Gesture recognition

Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate from any bodily motion or state but commonly originate from the face or hand. Current focuses in the field include emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition. Many approaches have been made using cameras and computer vision algorithms to interpret sign language. However, the identification and recognition of posture, gait, proxemics, and human behaviors is also the subject of gesture recognition techniques Gesture recognition can be seen as a way for computers to begin to understand human body language, thus building a richer bridge between machines and humans than primitive text user interfaces or even GUIs (graphical user interfaces), which still limit the majority of input to keyboard and mouse. Gesture recognition enables humans to interface with the machine (HMI) and interact naturally without any mechanical devices. Using the concept of gesture recognition, it is possible to point a finger at the computer screen so that the cursor will move accordingly. This could potentially make conventional input devices such as mouse, keyboards and even touch-screens redundant.

Gesture recognition can be conducted with techniques from computer vision and image processing.
i want full info plz send me to vijaykreddy86[at]
it wud b really helpful if cud u send me a detailed seminar report of gesture recognition as well as human area network.

plz do send the reports on amrita.asok[at]
Hi, visit this thread for human area network full report:
Gesture recognition
This is a field which interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate from any bodily motion or state but commonly originate from the face or hand. The current areas of focus in this field are emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition. This technology allows the human beings to interface with the machine (HMI) and interact naturally without any mechanical devices. Controlling a cursor using the gesture could be an example which can displace the devices like the mouse, keyboards and even touch-screens .

Uses of Gesture recognition

-For socially assistive robotics: By reading the accelerometers and gyros sensors in the patient's body the robots can assist in patient rehabilitation in cases such as stroke.

-Sign language recognition.:
esture recognition software can transcribe the symbols represented through sign language into letters of text.

-Control through facial gestures.:computer can be controlled through facial gestures. Eye tracking in particular may be of use for controlling cursor motion

-Directional indication through pointing:has application sin the field of robotics.

-Immersive game technology
-Virtual controllers etc:

Input devices

Depth-aware cameras.: a depth map of the image , then a 3d representation can be helpful in gesture recoggnition in short range

Controller-based gestures: motion can becaptured by software

image noise., quality of the equipment used are the major challenges.

for more details, refer:
This article is presented by:
Sunny Dwivedi
Bhaskar Pal
Ajit Yadav

Gesture recognition

Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the goal of interpreting human gesture via mathematical algorithms. Gesture can originate from any bodily motion or state but commonly originate from face or hand. Current focuses in the field of
Using Neural network a simple and fast algorithm will be developed to work on a workstation. It will recognize static hand gestures, namely, a subset of American Sign Language (ASL).
A pattern recognition system emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition. will be using a transform that converts an image into a feature vector, which will then be compared with the feature vectors of a training set of gestures. The final system will be implemented with a Perceptron network.
The scope of this project is to create a method to recognize hand gestures, based on a pattern recognition technique developed by McConnell; employing histograms of local orientation. The orientation histogram will be used as a feature vector for gesture classification and interpolation.

High priority for the system is to be simple without making use of any special hardware. All the computation should occur on a workstation or PC. Special hardware would be used only to digitize the image (scanner or digital camera).

Since the introduction of the most common input computer devices not a lot have changed. This is probably because the existing devices are adequate. It is also now that computers have been so tightly integrated with everyday life, that new applications and hardware are constantly introduced. The means of communicating with computers at the moment are limited to keyboards, mice, light pen, trackball, keypads etc. These devices have grown to be familiar but inherently limit the speed and naturalness with which we interact with the computer.
As the computer industry follows Moore’s Law since middle 1960s, powerful machines are built equipped with more peripherals. Vision based interfaces are feasible and at the present moment the computer is able to “see”. Hence users are allowed for richer and user friendly man-machine interaction. This can lead to new interfaces that will allow the deployment of new commands that are not possible with the current input devices. Plenty of time will be saved as well. Recently, there has been a surge in interest in recognizing human hand gestures. Handgesture recognition has various applications like computer games, machinery control (e.g. crane), and thorough mouse replacement. One of the most structured sets of gestures belongs to sign language. In sign language, each gesture has an assigned meaning (or meanings).
Computer recognition of hand gestures may provide a more natural-computer interface, allowing people to point, or rotate a CAD model by rotating their hands. Hand gestures can be classified in two categories: static and dynamic. A static gesture is a particular hand configuration and pose, represented by a single image. A dynamic gesture is a moving gesture, represented by a sequence of images. We will focus on the recognition of static images.
Interactive applications pose particular challenges. The response time should be very fast. The user should sense no appreciable delay between when he or she makes a gesture or motion and when the computer responds. The computer vision algorithms should be reliable and work for different people.
There are also economic constraints: the vision-based interfaces will be replacing existing ones, which are often very low cost. A hand-held video game controller and a television remote control each cost about $40. Even for added functionality, consumers may not want to spend more. When additional hardware is needed the cost is considerable higher. Academic and industrial researchers have recently been focusing on analyzing images of people.

