electronic project ideas for engineering students

1. Microcontroller based Wireless matchbox with digital lantern.
2. IR Remote Stepper Motor Controller. Control stepper motor usnig TV remote. (IR Remote + Stepper Motor + Microcontroller)
3. Microcontroller based online examination system with dynamic questions.
4. Zigbee and Touchscreen Controlled PC.
5. Voice enabled devices switching for visually impaired.
6. Automatic Rotor Resistance Controller using Microcontroller
7. Touch screen controlled motor speed and direction controlling system.
8. Zigbee based Wireless Energy Meter reading logging system on PC.
9. Construction of Touchscreen based portable Digital Clock.
10. Microcontroller based dual Lithium-ion battery charger with automated charge and discharge cycles.
11. Microcontroller and GPS based geographical map drawing instrument. Very useful for Civil engineers.
12. This system locates the Vehicle on the earth by the use of GPS and sends the co-ordinates (Longitude & Latitude), Time and Vehicle speed to the owner of the vehicle using GSM Modem. (GPS+GSM+Microcontroller)
13. Digital Voltmeter (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + LCD)
14. GPS & GSM based Human Health Monitoring and Alert System with patient's location on earth.
15. Remote control of critical software applications with mobile phone.
16. Mobile technology (GSM) based remote monitoring and control of digital Energy meter. Useful for Electricity Department personal for remote meter reading. Also useful to disconnect the power supply to consumer in case of non-payment of electric bill. This is also used to exchange messages like power cut timings with the consumers.
17. Innovative keyboard construction with only one input pin.
18. Real-time SCADA (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + PC Software)
19. Electrical Data(voltage,current,frequency etc..) Logger (SCADA) (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + MMC/SD Memory + PC Sortware)
20. RC5 IR Based Remote Device Switching (IR Remote + Microcontroller + Device Relays)
21. Digital Tachometer (Non-contact)
22. RFID and GSM based intelligent letterbox (mailbox).
23. uC based Wireless(Radio/IR) Heartbeat Monitor
24. DC Motor Speed and direction control over GSM Mobile/Modem.
25. Mobile phone controlled Street Light monitoring and control system.
26. uC based MMC/SD Memory Card Interfacing. (Data Logger)
27. Touchscreen based temperature monitoring and control system with graphical LCD.
28. GPS based universal clock. Gets the time from satellites and displays on GLCD.
29. Microcontroller to PC Iteraction Using VC++ GUI Application
30. Real-time Heartbeat Monitoring system with display on Graphical LCD and Voice based alerting system.
31. Dual GSM Modems based irrigation water pump controller for illiterates.
32. Touch screen controlled lamp dimmer for next generation apartments.
33. Microcontroller and voice based alerting system for blind people with GPS enabled location identification.
34. Microcontroller based Single phasing preventor.
35. Touchscreen based wireless communication assistant for dumb/illiterates in Airlines.
36. Google Android operated Smart Home.
37. Triac and optically isolated diac based electrical oven temperature monitoring and controlling system with zero- crossing detector.
38. uC based Wireless Temperature Measurement
39. Multi Channel Frequency Measurement with LCD Display
40. GSM based digital Notice board with display on Monitor or LCD display.
41. Wireless Heartbeat Sensor (GSM based)
42. Microcontroller based Temperature Measurement and Relay Control with PC Interface
43. Wireless Energy Meter monitoring system with automatic tariff calculation.
44. Touchscreen based Wireless Language Translator in Airlines using Zigbee.
45. Microcontroller based GPS Navigator with Google Earth Interface and MMC/SD 1GB Card Data Logging
46. GSM based SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) implementation.
47. Digital vehicle speedometer with password enabled speed limit setting.
48. Solar data logger into MMC/SD Memory Card.
49. GPS and GSM based real-time vehicle tracking on GoogleEarth (with two GSM Modems)
50. DC Voltage and Current Meter With LCD Display
51. GSM Based Automatic Irrigation Water Controller System. The purpose of this project is to get SMS alerts whenever the electrical power status changes to ON or OFF. Use your mobile phone to switch on/off the water pump from any location in the world. (GSM Modem + Microcontroller + Electromagnetic Relays)
