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1.The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 12 and 216 respectively. If one of number is 108, find the other number:
(C )24

2.Which one of the following is a prime number?
© 9.(D)1

3.John makes a profit of 12% by selling the article for Rs. 448. Calculate the cost price.
(C )300(D)400
(B) 48 (D) 9

4.Find the value of‘p’ for which 3, 5, p+5, 25 are in proportion :
(A) 15(B) 20
(C ) 10(D) 30

5.‘A’ can complete a piece of work in 10 days. ‘B’ can complete the same piece of work in
15 days. If they work together in how many days will the work be completed?
(A) 6•(B) 8
(C ) 10f(D) 9

6.Sachin runs at — th of his usual speed and reaches the playground 5 minutes earlier. What is the usual time?
(A) 20(B) 25
(C ) 35(D) None

7.The capacity of a cubical mug is 1 litre. The length of its edge is : 
(A) 1 cm(B) 10 cm
(C ) lm(D) 10 m

8.Find the compound interest on Rs. 8,000 for 1 1/2 years at 10% per annum if interest is being calculated half yearly:
(C )1241(D)1261

9.My mother is twice as old as my brother. I am 5 years younger to my brother, but 3 years older to my sister. If my sister is 12 years of age how old is my mother?
(C )40(D)46

10.The price of an article has been increased by 25%. By how much percent must this new price be decreased to retain its former price?
(C )50(D)30

11.Find the next number in the series :
4,7, 10, 11, 22, 17, 46, 25, -
(C )94

12.Identify the missing term :
TYU, NSO, HMI;------------

13.Find the odd man out:
5,9, 17, 35, 65, 129
(C )17’(D) 35
(D) 86

14.Pointing towards a lady, Leela said 'She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother, How is the lady related to Leela?
(A) Daughter(B) Aunt
(C ) Grand daughter(D) Sister

15.Give the antonym of the word ‘adversity': 
(A) extremity (C ) prosperity
(B) affliction (D) distress .

16.If PROSE is coded as PPOQE, how is LIGHT coded?

17.A boy goes south, turns right, then right again and then goes left. In which direction he is now?
(C ) West.(D) South

18.Arrange the given words in the sequence they occur in the dictionary :
1, .precede2.precision3.precise
(A)5, 3, 1, 4, 2,6(B)5, 1, 3, 4, 2,6
(C )5, 1,4, 2, 3,6(D)5, 1,4, 3, 2,6

19.If it was Saturday on 17th December 1982, what will be the day on 22nd December 1984?
(C )Saturday(D)Friday

20.A lady drives a car for 15 km to the west from the radio station. Then she turns left and goes 10 km. After this she turns right and goes for 18 km. Now in which direction is she going :
(C )South(D)East

21.A fuse wire is characterized by :
(A)Low resistance and low melting point
(B)Low resistance and high melting pointt
(C )High resistance and low melting point
(D)High resistance and high melting point

22.A man pushes a metal block and fails to displace it. He does :
(A) maximum work(B) no work at all
(C ) positive work(D) negative work

23.The minimum number of geostationary satellites needed for global communication coverage is:
(A) 1(B) 2
(C ) 3(D) 4

24.The working principle of Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) is :
(A) Scattering(B) Dispersion
(C ) Total internal reflection(D) interference

25. The concept of radio transmission was first demonstrated by the famous Indian scientist:
(A) J.C. Bose(B)C.V. Raman
(C ) Vikram Sarabai(D)Homi. J. Baba

26.Which of the following unit is a fundamental unit?
(A) Joule(B)WattWatt
(C ) Meter/Second(D)SecondSecond

27.One ‘Pico meter’ equal to :
(A) 10-6 m(B)10 15 m
(C ) 1012 m(D)10"9 m

28.The image of an object formed on the retina of humaneye is:
(A) Virtual and inverted(B)Virtual and erectVirtual and erect
(C ) Real and inverted(D)Real and erect

29.On which of the following scales of temperature, the temperature is never negative?
(A) Celsius(B)Kelvin
(C ) Fahrenheit(D)None of theseNone of these

30.i A person is comfortable while sitting near a fan in summer because :
(A) Rate of evaporation increases(B)The fan providesThe fan provides free ventilation
(C ) The fan circulates air(D)None of theseNone of these

31.Who among these politicians use an adapted Ratham’?motor vehicle dubbed as the ‘Chaitanya
(A) L.K. Advani(B)'Lalooprasad Yadav
(C ) N.T. Rama Rao(D)'M.G. Ramachandran

32.With reference to Educational Degree, what doesPh.D. stand for?
(A) Diploma of Philosophy(B)Diploma in Psychology
(C ) Doctor of Philosophy(D)Drama in PhilosophyDrama in Philosophy

