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1.The radiant energy of sun is due to
C) nuclear fusion
B)nuclear fission 
D) combustion

2.Radial probability at the nucleus is
D) none of these

3.Cadmium in a nuclear reactor acts as
A)nuclear fuel
C) neutron absorber
D) neutron liberator to start the chain

4.The ionization potential of the atom is not affected by
A)electro neutrality with protons B) atomic size
C)nuclear chargeD) penetration effect

5.Calculated bond order of super oxide ion is

6.The geometrical shape of the molecule sulphur tetra fluoride is
A)tetrahedralB)see sawC)T shapedD)square planar

7.The percentage p-character in the orbitals forming P-P bonds in phosphorus molecule

8.The electronic configuration of an element is 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p63d54s\ This represents its
A)excited state B) ground stateC) cationic form D) anionic form

9.Which of the following element has highest value of ionization potential ?

10.The first experimental evidence of de-Broglie’s hypothesis came from the experiments of
A)ThomsonB)Davison and Germer

11.Human body is an example of
A)open systemB)closed system
C)isolated systemD)macroscopic system

12.If a refrigerator s door is kept open then
A)room will be cooled
B)room will be heated
C)may get cooled or heated depending upon weather
D)no effect in the room

13.The rate of reaction does not depend on
C) concentrationD)catalyst

14.The efficiency of a heat engine is maximum when
A)the temperature of source is greater than sink
B)the temperature of sink is greater than source
C)the temperature difference of source and sink is minimum
D)the temperature difference of source and sink is maximum

15.A spontaneous change is one in which the system suffers
A)an increase in internal energy B) a lowering of free energy C) a lowering of entropyD) no energy change

16.The unit and value of rate constant and that of rate of reaction are same for
A)first orderB)second order
C) zero orderD)none of these

17.The activation energy of a reaction is zero. But the rate constant of reaction
A)increases with increase in temperature
B)decreases with decrease in temperature
C)decreases with increase in temperature
D)independent of temperature

18.If for a first order reaction, the values of A and Ea are 4 x 1013secf1 and 98.6 KJ/mol respectively, then at what temperature will its half life period be 10 minutes ?
A)330KB) 300KC) 330.95KD) 311.15K

19.Which among the following compound is a state function ?
A)heatB) internal energy
C) reversible expansion workD) irreversible expansion work

20.The pH of a solution is 5.0. Its hydrogen ion concentration is decreased hundred times. The solution then will be
A) more acidicB) basicC) neutralD) of the same acidity

21.An Sn2 reaction at an asymmetric carbon of a compound always gives
A) an enantiomer of the substrate B) a product with opposite optical rotation C) a mixture of diastereomersD) single stereoisomers

22.The reaction of propene with HOCI proceeds via the addition of
A) H+ in the first stepB)OH- in the firststep
C) cr in the first stepD)Cl and OH~ ina single step

23.The two forms of D-glucopyranose obtained from the solution of D-glucose are called
A) isomerB) anomerC) epimerD) enantiomer

24.Compounds containing chromophoric groups are called
A) chromogensB)auxochromes
C) azo compoundsD)dyes

25.Bakelite is a polymer of
A)hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid
B)phenol and formaldehyde
C)butadiene and styrene
D)butadiene and acrylonitrile

26. The formation of 2-aminopyridine by reaction between pyridine and sodamide is known as
A) Diels-Alder reaction C) Mannich reaction

27.Which is the strongest base ?
A) ammonia B) methyl amine
B)Chichibabin reaction
D)Paal-Knorr synthesis
C)dimethyl amine D) trimethyl amine

28.Hyper conjugation involves
A)delocalisation of a electrons with an adjacent л bond
B)delocalisation of л electrons with an adjacent double bond
C)delocalisation of л electrons with lone pair of electrons of an adjacent atom
D)delocalisation of a electrons with lone pair of electrons of an adjacent atom

29.Gun cotton is
A) sodium cellulose xanthate C) cellulose xanthate
B) ethyl carbanion D) tertiary butyl carbanion

30.Which carbanion is more stable ? 
A) methyl carbanion
C) isopropyl carbanion
B) cellulose triacetate D) cellulose trinitrate

31.The square of standard deviation
A) modeB) mean deviation C) variance D) median

32.Student’s t test was contributed by A) William Gosset
C) Quetelet A
B) Simeon Denis Poisson D) James Bernoulli

33. In thin layer chromatography the spots of colourless compounds which are invisible to the eye can be detected by using
A) chlorine
B) iodine

34.The light source in AAS 
A) photoelectric cell C) tungsten lamp
B)halogen lamp
D)hollow cathode lamp

