JUNIOR ASSISTANT - ACCOUNTS - SR FOR ST ONLY - kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.The continuous process of measuring a firm’s goods, practices and services against those of its toughest competitors is :
(C )benchmarketing
(D)none of these

2.Performance appraisal done by the appraisers like supervisors, peers, subordinates, employees themselves users of services and consultants is known as:
(A)360 performance appraisal
(B)Forced choice method
(D)Group appraisal

3.-----------committee reviewed the role, structure and operations of development financial institutions and hanks in the emerging operating environment and submitted its report in 1998:
(A) Verma Committee
(B) Narasimham committee
(C ) Khan committee
(D) None of these

4.An agreement in restraint of marriage is valid in the case of:
(C )married
(D)none of these

5.An investor must be very cautious when he is buying a share belongs to :
(A)A group
(B)S group
(C )Z group
(D)None of these

6.In which production function, the degree of homogeneity is always 1?
(A)Cobb-Douglas production function
(B)Homogeneous production function
(C )Linear Homogeneous production function
(D)None of these

7.Which of the following ratio is not used for determining the solvency of the concern? 
(A)debt-equity ratio
(B)proprietory ratio
(C )debt serviceratio
(D)creditors turnover ratio

8.Rent of owned building is :
(A)sunk cost (C ) imputed cost
(B)shut down cost (D) out of pocket cost

9.Matrix type of marketing organisation is most suited for :
(A)single product, single market situation
(B)multi product, single market situation
(C )multi product, multi market situation
(D)single product, multi market situation

10.Franco price cavers :
(A)only charges for placing the goods near the ship
(B)only the cost of loading the goods on board of the ship
(C )only cost freight and insurance
(D)all charges necessary for sending the goods to the buyers’ place of business

11.Which of the following is not an important source of power of the leader in an organisation?
(A)referent power
(B) behavioural power
(C )legitimate power
(D) coercive power

12.Which of the following bank set up its merchant banking division in 19G9 for the first time in India?
(A)State Bank of India 
(B)Grindlays Bank
(D)None of these

13.Novation means:
(A)cancellation of the existing contract
(B)change in one or more terms of the contract
(C )substitution of existing contract for a new one
(D)none of these 

14.is a tradable instrument with detachable warrant against which the holder gets
equity shares after a fixed period of time : 
(A) secured premium notes   (C ) collable bond
(B)zero coupon bond       (D) equity warrant

15.Which of the following is not aproperty of isoquant?
(A)downward sloping
(C )negative slope
(D)positive slope

16.Which of the following is a non•current liability?
(A)mortgage loan
(B)bank balance
(C )outstanding salary

17.Which of the following method is used in the control of spare parts?
(A)ABC analysis
(B) ITML analysis
(D) VED analysis

18.The aspect of marketing that deals with discouraging customers in general or a certain class of customers in particular either temporary or permanent basis, is known as :
(C )overmarketing
(D)none of these

19.-----------is a statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform
a job properly:
(A)job specification
(B)job description
(C )job classification
(D)job enrichment

20. Expansion and cont raction of currency takes place through the ---- of RBI.
(A)Banking department
(B)Currency department
(C )Credit department
(D)None of these

21.Rejecting a true null hypothesis is committing a :.
(A)Type 1 error
(B)Type 11 error
(C )Type 111 error
(D)Sampling error

22.A agrees to pay Rs. 1000 to B if it rains, and B promises to pay Rs. 1000 to A if it does not rain, this is:
(A)quasi contract
(B)contingent contract
(C )wagering agreement
(D)voidable contract.

23.A company making a public issue through book building process issues :
(A)shelf prospectus
(B)statement in lieu of prospectus
(C )deemed prospectus
(D)red-heering prospectus.

