JPHN GR-II - HEALTH SERVICE AND MCS - ALL DIST kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Test to determine the adequacy of chlorination of water :
(A) Benedict's test
(B)Hay's test
(C ) Ortho-tolidine test
(D)Presumptive coliform test

2.Weil's disease is caused by a :
(A) virus 
(C ) fungi

3.The tenth five year plan started in the year :
(A) 2000
(C ) 2002

4.Children aged 1 to 3 years should have their weight checked once in :
(A) three months
(B)four months
(C ) five months
(D)six months

5.Health for all by 2000 was launched by World Health Assembly in :
(A) 1974
(C ) 1980

6.Lung disease caused by cotton fibre dust:
(A) bagassosis
(C ) silicosis

7.World Health day is celebrated on :
(A) 7th April .
(B)March 8th
(C ) May 12th
(D)Nov. 14th

8.Which is the ‘good' cholesterol?

9.Which is the vaccination given against tuberculosis?

10.Which virus causes swine flu?
(C )Epstein Barr Virus

11. One table spoon =-----------------mI
(C )10

12.In fowler's position the patient is placed at an angle of
(C )503—60°

13.The suffix ‘itis means :
(C )inflammation

14.The word ‘Cardiac1 is related to :
(C )brain

15.Bleeding from the nose is called :
(C )epispadiasis

16.‘Rice water stools’ is specific of:
(B)rota virus diarrhoea 
(C )cholera

17.One Kilogram =------------------pounds.
(C )2.4

18. Vitamin -A deficiency can lead to :
(A) Beri-beri
(C ) Night blindness

19..Which one is NOT a good source of Vitamin*C?
(A) Tomato
(C ) Lemon

20.Which of the following prevent absorption of iron?
(A) tea
(C ) guava

21.Which is NOT a source of iodine?
(A) cereals
(B)sea fish
(C ) cabbage
(D)sea salt.

22.Weaning should be started by :
(A) 2-3 months
(B)5-6 months
(C ) 10-12 months
(D)after 12 months

23.Oralthrush is caused by :
(A) Candida albicans
(B)Campylobacter Jejuni
(C ) Clostridium tetani

24.Chromosomal abnormality in downs syndrome :
(A) Trisomy 13
(B)Trisomy 18
(C ) Trisomy 21
(D)44 xO

25.How many cranial nerves originate within the brain?
(A) S'
(C ) 14
(D)12 .

26.Which one of the following is NOT a method of composting?
(A) aerobic
(C ) mechanical
(D)controlled tipping

27. Which one is NOT a physical method of sterilisation? .
(A) boiling
(C ) autoclaving

28.A drug that is given sublingually forheart attack:•
(A) nitro furantoin
(C ) sodium nitro prusside

29.Drug used against worms :
(A) mebendazole
(C ) Lasix

30.Drugs that relieve pain are called :
(A) antipyretics
(C ) anti emetics
(D)anti tussives

31.Instrument used to measure blood pressure is called :
(A) thermometer
(C ) fibro optic endoscope

32.Inflammation of stomach is called :
(A) glossitis
(C ) gastritis

33.Which vitamin is preserved dunng parboiling of rice?
(A) Vit B1
(B)Vit D2
(C ) VitA

34.Gout is the hereditary disease resulting from the defective metabolism of:
(A) pyruvic acid
(B)carbonic acid
(C ) nitric acid
(D)uric add

35.Child helpline number:
(A) 1890
(C ) 1098

36.Strength of normal saline is :
(A) 0.5%
(C ) 0.7%

37.Normal blood pressure is :
(A) 130/80 mmHg
(B)120/90 mmHg
(C ) 120/80 mmHg
(D)110/90 mmHg

38.The word ‘osteo’ - is related to :
(A) check
(C ) blood

39.The stoppage of breathing is called :
(A) apnoea
(C ) anorexia

40.Stool of new horns is called :
(A) meconium
(C ) redcurrant jelly stools
(D)transitional stools

41.Antitussives are given for :
(A) decreasing gastric acids 
(B)relieving temperature
(C ) clotting of blood
(D)decreasing cough

