LABORATORY TECHNICIAN GR II - ISM-kerala psc previous question paper

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1.The average size of red blood cells are :
(A)6,2 pm (B)7.2 pm(C )8.2 pm(C )9.2 pm

2.Life span of RBC :
(A)10 days (B)100 days(C )120 days(D)150 days

3.Size of Platelets :
(A)1 pm
(B)2 - 4 pm(C )4-6 pm(D)6-8 pm

4.Concentration of potassium oxalate as an anticoagulant :
(A)2 mg /ml of blood(B)3 mg / ml of blood
(C )4 mg /ml of blood(D)1 mg / ml of blood

5.Amount of ammonium oxalate in 100 ml solution of double oxalate :
(A) 1 gm(B)1.2 gm(C ) 2 gm(D) 2.5 gm

6.Most powerful calcium chelating agent:
(A)EDTA(B)Potassium oxalate
(C )Sodium oxalate(D)Double oxalate

7.Percentage of trisodium citrate solution for ESR testing : 
(A) 1.2%(B)2%(C ) 3.5%
(D) 3.8%

8. Natural biological anticoagulant : 
(A) Heparin(B) ACD

9.Romanowsky stain include the following EXCEPT : 
(A) Methylene blue(B) Giemsa
(C ) Jenners(D) Wrights

10.Fragmented red cells are also known as :
(A) Crenated cells(B) Sickle cells
(C ) Schistocytes(D) Acanthocytes

11.'Figure of eight' structures seen in red cells are known as :
(A) Howel Jolly bodies(B)Basophilic Stippling
(C ) Dohle bodies(D) Cabot rings

12.Depth of Fuchs - Rosenthal counting chamber :
(A)0.1mm(B)1.1mm(C )2 mm(D)2.2 mm

13.Number of large squares in Fuchs Rosenthal counting chamber :
(A)16(B)20(C )24(D)25

14.RBC diluting fluids include the following EXCEPT :
(A) Formal citrate solution (C ) Turk's fluid 
(B)Hayem's Fluid (D) Toisson's fluid

15.Normal RBC Count in adult male :
(A)4000 - 11000 / mm3
(C ) 4.5 - 6.5 million / mm3
(B)4 - 4.5 million / mm3
(D)1.5-4 million / mm3

16.Corrected WBC count is :
100x uncorrected WBC (100 + N RBC/100WBC)
100 x uncorrected WBC (C )101) - N KBC/100WBC

17.Size of neutrophil :
(A)8-10 gm(B)10 -12 pm
(C )12-14 pm(D)14 - 16 pm

18.Colour of neutrophil granule :
(A)Orange red(B)Blue green
(C )Black(D)Pale pink

19.Percentage of neutrophil in adult blood
(C )20 - 40%(D)40 - 70%

20.Colour of eosinophil granule :
(A) Pale pink (B) Dark brown(C )Orange redOrange red(D)Blue green

21.Percentage of eosinophil in adult blood :
(A) 0-1% (B) 1-6%(C )6-10%6 - 10%(D)10-16%

22.Size of Basophil:
(A) 4-6 pm (B) 6 - 8 pm(C )8 - 10 pm(D)10-12pm

23.Percentage of basophil in adult blood :
(A) 0-1% (B) 1-6%(C )6-10%6 - 10%(D)10-16%

24.Mast cell is related to which WBC ?
(A) Neutrophil (B) Eosinophil(C )LymphocyteLymphocyte(D)Basophil

25.Size of Monocyte :
(A) 10-12 pm (B) 12-14 pm(C )14-16pm14 - 16 pm(D)16-22 pm

26.Largest normal cell in peripheral blood :
(A) Neutrophil (B) Basophil(C )Monocyte(D)Eosinophil

27.Toxic granules are seen in :
(A) Neutrophil (B) Eosinophil(C )Basophil(D)RBC

28.Cytoplasmic vacuolations in WBC are known as :
(A)Howel Jolly bodies(B)Dohle bodies
(C )Pappen I eimer bodies(D)Basophilic stippling

29.Diluting fluid for absolute eosinophil count :
(A)Rees Ecker fluid(B)Gower's fluid
(C )Hayem's Fluid(D)Hingleman's fluid

30.Normal hematocrit in adult male :
(A) 20 - 24%(B)25 - 30%(C )30 - 35%(D)40 - 54%

31.White colour to plasma is seen in :
(A) Leukemia(B) Lipemia(C ) Jaundice(D) Hemolysis

32.Preferred and most accurate method of determining Hb concentration :
(A) Cyanmeth Hb method(B)Oxy Hb method
(C ) Haldane method(D)Alkaline hematin method

33.Reagent used for cyanmeth Hb method:
(A) Hingleman's solution(B)Rees Ecker solution
(C ) Drabkin's solution(D)Gower's solution

34.Each molecule of Hb contain how many grams of iron ?
(A) 0.347 gm% (B) 0.437 gm%(C ) 1.347 gm%(D)3.147 gm%

