TRADESMAN - CARPENTRY - TECHNICAL EDUCATION - kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Carpenter's pencil has usually------------cross section.
(B) Rectangular
(C ) Square
(D) Oval

2.Collapsible carpenter's rule (zig zag rule) consists of--------pieces each loosely riveted to one another..
(C )6

3.The threaded shaft of quick releasevice is made of:
(B)Cast iron
(C )Wrought iron
(D)Pig iron

4.-— hammer is used to extract nails from the timber.
(A)Boll peen hammer
(B)Cross peen hammer
(C )Straight peen hammer
(D)Claw hammer

5.— are used for longer measurements :
(A)Steel rule
(B)Tape measures
(C )Folding rule
(D)Zig-zag rule

6.gauge has two spurs.
(A)Marking gauge
(B)Mortise gauge
(C )Cutting gauge
(D)Panel gauge

7.Mitre square is used to checkdegrees.
(C )130

8.The bit with an adjustable cutter is :
(A)Nail bit (C ) Expansion bit
(B)Auger bit (D) Forstner bit the middle of the work bench and is slightly in lower level to accommodate
the working tools.
(A) Swivel rest 
(B) Bench hook
(C ) Tool well 
(D) Bench stop

10. The drilling machine used in places such as explosive factories, petroleum refineries etc are 
(A) Pneumatic hand drill
(B) Electric hand drill (light duty)
(C ) Electric hand drill (heavy duty)
(D) Rotary.hammer drill

11. The carpenter's quick release vice has — threads.
(A) Square threads 
(B) Buttress threads 
(C ) Acme threads 
(D) B.S.F threads

12. The bit used for boring skewed holes (pocketing) for screws is:
(A)Nail bit
(B)Auger bit
(C )Expansion bit .
(D)Forstner bit

13.----------Saw is used for sawing along the grain.
(A)Dove tail saw
(B)Rip saw
(C )Cross cut saw
(D) Light back saw

14.The generally using screw' driver with flat blade is :
(A)Standard screw driver (light duty)
(B)Standard screw driver (heavy duty)
(C ) London pattern screw driver
(D)Phillips screw driver

15.------------saw is used for cutting curves.
(A)Fret saw 
(B) Light back saw 
(C ) Rip saw 
(D) Panel saw’

16.------------bit is used for boring large., deep holes for bolts etc in hard woods.
(A)Nail bit
(B) Auger bit
(C ) Expansion hit
(D) Forslner bit

17.-----------plane has its cutting iron set at 70° to 80° to its sole.
(A)'Prying plane
(B) Smoothing plane
(C ) Toothing plane
(D) Jack plane

18.----------- Glue, is a chemical extract from the curds of skimmed milk and other ingredients.
(A) Animal glue
(B) Casein glue
(C ) Blood albumin glue
(D) Contact glue

19."Honing” of cutting edge of cutting tool is done with :
(A) Grinding wheel
(B) Oil atone
(C )Kile

20.Coarse grit of sand paper grade number is :
(C )220

21.To check the surface for wrinkles in breadth wise or length wise-is used.
(A) Winding strips
(B) Straight edge
(C ) Steel rule
(D) Try square

22.Spirit varnish dry by : 
(A) Evaporation 
(B) Chemical action 
(C ) Oxidation 
(D) None of the above

23.To sharpen cutting tools with oil stone oil is used. 
(A) Diesel 
(B) Groundnut oil
(C ) Neats loot oil 
(D) 20 w 10 oil

24.-----------damp is used for damping up wide works and large frames.
(A)Hand screw
(B)G- cramp
(C )Sash cramp'

25.For extra heavy work-------------chisel is used.
(A)Socket mortise
(B)Bench firmer
(C )Bevel edge firmer

26.-------------is a solvent for paints, sealer, and
(A) Alcohol 
(C ) Linseed oil
(D)None of the above

27.The size of a band saw machine depends upon : 
(A) Diameter of wheel 
(B)Size of table
(C ) Height of band saw machine
(D) Length of band saw blade

28.A special type of mallet is made of-----------which is made of special wood that is treated with heat and pressure.
(A) Ligno stone 
(B)Poovam wood 
(C ) lrul wood
(D) Sal wood

29.-----------is used to mitre small section of wood accurately.
(A)Mitre box
(B)Pin block
(C )Mitre set
(D)Mitre block

30.The base of the surface planer is made of:
(A)Mild steel
(B)Cast iron
(C )High carbon steel
(D)Alloy steel

31.The size of a jointer machine depends on :
(A)Length of in feed table
(B)Length of out feed table
(C )Total length of both out feed and in feed table
(D)length of knives

32.........are used for laying out larger circles and arcs.
(A)Wing compasses
(C )Divider
(B)Trammel points
(D)Pro — circle

