Electrical/Instrumentation/Applied Electronics Project Ideas List

· A Three Motor Walking Robot. This three motor BEAM type walking robot is a lot more capable than the one motor walking robot above. The write-up for this project includes photos of the robot walking over a couple of fairly thick books.

· Speech Amplifier/Loudspeaker. A compact amplifier/loudspeaker powered by a 6 volt battery pack to make sure you are heard, here™s the circuit and some details.

· Battery Powered Guitar Practice Amplifier. Want to practice your guitar playing somewhere without power? The Ruby amplifier is designed to work on a nine volt battery pack, here™s the circuit and some details.

· A 100 watt guitar amplifier. If you like the idea of building a powerful guitar amp check out this project by Rod Elliot. His project description and circuit drawings provide clear guidance in building a 100 watt guitar amplifier. However this amplifier is designed to plug into a wall outlet for power, if you are not familiar with building circuits powered by 120 volts you should not attempt this project.

· Vacuum Tube Guitar Amplifier. If you would like to build a tube based guitar amplifier look at these projects on the Cooperative Tube Guitar Amp Project web site. Make sure your have the knowledge and skills to work with high voltage before you tackle this project.
· Just A Minute. This circuit on the Electronics Zone Website fits up to 8 players in a knowledge quiz game. The first one to tap their button rings a buzzer and gets to answer the question.

· A pocket sized headphone amplifier. This project shows how to fit a amplifier circuit inside a peppermint tin to soup up the sound for your headphones.

· Analog Sound Synthesizer. This very well detailed project write-up on the Music from Outer Space Web site shows how to build a analog sound synthesizer.

· Turning Gadgets On with a Wave of Your Hand. This circuit by Dave Johnson compares the signals from two photodiodes using a comparator chip. When you pass your hand over the photodiodes the output of the comparator chip goes high, turning on a transistor which Dave uses to power a buzzer in his circuit.

· A refrigerator door alarm. Here™s a circuit by Charles Wenzel that sounds an alarm when the refrigerator door stays open longer than the time you preset. A great way to stop your cat from getting in the refrigerator if you forget to close the door.

· A Simple Walking Robot. Would you like to build a 4 legged walking robot? Try this project building a BEAM type walking robot with a minimum of components and very low cost.
.Clap Activated Remote Control: This interesting circuit on the Electronics Zone Web site allows you to build a remote control activated by clapping your hands.

Electric Wire Locator: This circuit by Charles Wenzel can be used to locate electric wires in walls, it may be useful when remodeling. Let me know how accurate it is.

· Sound Pressure Meter: This circuit on the Red Circuits Web site is used to calibrate the sound output of each speaker in your sound or home theater system so that they all have produce the same volume at your favorite chair.

· Weather Station. This project on the TechDesign Electronics Web site uses the PIC 18F452 microcontroller, pressure, temperature, and humidity sensors along with radio transmitter and receiver modules to allow you to monitor the weather.

· Running Message Display. This circuit on the Electronics Zone Website shows how to use LEDs to light up a message, such as WELCOME, one letter at a time. When the whole message is alight the message goes dark and starts up again with the first letter.

· Plant Moisture Meter. This circuit takes the guesswork out of watering plants by lighting up an LED when the soil is dry.

· Rain Detector. This circuit by Charles Wenzel activates a buzzer to let you know that its starting to rain so you can cover up items in your yard.·

· A pocket sized LED display that lights up to music. This project on the Electronic Peasant Website shows how you can create three spirals made up of LED's that light up to different frequencies of music. The components all fit into a shape compact enough to clip onto your pocket, if you like to dance with lights this could be a neat effect.
· Guitar Fuzz-Box: An operational amplifier based circuit which produces a wide range of sound effects.

· Circuit for High Speed Photography. Would you like to take photos of split-second events such as the momentary splash when you drop a crouton in a bowl of soup? This circuit by Matthew Swann triggers your camera™s flash after the crouton, or other object passes through an IR beam.

· A wireless scarecrow. This project by Charles Wenzel detects footsteps of a deer or other creature and sounds an alarm to scare them away from your vegetable patch. I especially like the way he shows you how to protect the circuit from bad weather.

· Color Sensor. This project on the Electronics Zone Web site shows how to use of optical filters and light dependant resistors together to drive electronic circuitry that lights a LED corresponding to which one of five different colors of light is present. While I can™t think of a practical use it's a nice demonstration of mixing optics and electronics.

· Putting Together a Remote Control Lawn Mower. If you like the idea of building a remote control lawn mower check out the instructions for building one on the Popular Science Magazine Web site. This project by Dave Prochnow shows how to build the mower he calls the Lawnadillo. ·

· 40 meter radio receiver. The circuit for a 40 meter radio receiver comes with some interesting tips that gives a glimpse of the techniques used to build a receiver from basic components.

· 75 meter ham transceiver. After you™ve got your ham license you might try this transceiver project, the author has provided some very nice photos to help you lay out the circuit

Courtesy http://buildinggadgetsindex_circuitlinks.htm
Joystick device circuit diagram
Make a simple circuit to alarm your disk from Virus writes
External Speaker connection for your PC
Make a simple Vaccine card to protect your PC from any Gen-B virus (Boot virus)
Make a very cheap sound interface by used your Amplifier tape/radio or sound system
Build an IPROM (EPROM emulator for 2 x 2 kByte)
Quartet Six-in-One circuits diagram for hobbies
Simple & low cost EPROM programmer for 2764 type using LPT parallel port
Make an EPROM eraser by yourself
36-Bits and 6-Digits 7-segment LEDs display driver
Universal EPROM programmer for 2716 ~ 27512 types using bi-directional LPT printer parallel port
Simple ADC-0808 circuit using bi-directional LPT parallel port
Simple function IC tester circuit using bi-directional LPT parallel port or serial port
Programable I/O expanding decoder using 8255 PPI
8-Bits relay driver board using LPT parallel port
EPROM application in User Define Function Signal Generator using DAC-0800/DAC-0808
One channel toggle infrared switch board remote receiver
5-bits infrared remote transceiver board
Low cost 8031 microcontroller development board
Build an electronic workbench tools
Bipolar-unipolar small stepper motor controller (collection circuits)
5-phase stepper motor controller using PIC-16F84A microcontroller
This is how I make Myke's Static Analog Clock
IR Remote Decoder Sony RC-5 (SIRCS) code using PIC microcontroller
IR Remote Analyzer and Decoder using MCS51 series microcontroller
This is how I make Ajay Barghav's Digital Clock with alarm chime
Minimum system atmel AT89Sxxxx series with ISP programmer
24 Hours Timer using PIC-16F84A microcontroller
PIC Series minimum system board
Digital clock with PIC series microcontroller
Binary (BCD) clock with PIC series microcontroller
Another analog clock using PIC series microcontroller
Very Simple Clock using PIC series microcontroller
Square type Clock using PIC series microcontroller
Linear type Clock using PIC series microcontroller

Help http://dsaprojects.110mb#ELECTRONICS
Automatic lamp control for home use
Some info about power in your house
General sensors in industrial appliances
Special kinds of motors
Motor Controllers
Industrial Controllers (PLC)

¢ RF based wireless Encryption & Decryption method

¢ Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks
¢ Wireless AI Based Mobile Robot For Multi Specialty Operations
¢ Wireless AI Based Fire Fighting Robot For Relief Operations
¢ Wireless AI Based Intelli-robot For Materials Handling
¢ Integrated Rule Based Control Of Robot Using Fuzzy System & Neural Networks
¢ AI Based Fire Fighting Robot For Relief Operations
¢ AI Based Intelli-robot For Materials Handling
¢ AI Based Mobile Robot For Multi Specialty Operations
¢ Industrial Security Robot With Motion Detection System
¢ Microcontroller Controlled Robot Arm For Paint Spraying
¢ Production Monitoring Robot
¢ Two Axis Robot With Artificial Intelligence
¢ Three Axis Robot With Artificial Intelligence
¢ Four Axis Robot With Artificial Intelligence
¢ Five Axis Robot With Artificial Intelligence
¢ Wireless Industrial Security Robot
¢ Alive Human Detector Robot With Counter Using Wireless Pc Interfacing
¢ Microcontroller Based Surveillance Robot For A Military Application
¢ PC Controlled Wireless Robot Using RF Module With Feedback Sensor To Detect Fire, Temperature And Human

¢ Biometric finger print identification based security system.
¢ Biometric finger print identification based access control system.
¢ Biometric finger print identification based time recorder with Wigand output system.
¢ Biometric finger print identification based bank locker security system.
¢ Monitoring of time and attendance with fingerprint bio-metric solution.
¢ Fingerprint identification based security system for bank locker.
¢ High level authentication for power plant using voice recognition
¢ IVRS based home automation with immediate voice feedback
¢ Electronic voting system with automatic image comparing system
¢ Home automation for disable persons using his personal voice tag

