet(D)Crumb

15.Example of a natural fibre is :
(A) Coir(B)Polyester (C )Nylon(D)Aramid

16.Jute is made frompart of the tree.
(A) Seeds(B)Leaf (C )Flower(D)stemStem

17._______ is the monomer of polyethylene.
(A) CH2 = CH2(B) ch2 = ch-ci
(C ) CH2 = CHC = N(D) ch,=ch-ch3

18._____________is the chemical name of Natural Rubber.
(A) Trans 1, 4 Polyisoprene(B)Cis 1,4 Polyisoprene
(C ) Polyisobutylene(D) Polychloroprene

19.Among the following_______________is the technically specified rubber.
(A) Sheet Rubber (B) Creep Rubber (C ) Crump Rubber (D) Cup Lump

20.DRC of normal latex is generally in the range of______%.
(A)1.5-10(B)10-15(C )60-65(D)30-35

21.Among the following which plastic is water soluble ?

22.Which fibre is widely used as tyre cords ?
(A)Coir(B)Nylon(C )Polypropylene (D)Acrylic

23.Among the following, select the component of a tyre where steel wire is usually seen :
(A)Tread(B)Side wall(C )Bead(D)Inner liner

24.What is the full form of PVC ?
(A)Poly Vinyl Chloride(B)Poly Yinyl Acetate
(C ) Poly Vinvlene Chloride(D) Poly Vinyl .Alcohol

25.Nylon - 6 is manufactured from :
(B)Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine
(C )Sebasic acid and hexamethylene diamine
(D)Maleic anhydride and hexamethylene

26.Cellulose is the main constituent of most_______ fibres.
(A)Synthetic(B)Acrylic( C)Spandex(D)Natural

27.Chloroprene Rubber is a :
(A)Synthetic(B)Acrylic(C )Spandex(D)Natural

28.Mastication of rubber means :
(A)Improving its curing rate
(B)A treatment to retard its deterioration due to oxidation
(C )Reducing viscosity
(D)Depression of its freezing point

29.Rubber sheeting is made by :
(A) Extrusion(B)Dipping
(C ) Injection Moulding(D) Calendering

30.___________is a thermosetting plastic.
(A)PVC(B)Balielite(C )Polythene.(D)Polystyrene

31.___________ is a natural fibre.
(A)Polythene(B)Dacron(C )Nylon - 6(D)None of these

32.Plastic tubes and pipes are generally made by_________moulding.
(A) injection(B) compression (C ) extrusion(D) transfer

33.PMMA sheet is manufactured by :
(A) Bulk Polymerization
(C ) Solution Polymerization
(B)Suspension Polymerization
(D)Bulk Polymerization

34._____ is a homopolymer.
(A) Polypropylene (B) Nylon - 66
(C )Bakelite(D) Terylene

35.Synthetic lattices are made by : ‘
(A) Emulsion Polymerization (C ) Solution Polymerization
(B)Emulsion Polymerization (D) Suspension Polymerization

36.Which of the following is an antioxidant used in rubber ?
(A) Thiokol(B)Styrinated Phenol
(C )Carbon(D) Magnesium

37.Iodine absorption number of Carbon Black is used to measure :
(A) Colour(B) Density(C ) Particle size(D) Structure

38.VTA of Latex is increased due to :
(A) Ammonia (B) Antioxidant (C ) Bacterial Action (D) Centrifuging

39.If accelerator is not used in a rubber compound and after heating in a press for five minutes : 
(A) It becomes under cure(B) It will not cure
(C ) It becomes over cure(D) It becomes exact cure

40.Among the following which is antiozonant ?
(A) Wax(B) C.B.S.

41.Latex is a___________ of rubber.
(A) Colloid(B) Gel

42.Wearing part of tyre is :
(A) Sidewall(B) Tread

43.Nytryl is a___________rubber.
(A) Heat resistant
(C ) Aging resistant

44.Butyl rubber is famous for :
(A) Oil Resistance (C ) Weather Resistance

45.Which resin is used for making FRP ? 
(C ) Saturated Polyester resin

46.Silica is a ________filler.
(A) Non-reinforcing
(C ) Semi-reinforcing

47.Carbon black increases :
(A) Hardness
(C ) Modulus

48.Which of the following is a copolymer ?
(A) PVC(B) Polythene
(C )Solution(D)Noneof these
(C )Bead(D)Belt
(B)Chemical resistant
(D)Oil resistant
(B)Chemical Resistance (D) Gas Impermeability
(B)Unsaturated Polyester resin (D) None of above
(B)Reinforcing (D) Cheapening
(B)Tensile strength (D) All these properties
(C )Bakelite(D) Teflon

49.Optimum cure time of a rubber compound is taken from a rheograph is :
(A)T - 2(B)T-10(C )T - 100(D)T-90

50.As the particle size of carbon black increases; hardness :
(C )No effect(D) None of the above

51.Blowing agent used in Micro Cellular rubber :
(A)D.P.G.(B)T.M.T.D.(C )D.N.P.T.(D)C.B.S.

