MICROBIOLOGIST - PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION -kerala psc previous question paper

1. If a DNA sample contains 13% adenine, what percentage of the sample contains cytosine? 
(A) 13%(B) 37%
(C ) 26%(D) 74%

2. Ozonation of water is an example of ________________type of effluent treatment.
(A) Primary (C ) Secondary
(B) Preliminary (D) Tertiary

3. Synecology deals with :
(A) Ecology of many species (C ) Ecology of community
(B) Ecology of many populations (D) None of the above

4.Which biosensor is based on the movement of electrons?
(C )Amperometric(D)Thermometric

5.Species that occur in different geographical regions separated by special barrier are :
(C )Sibling(D)None of the above

6. The first phase contrast microscope was developed by-----------in 1933.
(A) Hans Janssen(B) Zacharias
(C ) Frits Zernike(D) Lippershey

7.A major organism used in commercial bioleaching for copper recovery is :
(A)Desulfovibrio desulfuricans(B)Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(C )Aspergillus niger(D)Thiobacillus ferrooxidans

8.Which microorganism’s genome was first sequenced?
(A)Saccharomyces cerevisioe(B)Haemophilus influenza
(C )E.coli(D)Mycobacterium

9.Which of the following best describes biodegradation?
(A)A minor change in an organic molecule
(B)Fragmentation of a complex organic molecule
(C )Complete transformation of the organic molecule to mineral forms
(D)All of the above

10.Who discovered the bacteria that cause cholera?
(A) Filippo Pacini(B)Robert Koch
(C ) Louis Pasteur(D)Rudolf virchowRudolf Virchow

11.Which of the following devices is suitable for the removal of gaseous pollutants?
(A) Cyclone separator(B)Electrostatic precipitatorElectrostatic precipitator
(C ) Wet scrubber(D)Fabric filter

12.'‘Superbug” was a name coined for organisms engineered for :
(A) Antibiotic production(B)Probiotic production
(C ) Hydrocarbon degradation(D)Enzyme productionEnzyme production

13.All the following are immunogenic EXCEPT:
(A) Bacterial flagella(B)Haptens
(C ) Bacterialpili(D)Viral spikes

14.The most important organism to be eliminated from the canned food :
(A) Pseudomonas(B)Clostridium
(C ) Salmonella(D)ShigellaShigella

15.Which of the following is used in the production of ‘cry' proteins?proteins?
(A) Bacillus thuringiensis(B)Streptococcus mutans
(C ) Streptomyces griseus(D)Penicillium chrysogenum

16.Earthworm used in vermicomposting :
(A) Lumbricus rubellus(B)Eisenia foetida
(C ) E. buchholzi(D)All of the aboveAll of the above

17.The resolution obtainable with electron microscope is in the range of:
(A)0.03/pm(B) 0.003/pm
(C ) 0.0003 /pm(D) 0.3 pm

18.Which of the following abbreviations microorganisms in food?

19.Antibody diversity results from :
(C ) Somatic recombination
refers to a cultural technique for determining
(B)Antigenic shift (D) Complement binding

20.SDS-PAGE is used in one of the following immunological technique :
(A)Immunodiffusion(B) Immunoprecipitation
(C )Immunoelecrophoresis(D) Western blotting

21.The Corynebacleria inhabit the surface of eye is an example of:
(C )Symbiosis(D)Predation

22.Which among the following is a virus predominantly infect insects?
(C )Parvovirus(D)Retro virus

23.Enzyme widely used in ice cream industry :
(C )Invertase(D)Phosphatase

24.Size exclusion is related to which form of chromatography :
(A)Gel filtration(B)Affinity
(C )Ion exchange(D)Hydrophobicinteraction

25.Which of the following vaccine are products of genetic engineering?
(A)Diphtheria vaccine(B)Hepatitis B vaccine
(C )Influenza vaccine(D)Tetanus vaccine

26.Which of the following is not a method of immobilization?
(A) Adsorption(B) Covalent binding
(C )Hydrogen bonding(D)Entrapment

27.The enzyme complex responsible for symbiotic nitrogen fixation is called : 
(A) Hydrogenase(B) Nitrite reductase
(C ) Nitrate reductase(D) None of the above