33.Who is the Brand Ambassador of the programme ‘Make in Kerala?
(C )SureshGopi(D)Dileep

34.Which Article recently dismissed from the I.T. Act?
(A)66 B(B)66 A
(C )66 D(D)65 A

35.Which country is the 123rd member country in the International Criminal Court? 
(A) Pakistan(B) India
(C ) Israel(D) Palestine

36.The newly formulated International Front to fight against global warming :
(A)V20 .(B)V21
'(C )V22(D)V23

37. The Indian Scientist who won the Japan’s highest honour “Order of the Rising Son Gold and Silver Star”:
(A)Dr. Kiran Kumar(B)Prof. C.N.R. Rao
(C ) Dr. Ayyankar(D) Dr. G. Madhavan Nair

38. Who wrote the theme song of ‘Run Kerala Run’ in connection with National Games?
(A)P.K. Gopi(B)Murukan Kattakada
(C )O.N.V. Kurup(D)V. Madhusoodan Nair

39.The name of Single Window Portal started by India for Educational loan and Scholarships : 
(A) Vidya Lakshmi(B) Vidya Bharathi
(C ) Vidya Nikcthan(D) Vidya Abiyan
(B)Burg Dubai
(D) Great Wall of China

40.The third greatest attraction in the world website Trip Advisor’:
(A) Taj Mahal (C ) Pisa Toiyer

41.Gandhi wrote Hind Swaraj in Gujarati in :
• (A)1909
(C ) 1921 •

42.The narrow stretch of land that connects peninsular India with north eastern states of India is called:
(A) Siliguri Corridor
(C ). Darjeeling Corridor
(B)• Sikkim Corridor
(D)Gangtok Corridor

43.Boundary demarcation line between India and Pakistan is known as the :
(A)Durant Line(B)Radcliffe Line
(C )Line of Control(D)Actual Lineof Control

44.Srirangapattana is a river island located on the river: '
(C )Netravati(D)Sharavati

45.Black soil is seen in -(A) Palakkad (C ) Kollam
district of Kerala.

46.Bhagat Singh was convicted to death in------------case.
(A)Saunders Murder
(B)Meerut Conspiracy
(C )Lahore Conspiracy
(D)Central Legislative Assembly Bomb Throwing

47.The British introduced Dyarchy in major Indian Provinces by the Act of:

48.The main venue of the Salt Satyagraha in Kerala was :
(C )Ponnani(D)Guruvayur

49.The Indian National Congress adopted a resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic policy at its-------------session.
(A) Lahore (B) Nagpur
(C ) Karachi(D) Bombay

50. Who among the following was involved with the foundation of the Deccan Education Society?
(A)Gopala Krishna Gokhale(B)Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(C )Sardar Vallabhai Patel(B)V.D. Savarkar

51.Name the river mentioned by Kautilya in his Arthasasthra :
(C )Pamba(B)Kaveri

52.Puralimala was situated in w'hich Taluk?
(C )Meppadi(D)Manathnvady

53.Who was the founder of Ananda Maha Sabha?
(A)Raja Ram Mohan Roy(B)Dayananda Saraswathi
(C )Sree Narayana Guru(B)Swami Sivayogi

54.Which was the original name of Thycaud Ayya Swamikal?
(C )Gurudevan(B)Vasudevan

55.Who wrote the song Koottivoor Ulsavapattu?
(A)Chattambi Swamikal(B)Chavara Kuriakose Elias
(C )Vakkom Mnulavi(B)Vagbhatananda

56.Who wrote the famous work Jathikummi? ’•
(C )Pandit Karuppan(B)O.N.V. Kurup

57.Name the place in which Narayana Guru founded a Advaita Ashramam in 1904 for dedicating to the principle of Om Sahodaryam Sarvatra :
(A) Varkala (B) Aluva
(C ) Trichur(D) Trivandrum

58.Who wrote the play Adukkalayil Ninnu Arangathekku?
(A) V.T. Bhattathiripad(B) Swami Vivekananda
(C ) Poykayil Yohannan(D) Eluthachan

59.In which year Ayya Vaikundar was bom in Swamithoppu?
(C )1850(D)1875

60.Name the work written by Kumaranasan from the inspiration of Edwin Arnold's Light of Asia:
(A)Veena Poovu(B) Sakunthalam
(C ) Buddha Charitha(D) Swanthanam •

61.The Article of the Indian Constitution that deals with Right to Constitutional Remedies is :
(A)Article 28(B) Article 30
(C ) Article 31(D) Article 32

62.The International Human Rights Day is observed on :
(A) 26th January(B) 1st May
(C ) 10th December(D) 24th October

63.The Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission in India :
(A)K.G. Balakriahnan(B)G.P. Mathur
(C )J.S. Anand(D)Raghunath Mishra

