

microRNAs are small, regulatory ssRNA molecules involved in post-transcriptional gene silencing. Numerous miRNAs have been implicated in different types of cancers. The aim of this study is to create a bipartite graph connecting miRNAs and different cancers. We intend to identify miRNA "hubs" that are implicated in a large number of cancer types. Studying the function of such hub miRNAs is likely to shed light on the common pathogenesis mechanisms shared across the various cancer types .A combination of literature curation and computational analysis (network- graph applications) will be used.



2.1 System Biology
System biology is the study of an organism, viewed as an integrated and interacting network of genes, proteins and biochemical reactions which gives rise to life. In other words system, biology is an interdisciplinary study field that focuses on the systematic study of complex interactions in biological system. System biology can be considered from a number of different aspects:
• Some sources discuss system biology as a field of study, particularly, the study of the interactions between the component of biological system.
• System biology as a paradigm, usually defined in antithesis to the so-called Reductionism paradigm, although fully consistent with the scientific method.
• Other source view system biology in the terms of the operational protocol used for performing research, namely a cycle composed of theory, analytic or computing modeling to propose specific testable hypotheses about a biological system, experimental validation, and the using the newly acquired quantitative description of cells or cell processes to refine the computational model or theory.
• Engineers consider system biology as the application of dynamical system theory to molecular biology.

2.2 Networks:
A network is a set of elements connected by links. Networks enable a simple and uniform representation of complex structures and processes in many domains such as: computer science (more commonly known as graphs), sociology, communication, and more.
A network consists of two sets:
• Vertices - represent the elements themselves. For example, a vertex will represent every town in a road map.
• Edges - represent the relations between pairs of elements. For example, a road between two towns in a road map will be represented by an edge.
2.2.1 Biological networks:
Networks also enable the characterization of biological processes. Here are some of the common biological networks:
• Co-Expression network –
Describes the relation between the expression pattern of different genes. In this network vertices represent genes. Two vertices are connected if the corresponding genes have similar expression patterns, meaning they are expressed under the same conditions.
• Transcriptional network/gene regulatory network –
A graph with two sets of vertices. One set represents transcription factors and the other represents genes. Each edge represents binding of a transcription factor to a gene. This type of networks reflects the cell’s regulatory circuitry.
• Protein-protein interaction network –
In this graph, vertices represent proteins and edges represent interactions, that is, two proteins are connected if they interact with each other. This network reflects the cell’s machinery and signaling pathways.
• Metabolic network –
A directed graph, where each vertex represents a metabolite (a molecule), and an edge represents a biochemical reaction. A biochemical reaction is a chemical process that results in the conversion of one biological molecules to another. Metabolism is the biochemical modification of chemical compounds in the cell. The two main processes in metabolism include the biosynthesis of complex organic molecules and their breakdown. The metabolic network describes the cells metabolic pathways which consist a sequence of reactions in which molecules interact and convert to a different molecule or compound.

• Disease-Gene network –
A bipartite graph with two sets of vertices. One set represents Diseases of a given organism (e.g. Humans) and the other set represents the organism’s genes. A gene and a disease are connected by an edge if the gene is involved in the disease (e.g. Causal Gene).
2.2.2 The Human (Genetic) Disease Network
The Human Disease Network (HDN), in which diseases are connected to each other if they share a common disease gene. The HDN has a giant component comprising almost half of the diseases, in which some classes of disorders cluster naturally (e.g. cancers or neurological disorders, but not metabolic disorders).If each human disorder tends to have a distinct and unique genetic origin, then the HDN would be disconnected into many single nodes corresponding to specific disorders or grouped into small clusters of a few closely related disorders.
2.2.3 The Disease Gene Network (DGN)
The Disease Gene Network (DGN), in which genes are connected if they are associated with a common disease. The DGN, when integrated with functional annotations, expression and protein-protein interaction data, provides a first step towards a "network-based explanation of the emergence of complex polygenic disorders" in the sense that it reveals, how functionally related genes can lead to similar disorders. In the DGN, two disease genes are connected if they are associated with the same disorder, providing a complementary, gene-centered view of the diseasome.
2.3 MicroRNA
microRNAs are small non-coding RNAs of 20 to 25 nucleotides in length that regulate expression of target genes through sequence specific hybridization to the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of messenger RNAs and either block translation or direct degradation of their target messenger RNAs. This novel class of RNAs was first discovered in C. elegans in 1993 by the laboratory of Dr. Victor Ambrose, and has now been identified in almost every species including the discovery of microRNAs in humans in 2000 by the laboratories of Dr. Gary Ruvkun and Dr. Thomas Tuschl.
2.3.1 Biogenesis:
microRNA genes are expressed in the nucleus of cells by RNA polymerase II as a long double stranded precursor called the primary microRNA, or pri-microRNA. The microRNA portion of the pri-microRNA transcript forms a hairpin with signals for double-stranded RNA specific nuclease cleavage. The double-stranded RNA specific ribonuclease Drosha processes the
pri-microRNA to release the hairpin into a precursor microRNA, or pre-microRNA. The
pre-microRNA is exported into the cytoplasm by a nuclear export protein termed Exportin 5. In the cytoplasm the pre-microRNA is cleaved by the enzyme Dicer into a 20 to 25 nucleotide long double-stranded RNA. The double-stranded RNA produced by Dicer are then separated. The single-stranded mature microRNA assembles into a protein-RNA complex called the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Through the RISC complex the microRNA targets messenger RNAs by direct base pairing. The 5' region of a microRNA, known as the 'seed' region (nucleotides 1 through 8), is the most critical for targeting and function. The microRNA target sites are often imperfect matches and located in the 3' UTR of target messenger RNAs. Since microRNAs do not require perfect complementarity for target recognition, a single microRNA is able to regulate multiple messenger RNAs Equally as important, the impact on each regulated messenger RNA is subtle, but the combined effect is significant and produces measurable phenotypic results (FIG.1).

