underwater wireless communication full report


While wireless communication technology today has become part of our daily life, the idea of wireless undersea communications may still seem far-fetched. However, research has been active for over a decade on designing the methods for wireless information transmission underwater. Human knowledge and understanding of the worldâ„¢s oceans, which constitute the major part of our planet, rests on our ability to collect information from remote undersea locations.
The major discoveries of the past decades, such as the remains of Titanic, or the hydro-thermal vents at bottom of deep ocean, were made using cabled submersibles. Although such systems remain indispensable if high-speed communication page link is to exists between the remote end and the surface, it is natural to wonder what one could accomplish without the burden (and cost) of heavy cables.
Hence the motivation and interest in wireless underwater communications. Together with sensor technology and vehicular technology, wireless communications will enable new applications ranging from environmental monitoring to gathering of oceanographic data, marine archaeology, and search and rescue missions.

Presented By:
K.Shiva Shankar
(Affiliated to J.N.T.University - Hyderabad)
Gandipet, Himayath Nagar, C.B Post.
1. Introduction
While wireless communication technology today has become part of our daily life, the idea of wireless undersea communications may still seem far-fetched. However, research has been active for over a decade on designing the methods for wireless information transmission underwater. Human knowledge and understanding of the worldâ„¢s oceans, which constitute the major part of our planet, rests on our ability to collect information from remote undersea locations.
The major discoveries of the past decades, such as the remains of Titanic, or the hydro-thermal vents at bottom of deep ocean, were made using cabled submersibles. Although such systems remain indispensable if high-speed communication page link is to exists between the remote end and the surface, it is natural to wonder what one could accomplish without the burden (and cost) of heavy cables.
Hence the motivation, and interest in wireless underwater communications. Together with sensor technology and vehicular technology, wireless communications will enable new applications ranging from environmental monitoring to gathering of oceanographic data, marine archaeology, and search and rescue missions.
2. Communication channel
The signals that are used to carry digital information through an underwater channel are not radio signals, as electro-magnetic waves propagate only over extremely short distances. Instead, acoustic waves are used, which can propagate over long distances. However, an underwater acoustic channel presents a communication system designer with many difficulties.
The three distinguishing characteristics of this channel are frequency-dependent propagation loss, severe multipath, and low speed of sound propagation. None of these characteristics are nearly as pronounced in land-based radio channels, the fact that makes underwater wireless communication extremely difficult, and necessitates dedicated system design.
3. Wave propogation
Fig. 1: Shallow water multipath propagation: in addition to the direct
path, the signal propagates via reflections from the surface and bottom.
Path loss that occurs in an acoustic channel over a distance d is given as A=dka(f)d, where k is the path loss exponent whose value is usually between 1 and 2, and a(f) is the absorption factor that depends on the frequency f..
This dependence severely limits the available bandwidth: for example, at distances on the order of 100 km, the available bandwidth is only on the order of 1 kHz. At shorter distances, a larger bandwidth is available, but in practice it is limited by the transducer. Also in contrast to the radio systems, an acoustic signal is rarely narrowband, i.e., its bandwidth is not negligible with respect to the center frequency.
Fig. 2: Ensemble of channel impulse
responses (magnitudes).
Within this limited bandwidth, the signal is subject to multipath propagation, which is particularly pronounced on horizontal channels. In shallow water, multipath occurs due to signal reflection from the surface and bottom, as illustrated in Figure 1. In deep water, it occurs due to ray bending, i.e. the tendency of acoustic waves to travel along the axis of lowest sound speed. Figure 2 shows an ensemble of channel responses obtained in deep water. The multipath spread, measured along the delay axis, is on the order of 10 ms in this example. The channel response varies in time, and also changes if the receiver moves. Regardless of its origin, multipath propagation creates signal echoes,
resulting in inter symbol interference in a digital communication system. While in a cellular radio system multipath spans a few symbol intervals, in an underwater acoustic channel it can spans few tens, or even hundreds of symbol intervals! To avoid the inter symbol interference, a guard time, of length at least equal to the multipath spread, must be inserted between successively transmitted symbols. However, this will reduce the overall symbol rate, which is already limited by the system bandwidth. To maximize the symbol rate, a receiver must be designed to counteract very long inter symbol interference.
