

Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Explorer are types of what?
(A)Web browser
(C )Client

2.World Computer Security Day :
(A)November 30
(B)December 15
(C )September 11
(D)November 4

3.Along with whom did Bill Gates found Microsoft?
(A)Charles Babbage
(B) Paul Allen
(C ) Dennis Ritchie
(D) Steve Jobs

4.The Gateway Internet Access Services (GIAS) of India is situated in :
(C )Chandigarh

5.A type of memory chip whose contents can be quickly changed by the computer at any time is called :

6.Which of the following has decided to dins Sutya Elementary schools from underprivileged children in rural India?
(A) ‘Apple
(B) Google
(C )Microsoft

7,Which of the following is not a type of Database Management System?
(C )Relational

8.In what manner coding and testing arc* done?
(A) top-down
(B) bottom-up
(C ) cross-section al
(D) adhoc

9.The variables which can be accessed by all modules in a program are known as? '(A)I,ocal variables
(B) Internal variables
(C ) External variables
(D) Global variables

10.The number of functional keys in a' key board :
(C )12.

11.In decimal system the base or radix is : 
(C )10
(D) None of these

12.Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence? 
(C ) 0

13.Which logic gate is similar to the function of two parallel'switches? 
(C ) OR

14.Which of the following is the ascending order of data hierarchy?
(A) hit - byte - record - field - database — file
(B)bit - byte - field - record - file - database
(C )bit - byte - file - field -record -database
(D)bit - file - field - record- byte -dutabase

15.Fork is a :
(A)the despatching a task
(B)the creationof anew job
(C )the creation of a new process
(D)increasingthe priority of a task

16. The time required for fetching and execution of one simple machine instruction is :
(A) Delay time
(B)CPI Cycle
(C ) Real time
(D)Seek time

17.Typos of validation testing is :
(A) Alpha and Beta Testing
(B)Top down and bottom up testing
(C ) Both (A) and (B)
(D)Recovery and integrated testing

18.Which of the following commands is used to display your working directory?
(A) prompt Spsg
(C ) pwd

19.Example of SDI Application :
(B)MS Excel
(C ) Word pad
(D)None of the above

20.Toolbar displays:
(A) One single menu item
(B)Collection of button
(C ) Collection of menu item
(D)None of the above

21.Data warehouses are intended as :
(A) Static data collection
(C ) Large collection of data
(D)Storage of records

22.A single packet on a data link is known as :
.(A) path
(C ) group

23.The access method used for cassette tape is:
(A) Direct
(C ) Sequential
(D)All the above

24.Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is another? used fortransferring files from one machine

25.The principle of locality of reference justify the use of:
(B) Cache
(C ) DMA
(D) Polling

26. Which of the following uses the least power? 
(A) BCL 
(B) CMOS chip
(C ) TTL 
(D) None of these

27.A logic gate is an electronic circuit which :
(A)Alternates between 0 and I values
(B)Works on binary algebra
(C )Allows electron flow only in one direction
(D)Makes logic decisions

28.The Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) shows :
(A) the areas where they are stored
(B) the processes
(C ) the flow of data’
(D) all of the above

29.A flip-flop can store :
(A) 1 bit of data’
(B) 2 bit of data
(C ) 3 hit of data
(D) 4 bit of data

30.Out of LCD and LKD which display consumes the least power?
(C ) Both consume same power
(D) None of these

31.ASCII stands for :
(A)American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(B)All purpose Scientific Code for Information Interchange
(C )Amcrican Security Code for Information Interchange
(D)American Scientific Code for Information Interchange

32.Which of the following is not a transmission medium?
(A) Coaxial cable
(B) Telephone lines
(C ) Modem
(D) Microwave systems

33.Which of the following is still useful for adding numbers?

