JR HEALTH INSPECTOR GR-II - NCA - SIUC AI - kerala psc previous question paper

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1. Who gave the title "Pulaya Raja" to Ayyankali ?
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(B) Tagore
(C ) Gandhiji
(D) Chattambi Swamikal

2. The Government of India has declared 2013 as the year of:
(A) Water Conservation
(B)Energy Conservation
(C ) Environmental Protection
(D) Forest Conservation

3. Reserve Bank of India established in :
(C )1933

4."Be Prepared" is the molo of :
(A) Red Cross
(B) Scout and Guides 
(C ) National Literacy Mission
(D) National 5ervice Scheme

5.Who got the Saraswathi Samman recently ?
(A)Bala Maniyamma
(B)Vijaya Lakshmi
(C )SugathaKumari
(D)Madhavi Kutty

6.Birth place of Sree Narayana Guru :
(C )Sivagiri

7.Hortus Malabaricus was an ancient plant encyclopedia written in :
(A) English
(B) Portuguese 
(C ) French

8.Who is known as "Kerala Gandhi" ? 
(A) K. Kelappan 
(C ) A.K. Gopalan
(D)Mannath Padmanabhan

9.The New Governor of Kerala :
(A)T.N. Chathurvedi
(B)R.S. Gavai
(C )Raghu Nandan Lal Bhaliya
(D)Nikhil Kumar

10.The Central Government powers arc enumerated in the :
(C )Unionlist 
(D)Federal list

11.Who wrote the book "The harmonies of the world" ?
(A)Issac Newton
(B)Johannes Kepler
(C )Einstein
(D)Giordanno Bruno

12.Temple entry proclamation was issued in :
(C )1891

13.November 10th was declared by United Nations as :
(A)World Water Day
(B)World Malala Day
(C )World Population Day
(D)World Youth Day

14.Gandhiji visited Kerala in association with :
(A)Vaikkom satyagraha
(B)Salt satyagraha
(C )Guruvayoor satyagraha
(D)Nivarthana prakshobham

15.The architect of Cochin port:
(A) Robert Brito 
(B) Colonel Munro 
(C ) Captain William Hawkins
(D) Indira Gandhi

16.The first Indian to get pulitzer prize :
(A)Jhumpa Lahiri
(C ) S.Jaipal Reddy
(D)Jamyang Nobu

17.Who founded Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham ?
(A)Sree NarayanaGuru
(C )Ayyankali

18.Where is the Sea of Tranquility ?
(C )Pluto

19.India's first all women post office was inagurated at:
(C )Kolkata

20.The first Indian made air craft carrier :
(A)INS Virrat
(B)INS Vikrant 
(C )INS Sindhu Rakshak
(D)INS Shankul

21.The medicines used to relieve pain includes :
(C ) antipyretics 
(D) antibiotics

22.Which element has low electro negativity ?
(C )lithium

23.The unit of force is :
(C )Farad

24.One of the raw materials used in the manufacture of glass :
(C )silica

25.Which instrument works on the basis of motor principle ?
(A)loud speaker
(C )transformer

26.Units of energy consumed when a 40 W bulb glows continuously for 5 hours ?
(C )20

27.Name the process used for the preparation of aluminium :
(A) Ostwald process
(B)Haber process
(C ) Contact process
(D) Hall-Heroult process

28.One half of a circular disk is painted yellow and the other half is painted blue, when rotates high speed it appears :
(A) blue
(B) yellow
(C ) red
(D) white

29.The coil of conducting wire which can resist variation of electric current in a circuit : 
(A) capacitor
(B) resistor
(C ) inductor
(D) transistor

30.Which is not included in thermo setting plastics ?
(A) plastic
(B) polythene 
(C ) bakelite
(D) nylon

31. In plants pollen grains are produced by 
(A) Flower
(B) Anther
(C ) Carpel
(D) Stigma

32. Disease wiped out from earth by Vaccination :
(A) Tuberculosis 
(B) Chicken-pox 
(C ) Plague
(D) Small-pox

33. The product of photosynthesis is _ 
(A) Oxygen
(B) Starch
(C ) Amino acid 
(D) Glucose

34.__________is observed as "The Earth Day".
(A) April 22
(B) June 5
(C ) October 7
(D) December 2

35. An animal cell without nucleus : 
(A) Nerve cells (C ) Red blood cells
(B) White blood cells (D) Bone cell

36. The hormone pair that controls blood glucose level:
(A) Insulin : Thyroxine
(B) Insulin : Glucagon
(C ) Insulin : Cortisol
(D) Glucagon : Adrenaline

