
Electronic Tendering is carrying out the traditional tendering process in an electronic form, using the internet. Using E-Tendering the users can:

Raise Indents as per the requirement ·
Approve indents online
Sell Tenders
Receive Bids
Award Contract / PO
Evaluate Tenders
Create and publish NIT
Includes a variety of off techniques such as RFPs, quotes, auctions and reverse auctions.

Using E-Tendering, the suppliers can

Receive notification of the relevant tenders
Purchase tenders document
Submit Bids Online
Track the status of their bids

The tenders are published by the companies who are in demand of the goods. Using the E-Tendering System, the users of the participating companies will:

Raise indents as per the requirements
Approve Indents online
Create Tender
Approve Tender and
Publish Tender online

The users who registered as suppliers of this system will:

Receive tender notification
Submit Tenders

The system will auto evaluate the bids of the suppliers and gude the user to select its apt supplier.

The system can be developed using ASP.NET and MSSQL Server or any other web application developer



This is a plan to make tender publishing online. As a part of it, tender data is recorded along with particulars of the products, their specifications and conditions. Tenders published will be visible to the visitors of the site till the closing date of tender.

Many huge enterprises handle large/huge projects of government and other private enterprises. In all such projects thousands of employees would be working on them. Such enterprise requires purchases from various vendors for different purposes. The employees would float tenders globally by advertising in reputed news papers. Advertising in news papers involves lot of cost, searching in news papers is time-consuming, communication gap between buyers and suppliers (only way is through phone or mail), receiving bids and finalizing tenders takes a lot of time. So we make this whole process of tendering online which is efficient and consumes very less time .

Existing System:-
Present System: Many huge enterprises handle large/huge projects of government and other private enterprises. In all such projects thousands employees would be working on them.Such enterprise requires purchases from various vendors for different purposes. The employees would float tenders globally by advertising in reputed news papers.
• Advertising in news papers involves lot of cost.
• Once the paper is lost, you cannot view them.
• Searching in news papers is time-consuming.
• Communication gap between buyers and suppliers(only way is through phone or mail)
• Receiving bids and finalizing tenders takes a lot of time.


Electronic Tendering is carrying out the traditional tendering process in an electronic form, using the internet. Using E-Tendering the users can:
• Raise Indents as per the requirement •
• Approve indents online
• Sell Tenders
• Receive Bids
• Award Contract / PO
• Evaluate Tenders
• Create and publish NIT
• Includes a variety of off techniques such as RFPs, quotes, auctions and reverse auctions.
Using E-Tendering, the suppliers can
• Receive notification of the relevant tenders
• Purchase tenders document
• Submit Bids Online
• Track the status of their bids
The tenders are published by the companies who are in demand of the goods. Using the E-Tendering System, the users of the participating companies will:
• Raise indents as per the requirements
• Approve Indents online
• Create Tender
• Approve Tender and
• Publish Tender online
The users who registered as suppliers of this system will:
• Receive tender notification
• Submit Tenders
The system will auto evaluate the bids of the suppliers and guide the user to select its apt supplier.


With the increasing growth in the number of industries and the competitive run for the trophy of perfection and profit, these industries round the globe are in the lookout for a roof to exhibit their products in the most convenient ,profitable and successful means. Chambers of Commerce and Industrial Associates around the world conduct expos or large trade fairs and exhibitions with the aim of promoting their products and companies. The organizers face a huge amount of effort in conduction such large scale expos. Nevertheless organizing such exhibitions not only give companies good exposure but also servers to agree upon big deals and agreements with other corporate or potential clients.
Functional modules of this projects aee
Maintain Exhibitor Information
• Exhibitor's demographic information
• Exhibitor's membership status
• Mail codes - allows you to include/exclude an exhibitor from a mailing
• Total number of years exhibiting in your expo
• Total number of booths - along with booth numbers
• Number of booths by year
• Staff working at the booth
• Sponsors
• Prints badges and confirmations
• Exhibitor priority points (for booth preferences and awards)
• Exhibit space size - along with the amount
• Source of exhibitor leads
• Capture important dates including: last change, paid, contract sent, and contract return date
Booth Management
Expo Management System automatically updates exhibitor accounts when fees or services are changed for a booth. You also have the option of printing reports of booth assignments and analyzing your booth data with statistical reports. Additionally, you may create charts and graphs for the Executive Director/Board.