42. Which of the following signs suggest that the circulation to the distal extremity is affected after a bandage is applied to an extremity?
(A)warm hands or legs 
(B)pink skin of the hands or legs 
(C ) full range of motion of extremities
(D) swollen or congested limb

43.Haemoglobin estimation can be done by :
(A)Snellen's chart 
(B)Sahli's method 
(C ) Rothera test
(D) Nitric acid test

44.Shakir's tape is used to measure :
(A) height
(B)midarm circumference 
(C ) head circumference
(D) weight

45.In the hot test for urine sugar the yellowish colour change represents :
(C )1.5%

46.Which of the following disease is NOT transmitted by a vector?
(C )Kala azar

47.Lead chromate powder is used as an adulterant in :
(A) chilli powder
(B) pepper powder
(C )coffee powder
(D)turmeric powder

48.The temperature at which milk is kept holder method of pasteurisation is
(C )70-72°C

49.The second dose of 2 lakhs international units of Vitamin A is given at: (A) 12 months
(B) 18 months
(C ) 24 months
(D) 30 months

50.World Health Organisation came into, being in :
(A) 1946
(B) 1948
(C ) 1950
(D) 1952

51.Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is :
(A)Mental age x 1M(B)
Chronological age
Mental age + IM(D)
(B)Chronological age
(C )Chronological age Mental age
(D)Chronological age Mental age

52.Expected Date of Delivery is :
(A)Last Menstrual Period (LMP) + 9 months - 7 days .
(B)LMP + 9 months
(C )LMP + 9 months + 7 days 
(D) LMP + 7 months + 9 daysx 100 - 100

53.The number of foetal movements felt during day time of 12 hours in an antenatal mother should be at least:
(A) 4
(B) 7
(C ) 10
(D) 13

54.Foetoscope is used to check : 
(A) Foetal heart rate (C ) Foetal weight
(B) Foetal length (D) Foetal movements

55.Normal foetal heart rate is between : 
(C )160-180

56.Rectal injection of a liquid for cleansing is called :
(A) bowel wash,
(B) proctoscopy
(C ) sigmoidoscopy
(D) enema

57.In a pregnant mother the fundus is at the level of umbilicus by :
(A)18 weeks
(B)20 weeks
(C )24 weeks
(D)28 weeks

58.The most common presentation of fetus is :
(C )breech

59.The tetanus toxoid injection for a pregnant mother should be given at an interval of:
(A)3 months
(B)2 months
(C )1 month
(D)1 week

60.An antenatal mother should be registered : 
(A) after the labour has started 
(B)as soon as the pregnancy is detected
(C ) at 6th month
(D)at 3rd month

61.During 7 to 9 months of pregnancy the antenatal mother should visit the clinic: 
(A) monthly
(B) twice a month
(C )weekly
(D) daily

62.Who is a toddler?
(A) 0-1 year 
(B)1-3 years
(C ) 3-6 years
(D) 6-12 years

63.Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in pregnant mother can lead to:
(A) large baby
(B) small baby
(C ) normal baby
(D) small headed and large bodied baby

64.What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

65.The head circumference of a normal new born is. approximately:
(C )40 cms
(D)35 cms

66.Infantometer is used to check the :
(A)mid arm circumference
(B) head circumference 
(C )chest circumference
(D) length

67.A baby will be able to hold its head by :
(A)1 month
(B)3 months
(C )9 months
(D)11 months

68.Universal Immunisation programme was launched in India in :
(C )1985

69. HiB vaccine is given against:
(A) Hacmophillus influenzae
(B)Influenza virus
(C ) Hepatitis B virus
(D)Hepatitis A virus

70.In National Immunisation Schedule the measles vaccination is given at:
(A) 14 weeks
(B)» 1 1/2  years
(C ) 4-1/2 years
(D)9 months

71.Oral Rehydration salt hasgrams of sodium chloride.
(A) 3.6
(C ) 2.9

72.One ml =drops.
(A) 45
(C ) 60

73.The organ that is responsible for maintenance of blood sugar is :
(A) pancreas
(C ) brain