52. Location driven car music player. (Plays devotional songs near temples, shuts at home etc.)
53. Microcontroller based refrigeration control system.
54. Wireless touchscreen based multi-patient health monitoring system for corporate hospitals.
55. MEMS Accelerometer based tilt operated Graphical LCD and memory stick based textbook reading system.
56. GPS based station name announcement and display system for Trains/buses.
57. Automatic Room Illumination Control (Microcontroller Board + Sensors)
58. Temperature Analyzers with computerized graphical image.
59. Design and Construction of MEMS Accelerometer based Tilt operated touch free mobile phone.
60. Remote Control of PC/Computer using GSM Modem or Cell Phone.
61. Virtual wireless dancing bells for classical dancers.
62. Advanced GPS based navigator for illiterates.
63. Soil Moisture sensor based intelligent irrigation water pump controlling system with GSM technology.
64. DS1307 and Microcontroller based TV remote controlled Digital Clock.
65. PIR Sensor based Intrusion Detection System
66. GPS Compass
67. Standalone GPS Coordinates(Latitude, Longitude...) Locater. (GPS+Microcontroller+LCD)The purpose this project is to get the Latitude and Longitude from the satellites and display them on LCD display.
68. Wireless SCADA
69. Voice Operated Guidance Systems for Vision Impaired People. (Speech Recognition, Voice Guidance, Ultrasonic Obstacle sensor and GPS Receiver).
70. GPS based navigator with location display on Graphical LCD. This provides user to have the location information displayed in any language.
71. Multi Channle Voltage Measurement with PC Display
72. Timer based Electrical Oven temperature monitoring and control for Metal Industries.
73. RF transceiver (Zig bee/X-Bee) based energy meter monitoring system. (Energy Meter reading on PC over wireless comm.)
74. Telugu Tutor with dynamic text and Images identification for elementary school kids.
75. (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + LCD)
76. Data logger for energy meter with time and KWH readings. Very useful for historical data logging and analysis.
77. Touchscreen based Nurse/attendant calling system for physically impaired.
78. Microcontroller to Microcontroller Infrared based communication.
79. Standalone Heartbeat Data Logger (MCU+SD/MMC 1GB Card+Sensors) The purpose of this project is to log the heartbeat data into the MMC memory stick. The data for the duration upto one Month can be logged continuously
80. Password protected GSM based Device control
81. Interfacing. Microcontroller to Cellphone graphical display.
82. DTMF mobile phone controlled dam water gates controlling system with high-level protection.
83. Automatic Intelligent Plant Watering System (Microcontroller + Rain Sensor)
84. uC based Closed Loop Temperature Control
85. PC Controlled Analog Devices
86. Wireless Stepper Motor Controller (Radio Rx/Tx + Stepper Motor + Microcontroller)
87. Contact less Motor speed monitoring on Graphical display with high and low speed alerts.
88. Wireless energy meter monitoring system with automatic tariff calculation on handheld.
89. Automatic Temperature Measurement and Control (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + LCD)
90. Usb 2.0 Hardware implimentation using PIC 18F2550/18F4550 16-bit advanced microcontroller. (With PC side VC++ application).
91. Autonomous Robot with artificial vision for obstacle detection.
92. GSM based Irrigation Water Pump Controller for Illiterates. (No Mobile phone operation knowledge required)
93. Micro Electro Mechanical Sensor (MEMS) Accelerometer/Gyroscope based self-balancing robot.
94. uC based Heartbeat Monitoring over GSM Mobile. The design was carried out through the use of two infrared sensors. The sensors check blood density on the patient's fingertips in order to measure heart rate. The raw data from the sensors is processed by microcontroller and the processed data is sent to user over GSM modem/mobile
95. GPS+GSM based Realtime Bus/Train Location Finder and display on Earth's Map
96. MEMS Accelerometer based Tilt operated wireless phonebook copying to PC.
97. Wireless Speedo meter for boat/ship with speed and location limit alerts.
98. DC Voltage and Current Meter With PC Display.
99. Image based password authentication for Illiterates with Touchscreen.
100. Graphical LCD and Memory stick (MMC/SD card) based textbook reading system.
101. GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading System
102. Microcontroller based Substation Monitoring and control System
103. Microcontroller and Triac based realtime temperature monitoring and control
104. Touchscreen operated liquid dispensing system.
105. Accelerometer (Gyroscope) Controlled Robot. Accelerometer is mems based 3-axis sensor that can sense the tilt in of the 3-diamentions. The robot moment is controlled based on the tilt angle of the robot. No need to press any buttons for robot control.
106. GSM Mobile phone controlled intelligent Robot.
107. Multi Channel Frequency Measurement with PC Display
108. The purpose of this project is to monitor the vehciles moving on highways at remote locations. This project uses infrared/laser sensor system to count the number of vehicles passing in both the directions. The vehicle count is logged by the microcontroller. This vehicles information is sent to the user over GSM modem. The information can be sent to the user periodically or can be sent on demand by sending a missed call or SMS.
