LECTURER IN ENGLISH - KERALA COLLEGIATE EDUCATION kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Who called Milton “God gifted organ voice* of England”? *
(B) Tennyson
(C ) Thompson
(D) Arnold

2. The year of publication of‘The Duchess of Malfi" :
(C )1608

3.“Dissociation of sensibility” is connected with 
(A) ' Romantic poetry 
(B) Modern poetry 
(C ) Metaphysical poetry
(D) Post colonial poetry

6.Who wrote “The paths of glory lead, but to the grave”?
(A) Wordsworth
(B) Gray
(C ) Shelly
(D) Coleridge

7.Who was “Atticus”?
(A) A knight
(B)A poet
 (C ) Cicero's friend
(D) Pope's family doctor

8. Who printed a collection of 151 sonnets of Shakespeare in 1609? 
(C )Thomas Thorpe

9.The phrase “Dull sublunary lovers’ love” is from the poem by' 
(C ) Milton
(D) Keats

10.The character in Shakespeare's “Twelfth Night" :
(A) Mariana
(B) Helena
(C ) Isabella 
(D) Malvolio

9. Thomas Shadwell is associated with
(A)The Cannonization
(C )Elegy by Gray  

10. The line “Cover her face; mine face dazzle; she died young ...” is from :
(C )The Duchess of Malfi
(D)As You Like It

11. The poem“Dejection : An Ode” is addressed to :
(A)Dorothy Wordsworth
(B)Sara Fricker
(C )Mary Hutchinson
(D)Sara Hutchinson

12.The poem “Ode to the West Wind” concludes with a note of:
(C )Narcissism

13.“And we are here as on a darkling plain swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight where ignorant armies clash by night”. The above lines from a Victorian poet allude to :
(A)Trojan war
(B)Boer war
(C ) Peloponnesian war
(D) None of the above

14.The model of the character Alice Winterton in the essay “Dream Children : A Reverie” is :
(A)Anne Simmons
(B)Anne Radcliffe
(C )Mary Lamb
(D)Alice Simmons

15.Bunbury is an imaginary character in the play :
(A)The Rivals
(C )Importance of Being Earnest
(D)The Apple-Cart

16.The poem,The Windhover is dedicated to— by Hopkins.
(A)My Lamb
(B)My Chevalier
(C )God's Grandeur
(D)Christ our Lord

17.Currel Beil is the pseudonym of the famous novelist:
(A)Charlotte Bronte
(B)Emily Bronte
(C )Mary Evans
(D)Virginia Woolf

18:The statement ‘Beauty is truth, truth Beauty appears in the
(A) first
(C ) second

19.Wessex is an imaginary county in the novels of:
(A) Thomas Hardy
(B)Charles Dickens
(C ) George Eliot
(D)Samuel Butler

20.Author of the book Marriage of Heaven and Hellis :
(A) J.S. Mill
(C ) Shelly
(D)None of the above

21.Easter 1916 was published in :
(A) 1915
(C ) 1917

22.How many parts does The Waste Land have?
(A) IV
(C ) VI

23.Whose favourite theme is 'War and the pity of war’?
(A) Wilfred Owen
(B)E.E. Cummings
(C ) T.S. Eliot
(D)W.B. Yeats

24.Whose poetic collection is 'Whitsun Weddings’?
(A) Philip Larkin
(B)Thom Gunn
(C ) Ted Hughes
(D)Donald Davie

25.Lear is a play written by-:
(A) Shakespeare
(B)Bernard Shaw
(C ) Edward Bond
(D)Harold Pinter

26.Who is the heroine in the novel The Golden Note Book?
(A) Anna Woolf
(B)Anne Sexton
(C ) Ann Hathaway
(D)Virginia Woolf

27.Stephen Daedalus is the hero in the novel
(B)A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
(C )The Sound and the Fury
(D)Anna Karenina

28.Miriam is a character in :
(A) Lady Chatterley’s Lover (C ) Pride and Prejudice
(B) Sons and Lovers (D) Heart of Midlothian

29...........is the professor in Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion.
(A) Professor Higgins
(B) Professor Wasserkopf
(C ) Professor Bolt
(D) Professor James Reeney