¢ Speed Control Of DC / Induction Motor Using PID / Fuzzy Controller
¢ Fuzzy Logic Control Of Stepper Motor
¢ Fuzzy Logic Controller Design DC Motor Speed Control System
¢ Elevator Control System Using Fuzzy Logic
¢ Integrated Rule Based Control Of Robot Using Fuzzy System & Neural Networks
¢ Intelligent Fuzzy Control Guided Vehicle For Collision Intelligent Application Of Fuzzy Logic In Automated Train Speed Control System
¢ AI Based Fire Fighting Robot For Relief Operations
¢ AI Based Intelli-robot For Materials Handling
¢ AI Based Mobile Robot For Multi Specialty Operations
¢ Instrumentation With Artificial Intelligence
¢ Frequency Jammer For Remote Controlled Bomb Blasting System
¢ Fuzzy Logic Based Collision Prevention For Vehicle
¢ Microcontroller Based Speed Control Of A Vehicle


¢ Intelligent Power Factor Correction With Multiple Capacitors Banks
¢ Intellectual Power Analyzer & Phase Changer
¢ Hand Held Intelligent Multi Parameter Monitoring System “ Das With LCD Display
¢ Smart Multi Functional Power Meter With LCD Display
¢ Digital Energy Meter & Voice Annunciation With Proximity Card “ Contact Less
¢ Intelligent Power Sharing Of Transformers With Auto Protection
¢ Prepaid Digital Energy Meter Billing & Cost Indicator With Voice Annunciation
¢ Multiple Starter With Overload & High, Low Voltage Protection
¢ Prepaid Electricity Billing Automation & Cost Indicator
¢ Industrial Power Management System
¢ Smart Power Monitoring For Efficient Energy Management
¢ Distribution & Sub Station Automation With SCADA
¢ Automatic Phase Changer Cum Change Over & Load Breaker
¢ Microcontroller Based SCADA For Substation By WAP
¢ Microcontroller Controlled Power Supply For Testing Application
¢ Power Line Monitoring System


¢ Noise Less Speed Control Of DC Motor Using PWM Converter
¢ Remote Control Of AC / DC Motor With Parameter Monitoring
¢ Remote On / Off Of An AC / DC Motor
¢ Remote On/Off Controller For AC Motors With Parameter Monitoring
¢ Remote Speed Control Of AC / DC Motor
¢ Remote Switching System For Home Appliances
¢ Dual Control Of Electrical Devices Through Computer Keyboard And Hardware
¢ Substation Monitoring System - Electrical Transmission And Distribution Process
¢ Electrical Network Automation & Communication Systems
¢ Remote Data Monitoring & Data Analysis For Power Station
¢ Post Paid Electricity Billing Automation
¢ Power Sharing Of Transformer With Overload Protection
¢ EB Theft Monitoring And Control System
¢ Artificial Intelligent Solar Tracking System With True Graph & PC Interface


¢ Electrical Station Variables Reader/Controller With True Graph And SCADA
¢ Microcontroller Based SCADA For Substation By WAP
¢ Multi Channel Voltage Scanner “ SCADA
¢ Multi Parameter Measurement System “ SCADA
¢ Plc Based Bottle Filling Station With Conveyors
¢ Automatic Anesthesia Controller Using Infusion Pump With Heart Beat Rate
¢ Automatic Anesthesia Controller Using Infusion Pump With Respiratory


¢ Smart Medicare System “ ICU Care Taker & Life Support System
¢ Wireless Heart Beat Rate Monitoring & A Cardiac Pacemaker Simulation “ Mobile Messenger
¢ Automatic Anesthesia Controller Using Infusion Pump With Heart Beat Rate
¢ Automatic Anesthesia Controller With Respiratory Using Infusion Pump
¢ Smart Card Based Bio Medical Health Card System
¢ Bedside Patient Monitoring System With Remote Alert
¢ Unique System For Remote Monitoring Patients With Data Mining
¢ Heart Beat Monitoring System With Wireless Pc Interfacing Including Body & Respiratory Temperature
¢ RF Based Heart Beat Monitoring System With Pacemaker
¢ Detection Of Cardiac Disorder Using Bio-Medical Sensor
¢ Automatic Anesthesia Feeder Based On Medical Analysis
Robust DWT-SVD Domain Image Watermarking: Embedding Data in All Frequencies
Textural Features for Image Classification
Implementation of a Wimax Simulator in Simulink
MACAW: A Media Access Protocol for Wireless LANâ„¢s
Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Back-To-Back PWM Converters and Its Application to Variable Speed Wind-Energy Generation
Image Segmentation by Data Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Robust Image Watermarking Based On Multiband Wavelets and Empirical Mode Decomposition
Grid Optical Burst Switched Networks (GOBS)
A Lossless Data Compression and Decompression Algorithm and Its Hardware Architecture
Colorization by Example
A Comparative Study Between Wavelet And Contourlet Transform Features For Textural Image Classification.
Wireless LAN Medium Access
Control (MAC) and Physical Layer
(PHY) Specifications
Achieving MAC Layer Fairness in Wireless Packet Network
Colorization Using Optimization
Hierarchical Contour Matching For Dental X-Ray Radiographs
A System for Human Identification from X-Ray Dental Radiographs
A Review of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Power System Using Ann Technique Based On “Synthesis
Discrete-Time Linear Parameter Varying Control Of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators
Blocking Probabilities of Optical Burst Switching Networks Based On Reduced Load Fixed Point Approximations
Automatic Recognition of Exudative Maculopathy Using Fuzzy Cmeans Clustering and Neural Networks
Computer-Aided Shape Analysis and Classification of Weld Defects in Industrial Radiography Based Invariant Attributes and Neural Networks
Optimized Software Implementation of A Full-Rate IEEE 802.11a Compliant Digital Baseband Transmitter on A Digital Signal Processor
Performance of Optical Burst Switched Networks for Grid Applications
A Hybrid Time Divisioning Scheme for Power Allocation In DMT-Based DSL Systems
DUCHA: A New Dual-Channel MAC Protocol for Multihop Ad Hoc Networks
Active Noise Cancellation with a Fuzzy Adaptive Filtered-X Algorithm
Adaptive Routing In Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks
An FPGA-Based Architecture for Real Time Image Feature Extraction
Signal Adaptive Subband Decomposition for Adaptive Noise Cancellation
Implementation of IEEE802.1x in MATLAB
Profiling Delay and Throughput Characteristics of Interactive Multimedia Traffic over Wlans Using MATLAB
An Efficient Data Extraction Mechanism for Mining Association Rules from Wireless Sensor Networks
CIC Filter Introduction
Call Admission Control Optimization in Wimax Networks
Contention-Based Qos MAC Mechanisms for VBR Voip in IEEE 802.11e Wireless Lans
An Area-Efficient Universal Cryptography Processor for Smart Cards.
Design and Analysis of Bit Interleaved Coded
Space-Time Modulation
A Real-Time Adaptive Learning Method for Driver Eye Detection
Real-Time System for Monitoring Driver Vigilance
Erlang Reduced Load Model For Optical Burst Switched Grids
The Contourlet Transform for Image De-Noising Using Cycle Spinning
Wavelet-Based Contourlet Transform and Its Application to Image Coding
Adaptive Nonlinear Congestion Controller for a Differentiated-Services Framework
Fast Handoff Support in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks
On The Design of A Multi-Mode Receive
Digital-Front-End for Cellular Terminal Rfics
Optical Burst Switching for Consumer Grids
Fuzzy Based PID Controller Using MATLAB for Transportation Application
An Improving Model Watermarking With Iris Biometric Code
Multiscale Feature Analysis Using Directional Filter Bank
Image & Sound Compression Using
Wavelet Transform
Modeling Sigma-Delta Modulator Non-Idealities In Simulink
Image Segmentation Using Iterative Watersheding Plus Ridge Detection
Signal Processing-Oriented Topics (Spots) For MIMO Wireless Communications
Mobility Management Techniques for the Next Generation Wireless Networks
VLSI Architecture and Chip for Combined Invisible Robust and Fragile Watermarking
Non-Symmetric Decompanding for Improved Performance of Companded OFDM Systems
Implementation of IEEE 802.11 A WLAN Baseband Processor
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Contourlet Transform
VLSI Architecture and FPGA Prototyping of a Digital Camera for Image Security and Authentication
A Performance Study of Mobile Handoff Delay in IEEE 802.11-Based Wireless Mesh Networks
Backup Path Set Selection in Ad Hoc Wireless Network Using Link Expiration Time
Impact of Heavy Traffic Beyond Communication Range in Multi-Hops Ad-Hoc Networks
Performance Improvement in Wireless Networks Using Cross-Layer ARQ
Analysis of IEEE 802.11e for Delay Sensitive Traffic in Wireless Lans
Sphere Detection in MIMO Communication Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information
Novel Channel Interference Reduction in Optical Synchronous FSK-CDMA Network Using a Data-Free Reference
An Adaptive Coherent Receiver for MPSK/MDPSK over the Nonselective Rayleigh Fading Channel with Unknown Characteristics
Code Shift Keying Impulse Modulation for UWB Communications
Wireless Mesh Networks: A Survey
Performance of Coded Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA Systems in Multi-Path Fading Channels
A VLSI Architecture for Visible Watermarking in a Secure Still Digital Camera