109. GSM Based Home Security System. Get intrusion alerts like door/windows open alerts onto your Cell Phone. (GSM+Microcontroller)
110. PC Controlled Digital Devices
111. uC to PC Serial Interface With Device Control + PC Software (.NET or VC++).
112. Microcontroller based GPS Data Logger into MMC/SD Card.
113. Microcontroller to PC USB Interface With Device Control + PC Software (.NET or VC++)
114. Zigbee based Wireless Energy Meter reading system.
115. DC Motor Speed and direction control using RF/IR/Zigbee technologies.
116. Construction of microcontroller based Touchscreen Mobile Phone with Password protected features.
117. This project is to control the railway gate system automatically by sensing the train movement. This gives the visual and voice alerts to users crossing the rail path. This can also count the number of trains passings in both directions per day or hour.
118. uC based Multiple Device Control based on Change in Input Frequency.
119. Wearable technology for wireless gadgets control.
120. Mobile phone controlled four-legged walking robot with speed and direction control.
121. UPS battery monitoring system over GSM for high availability systems (banking/finance/medical etc).
122. Implementation of location based advertisement system using GPS and Graphical LCD.
123. High voltage fuse blown indicator with Voice based announcement system.
124. Microcontroller and RF transceiver based chatting application with Touchscreen keyboard implementation.
125. Microcontroller Digital Access Control System
126. Password enabled pre-paid liquid/milk dispensing system.
127. Microcontroller based Heartbeat Monitor with Display On Computer.same as above but the processed data is sent to PC.
128. Microcontroller to PC Iteraction Using Java Applet based Application
129. Liquid dispensing system with adjustable quantity for industrial use.
130. uC based MMC/SD Memory Card Interfaceing with FAT File System. (Data Logger)
131. Digital Vehicle Dash Board
132. Function Generator Using Microcontroller
133. Wireless GoogleEarth control system at Railway/Bus Stations for tourist's route map guidance.
134. Radio Frequency based wireless remote controlled digital camera with high power focus LED
135. Microcontroller based Hardware (USB or Serial) key implementation for any software based applications.
136. RFID/Mifare/Smart Card based security access control systems.
137. Microcontroller driven GPS Clock (GPS+Microcontroller+LCD) this updates time (GMT) from satellites and displays on LCD.
138. Temperature Measurement over GSM Mobile. The purpose of this project is to measure the temperature using LM35 sensor. This temperature is processed by microcontroller and sent to the user over GSM mobile.
139. Digital Multimeter (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + LCD)
140. Virtual distance measuring tape with Graphical LCD. Very useful for roads and buildings department. One man operable and works on anywhere on earth.
141. GPS based asset/vehicle/animal/child tracking system.
142. Microcontroller based virtual boundary/fencing for Wild Animals.
143. MEMS Accelerometer based digital photo frame with automatic position/view adjustment system (similar to digital cameras).
144. Radio Frequency wireless remote controlled digital camera with high power LED based focusing light. The camera direction can be controlled remotely and the video images can be seen live on TV.
145. Implementation of wireless sensors network for Wild Fire monitoring system.
146. SCADA system design and construction for real-time electrical parameter monitoring and control.
147. Travel assistant for blind with dynamic user input for location based alerts.
148. Evaluation of the tongue drives system by individuals with high-level spinal cord injury (IEEE 2009).
149. Intelligent mobile phone with GPS enabled features.
150. uC based Closed Loop Temperature Control
151. uC based Solar Tracker with Stepper Motor Control (Microcontroller Board + Stepper Motor + Sensors)
152. Advanced vehicle tracking and automatic crash notification using GPS and GSM technology with Location Name as SMS.
153. AC/DC/Stepper Motor Closed Loop Speed Control
154. Microcontroller based digital clock with Graphical LCD and Sanskrit font (or Any regional font) Numbers.
155. PIR + GSM based Home Security System
156. Microcontroller based automatic liquid dispensing system. Used in Tea/Coffee, Soft Drink vending machines.
157. PIR based energy conservation system for corporate Computers and lighting system.
158. Wireless control of powered wheelchairs with tongue motion using tongue drive assistive technology (IEEE 2008).
159. Wireless Heartbeat Monitoring and Alert system.
160. Using this project the digital camera can be controlled remotely using RF Transmitter and Receiver. The controls include taking picture snaps, switching on the flash light, changing camera direction using stepper motor etc.
161. Voltage/Current/Frequency Reading with IR Remote
162. Touch Screen GLCD based Digital Devices Control System
163. Using Magneto-Inductive Sensors to Detect Tongue Position in a Wireless Assistive Technology for People with Severe Disabilities (IEEE 2007).