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Well this is absolutely new for me and for what purpose the term 'gesture recognition' is used in technology. I want to know about this. Please can anyone explain it to me.
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?How To write down A Superb Essay About Anything
You can find an assumption inside the world that an essay is something literary you be able to write for school about a topic that no 1 but your teacher will ever care about. At very first glance, the dictionary does nothing to allay that feeling. The very initially definition is of “a short literary composition over a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative.”
The reality, if any of you have look at a blog fairly recently, is usually that essays should be a lot of in excess of that. They tend to be anything really. And listed here, the dictionary comes to our aid. The second definition of an essay is “anything resembling this sort of a composition.” So really, essays are written compositions about anything.
Unfortunately, they could also be annoying, tedious and obnoxious. Whether it is a great school essay, a college research paper or even an important office memo at your new job, at any given moment chances are you’d probably rather not be doing it. And then the fact that you just Really have to do it just adds to the misery.
The stress of it all has twenty different things going on into your head at once: Where to get started on? What do I create about? How do I keep the momentum? What about pacing? I will need a awesome grade, or a promotion, Which has a RAISE, a lot is riding on this!
Calm yourself. Composing the perfect paper, the kickass memo, the stellar essay — about ANYTHING — just isn't only viable, it is straightforward.
What Is My Secret?
An essay is often a lot like a military procedure. It takes discipline, foresight, research, strategy, and, if done right, ends in total victory. That’s why I stole my formula from an ancient military tactic, invented by the Spartans (the guys while in the movie 300 ). This tactic was a favorite of perfect generals like Brasidas and Xenophon (an actual student of Socrates) and was deployed successfully in combat countless times. I figure: if this a person trick can protect a ten thousand-man march through hostile territory, country after country, it can probably show results for something as silly and temporary as a paper or an essay.
We’re going to implement this tactic as a metaphor — also a really good term to utilize in our essays — to the structural aspects of our essay. It will permit us to forget your teacher’s boring prompt. Forget “Commentary/Concrete Detail/Commentary/Concrete Detail” and all that nonsense.
Here’s Xenophon talking about this tactic in his Anabasis:
It would be safer for us to march with the hoplites forming a hollow square, so that the baggage and therefore the general crowd would be even more secure inside. If, then, we are told now who should be while in the front of your square and who organize the leading detachments, and who should be over the two flanks, and who should be responsible to the rear.
Basically, their tactic was this: to successfully march or retreat, the general brings his troops together in an outward facing square with their supplies and wounded with the middle in addition to the strongest troops for the front and back again. As they moved absent from unfavorable ground, the men would defend their side, stepping out only slightly to meet their attackers and then retreating immediately back again to the safety of your shape. And thus they have been completely impenetrable, able to travel fluidly in the process as slowly demoralize the attacking army. As Xenophon wrote, the idea was that having prepared a hollow square in advance, “we should not will have to plan [everything defense related] once the enemy is approaching but could immediately make use of those who have been specially detailed with the job.”
My method operates the same. Consider your introduction since the creator on the shape, and then the following paragraphs making up every single side. They venture outwards when called to, but never abandon the safety on the formation entirely. It is mostly a course of action of constant realignment, maintaining the square in the slightest degree expenses. In terms of “crafting,” you may need only to produce a handful of original sentences to the entire essay: a thesis, a theme, a mini-thesis that begins each and every paragraph plus a concluding sentence that says what it all indicates. Everything else is definitely a variation of these four sentences in some way. Together they produce the square, and this serves since the point of return — very much like Chuck Palahniuk’s concept of “chorus lines” (see Fight Club, where, whenever the plot gets off track, he immediately comes again to something like, “I am Jack’s perception of rejection”). The idea is to keep the reader protected, just the troops flowing in and out from the square kept the hollow middle, and thus the whole square, safe.
Obtaining Started
Let’s say you’re a large school student taking English or a college student stuck inside a writing-intensive core class. You’re going to will have to craft a paper. It is just a fact of life. So instead of fighting it, let’s just help it become as simple as doable.
The outline I’m about to give you is rather simple. Essentially, the format requires just six original sentences plus the rest is nothing over reiteration and aid in the ideas in those original sentences. Just like the tactics of Brasidas, you forge the rudimentary shape with the introduction and then all that’s left is defense — everybody under the sun (every word) knows their job.