( FIG.1)MicroRNAs are produced from either their own genes or from introns
2.3.2 miRNA Functions
microRNAs plays an integral role in numerous biological processes including the immune response, cell-cycle control, metabolism, viral replication, stem cell differentiation and human development.
Many microrna are conserved across multiple species indicating the evolutionary importance of these molecules as modulators of critical biological pathways. Indeed, microRNA expression or function is significantly altered in many disease states, including cancer, heart failure, and viral infections.
Targeting pathways of human disease with microRNA-based drugs represents a potentially powerful new therapeutic approach.

2.3.3 microRNAs in Cancer
Cancer is a complex and dynamic disease, involving a variety of changes in gene expression and structure. Traditionally, the study of cancer has focused on protein- coding genes, considering these as the principal effectors and regulators of tumorigenesis . Recent advances have brought non- protein-coding microRNAs into the spotlight and have been implicated in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation , and apoptosis. Studies performed in a variety of organism have revealed that microRNAs have the ability to regulate these cellular processes, suggesting that they could be involved in cancer. The first study directly suggesting that dysregulation of miRNA played an important role for miRNAs in tumrogenesis came from calin et.al
2.4 Cancer
Normally cell division is a regulated process. Mature cells are replaced by new cells produced by cell division and differentiation. Due to altered gene activity, normal control mechanism is lost and the abnormal cell growth and cell - division takes place. When cells in some area of the body duplicate unusually the excess of tissue will develops and form a growth or tumor. Cancer is not a contagious disease nor it is an inherited one. The physical and chemical agents, which induce cancer growth are called carcinogens. Cancer cells are cells that are engaged in uncontrolled mitosis. A tumor may or may not be cancerous. The tumors are of two types: Benign or nonmalignant tumors and Cancerous or malignant tumors.
2.4.1 Lung cancer
Lung cancer is a disease in which the cells of lung tissues grow uncontrollably and form tumors. The main types of lung cancer are small cell lung carcinoma and non- small cell carcinoma. This is the most common cause of cancer-related death in men and women. The most common symptoms are shortness of breath, coughing and weight loss.

2.4.2 Breast cancer
This is a cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from ducts are known as ductal carcinomas originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas.
2.4.3 Pancreatic cancer
This is a malignant neoplasm of the pancreas one of the most common cancer type with a very poor prognosis. The most common type of pancreatic cancer arises from the exocrine glands and is called adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is among the most aggressive of all cancers. The endocrine glands of the pancreas can give rise to a completely different type of cancer.
2.4.4 Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Most prostate cancers are slow growing. The cancer cells may metastasize (spread) from the prostate to other parts of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes. Prostate cancer may cause pain.
2.4.5 Uterine leiomyoma
Uterine leiomyomas are common, benign, smooth muscle tumors of the uterus. They are found in nearly half of women over age 40 and infrequently cause problems. Synonyms include Fibroids, Myomas, and Leiomyomata.
2.4.6 Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer is a thyroid neoplasm that is malignant. It can be treated with radioactive iodine or surgical resection of the thyroid gland. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy may be used. symptom of thyroid cancer is a nodule in the thyroid region of the neck.

2.4.7 Stomach cancer
Gastric cancer, commonly referred to as stomach cancer, can develop in any part of the stomach and may spread throughout the stomach and to other organs; particularly the esophagus, lungs, lymph nodes, and the liver. Stomach cancer causes about 800,000 deaths worldwide per year.
2.4.8 Esophageal cancer
Esophageal cancer is cancer that occurs in the esophagus — a long hollow tube that runs from our throat to our stomach. Esophageal cancer usually begins in the cells that line the inside of the esophagus. Esophageal cancer can occur anywhere along the esophagus. It occurs most often in the lower portion of the esophagus.
2.4.9 Bladder cancer
Bladder cancer refers to several types of malignant growths of the urinary bladder. It is a disease in which abnormal cells multiply without control in the bladder. The bladder is a hollow, muscular organ that stores urine. It is located in the pelvis. The most common type of bladder cancer begins in cells lining the inside of the bladder and is called transitional cell carcinoma. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC, also called malignant hepatoma) is a primary malignancy (cancer) of the liver.
2.4.10 Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer, also called colon cancer or large bowel cancer, includes cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and appendix. Colorectal cancers arise from adenomatous polyps in the colon. These mushroom-shaped growths are usually benign, but some develop into cancer over time. The symptoms of colorectal cancer depend on the location of tumor in the bowel.