28.The most frequently used amino acid in food industry : 
(A) Glutamic acid(B) Lysine
(C ) Phenyl alanine(D) Tryptophan

29. The first cell to recognize that a graft is foreign are the--------------------cells.
(A) B cell(B) T cell
(C ) NK cells(D) All the above

30.Quellung reaction is used for typing of: 
(A) Klebsiella pneumonia (C ) Both (A) and (B)
(B) Streptococcus pneumonia (D) None of these

31.Mechanism based enzyme inactivation is also known as :
(A) competitive inhibition(B) non competitive inhibition
(C ) allosteric regulation(D) suicide inhibition

32.Which of the following genera do not contain species that fix nitrogen symbiotically?
(C )Nitrobacter(D)Anabaena

33.Algal blooms impart a distinct colour to water due to:
(A)their pigments
(B)excretion of colouredsubstances
(C )formation of coloured chemicals in water facilitated by physiological degradation of algae
(D)absorption of light by algal coll wall

34.Immunocompromised persons are suffered from several fungal diseases. Which of the following is the least frequently associated?
(A)Cryplococcus neoformans(B)Aspergillus fumigates
(C )Malassezia furfur(D)Mucor species

35.Aspergillosis is recognized in tissue by the presence of:
(A)Coenocytic hyphae(B)Pseudo hyphae
(C )Septate hyphae(D)Budding cells

36.A girl who pricked her finger while pruning some rose bushes develops a local pustule that progresses to an ulcer. Several nodules then develop along the local lymphatic drainage. The most likely agent is :
(A)Aspergillus fumigates(B) Sporothrix schenckii
(C ) Cryptococcus neoformans(D) Candida albicans

37.All of the following scientist got Nobel Prize for their contribution in the field of Microbiology EXCEPT:
(A)Louis Pasteur(B)Elie Metchnikoff
(C )Paul Ehrlich(D)Robert Koch

38.The organism whose natural habitat is terrestrial and which are able to grow in media without sea water yet able to tolerate varying degrees of salinity are known as :
(A) Indigenous organism (C ) Halotolerant organism
(B)Trasient oraganismTransient organism

39.Spinae are tubular surface appendages in :
(A) Gram positive (C ) Actinomycetes
(B)Gram negativeGram negative
(D)Archaea bacteria

40.Griseofulvin is a antibiotic.
(A) Antibacterial (C ) Antitumor

41.Ethanol is one of the most commonly used disinfectants. Which concentration of ethanol is most effective for this purpose?
(A) 100%(B) 70%
(C ) 50%(D) 95%

42.The proteins produced in plants in the event of a pathogen attack : 
(C ) PB(D) PR

43.Cold agglutinin test is useful for the diagnosis of:
(A)Mycoplasma pneumonia(B)H. influenza
(C )N. Menigitidis(D)Cryptococcus neoformans

44.Carl Woese proposed the concept of the domain based on differences in which of the following cellular molecules?
(A) rRNA<B) tRNA

45.Which of the following can be the final electron receptor in anaerobic respiration in bacteria? 
(A) Oxygen(B) Pyruvate
(C ) Nitrate(D) Carbon dioxide

46.Mitochondria are missing in: 
(A) Yeast (C ) Aspergillus
(B) Cyanobacteria (D) Paramecium

47.Any process that destroys the non-spore-forming contaminants on inanimate objects is : 
(A) Antisepsis(B) Sterilization
(C ) Disinfection(D) Degermation

48.Fildes technique is used for the culture of:
(A) Clostridium perfringens(B) Clostridium tetani
(C ) Clostridium bolulinum(D) Clostridium difficile3

49.A woman with infertility receives an ovary transplant from her sister who is an identical Twin. What type of graft it is?
(A) Xenograft(B) Autograft
(C ) Allograft(D) Isograft

50.Type 1 hypersensitivity is mediated by which of the following immunoglobulins?
(C )IgM(D)IgE

51.The most common pathogens responsible for nosocomial pneumonia’s in the ICU are :
(A)Gram positive organisms(B)Gramnegativeorganisms
(C )Mycoplasma(D)Virusinfections

52.Which dye is most suitable for fungal demonstration in biopsy?
(A) Alizarin red(B) Veirhoffdye
(C ) Masson’s trichrome(D) P.A.S.