No longer is the professor grading you in terms on the prompt, due to the fact you have redefined the dynamic on your terms. You have taken the prompt and made it your have. By emphatically laying out your very own rules and track, excellence is achieved simply by following them. You spot the reader with the middle on the square, protected by all sides, and methodically move them forward, defending doubts and objections as they arise.
I’ll go into unique examples soon, but here’s a hypothetical outline for a five-page paper:
1. Begin by using a broad, conclusive hook. This will be the meta-theme in the paper. Example from the paper in the Fantastic Gatsby . “When citizens exhibit a flagrant disregard of morality and law, societies rather quickly crumble.”
two. Thesis. This needs to specify and codify the hook in relation to the prompt/subject. Ex: “This atmosphere as demonstrated in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The nice Gatsby — with blatant corruption and illegal activity — inevitably appears to be to become all but incompatible which includes a meaningful incarnation within the American Dream.”
3. A particular sentence laying foundation for to begin with body paragraph. (These are mini-theses for every point you will argue.) Ex: Though Gatsby was a bootlegger, he was driven by hope and love, rather than the greed that motivated his status-obsessed guests.
four. An individual Sentence for second body paragraph. (Just like the sentence you just did)
5. A particular sentence for third body paragraph.
6. Restate the hook and thesis into only one transition sentence into the for starters paragraph. “The 1920s because the epitome of excess and reactionism symbolized a sharp break from the American tradition; a single that no just one seemed to mind.”
Notes/Advice: Some say the thesis should go on the bottom from the intro instead for the top, which I think is truly a huge mistake. The point of the paper is to make an assertion and then guidance it. You can’t aid it until you’ve made it.
Body #1
1. Rewrite first of all body paragraph thesis.
two. Assistance the mini-thesis with evidence and analysis.
3. Restate body paragraph thesis inside of the context of thesis as a whole.
-Begin with your strongest piece of evidence
-Introduce quotes/points like this: Broad->Specific->Analysis/Conclusion
-Always integrate the quote, and try to incorporate analysis into the same sentence. As a general rule never use much more than 5-7 for the author’s words. Normally you possibly can use even less: “It was Jay, who despite the corruption near him, looked forward to what was described as an ‘orgiastic potential.'”
Body #2
1. Rewrite second body paragraph thesis.
two. Assist mini-thesis.
3. Restate body paragraph thesis in context for the paragraph higher than and thesis as whole.
Body #3
1. Rewrite third body paragraph thesis.
two. Guidance mini-thesis.
3. Restate body paragraph thesis in context with the paragraph higher than and thesis as whole.
1. Restate hook/meta-theme.
two. Specify this with restatement of thesis once way more.
3. Just one sentence for every body paragraph, surmising its assertion.
four. One particular sentence for every body paragraph, surmising its assertion.
5. Just one sentence for every body paragraph, surmising its assertion.
6. Rewrite hook and thesis into a summary sentence.
7. Last sentence must transition into a general statement about human nature. “The American Dream — and any higher aspiration — requires a society that both of those looks forward and onwards at the same time as holds itself to corrective standards.”
That’s it. Seriously. It really works for a paper of 300 words just as very much as it does for a single of 300 internet pages. It’s self-generating, self-reinforcing, and self-fulfilling. Could you ask for anything much better?
Just like the tactics from the fantastic generals, by laying out the square in advance with clear, orderly lines, you insulate yourself from the chaos of improvisation. You mark the boundaries now so you don’t must later, and excellence is achieved simply by filling them in with your sentences. Each and every paragraph is given a singular purpose and its only duty is fulfillment. Like I says earlier, with this structure you destination the reader inside the middle within the square, protected by all sides, and methodically move them forward, defending doubts and objections as they arise. Which is a really outstanding essay.
Go through This
The recognition of gestures is a subject in computer science and language technology with the aim of interpreting human gestures through mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate from any body movement or state, but they commonly originate in the face or hand. Current approaches in the field include recognizing emotions from the recognition of facial and hand gestures. Users can use simple gestures to control or interact with devices without touching them physically. Many approaches have been made using cameras and computer vision algorithms to interpret sign language. However, identification and recognition of posture, gait, proxemics and human behaviors is also the subject of gesture recognition techniques. Gesture recognition can be seen as a way for computers to begin to understand human body language, thus building a richer bridge between machines and humans than the primitive text user interfaces or even GUI (graphical user interfaces), which still limit most entries to the keyboard and mouse.

Gesture recognition allows humans to communicate with the machine (HMI) and interact naturally without any mechanical device. Using the gesture recognition concept, it is possible to point fingers at the computer screen so that the cursor moves accordingly. This could make conventional input devices like the mouse, keyboards and even touch screens redundant.

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