LABORATORY ASSISTANT - NCA - PH -kerala psc previous question paper

1.The yearin which the film "Raja Harishchandra"wasmade :
(C )1914(D)19151915

2.The digital money for internet based business is :
(A)Byte coin(B)Net coin
(C )Bit coin(D)Coin dollarCoin dollar

3.Which is the first eco-tourism project in India?
(C )Iravikulam(D)Silent valley

4.What is the old name of INS Vikramaditva?
(A)Adm. Rustov(B)Adm. Pavlov
(C )Adm. Vogue(D)Adm. Gorshghov

5.What is Boat People problem?
(A)Refugee problem(B)Economic meltdown
(C )Political instability(D)Internal emergencyInternal emergency

6.Who is world's first back pack journalist?Who is world's first back pack journalist?
(A)Mark Bricks(B)Richard Keebles
(C )Kevin SightsKevin Sights(D)Edward SnowdenEdward Snowden

7. Name the Indian batsman who completed 100 one day matches without being selected for Indian test team :
(A)Dinesh Karthik(B) Rohit Sharma
(C ) Suresh Raina(D) Virat Kohli

8. Telecom department stopped telegram service in India on :
(A) 12th July 2013(B) 13thJuly 2013
(C )14th July 2013(D) 15th July 2013

9.Which of the following does not belong to Delhi Sulthanate?
(A) Sayed dynasty(B) Mughal dynasty
(C ) Khilji dynasty(D) Slave dynasty

10.CRT Tamil radio is operated in : 
(A) China (C ) Japan
(B) Malaysia (D) indonassia

11.Which is the smallest national park in Kerala?
(A) Silent Valley (C ) Iravikulam
(B)Pampadum chola (D) Periyar

12.Which of the following personalities have the record of being a Member of Legislative | Assembly for the longest period?
(A) E. K. Nayanar(B) K. Karunakaran
(C )K. R. Gauriamma(D) K.M.Mani

13.Which of the following High Courts has most number of states under its jurisdiction?
(C )Hariyana(D)Guwahati

14.Who coined the word "Sensex"?
(A)Nirmal Verma(B)Harshad Metha
(C )Deepak Mohani(D)Dileep Chabria

15.The first Union Minister for Defence was :*
(A)Baldev Sigh(B)V. K Krishna Menon
(C )Jawaharlal Nehru(D)Vijayakumar Sinha

16. Who translated the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi into English?
(A) C. Rajagopalachari(B)Mahadev Desai
(C ) C. N. Rau<D)Atmacharan Agarwal

17.Among the following rivers which one has the most number of tributaries?
(A) Brahmaputhra(B)Kaveri
(C ) Sindhu(D)Ganga

18.The country in which the Jasmine Revolution was broken out:
(A) Egypt(B)TunisiaTunisia
(C ) Libya(D)YemenYemen

19.Who accompanied Che Guera in his Motor Cycle adverture trips? 
(A) Norio Oga(B)Jose Desparante
(C ) Vangari Mathay(D)Alberto Granedo

20.Which district has the largest clay deposit?
(A) Kottayam(B)Pathanamthitta
(C ) Kollam(D)Alappuzha

21.Name the commercial unit of electrical energy :
(A) kwh(13)Ampere
(C ) Volt(D)ohm

22.Which planet in the solar system has lowest density?
(A) Venus(B)Saturn
(C ) Mars(D)MoonMoon

23.Name the device used to measure electric current:
(A) Voltmeter(B)Manometer
(C ) Galvanometer(D)AmmeterAmmeter

24. What is the frequency of A.C. used in India?
(A) 60 Hz(B)100 Hz
(C ) 50 Hz(D)40 Hz

25.The sky appear blue due to :
(A) Refraction(B)ReflectionReflection
(C ) Scattering(D)Dispersion

26.What is the principle of transformer?What is the principle of transformer?
(A) Mutual induction(B)Self inductionSelf induction
(C ) Ohms law(D)Magnetic effect of currentMagnetic effect of current

27.Name the device used to convert A.C to D.C :
(A) Capacitor(B)Transistor
(C ) Solar cell(D)DiodeDiode

28.Sound cannot travel through :
(A) Steel(B)DiamondDiamond
(C ) Vacuum(D)SoilSoil

29.Name the source of energy in stars :
(A) Fusion(B)Fission
(C ) Burning of coal(D)None of the above

30.What is the speed of light in vacuum?
(A) 340 m/s(B)3000 m/s
(C ) 3 x 103 m/s(D)3 x 10* m/s

31.How many molecules are present in one mole of water?
(A) 6.022x1022(B)6.022 xlO23
(C ) 6.022 xl024(D)6.022x1020

