

1.The study of all aspects of flower production is called :
(C )Floriculture

2.'The Fruit crop that can be propagated by apomicti cembryo is :
(C )Apple

3.Gladiolus is propagated by :
(C )Suckers

4.The commonly used rootstock for the grafting of Sapota is :
(C )Litchi

5.The plant material used for tissue culture is :
(C )Scion

6.Select the rooting hormone.
(C )Ethylene

7.The garden component that forms a natural boundary to the garden is :
(C )Hedge

8.Bonsai is an art developed in :
(C )India

9.The grass suitable for lawn making is :
(A)Guinea grass
(B)Para grass
(C )(C )Doob grass
(D)Napier grass

10.The art of priming compact plants to get a shape is :
(A)Top working
(C )Carpet bed

11.Malampuzha garden is an example for :
(A) Formal garden
(B) Informal garden
(C ) Freestyle garden
(D) None of the above

12.Floribunda is a cultivar of :
(C )Jasmine

13.Removal of rootstock sprouts from lower and upper portions of bud union is called : 
(A) Disbudding 
(B) Desuckering
(C ) Deshooting 
(D) Destocking

14.Lucknow is a variety of:
(A) Marigold
(B) Orchid
(C ) Anthurium 
(D) Jasmine

15.Bush pepper is produced from :
(C )Laterals

16.A viviparous fruit is :
(C )Sapota

17.Select a loose flower.
(A) Marigold
(B) Tuberose
(C ) Carnation 
(D) Rose

18.The average weight of seednut in coconut is :
(A) 600 g
(B)650 g
(C ) 680 g
(D) 630 g

19.Name a plant growth inhibitor.
(A) Auxin
(B) Gibberellin 
(C ) Cytokinin 

20.Choose an indoor plant.
(C )Tulips
(D)New Delhi

21.Headquarters of III IR is at:
(C )Bangalore

22.The instrument used to measure Relative humidity of atmosphere is :
(C )Barometer

23.A flower crop which is a source of natural pyrethrum is :
(A) Marigold
(B) Chrysanthemum
(C ) Jasmine
(D) Gerbera

24.The most serious non-insect pest of Anthurium is :
(C )Centepede

25.The monsoon that is popularly called Kalavarsham in Kerala is :
(A)NE monsoon
(B)NW monsoon
(C )SW monsoon
(D)SE monsoon

26.To prolong the shelf life of cut flowers, the flower stalks are dipped in 
(C )H2SO4

27.Choose an aroid crop.
(B)lube rose
(C )Marigold

28.The commercial crop that is propagated through patch budding is :
(A) Rose
(B) Cashew
(C ) Mango
(D) Rubber

29.The method of lawn making that can be employed to establish a lawn within 15 days is :
(B)Turf plastering
(C )Dibbling

30.The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is :
(C )Oxygen

31.Select an agronomic measure for soil and water conservation.
(A) Mulching
(B) Basin listing 
(C ) Sub-soiling 
(D) Contour bunding

32.Name the metallic component of chlorophyll.
(C )Mg

33.Hydrangea is propagated by :
(A) Corm
(B) Leaf bud cutting
(C ) Leaf cutting
(D) Soft wood cutting

34.Rootstocks raised vegetatively are known as :
(C )interstock

35.A value added product from Marigold is :
(A) Oil
(B) Oleoresin
(C ) Dye
(D) Soap

36.Apiculture is the rearing of:
(A) Honeybee 
(B) Silkworm
(C ) Earthworm 
(D) Mushroom

37. Nata - de - Coco is a value added product from :
(C )Maize

38.One cent is equal to :
(A)20 m2
(B)25 m2
(C )40 m2
(D)50 m2

39.Choose the concentrated organic manure.
(C )Oil cake

40.Weight of composite sample of soil for soil testing is :
(A)250 g
(B)500 g
(C )750 g
(D)1000 g

41.Name the plant that is propagated through root cuttings.
(B)Bread fruit
(C )Sapota