53.Which one of the following organisms was not a model organism related to the birth of molecular genetics?
(A) Streptococcus(B)Penicillium
(C ) Escherichia(D)Neurospora

54.The first aminoacid synthesized during proteinsynthesis:
(A) Tyrosine(B)Proline
(C ) MethionineCD)Tryptophan

55.The insert capacity of plasmid vectors :
(A) 1 - 15kb(B)15 - 25kb
(C ) 35 - 15k b(D)80 - l00kb

56.The blotting technique used to detect RNA :
(A) Western Blot(B)Southern BlotSouthern Blot
(C ) Northern Blot(D)Eastern BlotEastern Blot

57.The regulation of gene expression in response to fluctuations in cell-population density
(A) Microbial intelligence(B)BiofilmBiofilm
(C ) Quorum sensingCD)Translational regulation

58.Which one is not a DNA staining reagent aiding DNA visualization?
(A) Ethidium bromide(B)Sybr Green
(C ) Hoechst stain(D)Methyl red

59.The theory behind si-RNA therapy :
(A)Correction of gene mutation with an oligonucleotide
(B)Blocking translation of mRNA from a mutant gene with an oligonucleotide
(C )Providing needed protein synthesized by blood colls
(D)Removal of toxic molecules

60.The enzyme that degrades double stranded DNA :
(A)DNase I(B)Mung Bean nuclease
(C )SI nuclease(D)RNase H

61.Hops are used in the preparation of:
(C )Citric acid(D)Beer

62.An organism that has super oxide dismutase and peroxidase but lack catalase is most likely a:
(A)Aerotolerant aerobe(B)Facultative anaerobe
(C )Obligate anaerobe(D)Aerotolerant anaerobe

63.Industrial alcohol will be produced by using starter culture :
(A)Top yeast(B)Middle yeastMiddle yeast
(C )Bottom yeastBottom yeast(D)Feeder yeastFeeder yeast

64.2-aminopurine induces mutation by:
(A)Base pair change(B)Frame shift
(C )DuplicationDuplication(D)InsertionInsertion

65.The group which is no longer considered under fungi is :
(C )Chytridiomycetes(D)Oomycetes

66.Name the bacteria known as natural genetic engineer of plants :
(A)Agrobacterium tumefaciena(B)E. coli
(C )Saccharomyces(D)Pseudomonas

67.The movement of a single cell was required to be continuously monitored during development. This cell was marked with reporter gene. To visualize this movement one would use:
(A)Phase contrast microscope(B)Bright field microscope
(C )Fluorescence Microscope(D)Atomic force microscope

68.Major stimulus for spore formation in bacteria is :
(A)Nutrition limitation(B)Heat stress
(C )Cold stress(D)pH stress

69.Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an intra cellular bacterium. It prefers to infect:
(C )T-cells(D)Neutrophil

70.Which of the following organism is widely used as biocontrol agent in organic farming?
(A)Rhizobium tropicii(B)Trichoderma viride
(C )Fusarium oxysporum(D)Nostoe muscosum

71.Which of the following acid will have higher bacteriostatic effect at a given pH?
(A)Maleic acid(B)Tartaric acid
(C )Citric acid(D)Acetic acid

72.If milk is left open lactose is fermented first to produce acid. This is followed by proteolytic bacterial activity which increases the pH. Ultimately milk fats are degraded to produce rancidity. This is example of:
(A)Ecological succession(B)Microbial antagonism
(C )Interference competition(D)Microevolution

73.Which is the best method for checking Mycoplasma contamination in mammalian cell line?
(A)Western hybridization(B)ELISA
(C )PCR(D)Southern hybridization

74.Plate count of bacteria in foods generally use the plating medium consisting of:
(A)peptone, yeast extract, glucose, sodium chloride and distilled water
(B)yeast extract, glucose, sodium chloride, agar and distilled water
(C )peptone, glucose, sodium chloride, agar and distilled water
(D)peptone, yeast extract, glucose, agar and distilled water

75.Which of the following is not true for the thermal resistance of the bacterial cells?
(A)Cocci are usually more resistant than rods
(B)Higher the optimal and maximal temperatures for growth, higher the resistance
(C )Bacteria that clump considerably or form capsules are difficult to kill
(D)Cells low in lipid content arc harder to kill than other cells

