mingle spot ppt review

I need ppt on mingle wpot mini project. Plz provide a blue print for mingle spot ppt

mingle spot

is an online community designed to make your social life more active andstimulating. It’s social network can help you maintain existing relationships with picturesand messages, and establish new ones by reaching out to people you've never metbefore. It will become the fastest growing travel and lifestyle social networkingcommunity portal in future and discover how easy it is for you to keep in touch, meetpeople from around the world and keep your friends and family informed of yourwhereabouts movements and activities. Use messaging capabilities to keep in touchsimply, quickly and cheaply!

makes it easy to find people who share your hobbies and interests, look forromantic connections or establish new business contacts. You can also create and join awide variety of online communities to discuss current events, reconnect with old schoolmates or even exchange your favorite recipes.

is a flagship example of the next generation of internet companies born outof the world with global potential. By sharing tips and introductions with likemindedtravellers, it’s members can get more out of their leisure time. This brand will havemassive growth potential and we will be delighted to be involved."

The System after careful analysis has been identified to present with the followingmodules. The following functionalities are incorporated in this application
1. About profile
To avail the facility user must register himself by creating his profile. This modulemaintains all the information, which belongs to the profiles that are registered in theportal. This module maintains the total information about the registered users. For eachand every user profile has been divided into five types. i.e., Basic information, Contactinformation, Personal information, Educational & Professional information, and otherinformation. If the user don’t want to display his profile to all the users and wants todisplay for some of his friends then he can change his settings in my settings option.

2. About Buddies
This module allows users to search friends and view their profiles and place request toadd people as friends and allows to send scraps to your buddies. If any of the userswants to search for the friends, he can search the friends by just choosing the searchoption located in the portal. They can search for the friends by choosing their ownoption. After completion of search if they want to view their friend’s profiles then theycan view the profiles by clicking on their friend’s name. After completion of search if youwant to add that person to your friends list then you can open his profile and choose theoption
‘add as a friend’,
then it will be placed in your friend’s list. If you want send ascrap to that person then you can directly open his profile and choose the option
‘Leavea scrap’
. So you can send a scrap. Finally this module maintains all the informationrelated to search the friends and their profiles.

MingleSpot is an online community designed to make your social life more active and stimulating. It’s social network can help you maintain existing relationships with pictures and messages, and establish new ones by reaching out to people you've never met before. It will become the fastest growing travel and lifestyle social networking community portal in future and discover how easy it is for you to keep in touch, meet people from around the world and keep your friends and family informed of your whereabouts movements and activities. Use messaging capabilities to keep in touch simply, quickly and cheaply!

MingleSpot makes it easy to find people who share your hobbies and interests, look for romantic connections or establish new business contacts. You can also create and join a wide variety of online communities to discuss current events, reconnect with old school mates or even exchange your favorite recipes.

MingleSpot is a flagship example of the next generation of internet companies born out of the world with global potential. By sharing tips and introductions with likeminded travellers, it’s members can get more out of their leisure time. This brand will have massive growth potential and we will be delighted to be involved."

The following functionalities are incorporated in this application:

User Account Creation: To avail the facility user must register himself by creating his profile.

Search Friends: Allows users to search friends and view their profiles and place request to add people as friends

Sawals: Users can place questions on various topics and can view the answers posted by other registered users.

Polls: This functionality allows users to create polls and participate in polls created by other users.

Gangs: This functionality allows users to create their own gang or to participate in an existing gang.

Opinions: Provide your opinions about anything in the world like cars, bikes, etc.

Local Info: Search info about your city.

Scraps: Send scraps to your buddies.

Pictures: Allows users to upload their pics and many more….


Problem statement is one of the basic and important phases of project phase. When the basic problem is determined, it is documented and the symptomatic problem is analyzed, then the current list of basic problem is completed. A system is simply a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose.

Mingle Spot is an online software application which provides the excellent communication between people. It provides the interface to users in a graphical way to interact with the friends and create their own communities and groups.

The aim of this application is to find the people who share your hobbies and interests. Also you can create and join in communities to discuss current events and it will help us to improve the business contacts.

Current system is a existing one in which user can send messages only.

This project is developed using Java Programming Language under Windows.


System Analysis is first stage according to System Development Life Cycle model. This System Analysis is a process that starts with the analyst.

Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related systems. During analysis, data are collected on the available files, decision points, and transactions handled by the present system.

Logical system models and tools that are used in analysis. Training, experience, and common sense are required for collection of the information needed to do the analysis.


Here the existing system is nothing but the traditional email communication system using which user can send messages only. In this system he can maintain or categorize different communities or groups and the user can’t search for his friend.