42.An edible fungus is :
(C )Rhizobium

43.Mallet cutting is a type of:
(A)Herbaceous cutting
(B)Soft wood cutting
(C )Semi hardwoodcutting
(D)Hardwood cutting

44.An insect pest which feeds on the root portion of Rose is :
(A)Red scales
(C )Chaffer beetle

45.Plantssuitable for rockery are :
(C )Marsh plants
(D)None of the above

46.The harvest index of Anthunum is when the spadix is :
(A)— receptive
(B)~ receptive
(C )~ receptive
(D)Full receptive

47.Fairy Ring is a disease affecting garden lawn, caused by :
(C )Bacteria

48.Papaya can be propagated through :
(A) Serpentine layering
(B)Trench layering
(C ) Stool layering
(D) Gooteeing

49.The living organism employed in Coirpith composting is :
(C )Silkworm

50.The grafting method in which union takes place while both the stock and scion are on their own root system is :
(A)Stone grafting
(B)Soft wood grafting
(C )Cleft grafting
(D)Approach grafting

51.When the soil pH is 6 - 7, that soil is designated as :
(C )Slightly alkaline
(D)Strongly alkaline

52.A geo - hydrological unit draining to a common point by a system of drains is :
(B)Water zone
(C )Pond
(D)Water reserve

53.Select a macro nutrient from the following.
(C )Fe

54.Select a primary tillage implement.
(A)Sweep cultivator
(B)MB plough
(C )Harrow
(D)Clod crusher

55.Choose a herbicide from the following.

56.Select one which is not the critical stage of water requirement of Rice :
(A) Active tillering
(B) Flower initiation
(C ) Flowering phase
(D) Grain filling

57.Pink disease is a serious disease of:
(C )Arecanut

58.K content in MOP is :
(C )16%

59.Vne class of seed which is supplied to the farmers for cultivation is :
(A)Breeder seed
(B)Registered seed
(C )Certified seed

60.The deficiency of which nutrient causes 'Khaira' in Rice ?
(C )Fe

61.Fungal Pollu is a serious disease of:
(C )Pepper

62.The dominant soil type in Kerala is :
(B)Black soil
(C )Red loam
(D)Forest loam

65.The mass of thin walled parenchyma cells that develop at the junction of a graft union :
(A) Matrix
(B) Callus
(C ) Hybrid
(D) Collenchyma

64.A chemical amendment suitable for alkaline soil is :
(C )C.aS04.1/2H2  O

65.The remedy for pot bound Condition of potted plants is :
(C )Puddling

66.The budding method employed in plants where it is difficult to slip off the bud with bark :
(A) Flute budding
(B)Ring budding
(C ) Yemma budding
(D) Forket budding

67.The asexual propagation method used to convert male plant into female plant:
(A)Top working
(C )Compatible
(D)Tip layering

68.The age of rootstock used in epicotyl grafting is :
(A)3 weeks
(B)3 months
(C )2 months
(D)2 weeks

69.Select an international institution from the following :

70.The budding method done in cherry for commercial propagation is :
(A)Chip budding
(B)T - budding
(C )Flute budding
(D)Patch budding

71.The dancing girl orchid is :
(C )Cattleya

72.The piece of stem inserted between the scion and rootstock to avoid incompatibility is :
(C )Pseudo stock 
(D)inter slock

73.The grafting method employed for plants with damaged root system :
(A) Inarching
(B) Stone grafting 
(C ) Side grafting 
(D) Saddle grafting

74.The pruning technique done in chrysanthemum to enhance flower production is :
(C )Sprouting

75.Select the plant suitable for marsh garden :
(C )Nerium

76.The smallest Bonsai :
(C )Mame

77.The slimy green growth in water garden can be controlled by adding :
(C )KMnO4

78.Setting up a garden in a glass bottle is called :
(C )Glass garden

79.The Japanese word, which denotes flower arrangement :
(A) Kenzan 
(B) Casketing
(C ) Ikebana
(D) Corsage

80.Choose a plant in which semi - hardwood cutlings are used for propagation 
(C )Acalypha