52.Which one of the following is an ultra accelerator ?

53.___________is a flame resistant synthetic rubber.
(C )Fluorocarbon rubber(D) Ethylene Propylene rubber

54.___________is a special purpose synthetic rubber.
(A)Polybutadiene rubber(B)Fluorocarbon rubber

55.Chaffer strips gives additional reinforcement to :
(A)Side wall area(B)Treadarea(C )Bead area(D)Cacas fabric

56.The curing agent used for sulphur less vulcanizing system :
(A)TMTD(B)CBS(C )Sulphinamides(D)Mltelalic oxides

57.The usual PHR of Stearic acid in a hawai sole formulation is :
(A)2.5(B)3(C )ft(D)30

58.HAF is produced by :
(A)Channel Process(B)Thermal Process
(C )Furnace Process(D)Lamp black Process

59.Scorch time is :
(A)The time required to cros linking
(B)Total time of compounding
(C )Time required for a compound fully vulcanize
(D)Safety time before vulcanization starts

60.While improving Reinforcement of rubber compound :
(A) Increase modulus (C ) Improve specific gravity
(B)Improve heat resistance
(D)Improve oil resistance

61.._________is not reinforcing filler.
(A) Aluminium silicate
(C )Whiting
(B) Silica
(D) Carbon black

62.Reclaimed rubber is produced from 
(A) Rubber compound (C ) Ground vulcanized rubber
(B) Pre-vulcanized latex (D) Creep rubber

63.In radial tyre carcass, the cords runs at :
(A)45 degree to the circumstantial line
(B)90 degree to the circumstantial line
(C )60 degree to the circumstantial line
(D)180 degree to the circumstantial line

64.Ethylene is a plastic, propylene is a plastic. But co-polymerizing ethylene and propylene we get a rubber, Ethylene Propylene rubber; the reason being :
(A)All are crystalline
(B)All are amorphous
(C )Ethylene propylene is amorphous and others are crystalline
(D)Ethylene propylene is crystalline and others are amorphous

65.The speed ratio of a lab size mixing mill rollers is : 
(A)1 : 1.9(B)1 ; 2
(C )1 : 1.2
(D) 1 : 1.3

66.The force required to produce a certain increment in extension of a vulcanised rubber specimen is called :
(A)Modulus(B)Tensile strength
(C )Elengationatbreak(D)Tear strength

67.The viscosity of the rubber compound :
(A)increaseswithtemperature(B)decreases with temperature
(C )no effect(D)first increases andthereduces

68.Unvulcanised Natural Rubber is a : 
(A) Leanier polymer (C ) Branched polymer
(B) Cross linked polymer (D) Co-polymer

69.Iso electric point of Natural rubber latex is :
(A) 1 PH(B)2 PH(C ) 6.4 PH(D) 4.8 PH

70.A colloid is a :
(A)Visco elastic form of matter
(B)Liquid phase
(C )Rubber particles dissolved in water
(D)A system containing two phases; a dispersed phase and a dispersion medium

71.Smoke is______________form of a colloid.
(A) solid in liquid (B) solid in gas (C ) gas in liquid (D) liquid in gas

72.The difference between MC sheet and Hawai sheet:
(A)MC has open cell structure while Hawai has closed cell structure.
(B)Hawai has fully open cell structure while MC has closed cell structure.
(C )Hawai has inter connected cell structure while MC has closed cell structure.
(D)Based on the specific gravity difference.

