OVERSEER - KSCDC LTD kerala psc previous question paper

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1.Granite is an example of__________type of rocks.
(A)Igneous rocks
(B)Sedimentary rocks
(C )Metamorphic rocks
(D)None of these

2.The main reason for using stones in building works is its :
(A)Good appearance
(B)Resistance to fire
(C )I ow water absorption

3.In the manufacture of bricks, a pug mill is used for ;
(A)Proportioning ofingredients
(C )Blending

4.The initial setting time of ordinary cement should be less than :
(A)10 minutes 
(B)1 hour
(C )10 hours
(D)30 minutes

5.The age of a tree can be determined approximately from the :
(A)Medullary rays
(B)Hard wood
(C )Size of the trunk
(D)Annual rings

6.It is a moulding provided under nosing to beautify the elevation of the step :
(C )1 ine of nosing

7.__________is the surface of the abutment on which the arch rests.
(C )Skewback

8.A window projecting outward from the walls of a room is termed as a______________.
(A)Bay window
(B)Corner window
(C )Dormer window'
(D)Gable window

9.'The lower edge of the inclined roof surface of a pitc hed roof is termed as___._.
(C )ridge

27.A fixed point of reference of known elevation is called :
(A)change point 
(B)station point
(C ) bench mark

28.An imaginary line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the bubble tube at its middle point is called :
(A)Axis of telescope
(B)Axis of level tube
(C )Level line
(D)Line of collimalion

29.The collimation method for obtaining the reduced levels of points docs not provide a check on :
(B)back sight
(C )change point
(D)intermediate point

30.The method of surveying in which field work and plotting work are done simultaneously, is called :
(A)Compass surveying
(C )Plane tabling
(D)Chain surveying

31.It is the property of a material due to which it can undergo permanent deformation without failure :
(C ) formability

32.Pick up the wrong statement :
(A)Two stroke engine can run in any direction.
(B)In four stroke engine, a power stroke is obtained in four strokes.
(C )Thermal efficiency of four stroke engine is more due to positive scavenging.
(D)Petrol engines occupy more space than diesel engines for same power output.

33.Diesel engine can work on very lean air fuel ratio of the order of 31 :1. A petrol engine can also work on such a lean ratio provided :
(A)it is properly designed
(B)best quality fuel isused
(C )cannot work as it is impossible
(D)fly wheel size is proper

34.The preserve of reflector in nuclear rower plants results in :
(A) increased production of neutrons
(B) complete absorption of neutrons
(C )controlled production of neutrons
(D)decreased leakage of neutrons

35.In a differential with a gear ratio of 4 :1 the drive pinion would revolve four times to cause the ring gear to rotate :
(A) one time
(B) two limes
(C ) four times
(D) six times

36.Electrical conductivity of insulators is the range___________.
(A) 10-10 (Ω-mm)-1 
(B)10-10 (Ω-cm)-1
(C ) 10-10 (Ω-m)-1
(D) 10-8 (Ω-m)-1

37.The resistivity of semi-conductors at room temperature is :
(A)1000 to 1500 ohm-cm
(B)0.01 to 511 ohm — cm
(C )109 to 1012 ohm -cm
(D) 1.6 x 106 to 100 x106 ohm-cm

38.Instrument used for angular measurement :
(A) protractors
(B)vernier Bevel protractors
(C )dial bevel protractors
(D) all of the above

39.Which saw is suitable for curve cutting ?
(A) cross cut saw 
(B) tenon saw 
(C ) rip saw
(D) compass saw

40.Metal used to make the blade of a chisel is :
(A) carbon steel 
(B) steel
(C ) forged steel 
(D) high carbon steel

41.Property of fluid by which its own molecules are attracted is called :
(A) Adhesion
(B) Cohesion
(C ) Viscosity
(D) Surface tension

42.The unit of kinematic viscosity are :
(C ) Newton-sec/m 
(D) Nm/sec

43.Bernoulli's equation deals with the law of conservation of :
(C )Energy

44.In a reciprocating pump, air vessels are used to :
(A) Reduce the flow
(B) Increase the delivery head
(C )Smoothen the flow
(D) Reduce the acceleration head