Maintain Product Directory
A complete product guide and exhibitor directory is easy to produce when using Expo Management System . You can create this by
defining product codes and assigning them to exhibitor accounts. Each exhibitor can have multiple directory listings.
Exhibitor Accounting
Within the Expo Management System accounting reports include exhibitor financial list, booth audit trail, cash receipts by date, deposit slips, statements, accounting summary reports, status reports, and end-of-month reports. It's easy to create your own or tailor these reports to fit your needs by using the custom report writer.

The project entitled ‘Document Management System’ is concerned with the development of a system that is simple and easy to use yet a powerful web application for sharing, managing and controlling enterprise documents on intranet/internet in a secure manner. Manage your documents over the Web. It enables to create a central repository of organizational documents indexed by key words and organized by category. Internet based Document Management System provides a document library with secure access control, advanced search features and document-centric collaboration for document sharing and supporting project teams

The main facilities of this project are:
• The user has the facility to:
o Create and delete of accounts
o Updating of personal data
o Retrieval of password and other information
o Restricted list of download documents and other data
o Introduces advanced search techniques for quick and easy retrieval of data
• The user can search a particular file by just specifying its subject, keyword, description etc .In addition the user also has the facility of sorting the data i.e. viewing documents uploaded by a particular person or persons falling in a particular group.
• More users friendly and centralized.
• The transaction process is simplified.

Proposed System

The proposed system is more advanced and efficient than the existing system as it is built with the latest Microsoft Technologies. The main objective is to enhance security and provide a smooth, easy and automatic transaction and search facilities to the users. The service provided is more centralized and hence the administrator has more control over the system.
The entire project has been divided into three modules namely
• User module
• Document module
• Security module
User management includes adding/removing users, setting/modifying the access rights of users, setting the properties of the document management system etc. The system may also provide a guest user
account. The administrator may define Groups of users, which may have a common set of privileges. The Administrator must be able to add/remove, setting/modifying the access rights of such groups. He should also be able to remove users from the system.
Document Module
Document management includes adding new document categories, removing existing document categories, modifying access and other settings of existing document categories, download and upload of documents for read/update operations etc. The system must be able to categorize the documents in an organized manner. All the documents should be stored in a centralized database and must be accessible from
various locations. The system must ensure that when an authorized user is modifying a particular file, it should not be accessible to any others until it is completely updated and saved. The system should provide for searching of documents based on keyword, documents names, category etc. The system should provide a tree view listing of document categories. Each user can view only those document categories that are accessible to him. The system should maintain logs that keep track of the history of the files.
Security Module
Security Module deals with the secrecy and protection of the desired documents. It consists of sub modules namely User module and Category module.
User module operates in two modes: Administrator mode and User mode. The administrator may define Groups of users, which may have a common set of privileges. The Administrator must be able to add/remove, setting/modifying the access rights of such groups. The administrator must set read-only or read-write permissions for each document category for every individual user. User mode enables the user to create a new account on specifying the personal details. The forget password entry enables the user to retrieve his/her password by answering to a secret question correctly.

Cargo Tracking System is an online system for transporting various goods from one place to another and also viewing the customer about the current status of cargo.
It mainly consist of Three modules:
1. Head Office
Head office is the main office for controlling sub office under control.
2.Sub Office
Only permit staff can allow to enter the sub office.
It is used for the customer for viewing the current status of cargo according to enter the given tracking number and appropriate message will display.

The system provides different access rights and login for the users such as administrator, travel agency and registered members. The proposed system helps the Administrator to configure the basic settings details. The system also provides facility for the entering bus details such as bus type bus model and adding new bus. The administrator is also responsible for adding rout details such as route name, break point details. Route scheduling and bus scheduling is also done by administrator. Ticket cancellation rule and commission details for the travel agency are also set by administrator.
• The benefits of proposed system are
• Heavily reduces the human workload
• Intermediate seat booking
• Current location tracking and scheduling the bus from that location
• Online reservation (credit card using) facility for public
• Membership scheme can be implemented
• User can book their seat from anywhere
• Credit card facility is available
• Fast information flow
• Prohibition of illegal data extraction by providing access rights
• Assurance of data consistency
• Above all, it s user friendly and simple


The proposed project "Universal Web Administration tool for Database" is an online tool that can be used manage databases like ORACLE, SQL SERVER,MySQL, MSSQL
Proposed Features
• Support for most Database features:
o browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes
o create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and indexes
o maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration
o execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
o manage users and privileges
o manage stored procedures and triggers
• Import data from CSV and SQL
• Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML and others
• Creating complex queries using Visual Query Designer
• Searching globally in a database or a subset of it
Working of the Application.
To acces a database remotely the user need to supply the address of the server, user name, password, database name etc to the initial screen of the application. The proposed project works in conjunction with Enterprise Database Integration server project posted in this website earlier. Appropriate screens will be provided to the user for tha database actions like insert,delete,edit,query options. The request from the users will be parsed by the application and will send to the Enterprise Database Integration server for execution. The results that returned from the server will be displayed to the user.