=>GSM mobile phone based automobile security system (IEEE 2000)
=>Finger Print based medical announcement system
=>GPS based automatic root announcement system for blind people
=>Controlling a large data acquisition system using on industrial SCADA system (IEEE 2007)
=>Automatic multiple transformer fault detection and production system
=>On line vehicle tracking by using GPS and GPRS (IEEE 2004)
=>SCADA for A.C motor controller with IGBT based control system
=>RFID based highway toll collection
=>Finger print based banking system
=>A neural network based steam temperature control system (IEEE 2008)
=>Internet controlled D.C motor speed controlling system
=>Human root tracking system by using GPS
=>Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system for Two wheeler
=>A remotely controlled by the onboard measurement system for optimization of energy conception of electrical trains (IEEE 2008)
=>Microcontroller based automatic power factor controlling system
=>An intelligent mobile robot navigation technique using RFID Technology (IEEE 2008)
=>Automatic drunken drive avoiding system for automobile
=>Design and implementation of a wireless remote data acquisition system for mobile applications (IEEE 2005)
=>A smart card based Prepaid electricity system (IEEE 2007)
=>RFID based automatic car parking system
=>Microcontroller based sky car parking system
=>GSM based mobile Tele-monitoring and management system for inter-cities public transportation (IEEE 2004)
=>Finger print based library management system
=>Automatic taxi trip sensing and indication system through GSM
=>On line temperature monitoring of power distribution equipment (IEEE 2005)
=>Microcontroller based wireless energy meter
=>Microcontroller based traffic density controller
=>Web based home appliances controlling system
=>A real time remote control architecture using mobile communication (IEEE 2005)
=>GSM Based remote measurement of electricity and control system for home
=>Microcontroller based Auto-Dialer Home Security System
=>SCADA for power plant
=>The electronic passport and the future of government issued RFID based identification (IEEE 2007)
=>Finger print based license checking system
=>RFID based shopping trolley
=>Monitoring and transmission of heavy vehicle parameters using fixed cellular terminal (IEEE 2004)
=>SMS based vehicle Ignition controlling system
=>Finger print based security system
=>A microcontroller sensor less speed control of D.C Motor (IEEE 2007)
=>Microcontroller Based Gas leakage detection and auto dialing
=>An application of detection function for the eye blinking detection
=>Prepaid card for Bus fair system
=>GPS based bus or train collision avoiding system
=>Microcontroller based automatic electronic bus fair system
=>Microcontroller based mini computer dictionary
=>Microcontroller based talking key pad for blind people
=>SCADA for D.C motor
=>Microcontroller based automatic temperature controller with cooling system
=>Mobile phone tracking system by using GPM and GSM
=>Microcontroller based wireless energy transmitter with power cutoff system
=>Automated vehicles for physically and visually challenged (IEEE 2008)
=>GSM based industrial temperature monitoring and controlling system
=>Microcontroller based automatic sensor based wall painting robot
=>RFID based animal tracking system
=>Finger print based door open close system
=>Prepaid card for petrol bunk
=>Voice operated home appliances controlling system
=>PWM based single phase AC induction motor with closed loop controller
=>Microcontroller based Finger print based voting machine
=>RFID based medical information system
=>GSM based speed control of single phase induction motor
=>Microcontroller Based Patient care Monitoring and Information system
=>Finger print based Lift operating system
=>Remote home control through internet
=>RFID based vehicle security and mobile based locking system
=>Microcontroller based fault announcement system
=>Prepaid card for EB meter with wireless recharge
=>GSM based bank security system with auto dialer
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Ticket Dispensing Machine
=>Microcontroller based voice recorder and play back system
=>GSM and GPS interface for vehicle tracking system
=>SMS based D.C motor speed controlling system
=>Speed drive for single phase induction motor (IEEE 2004)
=>Microcontroller based ball printing robot
=>SMS based automatic weather report information system
=>Microcontroller Based Voltage and Current monitoring and control system
=>Microcontroller based wireless Electric bill reading system
=>SMS based home appliances controlling system
=>RFID based system for class room identification for visually impaired
=>Wireless energy transmitter with tariff system
=>RFID based attendance system
=>PC based pressure management and controlling system
=>Microcontroller based motor monitoring and production system
=>SMS based automatic electricity bill information system
=>Microcontroller Based Punch card system
=>Engine monitoring system through mobile phone
=>SMS based automatic two wheeler locking system
=>RFID based production security system
=>Micro controller Based smart card reader and writer
=>Industrial furnace monitoring system through mobile phone
=>Speed control of PMDC motor by using fuzzy logic
=>Microcontroller based automatic Power theft identifier
=>SMS based banking security system
=>PC based wireless stepper motor speed controlling system
=>Security breach information for unauthorized entry based on mobile technique
=>Microcontroller Based cash register
=>SMS based industrial disaster system
=>Microcontroller based transformer monitoring and production system
=>Intelligent fire monitoring using blue tooth technology
=>RFID R/W based prepaid energy meter
=>Remote control of industrial machines based on GSM technology
=>Microcontroller based PC to PC wireless data transfer system
=>Microcontroller Based Power Management System
=>Microcontroller Based Voltage and Current monitoring system
=>SMS Based DC Motor Speed Controller
=>RFID based banking system
=>Microcontroller Based Closed Loop Pressure Control System
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Packing control Machine
=>Microcontroller based automatic visitor guided vehicle
=>Finger print based banking system
=>Microcontroller Based SMS controlled moving robot
=>Microcontroller based digital gear level indicator
=>Microcontroller Based Railway track crack Detecting Vehicle
=>GPS based location indicating system for unmanned automobile
=>Artificial Intelligent Based Automatic Path finding Cum Video Analyzing Robot
=>Microcontroller Based Voice Controlled Robot
=>Microcontroller Based Unaided Guided Vehicle (UGV)
=>Digital energy with volt, current & power factor monitor
=>Microcontroller based automatic paint marking machine
=>Microcontroller Based Double Axis crane
=>Microcontroller Based mono rail system
=>Microcontroller Based Solar Powered Automated Guided vehicle (Solar AGV)
=>Gas leakage detector & auto dialing controller system
=>Microcontroller Based Railways Accident Avoiding System
=>Microcontroller Based Sensor operated Automatic Track Guided vehicle (ATGV)
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Vehicle Accident information system
=>Microcontroller Based Digital locking system (Password) for Two wheeler
=>Microcontroller based digital energy meter
=>Microcontroller Based speed and frequency monitoring and controlling system
=>Micro controller Based 104 keyboard interface (PS/2)
=>Microcontroller Based Intelligent Braking System
=>Microcontroller Based Stepper Motor Speed Controlling System Using Cell Phone
=>Microcontroller Based Multi-Channel acquisition and control
=>Microcontroller based automatic vehicle speed measuring system using IR Rays
=>Microcontroller Based automatic industrial time management system with display
=>SMS Based Banking Security System
=>Microcontroller Based motor speed and frequency monitoring system
=>Microcontroller based digital advertisement display using LED
=>Microcontroller based maximum demand controller for industry
=>Microcontroller Based Incubator
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Water Level Indicator and Controlling System
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Traffic and Street Light Controlling System
=>Microcontroller Based Multi-Channel Fire Alarm System
=>Microcontroller Based motor speed monitoring and controlling system
=>Microcontroller Based Remote Motor Speed Controlling System
=>Microcontroller Based automatic glucose flow rate controller
=>Microcontroller Based telephone Answering And Recording Machine
=>Microcontroller Based Sensor Operated Path Finder Vehicle
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Moisture and Light control System for Garden
=>Microcontroller Based digital temperature measurement system
=>AC Motor Speed Controlling System Using PWM Techniques
=>High Way High Speed Sensing and Automatic Speed Controlling System
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic temperature controller with cooling system
=>Computerized Pick and place sequence operated Robot
=>Sensor Operated Paper Counting Machine
=>Microcontroller Based Conveyor Automation
=>Material Dimensions Analysing Robot
=>Sensor Based Automatic steering control system for Automobile
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Electro-Plating Coating System
=>PC based wireless pick and place crane
=>PID controller for D.C motor
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Railways Signaling System
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Humidification system
=>Microcontroller Based Self centering Four-jaw Chuck
=>Microcontroller Based Simple indexing by stepper motor in Shaping Machine
=>Microcontroller Based Fire Fighting AGV
=>Microcontroller Based Mini Robot car
=>Microcontroller Based Industrial temperature Analyzing Robot
=>Microprocessor Controlled Thermometer
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic medicine announcement system
=>Microcontroller Based velocity and pressure monitoring and controlling system
=>Microcontroller Based Digital password car parking system for apartment
=>Automatic attendance monitoring and Light ON/OFF system
=>Automatic Vehicle Over Speed Indication and Controlling System
=>Microcontroller Based Railways Accident Avoiding System
=>Microcontroller based pick and place spray painting sequence robot
=>Microcontroller Based Industry Safety Control System
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic college bell with announcement System
=>Microcontroller Based Ball Printing Robot
=>Microcontroller based automatic dam shutter open/close system
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic car Over taking System
=>Microcontroller Based Phase sequence indicator and controlling System
=>Microcontroller Based Multi-channel temperature monitor for surgery
=>Microcontroller Based Multi-Device Digital Code Locking System
=>Advertising Display using LED & LCD
=>DSP based signal analyzer
=>Phase failure manager (or) Identifier
=>Dish Antenna Rotating System
=>Microcontroller Based Multi-channel Fire (or) Smoke Detector
=>Microcontroller Based Humidity Controller
=>Microcontroller Based Blood/Glucose flow rate controller
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Packing Machine by using sensors
=>Microcontroller Based Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
=>Microcontroller Based Capacitance and Resistance Measurement Meter
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Power factor Controller
=>Automatic Accident avoiding system in Machine
=>Telephone Answering and Home appliances Control system through Cell Phone
=>Telephone line based Audio Muting and Light ON/OFF Control System
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Railway Gate Controller
=>Microcontroller Based Mini Robo Car
=>Microcontroller Based Moving Message Display
=>Micro controller Based humidity controller
=>Microcontroller Based Electrical Appliances Controlling System Using Cell Phone
=>Microcontroller based temperature analyzing system for industrial control
=>Microcontroller Based Temperature and Respiration Monitoring System
=>Microcontroller Based Digital Fuel Level Indicator
=>Microcontroller Based Motor Speed Monitoring System
=>Microcontroller Based Industrial Power Saving and Automatic Attendance System
=>Microcontroller Based Dam water level Indicator and Controlling System
=>Microcontroller Based Fire Fighting Robot
=>Microcontroller based automatic car parking system
=>Microcontroller Based velocity and pressure monitoring system
=>Microcontroller Based Two Wheeler Automation with Security System
=>Microcontroller Based Home Automation with Security System
=>Micro controller Based dish antenna tracking system
=>Microcontroller based intelligent bank security system
=>Microcontroller Based Path Sensing(Finding) Robot
=>Microcontroller Based Water Level Indicator
=>Microcontroller Based voice controlled Machines
=>Microprocessor Based Token Number display for Bank with Speech Facility
=>Telephone Line Based Generic Switching System by using Microcontroller
=>Microcontroller Based personal remainder system
=>Microcontroller Based battery level monitoring system

