LECTURER IN GEOGRAPHY - KERALA COLLEGIATEkerala psc previous question paper


1.The playa lake formation is associated with
(A) Glacial landforms
(B)Fluvial landforms
(C ) Aeolian landforms
(D)None of these

2.Erosion process of abrasion is caused by theagent of
(A) water 
(B) wind
(C ) waves
(D)None of these

3.Zeugen, a weathered rock is situated in
(A) California 
(B) Arizona
(C ) Dehradun
(D)None of these

4.The famous Seliima sand sheet is located in
(A) Sahara Desert 
(B) Libyan Desert
(C ) Gobi Desert
(D)None of these

5.Wind caves are also known as
(A) Igneous rocks
(B)Sedimentary rocks
(C ) Pedestal rocks
(D)None of these

6.The term Inselberg is derived fromword.
(A) German 
(B) Italian
(C ) Spanish
(D)None of these

7.The French word Demoiseles means
(A) Slender pillar
(B)Earth pillar
(C ) Desert Pavement
(D)None of these

8.Barchan is a kind of
(A) Sand drift 
(B) Sand seas
(C ) Sand Dunes
(D)None of these

9.The fine silt and dust deposited by wind is called
(A) Loess 
(B) Yardanges
(C ) Sphinx
(D)None of these

10.The term Aeolian is pertaining toforce.
(A) Waves 
(B) Wind
(C ) Glacier
(D)None of these

11.The huge volume of ice accumulation is called_________.
(B) Snow field 
(C ) Cirque
(D) None of these

12.A large continuous layer of land ice of considerable thickness is generally known as
(A)Ice sheet
(B)Ice shelf
(C )Ice field
(D)None of these

13.The most beautiful glacial feature in the glaciated valley are known as__________.
(C )Aretes
(D)None of these

14.Long narrow ridges of stratified Sand found in the glacial valleys are called_________
(C )Sandur
(D)None of these

15.Who among the following scientist coined the term Peri - glacial ?
(A)Harold Laski
(B)W.V. Lozinski
(C )Lukas Pedolski 
(D)None of these

16.Huge Deposits of sediments formed at the mouth of the river is called____________.
(C )Estuaries
(D)None of these

17.The funnel shaped submerged coastal valleys are commonly called_______________.
(A)Ria coast
(B)Fjord coast
(C )Coral coast
(D)None of these

18.The angle which the fault plane makes with the vertical plane is known as_____________.
(A)Fault strike
(B)Fault scarp
(C )Fault Dip
(D)None of these

19.The Rhine Graben is the typical example of____________.
(A)Rift valley
(B)Step Fault
(C )Rivers Fault
(D)None of these

20.Which is the most abundant element of the earth crust in terms of weight ?
(C )Aluminium
(D)None of these

21.Which among the following rock formed from solidified mineral matter ?
(C )Igneous
(D)None of these

22.Plutonic Rocks are the typical example of_______
(A)Intensive igneous rock
(B) Intrusive igneous rock
(C ) Extrusive igneous rock
(D) None of these

23.Marble is the metamorphic form of__________.
(C )Shalestone
(D)None of these

24.A violent ejection of Steam and Super heated water is termed as :
(B)Plug domes
(C )Solfataras
(D)None ofthese

25.The Disk - shaped galaxy with greater concentration of stars is known as__________.
(A)spiral galaxy
(B)great galaxy
(C )irregular galaxy
(D)None of these

26.Select the rotation period of Venus as :
(A)259 days
(B)243 days
(C )276 days
(D)None ofthese

27.The change in the position poles during different geological period is called_____.
(A)polar wandering
(B)sub-polar wandering
(C )polar point
(D)None of these

28.The arrangement of soil particles are called as_________.
(A)soil profile
(B)soil texture
(C )soil structure
(D)None of these

29.One of the following is a biotic subdivision within the ecosystem :
(C )Ecotone
(D)None ofthese

30.Whodeveloped the theory of polar front ?
(B)J. Carton
(C )Thornthwaite
(D)None of these

31.A variety of limestone composed of shells of microscopic oceanic organism is called
(A) Cement
(B) Chert
(C ) Chalk
(D) None of these

32.A process of change of matter in the gaseous state to the liquid state is called__.
(C )Conduction
(D)None of these

33.A subsiding part of the lithosphere in which thousands of metres of sediments accumulate is called___________.
(A)Geo syncline
(C )Geostrophic
(D)None of these

34.The gradual filling and natural aging of water bodies are due to process of:
(C )Exfoliation
(D)None of these

35.A dark colored, coarse grained rock composed of pyroxene and possibly olivine is popularly called as:
(C )Graben
(D)None of these

36.Precipitation is the process of:
(A)Formation of droplets of dew
(B)Fall of water in any form to the ground
(C )Conversion of water vapour into liquid
(D)Expansion of atmospheric air

