surface-conduction electron-emitter display (SED)

I am a third year electronics and communication engineering student in search of recent seminar topics in the above field.Kindly give me detailed information on the topic SED.
plz provide me the repo f sed seminnar plz...BlushSmile
More Info About surface electron emission display

A surface-conduction electron-emitter display (SED) is a flat panel color television technology currently being developed by a number of companies. SEDs use nanoscopic-scale electron emitters to energize colored phosphors and produce an image. In a general sense, a SED consists of a matrix of tiny cathode ray tubes, each "tube" forming a single sub-pixel on the screen, grouped in threes to form red-green-blue (RGB) pixels. SEDs combine the advantages of CRTs, namely their high contrast ratios, wide viewing angles and very fast response times, with the packaging advantages of LCD and other flat panel displays. They also use much less power than an LCD television of the same size.

After considerable time and effort in the early and mid-2000s, SED efforts started winding down in 2009 as LCD became the dominant technology. In August 2010, Canon announced they were shutting down their joint effort to develop SEDs commercially, signalling the end of development efforts.[1] SEDs are closely related to another developing display technology, the field emission display, or FED, differing primarily in the details of the electron emitters. Sony, the main backer of FED, has similarly backed off from their development efforts.

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Surface conduction Electron emission Display(SED)



co-developed by Canon and Toshiba Corporation
A best inter mix of LCD & CRT technologies
An SED display is very similar to a CRT
uses surface conduction electron emitters for every individual display pixel.


Surface conduction Electron emitter Display (SED)

The SED technology has been developing since 1987. The flat panel display technology that employs surface conduction electron emitters for every individual display pixel can be referred to as the Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display (SED). Though the technology differs, the basic theory that the emitted electrons can excite a phosphor coating on the display panel seems to be the bottom line for both the SED display technology and the traditional cathode ray tube (CRT)televisions. When bombarded by moderate voltages (tens of volts), the electrons tunnel across a thin slit in the surface conduction electron emitter apparatus. Some of these electrons are then scattered at the receiving pole and are accelerated towards the display surface, between the display panel and the surface conduction electron emitter apparatus, by a large voltage gradient (tens of kV) as these electrons pass the electric poles across the thin slit. These emitted electrons can then excite the phosphor coating on the display panel and the image follows. The main advantage of SED’s compared with LCD’s and CRT’s is that it can provide with a best mix of both the technologies. The SED can combine the slim form factor of LCD’s with the superior contrast ratios, exceptional response time and can give the better picture quality of the CRT’s. The SED’s also provides with more brightness, color performance, viewing angles and also consumes very less power (Fig.1.1(a)). More over, the SED’s do not require a deflection system for the electron beam, which has in turn helped the manufacturer to create a display design, that is only few inches thick but still light enough to be hung from the wall (Fig.1.1(b)). All the above properties has consequently helped the manufacturer to enlarge the size of the display panel just by increasing the number of electron emitters relative to the necessary number of pixels required. Canon and Toshiba are the two major companies working on SED’s. The technology is still developing and we can expect further breakthrough on the research.


The only constant that we can count on is change. Nowhere is this more accurate than with display technologies. All manufactures are trying to reduce their manufacturing cost profiles by introducing new techniques. SED technology, or surface conduction electron-emitter displays, that has been shown at selected shows for the last few years by the recently disbanded joint venture between Canon and Toshiba. CRTs are typically as wide as they are deep.

CRTs can have image challenges around the far edges of the picture tube. But their thickness is much more.

Plasma TV shows close to black colour, gray levels actually showing up. This means they are actually dark gray – not black. Plasma has been getting better in this regard but still has a way to go to match as CRT. The pixels in a Plasma panel are inherently digital devices that have only two states, on and off. A Plasma produces gradations of light intensity by changing the rate at which each pixel produces its own series of very-short, equal-intensity flashes.

LCD latency has been a problem with television pictures with an actual 16ms speed needed in order to keep up with a 60Hz screen update. Also, due to LCD's highly directional light, it has a limited angle of view and tends to become too dim to view off axis, which can limit seating arrangements. LCD generally suffers from the same black level issues and solarization, otherwise known as false contouring, that Plasma does.


Canon began SED research in 1986 and, in 2004, Toshiba and Canon announced a joint development agreement originally targeting commercial production of SEDs by the end of 2005. The 2005 target was not met, and several new targets since then have also slipped by. This failure to meet mass-production deadlines goes as far back as 1999, when Canon first told investors of its intentions to immediately begin mass-producing the technology. The lack of tangible progress has worried many investors and has prompted many critics. One critic called SED “the best display technology you’ve ever seen that may be stillborn”. During the 2006 Consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Toshiba showed working prototypes of SEDs to attendees and indicated expected availability in mid-to-late 2006. Toshiba and Canon again delayed their plan to sell the television sets to the fourth quarter of 2007. At the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, no SED displays were to be found on The show floor. This led many analysts to speculate that the technology would never reach the consumer market.

