LECTURER IN HISTORY - KERALA COLLEGIATE EDUCATION kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.The ‘concept of historical lime’ was developed by :
(A)Marc Bloch
(B)Fernand Braudel
(C ) Lucien Feburc
(D) Emmanuel Ley Roy Ladurie

2.‘Bhakhars' are :
(A)Mughal letters
(B)Memories of Delhi Sultans
(C )Marathi chronicles
(D)Bengali Bards

3.The work declared ‘The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of the class struggle" is:
(A)Communist Manifesto
(B)The Holy Family
(C )Das Capital
(D)The German ideology

4. The principle *Wices eigentlich gewesen ist’ was advocated by :
(A) Rene Descartes
(B)Leopold Von Ranke
(C ) Thomas Carlyle
(D)Giambattista Vico

5.Who authored the work The Idea of History?
(A) -E.H.Carr
(B)R.G. Collingwood
(C ) A.J. Toynbee
(D)Immanuel Kant

6.The school of historiography regarded history as‘Social Physics' is:
(A) Romanticism
(C ) Annals

7.The term ‘Philosophy of history' was coined by :
(A) Hegel
(B)Karl Marx 
(C ) Voltaire
(D)Edward Gibbon

8.Who defined history ns “Philosophy teaching by examples"?
(A) Aristotle
(C ) Croce

9.Who wrote the work ‘Muqadhima’?
(A) Ibn Khaldun
(B)Ibn Hisham
(C ) Al Tabari
(D)Ibn Khurdabe

10. Who calls history The Queen of Sciences’?
(A)Amir Khusru
(B) Abul Fazal
(C ) Minhaj us Siraj
(D) Zia-ud-din Berani

11.Egypt is popularly culled as 'The Gift of Nile”. Who for the first time referred to it so?
(B) Socrates
(C )Napoleon

12.Who deciphered the Cuneiform script of Sumerians?
(A)James Princep
(B). Champillon
(C )B. B. Lul
(D)Henry Rawilson

13.The year in which the Turks conquered the Byzantine territories :
(A)AD 1453
(B)AD 1345
(C )AD 1435
(D)AD 1400

14.Who named the southern tip of Africa The Cape of Storms’?
(A)Vasco da Gama
(C )Barthlomcu Diaz
(D)Amerigo Nespucci

15.The Oath of Tennis court is considered as the real beginning of French revolution. When was the oath taken?
(A)January 1789
(B)May 1789
(C )20 June 1789
(D)14 July 1789

16.Who headed the UN commission to Korea in 1947?
(A)V. K. Krishna Menon
(B)K.P.S. Menon
(C )U Thant
(D)Trygve Lie

17.Name the German philosopher who is said to have influenced Hilter in his racist ideologies and authored the book 'Thus Spake Zarolhushlra” :
(A)Hjalmar Schacht
(B)Igor Stravinsky
(C )Friedrich Nietzsche
(D)Karl Leibknech

18.Don Quixote was a novel of the renaissance period in which the author poked fun at the medieval knights and their ideas of chivalry. Who is the author of this literary work?
(B) Thomas More
(C ) Machaivelli
(D) Cervantes

19.Mesopotamian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations of the world. What does the term Mesopotamia5 mean :
(A)The mound of the dead
(B)The land between tworivers
(C )Ancient civilization
(D)None of the above

20.Name the treaty by which the island of Hong Kong was ceded to the British 
(A)Treaty of Nanking
(B) Treaty of Versailles
(C )Treaty of Teintsin
(D)Treaty of Poking

21.What is meant by shrenibala?
(A)caravan leader
(B)trading guild
(C )general term for trader
(D)fighting force maintained by guilds

22.Prayagaprasasti is an inscription engraved on the Ashokan Pillar at Allahabad. It deals with:
(A)Mauryan period
(B)Gupta period
(C )Period of Kanishka
(D)Period of Harsha

23.The Sanskrit work Malatimadhava was written by :
(C )Vyas

24.The earliest farming village in the Indian subcontinent:
(C )Sarai Khala

25.Sangam literature work Tolkappium deals with :
(C )Drama

26.First Buddhist Council was held at: 
(A) Ujjain   (C ) Rajagriha
(B) Kosala (D) Magadha

27.The excavation at Mohenjodaro was conducted by :
(A)Mortimer Wheeler & M.S Vats
(B)B.K. Thapar & Alexander Cunningham
(C )Charles Mason & Dayaram Sahni
(D)R.D. Banerjee & Sir John Marshall

