LABORATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT -OFFICE kerala psc previous question paper


1.ISP means :
(A)Internet Service Path
(B) Internet Service Provider
(C ) Internet Standard Provider
(D) Internet Source Provider

2.Which is the shortcut key to create a new word file ?
(C )Ctrl+N

3.The size of the A4 printing paper recommended by the International Standard Organisation :
(A)297 x420 mm 
(B)148 x210 mm 
(C )210x297 mm 
(D) 105 x148 mm

4.The first word of the subsequent page which is typed on the right side of the bottom margin of proceeding page is called :
(A)Post Script
(B)Foot Note
(C )Pagination
(D)Catch Word

5.An office communication with a citizen by :
(A)Govt. Order
(C )Official Letter

6.An offer is made in response to an enquiry it is known as :
(C )Specific offer

7.Which of the following command lets you set the vertical alignment ?
(A)Page setup command from file menu.
(B)Page setup command from format menu.
(C )Paragraph command from format menu.
(D) Font command from format menu.

8.Minimum zoom percentage supported by MS Word is ;
(C )25%

9.What will happen when the drawchord is cut ?
(A)The carriage will run to and fro.
(B)The carriage will jerk.
(C )The carriage will stop.
(D)Sluggish movement of the carriage.

10.In a D.O. Letter 'To' Address is typed on the :
(A)Top left side
(B)Top right side
(C )Bottom left side
(D)None of the above

11.The platen of a typewriter is made up of :
(B)Hardened Steel
(C )Hardened Indian Rubber
(D)None of the above

12.'asdf;lkj' keys in typewriter are called :
(A)Home key
(B)Guide key
(C )Master key
(D)None of the above

13.Demi - official letters are concluded by :
(A)Yours faithfully
(B)Yours obediently
(C )Yours sincerely
(D)None of the above

14.Requirements of good filing equipments are:
(B)Simple to use
(C )Good quality
(D)All of the above

15.__________are covers of cardboard or thick papers, fitted with metal hinges with which to fasten the papers together.
(A)Flat files
(B)Arch lever files
(C )Cabin files
(D)Board files

16.The default lines to drop for dropcap is :
(A)8 lines
(B)3 lines
(C )2 lines
(D)4 lines

17.The insertion point in a table can be moved by using :
(A) Tab key
(B) Shift+Tab key 
(C ) Arrow keys 
(D) All of the above
18.The four types of mail merge main documents in MS Word are :
(A)Basic, letters, envelops labels and lists.
(B)Form letters, envelops, mailing labels and directory.
(C )Form letters/ directories, catalogues and envelops.
(D)None of the above.

19. The downward form of 'H' is used when the letter stands alone or is immediately followed by____________or______________.
(B) GTor T
(C ) 'K'or'CT
(D) Tor'D'

26. Frequently occurring words are represented in shorthand by a single sign called :
(A) Logogram 
(B) Phonetics
(C ) Vowel
(D) Grammalogues

21. Which of the shortcut key is used to check spelling ? 
(A) FI
(B) F2
(C ) F7
(D) 19

22. Graphics for word processor :
(A) Peripheral 
(B) Clip Art
(C ) Highlight
(D) Executive

23.Main spring is related to the carriage through :
(A) Draw- cord 
(B) Dog block 
(C ) Pinion wheel 
(D) Way Rod

24.How many dogs are there in a typewriter ?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C ) Three
(D) Four

25.To insert a track or audio clip, which menu is used ?
(A) Word Art
(B) Clip Art
(C ) Smart Art
(D) Picture

26.The programmes which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as 
(A) Software
(B) Hardware 
(C ) Firm ware 
(D) ROM ware

27.Consonant _________ ______is provided with two different signs in order to facilitate the joining of strokes together and also for the purpose of indicating an initial or final vowel sound.
(C )‘F

28.The initial sound of 'W' before 'K', 'G', 'M', 'R' is represented by a___.
(A)Left semi -circle
(C )Right semi- circle
(D)None of theabove

29.A spread-sheet can have maximum of _____________number or rows.
(A) 256
(C ) 65536
(D) 32000

30.In a Word document grammatical errors are made with :
(A)Green line
(B)Yellow line
(C )Red line
(D)None of theabove

31.What is the Thesaurus used for ?
(A)Spelling options
(B)Grammer options
(C )Opposite words
(D)Synonyms and Antonyms

32.To select equal width for columns we select:
(A)Equal column width from Table menu.
(B)Equal width from Table menu.
(C )Columns from format menu.
(D)Distribute columns evenly.