In October 2006, Toshiba's president announced the company plans to begin full production of 55-inch SED TVs in July 2007 at its recently built SED volumeproduction facility in Himeji. In December 2006, Toshiba President and Chief Executive Atsutoshi Nishida said Toshiba is on track to mass-produce SED TV sets in cooperation with Canon by 2008. He said the company plans to start small-output production in the fall of 2007, but they do not expect SED displays to become a commodity and will not release the technology to the consumer market because of its expected high price, reserving it solely for professional broadcasting applications.

The formation of SED Inc. in 2004 was certainly an acknowledgement by Canon that, no matter how good their engineering and technical prowess, they would have a difficult time manufacturing and mass-marketing this technology on their own. While CES 2005 was the moment for SED to prove its technology was alive and kicking, CEATAC 2005 and CES 2006 showed that SED Inc. could make multiple versions of that same 36-inch display with repeatable image quality and consistency. Hopefully we will see a Canon SED TV display at bo September 30th and CES2009 in Las Vegas next January. Canon has a reissue patent covering SED TV technology. United States Patent RE40, 062 was reissued February 12, 2008. It apparently has some modifications from previous SED TV patents. This may be the beginning of Canon’s attempt to produce SED panels without using the Nano-Proprietary patented technology.


SED is a display device includes an electron-emitting device which is a laminate of an insulating layer and a pair of opposing electrodes formed on a planar substrate. A portion of the insulating layer is between the electrodes and contains fine particles of an electron emitting substance, that portion acting as an electron emitting region. Electrons are emitted from the electron emission region by applying a voltage to the electrodes, thereby stimulating a phosphorous to emit light (Fig.3.1). An SED-TV creates a picture in much the same way. It's essentially a flatpanel television that uses millions of CRTs instead of one electron gun. These miniature CRTs are called Surface Conducting Electron emitters (SCEs). A set has three SCEs for every pixel -- one each for Red, Green and Blue. A widescreen, highdefinition set can have more than 6 million SCEs.

An SED-TV has millions of these SCEs arranged in a matrix, and each one controls the Red, Green or Blue aspect of one pixel of the picture. Rather than directing electrons to create the image one row at a time, the matrix activates all the SCEs needed to create the picture virtually simultaneously (Fig.3.1(b)).

As with a CRT set, the inside of an SED-TV is a vacuum. All of the SCEs are on one side of the vacuum, and the phosphor-coated screen is on the other. The screen has a positive electrical charge, so it attracts the electrons from the SCEs. When bombarded by moderate voltages (tens of volts), the electrons tunnel across a thin slit in the surface conduction electron emitter apparatus. Some of these electrons are then scattered at the receiving pole and are accelerated towards the display surface, between the display panel and the surface conduction electron emitter apparatus, by a large voltage gradient (tens of kV) as these electrons pass the electric poles across the thin slit. These emitted electrons can then excite the phosphor coating on the display panel and the image follows.

When they reach the screen, the electrons pass through a very thin layer of aluminum. They hit the phosphors, which then emit red, green or blue light. Our eyes and brain combine these glowing dots to create a picture (Fig.3.1©). Any part of the screen that's not used to create pixels is black, which gives the picture better contrast. There's also a color filter between the phosphors and the glass to improve color accuracy and cut down on reflected light.

To tie it all together, when the SED-TV receives a signal, it:

A. Decodes the signal

B. Decides what to do with the red, green and blue aspect of each pixel

C. Activates the necessary SCEs, which generate electrons that fly through the vacuum to the screen

When the electrons hit the phosphors, those pixels glow, and your brain combines them to form a cohesive picture. The pictures change at a rate that allows you to perceive them as moving. This process happens almost instantaneously, and the set can create a picture sixty times per second. Unlike a CRT, it doesn't have to interlace the picture by painting only every other line. It creates the entire picture every time.


Nanogaps are the electron guns of SED.A nanometer scale gap (nanogap) structure in palladium strip fabricated by hydrogen absorption under high-pressure treatment. It is found that the edge roughness of the nanogap improves the electron emission characteristics. The electron emission current is dependent upon the angle of inclination of surface. Hydrogen plasma treatment is used to increase the edge roughness of the nanogap and thereby dramatically improve the electron emission characteristics. For the nanogap with a separation of 90 nm, the turn-on voltage significantly reduces from 60 to 20 V after the hydrogen plasma treatment.


SEDs promise the same advantages over LCDs and Plasmas as CRTs are delivering today plus they will also be thin and much larger than CRTs.

