
1. Who wrote ‘Vismayajanakam’?
(A) Kesari Balakrisna piilai (C ) Kandathil Varghese Mappila
(B) Sahodaran Ayyappan (D) KP. Karuppan

2.A.K. Gopalan led 'Pattini jatha' in the year 
(C )1937

3.The first annual session SNDP yogam was held at:
(C )Cherthala(D)Aruvippuram

4.On 4th August 2009 the Parliament of India enacted ‘Right to Education Act’ and included in the Part III of the Indian Constitution. Identify the Article in which the Act is incorporated :
(A)Article 21 a(B)Article 19a
(C )Article 29 a(D)Article 24a

5.Which of the following Article is described as 'The heart and soul of the Indian Constitution' by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar?
(A)19(B)32(C )21(D)51
6.The novel 'Hungry Tide’ was written by :
(A) Arundhathi Roy(B)Anitha Desai
(C ) Vikram Seth(D)Amitav Ghosh

7.Right to property was repealed by which constitutionalamendment?
(C )44

Which of the following Article is described as "The heart and soul of the Indian Constitution"by Dr. B.R.Ambedkar?
(A) 19(B)32
(C ) 21(D)5151

8. Ezhava Memorial was submitted to which Travancore ruler?
(A) Sreemoolam Tirunal(B) Visakham Tirunal
(C ) Swathi Tirunal(D) Chitira Tirunal

9.The famous Jesuit missionary who translated Bible and published it with the title ‘vedopadesam’?
.(A)William carey(B)St. Francis X’avier
(C )Benjamin Bailey(D)Herman Gundert

10.Who was the owner of the news paper 'swadeshabhimani'?
(A)Abdul khader Moulavi(B)K. Sukumaran
(C )K.P. Kesava Menon(D)RamakrishnaPillai

11.If A is a square matrix of third order with determinant 3, Then the determinant of adj A is :
(C )9(D)27

12. The coefficient of xB in the expansion of (i +(l - x)4 is:
(C )-40(D)-60

13.If K * sin4 x + cos4 x, then the value of 2K lies between :
(A)0 and 1(B) 1 and 2
(C ) 2 and 3(D) 3 and 4

14.The area enclosed within the curve, mod x - mod y = 1 is :
(A)1 sq units(B) 2 sq units
(C ) 3 sq units(D) 4 sq units

15.The circum-centre of the triangle with vertices (4,2), (3,3) and (2,2) is at the point:
(A)(-3,2)(B) (2,-3)
(C ) (-2,3)(D) (3,2)

16.The real valued function max(x,x8) is differentiable at the point:
(A)-1(B) 0
(C ) 1(D) 2

17.The minimum value of 4x2 -4x+l+3sinx is:
(C )4
(B) 3 
(D) -4

18.The integral of ax3 +bx2 +c* between the limits -7 and 7 is a function of:
(A) a only(B) a and b
(C )b(D)c

19.The area enclosed between the curves 3a,y = x2 and 3cuc = y2, (a > 0) is :
(C )9a2(D)6a2

20.The solution of the differential equation xy' - x ■*- y satisfying y = 1 when x = 1 is
(A)y = xex~l(B)y = x\nx + x2
(C )y = x in* + x(D)y = ln* + *

21.Water absorption for bricks lies between ---of its dry weight.
(A)1/4 to 1/7
(C ) 1/7 to 1/10
(B)1/2 to 1/4
(D) none of the above

22.For general RCC works in buildings like slabs, beams, columns etc. use concrete.
(A) M15(B) M20
(C ) M25(D) M30

23.The process of curing ensures :
(A)completehydration of cement
(B)to obtainproperly hardened concrete
(C )to obtainstrong concrete
(D)all of theabove

24.A triangular plot of sides 65 m, 65 m and 40 m constitute an area of----------
(C )0.11(D)none of theabove

25.Find the level difference between the stations A and D from the following table.
Station B SISFS
A 2.500
C 1.0001.100
(A) 0.250(B)0.6000.600
(C ) 1.650(D)none of the abovenone of the above
grade of

26.The number of working stroke per minute in case of four stroke IC engine will be equal to :
(C )2N(D)4N
where N represents the revolutions turned by the crankshaft in one minute.