33.IP address is currently :
(A)6 bytes long
(B)Available in plenty
(C )4 bytes long
(D)Not assigned as it all used up

34.The following is used to type on ruled paper :
(A)Variable Push Button
(B)Paper release lever
(C )Thumb wheels
(D)Shift key

35.The scale between the type guide and the cylinder is known as :
(A)Paper bail scale
(B)Line finder scale
(C )Marginal scale
(D)Eraser Table

36._______ is a plastic or metal device with certain areas cutout to indicate the size and shape of various types of desks, chairs, cabinets, files and other office equipment
(A) Cutouts (C ) Template
(B) Plastic Models (D) None of the above

37. Office space should be sufficient from the point of view of the
of the organisation.
(A) Present needs only (C ) Future needs
(B) Present and future needs (D) None of the above

38. On an Excel sheet the active cell is indicated by :
(A) A dark wide border
(C ) A blinking border
(B)A dotted border
(D)None of the above

39.You can create hyperlinks from the Excel work book to :
(A)A webpage on company internet
(B)A webpage on the internet
(C )Other office 97 applications documents
(D)All of tire above

40.A file with 'dot' extension is associated with :
(A) Document 
(B) Template
(C ) Picture
(D) Index

41.Type bar is fitted with :
(A)Two characters
(B)Two capital letters
(C )Two small letters
(D)One capital letter and one small letter

42.Cylinder and feed rolls rotate in :
(A)Same direction
(B)Opposite direction
(C ) Clockwise direction
(D) Anti clockwise direction

43.The___________also called the brains of the computer, is responsible for processing data.
(A)Mother board
(C ) RAM
(D) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

44.What is the name of the software that allows us to browse through web pages ?
(A)Mail client 
(B) FTP client 
(C ) Browser
(D) Messenger

45.The circle 'S' is added to the hook 'F or 'V' by writing the circle____the hook.
(A) Outside
(C ) Same direction
(D) Opposite direction

46.When 'Shun' follows the circle 'S' or circle 'NS', it is expressed by a small___written on the opposite side to the circle and with same direction.
(C )Hook

47.The curve 'M' is thickened for the addition of__________or_____________.
(C )PorF
(D)P or D

48.Ctrl + R is used for :
(A)Align selected text to the centre
(B)Align selected text to the right
(C )Align selected text to the left
(D)None of the above

49.All formula in Excel start with the sign :
(C )-

50.Type bars are connected to segment by means of:
(C )Icey lever

51.Forming of letters in irregular line with uneven space called :
(A) Bad alignment
(B) Sluggish movement
(C ) Step by step movement
(D) jerking

52.Ribbon carrier is situated on the back side of:
(A)Ribbon Spool
(B)Type Basket
(C )Type Bar

53.Assignment of duties, Granting of Authority and Creation of an obligations are :
(A)Principles of delegation
(B)The delegation process
(C )Theory of delegation
(D)Factors affecting the degree of delegation

54.__________is an obligation of the individual to perform assigned duties to the best of his ability under the direction of his executive leader.
(A) Responsibility 
(B) Personality 
(C ) Intention
(D) Duties

55.GUI stands lor :
(A)Greatest User Information
(B)Greatest Utility Interface
(C )Graphical User Interface
(D)Greater Utility Interactive

56.To repeat the table heading in every page :
(A)From Table menu choose Row Height and Column Width.
(B)From Table menu choose properties.
(C )From Table menu choose the sort.
(D)From Table menu choose 1 leading Rows Repeat.

57.Mistakes on the stencil paper can be corrected by :
(B)Stylus Pen
(C )Correcting Fluid
(D) Eraser

58.Qualities of good office manager are :
(A)Personal qualities
(B)Formal Education and Training
(C )Experience and Professional Interests
(D)All of the above

59.__________means balancing and keeping the team together by ensuring a suitable allocation of tasks to the various members, and by seeing to it that these tasks are performed with due harmony among the* members themselves.
(C )Co-ordination

60.One of the following is a presentation software :
(A)MS Word
(B)MS Excel
(C )Outlook
(D)Power Point

61.What is seen as soon as Gimp is opened ?
(A)File menu
(B) The window containing tools
(C ) Layer dialogue box
(D) The file containing pictures

62.The index page of a website is :
(A) Home page
(B) Web page
(C ) Web address
(D) None of the above

63.Which of the following is not an operating system ?
(C )Unix

64.What key stroke combinations can you use for inserting end note in your document ?
(A)Alt + Ctrl+ C 
(B)Alt + Ctrl +F 
(C )Alt + Ctrl +D 
(D)Alt + Ctrl + F

65.A large medial or final circle written with the same motion as circle 'S' represents 'SS' having a light or heavy sound with the intervening vowel______________.
(C )Y

66.The key making impression on the paper are called :
(A) Character keys
(B)Non-character keys
(C ) Tab keys
(D) Shift keys

67.The capitalletter 'L' is used for :
(C )200

68.The scientific method of operating the typewriter is known as :
(A) Touch systems 
(B) Shift systems 
(C ) Sight systems 
(D) Lock systems

69.* The shortcut key for 'undo' command is :
(A)Ctrl +X
(C )Ctrl-► C
(D)Ctrl♦ Z

70.___________is the shortcut key used in windows to close an open window.
(A)Alt +F2
(B)Alt♦ F4
(C )Alt +F9

