TRACER - SURVEY AND LAND RECORDS-kerala psc previous question paper

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1.The height of a telescopic metric staff :
(A)3 m
(B)4 m
(C )5 m
(D)3.5 m

2.Instrument for drawing rays in plane table survey :
(A)U - frame
(C )spirit level

3.The point where two readings are taken in leveling :
(A)Back sight
(B)Fore sight
(C )Change point
(D)Intermediate sight

4.The Scale used in theodolite :
(A)Plain scale
(B)Diagonal scale
(C )Comparative scale
(D)Vernier scale

5.In metric chain one metre length is divided into :
(A)20 links
(C )10 links
(D)30 links

6.The horizontal angle between true meridian and magnetic meridian is known as :
(A)Magnetic bearing
(B)True bearing
(C )Dip
(D)Magnetic declination

7.Contours of different elevations cross in case of:
(A) Steep ground
(C ) Vertical cliff
(D)Overhanging cliff

8. Planimeter is used for measuring :
(A) Volume
(C ) Enlarging the plan

9.The angle between two plane mirror of a optical square is :
(C )180° 
(D) 45°

10.The smallest division on the IS1 levelling staff is :
(A)0.5 m
(B)0.05 m
(C )0.005 m
(D)5 cm

11.The reading first entered in the field book of leveling:
(A)Back sight
(B)Fore sight
(C )Intermediate sight
(D)Change point

12.The line joining the optical centre of the object glass to the centre of the eye-piece :
(A)Axis of the level tube
(B)Axis of the telescope
(C )Line of collimation
(D)Axis of the bubble tube

13.Determining the difference in elevation between two point is called :
(A)Bench Mark
(B)Height of collimation
(C )Reduced level
(D)Level difference

14.The surface area of A0 size drawing sheet :
(A)2 sq.m.
(B)1 sq.m.
(C )1.5 sq.m.
(D)3 sq.m.

15.The instrument which is used for reducing and enlarging the drawing ?
(A)Slide rule
(C )Planimeter

16.The volume of right circular cone :
(C )|w2h

17.As per BIS the size of modular brick is :
(A) 19x9x9 cm 
(B)20x10x10 cm 
(C )19x10x10 cm 
(D) 20x12x12 cm

18.The bearing of line taken from the starting point of the line towards the other end is railed :
(A)Back bearing
(B)Whole circle bearing
(C )Quadrantal bearing
(D)Fore bearing

19.Tire imaginary line joining the points of same elevation in the ground :
(A)Contour interval
(B)Contour line
(C )Isogonic line
(D)Agonic line

20.The downward inclination of the needle with the horizontal is known as :
(B)True bearing
(C )Magnetic bearing

21.The value of broad gauge adopted by Indian Railway :
(A)1.00 m
(B)1.767 m
(C )1.676 m
(D)1.607 m

22.The W.C.B of a line observed by a prismatic compass is 13°. Its bearing read on a surveyors compass is:
(A)S 40° E
(B)N 40° E
(C )N 50° E
(D)S 50° E

23.The ratio of stress to strain is :
(B)Bulk modulus
(C )Poissons ratio
(D)Modulus of elasticity

24.The slope of the road pavement in the longitudinal direction is called :
(C )Super elevation
(D)Length of summit

25.The part of a circle bounded by an arc and its chord is known as :
(A)Semi circle
(C )Segment

26.The weight of a body is the product of mass and :
(A) Acceleration
(C ) Momentum
(D)Acceleration due to gravity

27.The main principle of surveying :
(A) Part to the whole
(B)Lower surface to the higher surface
(C ) Whole to the part
(D) Traversing

28.If 'h' is the difference in height between and pints of chain length T the required slope correction is :

29.Ratio of the length of the drawing to the actual size of the object termed as :
(A)Fair area
(B)Reduced scale
(C )Representative fraction
(D)Enlarged scale

30.Two point and three point problem are typical cases of:
(C )Traversing

31.The size of the field book is:
(A)20 x 20 cm
(B)40 x 20 cm
(C )20 x 12 cm
(D)40 x 12 cm

32.The most suitable well conditioned triangle in chain surveying is :
(A)Right angled triangle
(B)Equilateral triangle
(C )Scalene triangle
(D)Isosceles triangle

33.One hectare is equal to how many acres ?
(C )0.247

34.Which of the following is not a minor instrument ?
(A) Abney level 
(B) Clinometer 
(C ) Planimeter 
(D)Dumpy level