45.The phenomenon of rise or fall of liquid surface relative to the adjacent general level of liquid is known as :
(C )Compressibility

46.When the velocity of flow of fluid does not change, both in magnitude and direction, from point to point in the flowing fluid, for any given instant of lime, the flow is said to be :
(B)laminar flow
(C )Uniformflow
(D)Rotational flow

47. Continuity equation :,
(A)expresses the relation between energy and work 
(B)relates the momentum per unit volume for two points on a stream line
(C )relates mass rate of flow along a stream tube
(D)constant discharge through a long, straight tapering pipe

48.Francis turbine is :
(A)an impulse turbine
(B)a reaction turbine
(C )a tangential flow turbine
(D)an axial flow turbine

49.The instrument suitable for measurement of small pressure difference in Liquid is :
(A)U-tube differential manometer 
(B)Two piezometer manometer
(C )Diaphragm pressure gauge
(D)Inverted U-tube manometer

50.A centrifugal pump discharges 260 litres of water per second when running at 600 rpm. The impeller diameter at tiro outlet is 80 cm. It develops a head of 15.3. What is the approximate minimum starling speed ?
(A) 13 rpm
(B)450 rpm
(C ) 475 rpm
(D) 500 rpm

51.Which of the following is not a marine pollutant ?
(C )dissolved oxygen
(D)all of the above

52.Which of the following statements about the forest is not correct ?
(A)forest reduces soil erosion
(B)provides recreational opportunities
(C )provides economicdevelopment 
(D)none of the above

53.Deforestation generally decreases :
(B)soil erosion
(C )draught
(D)global warming

54.The major cause for land degradation in our country is :
(A)soil erosion
(B)pollution of soil
(C )water logging
(D)none of the above

55.The main disadvantage of line organisation is :
(A)top level executives have to do excessive work
(B)structure is rigid
(C )communication delays occur
(D)all of the above

56.In the twentyfirst century the four functions of management are :
(A)monitoring, organising, suggesting and accommodating employees
(B)planning, organising, controlling and leading employees
(C )planning, organising, controlling and accommodating employees
(D)monitoring, suggesting, journaling and accommodating employees

57.CPM lias following time estimate : 
(A) one time estimate 
(B)two time estimate
(C ) three lime estimate
(D)tour time estimate

58.According to Rowan plan, if H= hourly rate. A= actual time and S= standard time, then wages will be;
(B)HA + [(S-A)/SJHA
(C )HA+[(S-A)/2|H
(D)HA + l(S-A)/2S|HA

59.Which of the following is not wage incentive plan ?
(A)Differential piecerate system 
(B)Rowan plan
(C )Taylor plan
(D)Halsey plan

60.Critical path on PERT/CPM chart is obtained by joining the events having :
(A)maximum slack
(B)minimum slack
(C )average slack

61.Superposition theorem is essentially based on the concept of________.
(C )Reciprocity

62.The number of turns and the length of a solenoid both are doubled. Its axial magnetizing
field would be_______
(C )unaffected

63.When a rectangular voltage is applied to a capacitor, the waveform of its charging current is :
(B)saw tooth
(C )rectangular
(D)none of the above

64.A hollow insulated conducting sphere has a positive charge of 10 C. What will be the electric field at the centre of the sphere if its radius is 2 meters ?
(A)5 gC/m2
(B)40 C/m2
(C )20 C/m2

65.The electric field on equipotential surface is_____.
(A)parallel to surface
(C )perpendicular to surface

66.The self inductance of a coil of 500 turns is 0.25H. If 60% of the flux is linked with a second coil of 10000 turns, then mutual inductance is _________.
(C )15 mil
(D)12.5 mil

67.KMS value of current is i - 10 +5 cos (628 t + 60°):
(A)8 A
(C )10.6A

68.The form factor of dc supply voltage is always :
(C )unity

69.An Rl. circuit has Z= (6 + j8) ohm. Its susceptance is_______Siemens.
(A) 0.06
(C )0.1

70.The capacitance and dielectric loss of a capacitor is generally measured with the help of bridge.
(A)Dc sauty
(C )Wien

71.A diesel power plant is best suited as :
(A) base load plant 
(B) stand by plant
(C ) peak load plant
(D) general purpose plant