College management system is an integrated web application that handles various academic and non academic activities of a College/Academic Institute. The system can access by every students/faculties/employees of the institution through internet connected computers or internet enabled mobile devices with the aid of his user name and password. Every user will have a customized home page with his/her profile management facilities. Through links that displays in the home page the user can access different options of the website assigned to him.

Though the system allows access to every one there is a significant security risk involved in this project. To tackle this problem we suggest a modular structure in the proposed system and a complete isolation of the financial and administrative modules from the public portal. Only trusted IP’s can access these modules. Web services will interact to the financial and administrative modules to fetch necessary information to display in the public portal. Although a standard password policy will be followed in the designing of the system to prevent the possibilities of malicious activities of itching users.

A self driven module in the proposed system will accomplish the automated tasks such as Email Alerts, SMS alerts, Notifications to the administrator etc.

The system can be developed using ASP.NET 2005 and MS SQL Server 2005.

Some of the features of the proposed system are

7. User Management


The Web Content Management System (Web CMS) is content management system software, implemented as a Web application, for creating and managing HTML content. It is used to manage and control a large, dynamic collection of Web material (HTML documents and their associated images). The Web CMS facilitates content creation, content control, editing, and many essential Web maintenance functions.
The software provides authoring tools designed to allow users with little or no knowledge of programming languages or markup languages to create and manage content with relative ease of use.
The systems use a database (SQL Server) to store content, metadata, and/or artifacts that might be needed by the system. Content is stored as XML, to facilitate reuse and enable flexible presentation options.]
The presentation layer displays the content to regular Web-site visitors based on a set of templates.
Administration is done through browser-based interfaces.
Unlike Web-site builders like Microsoft FrontPage or Adobe Dream weaver, the Web CMS allows non-technical users to make changes to an existing website with little or no training.


The Computer aided teaching system is a frame work to create Interactive Multimedia Tutorial CD's. Using this software the user can create tutorials with Images, Movies, Audio clips, Descriptions etc. The inbuilt speech SDK will read the descriptions in the tutorial for the end user. The aim of this project is to help the teachers with basic computer knowledge to create interactive tutorials for their students.
The project will have a single administrative module. The administrator can follow the tutorial creation wizard to add Topics, Subtopics etc.. After the completing the wizard user has to compile the project into a package. This package can directly write into a CD.

This project is developed using VB.NET and MS Access. Additional components used in this project are Multimedia Player, Microsoft Text to Speech SDK.


The project Spare Cataleptic and Sales Monitoring system is a software package developed in Visual Basic 6.0. It is developed to computerize the customer enquiry for the needed spare parts.
The purpose is to service the customer as quick as possible. When the enquiry for the needed spare part is made through either its code or name or local name or by seeing the catalog, the system will search for the available product and will report the availability and other details. Thus we can save the searching time.
The catalog includes the figurative representation of the specified spare parts with its full description. All the needed internal designs are displayed in classified manner.
Warranty management module is also included in this project. When a claim for warranty arise all the details of that spare part such as purchase number, part code etc will be verified with the details in the system. After a successful verification the subsequent steps for warranty will be initiated.
The system has been completely designed as menu-driven and figurative representation for all the parts. Normal Reports and custom reports are included in this project.

This project aims to bring up the idea of automation of transfer of data structure (table) designs as well as data (records) from one DBMS to another (possibly different type of) DBMS across the network. The system has a source side (client) and destination side (server) parts. At the source side, the user selects a given RDBMS (say Oracle, MS SQL server, DB2, Sybase etc.) and interrogates to get a list of tables present in the system. He chooses a table, selects the columns of the table to migrate and sets up a filter condition for the records to pick. The user also specifies the destination RDBMS system (need not be the same type as the source) The definition of the table selected and its records are read by the application, converted into XML form and transmitted to the destination side application (server) using the network. The destination side application receives the XML files, parses them and creates the required tables and records in the destination RDBMS
he project becomes very useful for an administrator who wishes to switch from one DBMS system to another. The entire data conversion becomes reliable, fast and efficient. These findings proved that Migration of database from a source machine to a destination machine is a very helpful application.

