OVERSEER GRADE III - NCA - PANCHAYATH kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. The main reinforcement in a simply supported RCC member placed at:
(A) Top fibre
(B)Side fibre
(C ) Bottom fibre
(D)None of these

2.If the load at the free end cantilever beam is increased the failure will occur at
(A) Free end
(C ) Support
(D)None of the above

3.Chemically, marble is known as :
(A) Siliceous rock
(B)Metamorphic rock
(C ) Argillaceous rock
(D)Calcareous rock

4.Brick lintels are used when the span is :
(A) Less than two meter
(B)Less than three meter
(C ) Less than one meter
(D)None of these

5.Mastic asphalt is normally used for :
(A) Sound insulation
(B)Water proofing
(C ) Fire proofing
(D)None of these

6.Limestone comes under the category of:
(A) Aqueous rock
(B)Sedimentary rock
(C ) Stratified rock
(D)All the above

7.Plaster of paris is obtained by calcining :
(A) Gypsum
(C ) Lime stone
(D)None of these

8.The inner curve of an arch is known as :
(A) Spandril
(C ) Intrados or soffit
(D)None of the above

9.The frog of a brick is normally made on its :
(A)Shorter face
(B) Bottom face
(C ) Longer face
(D) Top face

10.The projected portion of the tread beyond the face of the riser is :
(C )Soffit

Dog- legged stair is a :
(A) Half -turn stair
(B)Quarter turn stair
(C ) Three quarter turn stair
(D)Continuous stair

12.The portion of the brick cut to form angles other than right angle in plan is known as :
(A)Queen closer
(B) Squint brick
(C ) Quoion brick
(D) None of the above

13.The course of stone masonry provided at the top of a wall and usually ornamental in shape are known as :
(A) Corbel
(B) Throughting 
(C ) Projecting course
(D) Cornice

14.The member used in inclined position for supporting the strainer post is :
(A) Tension rod
(B) Compression rod
(C )Strut
(D)Tie beam

15.An arrangement for supporting an unsafe structure temporarily is known as 
(C )Scaffolding

16.The area of any irregular figure plotted map is measured with :
(C )Clinometer

On a diagonal scale, it is possible to read upto :
(A)One dimension
(B)Two dimension
(C )Three dimension
(D)Four dimension

18. Superelevation depends on :
(A) Surface condition of the rod
(B)Radius of the curve
(C ) Speed of the vehicle
(D)(B) and (C ) above

19.Contour lines close together indicate :
(A) Gentle slope
(B)Steep slope
(C ) Plane ground

20.The whole circle bearing of a line is 120°, its reduced bearing is :
(A) S30°E
(C ) N120°E

21.The simpson's rule for determination of area is used when the no . of offset is
(A) Two
(C ) Even

22.The zero of the graduated circle of a prismatic compass is located a :
(A) South end
(B)East end
(C ) North end
(D)Any one of these

23.The working edge of an alidade is known as —— edge.
(A) Ebonite
(C ) Straight

24.Which type of foundation is provided on a weak soil?
(A) Grillage
(B)Column footing
(C ) Raft foundation
(D)All the above

25.Vicat apparatus is used for :
(A) Consistency test
(B)Test for setting time
(C ) Test for tensile strength
(D)None of these

26.A hard water may contain :
(A) Calcium carbonate
(B)Magnesium Sulphate
(C ) Magnesium bicarbonate
(D)Any of the above

27. Bleaching powder is : 
(A) Slaked lime
(B)Chloride of lime
(C )Hypo-chlorite lime
(D) None of the above

28. Permanent hardness of the water can be removed by :
(A)Adding lime
(B)Adding chlorine
(C )Boiling
(D)Zeolite process 

29.The waste water frome bathrooms, lavatory basins, kitchen etc are called
(B)Night soil
(C )Waste soil
(D)None of these

30.The gas which is mainly responsible for explosion in sewers is called :
(C )Carbon Monoxide
(D)None of the above

31.For maximum alkalinity of water pH value should be :
(A)Less than 7
(B)More than 7
(C )21

32.One Newton is equal to :
(A)104 dynes
(B)105 dynes
(C )106 dynes
(D)107 dynes

33.The moment of force is equivalent to :
(A)The sum of the moments acting on a body
(B)The vertical sum of the moments acting on a body'
(C )The algebraic sum of the moments acting on a body
(D)None of the above

34.The property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into plates is called :
(A) Elasticity
(B) Malleability
(C ) Rigidity
(D) Viscosity

35. Bending moment on a section is maximum where shear force is :
(A) 2
(C ) 10

36.Snowcem is :
(A) Mixture of lime and pigment
(B)Chalk powder
(C ) Coloured cement
(D)None of the above