27.An engine working on an air standard Otto cycle has the following particulars. Piston diameter (bore) =14 cm, Stroke length =13 cm, clearance volume = 260 cm3. The compression ratio will be :
(C )8.54(D)8.69

28.Which is the type of gear employed in a vehicle that makes one rear wheel go faster than the other while rounding a corner?
(A)Bevel gear(B)Differentialgear
(C )Epicyclic gear(D)Wormand worm wheel

29.An economizer is fitted with a boiler is to :
(A)Increase the steam pressure
(B)Heat the fuel of low calorific value
(C )Heat the air entering the fire grate
(D)Heat the feed water by exhaust flue gases

30.The function of a surge tank in a hydro electric power plant is :
(A)To supply water at constant pressure
(B)To produce surges in the pipeline
(C )Relieve water hammer pressure in the penstock
(D)To increase the head of water

31.A search light is rated 200V, 1A. It is to be connected to 230V supply. Find the value of resistance to be inserted in series?
(A)200 Ω
(C )230 Ω
(B)30 Ω 
(D)15 Ω

32.What is the effective resistance of the network consisting of 10 parallel branches each with a resistance of 50?
(A)5 Ω 
(C )10 Ω
(B)50 Ω
(D) 0.5 Ω

33.How many units of energy is consumed by 100W, 230V lamp working continuously for 10 hours?
(A) 0.1 (C ) 10

34.The inductive reactance offered by an RL series circuit having resistance of 10Ωft and inductance of ImH is 0.628 Ω. What is the supply frequency?
(A)60 Hz(B)10 Hz
(C )100 Hz(D)25 Hz

35.Pipe earthing in an electrical installation is done to :
(A)Decrease the earth resistance(B) Increase the earth resistance
(C )Maintain constant earth resistance (D)None of the above

36.What is the value of internal resistance of an ideal voltage source?
(C )High(D)Infinite

37. Which of the following phenomenon is the working principle of light emitting diodes?
(A)Fluorescence(B)Thermionic emission
(C )Avalanche breakdown(D)Electroluminescence

38.What type of filtering is performed by a shunt capacitor filter used in association with a full wave rectifier?
(A)Low pass(B)Highpass
(C )Band pass(D)Band reject

39.What is the modulation technique used in GSM cellular standard?

40.Which of the following is not an 8-bit microcontroller?
(A)Intel 8061(B)Motorola 6811
(C )Zilog Z8(D)Intel8086

41.At a given T and P, a liquid mixture of benzene and toluene is in equilibrium with its vapour. The available degrees of freedom are :
(C )2(D)3

42.Pure 02 is mixed with air to produce an enriched air containing 50 vol% of 02. The ratio of moles of air to 02 used is :
(A) 1.72(B) 0.58
(C ) 0.5(D) 0.2

43.100 kg of wet solids are to be dried from moisture removed in kg is:
(C ) 98

44.The average molecular weight of air is :
(A) 79 (C ) 29
to 10% mixture (by weight). The mass of
(D) 56

45.For air at 100% saturation, the dry bulb temperation and wet bulb temperature are related as:
(A) Dry bulb > wet bulb
(C )Wet bulb > Dry bulb
(B)Dry bulb = wet bulb (D) None of these

46.During the combustion of fuel gas, if the air/fuel ratio is increased, the adiabate flame temperature will:
(A) Not change(B) Increase
(C )Increase or decrease(D) Decrease

47.A gets converted to B according to the reaction A—>B. If the conversion of A is 50%, what is the mole fraction of A in the exit stream?
(C )1/4
(D) 3/4

48.Which of the following is there in aviation fuel?
(A) Diesel(B) Naphtha
(C ) Petrol(D) Kerosene

49.A coal containing very high percentage of durain is called---------coal.
(C )non-banded(D)bright

50.Which of the following is not a product of tar distillation?
(A)Phenol and naphthalene(B)Anthraceneand creosote
(C )Benzol and pitch(D)None of these

51.Which is the fuel used in fast breeder reactor at Kalpakam?
(C )Uranium(D)Uranium 238