=>GPS based solar vehicle root tracking system
=>Remote controlled solar powered handicapped tilting wheel chair
=>Solar railway track crack detecting vehicle
=>Grid Interactive inverter (Wind Mill)
=>Solar automatic head-lamp alignment system with dim/bright controller
=>Hybrid system for home (Wind mill with Solar Power)
=>SMS based solar pick and place robot
=>Domestic wind mill
=>Solar fertilizer Sprayer
=>Auto charging grinding machine with solar power
=>Solar race car
=>Solar powered remote controlled bomb detecting robot
=>Solar Automobile Fridge
=>SMS controlled solar Vehicle
=>SMS controlled solar vehicle for industrial Application
=>Solar powered thermo-electric refrigerator
=>Solar Water Purification by using thermal method
=>Solar powered tea leaf cutting machine
=>Automatic wind blade pitch controlling system
=>Solar Powered Unaided Guided Vehicle (Solar UGV)
=>Solar powered automatic temperature controller with cooling system
=>Electrical Power Generation system using Railway track
=>Solar Refrigeration system
=>Artificial Intelligent based Solar Vehicle
=>Solar powered remote controlled weapon system
=>Pelton Wheel Turbine
=>Electrical Power Generation using Thermal Power Plant
=>Solar Power Generation With Auto Tracking
=>Solar Electric go bed Drive
=>Solar remote controlled pick and place video analyzing vehicle
=>Solar automatic cell phone charger with pay system
=>Non conventional Air compressor
=>Electrical Power generation using Railway Track
=>Solar water Disalation by using Photovoltaic method
=>Solar Powered Visitor Guided with Material Handling Vehicle
=>PC based wireless solar powered vehicle
=>Wind Energy Vehicle
=>Solar air cooler with auto changeover system
=>Solar Kettle (or) Solar Parabolic Collector
=>Electrical Power Generation using steam Power Plant
=>Solar Automated Track Guided Vehicle (Solar ATGV)
=>Solar Wheel Chair for physically Disabled
=>Solar Intelligent Vehicle (car model)
=>Cell phone controlled Solar Vehicle
=>Solar Automated Guided Vehicle (Solar AGV)
=>Solar Powered Automatic Railway Gate Controller
=>Solar lighting with battery auto changeover system
=>Solar Powered Path Finding vehicle
=>Solar irrigation System
=>Solar Powered automatic Fire Fighting Robot
=>Electricity and Water Pumping System using Wind Mill
=>Solar Hybrid Car
=>Solar Agricultural Water Pumping System With Auto tracking
=>Solar Air Cooler
=>Solar Multi-Purpose Sprayer (or) Solar Seed and Fertilizer Sprayer
=>Solar Automatic Dish Washing Machine
=>Solar Lighting System
=>Electric Two Wheeler with Rechargeable Battery
=>Solar Agricultural Water Pumping System
=>Electrical Power Generation using Speed Breaker
=>Multi Functional Wind Mill
=>Hydro Power plant
=>Solar Air Cooler with Heater
=>Foot Step Power Generation System
=>Compressed air production using speed breaker
=>PC based solar E-Car
=>Solar Water cooler cum room cooling system
=>Electrical Power generation using Hydro Power Plant
=>Solar Seed Dryer with Auto tracking
=>Solar Water Heater with parabolic collector
=>Solar Water Disalation (Purification)
=>Wind Turbine Power Generation System
=>Electric two Wheeler
=>Fabrication of Solar Car
=>Horizontal Turbine Type Domestic Wind Mill
=>Solar Fan with Lighting System
=>Battery Cycle
=>Automatic Solar street light controller
=>Solar Cycle
=>Solar Powered Automatic Rain Operated Wiper
=>Solar Powered Automatic head light Dim/Bright Controller
=>Gas kit for Two Wheeler
=>Wind Mill Power Generation System
=>Water Turbine Power generation System
=>Solar Automobile air conditioner
=>Fabrication of Solar Air Dryer with Auto tracking System
=>Electrical Power Generation using Foot Steps
=>Solar Automatic Traffic and Street Light Controller
=>Solar Seed Dryer
=>PC based solar car
=>Double Effecting Solar Cooker
=>Fabrication of Solar Lighting System with Auto Tracking
=>Solar Train
=>Solar Air Dryer
=>Solar UPS
=>Solar Birds Scrarer
=>Solar Air cooler With Auto tracking
=>Solar Board Cleaner
=>Solar Panel Auto tracking
=>Solar Air Cooler and Heater with Auto Tracking
=>Solar Seeds Sprayer