2.4.11 Kidney cancer
Kidney cancer is usually defined as a cancer that originates in the kidney. The two most common types of kidney cancer, reflecting their location within the kidney, are renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) of the renal pelvis.
2.5 Oncogenes
The 2 main types of genes that plays an important role in cancer are oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Cancer is caused by alterations in oncogenes, tumor-suppressor genes, and microRNA genes. These alterations are usually somatic events. A single genetic change is sufficient for the development of a malignant tumor. A gene that contributes to the production of a cancer is called oncogenes. They are generally mutated forms of normal cellular genes (proto-oncogenes). Oncogenes are found in the oncogenically activated state in retroviruses and transformed cells. This gene is responsible for the normal growth and differentiation of cells. Oncogenes encode proteins that control cell proliferation, apoptosis, or both. They can be activated by structural alterations resulting from mutation or gene fusion, by amplification. Translocations and mutations can occur as initiating events and amplification usually occurs during progression. The products of oncogenes can be classified into six broad groups: transcription factors, chromatin remodelers, growth factors, growth factor receptors, signal transducers, and apoptosis regulators. Most cancer causing mutations involving oncogenes are acquired, not inherited. They generally activate oncogenes by chromosome rearrangements, gene duplication, or mutation. Oncogenes are usually involved in early stages of cancer and it increases the chance that a normal cell developes into a tumor cell. The first oncogene was discovered from the Avian Sarcoma Virus and was called src.
A proto-oncogene is a normal gene that can become an oncogene due to mutations or increased expression.This code proteins that help to regulatecell growth and differentiation. Proto-oncogenes function in signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, or cell differentiation. Tumor Suppressors are genes that negatively regulate the cell cycle.


• To build a miRNA- diseasome network for further analysis
• To identify the miRNA hubs that are implicated in large number of cancer types using the miRNA –diseasome network
• To understand if common pathogenesis mechanisms are shared across the various cancer types

4.1 System Biology Approach in Network Science
System biology is the study of an organism, viewed as an integrated and interacting network of genes, protein and biochemical reactions which give to life. Instead of analyzing individual components or aspects of the organism, such as sugar metabolism or a cell nucleus,system biologist focus on all the components and the interactions among them, all as part of one system. These interactions are ultimately responsible for an organism’s form and functions. For eg, the immune system is not the result of a single mechanism or gene. Rather the interactions of numerous genes, proteins, mechanism and the organism’s external environment produce immune response to fight infections[1].
4.2 microRNA Biogenesis
Piotr Kozlowski , Julia starega- Roslan et al. , has worked on microRNA precursors. miRNA are single- stranded regulatory RNAs of 18-25 nucleotides length generated from endogenous transcripts that form local hairpin structures. The processing of microRNA transcripts involves the activities of two RNaseIII enzymes Drosha and dicer. In this present study they analysed structural features of human microRNA precursors that makes these transcripts Drosha and Dicer substrates. Along with that the frequency , nucleotides sequence content and the localization of various structure destabilizing motifs was analysed
Choudhuri.s, studied the small non coding RNAs, their Biogenesis, function, and emerging significance in toxicology. Many different types of small ncRNAs have been described so far. Of these ncRNAs choudhury focused on miRNAs , siRNAs (small interfering RNAs), and piRNAs (piwi- interacting RNA) in details. In fact ,an ever-increasing number of studies have implicated miRNAs and siRNAs in human health and disease ranging from metabolic disorders to disease of various organ system as well as various form of cancer. Tha most widespread endogenous small ncRNAs are called as “micromanagers” of gene expression.[2]

4.3 microRNAs in cancer
A W Tong & J Nemunaitis studied about the modulation of miRNA activity in human cancer. miRNAs are multispecific by nature.
Visone R, Croce C M, has explained the role of miRNAs in cancer. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells. A large body of evidence implicates aberrant miRNA expression pattern in most if not all, human malignancies. The articles review our current knowledge about miRNAs, focusing on their involvement in cancer and their potential as diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tools.
Carlos E.Stahlhut Espinosa and Frank J. Stack also explained about the role of miRNA sin cancer. Traditionally, the study of cancer has focused on protein-coding genes, considering these as the principal effectors and regulators of tumerigensis. Recent advances, however ,have brought non-protein-coding RNAinto the spotlight. miRNAs ,one such class of noncoding RNAs, have been implicated in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. The scientist revealed that though the study of miRNA is still at early stages, and their mechanism of action along with their importance’s in cancer us not yet fully understood, they may provide an important layer of genetics regulation in tumorigenesis and ultimately becomes valuable therapeutic tools.

The following databases/resources were used
5.1 miRBase:
The miRBase database is a searchable database of published miRNA sequences and annotation. Each entry in the miRBase Sequence database represents a predicted hairpin portion of a miRNA transcript (termed mir in the database), with information on the location and sequence of the mature miRNA sequence (termed miR). Both hairpin and mature sequences are available for searching and browsing, and entries can also be retrieved by name, keyword, references and annotation.
5.2 miR2Disease Base
miR2Disease , a manually curated database. Each entry in the miR2Disease contains detailed information on a miRNA-disease relationship, including miRNA ID, disease name, a brief description of the miRNA-disease relationship, miRNA expression pattern in the disease state, detection method for miRNA expression, experimentally verified miRNA target gene(s), and literature reference
5.3 Diana dna intelligent analysis
DIANA-microT 3.0 is an algorithm based on several parameters calculated individually for each microRNA and it combines conserved and non-conserved microRNA recognition elements into a final prediction score.TarBase5.o is a database which is manually curated collection of experiments supported miRNA target in several animal species of scientific interest, plants and virus. Diana-miRPath is a web based computational tool used to identify the molecular pathway altered by the expression of single or multiple miRNAS.