52.A coal has an ultimate analysis of carbon: 50%, 6% N2, 18% H 2%S, Os: 24%. On what basis this analysis has been given?
(A)Dry Basis(B)Proximate Basis
(C )Mineral matter free basis(D)Dry mineral matter free basis

53.The critical speed of a ball mill of radius, R which contains ball of radius r is proportional to :
(A) (R-rf1 (C )

55.Calculate the effectiveness of a screen having xp = 0.49, xD = 0.94 and xB = 0.023. The answer is:
(C )76%(D)87.2%

56.Power number and Reynolds number is related in a baffled tank as :
(A) Nfa < 10,NpNfa =* Kl(B) NKo> 10,000, Np- Kr
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D) None of these

57.For a turbine-agitated and baffled tank, the power number, Pft varies with Reynolds number, Re at low Rt as :
(A)P„aR,(B)Pc aR,oi
(C )P0 = Constant(D)Pcj;R,

58.Sticky materials are transported with the help of: 
(A) Apron Conveyor (C ) Belt Conveyor
(B) Screw Conveyor (D) Hydraulic Conveyor

59.To avoid cavitation, the pressure at the pump inlet must exceed the vapour pressure by a certain value called:
(A) Net Pump Suction Head(B)Net Power Suction Head
(C ) Net Positive Suction Head(D)Net Pressure Suction HeadNet Pressure Suction Head

60.The coefficient of velocity, Cv for an orifice is given by:
(A) C*(B)r = ^ * 4 yH
(C )m c--iH(D)

61.A bed consists of particles of density 2000 kgfm3 .If the height of the bed is 1.5 m and its porosity is 0.4, the pressure drop required to fluidize the bed is :
(A) 25.6 kPa(B)11.77 kPa
(C ) 14.86 kPaCD)21.13 kPa

62.Water flows through an orifice of 25 mmdiameter situated in a 75 mm pipe at the rate of 300 cm3 / 8. What will be the difference in level in awater manometer connected across the meter? Given coefficient of discharge C0 =0.61, viscosity of water=lmN«/ma :
(A) 5 cm(B)7 cm
(C ) 9 cm(D)11 cm11 cm

63.Quick sand is a :
(A) bingham plastic(B)pseudo plastic
(C ) newtonian fluid(D)dilatant

64.Diaphragm pumps are used for :
(A) low pressure(B)high pressure
(C ) toxic or corrosive(D)none of thesenone of these

65. Which one of these is the commonly used final control element?
(A)Orifice plateOrifice plate(B)Dall flow tube
(C )Thermistor(D)Pneumatic valve

66.Manometers are used to measure :
(A)low pressure(B)high pressure
(C )low or high pressure(D)all of the above

67. Which one of the following is used for liquid level measurement?
(A) Rotameter(B)Diaphragm box
(C ) Diaphragm guage(D)None of theseNone of these

68.Proportional Band (PB) lies in the range :
(A) 1≤PB≤500(B)500≤PB≤1000
(C ) 1≤ PB≤100(D)50≤PB≤250

69.Molasses is the starting material for the production of:
(A) alcohol(B)oil
(C ) fatty acids(D)starch

70.Tinitro toluene is :
(A) used in glycerine manufacture(B)used in dye manufacture
(C ) used in pulping process(D)none of the above

71.Solvent used for the extraction of oil:
(A) Acetone(B)Methyl Ethyl ketoneMethyl Ethyl ketone
(C ) Hexane(D)FurfuralFurfural

72.Raw materials for solvay process are :
(A) Salt, limestone and coke or gas(B)Ammonia, salt and limestone
(C ) Ammonia, limestone and coke(D)None of theseNone of these

73.Catalyst used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process is :
(A) Cr203(B)VA
(C ) Iron(D)Oxides of nitrogen

74.Sizing material is incorporated in paper to :
(A) increase its thickness(B)increase its brightness
(C ) increase its strength(D)none of thesenone of these

75.The process used for the manufacture of ethyl alcoholfrom molasses:
(A) distillation(B)dehydration
(C ) fermentation(D)dehydrogenationdehydrogenation

76.Which of the following is an explosive?
(A) nitroglycerin(B)trinitrotoluenetrinitrotoluene
(C ) cellulose nitrate(D)all of the aboveall of the above