28.The religion founded by Akbar :
(A) Sufism 
(C ) Islam
(D) Din-i-Hahi

29.The founder of Jainism :
(C ) Bhadrahahu
(D) Parsvanath

80.Name the hook written by Magesthanese
(C ) Indicn
(D) History of the Pelopponessian War

31.Which of the following companies was initially known as ‘Merchant Adventurers’?
(A)French East India Company
(B)Dutch East India Company
(C )English East India Company
(D)None of the above

32.Who was the leader of Young Bengal Movement?
(A)Arabindo Gosh
(B) Henry Derorio
(C )Debendranath Tagore
(D) Khudi Ram Bose

33.Who among the following was not associated with Justice Party?
(A)C. Sankaran Nair 
(B) Thyagaraja Chetti
(C )C.N. Mudaliar
(D) T.M. Nair

34.Give the correct ascending chronological sequence of the following events 
a.Quit India Movement
b.Chouri-Choura Incident
c.1st Round Table Conference
d.Surat split
(C )cbad

35.Which one of the following was not part of Gandhiji’sConstructive Programme?
(A)Non-payment of taxes
(B)Prmotion of Khadi
(C )Struggle Against Untouchability
(D)Hindu-Muslim Unity

36.Who among the following was asked 5 preach from the pulpit of Jama Masjid at Delhi as a token of Hindu-Muslim Unity during Non-Cooperation Movement?
(A)Baba Ramachandra
(B) Pandith Rishiram
(C )Swami Shradanand
(D) Mahatma Gandhi

37.Which of the following newspaper of colonial period was not a nationalist paper?
(B)Nazrani Deepika
(C )Kerala Pathrika

38.Who among the following was not included among the INA officers tried at Bed Fort in 1945?
(A)Tej Bahadur Sapru
(B)Prem Seghal
(C )Gurdaval Dhillon
(D)Shanawas Khan

39.Which of the following is the book written by John Ruskin that had influenced Gandhiji?
(A) ‘Escape from Freedom*
(B)'Wealth of Nations’
(C )‘Un to His Last'
(D)‘War and Peace’

40. Who was the Defence Minister of India when Goa was liberated and integrated with India?
(A) V.P. Menon
(B)V.K. Krishna Menon
(C ) T.T. Krishna Machari
(D)Sardar Vallabai Patel

41.The Megalithic culture in Kerala is :
(A) Stone Age Culture
(B)Bronze Age Culture
(C ) Chalcolithic Culture
(D)Iron Age Culture

42.Writing of Local History got importance in Kerala:
(A)With the expansion of English Education
(B)With the introduction of Panchayati Raj System
(C )With the introduction of People’s Planning Programme in 1977
(D)With the introduction of Literacy Mission Programme

43.The main factor which led to the expansion of agriculture in ancient Tamilakam was
(A)The development of iron technology
(B)The availability of sufficient labourers
(C )Increase in population
(D)High price of agricultural products

44.‘Munimadas’ in ancient Kerala refers to :
(A)Monastries of Monks
(B)The Caves of meditation of Buddhist and Jainist Monks
(C )Vedic Mutts
(D)Residence of the Vedic Saints

45.The first reference about the Devadasi System in Kerala is found in
(A)Veera Raghava Inscription
(B)Trivandrum Inscription
(C )Chokur Inscription of 932 AD

46. ‘Viruthy lands’ in Medieval Kerala was :,
(A)Land allotted to temple officials
(B)tand given to Temple
(C )Land under the direct control of kings
(D) Land given to scholars

47.The Vedic Schools within the Temples in Kerala are known as :
(A)Gurukula Kendras
(B) Vidhya Niketans
(C ) Vidhya Bharathis
(D) Salas

48.The Medieval Trade Guild of Syrian Christians in Kerala was :
(A) Valanjiar
(B) Manigramam
(C )Anchuvannam

49.Kevathi Pattathanain is:'.
(A)Annual ritual in Zamorin’spalace
(B)Council of the Namhoothiri Brahmins
(C )Competitive debate in traditional knowledge
(D)Festival among Tamil Brahmins

50.The famous Astronomer in the court of Second Chera ruler, Stanu Ravi was :
(C ) Guruprasad 
(D) Sankaranarayana

61.Who was"the British Resident at the time of Veluthampi’s revolt?
(B)General Kallen
(C )T.H. Baber

52.Who was the founder editor of the magazine Yukthivadi?
(A)Kumaran Asan
(B)Ramakrishna Pillai
(C )Kesari Bala Krishna Pillai
(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