33.The-------------joint consists of sinking the end or edge of one member into a groove or trench in the face of another member.
(A)Housing joints
(B)Lengthening joints
(C )Framing joints
(D)Halving joints

34.In a wood turning lathe------------drives the work.
(A)Spur centre
(B)Dead centre
(C )Cup centre
(D)Bearing centre

35.The diameter of a round rod can be measured with :
(A) Jenny caliper*
(B) Inside caliper
(C ) Outside caliper
(D) Odd leg caliper

36.-----------machine is used to make square or rectangular holes in wood.
(A)Planer machine
(B)Mortising machine
(C )Wood turning lathe
(D)Drilling machine

37.The central layer of ply wood is called :
(A)Face ply
(B)Cross bands
(C )Bottom ply

38.In ornamentation of timber for inlaying banding--------tool is used
(A) Scratch
(B)Veneering knife
(C ) Veneer hammer
(D)None of the above

39. In a wood turning lathe------------------tool is used for cutting rough surface quickly :
(A) Skew chisel' 
(B) Round nose chisel
(C ) Gouge chisel
(D) Flat chisel

40. In------------gauge, at the end of the stem scribing knife is fixed with aid of one wedge.
(A) Marking gauge*
(B) Mortise gauge
(C ) Cutting gauge
(D) Panel gauge water solution preservative.
(A) Creosote oil
(C ) Zinc or copper naphthenate
(B) Tar
(D) Zinc chloride

42.Circular saw is specified according to their :
(A)Size of the table
(B)The maximum diameter.of the saw blade fitted inside the throat plate
(C )Height of the machine
(D)Length of the fence

43.-----------gauge is a marking gauge with-two spurs.
(A) Mortise gauge
(B) Marking gauge
(C ) Cutting gauge
(D) Panel gauge

44.-----------is used for quick removal of much wood.
(A) Wood file
(B) Flat file
(C ) Triangular file.
(D) Rasp file

45.In wooden single cut file, the angle of cut to the axis of the file is------------degrees.
(A) 60°
(B) 65°
(C ) 70°
(D) 75"

46. The volume of a log can be calculated by using---------------formulae.
(A)(dl +d2)2  , x —x length 2 4
(B)(d1 + d2) it . x —x length 2 4
(C )(G/4) x length
(D)None of the above

47.— furniture is used in library.
(A)Cane easy chairs
(B)Indexcard cabinet
(C )Desk and bench

48.Endogenous trees are those which grow :
(B) Outward
(C ) Upward
(D) Downward

49.The innermost part of a tree is :
(A)True wood
(C ) Pith. 
(D) Bark

50. In double cut wooden file, over cut makes an angle of---------to the file axis.
(C )50°

51.In pattern making--------------is used.
(A) Steel rule
(B) Folding rule
(C ) Contraction rule
(D) Zig-zag rule

52.The outer most part of a tree is :
(A) True wood
(B) Sap wood
(C ) Pith
(D) Bark

53.The swing doors arc provided with------------hinges.
(A) Double action spring hinge'
(B) Parliament hinge
(C ) Butt hinge
(D) Strap hinge

54.The bottom piece of the window frame is called :
(A) Rail
(B) Stile
(C ) Horn
(D) Sill

55.The age of a tree can be calculated by the number of:
(B)Sap wood
(C )Annular rings

56.The size and quality’of the cells refers to :
(C ) Figure
(D) Elasticity of timber is important when timber is to be used for bows, carriage shafts, sports goods, wooden floors etc.
(A) Elasticity
(C ) Strength

58.—1joint is used in high class cabinet worksand jewel boxes where appearance and
strength are required.
(A) Single dovetail joint
(B)Common dovetail joint
(C ) Lapped dovetail joint
(D)Secret dovetail joint

59.In  sawing method the boardsare cut.with their width in the direction of
medullary rays.
(A) Live sawing
(B)Back sawing
(C ) Quarter sawing
(D)Tangential sawing

60.Very quick method of seasoning is :
(A) Chemical seasoning
(B)Boiling or steaming
(C ) Electrical seasoning
(D)Smoke seasoning

61.In double cut wooden file, the up cut or in put makes an angle of------------to the file axis.
(C ) 70°
(D) 75°

62.------------nail is stamped from sheet metal with little or no point,
(A) Finishing nail
(B). Panel pin
(C ) Veneer pin
(D) Roofing nail

63.-------------windows projects outside the external walls of a room.
(A) Louvered window
(B) Bay window
(C ) Sliding window
(D) Dormer window

64.------------nail is used to secure thin materials and fabrics to wood as used by upholsters ’ and motor car trimmers.
(A) Finishing nail
(B) Cut tack
(C ) Panel pin
(D) Wiggle nail

65.-----------gauge is made fully of steel.
(A) Marking gauge 
(C ) Butt gauge
(B) Mortise gauge 
(D) ' Cutting gauge