77.Chemical name of caustic soda is :
(A)Sodium hydroxide(B)Sodium carbonate
(C )Sodium bicarbonate(D)Potassium carbonate

78.Which of the following is a method for production of phosphoric acid?
(A) Solvay process(B) Sulphate process
(C )Electric furnace process(D)None of these

79.Which of the following is not a source of starch?
(C )Cassava(D)None of these

80.What is the full form of DDT?
(A)Dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethane
(B)Dichloro diphenyl tetrachloro ethane
(C )Dichloro diphenyl trichloro methane
(D)Dichloro diphenyl tetrachloro methane

81.Raw material for the manufacture of nylon-66 :
(A) Adipic arid(B)Acetic acidAcetic acid
(C ) Ethylene(D)NylonNylon

82.Terylene is; (A) same as decron(B)a polyester
(C ) both (A) and (B)(D)neither (A) nor (B)

83.Which of the following is a raw material for theproduction of nitrile rubber?
(A) Acrylonitrile(B)Butadiene
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D)Neither (A)nor (B)Neither (A) nor (B)

84.Caprolactum is produced from : 
(A) Phenol(B)NaphthaleneNaphthalene
(C ) Pyrieline(D)None of these

85. Prandtl number is the ratio of:
(A)Thermal diffusivity to kinematic viscosity
(B)Conductive resistance to convective resistance
(C )Momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity
(D)Thermal diffusivity to momentum diffusivity

86. Dankwert’s surface renewal theory is given by :
“ £(B)
>°> £(D)

87.In a binary distillation operation, if the feed contains 30 mol % vapour, the slope of the
q line will be :
(A) 2.3(B)-2.3
(C ) 0.3(D)-0.3

88.In a distillation separation, distillate contains 80%more volatile component. The q-line intersects the equilibrium curve at (0.3, 0.6). Findthe minimum reflux ratio, consuming Mc.Cabe Thiele method:
(A) 0.67(B)1.5
(C ) 0.33(D)0.40.4

89.NTU is considered as a :
(A) Performance of the equipment(B)Measure of departure from ideality
(C ) Measure of approach to ideality(D)Measure of difficulty of separationMeasure of difficulty of separation

90.Packed tower operates at:•
(A) Low pressure drop and low hold up(B)Low pressure drop and high hold up
(C ) High pressure drop and low hold up(D)High pressure drop and high hold upHigh pressure drop and high hold up

91.A composite wall of a furnace is made of two materials A and B. The thermal conductivity of A is twice that of B and the thickness of A is half of B. If the temperatures at 2 sides of the wall are 400 and 1200 K respectively, the temperature drop (in K) across the layer of material A is:
(A)400 K(B)200 K
(C )160 K(D)100 K

92.The heat transfer by radiation from a mild steel surface is to be reduced by reducing the emissivity of the surface. This can be achieved by:
(A)Painting thesurfaceblock(B)Painting the surfacewhite
(C )Giving surface amirrorfinish(D)Rougheningthe surface

93.In Sieder - Tate correlation, the heat transfer coefficient varies with pipe diameter D as : 11
(A) haD* (C ) ha D°*
(B)h a D%
(D)ha D02

94.For a given heat flow and for the same thickness, the temperature drop across the material will be maximum for :
(A) Copper (C ) Aluminium (B)Steel  (D)Glass-wool

95. Economy of a single effect evaporator is 
(A) >1 (C ) =1
(B) <1
(D) None of these

96.Type of feeding used for heat sensitive material in a multiple effect evaporator is
(A) Forward feed(B) Backward feed
(C )Mixed feed(D) Parallel feed

97.Which one of the following is a secondary method for treating wastewater?
(A) Screening
(C ) Activated slude process
(B)Reverse osmosis
(D)None of these

98.Reagent used for COD determination is :
(A) Potassium chromate (C ) Potassium dichromate
(B) Iron nitrate (D) None of these

99.Which of the following is an air pollutant?
(A) Nitrogen oxides (C ) Carbon monoxide
(B) Sulplur dioxide (D) All of the above

100. Which of the following is a sludge treatment method?
(A) Sedimentation(B) Trickling filtration
(C ) Incineration(D) None of these

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