Unable to search for his friends and add them in the friend’s list.
Unable to manage communities easily and join in that community
Unable to conduct the polls
Unable to upload photos and share the photos
Unable to place scrap messages to other users
Unable to invite the friends into his community

This system tries to overcome the difficulties in the system and makes it easy to find people who share your hobbies and interests, look for romantic connections or establish new business contacts. You can also create and join a wide variety of online communities to discuss current events, reconnect with old school mates or even exchange your favorite recipes.


Good communicative social network with user-friendly UI
Can able to search for friends and can also able to add them to their friends list
Can able to invite friends.
Can create and manage the communities
Can able to view the existing communities, and join in that.
Can able to place a scrap to other users and can view their own scraps
Can able to ask a sawaal and can able to answer to an existing sawaal
Can able to share his opinions
Can able to upload their photos into the gallery and can view the existing photos
Can conduct the polls

The major functionality of this product is divided into three categories.

1. Administrator Functions.

2. Registered User Functions.

3. Guest User Functions.

In this application each and every user must having their own User ID and Password, using these User ID and Password only they can directly enter into their corresponding Login forms.

After enter into their Login forms each user will interact with the following functionalities.

But according to their responsibilities only they will use the above functionalities.

1) Administrative User Functions:

In this functionality the administrator will do his own responsibilities. After providing of his user name and password only the administrator can enter into his account and do his duties. The administrator can maintain the total portal. He can able to add and view the local information. The administrator can able to ask for the opinion and view the total existed opinions, but he can’t post the opinion which was asked by him. The administrator can upload the photos, create his own poll and view all the existed polls and answers. He can place and view the sawaals. The administrator can create his own gang and view all the existed gangs in the portal. The main aim of the administrator is to maintain the total portal. He can able to sent messages to the users who are invited by the registered users. The administrator can able to cancel a poll if it effects the others privacy. He can able to edit an answer for the sawaal. He can able to cancel a gang if it effects the others privacy. Also he can able to cancel a photo if it effects the others privacy.

2) Registered User Functions:

In this function registered users can perform following tasks without login. He can able to search for the friends but unable to add them to their friends list. He can able to view the existing gangs but unable to join in a gang. He can able to view sawaals but unable to post answers. He can able to view existing polls but unable to vote for a poll and to create a poll. Registered users can perform the following tasks after login. If any situation he wants to change the password then he can directly change the password on his own. He can able to view or update his profile. He can able to upload the photos into the gallery and can view the existing photos. He can able to create their own poll and can able to vote for an existing poll. The registered user can able to place a scrap to other users and can view their own scraps. He can able to ask a sawaal and can able to answer an existing sawaal. The registered users can able to share his opinions and he can able to post the local information. He can search for the friends and add them to their friends list. He can directly invite the friends.

3) Guest User Functions:

In this function, the guest user can able to search for the friends and unable to add them to their friends list. He can able to view the existing gangs but unable to join in a gang. The guest users can able to view sawaals but unable to post the answers to corresponding sawaasls. He can able to view the polls but unable to vote for the poll and create a poll.


The System after careful analysis has been identified to present with the following modules. The following functionalities are incorporated in this application

1. PROFILE MODULE: To avail the facility user must register himself by creating his profile. This module maintains all the information, which belongs to the profiles that are registered in the portal. This module maintains the total information about the registered users. For each and every user profile has been divided into five types. i.e., Basic information, Contact information, Personal information, Educational & Professional information, and other information. If the user don’t want to display his profile to all the users and wants to display for some of his friends then he can change his settings in mysettings option.

2. BUDDIES MODULE: This module allows users to search friends and view their profiles and place request to add people as friends and allows to send scraps to your buddies. If any of the users wants to search for the friends, he can search the friends by just choosing the search option located in the portal. They can search for the friends by choosing their own option. After completion of search if they want to view their friend’s profiles then they can view the profiles by clicking on their friend’s name. After completion of search if you want to add that person to your friends list then you can open his profile and choose the option ‘add as a friend’, then it will be placed in your friend’s list. If you want send a scrap to that person then you can directly open his profile and choose the option ‘Leave a scrap’. So you can send a scrap. Finally this module maintains all the information related to search the friends and their profiles.