37.The actual height of places above the mean sea level are shown by :
(B)Spot heights
(C )Hill heights

38.Type of soil order closely equivalent to Mollisol, an order of the Canadian soil system is called
(C )Chernozem
(D)None of these

39.The actual quantity of water vapour held by the air is called_______.
(A)Specific humidity
(B)Relative humidity
(C )Standard humidity
(D)None of these

40.Find out one of the following Sea beach Ls not correctly matched.
(A)Gopalpur - West Bengal
(B)Kanyakumari-Tamil Nadu
(C )Kovalam - Kerala

41.Who proposed the theory of 'Rim land'.
(B) Spykman
(C ) Mackinder 
(D) Kjellein

42.The roots of the environmental determinism can be traces back to the ________school of
(A)Politico - statistical
(B)Human geographical
(C )Systematic
(D)Geo - political

43.Which of the following branches of geography is contributed by Pattrick Goddes ?
(A)Systematic Studies
(B)Political Geography
(C )Transport Geography
(D)Regional Studies

44.Who was the author of the book 'Influence of geographical thought' ?
(A) Rutzel
(B) Semple
(C ) G. Taylor
(D) Hungtington

45.What is meant by 'telogical view' ?
(A)Belief in the purposefulnessofnature
(B)hooking at things fromadistance
(C )Belief in the existence of concrete regions
(D)Belief in the uniqueness of Geography

46.French Geographers have contributed much in the field of ________.
(A)Physical Geography
(B)Colonial Geography
(C )Economic Geography
(D)Systematic Geography

47.Behaviouralism in geography is an idea of___________.
(A)Greek period
(B)Classical period
(C )Medieval period
(D)Modern period

48.______ ____is the latest approach in geographical thought.
(C )Voluntarism

49.Who has written the famous book 'foundations of regional geography' ?
(C )Gottman

50.Christaller was popular in the field of____________geography.
(C )political
(D)None ofthese

51.Geographic voluntarism considers man as______________.
(A) A master of nature
(B)A slave of nature
(C ) A modifier of nature
(D) None of these

52.The concept of isopleths was proposed by_________,
(A) Humblodt 
(B) Ritter
(C ) Katzal
(D) None of these

53.The British Geographer Markinder is well known for his contribution to________
(A) Rimland concept
(B) Heartland theory
(C ) Organic theory
(D) None of these

54.Which coastal land form is also known as chimney rock ?
(C )Spit

55.Curved spits assume the shape of hook are called :
(A)looped bar
(C )hooked spits

56.The largest exporter of rice in the world :
(C )Vietnam

57.The first and the only stale in India which has made roof top rain water harvesting structures compulsory to all the houses across the state ?
(C )Tamil Nadu
(D)Uttar Pradesh

58.Which is the only district in Kerala where groundnut is cultivated ?
(C )Kannur

59.Nathpa Jhakri hydel power project is located on which river ?
(C )Brahmaputra

60.The scientific study of soil is called_____.
(A)Soil profile
(C )Petrology

61.Inversion of temperature implies___________.
(A)Increase in temperature due to air subsidence
(B)Decrease in temperature with increase in height
(C )Increase in temperature with increase in height
(D)Decrease in temperature due to expansion of air

62.In Bay of Bengal the tropical cyclones are called :
(C )Depression

63.The flow of air from mountain tops to valleys at night forms :
(A)Katabatic winds
(B)I .and breeze
(C )Valley winds
(D)Anabatic winds

64.When an air parcel starts rising due to local instability and cools adiabatically, it will cause type of precipitation.
(C )Cyclonic

65.Name the term applied to the growing of a number of crops year after year in a systematic manner so that the soil fertility is maintained :
(A)Mixed cropping
(B)Crop rotation
(C )Multiple cropping
(D)Inter cropping

66.Choose a rabi crop in India from the following :
(C )Maize

67.Northern most Himalayan ranges are called :
(A)Great Himalaya 
(C )Sub Himalaya
(D)None of these

68.Which among the following is not a tributary of river Indus ? 
(A) Sutlej
(B) Ravi
(C ) Son
(D) Chinab

69.Which district is known as district of lakes in the Himachal Range ?
(A) Shimla
(B) Dehradun 
(C ) Mussorrie
(D) Nainital

70.The rocks in the Himalayan system are mainly
(A) Igneous rock (C ) Sedimentary rocks
(B)Metamorphic rock (D) None of these

71.A good scientific research is characterized by :
(A)It requires clear articulation of a goal
(B)It follows specific plan and procedure
(C )It accepts certain critical assumptions
(D)All the above

72.To understand human behavior and reasons over a long period of time one has to do :
(A)Historical study
(B)Quasi experimental study
(C )Longitudinal study
(D)Cross sectional study

73.Teaching and learning arrangements, usually in small groups, that are structured to produce active participation in learning is :
(C )Conference