66.The angle of the point of a centre punch is :
(C )70°‘
(D) 60°

67.------------is a pointed steel rod of either square or round which is fitted with wooden or plastic handle.
(C )Nail bit

68.The vertical windows which are provided on a sloping roof of the building are : 
(A) Louvered window
(B) Bay window
(C ) Sliding window
(D) Dormer window

69.The maximum span of a collar beam roof is : 
(A) 2.5 m (C )4.25 m
(B) 3.5 m (D) 4.75 m

70.The angle of prick punch used for making light punch marks needed to position dividers is : 
(A) 91T
(B) 70o .
(C ) 60o
(D) 30°

71.The opening space occupied by the star is known as :
(A) Staircase
(B) Tread
(C ) Stair way
(D) Landing

72.The shape of----gives the screws its name.
(A) Head 
(C ) Thread

73.-----------screw’ is driven with a spanner.
(A) Counter sunk headed
(B) Round headed
(C )Square headed
(D) Cross point headed

74.-------------timber is coarse textured with interlocked grains.
(C )Babul

75.type of stairs has a well or opening between the flights.
(A)Open newel stair
(B)Dog legged stair
(C )Quarter turn stair
(D)Straight stair a natural defect in timber.
(D)Twist a trunk of a tree with branches cut off and bark removed.
(A). Baulk
(C )Log
(D) Deals

78.plane is used to plane concave or convexsurface.
(A)Compass plane
(B)Rebate plane
(C )Plough plane
(D)Match plane

79.screw is driven with a hammer.
(A)Hound head screw'
(B)Nail screw
(C )Raised head screw
(D)Cup screw

80. type of wooden floor has got aherring bone strutting at the mid
strengthen the joint.
(A)Basement or ground floor
(B)Single joist wooden floor
(C )Double joist wooden floor
(D)Framed joist wooden floor

81.In whichdistrict was Perinad strike held?
(C )Thiruvananthapuram

82.Who authored ‘Adwaitha Chintha Paddhathi’?
(A)Chattampi Swamikal
(B)Sreenarayana Guru
(C )Kumaranasan

83.What was the original name of Brahmananda Sivayogi?
(A)Panampalli Govindaramenon
(B)Alathur Govindamenon
(C )Karakkat Ananthamenon
(D)Karat GovindakuttyMenon

84.Which state was declared as the First smoke free state in India?
(A)Himachal Pradesh
(C )Missoram

85.Who is the author of Train to Pakistan’? 
(A) Anitha desai 
(B) R.K Narayan 
(C ) Khuswanth Singh 
(D) Nissim Ezekkiel

86.Who has been chosen for the UN Global award for public services?
(A) Nelson Mandela
(B) Oomen Chandy
(C ) Matha Amrithanandamayi
(D) Malala Yusafzai

87.First women Lokh sabha speaker in India 
(A) Indira Gandhi 
(B) Suchetha Kripalani
(C ) Meera Kumar . 
(D) Sushma Swaraj 

88.First state in India which used electronic voting machine for general election : 
(A) Nagaland
(B) Karnataka
(C ) Kashmir
(D) Kerala

89.The first Opposition leader of Lok sabha : 
(A) A.K. Gopalan 
(B) Morarji Desai
(C ) Charan Singh
(D) Jayaprakash Narayan

90.The district in Kerala which shares boundary'with two neighbouring states:
(A) Palakkad 
(C ) Wayanad

91.Who is the author of “Geetha Rahasya'?
(A) Jayadevan 
(B)Gopalakrishna Gokhale 
(C ) Sankaraacharya
(D) Balagangadhara Thilak

92. The members of the State Public Service commission are appointed by the :
(A) Chief Minister
(B)‘Chief Justice
(C ) Governor

93.Tripitakas are the sacred books of:
(A) Buddhists
(C ) Parsis

94.Permanent headquarters of SAARC :
(A) Kathmandu
(C ) Srilanka

95.Who is known as Kerala Gandhi? 
(A) Ayyankali
(B)K. Kelappan
(C ) Mannath Pathmanabhan
(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

96.Which is the first specialized agency of UNO?

97.Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British in state of:
(C )Mysore

98.The Lahore declaration of 1999 signed between AB.- Vajpeyee and :
(A)Parvez Musharaf.
(B)Sheikh Haseena
(C ) Benazir Bhutto
(D) Nawas Shereef

99.Tulsidas, the author of Ramchuritmanas, was a contemporary of which of the following rulers?
(A) Sher Shah Suri
(B) Humayun
(C ) Akbar
(D) Shahjahan

100.The title of'Viceroy’ was added to the office of the Governor-General of India for the first time in :
(A) 1818 AD
(B) 1858 AD
(C ) 1856 AD
(D) 1868 AD

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