32.Molarity of one litre sodium hydroxide solution containing 40g sodium hydroxide is :
(A) 1 molar(B)0.5 molar0.5 molar
(C ) 2 molar(D)1.1 molar1.1 molar

33.How many grams of oxygen will be present in a vessel having volume G72 litres at STP?
(A) 960 g(B)900 g
(C ) 930 g(D)800 g800 g

31.What is the mass of CO2 produced bythecombustion of 1 mole of butane 2(y iin +130, -» SCO, + 10TT2O ?
(A) 190 g(B)160 g
(C ) 176 g(D)182 g

35.Which subshell is not possible?
(A) 1d(B)5s
(C ) 3f(D)2p

36.The industrial method of preparation of________________________________—is known as contact process.
(C ) H2CO3(D)H 2SO4

37.Alcohols are functional isomers of:
(A) aldehydes(B)othersethers
(C ) ketones(D)acidsacids

38.Medicines used to lower body temperature are called :
(A) antipyretics(13)antiseptics
(C ) antioxidents(D)antibioticsantibiotics

39.Ammonia is prepared in the laboratory by heating ammonium chloride with :
(A) calcium chloride(B)sodium chloride
(C ) ammonium carbonate(D)calcium hydroxidecalcium hydroxide

40.The volume of a gas at a certain pressure is 300 ml at27° C at what temperature its volume be reduce to 200 ml at the same pressure :
(A) -73° C(B)73° C
(C ) 73 k(D)-73 k

41.Hyper secretion of growth hormone in adult causes :
(A) Gigantism(B)Acromegaly
(C ) Cretenism(D)Simmons diseaseSimmons disease

42.The chemical in cigarette smoke which cause cancer :
(A) Nicotene(B)Caffeine
(C ) Benzene(D)Carbon monoxideCarbon monoxide

43.Valve that guards left auriculo-ventricular opening :
(A) Mitral valve(B)Tricuspid valve
(C ) Semilunar valve(D)Inferior vena cava valueInferior vena cava valve

44.Number of cranial nerves in human beings :
(A) 14 pairs(B)10 pairs10 pairs
(C ) -12 pairs(D)8 pairs

45.Haemoglobin is a :
(A) Fat(B)Carbohydrate
(C ) Vitamin(D)ProteinProtein

46.AIDS attack:
(A) Immune system(B)Heart
(C ) Stomach(D)Lungs

47.Oxygenated blood is carried by :
(A) Hepatic portal vein(B)Pulmonary artery
(C ) Pulmonary vein(D)Renal veinRenal vein

48.Deficiency of insulin results in :
(A) Diabetes insipidus(B)Myxocdema
(C ) Diabetes mellitus(D)Dwarfism

49.Disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome number 21 :
(A) Kline felters syndrome(B)Downs syndromeDowns syndrome
(C ) Turners syndrome(D)Alzheimers disease

50.Sickle cell anaemia is caused due to :
(A) Malaria(B)Anaemia
(C ) Tetany(D)Gene mutation

51.Hydathodes in grasses help to :
(A)Eliminate water as droplets
(13)Expel water as vapour
(C )Expel C02 formed during cell respiration
(D)Expel 02 produced as by product of photosynthesis

52.One of the following is not a fungal disease :
(A)Bunchy top of banana(13)Coconut bud rot
(C )Koleroga in arecanut(D)Quick wilt in pepper

53.2, 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid a selective weedicide is an example of:
(C )Auxins(D)Ethylene

54.Blight disease in paddy is caused by :
(C )Bacteria(D)Aphids

55.Super bugs produced through genetic engineering is used :
(A)to produce insulin(B)to destroy pests
(C )remove oil spills(D)to treat hereditary-diseases

56. Element associated with opening and closing of stomata is :
(C )IronIron(D)PotassiumPotassium

57.Hormonewhich promotes Apical dominance :
(C )AuxinAuxin(D)EthyleneEthylene

58.“Molecular glue” used in genetic engineering is :
(A)Endonucleases(B)DNA polymeraseDNA polymerase
(C )DNA ligase(D)ExonucleasesExonucleases

59.Synthesis of chlorophyll in the presence of lightis :
(C )PhotomorphogenesisPhotomorphogenesis(D)Photolysis

60. Increased tolerance of plants to various kinds of stresses is due to :
(A) Abscisic acid(B)EthyleneEthylene
(C ) Auxins(D)Cytokinins

61.Ram as well as his brother____________gone to Bombay.
(A) is(B)are
(C ) has(B)have

62.You had better :
(A) go(B)to go
(C ) going(D)would gowould go

63.None of them has passed :
(A) Have they(B)Haven't they
(C ) Hadn't they(D)Had they

64.This is the place________we usually meet.we usually meet.
(A) When(B)WhoWho
(C ) Which(D)WhereWhere