30.In which play the following line does occur? “Action is suffering and suffering action”
(A) Murder in the Cathedral (C ) Cocktail Party
(B) Waiting for Godot (D) Riders to the Sea

31. The discovery or recognition that happens towards the end of a tragedy is : 
(A) Peripeteia
(B) Denouement
(C ) Anagnorisis
(D) Hamartia

32.Eliot describes the progress of an artist as an outcome of the process of: (A) impersonation
(B) depersonalisation-
(C ) tradition
(D) transformation

33.When dealing with the ancient poets, our judgement and our language
affected by the--------------estimate.
(A) ancestral
(B) realistic
(C ) personal
(D) historic

34.Longinus approves of the greatness of Greek masterpieces on account of their :
(C )antiquity

35.The trust in the combination of presence and language is w hat Jacques Derrida calls : 
(C )illusion

36.--------------arose as an alternative to phallocentric criticism.
(A)New criticism
(B) Marxism
(C ) Feminism
(D) Gynocriticism

37.The Russian formalist who coined the term defamiliarization was :
(A)Roman Jakobson
(B) Victor Shklov'sky
(C ) Vladimir Propp
(D) Boris Eichenbaum

38.In Sanskrit literary criticism--------------is considered as “the ultimate end of all literature, the highest aesthetic value which is an end initself."
(B) Vyanjana
(C ) Rasa
(D) Dhvani

39.The emotions that are delineated in literature as more abiding and lasting are called :
(B) Vibhavas
(C ) Alambana
(D) Uddipana

40.Artistically devised sound patterns like anuprasa, yamaka and slesa are examples of: 
(A) Arthalamkara
(B) Sabdalamkara
(C ) Guna
(D) Aucitya

41.English belongs to the--■■ branch of the Indo-European family of languages.
(A) East Germanic
(B) West Germanic
(C ) Hellenic
(D) Balto-Slavic

42.. The most important work written in the Anglo-Saxon language was :
(A) Beowulf.
(B) Piers Plowman .
(C ) Morte d’ Arthur
(D) Pearl

43.----------------- period was characterised by radical change in grammar and vocabulary of
English language.
(A) Old English
(B) Middle English
(C ) Romantic
(D) Victorian

44. Dialects based on social stratification is called :
(A) regional dialect
(C ) idiolect
(D) prestige dialect

45. Positional variants of phonemes are known as :
(A)phones   (C ) allophones
(B) consonants (D) vowels

40. Identify the suprasegrmental feature :
(A) vowels (C ) consonants
(B) diphthongs (D) intonation

47. Which of the following is an example of ‘compounding’?
(A) Receive
(B) Truth
(C ) Aircraft;
(D) Include

48. 1C analysis was introduced by :
(C )Bloomficld

40. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax was written by :
(C )Hockett

50.Language variety showing features typical of an occupation is referred to as : 
(A) register
(B) syntax
(C ) allophone
(D) idiolect

51.Nissim Ezekiel’s poem “Poet, Lover, Bird watcher” is included in the volume :
(A)The Exact Name
(B) A Time to Change
(C ) The Unfinished Man
(D) Hymns in Darkness

52.Who called Walt Whitman "a homespun eccentric”?
(A)T.S. Eliot.
(B)F.R. Leavis
(C )StephenSpender
(D)Robert Graves

53.“If the word great means anything in poetry, this poem is one of the greatest in the English language”. About which poem did Allen Tate make this comment?
(A)Ode to aNightingale
(B)Journey of the Magi
(C )BecauseI could not Stop for Death 

54.Which of the following statements is not true of the play, The Emperor Jones?
(A)It was published in 1921
(B)It was originally called The. Silver Bullet
(C )It was Oneill’s first foray into expreassionistic writing
(D)There are only ten scenes in the play 

55.“Men themselves have wondered What they see in me They try so much But they can’t touch My inner mystery."These lines arc taken from the poem :
(A) Finale
(B) Daddy
(C )Phenomenal Woman

56."He has violated in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart". This comment on Roger Chillingworth is made by :
(A)Arthur Dimmesdale
(B)Hester Prynne ,
(C )The Narrator