SED TV Compared to CRT

SED is flat. A traditional CRT has one electron gun that scans side to side and from top to bottom by being deflected by an electromagnet or "yoke". This has meant that the gun has had to be set back far enough to target the complete screen area and, well, it starts to get ridiculously large and heavy around 36". CRTs are typically as wide as they are deep. They need to be built like this or else the screen would need to be curved too severely for viewing. Not so with SED, where you supposedly get all the advantages of a CRT display but need only a few inches of thickness to do it in. Screen size can be made as large as the manufacturer dares. Also, CRTs can have image challenges around the far edges of the picture tube, which is a non-issue for SED.

SED TV Compared to Plasma TV

Compared to Plasma the future looks black indeed. As in someone wearing a black suit and you actually being able to tell it's a black suit with all those tricky, close to black, gray levels actually showing up. This has been a major source of distraction for this writer for most display technologies other than CRT. Watching the all-pervasive low-key (dark) lighting in movies, it can be hard to tell what you're actually looking at without the shadow detail being viewable. Think Blade Runner or Alien. SED's black detail should be better, as Plasma cells must be left partially on in order to reduce latency. This means they are actually dark gray – not black. Plasma has been getting better in this regard but still has a way to go to match a CRT. Hopefully, SED will solve this and it's likely to. Also, SED is expected to use only half the power that a Plasma does at a given screen size although this will vary depending on screen content.


As with any phosphor-based technology, SED may also be susceptible to screen burn-in. This was a constant problem for people using CRT television monitors for security camera systems. Early plasmas also had this problem, but with phosphor development, the problem has largely been reduced.


SED will be the next generation display technology in the near by future. Hopefully we will see a Canon SED TV display at both CEATEC in Japan starting September 30th and CES2009 in Las Vegas next January.
Reissue patent covering SED TV technology may be the beginning of Canon’s attempt to produce SED panels without using the Nano-Proprietary patented technology.










Earliest displays
A specialized vacuum tube in which images are produced when an electron beam strikes a phosphorescent surface
Later RGB color model for displays in color monitors
Display width is limited
Affected by external fields
Bulky , high power consumption and heat production


Displays thinner than ( CRT ) technology.
LCD’s consume much less power
Work on the principle of blocking light rather than emitting it.
LCD has a grid of conductors with pixels located at each intersection in the grid.
A current is sent across two conductors on the grid to control the light for any pixel .
Slow response time
Less viewable angle
Difficulty in producing dark and grey colors


[attachment=8314] [attachment=8315]



Types of Phosphor Coatings
Three SCEs for every pixel -- one each for Red, Green and Blue
Internal Connections
Working of SED
Internal Structure
Contrast ratio 50,000:1. Toshiba's final versions of SEDs will have a contrast ratio of 100,000:1.
Response time 0.2 milliseconds.
Brightness of 450 cd/m2.
180º Viewing angle.
Viewable in Bright room.
The SED produces light directly on its front surface.
Provides dynamic color expressions, a sharp picture, and perform faster video response.
It is possible to create screens of more than 40" in size that are only several centimeters thick.
It can be used in Mobile device display.
Low power consumption.
Longer life expectancy
SED will be the next generation display technology in the nearby future.
SED will enter production and compete with LCDs in all areas.
All of the claims made by the backers of SED you would think that there should be no reason to buy any other type of display.
As far as the specs go, this is one hot technology.

Presented By


Three main parts
The Glass panel and Phosphorous layer
The Surface conduction electron emitting unit
The Spacer
Nano gaps are the electron guns of SED
Fabricated by hydrogen absorption under high pressure treatment
Edge roughness of nano gaps improves electron emission
100nm is normally used as the separation
The thicknesses of this device are shown in the bottom-right corner
Working of SED
Creating the picture
It’s a electron emitting device
Electrons are emitted from the electron emission region by applying a voltage to the electrodes
A set has three SCE’s for every pixel
Millions of these SCE’s are arranged in a matri
Working continues… WORKING

Thin and slim
Combines features of CRT and LCD display
High contrast ratio
Quick response time
Wide viewing angle
Low power consumption
It can be used in Mobile device display.
Longer life expectancy.
Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display is a new type of flat-panel display technology that utilizes the collision of electrons against a phosphor-coated screen to emit light similar to a cathode ray tube but, instead of having one electron beam hitting the whole screen, each pixel has its own emitter. It’s like every pixel of a SED display is a miniature CRT, resulting in a discrete arrangement that will allow SED screens to behave like a digital display. It has all the advantages of cathode ray tube (brightness and contrast levels, viewing angle) and none of the drawbacks of current flat panel display technologies.
The main advantage of SED’s compared with LCD’s and CRT’s is that it can provide with a best mix of both the technologies. The SED can combine the slim form factor of LCD’s with the superior contrast ratios, exceptional response time and can give the better picture quality of the CRT’s. The SED’s also provides with more brightness, color performance, viewing angles and also consumes very less power. Moreover, the SED’s do not require a deflection system for the electron beam, which has in turn helped the manufacturer to create a display design, that is only few inches thick but still light enough to be hung from the wall . All the above properties has consequently helped the manufacturer to enlarge the size of the display panel just by increasing the number of electron emitters relative to the necessary number of pixels required.
SED is a new, emerging technology co-developed by Canon and Toshiba Corporation. The hope for this technology is a display which reproduces vivid color, deep blacks, fast response times and almost limitless contrast. In fact, if you take all of the claims made by the backers of SED you would think that there should be no reason to buy any other type of display. As far as the specs go, this is one hot technology.