34.The average time necessary for the correct sector of a disk to arrive at the read write head is :
(A)down time
(B)rotational delay
(C )seek time
(D)access time

33.What type of computer programming is used for airplane ticket reservation system?
(B)Real time programming
(C )Timesharing
(D)Batch programming

36. Communication between computers is always :
(C )series parallel

37.The string containing certain required formatting information is called :
(A)character array
(C )control string
(D)character string

38. SNMP isa protocol used for :
(A)E mail 
(B)Network management
(C )Messaging
(D)File transfer

39. Which algorithm design technique is usedin merge sort algorithm?
(A)Dynamic programming
(B)Back tracking
(C )Divide and conquer '
(D)Greedy method

40.The operation which is commutative but not associative is :
(C )OR

41.A software program stored in a ROM that cannot he changed easily is known as :
(C ) linker
(D) hardware

42. Which data structure is needed to convert infix notations to post fix notations?
(A) queues
(C ) linear lists

43.when the mouse pointer is positioned on a It is shaped like a hand.
(A) Hyperlink
(C ) Text
(D)All the above

44.The process of communicating with a file from n terminal is :
(A) Heuristic
(C ) Interrogation
(D)None of the above

45.The top most bar in any application window is the -which displays the name
of the document or application.
(A) Menu bar
(B)Tit le bar
(C ) Tool bar
(D)All the above

46.The language which is used by terminal userto retrieve and update data in a managed database is known as :
(A) high level language
(B)hardware design language
(C ) query language
(D)assembly language

47.A hashing scheme is used with :
(A) sequential file organization
(B)direct file organization
(C ) indexed sequential file organization
(D)partitioned file organization

48.A program that converts computer data into some rode system other than the normal one is known as:
(A) Simulation
(C ) Coding

49.The tracks on a disk which can be accessed without repositioning the R/wbeads is ;
(A) Surface
(C ) Cluster
(D)All of the above

50.UNIVAC is:
(A) Universal Automatic Computer
(B) Unique Automatic Computer
(C ) Universal Array Computer
(D) Unvalued Automatic Computer

51.Which of the following program is not a utility?
(A) Debugger
(B) Editor
(C ) Spooler
(D) All of the above

52.A software package to perform calculations on data arranged in an array is 
(A)System software
(B)Utility programs
(C ) Application programs
(D) Electronic spread sheet

53.In MODEMS :
(A)Several digital signals are multiplexed
(B)A digital signal changes some characteristic of a carrier wave
(C )Digital signal is amplified
(D)All of the above'

54.FORTRAN is :
(A)File Translation
(B)Format Translation
(C )Formula Translation
(D)Floppy Translation

55.A device for converting handwritten impressions into coded characters and positional coordinates for input to a computer is :
(A)Touch panel
(C )Wand
(D)Writing tablet

56.A list of named integer constants that once defined can bo used in the place of an integer is called a :
(A) enumeration
(B) register
(C ) argument
(D) modifier

57.Error detection at the data link level is achieved by :
(A) Bit stuffing
(B) Hamming codes
(C ) Cyclic redundancy code
(D) Equalization

58.VGA is:
(A) Video Graphics Array’
(B) Visual Graphics Array
(C )Volatile GraphicsArray
(D)Video Graphics Adapter

59.Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which data in a database system accurate and correct?
(B)data validity
(C )dataindependence
(D)data integrity

60.Which of the following file name extension suggests that the file is a back up copy of another file?

61.The EXCLUSI VK_NOR gate is equivalent to an---------------gate followed by an inverter.

62.A compound statements docs not consists of:
(A) control statements
(B) other compound statements
(C ) a single statement
(D) expression statements

63.In OSI network architecture, the routing is performed by :
(A) network layer
(B) data link layer
(C ) session layer
(D) transport layer

64. With MSDOS which command will divided the surface of blank floppy disk into sectors and assign a unique address to each one?
(A) FORMAT command
(B)FAT command
(C ) VER command
(D)CHKDSK command

65. Non modifiable procedures are called ;•
(A) concurrent procedures
(B)serially usable procedures
(C ) re-entrant procedures
(D)top down procedures

66. In which of storage placement strategics a program is placed in the smallest available hole in * the main memory?
(A)best fit
(B)worst fit
(C )first fit

Which command is used to display the top of file?
(C )more

Errors canhe found by “outsiders" during :
(A)Structured walk through
(B)alpha testing
(C )beta testing

69.Data mining is :
(A)Storing data when in need
(B)Automatic extraction of patterns of information
(C )Searching data in internet
(D)None of the above