71.Internet came into force in India in the year ;
(C )1997

72.Which input device is not suitable to work with MS Word ?
(A)Key board
(C )Lightpen

73.__________machines are used to affix stamps on outward letters and envelops.
(A) Mailing machine
(B)Punched card machine
(C ) Franking machine
(D) Accounting machine

74.In planning the general office, one of the major decisions to be made is in regard to the provision of seperate rooms for the different departments or sections or for bringing them together into one large room. This office called :
(A) Private Office
(B)Open Office
(C ) Centralised Office
(D) None of the above

75.Advantages of good layout are:
(A) Increase in efficiency  (C ) Better morale
(B)Reduction in cost        (D) All of the above

76.The Guide Row in the typewriter is :
(A) First Row
(B) Second Row 
(C ) Third Row 
(D) Fourth Row

77.Phraseography is the writing of two or more words together without lifting the pen, the resulting outline being called a____________.
(A) logogram
(B) phonetics
(C ) phraseogram 
(D) grammalogue

78.The common keyboard adopted for all typewriters are called :
(A)Universal Standard Keyboard
(B)Ideal Keyboard
(C )Scientific Keyboard
(D)Standard Keyboard

79.HTML stands for:
(A)Hyper Text Marking Links
(B)Hyper Text Markup1 anguage
(C )Higher Textual Marking ofLinks
(D)Hyper Text Mixer ofI inks

80.A Search engine is a program to search :
(A)For information
(B)Web pages
(C )Web pages for specified index terms
(D)Web pages for information using specified search terms

81.Who is considerd as father of Indian Social Reforms ?
(A)Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(B)Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(C )Sri Narayana Guru
(D)E.V. Ramaswami Nayikar

82.When did Annie besant joined in Indian National Congress ?
(B) 1916
(C ) 1914 
(D) 1915

83.Name of the Woman's wing of Ramakrishna Mission :
(B)Sisters of Charity
(C )Saratha Matt
(D)Mahila Morcha

84.'Mirathul Akbar is the newspaperstarted by whom ?
(A)Sir Arabindo
(B)Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(C )Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(D)Sir Sayyad Ahammed Khan

85.Darsana Mela is written by :
(A)Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(B)Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(C )Sri Narayana Guru
(D)Chattambi Swamikal

86.Who was the founder of Prarthana Samaj ?
(A)Athmaram Pandurang
(B)Acharya Vinoba bhave
(C )M.G. Ranade
(D)K G. Bhandarkar

87.Whose idology influanced Sir Sayyad Ahammed Khan ?
(A)Shawiliyyulla Delhi
(B)Therdore Bycle
(C )Mr. Morision
(D)Raja Ram Mohan Roy

88. When did Justice Party renamed as Dravida Kazhikam ?
(C ) 1945

89.Which book Is considered as Bible of Bengali Nationalism ?
(A)Aanand Matt
(B)Commen Wheel
(C )Prabudha Bharath

90.Organising meeting of Indian National Congress was held at :
(A)Sanskrit College Calcutta
(B)Sanskrit College Banaras
(C )Thypal Sanskrit College Bombay
(D)Presidency College Bombay

91.Which one is the first Political Party in India ?
(A)British Indian Association
(B)Innholders Society
(C )British Indian Society
(D)Indian National Congress

92.When did Partition of Bengal came into existence ?
(A)1905 October 10th
(B)1905 August 7th
(C )1905 August 8th
(D)1905 October 10th

93.What was the agitation method of Extremist wing of Indian National Congress ?
(A)Political Mendicancy
(C )Prayer Petition. Protest
(D)Passive Resistance which Constitutional reforms separate electorate introduced for Muslims 
(A)1919 Moutague chamesford Reforms
(B)1909 Minto Morley Reforms
(C )1935 Indian Council Act
(D)1858 Indian Act

95.Who was the National leader who resigned from Viceroy's Executive Council as a protest against Jalian Walabag massacre ?
(A)Chembaka Raman piltai
(B)Vanchi Ayyar
(C )Sir C. Sankaran Nair
(D)Jhon Mathai

96.Which was the first Modem Labour Union in India ?
(D) Madras Labour Union

97.Jamiya Milliya Islamiya started as a part of :
(A)Khilafat .Non Co-operation Movement
(B)Civil Disobedient Movement
(C )Quit India Movement
(D)Anti Partition Movement

98.Who proposed Hizrath is one of the method of protest against Govt. ?
(A) Hakeem Ajzmal Khan
(B)Sir Sayyad Ahmmed Khan
(C ) Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(D)M.K. Gandhi

99. Eka (Aikya) movement is one of the peasantuprising in :
(A) Southern District of Malabar
(B)Southern District of Avadh
(C ) Southern District of Punjab
(D)Southern District of Tamil Nadu

100. Nehru Report was the result of:
(A) Anti Partion movement
(B)Anti Rowlet Act Agitation
(C ) Communal Award
(D)Anti Simon Commission Agitation

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