64.The Protector of the rights of citizens in a democracy :
(A)Judiciary(B)Political Parties
(C )Legislature(D)Executive

65.Who said “Man is born free but he is everywhere in chains"?
(C )Hobbes(D)Rousseau

66.Article lays down that there shall be a Public Service Commission for the union and a Public Service Commission for each states :
(A)Article 280(B)Article 324
(C )Article 315(D)Article 356

67.The Chairman of the Constituent Assembly of India : . 
(A) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar(B)
(C ) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan(D)Dr. Rajendra Prasad Nehru

68. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by :
(A) Prime Minister(B) President
(C ) Parliament(D) Supreme Court

69. The present Home Minister of India is : 
(A) P. Chidhambaram (C ) S.M. Krishna
(B) A.K. Antony (D) Kapil Sibal

70. Which schedule of the Indian Constitution is dealing with Panchayat Raj system? 
(A) 9th(B) 10,h
(C ) 11th(D) 12th

71. We shall go for a walk when it raining.?
(A) stopped (C ) stopping
(B) stops (D) stop

72. The burglars entered the house (A) on (C ) during
the owner’s absence. (B) after (D) while

73. You must attend (A) of (C ) to
his instructions.
(B) on (D) for

74. We have plenty of time (A) isn’t it (C ) don’t we
(B) haven’t we (D) didn’t we
Direction (Q.No. 75 & 76)Which part of the sentence is wrong?

75. Do you think he is getting more worser day by day?
(A)(B)(C )(D)

76. Kolkota is standing on the river Hootrhly. 
(A)(B)(C )(D)

78.What is the antonym of predecessor?
(A) descendant(B) successor
(C ) ancestor(D) ascendant

79.Reported speech : “Which country do you come from?” said Ram.
(A)Ram asked which country you came from
(B)Ram asked which country I am coming from (C ) Ram asked which country are you coming from
(D)Ram asked which country I came from

80.Yesterday Imet-------------European at the beach.
(C )a(D)two

81.What is the active form of: The criminal was arrested by the police :
(A)The criminal was being arrested by the police
(B)The criminal is being arrested by the police
(C )The police arrested the criminal
(D)The criminal is arrested by the police

82.Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched by NDA Government on :
(A)15 August 1997(B)25 December 2000
(C )2 October 1975(D)1 April 1999

83.Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana is previously known as 

84.The Balika Samridhi Yojana will cover girl children who are born or after : 
(A) 1 April 1999(B) 15 August 1997
(C ) 26 January 2005(D) 2 October 1993

85Kudumbasree was introduced by the Government of: 
(A) India(B)
(C ) Kerala(D)
(A) Indira Balika Yojana(B)Indira Mahila Yojana
(C ) Indira Awaas Yojana(D)Indira Grameen Kozgar Yojana

86.Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Gram Yojana was launched bygovernment. ,
(C ) BJP(D)Congress

87.Which colour of ration card is issued to Antyodaya beneficiaries?
(A) Blue(B)Pink
(C ) Green(D)WhiteWhite

88.PMAGY implements which type of village?
(A) Mathruka gram(B)Bharat gram
(C ) Samridhi gram(D)Adarsh gram

89.Which Yojana aims to assist educated unemployed youth to set up Self Employment ventures?

90.Number of diseases covered by Integrated Child Development Scheme :
(A) 6(B)10
(C ) 5(D)44

91.The first generation computers usedfor circuitry.
(A) Vacuum Tubes(B)Transistors
(C ) Integrated Circuits(B)Large Scale Integration

92.A byte consists of how many bits?4
(A) Nine(B)Four
(C ) Eight(D)Sixteen

93.Internet works on :
(A) Circuit switching(B)Packet switching
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D)None of the mentionedNone of the mentioned

94.Cyberslacker is:
(A)A person securing access to a computer system without permission of the owner
(B)Using internet, email or other electronic communication devices to stalk
(C )Member of an organization using its internet resources for non work purpose
(D)Person who introduces computer virus to any computer

95.Speed of the modem is measured in :
(A) , Bytes per minute(B)Bytes persecond
(C )Bits per millisecond(D)Bits per second

96.Which of the following Languages is used for Artificial Intelligence?
(C )C(D)Cobol

97.GUI refers to:
(A)Graphical User Interface
(B)Guaranteed User Interface
(C )Graphics Utilized Internally
(D)None of the above

98.Computers use the-------------number system to store data and perform calculations.
(A) Decimal(B) .Octal
(C ) Hexadecimal(D) Binary

99.Spim is:
(A)Fraudulent way of getting confidential information
(B)Unwanted instant messages
(C )Unsolicited e-mails
(D)None of the above

100.What protocol is used between e-mail servers?

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