37.Bressummer process is used for the manufacture of:
(A) Pig Iron
(B)Wrought Iron
(C ) Cast Iron

38.The covering on the exposed top of the wall is called :
(A) Cornice
(C ) Corbel

39.Seasoning of timber is essential to remove :
(A) Knots from timber
(B)Sap from timber
(C ) Twisted fibre from timber
(D)Roughness of timber

40.The horizontal member forming the bottom of the frame is called as :
(A) Transom
(C ) Rail

41.The maximum percentage ingredient in cementis that of:
(A) Magnesium Oxide
(C ) Silica

42.Corrosion resistance of stainless steel is due to :
(A) Sulphur
(C ) Chromium
(D)Chromium Vanadium

43.Alumina is :
(A) AI2O2
(C ) Al203Si 03

44.The beaming capacity of a soil cannot be increased by :
(C ) Moistening the soil
(D) Withdrawal of moisture from the soil

45.The process of keeping concrete moist for several days after finishing is called :
(C )Curing

46.Duco is the trade name for :
(B)Oil paint
(C )Cellulose paint
(D)Water paint

47. The members which support covering material of a sloping roof, are :
(A) Rafters
(C ) Battens
(D)Strut , .

48.The ratio of total volume of water delivered to a crop is called :to the area on which it has been spread
(A) Delta
(C ) Base period
(D)Run off

49.Cross staff is an instrument used for :
(A) Levelling
(C ) Setting out right angle
(D)Measure horizontal distance

50.The horizontal angle between true meridian and magnetic meridian is known as :
(A) Magnetic declination
(B)The curvature of the earth
(C ) Radiation

51.Broken stones placed on earth surface for their protection against the action of water or weather:
(A) Regulator
(C ) Scour. 

52.The upstream nose of a bridge pier shaped for ease and smooth flow of water past it:
(B)Ease water
(C )Wing wall

53.The property of concrete which permits the percolation or passage of water through it:
(A) Permeability1
(B) Floating
(C )Cribbing

54.The formation of a whitish loose powder or crust on the surface of brick walls is called :
(C )Haunch

55.----------is made from ordinary clay, similar to that used for bricks, burnt at a low
temperature and the articles are porous and weak.
(A)Stone ware
(B)Earthen ware
(C )Terra-cotta
(D)Hollow bricks

56.The waste from furnace and resembles burnt coal:
(A)Furnace slag
(C )Coke breeze

57.A polishing abrasive made artificially by mixing in certain proportions sand and carbon and heating the mixture is an electric furnace :
(C )Coke

58.The increase in volume of sand or aggregate caused by the absorption of water :
(C ) Cribbing
(D) Curing

59.An additional floor ,gallery or balcony erected between the floor and ceiling of any storey :
(B)Mezzanine floor
(C )Mosaic floor

60.A small vertical window built in a sloping roof:
(A) Dormer
(C ) Bay
(D)North light

61.The process of supporting the existing structure for renewing or repairing the lower walls or
foundation :
(A) Scaffolding
(C ) Shoring

62.Lightweight concrete weighing less than :
(A) 1600 kg/cu.m
(B)1500 kg/cu.m
(C ) 1200 kg/cu.m
(D)1000 kg/cu.m

63.The inward tilt or transverse inclination givento the cross section of a carriage way on a
horizontal curve in a rod is called :
(A) Sub way
(C ) Gradient
(D)Super elevation

64. arch is built over a lintel ora flat arch to relieve the latter of the
superincumbent weight.
(A) Jack arches
(B)Segmental arch
(C ) Relieving arch
(D)None of the above

65.One H.P ,how many kilo watts?
(A) 745.7
(C ) 0.7457

66.One Are is equal tosq meters.
(A) 99
(C ) 100

67.The vertical distance between the dip and crownweir of a trap is known as 
(A) Waterseal
(B)Flushing is terms
(C ) Water closets

68.A channel which is designed to irrigate during only part of the year is :
(A) Perennial canal
(B)Non-Perennial canal
(C ) Penstock
(D)Minor distributors

69.A junction so designed to that traffic streams are divided to enable them to pass over or under each other:
(A) Fly over
(B) Aqueduct
(C ) Supper passage
(D) Subway

70.The stone aggregate is bound together by a binder applied to penetrate to the desired depth is called :
(A) Asphalt (C ) Gutter
(B)Macadam (D) Formation

71.The loosening of the top surface of a road by mechanical or other means :
(C )Stripping

72.The area from which rainfall flows into a drainage line, out fall or reservoir etc :
(C )Catchments

73.A temporary enclosure built to exclude water from the working area and to permit free access to the area within during the construction must be undertaken below water level:
(A) Earthen dam 
(B)Gravity dam
(C ) Caisson