35.Eutrophication is due to 
A) heavy metal pollutants C) carbon dioxide
B)common nutrients

36.A secondary pollutant 
A) fog
C) smog

37.Temporary hardness is due to
A)bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium
B)carbonates of calcium and magnesium
C)chlorides of calcium and magnesium
D)sulphates of calcium and magnesium

38.The disease caused by iron in drinking water ?
A) minamata

39.A green house gas 
A) sulphur dioxide?
D)carbon dioxide

40.A pathogen is
A) salmonella typhi
D)penicillium notatum

41.In captive breeding which weed fishes are cultured together ?
A) Grass carp, GouramiB) Tilapia, Cobia
C)Common carp, Grey carpD) Silver barb, Danio

42.In which State of India Rampani nets are used for fishing ?
A)KarnatakaB)KeralaC)Tamil NaduD)Andhra Pradesh

43.World Fisheries Day is
A)November 21B)July 10C)April 20D)June 5

44.Which country comes first in both capture and culture fisheries ?

45.Phytoplankton contains C: N: P in the ratio of
A) 100:17:2.4B)100:16:2.4

46.The science dealing with the various systems of inland waters, usually fresh water, is called
A)LimnologyB)Oceanography C)HydrologyD)None

47.Identify the correct order in which the lentic series evolved.
A)Ponds, Bogs, Swamps, Lakes
B)Lakes, Ponds, Bogs, Swamps
C)Swamps, Lakes, Ponds, Bogs
D)Lakes, Swamps, Ponds, Bogs

48.Which areas in the oceans are rich in fish population ?
A) Upwelling areaB)Pelagic region
C)Benthic regionD)None

49.In captive catfish breeding, the stocking density is
A) 2-9 fishes/m2 C) 2-10 fishes/m2
B)2-6 fishes/m2
D)2-3 fishes/m2

50.What is the optimum range of water quality parameters for successful seed production of M. Rosenbergii?
A)Temperature-12°C-20°C, pH-6.0-9.0, Salinity-10-15%
B)Temperature-28UC-31°C, pH-7.5-8.5, Salinity-10-12%
C)Temperature-25°C-27°Cf pH-7.2-7.6, Salinity-30-35%
D)Temperature-30°C-31°C, pH-6.5-7.5, Salinity -15-20%

51.Name a weedicide used in aquaculture ponds to eradicate the weeds.
A) 2,4-DB)Salt solution
C)Dilute formalinD)Potassium permanganate

52.Stocking density of nauplii of shrimp in larval rearing tanks is
A) 0.1 million/LB)10,000/LC)1,000/LD)100/L

53.Which among the following is called as aquatic chicken ?
A) CatlaB)Sea bassC)TilapiaD)Cobia

54.The fish poison Derrispowder contains is
A) RotenoneB)MS 222C)MercuryD)Arsenic

55.In aquaculture, hatching hapa has
A) One rectangular enclosureB) Two rectangular enclosures
C) Two square enclosuresD) Two circular enclosures

56.The fish family which exhibits parental care is
A) CyprinidaeB)Cichlidae
C) CyprinodontidaeD)Characidae

57.Cyst of brine shrimp hatches out as
A) MysisB)NaupliiC)ZoeaD)Protozoa

58.Chlorella culture thrives well in the salinity range of
A) 40 pptB)10-20pptC)1 -5 pptD)None

59.Carrying capacity of one ha ponds fed with protein rich pellet is
A) About 2,680 kgB) About 5,000 kg
C) About 5,680 kgD) 5,580 kg

60.Breeding traps are generally used for
A) GoldfishB)DaniosC)Live bearers D)Anabantids

61.Supplemental diets in aquaculture are intended
A)To ensure that fish in high density confined aquaculture systems do not starve
B)To supply all the ingredients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals
C)To help support the natural food

62.Protein requirement is generally high for
A) Smaller fishB)Larger fishC)Male fishD)Female fish

63.The serious health problem in fish fed artificial feed stored in damp conditions due to a toxic metabolite produced by certain fungi is
A) SaprolegniasisB)Branchiomycosis
C) AflatoxicosisD)Mycosis

64.Limivorous fish feed mainly on
A) Aquatic plantsB)Fish larvae
C) Crustacean larvaeD)Algae and micro-organisms in mud

65.Probiotics are commonly used in shrimp farming for
A)Water quality managementB) Increasing oxygen level
C) Control diseaseD) None

66.Which monogenean trematode causes gill disease in carps ?
A) Trichodina B) Dactylogyrus C) CostiaD) Ichthyobodo