5.4 Cytoscape
Cytoscape is an open source Bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction network and integrating with gene expression profiles and other state data. Additional features are available as plugins that are available for network and molecular profiling analyses, new layouts, additional file format support and connection with database. Plugin may be developed using the cytoscape open java software architecture by anyone. Cytoscape is used to visualize and analyse network graph of any kind involving nodes and edges(e.g. social network). plugin are developed by core developers and the greater user community.
5.5 miRBase: To find the list of miRNA present in homosapeins
Steps involved:
• Open the Browse miRNA by Species from the web page- http://mirbasecgi-bin/browse.pl(fig. 5.5.1).
• Choose the homosapien page link to see a list of all known miRNA in human.
• The column shows the miRNA names, the chromosomal coordinates in latest genome assembly( chromosomes, end, start and strand) followed by length of stem-loop hairpin and mature.(fig 5.5.2).

Fig 5.5.1: Browse miRNA by Species

Fig 5.5.2: list of miRNA present in Homosapeins.

5.6 miR2Disease: To find the list of cancer caused by miRNA.
Steps involved:
• Open the miR2Disease homepage using http://mir2disease (fig 5.6.1)
• Click the “Search by miRNA ID” link.
• Give the miRNA ID in search option to get the list of disease name, a brief description of the miRNA-disease relationship. Fig(5.6.2).
• Click on the More option to know the miRNA expression pattern in the disease state, detection method for miRNA expression, experimentally verified miRNA target gene(s), and literature reference Fig(5.6.3)

Fig( 5.6.1) . Home page of miR2Disease Base

Fig(5.6.2). Disease and Description

Fig .(5.6.3) Expression pattern
5.7 DIANA DNA Intelligent Analysis: to find the targets against the miRNA
Steps involved:
• Open the DIANA Lab homepage http://diana.cslab.ece.ntua.gr/tarbase/ fig (5.7.1)
• Select the organism and miRNA ID .
• Then click on page link View Result for result.Fig(5.7.2)

Fig .5.7.1 DIANA Lab Home page

Fig .(5.7.2) Result viewed
5.8 Diana-miRPath: to identify the molecular pathways altered by the expression of multiple MiRNA.
Steps involved:
• Open Diana lab home page.(fig 5.8.1)
• From the Diana lab homepage select Diana-miRPath.
• Then click on “For analysis of MULTIPLE microRNAs (online)”.
• Enter the specific data in job identifier and specify the mail ID.(fig 5.8.2)
• Select Human in species list and load miRNA to input list.
• Then Run the Job

Fig(5.8.1) DIANA Lab Home page
Fig(5.8.2) DIANA-mirpath
5.9 Cytoscape: used to visualize and analyse network graph of disease- disease and disease- miRNA.
Steps involved:
• Open cytoscape session file(.cys).
• Open the file and import the network from the table.Fig(5.9.1)
• Go to plugin and select Network Analysis(Analyse Network) fig (5.9.2)

Fig(5.9.1) Importing theNetwork from Table in Cytoscape

Fig(5.9.2) Network Analysis

Table 6.1 shows the list of miRNAs corresponding cancer, Target Genes, Reference, Expression patterns.
miRNA CancerType Ref. Exp. Data Target Genes
hsa-mir-1-1 lung cancer 2 down-regulated ZNF264,YWHAQ,XPO6,WDFY1,UST,UNC93B3,UHRF1,TRIM2 ,TRAPPC3
hsa-mir-1-2 Colorectal
cancer 1 down-regulated TPM4,TPM4,TPM3,TPM2,TPM1,TMSL1,TMSL1,n_a,n_aTIMP3,THBS1,TH1L,TH1L
hsa-miR-1-2 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated TDP1,TAGLN2 ,SYNE1 ,SSNA1,TAGLN2, SYNE1, SSNA1
hsa-mir-7-1 kidney cancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-mir-7-1 Colorectal
cancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-mir-9-1 oral cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-9-1 Breast cancer 2 down-regulated
hsa-mir-9-1 Colorectal
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7a-1 Colorectal
cancer 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 oral cancer 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 lung cancer 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 Acute
leukemia 1 up- regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 Breast cancer 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 lung cancer 1 up- regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7a-1 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated TRIM71, NF2
hsa-let-7b Acute
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7b Acute
leukemia 1 up- regulated VPS39,UHRF1, UGT8, TYMS, TTC9C, TRMT1, TMEM2,THBS1, ,
hsa-let-7b cervical cancer 1 down-regulated SNAP23,SLC25A32,SLC25A24,SLC25A13,TAF9B,SPRYD4
hsa-let-7b Colorectal
cancer 1 up- regulated SLC25A1,SLC1A4,SCYL1,RPP38,n_a,RHOG,RHOB
hsa-let-7b Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated RDH10,RBM19, PXDN,PTGS2,PRIM1,PPP1R7, POM121C,POLR2C
hsa-let-7b lung cancer 2 down-regulated
hsa-let-7b non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7b Papillary
carcinoma 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7b prostate cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7b serous ovarian
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7d Acute
leukemia 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7d breastcancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7d Epithelial
ovarian cancer 2 down-regulated
hsa-let-7d head and neck
squamus cell
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7d Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 down-regulated
hsa-let-7d lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7d non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7d oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1