35.For setting out an offset of an angle of 45° :
(A) Open cross staff
(B) Trench cross staff
(C ) Optical square
(D) Wooden cross staff

36.Area of an equilateral triangle is :

37.Ratio of mechanical advantage to velocity ratio :
(B)Work done
(C )Output

38.Tan 60" :
(C )

39.If diameter of a circle doubled the area will increase :
(A)2 times
(B)4 times
(C )3 times
(D)8 times

40.Which survey line is used for locating interior details ?
(A)Base line
(B)Proof line
(C )Check line
(D)Tie line

41.Geodetic survey is applied if the area to be surveyed is more than :
(C )1000

42.The latitude of an traverse line is obtained by the product of length and 
(A)cosecant angle 
(B)sine angle
(C )cosine angle
(D)tangent angle

43.On a diagonal scale it is possible to read up to :
(A)2 units
(B)3 units
(C )4 units

44.The common error in compass :
(C )Cumulative
(D)Local attraction

45.The process of turning the telescope in horizontal plane about its vertical axis is :
(A) Swinging
(C ) Centering
(D) Telescope normal

46.The algebraic sum of the deflection angle should be equal to :
(C )360°

47.The size of the theodolite representing the diameter of the :
(B)Bubble tube
(C )Upper plate

48.Volume of 1 bag cement weighing 50 kg is :
(A)1 m3
(B)0.34 m3
(C )0.034 m3

49.Key plans are drawn in___________scale.
(A)Not to
(B)1 : 500
(C )1 : 800
(D)1 : 1000

50.Number of bricks required per cubic metre with nominal size :
(C )700

51.Adjacent side divided by hypotenuse of a right angled triangle :
(B)cosine 0
(C )sin 0
(D)secant 0

52.If the observed fore bearing of a line AB is S 59“ 18’ W, the back bearing should be :
(A)S 59“ 18’W
(B)N 59° 18’ F
(C )S 59“ 18’ E
(D)N 59“ 18' W

53.A line through a point in which the plane passing through that point and the south and north poles, intersects with the surface of the earth is known as :
(A) True meridian 
(B)True bearing 
(C ) Magnetic meridian 
(D) Magnetic bearing

54.If the W.C.B. of a place is 170° 12', the quadrantal bearing would be :
(A)S 9° 48 W
(B)S 9° 48 E
(C )S 10° 48' W
(D)N 10° 48’ E

55.Which of the following scale is largest one ?
(A)1 cm = 100 m
(C )1 cm = 10 km
(D)lcm = 100km

56.Which of the following is not used to measure perpendicular offsets ?
(A)Optical square
(C )Box sextant
(D)Steel tape

57.Which of the following scale has a common representative fraction but read in different units ?
(A) Pain scale
(C )Comparative scale
(B) Diagonal scale 
(D) Shrunk scale

58.The vertical distance between an two consecutive contours is called :
(A) Contour equivalent
(B) Contour interval
(C ) Vertical equivalent
(D) Horizontal equivalent

59.A fixed point of known elevation is known as :
(B)Reference point
(C )Reduce level
(D)Bench mark

60.Contour lines spaced closely indicate :
(A)Gentle slope
(B)Steep slope
(C )Plane ground
(D)Uniform slope

61.One joule is equal to :
(A) 103 ergs
(B)105 ergs
(C )106 ergs
(D)107 ergs

62.A type of survey in which the shape of the earth is taken into account is called :
(A)Pane survey
(B)Earth survey
(C ) Geodetic survey
(D) (Geological survey

63.The length of revenue chain :
(A)100 feet
(B)36 feet
(C )33 feet
(D)66 feet

64.A closed contour line with one or more higher value inside it represents :
(C )Depression

65.The computation of locating contours is known as :
(A) Estimation 
(B) Intersection 
(C ) Interpolation 
(D) Calculation

66.Very high degree of precision tape :
(A)Synthetic tape
(B)Steel tape
(C )Metallic tape
(D)Invar tape

67.In slabs and beams, the grade of concrete mix generally used :
(A)1 : 2 : 6
(B)1 : 3 : 6
(C )1 : 2 : 4
(D)1 : 4 : 8

68.According to ISI the strength of concrete is achieved after :
(A)7 days
(B)10 days
(C )21 days
(D)28 days

69.The minimum thickness of R.C.C slab is :
(A)4 cm
(B)7 cm
(C )5 cm
(D)10 cm

70.A survey which are made to fix the property line, the calculation of village land area or the transfer of land property from one owner to another is known as :
(A)City survey
(B)Cadastral survey
(C )Topographical survey
(D)Geological survey