65.John : “Mary, give me your pen please” john requested mary :
(A) To give him her pen(B)That to give her
(C ) That she gave him her pen (D)To gave him her

66.The gun went:
(A) off(B)for
(C ) of(D)inin

67.Shakespeare is famous_____________a playwright.
(A) as(B)forfor
(C ) of(D)in

68. If you come late :
(A) You would punish(B)You would be punished
(C ) You will punished(D)You will be punished

69.The prime minister__________for USA tomorrow.
(A) leaves(B)Would leaveWould leave
(C ) Leaving(D)Leave

70.The more you work :
(A) Highest you reach(B)The higher you reachThe higher you reach
(C ) The hight you reach(D)The high you reachThe high you reach

71.The idea was helping to me :
(Mark the wrong part of the sentence)

72.See the police the man ran away :
(Mark the wrong part of the sentence)

73.Which is the correctly spelt word?
(A) Knowledge(B)Knolege
(C ) Knowldg(D)Knowledg

74.The word which means “one who knows everything" :
(A) Omnipresent(B)OmniscientOmniscient
(C ) Omnipotent(D)OmniclientOmniclient

75.Which is the wrongly spelt word?
(A) Curriculum(B)Sunami
(C ) Feature(D)Superintendent

76. Which of the following is in the passive form?
(A) She gave a party(B)A party gave to her
(C ) She was given a party(D)They gave a party

77.Which sentence is in the correct order?
(A) Warming global is a serious problem(B)Global problem is a serious warming
(C ) Serious problem is a global warming(D)Global warming is a serious problemGlobal warming is a serious problem

78.By the time the manager arrived :
(A) The work was done(B)The work had been done
(C ) The work was being done(D)The work has been done

79.A low continuous sound :
(A) Chatter(B)StammerStammer
(C ) Roar(D)MurmurMurmur

80.What is the British equivalent to the underlined word?
The drapes in my bedrooms are beautiful (A) Curtains(B)Photos
(C ) Doors(D)WindowsWindows

81.(-5/7) (-5/7) 
(A) 125/343(B)-125
(C )343/125(D)-343

82.Find the value of (l.!)(. -ijl .ij -i)[l ♦ {
(A) 0(B)15 T
(C ) -8(D)18 5

83. A shop keeper bought 18 oranges for Rs. 50/-. If he gets 20% profit how many oranges does he sell for Rs. 50/- ?
(C )5
(D) 16

84. A man deposits Rs. 2000/- with a hank. If he gels Its. 2,420 as compound interest at the end of the second year, what is the rate of interest?

85. The length of two rectangles is 12 cm and 10 cm, their breadth is 6 cm and 8 cm. What is the ratio of their areas?
(C )6:8(D)10:9

86.A vessel in the shape of a cube contains one litre of water what is the length of its side :
(A)100 cm(B)20 cm
(C )25 cm(D)10 cm

87. Find the sum of all terms of the progression 120, 125, 130 ... 220 : 
(A) 3750(B) 3570
(C ) 3075(D) 3507

88.The average age of 24 students and their class teacher is 15. When the class-teacher is removed the average becomes 14. Then what is the age of the class teacher :
(C )41(D)39

89.A train of length 140 m travels with a speed of 72 km/hr. The time taken by the train to pass a telephone post is :
(A)7 mts(B)7 sec
(C )9 mts(D)9 sec

90.There are 50 students in a class. If 20 students passed in Maths, 25 students passed in English and 15 students passed in both English and Maths. How many students passed neither in Maths nor in English?
(A) 10(B) 15
(C ) 20(D) 25

91. Rahim bought an article for Rs. 1,600/- and sold it to Balan at a gain of 10%. Balan sold it to David at a gain of 10%. At what price did David buy the article for?
(A) 1693(B)1936
(C ) 1396(D)19631963

92.CFI, .IMP, QTW,_____________________?9

93.Pick the odd man out:
(C )1111(D)15

94.Ignorance_______________________ Darkness : light.
(C )KnowledgeKnowledge(D)Intelligenceintelligence

95.If 'LOYAL’is coded as JOWAJ then 'PRONE'is codedas :

96.Priya started from a place and walked 4 km to the east. Then she turned left and walked 2 km. Again she turned left and walked 4 km. Now how far is Priya from the starting point?
(A)2 Km(B)3 Km
(C )4 Km(D)5 Km

97.Ali bought a plate and a glass for Rs.l10/- from the market. If the plate costs Rs.100/- more than the glass. How much does the plate cost?
(C )105(D)110

w> 3 « 3

99. Find the angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock when the time is 9 : 30 : 
(A) 90°(B) 95°
(C ) 100°(D) 105°

100. 125 cubic centimeteres means how much in liters?
(A) 8(B)
(C ) 3/8
(D) 3

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