Customer Centric Data

The CCD (Customer Centric Data) is a user friendly, internet application developed to maintain a clean data of world wide customers from world wide systems

systems along with the cleansing activities of the customer’s database to the users based on the roles

The Customer Centric Data is precisely the tool that serves the purpose of consolidating the customer information from internal and external systems. It provides a unique database that maintains real-time customer contact information and cleans any kind of duplicate or erroneous customer contact information.

e-Tendering is the procurement process simply conducted online, ie supplier registration/expression of interest, contract download, submission of bid document, evaluation of tenders. May or may not involve e-auctions.
e-Tendering is an established and growing platform which state and state agencies use to efficiently procure goods and service
e-Tendering platforms for B2B and B2C transaction are also growing in popularity in recent years.
Examples of private sector e-tendering services include e-tender.ie, a tendering platform developed for the Irish Construction industry and Tenderline
Procurement is the acquisition of appropriate goods and/or services at the best possible total cost of ownership to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location. Corporations and public bodies often define processes intended to promote fair and open competition for their business while minimising exposure to fraud and collusion.
Almost all purchasing decisions include factors such as delivery and handling, marginal benefit, and price fluctuations. Procurement generally involves making buying decisions under conditions of scarcity. If good data is available, it is good practice to make use of economic analysis methods such as cost-benefit analysis or cost-utility analysis.
An important distinction is made between analysis without risk and those with risk. Where risk is involved, either in the costs or the benefits, the concept of expected value may be employed.
Direct procurement and indirect procurement
Direct procurement Indirect procurement
Raw material and production goods Maintenance, repair, and operating supplies Capital goods and services
F E A T U R E S Quantity Large Low Low
Frequency High Relatively high Low
Value Industry specific Low High
Nature Operational Tactical Strategic
Examples Crude oil in petroleum industry Lubricants, spare parts Machinery, computers
Based on the consumption purposes of the acquired goods and services, procurement activities are often split into two distinct categories. The first category being direct, production-related procurement and the second being indirect, non-production-related procurement.
Direct procurement occurs in manufacturing settings only. It encompasses all items that are part of finished products, such as raw material, components and parts. Direct procurement, which is the focus in supply chain management, directly affects the production process of manufacturing firms. In contrast, indirect procurement activities concern “operating resources” that a company purchases to enable its operations. It comprises a wide variety of goods and services, from standardised low value items like office supplies and machine lubricants to complex and costly products and services like heavy equipment and consulting services.
Procurement topics
Procurement vs acquisition

The US Defense Acquisition University (DAU) defines procurement as the act of buying goods and services for the government.
DAU defines acquisition as the conceptualization, initiation, design, development, test, contracting, production, deployment, Logistics Support (LS), modification, and disposal of weapons and other systems, supplies, or services (including construction) to satisfy Department of Defense needs, intended for use in or in support of military missions.
Acquisition is therefore a much wider concept than procurement, covering the whole life cycle of acquired systems. Multiple acquisition models exist, one of which is provided in the following section.
Acquisition process
The revised acquisition process for major systems in industry and defense is shown in the next figure. The process is defined by a series of phases during which technology is defined and matured into viable concepts, which are subsequently developed and readied for production, after which the systems produced are supported in the field.
Model of the Acquisition Process.
The process allows for a given system to enter the process at any of the development phases. For example, a system using unproven technology would enter at the beginning stages of the process and would proceed through a lengthy period of technology maturation, while a system based on mature and proven technologies might enter directly into engineering development or, conceivably, even production. The process itself includes four phases of development:
• Concept and Technology Development: is intended to explore alternative concepts based on assessments of operational needs, technology readiness, risk, and affordability.
• Concept and Technology Development phase begins with concept exploration. During this stage, concept studies are undertaken to define alternative concepts and to provide information about capability and risk that would permit an objective comparison of competing concepts.
• System Development and Demonstration phase. This phase could be entered directly as a result of a technological opportunity and urgent user need, as well as having come through concept and technology development.
• The last, and longest, phase is the Sustainment and Disposal phase of the program. During this phase all necessary activities are accomplished to maintain and sustain the system in the field in the most cost-effective manner possible.

can anyone help me providing the e-tender documents for my final year project. Project Documentation with the existing manual traditional tender system and purposed E- Tendering system.

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