57.According to Emerson "Nothing can bring you peace, but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but..." :
(A)the infinitude of the private man
(B)the triumph of principles
(C )a beholding and jubilant soul
(D)the nonchalance of a little child

58.The plot of the play The Class Menagerie is based on Tennessee Williams’ own short story :
(A)Portrait of a Girl in Glass
(B)Blue Roses
(C )The Pretty Trap
(D)The Gentleman Caller

59.Name the critic who regarded Robert Frost as a "Terrifying Poet” :
(A)E.M.W. Tillyard
(B)Lionel Trilling
(C )George Santayana
(D)Allen Tate

60.What does Lula in Amiri Baraka’s play The Dutchman eat while flirting with Clay on the subway train?
(C )Apricot 

61.The discipline of New Historicism has been influenced by :
(A) Althusserian concept of ideology
(B) New critical concept of autotelic text
(C ) Derridcan concept of structure
(D) Barthes’ concept of myth

62.-------------- defines the Public Sphere as “a society engaged in critical public debate”
(A) Habermas -. 
(B) Gerard Hauser
(C )John Thompson
(D)Oskar Negt

63.Who among the following is associated with Marxist environmentalism?
(A) Ramachandra Guha-
(B) Paul Ehrlich
(C )David Pepper
(D)Lawrence Buell

64.Which of the following names is not associated with the Negritude movement?
(A)Leopold Senghor
(B)Aime Cesaire
(C )Leon Damns
(D)Wole Soyinka

65. The idea of‘lesbian continuum’ is associated with :
(A) Judith Butler 
(B) Adrienne Rich 
(C ) Annamarie Jagose
(D) None of these

66.The New Feminism, an influential feminist book is authored by :
(A)Natasha Walter
(B)Betty Friedan
(C )Marion Lockwood Carden
(D)Susan Cain

67.“Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy” is authored by (A)Robin Cohen
(B)Dipesh Chakrabarty
(C )Vijay Mishra
(D)Arjun Appadurai

68.The work by Borges borrowed by Baudrillard to explain hyper-reality is :
(A) On Exactitude in. Science’
(B) Library of Babel
(C )Faith in Fakes
(D)None of these

69.Which of the following is a seminal work in culture studies authored by Richard Hoggart?
(A)Culture and Society
(B)Use of Literacy
(C )Beyond Culture
(D)Cultural Theory and Popular Culture

70.Worlds of Hurt: Beading the Literatures of Trauma was written by :
(A) Dori Laub
(B) Geoffrey Hartman
(C ) Kali Tal
(D) Soshana Felman

71.Which of the following sampling method is preferred for studying heterogeneous population?
(A) Simple random sampling
(B) Stratified sampling
(C ) Convenient sampling
(D) Systematic sampling

72.A test that examine subjects' thoughts and thought processes is :
(A)Cognitive test
(B)Affective test
(C )Standardized test
(D)Generalized test

73.Which of the billowing is most appropriate about discussion part of a research paper?
(A)It elaborates importance of the topic
(B)Explain how the findings concur with that of others
(C )Deals with method of sampling and recruitments
(D)Deals with findings of the relevant studies

74.The process of collecting and analyzing information to develop or enhance a theory is :
(A)Basic research
(B)Applied research
(C )Evaluation
(D)None of the above

75.If you want to determine whether and to what degree a relationship exists between two or more variables what kind of study you have to do?
(C )Causal-comparative

76.Creating a class room climate conducive to develop positive self concept in students is by :
(A)Challenge and freedom
(B)Respect and warmth
(C )Control and success
(D)All the above

77.Which of the following teacher will be liked most?
(A)A teacher who maintain discipline in the classroom
(B)A teacher who make teaching learning process enjoyable
(C )A teacher who give more home work
(D)A teacher who t ake more number of classes

78.An instructional model that identifies the major variable in the teaching learning process includes :
(A) Individual differences
(B) Principle of learning
(C ) Teacher behaviour
(D) All the above

79.The extent of teachers' subject matter and pedagogical expertise indicates the teachers :
(A) Efficacy
(B) Morale
(C ) Competency
(D) Efficiency