24.Grey market is an :
(A)official market
(B)unofficial market
(C )regulated market
(D)none of these

25.Price discrimination is possible in :
(A) Perfect competition
(C ) Monopolistic competition
(D)None of these

26.If an asset transferred without consideration is again transferred by the transferee, the resultant gain or loss is clubbed with the income of:
(A) Former transferor
(B)Former transferee
(C ) Latter transferee
(D)None of these

27.is calculated to find the extent to which in the business.earnings per share have been retained
(A) Dividend pay-out ratio
(B)Dividend yield ratio
(C ) Price earning ratio
(D)None of these

28.If the annual usage is 6000 units, cost of placing an order is Rs.60 and annual carrying cost per unit is Rs.2, EOQ is:
(A) 60 unit
(B)600 unit
(C ) 6000 unit
(D)300 unit

29.Sales based on verbal understanding between buyers and sellers without mentioning the rate with the understanding that buyer will pay the prevailing rate is:
(A) sale by open auction
(B)dara sale
(C ) moghum sale
(D)none of these

30.Market integration is the strategy of:
(A) Counter integration
(B)Additional segmentation
(C ) Product differentiation
(D)Concentrated marketing

31. What is the significance of the year “1926” in the development of HRM in India?
(A)The Payment of Wages Act was passed
(B)The All India Trade Union Congress was formed
(C )Indian Trade Unions Act was passed
(D)The Bombay Trade Disputes Councilliation Act was passed.

32. —-----------was established in 1990 with an objective to provide an alternate market for the securities of smaller companies.

83.If the variables are measured on nominal and ordinal scales, the tools of analysis are called ----------------statistics.
(A) parametric 
(C ) descriptive

34.A stipulation in a contract of sale of Goods whoso violation by seller gives a right of rescission to buyer, is called :
(C )condition

35.Which of the following is not a mutual fund scheme?
(A)equity schemes
(B)debt schemes
(C )balanced schemes
(D)mutual benefit schemes

36.Variables that contains data have only two categories are called-----
(C )Nominal

37.The income elasticity of demand is negative for a :
(A)positive good
(B)normal good
(C )elastic good
(D)inferior good

38.In the case of gift of movable property, tax is levied on the basis of:
(A) fair market value
(B) stamp duty value 
(C ) declared value
(D) none of these

39.The term “Caveat Emptor” means :
(A) let the seller beware
(B) let the buyer beware 
(C ) let the buyer and seller beware
(D) none of these

40.Rapid penetration strategy opted in the introduction stage of Product Life Cycle is 
(A) High price, high promotion
(B) High price, low promotion
(C ) Low price, high promotion
(D) Low price, low promotion

41.----------means shares having no face value.
(A)Sweat equity
(B)Deferred shares
(C )Equity shares
(D)No par stock

If there isno accessible sampling frame sampling is used.
(C )systematic

The threat to commit suicide amounts to :
(A)undue influence
(C )coercion

44.The principle that a company cannot lawfully do that which is beyond its powers is explained by:
(A)Doctrine of ultra vires
(B)Doctrine of indoor management
(C )Doctrine of constructive notice
(D)None of these

45.“A rupee tomorrow is worth less than a rupee today" relates to :
(A)discounting principle
(B)opportunity cost principle
(C )equimarginal principle
(D)none of these

46.Where the employee pays rent which is less than 10% of salary, HRA is :
(A)not taxable
(B)partly taxable
(C )fully taxable
(D)proportionally taxable

47.-----------scheme is more beneficial to the workers at lower levels of efficiency :
(A) Rowan
(B) Halsey
(C ) Halsey-Weir
(D) None of these

48.Who has introduced the concept of marketing-mix?
(A) N.H. Bordon'
(B) E.F.L. Brech
(C ) Henry. L. Hernam
(D) William. J. Stanton

49.Which of the following is not promotional pricing?
(A) special event pricing
(B) price leaders
(C ) superficial discounting
(D) prestige pricing