35.1 gm of Hb combines withof 02
(A) 1.34 ml (B) 0.34 ml(C ) 0.36 ml(D)3.14 ml

36.MCV is calculated as follows :
Hb/Litre of bloodPCV x 10
(A) RBC/Litre of blood(B)RBC in millions
Hb % of normal(D)PCV x Hb
' RBC % of normalRBC in millions

37.During reticulocyte count, number of normal RBC counted :
(A) 100 (B) 200(C ) 500(D)10001000

38.First Stage of ESR is :
(A) Stage of packing(B)Stage of sedimentation
(C ) Stage of aggregation(D)Stage of filingStage of filling

39.Amount of blood taken for ESR estimation bywestegren method :
(A) 1.5 ml (B) 1.6 ml(C ) 2 ml(D)2.5 ml

40. Stain used for supravital staining :
(A) Toluidine blue(B)Brilliant cresyl blue
(C ) Wright's stain(D) Giemsa

41. Normal range of retic count in adults ?
(A) 0.5-2%(B)2-4%
(C )4 - 6%

42. Normal range of retic count in infants
(A) 1 - 2%(B)2 - 6%
(C ) 6 - 8%

43. Anti coagulant used for osmotic fragility test:
(A) Heparin(B) EDTA(C ) CPD

44.Method to detect fetal Hb include :
(A)Retie count(B)Osmoticfragility test
(C )Kleihauer test(D)None ofthe above

45.In acute leukemia, peripheral blood do not show :
(A)Blast cells(B)Thrombocytopenia
(C )Leukocytosis(D)None ofthe above

46.Which of the following blood group is known as universal donor :
(A) A Group(B) B Group(C ) AB Group (D)O Group

47. Normal bleeding time is :
(A)1-2 mts(B)2-6 mts
(C )6-10 mts
(D)10-20 mts

48. Normal value of prothrombin time is :
(A)1-6 sec.(B)11 - 15 sec. (C )6 -10 sec.(D)20-25 sec

49. Normal value of APTT :
(A)1-6 sec.(B)10 - 20 sec. (C )20 - 30 sec.
(D)34-48 sec

50.Which of the following blood group is known as the universal recipient ?
(A) Blood group A (B) Blood group B (C ) Blood group AB (D) Blood group O

51.Universal donor of plasma is :
(A)Blood group A (B) Blood group B(C ) Blood group AB (D) Blood group O

52.Testused to detect presence of Rh antibodies in a patient serum :
(A)Indirect coomb's test(B)Direct coomb's test
(C )Cross matching(D)All of the above

53.Bestall round preservative of urine :
(A)Thymol (B) Toluene(C ) Chloroform (D) Conc. HC/

54.Besturine preservative for chemical examination :
(A)Sodium carbonate(B)Thymol
(C )Toluene(D)Conc. HC/

55.Urine preservative for urobilinogen estimation :
(A)Toluene(B)Conc. HC/
(C )Sodium carbonate(D)Thymol

56.Normal specific gravity of urine :
(A)1.015 - 1.025(B)1.105-1.125
(C )1.005 - 1.010(D)1.050 - 1.055

57.Specific gravity correction for albumin :
(A)0.001 deducted for each 1 gm/dl of albumin
(B)0.001 added for each 1 gm/dl of albumin
(C ) 0.002 deducted for each 1 gm/dl of albumin
(D) 0.003 deducted for each 1 gm/dl of albumin

58.Test for Bence - Jones protein :
(A)Heller's Nitric acid test(B)Heal coagulation test
(C )Brad shaw lest(D)Ehrlich's test

59. Crystals found in acid urine include all EXCEPT :
(A) Cysteine(B)Leucine
(C ) Tyrosine(D) Calcium carbonate

60. Specific test used for detecting glucose in urine :
(A) Bial's test(B)Rubner's test
(C ) Glucose oxidase test(D) Seliwanoff s test

61. Specific test for β - hydroxybutyric acid :
(A) Hart's test(B)Gerhardt test
(C ) Rothera's test(D) Fouchet's test

62. Guacum test is done for detection of which substance present in urine :
(A) Bilirubin(B) Protein(C ) Ketone bodies(D)Blood

63.Crystals found in alkaline urine include all EXCEPT :
(A)Cystine crystals
(B)Calcium carbonate
(C )Ammonium magnesium phosphate
(D)Dicalcium phosphate

64.Test for bilirubin include all EXCEPT:
(A) Gmelin's test(B) Smith's test
(C ) Fouehet's test(D) Ehrlich's test

65. Addis count is a quantitative measure of :
(A) Urine sediment(B) Reticulocyte
(C ) Neutrophils with left shift(D) Nucleated red cells

66. Specific gravity of transudate is : 
(A) Less than 1.018 (C ) Greater than 2
(B) Greater than 1.018 (D) None of these