73.During valcanisation:
(A)Raw rubber become cross linked
(B)Raw rubber becomes soluble
(C )Raw rubber become crystalline
(D)The raw rubber soft

74.Give example for an cellular rubber product:
(A) Play ball’(B) Automobile tube
(C ) Tubeless tyre(D) Polyurathene foam

75.Phenol formaldehyde resin is known as :
(A)bakelite(B)perspex(C )teflon(D)nylon - 6

76.Usually in tubeless tyres, inner liners are made of_______rubber,
(A)Natural*(B)Halo butyl(C )Nitrile(D)Neoprene

77.Hardness of Vulcanized Rubber is measured by :
(A) Tensile Tester (C ) Duro meter
(B)Dunlop Tripso meter
78.Neoprene is the trade name of: (A) Nitryl rubber
(C ) Polyurethane
(D)Phenol formaldehyde

79.The fibres produced from_______are known as rayon.
(A) ethylene glycon (B) lignin
(C ) polyamides (D) cellulose

80.Visco-elastic behaviour exhibited by polymers is a__________like behaviour.
(A) liquid’ •(B)combination of solid and liquid
(C )combination of gas and solid (D) solid

81.Which among the following article of the Indian constitution provides protection against the arbitrary arrest and detention ?
(A).Article 12(B)Article 22(C )Article 27(D)Article 32

82.Who propounded the 'Drain of Wealth' Theory ?
(A)A.O. Hume(B)Gopalala Krishna Gokhale
(C )Dadabhai Naoroji(D)Mahatma Gandhi

83.Which among the following states were party of the Cauvery Water disputes ?
(A)Kerala - Karnataka(B)Tamil Nadu - Andhra Pradesh
(C )Karnataka - Maharashtra(D)Tamil Nadu - Karnataka

84.Who gave shape to a fairly ambitious education policy in Travancore ?
(A)Diwan. Sheshayya Shastri(B)Diwan. T. Madhava Rao
(C )Diwan. Nanoo Pillai(D)Diwan T. Rama Rao

85.Where was Sahodaran Ayyappan organised a ntisra bhojanam (a grand feast of all castes sitting together under one roof) in 1917 ?
(A)Cherayi(B)Pannivankara(C )Chittoor(D)Olavakkode

86.Who was officially inaugurated the Palivam Saty a gratia on 4th December 1947 ?
(A)A.K. Gopalan(B)C. Kesavan(C )Arya Pallam(D)P. Priyadatta

87.Who was the Prime Minister of Madras at the time of Malabar Temple entry proclamation was made ?
(A)T. Prakasham(B)C. Rajagopalachari
(C )K.V. Reddy Naidu(D)Ramakrishna Ranga Rao

88.Which among the following journal was known Ezlunna Gazntte ?
(A)Bhashaposhini(B)Mithavadi(C )Vivekodayam(D)Prabhatam

89.Which was the first drama staged by Kerala People's Arts Club (KPAC) in 1951 ?
(A)Ente Makanau Sari(B)Ningalenne Communistakki
(C ) Mudiyanaya Puthran(D) Puthiya Akasam Puthiya Bhumi

90.Who was the 12th President of the Travancore State Congress ?
(A)A.V. Kuttimalu Amma(B)Lalitlia Prabhu
(C )Akkamma Cheriyan(D)Anna Chandi

91.Who described Dr. Palpu as the "Political Father" of Ezhavas ?
(A)Sree Narayana Guru(B)Kumaran Asan
(C )Kitty Lukose(D)K. Kelappan

92.Who wrote the famous work "G.P. Pillai : Mahatma Gandhikku Margadersivava Malayali" ?
(A)Sachidanandan(B)Malayankeezhu Gopalakrishnan
(C ) T. Padmanabhan(D) Panmana Raniachandran Nair

93.Who was the founder of the Kerala Pulayar Maha Sabha ?
(A)Ayyankali(B)Vellikkara Chothi
(C )Pokkan Master(D)P.K. Chathan Master

94.Who established the Bhashaposhini Sabha ?
(A)Kandathi Varghese Mnppillai (B)O.M. Cheriyan
(C )K.C. Kesavan Pillai(D)C.S. Subramaniam Potti

95. In which year S.K. Pottakkad won the Jnanpith Award for his novel 'Oru Desathinte Katha' ?
(A)1976(B)1978(C )1980(D)1981

96.Which among the following period w as declared as the United Nations decade for Women by the General Assembly ?
(A)1976 - 1985(B)1981 - 1990(C )1983 - 1992(D)1986 - 1995

97.What is the original name of Daya Bai, the social activist from Kerala working for the upliftment of the tribals in Central India ?
(A)Sarala Devi(B)Mercy Mathew(C )Margret X'avier(D)Sakuntala Devi

98.Where is the famous Bandhavgarh National Park situating ?
(A) Uttarakhand(B) Assam
(C ) Karnataka(D) Madhya Pradesh

99.Who was the youngest male to swim the English channel in 1998 ?
(A)Tom Gregory (B)Kevin Murphy(C )John Erikson(D)

100.Which is the capital of Barbodos ?
(A)Santo Domingo (B)Delmas(C )Bridgetown(D)

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