=>Remote controlled Wheel chair cum bed
=>Intelligent Security system for apartments
=>Automatic Distance Measurement and Braking System By using Ultrasonic Waves
=>Electricity theft identifier for industrial applications
=>D.C Motor speed controlling system using IGBT control
=>Automatic Blood/Glucose flow rate controller
=>Shaft starter for three phase induction motor
=>Automatic Phase sequence indicator and controlling System
=>Electric two wheeler with rechargeable battery
=>Automatic power factor controller for industrial application
=>Video Analyzing remote controlled vacuum Cleaner
=>Remote controlled pick and place robot
=>Fuzzy logic based PC-PC communication through Laser Beam
=>Remote operated Weapon System
=>Automatic Sensor Based Magnetic Accident preventer for Train
=>Automatic Vehicle Accident Information System
=>Remote controlled Sub Marine (Model)
=>Wireless home (or) Bank security system
=>Audio Communication through fiber Optics (or) Laser Beam
=>Remote controlled Air Craft (Flying Model)
=>Foldable Electric Go Bed Drive
=>Automatic sensor based wall painting Robot
=>Industrial Power Saving and Automatic Attendance System
=>Intelligent Bank security System
=>Automatic Packing control Machine
=>Remote controlled solar vehicle
=>Car or Bus reverse Operation Navigation System by using IR Rays
=>Stepper Motor Speed Controlling System Using Cell Phone
=>Two Wheeler Automation with Security System
=>Multi-Motor Control Using Password
=>Variable speed control of Belt Conveyor
=>Vehicle Speed Measuring system using IR sensor
=>DC Motor Speed Regulation System
=>Intelligent Emergency Light
=>Remote controlled scrap collecting vehicle
=>Automatic over heat controller
=>Sensor Based Automatic steering control system for Automobile
=>Sensor Operated Accident Avoiding System for Machine
=>Cordless Home Security System
=>Multi-Channel Digital Code Locking System
=>Audio Communication Through Laser Beam
=>Automatic Moisture and Light controlling System for Garden
=>Sensor Operated Path Finding Automated Guided Vehicle
=>Closed Loop Pressure Controlling System
=>10-Band Audio Spectrum Analyser
=>Tele Phone Answering and Home Appliance Controlling System Through Cell Phone
=>AC Motor Speed Controlling System
=>Industry Safety Control System
=>Hybrid Vehicle
=>Remote controlled Belt Conveyor
=>Digital Fuel Level Indicator
=>Switch less calling bell
=>Automatic Dish Washing Machine
=>Camera based security system
=>Remote controlled Solar Vehicle
=>Sensor Operated Auto feed Punching Machine
=>Distance Measurement Using Ultrasonic Wave
=>Automatic power failure controller
=>Automatic Telephone Answering and Recording System
=>Fully Automated Star-Delta Starter with Dry Run and Single Phasing Preventer
=>Temperature and Respiration Monitoring System
=>Telephone Line Based Audio Muting and Light ON/OFF Control System
=>Multi-Device Control System Using Frequency Modulation
=>Automatic Temperature controlled fan
=>Solar Panel Auto Tracking system
=>Automatic Wheel Chair
=>FM Based Long Range Conversation System
=>Accident avoiding System for Cutting Machine
=>Cordless Communication System for Cars (Car Security System)
=>Mobile Over Speed Sensing and controlling System
=>Refrigeration Temperature Controller
=>Battery Charger with Over charge and Deep discharge Protection
=>Accident Avoiding System for Punching Machine
=>Multi-Motor Speed Control System Using Cell Phone
=>Automatic Induction Motor Starter With Programmable Timer
=>Automatic Wheel Chair for Physically Disabled
=>Automatic Pick and place spray painting sequence robot
=>Sensor Operated Paper Counting Machine
=>Automatic Railway Ticket Dispensing Machine
=>Sensor Operated Automatic Door Open/Close Mechanism
=>Tel-Phone Line Based Generic Switching System
=>Remote Motor Star-Delta Starter with Dry run and Single Phasing Preventer
=>Digital Speed Control of D.C. Motor
=>Automatic College bell with Announcements System
=>Automatic Robot Over speed controlling system for People Zone
=>Automatic temperature controller with cooling system
=>Automatic Rain Operated Wiper
=>Automatic Electronic Filling Machine
=>Automatic railway track crack detecting Vehicle
=>Electrical Power Generation system using Railway track
=>Intelligent Way Searching Pick and Place Robot
=>Automatic Double axis welding Robot
=>Sensor Operated Material Dimension Inspection Conveyor
=>Electric Two Wheeler with Rechargable Battery
=>Automatic Vehicle Over speed controlling system for School/College Zone
=>Pick and Place Robot With Remote Control
=>Sensor Operated Conveyor Automation
=>Remote controlled Double Axis Pick and Place Crane
=>Sensor Operated Automatic Reverse Braking System
=>Mini Robot Spray Painting System
=>Man less Defense
=>Automatic Water Tap Controlling System
=>Electronic Controller for Three Phase Motor
=>Power Line Intercom
=>Traffic and Street Light Controller
=>Gear Level Indicator
=>Motorized jib Crane
=>Remote controlled Antenna/Dish tracking System
=>Rotating Dish Antenna (Model)
=>Remote controlled Paint Spraying Robot
=>Aero plane Controlling System (Flying Model)
=>Remote Controlled Video Analyzing Robot
=>Automatic packing control machine for industrial application
=>Cell phone controlled Solar Vehicle
=>Automatic Water level Sensing Crane
=>Over speed indication and Automatic accident Avoiding System for four wheeler
=>Cell Phone Controlled Pick and Place Robot
=>Sensor Based Automatic Accident Avoiding System for Machine
=>Automatic dam shutter controlling system
=>Automatic sensor operated foot dust Vacuum cleaning Machine
=>Automatic Sensor Based Car overtaking system
=>Automatic pressure controller cum valve open/Close Arrangement
=>Automatic Dam Shutter Controlling System
=>Remote controlled gas stove On/Off with adjustment System
=>Electronic numeric keyboard cum motorized safety locking system
=> Automatic Room/Toilet perfume spray machine
=>Car or Bus reverse Operation Navigation System By Using IR Rays
=>Vehicle Speed measuring using IR Rays (Information Reader)
=>Automatic Autotransformer ON Load Tap Changer
=>Electronic Ignition System for Automobile
=>Micro-controller Based college Timer
=>Home Appliances control through Telephone remote Control
=>Horizontal Turbine Type Domestic Wind Mill
=>Wind Turbine Power Generation System
=>Intelligent Starter for Three-phase Induction Motor
=>Railways Accident Avoiding System
=>Automatic Industrial Fire Fighter
=>Wireless Speed control of D.C Motor
=>Remote Controlled Car (Model)
=>Automatic Room Light Controller
=>Sensor Based Multi-Channel Fire Alarm System
=>Digital Locking system for Two Wheeler
=>Sensor Operated Intelligent Braking System for Four Wheeler
=>Home Automation With Security System
=>Bank token Number display with Speech Facility
=>Automatic Steering Control System
=>Remote controlled Door Open/Close System
=>Car Automation With Security System
=>Automatic Railway Gate Controller
=>Multi-Device Control Through Cell Phone
=>Tripping Sequence Recorder cum Indicator
=>PC-to-PC Communication using Infrared/Laser Beam
=>Automatic Electro-Plating Coating System
=>Automatic temperature controller with Cooling System
=>Sensor Based Automated Track Guided Vehicle (ATGV)
=>Wireless speed control of Single Phase A.C Motor
=>Automatic Sensor Operated Foot Dust Cleaning Machine
=>Automatic Rain operated wiper and Head light Dim / Bright Controller
=>Automatic Motorized Gate Open / Close System
=>Electric Two Wheeler
=>Numeric Controlled door Locking System
=>Dish Antenna Motorized tracking System
=>Clap-Operated Induction Motor Speed Control System
=>Remote Controlled Electronic Code Locking System
=>Electrical Machines Power Saving System
=>Long rang radio communication system for Aircraft
=>AC Motor Speed Controlling System Using PWM Techniques
=>Automatic Home Security system for apartment
=>Wind Energy Vehicle
=>Over voltage and under voltage controller
=>Power Management System
=>PC Based DC Motor Speed Controller using PWM Techniques
=>Sensor Operated accident avoiding system for machines
=>Automatic Humidity Controller for Industrial Application
=>Automatic Solar Traffic Controlling System
=>Remote Operated Furnace Flame Controller
=>Car/two Wheeler Automatic Head light Dim / Bright Controller
=>Motorized Wall Painting Crane
=>Electronic Voting Machine

=>A robot system for fire fighting in tunnels (IEEE 2005)
=>SMS based automatic two wheeler locking system
=>The development of intelligent home security robot (IEEE 2005)
=>GPS based vehicle root tracking system
=>Design and development of voice / Tele operated intelligent mobile robot (IEEE 1997)
=>Automatic Steering Control robot
=>An intelligent mobile robot navigation technique using RFID Technology (IEEE 2008)
=>Fabrication of GPS Robot
=>GSM mobile phone based automobile security system (IEEE 2000)
=>Automatic alcohol sensing robot
=>Artificial Intelligent based Solar Vehicle
=>Robot for military application
=>GSM based automatic vehicle accident information system
=>Material Dimensions Analyzing Robot
=>Three axis modern trailer
=>SMS controlled video analyzing robot
=>PLC based pick and place Robot
=>Fire Fighting Robot
=>Automatic car overtaking system
=>Path finding Robot
=>Fully Automated Track Guided Vehicle (ATGV)
=>Automatic Ball Printing Robot
=>Industrial temperature analyzing Robot
=>SMS controlled solar vehicle
=>Robot controlled Vacuum Cleaner
=>Automatic fire fighting visitor guided vehicle
=>Robot Hand (Model)
=>SMS controlled pick and place robot
=>Remote controlled bomb detecting robot
=>Automatic Arc Welding Robot
=>Fabrication of Computer Interfaced Robot
=>Automatic sensor based wall painting Robot
=>Remote operated weapons robot
=>Automatic pick and place paint spraying robot
=>Automatic vehicle accident place finding system by using GPS technology
=>Automatic Visitor Guided Robot
=>Sensor Operated Automatic Punching robot
=>Aero plane Controlling System (Flying Model)
=>Remote Controlled Video Analyzing Robot
=>Mini Robot Car for industrial application
=>Remote controlled air craft (Flying Model)
=>Mini Robot Spray Painting System
=>Remote controlled material handling robot
=>Pick and Place jumping robot with remote control
=>Video analyzing remote controlled vacuum cleaning robot
=>Automatic Scrap collecting Robot
=>SMS controlled moving robot
=>PLC based pick and place Robot
=>Cell phone controlled Solar Vehicle
=>Man less defense
=>Robot manipulator
=>Remote controlled paint spraying Robot
=>Mini Robot Car
=>Yarn detector and Braking Controlling Robot
=>Industrial temperature analyzing Robot
=>Human Eye Robot (Model)
=>Robot Excavator (Model)
=>Sensor Operated Path Finding Robot (Way Searching)
=>Automatic Magnetic Accident preventer for Train
=>Cell Phone Controlled Video Analyzing Robot
=>Robot Controlled Vacuum Cleaner
=>Intelligent Way Searching Pick and Place Robot
=>Cell Phone Controlled jumping Robot
=>Voice Controlled Material handling vehicle
=>PC based wireless Pick and Place Robot
=>Automatic Robot Over speed controlling system for People Zone
=>Artificial Intelligent Based Automatic Path finding Cum Video Analyzing Robot
=>PC based pick and place sequence robot
=>Automatic Paint spraying Robot
=>Automatic Vehicle Over speed controlling system for School Zone
=>Automatic vehicle Accident Information System
=>AI Based Fire fighting AGV
=>CNC material handling robot
=>Automatic paint spraying Conveyer Operated Robot Hand Model
=>Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
=>Pick and Place Robot with Remote Control
=>Wire Controlled Pick and Place Moving Robot
=>Voice Controlled Robot
=>Intelligent Robot
=>Telephone Operated Robot
=>Computer Interfaced Stationery Robot
=> Pneumatic Four Axis Material Handling Robot
=>Visitor guided with material handling Robot
=>Automatic railway track crack detecting Vehicle
=>Digital locking system (Password) for moving robot
=>Unaided Guided Vehicle(UGV)
=>Sand Collecting Vehicle
=>Automatic Fire Sensing and fighting Robot