50.is a process of fixing price for an issue of securities on a feedback from potentialinvestors based on their perception about a company :
(A)tender method
(B) book building
(C ) underwritten placement
(D) none of these

51.--------samples are best suited for exploratory research.
(B) convenience
(C )judgement

52.Which of the following is not a form of delivery of goods?
(A)constructive delivery
(B)structured delivery
(C )actual delivery
(D)symbolic delivery

53.The transfer of right shares in favour of a third party is called :
(A)renouncement of shares
(B)allotment of shares
(C )transfer of shares
(D)transmission of shares

54.Take out financing is :
(A) a sort of bank financing (C ) coming under lease financing
(B) coming under hire purchase (D) none of these

55.Capital gains used for acquiring land, buildings, plant or machinery to shift the industrialundertaking to non-urban area is eligible for exemption under section----------of I.T. Act.
(A)54 A
(C )54 GA

56.Retention money is the difference between the work certified and :
(A)work uncertified
(B)contract price
(C )cash received
(D)none of these

57.In the intensive growth strategies, develop new markets for its current products is :
(A)Market penetration strategy
(B)Market development strategy
(C )Product development srategy
(D)None of these

58.The authority to implement Ecomark scheme on voluntary basis in India is :
(A) The Central Pollution Control Board 
(B) Environment and Pollution Board 
(C )Eco-planning Management Board
(D)None of these

59.Contago charge is related to :
(A)Liquidation bypayment of differences 
(B)Liquidation in fully
(C )Carry overto next settlement
(D)None of these

60.-----------scale is also called summated rating scale.
(B)Semantic differential
(C )Nominal

61.Which of the following is not representing a virtual organisation?
(A) digital organisation
(B) network organisation
(C ) modular organisation
(D) concurrent organisation

62.Dow theory is associated with : 
(A) Market analysis (C ) Fundamental analysis
(B) Technical analysis (D) All of these

63.Income tax is shared among Centre and States based on the recommendations of 
(A) Finance ministry
(B) Finance commission
(C ) Planning commission
(D) None of these

64.Supervisor’s salary is an example of: 
(A) variable cost 
(B) fixed cost
(C ) step cost
(D) semi-variable cost

65.Market orchestration is the technique of selecting :
(A)product integration
(B)additional segmentation
(C )concentrated marketing
(D)marketing mix

66.Settlement of Forward Delivery contract cannot be done through :
(A)’ liquidation in full
(B) liquidation by payment of difference
(C )carry over to the next settlement
(D)none of these

67.The listing of the accessible population from which the sample is drawn is called
(A)sample design
(B)sample block.
(C )sampling frame
(D)sampling premises

68.Long-term capital losses can be set-off against:
(A)any capital gain
(B)long-term capital gains only
(C )short-term capital gains only
(D)none of these

69.For the purpose of verification, material cost variance is equal to :
(A)material price variance + material usage variance
(B)material price variance + material yield variance
(C )material mix variance + material yield variance 
(D) material usage variance + material mix variance

70.When the buyers have too narrow an image of the brand, it is known as :
(A) under positioning error
(B) confused positioning error
(C ) doubtful positioning error
(D) overpositioning error

71.A name neither related to product, nor the producer is termed as
(A)coined name
(B)arbitrary name
(C )suggestive name
(D)none of these

72.Consumers likely to retain only that information which support their beliefs and attitudes are known as:
(A) selective exposure 
(B)selective distortion
(C ) selective retention
(D)none of the above

73.-----------was set up by RBI in 1994 for developing secondary market for Government
dated securities.