The speed of sound underwater varies with depth and also depends on the environment. Its nominal value is only 1500 m/s, and this fact has a twofold implication on the communication system design. First, it implies long signal delay, which severely reduces the efficiency of any communication protocol that is based on receiver feedback, or hand-shaking between the transmitter and receiver. The resulting latency is similar to that of a space communication system, although there it is a consequence of long distances traveled. Secondly, low speed of sound results in severe Doppler distortion in a mobile acoustic system. Namely, if the relative velocity between the transmitter and receiver is ±v, then a signal of frequency fc will be observed at the receiver as having frequency fc (1±v/c). At the same time, a waveform of duration T will be observed at the receiver as having duration T(1±v/c). Hence, Doppler shifting and spreading occur. For the velocity v on the order of few m/s, the factor v/c, which determines the severity of the Doppler distortion, can be several orders of magnitude greater than the one observed in a land-mobile radio system! To avoid this distortion, a noncoherent modulation/detection must be employed. Coherent modulation/detection offers a far better utilization of bandwidth, but the receiver must be designed to deal with extreme Doppler distortion.
Summarizing the channel characteristics, one comes to the conclusion that an underwater acoustic page link combines in itself the worst aspects of radio channels: poor quality of a land-mobile link, and high latency of a space link. In addition, current technology offers limited transducer bandwidth (typically a few kHz, or few tens of kHz in a wideband system), half-duplex operation, and limited power supply of battery-operated instruments.
Fig. 3: Multichannel adaptive decision-feedback
equalizer (DFE) is used for high-speed
underwater acoustic communications. It supports
any linear modulation format, such as M-ary PSK or M-ary QAM
4. Acoustic modem
Acoustic modem technology today offers two types of modulation/detection: frequency shift keying (FSK) with noncoherent detection and phase-shift keying (PSK) with coherent detection. FSK has traditionally been used for robust acoustic communications at low bit rates (typically on the order of 100 bps). To achieve bandwidth efficiency, i.e. to transmit at a bit rate greater than the available bandwidth, the information must be encoded into the phase or the amplitude of the signal, as it is done in PSK or quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). For example, in a 4-PSK system, the information bits (0 and 1) are mapped into one of four possible symbols, ±1±j.
The symbol stream modulates the carrier, and the so-obtained signal is transmitted over the channel. To detect this type of signal on a multipath-distorted acoustic channel, a receiver must employ an equalizer whose task is to unravel the inter symbol interference. Since the channel response is not a-priori known (moreover, it is time-varying) the equalizer must learn the channel in order to invert its effect. A block diagram of an adaptive decision-feedback equalizer (DFE) is shown in Figure 3. In this configuration, multiple input signals, obtained from spatially diverse receiving hydrophones, can be used to enhance the system performance. The receiver parameters are optimized to minimize the mean squared error in the detected data stream. After the initial training period, during which a known symbol sequence is transmitted, the equalizer is adjusted adaptively, using the output symbol decisions. An integrated Doppler tracking algorithm enables the equalizer to operate in a mobile scenario.
This receiver structure has been used on various types of acoustic channels. Current achievements include transmission at bit rates on the order of one kbps over long ranges (10-100 nautical miles) and several tens of kbps over short ranges (few km) as the highest rates reported to date. On a more unusual note, successful operation was also demonstrated over a basin scale (3000 km) at 10 bps, as well as over a short vertical channel at a bit rate in excess of 100 kbps. The multichannel DFE forms the basis of a high-speed acoustic modem implemented at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The modem, shown in Figure 4, is implemented in a fixed-point DSP, with a floating-point co-processor for high-rate mode of operation. When active, it consumes about 3 W in receiving mode, and 10-50 W to transmit.
The board measures 1.75 _ 5 in, and accommodates four input channels. The modem has successfully been deployed in a number of trials, including autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) communications at 5 kbps.
Fig. 4: The WHOI micromodem
has dual mode of operation: low
5. under water networks
With advances in acoustic modem technology, sensor technology and vehicular technology, ocean engineering today is moving towards integration of these components into autonomous underwater networks. While current applications include supervisory control of individual AUVs, and telemetry of oceanographic data from bottom-mounted instruments, the vision of future is that of a digital ocean in which integrated networks of instruments, sensors, robots and vehicles will operate together in a variety of underwater environments. Examples of emerging applications include fleets of AUVs deployed on collaborative search missions, and ad hoc deployable sensor networks for environmental monitoring.
Fig. 5: Centralized network topology
Fig. 6: Decentralized network topology.
Depending on the application, future underwater networks are likely to evolve in two directions: centralized and decentralized networks. The two types of topologies are illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6. In a centralized network, nodes communicate through a base station that covers one cell. Larger area is covered by more cells whose base stations are connected over a separate communications infrastructure.