=>PC Based pick and Place Sequence Robot
=>Remote home control through Internet
=>PC based wireless Material handling Vehicle
=>GPS Based vehicle root tracking system
=>PC based office automation
=>PC based wireless code locking system for machines
=>PC based Wireless Robot
=>Wireless controller cum internet controller for home appliances
=>Internet controlled D.C motor speed controlling system
=>PC based Solar Car
=>PC based Material handling Equipment
=>GPS based automatic vehicle accident information system
=>PC based Temperature, Voltage and Speed (T-V-S) monitoring System
=>RS 232 communication Based voltage monitoring system
=>PC-PC wireless communication using Laser Beams
=>PC based On-Load monitoring of distribution transformer tap changer using RF communication
=>Multi-Device control system using PC
=>PC based Home Automation
=>PC Based Multi-Motor control System
=>PC based wireless pick and place Robot
=>RS 232 communication based Touch screen monitoring
=>Add on cards for PCs to extend the output ports using 8255 for ISA slot
=>PC Based Moving Message Display
=>PC Based Motor Speed Monitoring System
=>PC Based industrial temperature controller
=>Programmable PC speed control of A.C Motor
=>RS232 communication Based Digital to Analog converter
=>RS232 communication Based Analog to Digital converter
=>Programmable PC speed control of D.C Motor
=>RS 232 communication Based length measurement system
=>PC based stepper motor speed control system
=>PC based different industrial parameter measuring using ADC control
=>PC based wireless multi-machine control system
=>RS 232 communication Based automatic moisture & light control system
=>PC based Auto Dialing Home Security System
=>PC based packing control machine for industrial Application
=>PC Based DC Motor Speed Controller using PWM Techniques
=>ADC add on with simulation parameters like speed, voltage, frequency, temperature and Current
=>PC based Home automation
=>Fuzzy logic based PC-PC communication through Laser Beam
=>PC based cordless pick and place Robot
=>PC based room cooling system
=>PC based Stepper motor speed control system
=>PC based Electrical appliances control System
=>PC to PC data transmission through Infrared Rays
=>PC Based 4-Axis stepper motor tracking System
=>PC based Auto feed bottle washing machine
=>PC based Automatic mono rail system
=>PC based wireless welding robot
=>RS 232 communication Based stepper motor position & angle controller
=>PC based Auto Dialing Industrial Security System

=>On line vehicle tracking by using GPS and GPRS (IEEE 2004)
=>Microcontroller Based Patient care Monitoring and auto dialer system
=>Design and implementation of a wireless remote data acquisition system for mobile applications (IEEE 2005)
=>GPS based bus or train collision avoiding system
=>GSM based mobile Tele-monitoring and management system for inter-cities public transportation (IEEE 2004)
=>Human tracking system by using GPS
=>The GPRS based location system for the long distance freight (IEEE 2006)
=>Automatic power meter reading system using GSM network (IEEE 2007)
=>GSM mobile phone based automobile security system (IEEE 2000)
=>SMS based home appliances controlling system
=>Automatic taxi trip sensing and indication system through GSM
=>GPS based Aid for Blind People
=>Design and development of voice / Tele operated intelligent mobile robot (IEEE 1997)
=>An intelligent mobile robot navigation technique using RFID Technology (IEEE 2008)
=>Fabrication of GPS Robot
=>A real time remote control architecture using mobile communication (IEEE 2005)
=>GSM Based remote measurement of electricity and control system for home
=>GSM based speed control of single phase A.C Motor
=>Security breach information for unauthorized entry based on Mobile technique
=>Industrial furnace temperature monitoring system using Mobile phone
=>Microcontroller based Auto-Dialer Home Security System
=>A remote measurement and controlling system for green house based on GSM-SMS (IEEE 2007)
=>Mobile tracking system by using GPS and GSM
=>Remote control of industrial machines based on GSM technology
=>Monitoring and transmission of heavy vehicle parameters using fixed cellular terminal (IEEE 2004)
=>GSM Mobile Phone based Automobile Security System
=>Microcontroller Based SMS controlled moving robot
=>Gas leakage detector & auto dialing controller system
=>Mobile phone jammer
=>Railway anti-collusion system using GPS
=>Mine detection vehicle for defense using GSM
=>GSM Based industrial controller
=>SMS based patient monitoring system
=>Microcontroller Based Stepper Motor Speed Controlling System Using Cell Phone
=>Railway Security Management System using GSM
=>GSM based home automation with security system
=>Locker security system with SMS informer
=>Microcontroller Based Electrical Appliances Controlling System Using Cell Phone
=>Microcontroller Based telephone Answering And Recording Machine
=>Cell phone controlled pick and place robot
=>SMS Based Banking Security System
=>SMS controlled credit card
=>GSM and GPS interface for human tracking system
=>SMS based electricity Billing system
=>GPS based location indicating system for unmanned automobile
=>Stepper Motor Speed Controlling System Using Cell Phone
=>SMS based automatic two wheeler locking system
=>Intelligent fire monitoring using blue tooth technology
=>SMS controlled pick and place robot with video camera
=>SMS based weather Report
=>Locker security system with SMS informer
=>SMS Based DC Motor Speed Controller

=>DSP based A.C voltage regulator
=>DSP Based Medical Announcement System
=>DSP based voice transmission system
=>DSP based Automatic Collision Avoider
=>DSP based Power Factor Measurement
=>DSP based multi channel control system
=>DSP based visual person identification and verification system
=>DSP based AC Motor Speed Control using PWM Techniques
=>DSP based phase noise measurement system
=>DSP based temperature controller
=>DSP based audio person identification and verification system
=>DSP Based Voice Transmission system
=>DC Motor Speed Control using PWM Technique
=>DSP Based Multi Channel Monitor
=>DSP based multi-standard sound system
=>DSP based vibration analyzer
=>DSP based speech recognition
=>DSP based image processing
=>DSP based function generator
=>DSP based voice processor
=>DSP based sound compression
=>DSP based image compression
=>DSP based modem
=>DSP based thickness analyzer
=>DSP based data acquisition
=>DSP based ECG monitor
=>DSP based D.C motor speed controlling system