hsa-let-7d Ovarian
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7d Pancreatic
cancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7d prostate cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7c Acute
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7c Acute
leukemia 1 up- regulated TRIM71
hsa-let-7c Acute
leukemia 1 up- regulated TRIM71
hsa-let-7c cervical cancer 1 down-regulated TRIM71
hsa-let-7c Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated TRIM71
hsa-let-7c Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated TRIM71
hsa-let-7c lung cancer 4 3-down-regulated,1- up
regulated TRIM71
hsa-let-7c ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated TRIM71
hsa-let-7c prostate cancer 4
2-down-regulated, 2-up
hsa-let-7e Acute
leukemia 1 down-regulated SMC1A, n_a
hsa-let-7e acute myeloid
leukemia 2 up- regulated SMC1A, n_a
hsa-let-7e head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up- regulated SMC1A, n_a
hsa-let-7e lung cancer 1 down-regulated SMC1A, n_a
hsa-let-7e Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated SMC1A, n_a
hsa-let-7e oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated SMC1A, n_a
hsa-let-7e ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated SMC1A, n_a
hsa-let-7f-1 breastcancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7f-1 Colorectal
cancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7f-1 lung cancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7f-1 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7f-2 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7f-2 breastcancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7f-2 kidney cancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7g Colorectal
cancer 1 up- regulated
hsa-let-7g head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7g Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 down-regulated
hsa-let-7g lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7g non-small cell
lung cancer 2 down-regulated
hsa-let-7g oral squamous
cell carcinoma 2 down-regulated
hsa-let-7g ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-let-7g prostate cancer 2 1-down-regulated,i-up
hsa-let-7g renal clear
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-let-7i breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-let-7i head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-let-7i ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-9-2 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-9-2 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-9-2 breastcancer 1
hsa-mir-9-2 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-9-2 Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-10a bladder cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-10a chronic myeloid
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-10a Colorectal
cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-10a oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-10a Pancreatic
cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-10a prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-10b b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-10b breastcancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-10b Colorectal
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-10b ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-10b Pancreatic
cancer 1

hsa-mir-10b prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-10b serous ovarian
1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-15a Acute
Leukemia 1 up-regulated

hsa-mir-15a Chronic
hsa-mir-15a head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-15a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 down-regulated
hsa-mir-15a kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-15a non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-15a ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-15a Papillary
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-15a prostate cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-15b acute myeloid
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-15b Acute
leukemia 1 up-regulated
b-cell chronic
1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-15b Colorectal
cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-15b gastric cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-15b non-small cell
lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-15b Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-16-1 Acute
leukemia 1 up-regulated ZNF622, VTI1B, YIF1B, n_a,, UTP15,UBE4A,TMEM189,UBE2S, TXN2, TPM3
hsa-mir-16-1 Chronic
leukemia 3 1-up-regulated,2-down
regulated ZNF622, VTI1B, YIF1B, n_a,, UTP15,UBE4A,TMEM189,UBE2S, TXN2, TPM3
hsa-mir-16-1 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated ZNF622, VTI1B, YIF1B, n_a,, UTP15,UBE4A,TMEM189,UBE2S, TXN2, TPM3
hsa-mir-16-1 prostate cancer 1 down-regulated
ZNF622, VTI1B, YIF1B, n_a,, UTP15,UBE4A,TMEM189,UBE2S, TXN2, TPM3
hsa-mir-16-2 Chronic
1 up-regulated
hsa-miR-17-5p Anaplastic
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-miR-17-5p bladder cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-miR-17-5p breastcancer 3 1-up-regulated,2-down
hsa-miR-17-5p chronic myeloid
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-17-5p Colorectal
cancer 4 3-up-regulated,1-down-
hsa-miR-17-5p Hepatocellular
carcinoma 3 up-regulated
hsa-miR-17-5p lung cancer 3 up-regulated
hsa-miR-17-5p Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-miR-17-5p prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-18a Anaplastic
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-18a breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-18a colorectal
cancer 2 up-regulated

hsa-mir-18a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-18a lung cancer 1

hsa-mir-19a Anaplastic
carcinoma 1 up-regulated PTEN, n_a, HOXA5
hsa-mir-19a b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated PTEN, n_a, HOXA5
hsa-mir-19a Colorectal
cancer 2 up-regulated PTEN, n_a, HOXA5
hsa-mir-19a head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down-regulated PTEN, n_a, HOXA5
hsa-mir-19a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
regulated PTEN, n_a, HOXA5
hsa-mir-19a lung cancer 1 up-regulated PTEN, n_a, HOXA5
hsa-mir-19b-2 T-cell leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-20a B-cell
lymphoma 1 up-regulated MYLIP, HIPK3,ARID4B
hsa-mir-20a breastcancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-20a chronic myeloid
1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-20a Colorectal
cancer 6 up-regulated
hsa-mir-20a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 up-regulated
lung cancer 3 up-regulated

hsa-mir-20a Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-20a prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-20a serous ovarian
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-20a kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-20b kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-20b T-cell leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-21 Acute
leukemia 1 down-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 bladder cancer 3 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 breastcancer 9 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 cervical cancer 2 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Colorectal
cancer 10 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Esophageal
cancer 3 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 gastric cancer 3 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 6 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 kidney cancer 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Laryngeal
carcinoma 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 lung cancer 6 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 non-small cell
lung cancer 2 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 2 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 oral carcinoma 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Pancreatic
cancer 7 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 prostate cancer 4 up-regulated
hsa-mir-21 Renalclear
1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 Serous
ovariancancer 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-21 tongue
squamus cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated TPM1, SERPINB5, PTEN, PDCD4
hsa-mir-22 Acute
leukemia 2 down-regulated
hsa-mir-22 acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-22 breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-22 head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-22 lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-22 prostate cancer 1