67.Study of abnormal embryonic growth is
A) TeratologyB)CarcinologyC)TeleologyD)Gerontology

68.Antibiotics are mostly prepared from
A) FungiB)ActinomycesC)CyanobacteriaD)Both A) and B)

69.Velvet disease is caused by
A) ProtozoanB)BacteriaC)LeechesD)Fungi

70.Epizootic ulcerative syndrome in fish is spread due to
A) SaprolegniaB) Aphanomyces
C) AchylaD) Branchyomyces

71.A non-protein nitrogen matter involved in bitter taste of fish is
A) TMAO C) Hypoxanthine
B)Glycine D) Creatine

72.Biotoxin in seafood is
A) Ciguatera B) Oxitoxin
C)AflatoxinD) Zearalenone

73.Super chilling temperature is 
A) -4°C
C) Below-4°C
B) -1°C
D)Below -1°C

74. Neurotoxin in canned fish caused by A) C.botulinumB) C.sporogens
C) C.tetaniD) Vibrio spp.

75. Torrymeter is used for A) OxidationB) Freshness test
C) Nucleotide break downD) None

76. Fish maws is prepared from A) Fish pasteB) Fish silage
C) Fish gelatinD) Fish albumin

77. A form of food poisoning caused by histamine
A) Scombroid poisoningB) Amnesic poisoning
C) Ciguatera poisoningD) None

78. Shark oil contains A) KeratinB) Squalene
C) AmbergrisD) None

79. The role of micro-organisms in spoilage of foods was first reported by A) KircherB) Robert Hook?
C) PasteurD) None

80. Maggot infestation is common in A) Canned fishB) Frozen fish?
C) Chilled fishD) Salt dried fish

81.The science which deals with the study about ants is known as?
A) DipterologyB) FilinologyC)FormicologyD)Filicology

82.'Sunny Days' is the Autobiography of
A) Sunil GavaskarB)Meri Com
C) Kapil DevD)Sania Mirza

83.Which day is celebrated as National Mathematical Day ?
A) April 22B)January 14C)March 10D)December 22

84.Which is the first bank of India ?
A) Nedungadi BankB) Bank of Hindustan
C) Bank of BarodaD) State Bank of India

85.The age of retirement of the Judges of the High Court is
A) 55 yearsB) 60 yearsC)65 yearsD)62 years

86.The concurrent list of Indian Constitution contains
A) 25 subjectsB) 55 subjectsC)47 subjectsD)70 subjects

87.Which of the following is not an indirect tax ?
A) Land taxB)Entertainment tax
C) Sales taxD)Corporation tax

88.The MERS disease is first reported in
A) PakistanB)Saudi Arabia
C) JapanD)India

89.The first women who won the 'Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratna Purascar’
A) Sania MirzaB)P. T. Usha
C) Karnam MalleswariD)Saina Nehwal

90.The National Human Rights Commission Is established in
A) 1998B)2001C)2005D)1993

91.The country which introduced NOT A for the first time
A) SpainB)FranceC)EnglandD)USA

92.Who is the first Chief Minister of Telengana State ?
A) Gunasekhara ReddyB)Chandra Babu Naidu
C) Chandra Sekhara RaoD)Raja Sekhara Rao

93.Who was the founder of ‘Atma Vidya Sangham’ ?
A) AyyankaliB)Vagbhadananda
C) Sree Narayana GuruD)Brahmananda Sivayogi

94.Which among the following is known as the 'Magna Carta' of Travancore ?
A) Malayali MemorialB)Nivarthana Agitation
C) Ezhava MemorialD)Pandarappatta Vilambaram

95.Who was the founder of the Magazine ‘Al-lslam’ ?
A) Muhammed Adbul RahimanB) Vaikkom Muhammed Basheer
C) Vakkom Abdul Quadir MaulaviD) Ali Musaliyar

96.Who was the ruler of Travancore during the Channar Agitation ?
A) Uthram ThirunalB) Rani Parvathi Bai
C) Swathi ThirunalD) Sri Mulam Thirunal

97.Who introduced Pension Scheme on retirement from Govt, service ? 
A) Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Ayyar B) Col. Macaulay C) Col. MonRoeD) R. K. Shanmugham Chetti

98.The first Governor of Kerala State 
A) B. Ramakrishna Rao C) R. D. Banerjee
B) Pattam Thanu Pillai D) Dr. A. R. Menon

99.The Electricity Agitation in Cochin was took place in the year
A) 1945B) 1941C) 1932D) 1936

100.Saka Era was founded by 
A) Samudra Gupta C) Asoka
B) Kanishka D) Chandra Gupta II

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