The base stations can be on the surface and communicate using radio links, as shown in the figure, or they can be on the bottom, connected by a cable. Alternatively, the base station can be movable as well. In a decentralized network, nodes communicate via peer-to-peer, multi-hop transmission of data packets. The packets must be relayed to reach the destination, and there may be a designated end node to a surface gateway. Nodes may also form clusters for a more efficient utilization of communication channel.
To accommodate multiple users within a selected network topology, the communication channel must be shared, i.e. access to the channel must be regulated. Methods for channel sharing are based on scheduling or on contention. Scheduling, or deterministic multiple-access, includes frequency, time and code-division multiple-access (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA) as well as a more elaborate technique of space-division multiple access (SDMA).
Contention-based channel sharing does not rely on an a-priori division of channel resources; instead, all the nodes contend for the use of channel, i.e., they are allowed to transmit randomly at will, in the same frequency band and at the same time, but in doing so they must follow a protocol for medium-access control (MAC) to ensure that their information packets do not collide. All types of multiple-access are being considered for the underwater acoustic systems.
Experimental systems today favor either polling, TDMA, or multiple-access collision avoidance (MACA) based on a hand-shaking contention procedure that requires an exchange of requests and clearances to send (RTS/CTS). Intelligent collision avoidance appears to be necessary in an underwater channel, where the simple principle of carrier sensing multiple access (CSMA) is severely compromised due to the long propagation delay”the fact that the channel is sensed as idle at some location does not guarantee that a data packet is not already in transmission at a remote location.
one of the major aspects of the evolving underwater networks is the requirement for scalability. A method for channel sharing is scalable if it is equally applicable to any number of nodes in a network of given density. For example, a pure TDMA scheme is not scalable, as it rapidly looses efficiency on an underwater channel due to the increase in maximal propagation delay with the area of coverage. In order to make this otherwise appealing scheme scalable, it can be used locally, and combined with another technique for spatial reuse of channel resources. The resulting scheme is both scalable and efficient; however, it may require a sophisticated dynamic network management.
In contrast, contention-based channel allocation offers simplicity of implementation, but its efficiency is limited by the channel latency. Hence, there is no single best approach to the deployment of an underwater network. Instead, selection of communication algorithms and network protocols is driven by the particular system requirements and performance/complexity trade-offs.
Fig. 7:A deep-sea observatory.
Research today is active on all topics in underwater communication networks: from fundamental capacity analyses to the design of practical network protocols on all layers of the network architecture (including medium access and data page link control, routing, transport control and application layers) as well as cross-layer network optimization.
In addition to serving as stand-alone systems, underwater acoustic networks will find application in more complex, heterogeneous systems for ocean observation. Figure 7 shows the concept of a deep sea observatory.
At the core of this system is an underwater cable that hosts a multitude of sensors and instruments, and provides high-speed connection to the surface. A wireless network, integrated into the overall structure, will provide a mobile extension, thus extending the reach of observation. While we have focused on acoustic wireless communications, it has to be noted that this will not be the only way of establishing wireless communication in the future underwater networks.
Optical waves, and in particular those in the blue-green region, offer much higher throughput (Mbps) albeit over short distances (up to about 100 m). As such, they offer a wireless transmission capability that complements acoustic communication.
6. Applications
¢ Future applications could enhance myriad industries, ranging from the offshore oil industry to aquaculture to fishing industries, she noted. Additionally, pollution control, climate recording, ocean monitoring (for prediction of natural disturbances) and detection of objects on the ocean floor are other areas that could benefit from enhanced underwater communications.
¢ Environmental monitoring to gathering of oceanographic data
¢ Marine archaeology
¢ Search and rescue missions
¢ Defence
7. disadvantages
¢ Battery power is limited and usually batteries cannot be recharged also because solar energy cannot be exploited .
¢ The available bandwidth is severly limited.
¢ Channel characteristics including long and variable propagation delays
¢ Multipath and fading problems.
¢ High bit error rate.
8. Conclusion
In this topic we overviewed the main challenges for efficient communication in under water acoustic sensor networks. We outlined the peculiarities of the under water channel with particular reference to networking solutions the ultimate objective of this topic is to encourage research efforts to lay down fundamental basics for the development of new advanced communication techniques for efficient under water communication and networking for enhanced ocean monitoring and exploration applications
¢ The aim of this is to build a acoustic communication
¢ This is not only the way for underwater communication
¢ By using optical waves which offers higher throughput (Mbps) over short distances (up to about 100 m)
Thumbs Up 
This article is presented by:

Milica Stojanovic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Underwater Communications

Future systems / requirements

Today: point-to-point acoustic links
Future: autonomous networks for ocean observation
Examples of future networks:
ad hoc deployable sensor networks
autonomous fleets of cooperating AUVs

Types of nodes:
fixed, slowly moving, mobile
sensors, relays, gateways
Types of signals, system requirements:
low/high rate (~100 bps-100kbps)
real-time/non real-time
high/moderate reliability
stand alone
integrated (e.g., cabled observatories)

Channel characteristics
Signal processing: bandwidth-efficient underwater acoustic communications
Example: application to oil field monitoring
Future research

Communication channel / summary

Physical constraints of acoustic propagation:

limited, range-dependent bandwidth
time-varying multipath
low speed of sound (1500 m/s)

System constraints:

transducer bandwidth
battery power

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Wireless communication


Overview of Portable Displays
What is iMoD ?
How it works ?
Color Generation

Wireless communication is an essential and continuously expanding part of modern life.
Smart phones present a number of challenging requirements on the display module such as low power consumption, video quality, speed and viewability in a broad range of lighting conditions.
The QUALCOMM Interferometric Modulator Display (iMoD) is an electrostatically actuated, bistable micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) device inspired by nature.
Emissive / Transmissive Displays
Reflective Displays (Continuous refresh type)
Reflective Displays (Bistable type)
Transflective Displays

Emissive/Transmissive Displays:
A liquid-crystal material resides between two transmissive substrates.
Backlight is placed underneath one of the substrates and by applying a voltage to the liquid-crystal material the light reaching the observer can be modulated so as to make the display pixel appear bright or dark.
Example: LCD
Reflective Displays (Continuous refresh type):
Reflective displays usually employ liquid-crystal material on top of the reflective substrate so as to modulate the ambient light reflecting off the reflective substrate.
Since there is no backlight in reflective displays, they consume substantially less power than emissive displays.
The majority of these types of displays must constantly be refreshed or the displayed image will be lost.


Introduction to underwater optical communication
The future tactical ocean environment will be increasingly complicated.
In addition to traditional communication links there will be a proliferation of unmanned vehicles in space, in the air, on the surface, and underwater
Under water, where radio waves do not propagate, acoustic methods will continue to be used.
Free Space Optics Concepts
Free-space optics (FSO) is a line-of-sight (LOS) page link that utilizes the use of lasers or light emitting diodes, LEDs, to make optical connections that can send/receive data information, voice, and video through free space.
Appling FSO Concepts to Seawater
The transmitter and receiver for an underwater page link can be very similar to a FSO page link in air, the major difference being the wavelength of operation.
ocean water has widely varying optical properties depending on location, time of day, organic and inorganic content, as well as temporal variations such as turbulence.
Water Types
Attenuation Underwater