hsa-mir-23a Acute
leukemia 1 down-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
acute myeloid
1 up-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23a Acute
leukemia 1 down-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23a bladder cancer 1 up-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23a Colorectal
cancer 1 down-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 up-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23a oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23a Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23a prostate cancer 1 down-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23a serous ovarian
cancer 1 up-regulated C6orf134,CXCL12
hsa-mir-23b acute lymph
blastic leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-23b acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated NOTCH1
hsa-mir-23b bladder cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-23b cervical cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-23b Chronic
Leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-23b Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-23b oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-23b Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-23b prostate cancer 2 down-regulated
hsa-mir-23b serous ovarian
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-1 b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-1 Chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated NOTCH1, MAPK14, n_a, DHFR, CDKN2A, ACVR1B
hsa-mir-24-1 Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-1 gastric cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-1 Pancreatic
2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-1 Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-2 Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-2 gastric cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-2 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-2 lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-2 Pancreatic
cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-24-2 Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-25 Colorectal
cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-25 gastric cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-25 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 3 up-regulated
hsa-mir-25 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-25 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-26a-1 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-26a-1 lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-26a-1 Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-26a-2 Hepatocellular\
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-26b bladder cancer 1 up-regulated

hsa-mir-26b Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-26b Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-26b oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-26b prostate cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-27a Acute
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-27a acute myeloid
leukemia 2 up-regulated ZBTB10, MYT1
hsa-mir-27a breastcancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-27a Colorectal
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-27a gastric cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-27a Hepatocellular\
carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down

hsa-mir-27a kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-27a oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-27a prostate cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-27a Serous
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-27b Acute
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-27b acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated NOTCH1, CYP1B1
hsa-mir-27b Colorectal
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-27b lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-27b oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-27b prostate cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-28 kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29a Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29a kidney cancer 1 up-regulated DNMT3B,DNMT3A, BACE1
hsa-mir-29a lung cancer 2

hsa-mir-29a oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-29a ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29a prostate cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-29a serous ovarian
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-29b-2 breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29b-2 Chronic
leukemia 1 down-regulated MCL1, DNMT3B, DNMT3A
hsa-mir-29b-2 Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29b-2 lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-29b-2 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29b-2 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29c bladder cancer 1 down-regulated TDG,SPARC,LAMC1, FUSIP1, DNMT3B, DNMT3A, COL4A2, COL3A1, COL4A1, COL1A2, COL4A1,COL15A1
hsa-mir-29c breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29c Chronic
leukemia 3 down-regulated
hsa-mir-29c head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29c kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29c lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-29c ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-29c Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-30a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-30a-3p acute myeloid
1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-30a-3p breastcancer 1 down-regulated VEZT, TUBA1A, TMEM2, WDR82, THBS1, SLC7A6, CYR61, CDK6
hsa-miR-30a-3p Colorectal
cancer 3 1-up-regulated,2-down regulated
hsa-miR-30a-3p lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-30a-5p Anaplastic
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-30a-5p Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-miR-30a-5p lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-30a-5p ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-miR-30a-5p prostate cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-30b head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-30b prostate cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-30c-1 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-30d acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-30d Anaplastic
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-30d Chronic
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-30d oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-30e Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-30e-3p lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-30e-5p bladder cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-miR-30e-5p head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-miR-30e-5p oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-miR-30e-5p ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-31 bladder cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-31 breastcancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-31 Colorectal
cancer 4 up-regulated
hsa-mir-31 head and neck
squamous cell
1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-31 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-31 lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-31 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-31 prostate cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-32 Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-32 lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-32 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-32 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-34a Chronic
leukemia 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-34a Colorectal
cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-34a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 3 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34a non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34a oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
Cancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34a Papillary
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34a prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-34b acute myeloid
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34b Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34b non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34b oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34b ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-34b Pancreatic
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-34c acute myeloid
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34c Anaplastic
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34c Colorectal
cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-34c non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34c oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34c ovarian cancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-34c Pancreatic
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-93 Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-93 gastric cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-93 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-93 lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-93 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-93 serous ovarian
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-93 T-cell leukemia 1 up-regulated