80.What will be the impact of interactive leaching?
(A)It will make teaching learning process difficult
(B)It will create confusion among students
(C )Students will be expected to listen only
(D)It will make teaching learning process effective, democratic and friendly

81.The term socialist has been inserted in the preamble by the the 
Amendment Act of Constitution.
(C )41

82. Right for freedom to form Association is provided in Article of the Constitution.
(C )19(l)(C )

83.Money Bill can be introduced in :
(A)Lok Sabha
(B)Rajya Sabha
(C )Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of the above

84.legislative council of a State :
(A)Can be dissolved by the Governor
(B)Can be abolished by the President with the advice of the Governor of the State
(C )Can be abolished by the Parliament based on the resolution passed by the majority of the legislative Assembly
(D)Can be abolished by the Governor based on the resolution passed by the majority of the Legislative Assembly

85.Which of the following statement is true?
(1)The President can make a proclamation declaring emergency only when he receives in writing the decision of the Union Cabinet to this effect
(2)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of internal disturbance
(3)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of Armed Rebellion
(4)The president could make a proclamation declaring emergency on the ground of threat of External Aggression
(A) 1,2,3
(B) 1,3,4
(C ) 2,3, 4
(D) 1,2, 3, 4

86.According; to Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 Child mean the person who has not completed his-----------year of age.,.
(C )15

87.What is the penalty for the refusal of the RTI application by the Public information Officer?
(A)Its. 5,000 and 1 month imprisonment 
(B)Rs.1,000 and 1 month imprisonment
(C )Rs. 5,000

88.Which of the following statement is not true?
(A)No child shall be required to work for more than 3 hours at a stretch
(B)No child shall be required to work for more than 6 hours including rest period
(C )No child shall bo permitted to work between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.
(D)None of the above

89.The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013:
(1)Protects women working in that place
(2)Protects any women who enters the work place like;clients, customer, etc.
(3)Protects all the employees who are working there
(4)Protects only women working in government institutions
(A)1 and 2
(B)2 and 3
(C )3 and 4

90.Whoever contravenes the provisions of S.24 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, prohibition on use of stream or well for disposal of polluting matter shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than :
(A)1 year but which may extend to 6 years
(B)2 year but which may extend to 8 years
(C )1 -1/2 year but which may extend to 8 years and with fine
(D)1 year but which may extend to 6 years and with fine

91.In which novel of Kesava Dev 'Pappu' appears as the main character?
(A)Odayil Ninnu
(C ) Kannadi.
(D) Ayaikkar

92. The First editor of ‘Swadeshabhimani’ daily 
(A) Balakrishna Pilla 
(B) K. Ramakrishna Pilla 
(C )  Vakkam Abdulkhader Moulavi
(D) C.P. Govinda Pilla

98. Who organised Miflrabhojanam,?
(A) Sri Narayana Guru 
(B) Sahodaran Ayyappan 
(C ) Ayyamkali
(D) Chattambhi Swamikal

94. ‘Pattini Jatha’ led by :
(A) -K. Kelappan
(B) Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan
(C ) A.K. Gopalan
(D) P.K. Chathan Master 

95.Who took Prime role in the publication of ‘Rajyasamacharam’?
(A)Clement piyanoos padre
(B)Dr. Herman Gundert
(C )Arnos Padre
(D)James Augustus

96.The Chief guest on the occassion of 65th Republic day celebration :
(A)Shinzo Abe
(B)Hu Zhang Tao
(C )Yoshihiko Noda
(D)Wen Jiabo

97.Which amount the following diseases is eradicated through immunisation programme in India?
(C )Diptheria

98.Who inaugurated the new Kerala legislative assembly building in 1998?
(A)A.B. Vajpayee
(B)I.K. Gujral
(C )KR. Narayanan
(D)Krishna Kant

99.The Minister who presented and passed the Land reformation act of Kerala in 1969 :
(A)T.V. Thomas
(B)K.T. Jacob
(C )C. Achutha Menon
(D)K.R. Gouri

100.The bowler to take Sacbin's wicket in his last test:
(A) Darren Sammy 
(B) Narsingh Deo Narine
(C ) Chris Gayle
(D)Keron Pollard

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