67.Mercury containing fixative include the following EXCEPT :
(C )FMA fixative(D)Carnoy's fixative

68.Following are clearing agents EXCEPT :
(A)Toluence(B)Benzene(C )Chloroform(D)Acetone

69.Knife recommended for cutting celloidin embedded tissue :
(A)Plano concave(B)Biconcave(C )Plane wedge(D)Tool edge

70.Microtome knife with profile resembling chisel is :
(A)Plano concave(B)Biconcave(C )Plane wedge(D)Tool edge

71.Which one among the following is an aqueous mounting media ?
(A)Potassium Acetate gum syrup
(B)Canada Balsam
(D)None of these

72.Special stain used to demonstrate muscle :
(A) PAS(B) Van Gieson(C ) Reticulin(D) Perl's

73.Endogenous pigments include the following EXCEPT :
(A) Hemosiderin(B) Haemozoin
(C ) Formalin pigment(D) Bilirubin

74. Fixative solution used formuseum specimen :
(A) Zenker's fluid(B) Kaiserling solution
(C ) Methanol(D) Glutaraldehyde

75.Blood for platelet count should be examined within how many hours ?
(A)1 Hr(B)2 Hrs(C )3 Hrs(D)1/2 an Hr

76.Changes occurring in blood due to longer storage include the following EXCEPT :
(A)Swelling of RBC(B)Crenation of RBC
(C )Increase in HSR(D)Increase in osmoticfragility

77.Rouleaux formation is inhibited with which fluid :
(A)Gower's fluid(B)Hayem'sfluid
(C )Hingleman's fluid(D)Rees Eckor fluid

78.Special stain to demonstrate fungus :
(C )Masson's Trichrome(D)Giemsa

79.Sections crumble on cutting due to the following EXCEPT :
(A)Knife is blunt
(B)Wax too soft and need ice application
(C )Wax contaminated with clearing agent
(D)Till of knife is too great

80.Special stain used after frozen section :
(A) Vonkossa(B) Reticulin
(C ) Oil red O(D) Congo red

81.Villuvandi Samaram is associated with :
(A)Vaikom Satyagraha(B)Ayyankali
(C )Chattambi Swamikal(D) K. Kelappan

82.Ente Gurunadhan was written by :
(C )Pallathu Raman(D)Ulloor

83.Pankaj Advani is a famous__________player.
(A)Cricket(B)Snooker(C )Billiards(D)Hockey

84.Atmavidyasangam was established by :
(A)Vagbhadananda(B)V.M VishnuBharati
(C )V.Kunjabu(D)C.S GopalakrishnaPillai

85.Shooranad revolt was in the year :
(A)1946(B)1947(C )1948(D)1949

86.Who among the following is known as Vayalar Stalin ?
(A)C.K Kumarapanikkar(B)K.Das
(C )C.Keshavan(D)T.V Thomas

87.The enquiry about Malabar riots was done by :
(A)T. LStronge (B)Logan(C )T. H. Baber(D)Thomas Harvey

88.Nepal became a republic in :
(A)2006(B)2008(C )2009(D)2010

89.Which among the following film bagged the national award for best environment film ?
(A) Ottal(B) Kapila(C ) Aalif(D) Oral Pokkam

90.The first lady Chief Information Commissioner of India :
(A) Sushama Singh(B)Deepak Sandhu
(C ) Sujatha Singh(D) Arundhathi Bhattacharya

91.Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) is in operation in the country from :
(A)1998(B)1999(C )2001(D)2004

92.Which among the following article prohibit child labour in India ?
(A)16(B)18(C )22(D)24

93.The State Reorganization Commission was headed by :
(A) Fazal Ali(B)H.N. Kunzru
(C ) K.M. Panikkar(D)C. Rajagopalachari

94.River Periyar originates from :
(A) Brahmagiri vanam(B)Poomala
(C ) Kanathur kunnu(D)Sivagiri mala

95.Rajya samacharam was published by :
(A) Benjamin Bailey(B)Richard Collins
(C ) Herman Gundert(D)Fr. Clement

96.The first prohibited newspaper in Kerala :
(A) Sannishttavadi(B)Swadeshabhimani
(C ) Malayala Manorama(D)Vidyasamgraham

97.I he first lady judge of Kerala high court was:
(A) K.K. Usha(B)Anna Chandi
(C ) Fathima Beevi(D)Sujatha Manohar

98.The Headquarters of first defence university of India is at:
(A)Delhi(B)Kanpur(C )Mumbai(D)Gurgaon

99.The original name of Agamananda Swami was :
(A) Krishnan Nambyathiri(B) Raman Pilla
(C ) Kunjikkannan(D) Prabhakaran Pilla

100.How many members can be nominated to the Indian Parliament by the President ?
(A)10(B)12(C )14(D)16

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LABORATORY TECHNICIAN GR II - ISM-kerala psc previous question paper - by anusree - 24-04-2017, 03:45 PM

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