hsa-mir-95 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-95 lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-95 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-96 breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-96 Colorectal
cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-96 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-96 non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-96 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-96 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-98 breastcancer 1 up-regulated HMGA2
hsa-mir-98 head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-98 lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-99a bladder cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-99a Epithelial
ovarian cancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-99a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-99a lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-99a ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-99a Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-99a prostate cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-99a serous ovarian
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-99b prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-100 bladder cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-100 Epithelial\
ovarian cancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-100 non-small cell
lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-100 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-100 ovarian cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-100 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-100 prostate cancer 4 1-up-regulated,3-down- regulated
hsa-mir-100 serous ovarian
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-100-1 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-100-2 Pancreatic
1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-103-1 bladder cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-103-2 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated FBXW11
hsa-mir-103-2 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-105-1 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-106a Colorectal
cancer 4 2-up-regulated,2-down
hsa-mir-106a gastric cancer 1 up-regulated RB1, MYLIP,HIPK3,
hsa-mir-106a kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-106a lung cancer 1
hsa-mir-106a Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-106a prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-106a T-cell leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-106b Chronic
leukemia 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-106b Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated CDKN1A
hsa-mir-106b gastric cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-106b Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-106b kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-106b ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-107 Chronic
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-107 Colorectal
cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down regulated NFIA, BACE1
hsa-mir-107 Esophageal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-107 gastric cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-107 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-107 non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down-regulated
hsa-mir-107 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-107 Pancreatic
cancer 5 up-regulated
hsa-mir-122 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 4 down –regulated
hsa-mir-122 kidney cancer 1 up-regulated TRPV6
hsa-mir-124 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125a Acute
leukemia 1 down –regulated ZBED3, n_a, VAMP3, USP48, UHRF1, TTC7A, TRIP11, TRIM29, TOM1L1,
hsa-mir-125a acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated TNFRSF21, TJP2, TARBP1,SYNGR2, SYCP1, SURF4, SUCLG2, STX10, STOM, SSFA2, SP1, SNAI2,SMAD5
hsa-mir-125a breastcancer 4 down –regulated LIN28, ERBB3, ERBB2
hsa-mir-125a Colorectal
cancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125a Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125a lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125a ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125a Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-125a prostate cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125a serous ovarian
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125b-1 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125b-1 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125b-1 Pancreatic
cancer 2 up-regulated LIN28
hsa-mir-125b-2 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-125b-2 lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-126 acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-126 Acute
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-126 breastcancer 2 down –regulated VCAM1, SLC45A3
hsa-mir-126 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-126 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-126 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 3 down –regulated
hsa-mir-126 kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-126 lung cancer 3 2-down-regulated, 1-up-regulated
hsa-mir-126 non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-126 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-126 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-127 bladder cancer 1 down –regulated RTL1 ,n_a ,BCL6
hsa-mir-127 breastcancer 2 down –regulated RTL1 ,n_a ,BCL6
hsa-mir-127 cancer 1 down –regulated RTL1 ,n_a ,BCL6
hsa-mir-127 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated RTL1 ,n_a ,BCL6
hsa-mir-127 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down-regulated RTL1 ,n_a ,BCL6
hsa-mir-127 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated RTL1 ,n_a ,BCL6
hsa-mir-127 prostate cancer 1 down –regulated RTL1 ,n_a ,BCL6
hsa-mir-129-1 retinoblastoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-129-2 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-129-2 retinoblastoma 1 up-regulated EIF2C3, CAMTA1
hsa-mir-130a Acute
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-130a acute myeloid
luekemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-130a hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
regulated TAC1, MEOX2, HOXA5
hsa-mir-130a lung cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down regulated
hsa-mir-130b Acute
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-130b acute myeloid
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-130b Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-130b T-cell leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-130b Pancreatic
adenocarcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-132 b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-132 Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-132 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated n_a, PGC
hsa-mir-132 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133b bladder cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133b Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133b lung cancer 1 down –regulated PKM2
hsa-mir-133b oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133b Tongue
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133a bladder cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133a Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133a Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated PKM2
hsa-mir-133a head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-133a Tongue
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-134 Acute
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-134 b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-134 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated n_a
hsa-mir-134 ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-135b Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-136 breastcancer 1 up-regulated Rtl1/Peg11
hsa-mir-136 Hepatocellular
carcinma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-137 colorectal cancer 1 down –regulated RTL1, n_a
hsa-mir-137 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-137 non-small cell
lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-137 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-138-1 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-138-1 Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-138-2 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated TERT, SLC45A3
hsa-mir-138-2 Papillary
carcinma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-139 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-139 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-139 lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-139 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-139 Pancreatic
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-140 b-cell chronic
lymphocytic leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-140 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-140 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 2 down –regulated HDAC4
hsa-mir-140 lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-140 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-140 testicular germ
cell tumour 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-141 b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 breastcancer 1 down –regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 cancer 2 down –regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 gastric cancer 1 down –regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down –regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 kidney cancer 1 down –regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 lung cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 prostate cancer 2 down –regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-141 serous ovarian
cancer 1 up-regulated CLOCK, n_a
hsa-mir-143 bladder cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 breastcancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 cervical cancer 1 down –regulated MAPK7, MAPK12
hsa-mir-143 Chronic
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 Colorectal
cancer 9 down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 Epithelial
ovarian cancer down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 gastric cancer down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 3 2-down -regulated,1-up-regulated
hsa-mir-143 lung cancer 3 down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-143 Pancreatic
adenocarcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-143 prostate cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 serous ovarian
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-143 T-cell leukemia 1 down –regulated

hsa-mir-144 Uterine
leiomyoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-145 bladder cancer 2 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 breastcancer 2 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 Chronic
leukemia 1 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 Colorectal
cancer 10 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 2 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 3 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 lung cancer 2 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 Pancreaticductal
adenocarinoma 1 up-regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 prostate cancer 6 5-down -regulated,1-up-regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 renal clear
carcinoma 1 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 Serous ovarian
cancer 1 down –regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-145 testicular germ
cell tumour 1 up-regulated n_a, IRS1
hsa-mir-146a breastcancer 4 3-up-regulated,1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-146a Chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-146a lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146a oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146a ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146a Pancreatic
cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146a Papillary
carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-146a prostate cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-146a Pancreatic
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146b breastcancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-146b head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146b lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146b ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-146b Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-147 acute myeloid
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-147 Acute
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-147 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148a breastcancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148a head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-148a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated DNMT3B
hsa-mir-148a oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148a Pancreatic
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148a Pancreatic
1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148a prostate cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148b head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148b Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148b oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148b Pancreatic
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-148b Pancreatic
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-149 breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-149 prostate cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-150 Chronic
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-150 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-150 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated MYB
hsa-mir-150 kidney cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-150 lung cancer 1 up-regulated