53.The first English Medium School in Trivandrum was established during the period of:
(A)Swathi Thirunal
(B)Sree Mulam Thirunal
(C )Uthardam Thirunal

54.The content of Rajyasamajaram was : 
(A) Secular
(C )Science
(B) Religious 
(D) History

55.Who was known as Valiya Kapithan?
(A) Ward
(B) Almeida
(C ) Hamilton
(D) Do Lannoy

56.Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham Was  founded by :
(A) Chattambi Swamikkal
(B)Sree Narayana Guru 
(C ) Kumaran Asan

57.Who among the following was referred as Holly Man of 1921 Malabar Rebellion?
(A)Sithikoya Thangal
(B)Variankunnath Kunjahammad  Haji
(C )Ali Musliyar

58.Who among the following was elected as the acting president of Travancore State Congress in 1942? 
(A)K.R. Gowri
(B)Rosamma Punnose
(C )Accamma Cherian
(D)Leela Damodaran

Who was the First Prime Minister of Kochi? 
(A) E. Ikkanda Warrior
(B)C. Achutha Menon
(C )K.P. Madhavan Nair
(D)Panampilly Govinda Menon

60.Who among the following was the most important leader of Travancore Youth league?
(A) Accamma Cherian
(B) Ponnara Sreedharan
(C )C. Kesavan
(D)Dr. Palpu

61.Which of the following is one of the features of Enlightenment historiography?
(A)Emphasis on feeling and imagination
(B)A sense of unity of all human history
(C )Man not a universal category
(D)None of the above

62.Name the journal which, at the outset, stated that the first task should be to represent the true method of historical research and to point out t he deviations therefrom’:
(A)The Annales
(B)The AmericanHistorical Review
(C ) Journal of Contemporary History ‘
(D) Mistorische Zeitschrift

63.Who among the following advocated 'positivism of the document?
(A)Leopold Von Ranke
(B)Auguste Comte
(C )Fustel de Coulanges
(D)E.H. Carr

61. Who defined Post-Modernism as 'incredulity towards all metanarrativea?
(A)Michael Foucault
(B)Jean Lyotard
(C )Roland Barthes
(D)Carlo Ginzburg

65.Who among the following represented the Frankfurt School of Historiography?
(A)Theodor W.Adorno
(B)R.G. Collingwood
(C )‘E.P. Thompson
(D)A.F. Pollard

66.The Annales, which made rupture in historical understanding, was characterized by :
(A)Emphasis on 'Total’ history
(B)Stress on humane integrated history
(C )Significance of Inter disciplinary approach
(D)All of the above

67.To Arnold J. Toynbee which of the following was responsible for the genesis of civilizations :
(A)Racial factor
(B)Geographical factor
(C )Challenge and Response
(D)Withdrawal and Return

68.Name the historian who introduced the concept of ‘employment' as central to the understanding of historical narrative :
(A)Hayden White
(B)Benedetto Croce
(C )Karl Marx
(D)Edward Gibbon

69.The methodology adopted by Lewis Bernstein Namier for historical analysis is best known as :
(C )Prosopography 

70.Who authored the book, invisible Women, Visible Histories : Gender, Society and Polity in North India (Seventh to Twelfth Century A.D.’?
(A).Uma Chakravarti
(B)Devika Rangachari
(C )Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
(D)Kumkum Roy

71.Which of the following sampling method is preferred for studying heterogeneous population?
(A)Simple random sampling
(B)Stratified sampling
(C )Convenient sampling
(D) Systematic sampling

72.A test that examine subjects* thoughts and thought processes is :
(A)Cognitive test
(B)Affective test
(C )Standardized test
(D)Generalized test

73.Which of the following is most appropriate about, discussion part of a research paper?
(A)It elaborates importance of the topic
(B)Explain how the findings concur with that of others
(C )Deals with method of sampling and recruitments
(D)Deals with findings of the relevant studies

74.The process of collecting and analyzing information to develop or enhance a theory is :
(A) Basic research
(B) Applied research
(C ) Evaluation
(D) None of the above

75.If you want to determine whether and to what degree a relationship exists between two or more variables what kind of study you have to do?
(C )Causal-comparative

76.Creating a class room climate conducive to develop positive self concept in students is by :
(A)Challenge and freedom
(B)Respect and warmth
(C )Control and success
(D)All the above

77.Which of the following teacher will be liked most?
(A)A teacher who maintain discipline in the classroom
(B)A teacher who make teaching learning process enjoyable
(C )A teacher who give more home work
(D)A teacher who take more number of classes