3. SAWAALS AND POLLS MODULE: Users can place questions on various topics and can view the answers posted by other registered users. This functionality allows users to create polls and participate in polls created by other users. This module deals with major and crucial part that includes the details of existed sawals and polls. Every user can able to create a new poll and view the existed polls. Each and every user can vote for the polls. But the user who has created the poll is not allowed to vote for his poll. Any of the existed user can directly go to the portal, select the poll option and vote for the poll. This facility is used to know opinion of the people. Sawal is the most useful feature for the public. In this feature we can place a new sawal. In this feature sawals is categorized into some parts, depending upon that parts we can place a sawal and view the existed sawals. Each and every user can directly answer for the sawals excluding the user who has created the sawal is not allowed to answer his sawal. Only the administrator can able to cancel a sawal or a poll if it effects the others privacy.

4. COMMUNITIES MODULE: This functionality allows users to create their own gang or to participate in an existing gang. This gang feature is available for every user. Each and every user can create their own gang. We can add the gang’s details, what activities our gang should be done this type information also we can place. Also each and every user can view the details of all the existed gangs. If any of the user wants to join in that gang they can just click the join button, or wants to see the members involved in that gang then just click the member’s button. The gang started date also we can place and we can see the existed gang’s starting dates. Only the admin user can cancel the gang if it effects the others privacy.

5. INFORMATION MODULE: Provide your opinions about anything in the world like cars, bikes, etc. Search info about your city. We can collect the public opinion. Every user can ask for the opinion in the portal at the same time share your opinion with the existed opinions. We can ask for the opinions about anything in the world like cars, bikes etc, and we can search for the movies, schools in our city. Each and every user can view all the opinions which are already existed in the portal.

6. ADMIN MODULE: Activities related to administrator like permit/update/delete any user profile or a gang created by registered users. This module deals with major and crucial part that includes the cancellation of polls, sawals, opinions, gangs, etc. The admin user can cancel any of the above features if they effects any inconvenience to the users. This module deals with all the existed gangs, polls, sawals and maintain all the information about these features.


Hard ware Specification:

Processor : Intel P-IV based system

Processor Speed : 2.0. GHz

RAM : 256 MB to 512 MB

Hard Disk : 40GB to 80GB

Key Board : 104 keys

Software Specification :

Database : MySQL 5.0, MySQL 3.5 JDBC driver

Server : Apache Tomcat 4.1

Front end : JSP / Servlets, J2SDK 1.4, HTML,DHTML, Java Script

Editor : Edit plus

Mingle Spot
The aim of this project is to make your social more and attractive and simulating. It is a Social net work can help you to maintain existing relation ships with pictures and messages, and establish new ones by reaching out to people you have never met before. It is the fastest growing travel and life style social networking community portal.
MingleSpot makes it easy to find people who share your hobbies and interests, look for romantic connections or establish new business contacts. You can also post your sawals and polls on any topic.

Existing System
· It is manual system.
· Complexity to send mails frequently.
· The existing system may not provide security for your mails and photos.
· It takes lot of time to reconnect with old school mates and friends.
· Maintaining friends contacts and personal and social details may become toughest task in existing system.
Proposed System: The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach.
This system maintains the date of all members in secure manner and it allows to see your bio-data to other authorized members
We can maintain all type of users details properly.
Rich user interface and look feel and good.
It allows to send scraps ,wishes to your friends and friends friends.
If you want you can stop to visit your scrap book and photos by the other members in this social network.
Number of Modules
4. Administration Modules 5. Users Registration Modules 6. User Modules

Modules Description
1. Administration Modules:
In this module the role of Administration to maintain and monitoring the user activities. He can lock and un-lock the user accounts, whenever he will find the fraud events done by the users.
2. Users Registration Modules:
This module is help for general user, who is willing to participate in this social network. He/she can choose his/her own desired user-id and password, by using that user-id, password he/she can login into this social network and he can modify his/her profile and also he/she can enjoy with new friends.
3. User Modules:
In this module registered user can do a lot of things .this module again divided into sub modules.
Ø Search Friends
Ø Create Sawals
Ø Create polls and Post Comments.
Ø Scraps
Ø Upload Pictures.
Search Friends: Allows users to search friends and vies their profile and place request to add people as friends.
Create Sawals: Users can place questions on various topics and can view others answers posted by other registered users.

Create Polls and Post Comments:
This functionality allows users to create polls and participate in polls created by other users.
Scraps: This functionality allows users to send scraps to friends and friend’s friends also.
Upload Pictures: This functionality allows users to upload sweet and funny pictures to view their friends.

Users of System
E. Administrator. F. Member.
Software Requirements
Operating System : Windows XP/2003 or Linux
User Interface : HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting : JavaScript
Programming Language : Java
Web Applications : JDBC, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench : My Eclipse 6.0
Database : Oracle 10g
Server Deployment : Tomcat 6.x
Hardware Requirements
Processor : Pentium IV
Hard Disk : 40GB
RAM : 512MB or more

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