hsa-mir-150 Pancreatic
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-151 acute myeloid
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-151 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-151 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-152 breastcancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-152 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-152 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-152 Cholangio
carcioma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-154 b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-155 Acute
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-155 acute myeloid
leukemia 2

hsa-mir-155 Chronic
leukemia 3 up-regulated WDR68, WDFY1 ,VAMP3, UBE2J1, TXNRD1,TXNDC12, TRIP13, TRIM32,TRAM1, TP53INP1, TNFRSF10A, TM6SF1, TBCA
hsa-mir-155 breastcancer 4 up-regulated TACSTD2, SYPL1, SYNE2, SNAP29, SMAD1, SLC30A1, SH3BP4, SDCBP,SCAMP1, RHEB,RCOR1,RCN2, RAI14, RAB6A, RAB5C
hsa-mir-155 Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated RAB34, RAB27B
hsa-mir-155 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-155 head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-155 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 3 1-down-regulated,2-up-regulated
hsa-mir-155 lung cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-155 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-155 ovarian cancer down –regulated
hsa-mir-155 Pancreatic
cancer 5 1-up-regulated,4-down-regulated
hsa-mir-155 Pancreatic
Adencarcinoma 3 up-regulated
hsa-mir-155 Papillary
carcinoma up-regulated
hsa-mir-181a-1 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 1-down -regulated,1-up-
hsa-mir-181a-1 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181a-1 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 1-down-regulated,1-up-regulated
hsa-mir-181b-1 breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181b-1 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181b-1 Pancreatic
cancer 2 up-regulated VSNL1, VSNL1
hsa-mir-181b-1 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181b-2 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181b-2 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181c acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181c Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-181c lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-181c Pancreatic
2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181c Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181d breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-181d Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-182 acute myeloid
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-182 breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-182 Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-182 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-182 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-182 kidney cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-182 lung cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-182 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-183 b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-183 Colorectal
cancer 3 up-regulated
hsa-mir-183 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-183 lung cancer 3 2-up-regulated, 1-down-regulated
hsa-mir-183 ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-183 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-184 acute myeloid
luekemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-184 Adrenocortical
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-184 Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-184 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-184 prostate cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down regulated
hsa-mir-185 bladder cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-185 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down regulated
hsa-mir-185 kidney cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-185 non-small cell
lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-186 head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-186 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-188 b-cell chronic
1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-190 b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-190 ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-191 breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-191 Colorectal
cancer 3 2-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-191 gastric cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-192 b-cell chronic
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-192 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-192 Esophageal
cancer 1 up-regulated SIP1
hsa-mir-192 lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-192 Nasopharyngeal
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-193a oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-193b breastcancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-194 Colorectal
cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-194 Esophageal
1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-194 Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-195 acute myeloid
leukemia up-regulated
hsa-mir-195 bladder cancer down –regulated
hsa-mir-195 breastcancer up-regulated
hsa-mir-195 chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated
hsa-mir-195 colorectal cancer down –regulated
hsa-mir-195 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma down –regulated
hsa-mir-195 hepatocellular carcinoma 4 down –regulated
hsa-mir-195 lung cancer down –regulated
hsa-mir-195 ovarian cancer down –regulated
hsa-mir-195 prostate cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down regulated
hsa-mir-196a breastcancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-196a Colorectal
cancer 1 up-regulated
2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-196a Pancreatic
carcinoma 3 up-regulated
hsa-mir-196b Acute
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-196b cervical cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-196b Pancreatic
adenocarcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-197 head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-197 lung cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-197 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-197 Follicular
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-198 lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-198 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-199a-1 lung cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-199a-1 oral squamous
cell carcinoma
1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199a-1 Pancreatic
cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-199a-1 prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-199a-2 oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199a-2 Pancreatic
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-199b Acute
leukemia 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199b acute myeloid
leukemia 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-199b breastcancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199b Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199b Hepatocellular
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199b lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199b oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199b Papillary
carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-199b prostate cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-200a breastcancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200a cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200a Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated SIP1, ZEB1
hsa-mir-200a head and neck
squamous cell
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-200a Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200a lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200a ovarian cancer 3 2-down -regulated,1-up-
hsa-mir-200a Papillary
carcinoma 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-200a serous ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-200b breastcancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200b cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200b Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated ZEB1
hsa-mir-200b Hepatocellular
carcinoma 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200b kidney cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200b lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200b oral squamous
cell carcinoma 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-200b ovarian cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down
hsa-mir-200b serous ovarian
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-200c breastcancer 4 1-up-regulated,3-down-
hsa-mir-200c cancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200c colorectal
cancer 2 1-up-regulated,1-down-
regulated SIP1, ZEB1
hsa-mir-200c Endometrial
cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-200c Epithelial
ovarian cancer 1 up-regulated
hsa-mir-200c kidney cancer 2 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200c lung cancer 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200c oral squamous
cell carcinoma 1 down –regulated
hsa-mir-200c ovarian cancer 2 up-regulated
hsa-mir-200c serous ovarian
cancer 1 up-regulated

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