71.In prismatic compass 'Zero' is marked at:
(A) North
(B) Hast
(C ) South
(D) West

72. 'The box of the compass is made of: 
(A) Iron
(B) Brass
(C ) Copper
(D) Aluminium

73.Which of the following changes its position with time ?
(A)True meridian
(C )Arbitrary meridian

74.A regular solid having six squares face is :
(A)Hexagonal prism
(C )Octahedran
(D)Square prism

75.The sum of the interior angle of a regular pentagon :
(A) 360
(C ) 560
(D) 640

76.The principle of tacheometer is mainly used for :
(A) Hydrographic survey
(B)Topographical survey
(C ) Locating contours
(D) Profile

77.The process of establishing intermediate point on a straight line between the terminal points in surveying is termed as :
(A) Chaining
(B) Stepping
(C ) Traversing 
(D) Ranging

78.Which method gives more accurate results in the measurement of areas ? (A) Simpsons rule
(B) Mid-ordinate rule
(C ) Trapezoidal rule
(D) Average ordinate rule

79.Which of the following is not true ?
(A) B5 + RL = HI 
(B) HI-FS = RL
(C ) HI —IS = RL
(D) BS + FS = HI

80. The Initial setting time of Portland cement:
(A)l hour 
(B) 10 hour
(C ) 30 minutes 
(D)60 minutes

81.Who is the Present Governor of Kerala ?
(A)Nikhil kumar
(B)H. Bharadwaj
(C )R.S. Gavai
(D)Sheela Deekshith

82.First Non-Indian National Congress Chief Minister in Republic of India :
(A)Jyothi Basu
(B)C.N. Annadurai
(C )E.M.S.
(D)M.G. Ramachandran

83.Chavittunadakam Ls colourful Latin Christian art form originated in :
(B) Cochin
(C ) Mahe 

84.Name the Present Chief Electoral Officer of Kerala :
(A)E.K. Bharat Bhooshan
(B)Niveditha P. Haran
(C )Nalini Netto
(D)None of these

85.'Aadu Jeevitham' a novel written by:
(A)Punathil Kunjabdulla
(B)E.T. Muhammed Basheer
(C )M. Mukundan

86.Kerala State Film Best Actor Award2014 :
(A)Suraj Venjaramoodu
(C )Jayaram
(D)Fahadh Fasil

87.S.A.Dankhe belongs to :
(A)Janatha Party
(B)Congress Socialist Party
(C )Communist Party of India
(D)Indian National Congress

88.Who was the Founder Editor of ‘Mankind and Jan' Magazine ?
(A)Ram Manohar Lohia
(B)Rajaram MohanRoy
(C )K. Kama Raj
(D)S. Nijalingappa

89.The Country which is related to Warsaw Pact ?
(B)Soviet Union
(C )Britain

90.The expansion of E.V.M :
(A)Electronic Visual Media
(B)Electrical VotingMachine
(C )Electronic Voting Machine
(D)None of these

91.The leader who associated with the Principles of ‘Glasnost and Peristroika' ?
(A)Joseph Stalin
(B)Karl Marks
(C )Lenin

92.Name the Gandhian who died by performing an indefinite fast for the creation of separate Andra ?
(A)S. Nijaiingappa
(B)Potti Sriramalu
(C )SanjeevaReddy
(D)Rama Rao

93. Article 370 of the Indian Constitution give special status to :
(C )Jammu and Kashmir

94.The Chipko Movement is an attempt to stop :
(A)Killing of Indian Tigers
(B)Soil Erosion
(C )Deforestation
(D)Killing of Birds

95.The bank which mainly focusing on Agricultural Development :
(A)Co-operative Bank
(C )Federal Bank

96.Which Article of the Indian Constitution Relates to the Organisation of Village Panchayats ? 
(A) Article 70
(B) Article 40
(C ) Article 21
(D) Article 32

97.___________is the longest served President of India.
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(B) Dr. V.V. Giri
(C ) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(D) R. Venkitta Raman

98.In the Modem context most of the third world states are :
(A) Lingustically Homogeneous
(B) Rich in Natural Resources
(C ) Economically Self Reliant
(D) Ethnically and Culturally divided

99.Socialism is like a hat that has lost in shape because everybody wears it Who comment ? 
(A) T.H. Green 
(B) Laski
(C ) Marc
(D) C.E.M Joad

100. The Representation of People Act was passed in the year :
(A) 1950
(C ) 1953
(D) 1949

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