74.Removal of sewage by a network of underground pipelines or sewers with water :
(A)Conservancy system
(B)Water carriage system
(C )Waste water system
(D)One pipe system

75.A ventilating pipe connected to or close to the outlet side of a trap seal:
(A)Soil pipe
(B)Siphonage pipe
(C )Antisiphonage pipe
(D)Vent pipe

76.----------are available made of thin iron plates of flat, circular or oblong shapes in which
gauge thickness are cut at the edges.
(A)Gauge measures
(B)Sheet gauges
(C )R.S joists

77.Purer form of coal and contains a majority of carbon, is produced from coal artificially : 
(A) Carbon steel
(B) Coke
(C ) Creep
(D) Graphite

78.The moisture content at which a specified amount of compaction will produce the maximum dry density in a soil is :
(A) Hydroscopic moisture
(B)Optimum moisture content
(C ) Fully Saturated
(D)Partially Saturated

79.Rankine's formula for minimum depth of foundation is :
(A)w + sin Ø
(B)w(1-sin Ø
(C ) h=p/w (1/1  + sin Ø
(D)p (1 + sin )

80.A portion of masonry built into the front of the wall to strengthen it for lateral stability against thrust from an arch, roof or wind pressure :
(A) Bressummer
(C )Brick core
(D) Blocking course

81.Gateway of India is located in which of the following cities?
(A) Kolkata
(B) Mumbai
(C )Delhi
(D) Agra

82. Which of the following is an example of rift valley in India?
(A)Tapti valley
(B)Soan. valley 
(C )Narmada valley
(D)Kaveri valley

83. Who raised the slogan 'Garibi Hatao'?
(A)Jawaharlal Nehru
(B)Rajiv Gandhi
(C )Lai Bahadur Sastri
(D)Indira Gandhi

84. In which year NABARD was set up?
(C )1982

85. Who was the first President of All India Trade Union Congress founded in 1920?
(A) C. R. Das
(B)Jawaharlal Nehru
(C ) Motilal Nehru
(D)Lala Lajpat Rai

Who declared 'Give me blood and I will give you freedom'?
(A) Subhash Chandra Bose
(B)Lala Hardayal
(C ) Bhagath Singh
(D)tBala Gangadhara Tilak

Kudi Arasu is the magazine started by whom?
(A) E V Ramaswamy Naicker
(C ) Jyotiba Phule
(D)Subramanya Bharati

88.Kaladi, the birth place of Sankaracharya is located on the banks of which of the following rivers?
(A) Periyar
(B) Bharatapuzha
(C ) Pampa
(D) Chaliyar

89.Which of the following is the biggest mountain passes in Kerala?
(A) Bodinaykannur
(B) Kambam
(C ) Perambadi
(D) Palghat gap

90.Name the district in which Mullaperiyar Dam located?
(A) Pathanamthitta (C ) Idukki
(B) Kottayam (D) Eranakulam

91.Who was the founder of Samatva Samajam?
(A) Vagbhatananda (C ) Ayyankali
(B) Chattampi Swamikal (D) Vaikunda Swamikal

92.Name the Araya community leader who wrote'Jatikkummi' against caste evils?
(A) Kumaranasan 
(B) K P. Vallon 
(C ) Pandit K. P. Karuppan A13
(D) Velukutty

93.Which among the following is a major work of Sri Narayana Guru?
(A)Daiva Dasakam
(C )Atmavidya Kahalam
(D)Jeevithakarunya Nirupanam

94.Who was the founder and proprietor of Swadeshabhimani Newspaper?
(A)Kumara Guru
(B)Ananda Theerthan
(C )Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi
(D)Ramakrishna Pillai

95.Who called Ayyankali as 'Pulaya Raja'?
(B)Annie Besant
(C )EMS Nambootiripad
(D)Mahatma Gandhi

96.Who won the Dada Saheb Phalke award for contribution to cinema in 2015?
(A)Shashi Kapoor
(C )Rishi Kapoor
(D)Sanjay Kapoor

97.Who was the chief guest in 2015 Republic Day Celebrations in India?
(A)Mahinda Rajapaksa
(B)Barak Obama
(C )Vladimir Putin
(D)Nawas Sherif

98.Who was the president of Cuba, recently made a visit to Vatican after a long period of time?
(A)Fidel Castro
(B)Ban Ki moon
(C )Raul Castro

99.What was the motto of 2015 National Games held in Kerala?
(A)Get Set Play
(B)Be Ready Play
(C )Set Ready Play
(D)Go Get Play

100.2014 World Cup Football Tournament was held in :
(C )Brazil

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OVERSEER GRADE III - NCA - PANCHAYATH kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 26-04-2017, 04:45 PM

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