72.One kWh is equal to____________kcal.
(C )735.5

73.An ideal current source has zero : 
(A) internal conductance (C ) voltage on no load
(B) internal resistance (D) ripple

74.Interpoles are usually wound with : 
(A) very fine gauge copper wire 
(B)heavy gauge copper wire 
(C ) insulation material
(D)interpoles do not need winding

75.Which loss will increase rapidly as compared to others, when the number of magnetic reversals is increased ?
(C )hysteresis loss
(D)eddy current lass

76.Leakage fluxes in a transformer may be minimized by :
(A)sectionalizing and interleaving the primary and secondary windings
(B)constantly cooling the core
(C )under rating the transformer
(D)reducing the reluctance of the iron core to the minimum

77.A transformer working under maximum efficiency has total losses of 1600 W, while operating at half load, the copper loss will be :
(A)800 W
(B)400 W
(C )200 W
(D)100 W

78.Salient poles are generally used on :
(A)high speed prime movers only
(B)medium speed prime movers only
(C )low speed prime movers only
(D)low and medium speed prime movers only

If the slip of the rotor of an inductionmotoris halved, the value of rotor reactance :
(C )halved
(D)reduced to one fourth

80.A 4-pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase induction motor has a rotor resistance of 0.21 ohm per phase and standstill reactance of 0.7 ohm per phase. The speed at which maximum torque is developed :
(A)1500 rpm
(B)3000 rpm
(C )1455 rpm
(D)1460 rpm

81.Indian Constitution consists of:
(A)365 articles
(B)375 articles
(C )385 articles
(D)395 articles

82.The first annual conference of S.N.D.P. Yogam was held at:
(A) Kollam
(B) Varkala
(C ) Chempazhanthy
(D) Aruvipuram

83.Malavala Manorama newspaper was established in :
(C )1888

84.Which of the following novel of Lalitambika Antarjanam won the "Kerala Sahitva Award in 1977 ?
(C )Kilivathililude
(D)Nisabtha Sangeetham

85.Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam was founded in :
(C )1927

86.Trivandrum Public Library was started by :
(A)Col. Olcott
(B)Col. Edward Cadogan
(C )Col. Munro
(D)Col. Macaulay

87.K. Ramakrishna Pillai, the editor of the 'Swadeshabhimani' was exiled from Travancore in :
(C )1911

88.Devadasi system was abolished in Travancore by :
(A)Gowri Parvathi Bai
(B)Svvathi Thirunal
(C )Sri Chithira Thirunal
(D)Setu Lakshmi Bai

89.Muslim Education Society was established in :
(C )1964

90.The first Governor - General of Independent India was :
(A)C. Rajagopalachari
(B)Lord Mountbatten
(C )Lord Canning
(D)Dr. Rajendra Prasad

91.Reserve Bank of India was established in :
(C )1950

92.The British rule in India was established with the battle of:
(C )Colachal

93.English education was started in Travancore for the first time during the reign of ;
(A) Swathi Thirunal
(B) Gowri Parvathi Bai
(C ) Uthgradam Thirunal
(D) Sri Chithira Thirunal

94.Sir C. Sankaran Nair presided over the annual session of the Indian National Congress held at:
(C )Nagpur

95.Minimum age required to a citizen to become the President of India is :
(A)25 years
(B)30 years
(C )35 years
(D)40 years

96.In Malabar, the Salt Satyagraha was led by :
(A)P. Krishna Pillai
(B)K. Kelappan
(C )C. Kesavan
(D)G.P Pillai

97.The first woman judge of the High Court of Kerala was :
(A)Anna Chandi
(B)Fatima Beevi
(C )Leela Joseph
(D)Sujatha Manohar

98.Which one of the following is not the permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization ?
(C )Japan

99.'Kerala Sahitya Charitiram' was written by :
(A)Ulloor S. Parameswara Iyer
(B)Kumaran Asan
(C )Vallathol Narayana Menon
(D)S.K. Poltakkad

100. 'MathilukaT was written by :
(A)Ponkunnam Varkey
(B)Kesav Dev
(C )G. Sankara Kurtip
(D)Vaikorn Muhammad Basheer

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