74.The longest bone in our body :
(A) Tibia
(C ) Femur

75.Removal of uterus:
(A) Laparotomy
(C ) Cystectomy

76.The disease that is transmitted by sand fly :
(A) Plague
(C ) Kala azar

77.Needle like structure that the mosquito usesto bite :
(A) proboscis
(C ) siphon tube

78. Example of an intra-utcrinc device :
(A) Mala-N
(C ) DM PA
(D)Copper-T i

79.Simon-Binet test is used in :
(A) motivation
(C ) aptitude

80.The anti tubercular drug that harms the auditory nerve :
(A) Rifampicin
(C ) Streptomycin

81.The city where the leaders of 159 nations met together to accept a world trade agreement recently:
(A) Bali
(C ) New York

82.The state in India where the longest tunnel for transportation located is :
(A) Maharashtra
(C ) Jammu & Kashmir
(D)West Bengal

83.The youngest person to receive ‘Bharat Ratna' is:
(A) C.V. Raman
(B)Sachin Tendulkar
(C ) Indira Gandhi
(D)M.G. Ramachandran

84.Present Chief Justice of India is :•
(A) J.P. Sadasivam
(B)J. Manjula Chelloor
(C ) J. A.S. Anand
(D)J.K.T. Thomas

85.The novelist who won the Vallathol award in 2013:
(A) M.D. Vasudevan Nair
(B)T. Padmanabhan
(C ) O.V. Vijayan
(D)Perumpadavam Sreedharan

86.Ozone Day is celebrated on :
(A)June 5
(C ) September 16
(D) November 11

87.The constitutional amendment that enforced Panchayati Raj Act in India : .
(C )67“

88.Sun rays fall vertically in India on :
(A)June 21
(B)September 23
(C )December 22

89.The national leader who formulated the famous ‘drain theory’ on the English economic exploitation :
(A)Bipin Chandrapal
(B)B.G. Tilak
(C )DadabhaiNaoroji

90.The continental Ballistic missile, India test fired successfully with a range to cover whole Asia is:
(A)Agni IV
(B)Agni V
(C )Agni VI
(D)Agni 111

91.The author of the book ‘Onnekalkodi Malayalikal’: which supported the demand for United Kerala is
(A) E:M.S. Namboodirippad
(B) A.K. Gopalan
(C ) T.K. Madhavan
(D) T.V. Thomas

92.The peasant revolt in Kayyoor took place in the year :
(C )1945

93.The social reformer of Kerala in the 19,H century’ who greatly influenced the channar community in their struggle for the right to wear upper clothes :
(A)Chattampi Swamikal
(C )VivekanandaSwamikal

94. The leader who lead the procession from Vaikkom to Trivandrum in support to the agitation for throwing the road open for all Hindus :
(A) Mannath Padmanahhan
(B) T.K. Madhavan
(C ) K. Kelappan
(D) K.P. Kesava Menon

95. The volunteer captain of Guruvayoor Satyagraha was :
(A) A.K. Pillai (C ) A.K. Gopalan
(B) P. Krishna Pillai (D) T. Subrahmanian

96. The temple entry proclamation was issued by : 
(A) Marthanda Varma (C ) Swathi Tirunal
(B) Chithira Tirunal Balarama Varma (D) Sreemulam Tirunal

97. The oldest newspaper in Kerala is :
(A) Malaysia Manorama
(B) Mathru Bhoomi
(C ) Deshabhimani
(D) Deepika

98. Sathujana Paripalana Yogam was started by : 
(A) Ayyankali (C ) C. Kesavan
(B) Sree Narayana Guru (D) Dri Palppu

99. Primary education was made compulsory in Travancore by :
(A) Rama Varma
(B) Rani Lakshmi Bai
(C ) Rani Gauri Parvathi Bhai
(D) Srcemulam Tirunal

100. The last visit of Gandhiji to Kerala took place in :
(A) 1925
(C ) 1934
(D) 1939

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