=>SMS based automatic vehicle accident information system
=>Automatic Differential unit Locking System for four wheeler
=>Automatic Distance Measurement and Braking System By using Ultrasonic Waves
=>SMS based Bomb detecting robot
=>Automatic Shot blasting machine
=>Automatic wind mill blade pitch controlling system
=>Automatic Vegetable (or) Lemon Cutting machine
=>Automatic Vehicle Over speed controlling system for School Zone
=>Remote controlled air craft (Flying Model)
=>GPS based vehicle root tracking system
=>Microcontroller Based Self centering Four-jaw Chuck
=>Automatic temperature controller with cooling system
=>Remote controlled material handling motorized crane
=>GPS based blind people path announcement system
=>Button operated electro-magnetic gear shifting system for two wheeler
=>Automatic sensor based wall painting robot
=>Auto Indexing gear cutting attachment for pneumatic shaping Machine
=>Automatic accident avoiding system for machines
=>GSM Based two wheeler security system
=>Electronic assisted hydraulic braking system
=>Remote operated weapon System
=>Automatic double axis Pneumatic JCB
=>Automatic Car Parking System for apartment Building
=>PLC based automatic Multi-machine Lubrication System
=>Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system for Two wheeler
=>Cell phone controlled pick and place robot
=>Automatic boring mechanism using foundries
=>SMS based automatic pneumatic Punching and riveting machine
=>Video Analyzing remote controlled vacuum Cleaner
=>Two Wheeler Automation with security System
=>SMS based automatic pneumatic punching machine
=>Automatic hand break release
=>Queries controlling system for two wheeler
=>Automatic Pneumatic Grinding Machine
=>Unaided Guided Vehicle (UGV) for blind people
=>Automatic Power Saving Conveyor for Industrial Application
=>Automatic Visitor Guided with Material Handling Vehicle
=>Automatic Break Failure and Engine Over Heating Indication
=>Sensor Based Material loading/unloading system for different section
=>Automatic rotating table with sequence operating machine
=>SMS based Automatic two wheeler locking system
=>Digital locking (Fuel, ignition, side lock) system (Password) for Two wheeler
=>Over speed indication and Automatic accident Avoiding System for four wheeler
=>Sub marine (Model)
=>Automatic grease Gun
=>Auto head-lamp Alignment system for automobile
=>Railways accident Avoiding System “ (Level crossing and Fire Alarm)
=>Automatic Magnetic Accident preventer for Train
=>SMS based automatic drilling machine
=>Car or Bus reverse Operation Navigation System by using IR Rays
=>Solar automatic cell phone charger with pay system
=>Automatic car overtaking system
=>CNC Pick and place sequence operated Robot
=>Remote controlled boiler flame on/off with flame adjustment system
=>Material Dimensions Analyzing Robot
=>CNC pneumatic Auto feed punching Machine
=>PC based Automatic sheet cutting Machine
=>Sensor Based Inspection Conveyor
=>Remote controlled Video Analyzing pick and place Robot
=>Cell Phone Controlled Video Analyzing Robot
=>Automatic Vehicle Accident Information System
=>Automatic Dam shutter controlling system
=>Automatic Paint Spaying Equipment
=>Remote controlled Bomb detecting robot
=>Intelligent Braking System (IBS)
=>Emergency Braking System (EBS)
=>Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
=>Automatic Electro hydraulic Jack
=>Automatic Pneumatic stand for two wheeler
=>Automatic Bottle Washing Machine
=>SMS controlled pick and place robot
=>Aero plane Controlling System (Flying Model)
=>PC based pneumatic bottle washing machine
=>Accident Preventer for Cutting Machine
=>Automatic Wheel Chair for physically disabled person
=>Fully Automated Intelligent Vehicle (Car Model)
=>D & F of Automatic Pneumatic Riveting Machine
=>Electro Hydraulic System for Automation in Vehicle
=>D & F of Pneumatic Auto feed Drilling Machine
=>Automatic drunken drive avoiding system for automobile
=>Intelligent active Suspension system for two wheeler
=>Automatic Packing control Machine for Industrial Application
=>Automatic Double Axis Welding Machine
=>Automatic Pneumatic Paper cup folding Machine
=>Automatic Wheel chair cum bed
=>Automatic Sky Car parking System
=>Automatic Pneumatic Reciprocating Water Pumping System
=>Sensor Based Automatic paint marking machine for sprocket Industries
=>Automatic railway track crack detecting Vehicle
=>Remote controlled tilting Wheel chair
=>Automatic Three axis hydraulic modern Trailer
=>SMS based Pick and place Robot
=>Automatic Spring End Grinding Machine
=>Automatic Pneumatic vice and jack
=>Fabrication of Automatic typical Pipe Cutting Machine
=>SMS controlled automatic pneumatic ramming machine
=>Automatic cold chamber Die Casting Machine
=>Conveyor Automation
=>Automatic Car Parking System for apartment Building
=>Intelligent active Suspension system for two wheeler
=>Automatic Packing control Machine for Industrial Application
=>Automatic Double Axis Welding Machine
=>Automatic Pneumatic Paper cup folding Machine
=>Automatic Pneumatic Reciprocating Water Pumping System
=>Automatic Visitor Guided with Material Handling Vehicle
=>Automatic Vegetable (or) Lemon Cutting machine
=>Automatic accident avoiding system for machines
=>Two Wheeler Automation with security System
=>Sensor Operated Paper Counting Machine
=>Vacuum conveyor for Industrial Application
=>Sensor Based Automatic steering control system for Automobile
=>Automatic Pneumatic Jack for four wheeler
=>Digital locking system for material handling vehicle for industrial application
=>Automatic shock absorption system for automobile
=>Automatic Spray Painting System for Industrial Application
=>Electronic Hack Saw Machine
=>Automatic electro-magnetic Clutch
=>SMS controlled Material handling robot
=>Remote controlled Vacuum Cleaning Robot
=>Automatic Scrap Collecting Vehicle
=>Automatic Fire fighting cum material handling vehicle
=>Sensor Operated Automatic vehicle accident prevention system
=>Automatic Electro-Plating Coating System
=>Sensor Based Automatic Water level Sensing Crane
=>Automatic Solar Traffic and Street Light Controller
=>Automatic Pneumatic Hammer
=>CNC pick and place crane
=>CNC Drilling Machine
=>Automatic Dish Washing Machine
=>Automatic Railways Signaling System
=>Automatic potato chips making Machine
=>Sensor Operated Power saving Foot dust cleaner
=>Automatic Steering alignment system
=>Automatic Multi-Machine Lubrication System
=>Car Automation
=>Auto Feed Multi-purpose press
=>Automatic Sensor Based Reverse Braking System
=>Automatic Pneumatic Shaping Machine
=>Fully Automated Drilling Machine
=>Intelligent Wall painting Crane
=>Sensor based auto punching conveyor Machine
=>Pneumatic high speed Hack saw Machine
=>Automatic pneumatic vulcanizing Machine
=>Pneumatic Auto feed metal Forming Machine
=>Sensor Based Automatic Track Guided Vehicle (ATGV)
=>Automatic jack
=>Sensor Operated Automatic Ramming Machine
=>Automatic Fire Fighting Robot
=>Automatic Pneumatic Bottle Washing Machine
=>Pneumatic Sticker/Label Making Machine
=>Pneumatic Slotting Machine
=>Pneumatic Machining Time Reduction in Shaper
=>Automatic Scrap collecting Vehicle
=>Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
=>Pneumatic reciprocating saw machine
=>Automatic Pneumatic Punching and Riveting Machine
=>Sensor Operated Track Guided Vehicle
=>Automatic Pneumatic High speed Sheet Cutting Machine
=>PC based auto feed pneumatic vice
=>Remote controlled gas stove On/Off with flame adjustment System
=>Automatic pressure controller cum valve open/Close Arrangement
=>Automatic rain operated wiper
=>Automatic Humidification system
=>Simple indexing by stepper motor in Shaping Machine
=>CNC pneumatic auto feed punching and riveting Machine
=>Pneumatic Auto gear changer
=>Automatic Hydro-pneumatic Lubrication system
=>Automatic Pneumatic Ramming Machine
=>Pneumatic Auto feed Punching Machine
=>Automatic Railway Gate Controller
=>Automatic Rain operated wiper and Head light Dim / Bright Controller
=>Automatic Electro Hydraulic Braking System
=>Highways high Speed sensing and Automatic Pneumatic braking System
=>Automatic Motorized door Open/Close Mechanism
=>Automatic Moisture and Light Controlling System for Garden
=>Automatic Water Tape Controlling System
=>Accident Avoiding System for Punching Machine
=>Automatic Steering Mechanism
=>Automatic Embossing (Die Making) Drilling Machine
=>Automatic Sensor Operated Pneumatic Braking System
=>Automatic Plate Washing Machine
=>Automatic Pneumatic Printing Press
=>Automatic Water level controller for Over head tank
=>Automatic Typical pipe Cutting Machine
=>Sensor Operated Automated Guided Vehicle
=>Automatic acrylic sheet bending machine (Heater Control)
=>Sensor Operated Fire Fighting AGV
=>Automatic Gate Open / Close System
=>Car or Bus reverse Operation Navigation System by using IR Rays
=>Automatic Water level controller for Over head tank
=>Pneumatic Auto Feed Riveting Machine
=>CNC Automatic Ramming Machine
=>Automatic Typical pipe Cutting Machine
=>Aero plane Controlling System (Glider model)
=>Automatic temperature controller with Cooling System
=>Automatic Lubrication System
=>Automatic Foot Dust vacuum Cleaning Machine
=>Automatic Packing Conveyor by using sensors

=>Design and implementation of PLC based monitoring control system for induction motor (IEEE 2004)
=>PLC based automatic bottle filling System
=>Fault detection and production of induction motors using sensors (IEEE 2008)
=>PLC based automatic punching machine
=>PLC based injection Moulding machine controller
=>PLC based energy meter
=>PLC based automatic guided vehicle
=>PLC based industrial security system
=>PLC based irrigation controller for garden
=>PLC based automatic industrial drainage timer
=>PLC based automatic Multi-machine Lubrication System
=>PLC based industrial timer controller for multiple machines
=>PLC based pick and place robot
=>PLC based pressure controller
=>PLC based traffic density controller using sensor
=>PLC based fire monitor
=>PLC based temperature controller
=>PLC based speed monitor