74.Directly useful application of scientific principles to production is called :
(C )Technology

75.Which of the following qualities a researcher must have ?
(A)Curious about the world
(B)Logical and systematic
(C )Intellectually honest
(D)All the above

76.The most effective teaching method that ensures maximum participation of students is :
(A)Lecture method
(B)Text book method
(C )Discussion method
(D)Demonstration method

77.Which of the following is the most important indicator of quality of education in a school ?
(A)Infrastructural facilities
(B)Qualification of teachers
(C )Discipline maintained in the school
(D)Students' achievements

78.Which of the following is not a quality of effective teacher ?
(A)Less interaction in the class
(B)Adopt interactive method of teaching
(C )Reduce the anxiety level of students
(D)Motivate the students to take initiative

79.Which of the following can be achieved through value education ?
(A)To inculcate of virtues
(B)Develop job skills
(C )Aware on physicalfitness
(D)Development of personality

80.Teaching method where purposeful activity that will remove a recognized difficulty or perplexity in situation through the process of reasoning is :
(A)Inquiry method
(B)Problem solving method
(C )Reflective method
(D)None of the above

81.__________of The Constitution of India directs the Slate to organize village panchayats and endow them with powers and authority to function as units of self-governments.
(A)Article 39
(C )Article 42
(D)Article 46

82.Article___________of The Constitution of India imposes a duty upon citizens to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
(C )51-A(C )

83.All-India services can be created by The Parliament as empowered under_____________of The Constitution of India.
(A)Article 312
(C )Article 313
(D)Article 310

84.Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion is guaranteed under Article___________of The Constitution of India.
(C )28

85.In Sodan Singh v New Delhi Municipality AIR 1989 SC 1988, The Supreme Court was called upon to decide whether______________.
(A)Municipal authorities can impose restrictions on slaughter houses under Article 19(6)
(B)Employees had a fundamental right to resort to strike without notice
(C )Local authorities can levy a tax retrospectively
(D)Hawkers had a fundamental right to carry on their trade on pavements meant for pedestrians

86.First appeal under Section 19(1) of The Right to Information Act 2005 has to be preferred within_______ days from the expiry of period for receipt of information or from date of decision.
(C )forty-five

87.As per Section 4(l)(C ) of The National Green Tribunal Act 2010, The Tribunal shall consist of a minimum of_______________full-time expert members.
(C )fifteen

88.As per Section 22(l)(b) of The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994, no court shall take cognizance of an offence except on complaint filed by a person who has given notice of not less than _____days to the Appropriate Authority, of the alleged offence and his intention to make the complaint.
(C )ninety

89.As per Section 10(1) of The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, a special court can pass an externment order against a person likely to commit offence, and direct him not to return to the concerned area for such period not exceeding as may be specified in the order.
(A)six months
(B)one year
(C )two years
(D)five years

90.According to Rule 2(j) of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and control) Rules 2000, 'Night Time' has been defined as the period between______________.
(A)10 pm and 6 am 
(B)10 pm and 5 am
(C )10 pm and 7 am
(D)9.30 pm and 6.30 am

91.Who was the founder of 'Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham' ?
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Chattampi Swamikal
(D) Sahodaran Ayyappan

92.Thesocial organisation inKerala, 'Samathwa Samajam' was establishedin the year :
(A) 1836
(C ) 1855

93.Which among the following is not written by G. Sankara Kurup ?
(C )Viswa Darsanam

94.Author of the famous book 'Jaathikkummi' :
(A)K.P. Karuppan
(B)T.R. Krishnaswami Iyer
(C )P.K. Chattan Master
(D)K.P. Vellon

95.The Renaissance leader in Kerala, who got the name 'Kumara Guru' :
(A)Mampuram Thangal
(B)Pampadi John Joseph
(C )Poikayil Yohannan
(D)Moorkoth Kumaran

96.The name given to the Airforce's rescue operation provided to the flood victims of Uttarakhand :
(A)Operation Surya Hope
(B)Operation Rahat
(C )Operation Ganga Prahar
(D)Operation Blossom Spring

97.Which year has formally declared by UN General Assembly as 'International year of family farming' ?
(C )2006

98.Thecommissionappointed for studying the contributory pensionsystemin Kerala :
(A)Ranga Rajan Commission
(B)Hazari Commission
(C )Sree Krishna Commission
(D)Bhattacharya Commission

99.Which Constitutional Amendment incorporated Panchayati Raj System in our constitution ?
(A)43rd Amendment
(B)74lh Amendment
(C )73rd Amendment
(D)44th Amendment

100.The nodal agency for estimation of poverty at the national and state level in India :
(A)Rural Ministry
(B)Planning Commission
(C )Finance Commission
(D)Home Ministry

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LECTURER IN GEOGRAPHY - KERALA COLLEGIATEkerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 08-05-2017, 04:43 PM

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