81.The incident which led Tagore to renounce the Knighthood granted by the British Crown :
(A) Jallian Wala Bag Massacre
(B) Khilafat Movement
(C ) Chauri Chaura Incident
(D) Non-Cooperation Movement

82.Which among the following freedom fighters is popularly known as the "Jhansi Rani of Travancore" ?
(A) Rosamma Punnose
(B) Ammu Swaminadhan
(C ) Akkamma Cherian
(D) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma

83. The famous quote "Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it" is said by :
(A) Sri Aurobindo 
(B)Subhash Chandra Bose 
(C ) GopalKrishna Gokhale
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

84."Misrabhojanam* is related to  
(A) Nataraja Guru 
(B)Sahodaran Ayyappan 
(C ) Pandit Karuppan
(D) A. K. Gopalan

85.Who was the repiesentative of the Anglo- Indian Community in the Constituent Assembly in India ?
(A)Rudyarad Kipling
(B)Ruskin Bond
(C )Frank Anthony
(D)Rhona Mitra

86.The book "Keralam Malayalikalude Mathrubhumi" was written by :
(A)E.M.5. Nambudiripad
(B)C. Sankaran Nair
(C )T.M. Varghese
(D)C. Kesavan

87.Date which is declared as "Pooma Swaraj Diwas" by the 1929 Lahore Session of Indian National Congress :
(A)26th January 1929
(B)26th January'1946
(C )26th January 1941
(D)26lh January1930

88.The Moplah Rebellion of 1921 broke out in the following Taluks of Malabar 
(A) Calicut and Chirakkal
(B) Emad and Valluvanad
(C ) Kurumbanad and Ponnani
(D) Palghat and Wynad

89.Salt Satyagraha was started from : 
(A) Anandwan Ashram (C ) Sabarmati Ashram
(B) Sevagram Ashram (D) Tolstoy Farm

90.The birth place of Ayyankali belongs to which district in Kerala :
(A) Kollam
(C ) Pathanamthitta.

91.The Act provided "dyarchy" for the major provinces in British India was :
(A)Government of India Act1935
(B)(Government of India Act 1919
(C )The Indian Councils Act1909
(D)Indian Independence Act 1947

92.Vaikom Satyagraha was started on :
(A) March 30, 1924 
(B) March 13, 1924 
(C ) March 3. 1924
(D) None of these

93.Among the following, one Bhajan was so dear to Gandhiji that he wrote : "that one song is enough to sustain me even if I were to forget the Bhagawat Gita",
(A)Raghupati Raghava RajaRam
(B)Bhajo Govind Madhav
(C )Ambe Man Ki Aarti
(D)Vaishnava Janato Tone Kahiye

94.Banaras Hindu University was founded by :
(A)Madan Mohan Malavya
(B)Sir Syed Ahemrnad Khan
(C )Rabindranath Tagore
(D)Surendranath Banerjee

95.The Dewan of Travancore during the time of Temple Entry Proclamation was :
(A)T. Venkat Rao
(B)C.P. Ramaswami Iyer
(C )Ramayyan Dalawa
(D)Krishna Gopalayyan

96.''Rod Shirt Movement" is related to :
(A) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad 
(B) Aga Khan 
(C ) Abdul Ghaffar. Khan
(D) Saker Hussain

97."Adukkalayil Ninnu Arangathekku" written by V.T. Bhattathiripad belongs to the category of:
(A) Poetry
(B) Drama
(C ) Travelog
(D) Novel

98.The birthday of Swami Vivekananda is celebrated in India as :
(A) National Technology Day
(B)Children's Day
(C ) National Youth Day
(D)National Post Day

99.'Jnanaprajagaram' an academic group of scholars was started by :
(A) Ayyavu Swamikal
(B)Swami Chinmayananda
(C ) Bodheswaran
(D)Chattampi Swamikal

100.S.N.D.P was founded by :
(A) Sree Narayana Theerthar
(B)Sree Narayana Guru
(C ) Padmanabhan Palpu

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