=>On VLSI design of rank order filtering using DCRAM architecture (IEEE 2007)
=>A BIST circuit for DLL fault detection (IEEE 2008)
=>Low power leading zero counting and anticipation logic for high speed floating point unit (IEEE 2008)
=>Effective uses of FPGAS for brute force attack on RC4 ciphers (IEEE 2008)
=>Efficient communication between the embedded processor and the reconfigurable logic on an FPGA (IEEE 2008)
=>Hybrid type cam design for both power and performance efficiency (IEEE 2008)
=>Robust concurrent online testing of network on chip based on SOCS (IEEE 2008)
=>An accumulator based compaction scheme for online BIST of RAMS (IEEE 2008)
=>The reconfigurable instruction call array (IEEE 2008)
=>A medium-grain reconfigurable for DSP VLSI design, benchmark mapping and performance (IEEE 2008)
=>Area-efficient arithmetic expression evaluation using deeply pipelined floating-point cores (IEEE 2008)
=>FPGA implementation of scalable encryption algorithm (IEEE 2008)
=>Low power design of precomputation based content addressable memory (IEEE 2008)
=>Automatic constraint based test generation for behavioral HDL models (IEEE 2008)
=>Higher radix and redundancy factor for floating point SRT division (IEEE 2008)
=>Automatic design of reconfigurable domain-specific flexible cores (IEEE 2008)
=>Enhancement of fault injection techniques based on the modification of VHDL code (IEEE 2008)
=> Diagnosis framework for locating failed segment of path delay faults (IEEE 2008)
=>LFSR reseeding scheme achieving low power dissipation during test (IEEE 2008)
=>Registers for phase difference based logic (IEEE 2007)
=>A combined gate replacement and input vector control approach for leakage current reduction (IEEE 2006)
=>A high efficiency fully synchronous buck converter power delivery system based on finite state machine (IEEE 2006)
=>X-masking during logic BIST and impact on defect coverage (IEEE 2006)
=>New techniques for attestable fault identification in sequential circuits (IEEE 2006)
=>New and improved BIST diagnosis method combinatorial group testing theory (IEEE 2006)
=>Energy management for battery power reconfigurable computing platforms (IEEE 2006)
=>Design specific path delay testing in lookup table based FPGA (IEEE 2006)
=>Weighted pseudo- random hybrid BIST (IEEE 2004)
=>Low-power scan design using first level supply gating (IEEE 2005)
=>Optimization techniques for FPGA based wave pipelined DSP blocks (IEEE 2005)
=>A source synchronous double data rate parallel optical transciever ic (IEEE 2005)
=>Double sampling data checking technique an online testing solution for multi source noise induced errors on chip interconnects and buses (IEEE 2004)
=>Leakage current reduction in CMOS circuit using ip vector control(IEEE 2004)
=>Improving linear test data compression (IEEE 2006)
=>Exact and heuristic approaches to input vector control for leakage power reduction (IEEE 2006)
=>Auto scan : A scan design without external scan input or output (IEEE 2005)
=>Characterization, Test and logic synthesis of Andor-Invertor (AOI)(IEEE 2005)
=>Diagnosis of logic circuits using compressed deterministic data and on chip response comparison (IEEE 2006)
=>Extraction error modeling and automated model debugging in high performance custom design(IEEE 2006)
=>Pipelined array based fir filter folding(IEEE 2005)
=>Space vector modulation using VLSI(IEEE 2002)
=>Variable run length coding for embedded progressive wavelet based image compression and decompression
=>Hardware implementation of finger printing algorithm suited for digital cinema
=>Finger printing reorganization
=>Speed Referencing for continues hot rolling mill
=>digital audio stenography
=>Multi input and multi out for wireless communication system
=>VLSI based traffic light controller
=>A general purpose cell sequencer / Scheduler for ATM switches
=>Wireless home appliances controller
=>Speed control of DC motor
=>Stepper motor controller
=>Wireless camera controller
=>Event driven simulation of VLSI circuits
=>A low-power multiplier with the spurious power suppression technique (IEEE 2007)
=>Go/no- go testing of VCO modulation RF transceivers through the delayed-RF setup(IEEE 2007)
=>A BIST TPG for low power dissipation and high fault coverage(IEEE 2007)
=>Universal VLSI based on a redundant multiple valued sequential logic operation(IEEE 2007)
=>A VHDL implementation of UART design with BIST capability(MALAYSAN JOURNAL 2006)
=>Advanced encryption slandered (AES)
=>High speed VLSI architecture for parallel reed Solomon decoder


=>The application of arm and ZIGBEE technology wireless networks in monitoring mine safety system (IEEE 2008)
=>Secure remote access from Office to Home (IEEE 2001)
=>Human root tracking system by using GPS
=>On line vehicle tracking by using GPS and GPRS (IEEE 2004)
=>A remotely controlled by the onboard measurement system for optimization of energy conception of electrical trains (IEEE 2008)
=>An intelligent mobile robot navigation technique using RFID Technology (IEEE 2008)
=>Design and implementation of a wireless remote data acquisition system for mobile applications (IEEE 2005)
=>GSM based mobile Tele-monitoring and management system for inter-cities public transportation (IEEE 2004)
=>Automatic taxi trip sensing and indication system through GSM
=>Wireless communication based tire pressure monitoring system (IEEE 2007)
=>Microcontroller based wireless energy meter
=>Designing wireless interfaces for patient monitoring equipment (IEEE 2005)
=>Web based home appliances controlling system
=>A real time remote control architecture using mobile communication (IEEE 2005)
=>GSM Based remote measurement of electricity and control system for home
=>Microcontroller based Auto-Dialer Home Security System
=>Microcontroller based wireless recorder for biomedical signals (IEEE 2005)
=>Microcontroller Based Gas leakage detection and auto dialing
=>GPS based bus or train collision avoiding system
=>Wireless liquid level sensing for restaurant applications (IEEE 2002)
=>GSM based speed control of single phase induction motor
=>Microcontroller Based Patient care Monitoring and Information system
=>System for measuring power supply parameters with ZIGBEE connectivity (IEEE 2007)
=>Remote home control through internet
=>Remote controlled dish antenna rotating system
=>Wireless transformer monitoring system
=>Prepaid card for EB meter with wireless recharge
=>GSM based bank security system with auto dialer
=>Wireless home appliances controlling system using FM
=>GSM and GPS interface for vehicle tracking system
=>Wireless audio communication through laser beam
=>SMS based D.C motor speed controlling system
=>Microcontroller based Wireless traffic light controller
=>Remote controlled D.C motor speed controlling system
=>SMS based automatic weather report information system
=>Microcontroller based wireless Electric bill reading system
=>SMS based home appliances controlling system
=>Wireless controller cum internet controller for home appliances
=>SMS based banking security system
=>PC based wireless stepper motor speed controlling system
=>Security breach information for unauthorized entry based on mobile technique
=>SMS based industrial disaster system
=>Microcontroller Based SMS controlled moving robot
=>GPS based location indicating system for unmanned automobile
=>PC based wireless pick and place robot
=>Microcontroller based Wireless monitoring system
=>Remote industrial security system
=>Wireless hospital management system
=>RF based remote control for Air-conditioner
=>Wireless two wheeler locking system
=>Wireless water level controller
=>Wireless PC-PC data communication system through Lased beam
=>Wireless theft indicator for vehicle
=>Wireless toll collection
=>Remote controlled Belt Conveyor
=>Wireless wind mill blade controlling system
=>Wireless controlled metal detector
=>Wireless single phase preventer cum power failure indicator
=>Remote controlled motorized crane
=>Wireless power failure indicator for E.B
=>Wireless A.C motor speed controlling system

=>Design of a Low “Power microcontroller based wireless ECG monitoring system (IEEE 2007)
=>Microcontroller Based blood pressure monitoring system
=>A portable intelligent ECG monitor based on wireless internet and embedded system technology (IEEE 2008)
=>Microcontroller Based Patient care Monitoring and Information system
=>Microcontroller based human body temperature monitoring system
=>Microcontroller based respiration monitoring system
=>Microcontroller based wireless recorder for biomedical signals (IEEE 2005)
=>Microcontroller based automatic drug injector
=>Designing wireless interfaces for patient monitoring equipment (IEEE 2005)
=>Microcontroller based centralized monitoring system for hospital
=>Microcontroller based hospital networking system
=>Microcontroller based insulin monitoring system
=>Microcontroller based electronic stethoscope
=>Microcontroller Based Automatic Blood/Glucose flow rate controller
=>Microcontroller based digital trip monitor and alarm system
=>Microcontroller based pulse rate monitoring system
=>Microcontroller based temperature and respiration monitoring system
=>Microcontroller based multi-channel temperature monitor and controlling system
=>Microcontroller based automatic patient temperature monitoring system
=>Microcontroller based ECG monitoring system through telephone
=>Microcontroller based portable computer aided drug dispenser
=>Microcontroller based temperature monitor through optical fiber cable
=>Microcontroller based heart pulse monitoring through telephone line
=>SMS based patient monitoring system
=>Microcontroller based automatic glucose flow rate controller
clap activated remote control
Turning Gadgets On with a Wave of Your Hand
A Simple Walking Robot
Automatic Vegetable (or) Lemon Cutting machine
System for measuring power supply parameters with ZIGBEE connectivity
Remote controlled D.C motor speed controlling system
Remote controlled dish antenna rotating system
Wireless transformer monitoring system

to get information about the topic electronics and instrumentation full report ppt, and related topics refer the page link bellow








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