Attenuation underwater is the loss of beam intensity due to intrinsic absorption by water, dissolved impurities, organic matter and scattering from the water, and impurities including organic and inorganic particulate.
Each water type also contains different levels of biomass known as:
Phytoplankton-unicellular plants with light absorbing chlorophylls,
Gelbstoffe -dissolved organic compounds know as yellow substance, Other optical effects of the biomass include:
Fluorescence -re-emission of light at a lower frequency by absorber illuminated with optical energy,
Bioluminescence- emission of light by marine organisms.
Absorption by Pure Seawater
Phytoplankton – Chlorophyll-a
Scattering by Pure Seawater
Because of the inherent scattering of molecules, and of the salts dissolved in the water, a certain amount of initial scattering has to be taken into account before calculating the total scattering coefficient.
This type of scattering is Raleigh scattering, with strong wavelength dependence seen with the increased scattering at shorter wavelengths.
Scattering by Suspended Particulate
Scattering in the ocean is due to both inorganic and organic particles floating within the water column. Where in the open ocean scattering comes mainly from organic particles (phytoplankton, etc.),
Scattering from the particulates depends on the degree of external reflection and diffraction by their geometric form, and the internal refraction and reflection from the index of refraction from the particulates
Link Budget
Judging the relative merits of optical communication systems can be difficult due to the wide variety of different methods that can be used to communicate.
This FOM has been used to discuss the evolution of communications systems, especially the fiber optic communication systems.
Power Budget
Assuming a specific wavelength of operation, and a goal of a specific Bit Error Rate(BER) to construct the power budget for a simple point to point link, one should consider:
The transmitter output power,
Coupling efficiency of the source and receiver to the fiber,
Rise time Budget
The purpose of a rise-time budget is to ensure that the complete system is able to operate at the intended bit-rate
The rise-time characteristics of the transmitter and receiver are usually known. The allocated rise time will depend on the format used by the system, i.e.Return to Zero (RZ) or NonReturn to Zero (NRZ). With NRZ format able to accommodate twice the Bit-rate as the RZ format.
RF Link Budget
Geometric Effects in Link Budget
Antenna and aperture theories are also typically used for RF communication systems that are static in configuration.
At high frequencies, where line of sight dominates the situation, it is similar to that of the laser beam while at lower frequencies multi-path effects dominate.
Acoustical Link Budget
Geometric Effects in Link Budget

Similarly in acoustic communications, the deep water environment will be different than the shallow water environment, purely from the geometric effects of multiple reflections from the bottom and surface.
For acoustic single transducers the emitter can be considered omni directional, although there shadowing effects that attenuate the signal
Amount of Bandwidth available in an acoustical page link with respect to page link distance
High Powered LEDS
Recently, high powered LEDs have been commercialized for applications requiring high efficiency including automobile head lights, brake lighting, and indoor lamp lighting.
As a possible future application the possibility of using high powered LEDs for underwater communications were explored where the desired wavelengths of operation are between 450nm and 550nm
For optical communication purposes the following aspects should be considered:
Optical wavelength
Optical output power
Beam parameters.
LumiLEDs are presently the industry leader in high powered LEDs. They have focused on
efficiently extracting light from the LEDs and packaging the LEDs so that heat can efficiently be removed.
FM Optical Wireless System
The next experiment demonstrated the use of LEDs in a simple communication page link using human voice.
FM modulation was chosen over AM modulation since it was viewed as being more resistant to fading and variations in the signal amplitude.
Applications for underwater optical communication systems include:
Diver-to-diver communication links
Diver-to-submarine links
Submarine-to-UAV links
Submarine-to-submarine links
UAV-to-UAV links
Submarine-to-satellite links
The model describing the inherent optical properties of ocean water, included:
Absorption by Pure Seawater
Absorption by Chlorophyll
Absorption by Color Dissolved Organic Matter
Scattering by Pure Seawater
Scattering by Small & Large Particle
Beam Spread through a horizontal water column
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