164. GPS and Graphical display based tourist-guiding system with Touchscreen keyboard input for dynamic location recording. This can be used anywhere in the world including Sea and Forest locations.
165. RF Control Of Induction/DC/Stepper Motor & Other Industrial Loads
166. GPS Navigator/Logger (Microcontroller Board + Memory Card +PC Software)
167. GSM+GPS based school kids tracking system.
168. Microcontroller based Generator/Alternator Control and Monitoring System.
169. Motor Speed Monitoring over GSM Mobile
170. Multi Channle Voltage Measurement with LCD Display
171. Military persons training system that monitors the speed at which they move and records the calculated travelled distance with the time.
172. Hazardous chemical valve control system with stepper motor and line of site remote control.
173. Microcontroller and Touchscreen based wireless library book catalog system.
174. Wireless Digital Camera Controller.
175. Android Smart Phone operated Robot with bluetooth control.
176. GSM based Highway vehicle traffic monitoring system.
177. PWM DC Motor Speed Controller (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + LCD + DC Motor)
178. uC based Real Time Clock and Multiple Device control based on Time and Date.
179. GSM Based Irrigation System
180. Frequency Locked Loop DC Motor Speed Control (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + LCD + DC Motor)
181. Note: Digital Camera also will be given to the students along with microcontroller hardware kit.
182. Microcontroller Based Temperature Monitoring & Control
183. Closed loop DC Motor Speed Controller (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + LCD + DC Motor)
184. GPS based border alert system for fishermen.
185. GPS based vehicle travel location-logging system. This System stores the traveler's geographical location and speed at an interval of one second and is stored in to 1GB MMC/SD memory card.
186. Live Human being detection wireless remote controlled Robot. (Useful for detection of terrorists hiding inside buildings)
187. GPS based office cab monitoring system very useful for the safety of female employees. This system records the travel path and location with timings. Also records the destination of each employee home.
188. Radio Frequency based remote controlled robot with wireless video camera mounted on it.
189. SMS based remote SIM card's address book access system.
190. Microcontroller based Automatic Railway Gate Control System.
191. GPS & GSM Based Real-time Vehicle Tracking System.
192. Password protected IR based Device Control.
193. Smartphone blutooth controlled Robot.
194. GPS based travel assistant for blind people.
195. Speaking microcontroller for deaf and dumb.
196. uC based Real Time Clock with (2x16) LCD Display
197. Android Smart Phone based Home Automation.
198. Timer based automatic power cut-off for industrial sealing/packaging machines.
199. Electrical Data (voltage, current, frequency etc...) Logger (SCADA)
200. Touchscreen based Ordering System for Restaurants.
201. RFID and GSM based intelligent courier/letter collection box.
202. Infrared (IR) remote controlled Muscle Stimulator with duration and intensity control.
203. GSM/Mobile/Cell Phone Based Device Monitoring and Control Ststem. The purpose of this project is to Monitor and Control any Digital or Analog devices from your Cell Phone. This Project can be used to control up to 16 electrical devices. With this circuit you can switch-ON , OFF or Restart some Linux servers, ADSL modems, Printers, Door with electric lock, Irrigation Pump, Garage door, House lights, Water pumps, electric sunshade, Block the engine of your car or your motorcycle, at the steal case and much more. The purpose of this circuit is to make the human life better and easier.(GSM Modem/Mobile/Cell Phone)+ Microcontroller)
204. Microcontroller based Heartbeat Monitor with LCD Display.The design was carried out through the use of two infrared sensors. The sensors check blood density on the patient's fingertips in order to measure heart rate. The raw data from the sensors is processed by microcontroller and the processed data is sent to LCD display.
205. Using Unconstrained Tongue Motion as an Alternative Control Mechanism for Wheeled Mobility (IEEE 2009).
206. Touch Screen based digital devices control system. This project is to build a Graphical LCD Touch Screen interface for switching electrical devices. The controlled devices can be of high voltage or low voltage.
207. Automatic Intelligent Plant Watering System.
208. Wireless PC based multi-patient health monitoring system for Corporate Hospitals.
209. Digital Frequency Meter (Microcontroller Board + Sensors + LCD)
210. GPS & GSM Based Car Security System. Easy to find the stolen Car. Global Positioning Sytem (GPS) has been used in various commercial applications including transportation, navigation and vehicle position tracking, which when coupled with GSM mobile phone technology, the technology can help locate stolen vehicle and retrieval process. (GPS+GSM+Microcontroller).
211. GSM based instantaneous vehicle registration details extraction system very useful for Traffic police.
212. Microcontroller to PC Iteraction Using VB GUI Application

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