Canon began SED research in 1986. Their early research used PdO electrodes without the carbon films on top, but controlling the slit width proved difficult. At the time there were a number of flat-screen technologies in early development, and the only one close to commercialization was the plasma display panel (PDP), which had numerous disadvantages – manufacturing cost and energy use among them. LCDs were not suitable for larger screen sizes due to low yields and complex manufacturing.
In 2004 Canon signed an agreement with Toshiba to create a joint venture to continue development of SED technology, forming "SED Ltd." Toshiba introduced new technology to pattern the conductors underlying the emitters using technologies adapted from inkjet printers. At the time both companies claimed that production was slated to begin in 2005. The 2005 target was not met, and several new targets since then have also slipped by. This failure to meet mass-production deadlines goes as far back as 1999, when Canon first told investors of its intentions to immediately begin mass-producing the technology.
The formation of SED Inc. in 2004 was certainly an acknowledgement by Canon that, no matter how good their engineering and technical prowess, they would have a difficult time manufacturing and mass-marketing this technology on their own. While CES 2005 was the moment for SED to prove its technology was alive and kicking, CEATAC 2005 and CES 2006 showed that SED Inc. could make multiple versions of that same 36-inch display with repeatable image quality and consistency Both Canon and Toshiba started displaying prototype units at trade shows during 2006, including 55" and 36" units from Canon, and a 42" unit from Toshiba. They were widely lauded in the press for their image quality, saying it was "something that must be seen to believe[d]. During the 2006 Consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Toshiba showed working prototypes of SEDs to attendees and indicated expected availability in mid-to-late 2007. At the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, no SED displays were to be found on The show floor. This led many analysts to speculate that the technology would never reach the consumer market.
October 2006, Toshiba's president announced the company plans to begin full production of 55-inch SED TVs in July 2007 at its recently built SED volume-production facility in Himeji.
In December 2006, Toshiba President and Chief Executive Atsutoshi Nishida said Toshiba was on track to mass-produce SED TV sets in cooperation with Canon by 2008. He said the company planned to start small-output production in the fall of 2007, but they do not expect SED displays to become a commodity and will not release the technology to the consumer market because of its expected high price, reserving it solely for professional broadcasting applications. The cost of a 55” SED TV would be USD 10000.
Applied Nanotech, a subsidiary of Nano-Proprietary, holds a number of patents related to FED and SED manufacturing. They had sold Canon a perpetual license for a coating technology used in their newer carbon-based emitter structure. Applied Nanotech claimed that Canon's agreement with Toshiba amounted to an illegal technology transfer, and a separate agreement would have to be reached. They first approached the problem in April 2005.
Canon responded to the lawsuit with several actions. On 12 January 2007 they announced that they would buy all of Toshiba's shares in SED Inc. in order to eliminate Toshiba's involvement in the venture. They also started re-working their existing RE40,062 patent filing in order to remove any of Applied Nanotech's technologies from their system. The modified patent was issued on 12 February 2008.
On 22 February 2007, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, widely ruled in a summary judgment that Canon had violated its agreement by forming a joint television venture with Toshiba.[\ However, on 2 May 2007 a jury ruled that no additional damages beyond the $5.5m fee for the original licensing contract were due.
25 July 2008, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit reversed the lower court's decision and provided that Canon's "irrevocable and perpetual" non-exclusive licence was still enforceable and covers Canon's restructured subsidiary SED. On 2 December 2008, Applied Nanotech dropped the lawsuit, stating that continuing the lawsuit "would probably be a futile effort".
In spite of their legal success, Canon announced at the same time that the financial crisis of 2008 was making introduction of the sets far from certain, going so far as to say they would not be launching the product at that time "because people would laugh at them".
Canon officially announced on 25 May 2010 the end of the development of SED TVs for the home consumer market, but indicated that they will continue development for commercial applications like medical equipment. After considerable time and effort in the early and mid-2000s, SED efforts started winding down in 2009 as LCD became the dominant technology. On 18 August 2010, Canon decided to liquidate SED Inc., a consolidated subsidiary of Canon Inc. developing SED technology, citing difficulties to secure appropriate profitability and effectively ending hopes to one day see SED TVs in the living room.
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