70.-----------— is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified
(A) System software
(B) Operating system
(C ) Application software
(D) All of the above

71.First high level language : 

72.A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is 
(C )assembler

73.The memory which is ultra violet erasable and electrically programmable is 
(C ) PROM'

74.Which device of computer operation dispenses with the use of the keyboard?
(C ) light pen.
(D) touch

75.A variable thai holds the memory address of anot her object is called a :
(C ) constant
(D) memory variable

76. A central computer surrounded bv one or more satellite computers is called a : 
(A)bus network'
(B)ring network
(C )star network
(D)all the above

77.The microcomputer, Intel MCS-80 is based on the widely used Intel :
(A)8080 microprocessor
(B)8085 microprocessor
(C )80813 microprocessor
(D)8082 microprocessor

78.A technique used by codes to convert an analogue signal into a digital bit stream is known ’ as :
(A)Pulse code modulation
(B)Pulse stretcher
(C )Query processing
(D)Queue management

79.The complete picture of data stored in database is known as :
(C )System flow chart

80.Devices on one network can communicate with devices on another network via a : 
(A) file server
(B) printer server
(C ) utility server
(D) gateway

81.How many districts will be there in the proposed state of Telangana? 
(A) 15
(B) 13
(C ) 12
(D) 10

82.In which ocean, the Surgaso sea is situated? 
(A) Indian ocean (C ) Pacific ocean
(B)  Antartic ocean (D) Arctic ocean

88.The venue of 2014 winter Olympics :
(A) Russia
(B) America
(C ) Japan
(D) England

84.The stale which was firstly adopted the right to information act?
(A) Gujarat.
(B) Kerala
(C )Tamil Nadu

85.Which of the following sociul reformer of Kerala became the Minister of Thiru Kochi Mantrisnhha?
(A)Bandit K.P. Karuppan
(B)SahodHran.K. Ayyappan
(C )Ayyankali
(D)Dr. Palpu

86.The world’s first petroleum und energy studies university was launched at
(B)Uttar Pradesh
(C )Jharkhand

87.The term ‘Tiger woods’ is related to :•
(B)Volley hall
(C )Golf

88. Father of Indian nuclear science :
(A)Homi. J. Bhaba
(B)J.K.D. Tuta
(C )Dr. Raja Ranianna
(D)A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

89.The committee appointed by British government to investigate into the Jallian Wallabagh massacre :
(A) Ashok Mehta Committee
(B) Muhi Ram Saikia Committee
(C ) Hunter Committee
(D) Simon Commission

90.Lira is the coin of: 
(A) Germany    (C ) France
(B) Italy (D) Russia

91.The social reformer of India who was honoured with the title Mahatma : 
(A) E.V. Ramaswnmi Naicker
(B) Vccrasalingam
(C ) Ishwara Chandra Vidya Sagar
(D) Jyoti Rao Phule

92.'Eksima' affected which part of our body?
(A) brain 
(B) lungs
(C ) eye
(D) skin

93.The district which was firstly started the Akshaya project?
(A) Krmikulam
(B) Kottayam
(C ) Malappuram
(D) Thiruvananthapurnm

94.Which congress session decided to follow 26u’ January as independent day of India?
(A) Lahore (C ) Nagpur
(B) Lucknow (D) Surat

95. Yugantar Ashramam* is the headquarters of:
(A) Indian independence league
(B) India Home rule society
(C ) Ghadar party
(D) Abhinav Bharat society

96. June 5u,f the environmental day is celebrated on the memory of the environmental summit held by UNO in :
(A) 1980
(C ) 1972

97. The first river valley project started in India is :
(A) Damodar valley
(B)Narmada surovar
(C ) Hirakud
(D)None of these

98. ‘Uber cup' is associated with :
(A) 'Tennis
(C ) Cricket

99. Who is known as Sivarajayogi?
(A) Ayyankali
(B)Thycand Ayyaguru
(C ) Sahodarun Ayyappan
(D)Sree Narayana Guru

100. Olympic Airways is the air service of:
(A) France
(B)Japan 1
(C ) Italy

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