37.Complete loss of memory is the symptom of__________.
(B) Paralysis
(C ) Epilepsy
(D) Parkinson

38.An egglaying mammal :
(A) Finch
(B) Kangaroo 
(C ) Echidna
(D) Wombat

39.The well accepted double helical model of DNA was proposed by :
(A) Johannsen
(B) James Watson and Francis Crick
(C ) William Bateson
(D) Marshall Nirenberg and Har gobind Khorana

40.The tissue found on the soft parts of a plant:
(C )Sclerenchyma

41.Who is regarded as the Father of Medicine ?
(C )Hippocrates

42.All cases of a disease (old and new) in an area is known as :
(C )Attack rate

43.Swine flu influenza is caused by the virus :
(A) HN,
(B) H5Nl
(C ) H3N1
(D) H3N2

44, Rice water typo of stool is seen in :
(A) Hepatitis
(B) Cholera
(C ) Typhoid
(D) Amoebiasis

45. The Current Birth rate of India is : 
(A) 22/1000
(C )28/1000
(D) 30/1000

46.'The drug used for Chemoprophylaxis of leptospirosis is :
(A) Amoxicilline 
(B) Doxycycline 
(C ) Chloroquine 
(D) Proguanil

47.Opportunistic infection leading to pneumonia in an AIDS patient is caused by :
(B)Cytomegalo virus
(C )Pneumocystis carini

48.The No. of iron and folic acid tablets which a lady has to consume during her pregnancy is :
(C )150

49.The act made in India to prevent food adulteration is :
(A)Codex Alimentarius
(B)PFA Act
(C )ISI Act
(D)The Agmark Act

50.A mosquito larvicide which can be used in domestic water is :
(A)Paris Green
(C )Aldrin

51.A subcentre caters to a population of:
(C )5000

52.DOTS treatment is associated with :
(A) Hepatitis
(B) Tuberculosis 
(C ) Trachoma 
(D) Tetanus

53.The period before the appearance of antibodies in the body after the entry of HIV virus is known as :
(A)Incubation period
(B)Latent period
(C )Serial interval
(D)Window period

54.Human Development Index includes all except:
(A)Infant mortality rate
(B)Life expectancy at birth
(C )Adult literacy rate
(D)Real GDP

55.A disease transmitted through contact is called as :
(A)contagious disease
(B)endemic disease
(C )pandemic disease
(D)exotic disease

56.Fast breathing in a child less than 2 months is diagnosed, when the respiratory rate is more than :
(C )50/mint

57.How many virus serotypes have been identified for dengue virus ?
(C )5

58.The most widespread rickettsial infection in man is :
(A) Epidemic Typhus 
(B) Endemic Typhus 
(C ) Scrub Typhus
(D) Q - fever

59.Rule of halves is associated with : 
(A) Coronary heart disease
(B) Hypertension 
(C ) Diabetes mellitus
(D) Cancer

60.Pearl index is associated with : 
(A) air pollution index
(B) water chlorination efficacy 
(C ) contraceptive efficacy
(D) nutritive value of milk

61.Number of deaths among children less than one year per no. of live births is known as :
(A) Infant mortality rate
(B) Perinatal mortality rate
(C ) Still birth rate
(D) Neonatal mortality rate

62.The minimum recommended concentration of free chlorine in water for one hour is :
(A)0.2 mg/L
(B)0.3 mg/L
(C )0.4 mg/L
(D)0.5 mg/L

63.The colour used to segregate sharp hospital waste for disposal is :
(C )Red

64.Headquarters of WHO is at:
(C )New York

65.World Health Day is on :
(A)July 7
(B)April 7
(C )October 7
(D)May 7

66.Maximum period for which a vaccine can be stored in a PI IC is :
(A)one month
(B)2 months
(C )3 months
(D)4 months

67.Microfilaria in mosquito exhibits which form of development ?
(B)Cyclo - propagative
(C )Cyclo - developmental

68.How many months of treatment is required for category 1 Tuberculosis ?
(A)5 months
(B)6 months
(C )7 months
(D)8 months

69.Malarial parasite which is mostly restricted to Karnataka state of India is :
(A)Plasmodium Vivax
(B)Plasmodium Falciparum
(C )Plasmodium Malariae
(D)Plasmodium Ovale

70.Tetanus occurring in newborn is known as :
(A)Newborn Tetanus
(B)Infant Tetanus
(C )Childhood Tetanus
(D)Neonatal Tetanus