76.The time temperature combination for HTST pasteurization of 71.1°C for 15 sec is selected on the basis of:
(A) Coxiella Burnettii(B) E. Coli
(C ) B. Sublilis(I) Clostridium Botulinum

77.Suspected colonies of Staphylococcus aureus when grown on Baird-Parker medium shall show:
(A)coagulase activity(B)protease activity
(C )catalase activity(D) none of these

78.Which of the following characteristic differentiates Eubacteria from Archaebacteria?
(A)Circular nature of chromosome(B)Absence of nuclear membrane
(C )Presence of 70S ribosomes(D)Presence of murein in cellwall

79.PCR based DNA amplification is an essential feature of which of the following combination of molecular markers?

80.Which of the following processes does not take place in the 5' -> 3' direction?
(A)DNA replication(B)Transcription
(C )Nick translation(D)RNA editing

81.---------------is the founder of Kerala Kaumudi.
(A)Sree Narayana Guru(B)C.V. Kunjuraman 
(C )K. Sukumaran(D)M. S. Sreenivasan

82.Who is the author of the novel Patitapankajam?
(A)Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai
(B)Kodungallur Kunjikkuttan Thampuran
(C )G. Sankarakurupu
(D)O. Chandu Menon
83. Martyrdom of Anastasia is a short epic poem written by :
(A) Kumaranasan(B) K.P. Vellon
(C ) M.C. Joseph(D) Blessed Elias Kuriakose Chavra

84. Mrs. Dutty is the initiator of industry.
(A) Lace (C ) Pepper
(B) Coir (D) Medicine

85. Ananda Guru Geeta is written by : 
(A) Swami Ananda Teerthan (C ) P.K. Chattan Master
(B) Thycaud Ayya Vaikundar (D) Brahmananda Siva Yogi

86. Meena Kumari Report is related to: 
(A) Fishermen (C ) Traders
(B) Farmers (D) Environment

87. Representative Indians is written by : 
(A) Barrister G.P. Pillai (C ) A.K.'Gopalan
(B) C, Kesavan (D) M.R.B.

88. What is the real name of Daya Bhai?
(A) Mercy Mathew(B) Medha Patkar
(C ) Vandhana Siva(D) Rukmini Rao

89. Who is the author of The Red Sari?
(A) Javier Moro(B) Sonia Gandhi
(C ) Maneka Gandhi(D) Rukmini Rao

90. Name the literary Figure that used the pen names like, Gaja Kesari, Vajrasoochi, Uddandhan and Desabhimani:
(A) Makthi Thangal .(B) Kumara Guru
(C ) Ramakrishna Pilla(D) Moorkoth Kumaran

91.Ente Jeevitha Katha is the Autobiography of:
(A)A.K Gopalan
(B)Kesava Dev
(C )Lalitambika Antarjanam
(D)Kuroor Neelakandan Namboodirippad

92.Velattu Lakshmi kkutty, K.K. Kuramba and K.C. Kalikutty are the leaders of:
(A)Uppercloth revolts(B)Kuttamkulam Satyagraha
(C )Channar Agitation(D)Ezhava Memorial

93. Which of the following is the Drama written by Kodungallur Kunjikkuttan Thampuran?
(A) Chandrika(B)Sarasanadakam
(C ) Hemanthakata(D)Raghava Madhavam

94.Which is regarded os the International Soil Year?
(A) 2014(B)2000
(C ) 2015(D)1991

95.Supreme Court of which country allowed Transgender people to identify as the Third Gender in 2014?
(A) India(B)Pakistan
(C ) Bangladesh(D)GermanyGermany

96.In which year the Government of India had launched The National Rural Health Mission?
(A) 2005(B)2014
(C ) 2000(D)2008

97.The scheme launched by the Government of India in known as:2014 for uplift of urban rural poor is
(C ) NSSO(D)Nirbhaya

98.CLPRA 2012 is related to :
(A) Women(B)Caste
(C ) Children(D)MarriageMarriage

99.Tozhilkendrattilekku is a Famous :
(A) Novel(B)Drama
(C ) Poem(D)Short StoryShort Story

100.2009 was the Birth Centenary of Whom?
(A) Saraswathy Amma(B)Rajalakshmi
(C ) Lalitambika Antarjanam(D)Parvathy Nenminimangalam

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