78.An instructional model that identifies the major variable in the teaching learning process includes :
(A)Individual differences
(B)Principle of learning
(C )Teacher behaviour
(D)All the above

79.The extent of teachers’ subject matter and pedagogical expertise indicates the teachers :
(C )Competency

80.What will be the impact of interactive teaching?
(A)It will make teaching learning process difficult
(B)It will create confusion among students
(C )Students will be expected to listen only
(D) It will make teaching learning process effective, democratic and friendly

81.The term socialist has been inserted in the preamble by the the Constitution. 
(A) 43
(B) 42
(C ) 41
(D) 10

Amendment Act of
82.Right for freedom to form Association is provided in-------------Article of the Constitution.
(A) 19(l)(a)
(C ) 19(l)(C )

Money Bill can be introduced in :
(A) Lok Sabha
(B)Rajya Sabha
(6 Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of the above

84. Legislative council of a State :
(A)Can be dissolved by the Governor
(B)Can be abolished by the President with the advice of the Governor of the State
(C )Can be abolished by the Parliament based on the resolution passed by the majority of the legislative Assembly
(D)Can be abolished by the Governor based on the resolution passed by the majority of the Legislative Assembly

85. Which of the following statement is true?
(1) The President can make a proclamation declaring emergency only when he receives in writing the decision of the Union Cabinet to this effect
(2)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of internal disturbance
(3)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of Armed Rebellion . 
(4)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency'on the ground of threat of External Aggression *
(A) 1,2,3
(B) 1.3,4
(C ) 2.3, 4
(D) 1,2. 3.4

86. According to Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 Child mean the person who has not completed his------------year of age.
(A) 18
(B) 16
(C ) 15
(D) 14

87.What is the penalty for the refusal of the RTl application by the Public information Officer? 
(A) Rs. 5,000 and 1 month imprisonment 
(B) Rs. 1,000 and 1 month imprisonment 
(C ) Rs. 5,000
(D) Rs. 25,000

88.Which of the following statement is not true?
(A)No child shall be required to work for more than 3 hours at a stretch
(B)No child shall he required to work for more than 6 hours including rest period
(C )No child shall be permitted to work between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.
(D)None of the above

89.The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention. Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013:
(1)Protects women working in that place
(2)Protects any women who enters the work place like clients, customer, etc.
(3)Protects all the employees who are working there
(4)Protects only women working in government institutions
(A)1 and 2
(B)2 and 3
(C )3 and 4

90.Whoever contravenes the provisions of S.21 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, prohibition on use of stream or well for disposal of polluting matter shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than :
(A)1 year but which may extend to 6 years
(B)2 year but which may extend to 8 years
(C )1 1/2 year but which may extend to 8 years and with line
(D)1 1/2 year but which may extend to 6 years and with fine
91.In which novel of Kesava Dev 'Pappu’ appears as the main character?
(A)Odayil Ninnu
(C )Kannadi

The First editor of 'Swadeshabhimani' daily : 
(A) Balakrishna Pilla
(B)K. Ramakrishna Pilla
(C )Vakkam Abdulkhnder Mouluvi
(D)C.P. Govinda Pilla

93.Who organised ‘Misrabhojanam’? 
(A) Sri Narayana Guru (C ) Ayyamkali
(B) Sahodaran Ayyappan (D) Chattambhi Swamikal

94.‘Pattini Jatha' led by : 
(A) K. Kelappan (C ) A.K. Gopalan
(B)Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan (D) P.K. Chathan Master

95.Who took Prime role in the publication of‘Rajyasamacharam'?
(A)Clement piyanoos padre
(B)Dr. Herman Gundert 
(C )Arnos Padre
(D)James Augustus

96.The Chief guest on the occassion of 65th Republic day celebration :
(B)Hu Zhang Tao
(C )Yoshihiko Noda
(D)Wen Jiabo

97.Which amount the following diseases is eradicated through immunisation programme in India?
(A) Polio
(B) Tuberculosis
(C ) Diptheria
(D) do undice

98.Who inaugurated the new Kerala legislative assembly building in 1998? (A) A.B. Vajpayee
(B) I.K. Gujral
(C ) K.R. Narayanan
(D) Krishna Kant

99.The Minister who presented and passed the Land reformation act of Kerala in 1969 
(A) T.V. Thomas
(B) K.T. Jacob
(C ) C. Achutha Menon
(D) K.R. Gouri

100.The bowler to take Sachin’s wicket in his last test: 
(A) Darren Sammy
(B)Karsingh Deo Narine
(C ) Chris Gayle
(D)Keron Pollard

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