71.All are screening tests for breast cancer except:
(A)Breast self examination
(C )Thermography
(D)Pap smear

72.Contraceptive which provides protection against sexually transmitted disease is :
(A) Intrauterine devices
(B) Condom
(C ) Oral pills
(D) Injectable contraceptives

73.All arc beneficiaries of I CDS scheme except:
(A)Pregnant women
(B)Nursing mothers
(C )Children 6-11 years
(D)Women 15-45 years

74.Which of the following test is used for Bacteriological surveillance of drinking water ?
(A)Orthotolidine test
(B)Phosphatase test
(C )Presumptive coliform test
(D)Methelenc Blue test

75.The time limit for registering Birth and Death in India is :
(A)10 days
(B)15 days
(C )18 days
(D)21 days

76.Janani Suraksha Yojana is implemented through :
(A)National Anti - Malaria Programme
(B)National leprosy Control Programme
(C )National Rural Health Mission
(D)Integrated Disease Surveillance Project

77.NRHM bring Indian system of Medicine to mainstream health care with the name :
(A) Vandcmataram scheme
(B)Kishori Shakti Yojana 
(C ) Ayush
(D) Janani Suraksha Yojana

78.Immunization Ls :
(A) Health Promotion
(B) Specific Protection 
(C ) Farly Diagnosis and Treatment
(D) Disability Limitation

79.All are strategies of polio - eradication in India except:
(A) Pulse polio Immunization
(B)Routine Immunization
(C ) Outbreak Immunization
(D) 50 days follow - up

80.Drug used for Mass drug administration in Filariasis is :
(A) Diethylcarbamazine
(B)Benzyl Pencilline
(C ) Artesunate
(D) Clotrimazole

81.Which is the disease for which syndromic management is given ?
(B)Sexuallytransmitted diseases
(C )Leprosy

82.According to WHO Diabetes is diagnosed when Fasting blood sugar value is more than :
(A)126 mg/dl
(B)140 mg/dl
(C )110 mg/dl
(D)180 mg/dl

83.Early registration of pregnancy is when pregnancy is registered before :
(A)10 weeks
(B)11 weeks
(C )12 weeks
(D)13 weeks

84.Beriberi is caused by the deficiency of vitamin :
(C )C

85.Waste water from a community which contain solid and liquid excreta is known as :
(C )Roughage
(D)None oftheabove

86.Which is the current five year plan ?
(A)12th plan
(B)14th plan
(C )10th plan
(D)11th plan

87.First dose of Vitamin A is given along with which vaccine ?
(A)BCG vaccine
(B)Polio vaccine
(C )Measles vaccine
(D)DPT vaccine

88.Peripheral health workers use_____________for reporting under the Integrated Disease
Surveillance Project.
(A)S form
(B)L form
(C )P form
(D)C form

89.Validity of a screening test includes all except:
(C )Repeatability
(D)Predictive value

90.Koplik's spot is seen in :
(C )Rubella

91.The constituents of reduced osmolarity ORS are all except:
(A)Sodium Chloride
(B)Potassium Chloride
(C )Sodium Carbonate
(D)Trisodium Citrate

92.All these are used in local management of animal bite injury except:
(A)Immediate washing of wound
(B)Treatment with virucidal agent
(C )Immediate suturing
(D)Injection with immunoglobulin

93.A leprosy patient having 1-5 skin lesion is known as :
(A)Mild leprosy case
(B)Paud - bacillary leprosycase
(C )Moderate leprosy case
(D)Multi - bacillary leprosycase

94.The number of females per 1000 males is known as :
(A)Male ratio
(B)Female ratio
(C )Gender ratio
(D)Sex ratio

95.A low birth weight baby is the baby whose birth weight is less than :
(A)1.0 kg
(B)1.5 kg
(C )2.0 kg
(D)2.5 kg

96.Rice is a :
(C )Millet

97.The Vector of Malarial Parasite is :
(A)Aedes Mosquito
(B)Mansonoides Mosquito
(C )Anopheles Mosquito
(D)Culex Mosquito

98.The first goal of Millennium development goal is :
(A) Reduce Child Mortality
(B) Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
(C ) Improve Maternal Health
(D) Combat HIV/AIDS

99.A substance which neutralize/suppresses bad odours is :
(C )Deodorant

100.Extra Calorie requirement during pregnancy is :
(A)150 k cal/day
(B)350 k cal/day
(C )550 k cal/day
(D)650 k cal/day

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JR HEALTH INSPECTOR GR-II - NCA - SIUC AI - kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 03-05-2017, 04:36 PM

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