74.Coefficient of variation is developed by :
(A)Rensis Likert
(C )Pearson

75.The concept of "producer company" is based on the recommendations of committee led by :
(A) Narayana Murthy
(B) Y.B. Tandon
(C ) P.K. Gupta
(D) Y.K.Alagh

76.Venture capital Financing is :
(A)High risk low returnbusiness
(B)High risk high return business
(C )Low risk high returnbusiness
(D)None of these

77.Products which donot give immediate satisfaction to'customers, but these are beneficial in the long-run are :
(A)pleasing products
(B)satutory products
(C )desirable products
(D)deficient products

78.A projector that can project objects on to a screen at rates so fast that the viewer can not detect the message is :
(B)Eye camera
(C )Techistoscope
(D)None of these

79.Under the “Family Decision Making” model of consumer behaviour those family members who control the flow of information about a product /service are called :
(C )buyers

80.White candlestick represents :
(A)beerish trend
(B)neutral trend
(C )bullish trend
(D)none of these

81.The Keibul Lamjao National park, an integral part of Loktak lake, world’s only floating National Park, is located in the state of :
(A)Himachal Pradesh
(C )Uttarakhand
(D)West Bengal

82.Adam’s bridge connects :
(A)India and Myanmar
(B)India and Pakistan
(C )India and Srilanka
(D)India and China

83.Which of the following is known as a universal fibre?
(C )Linen

84.The Salt Satyagraha began with the began March on :
(A) 12th March 1930
(B)12th April 1930
(C ) 12th May 1930
(D) 12th June 1930

85.Central statistical organisation is located in 
(A) Mumbai 
(B) Bangalore
(C ) Delhi
(D) Kolkata

86.Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyan) was launched on 5 November 2013 using the space vehicle :
(A) PSLV-CA-9 
(C ) PSVL-XL-22

87.Prime Minister of India inaugurated Sardar Vallabhai Patel national museum on 29 October 2013 :
(A) New Delhi 
(B) Kolkata
(C ) Guwahati

88.Sachin Tendulkar, the cricket icon of India, hid farewell to cricket matches after the final test against:
(A) Australia
(B)West Indies
(C )Newzealand
(D) England

89.The Bollywood actress who was honoured in the house of commons in London in October 2013 :
(A) Priyanka Chopra 
(B)Aishwarya Rai
(C ) Kareena Kapoor
(D)Deepika Padukone

90.The autobiography "Kathayillathavante katha'1 which got Kendra Sahithya academy award was written by:
(A) Attoor Ravivarma
(C )P. Ramachandran
(D) M.N. Palooru

91.Kasturirangan panel recommended a ban on developmental activities in ecologically sensitive area spread over six states of India. Which of the following states does not came under the reference of Kasturirangan panel report?
(A) Karnataka
(B) Goa
(C )Maharashtra
(D) Andra Pradesh

92. Kerala coast was affected by the Indian ocean Tsunami for the first time in :
(A) 2000
(C ) 2004

93.Bekal fort of Kasargod in Kerala was constructed by :
(A) Shivappa Nayak
(B)Tipu Sultan
(C ) Bhaskara Ravi II
(D)Ikkeri Nayak

94.Which of the following is an east flowing river inKerala?
(A) Pamba
(C ) Pambar

95.Attappadi reserve forest is in the district of:
(A) Wayanad
(C ) Thrissur

96.Which of the following renaissance leader is referred to as Sampooranathevan?
(A) Thycaud Ayya
(B)Ayya Vaikundar
(C ) Kumara Guru
(D)Chattampi Swami

97.Velutheri Kesavan Vaidhyan was one of the disciples of:
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Chattampi Swami
(C ) Thycaud Ayya
(D)Brahmananda Sivayogi

98.Who among the following was a leader of VaikomSatyagraha?
(A) T. K. Madhavan
(B)A.K. Gopalan
(C ) Barrister G.P. Pillai
(D)C. Kesavan

99.”Vedadhikara Niroopanam was written by :
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Kumara Guru
(C ) Chattampi Swami
(D)Pandit Karuppan

100.'Malayalce memorial' was submitted before :
(A) Swathy Thirunal
(B)Rani Gouri Lakshmi Bhai
(C ) Ayilyam Thirunal
(D)Sree Moolam Thirunal

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