

1.The branch of science which deals with principles and practices of soil, water and crop management:
(A)Agriculture(B)Agro forestry
(C ) Agronomy'(D) Soil Science

2.The author of the book ‘Horse Hoeing Husbandly’:
(A)Helmont(B)Jethro Tull
(C )John Bonnet Lawes(D)Norman

3.The densest part of the atmosphere which contains 85% of the atmosphere’s mass :
(C )Mesosphere(D)Thermosphere

4.A product of decomposition of plant and animal residues which is fairly stable, amorphous and brown to black in colour :
(C )Clay(D)CarbonCarbon

5.A mineral element that functions in plant metabolism whether or not its action is specific is known as:
(A)Essential nutrient(B)Macro nutrient
(C )Functional nutrient(D)Secondary nutrient

6. N recovery in wet land rice production system rarely exceeds :
(A) 50-60%(B)30-40%30 - 40%
(C ) 60-70%(D)20-30%

7.Cropping intensity of Kerala :
(A) 100%• : (B)134%134%
(C ) 180%(D)129%120%

8.The Puncha season of Kuttanad :
(A)May to August-September
(B)September-October to February:March
(C )January to May
(D)June-July to October-November

9.Chemical ploughing means :
(A) Zero Tillage(B) Minimum Tillage
(C ) Once over Tillage(D) BUnd Tillage

10.A short duration crop in between two main seasonal crops is known as :
(A)Cash crop(B)Inter crop
(C )Comparison crop(D)Catch crop

11.The practice of growing different intercrops of varying height, rooting depth and duration :
(A) Alley cropping(B) Multi storied cropping
(C )Mixed cropping(D)Inter cropping

12.The term ‘Evergreen revolution' has been given by :
(A) A.S. Faroda(B) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
(C )Dr. V.L. Chopra(D)Dr. R.S. Paroda

13.Any seed which is produced on government multiplication farm is usually called as :
(A)Breeder seed(B)Foundation seed
(C )Registered seed(D)Certified seed

14.Seed that are capable of germination under favourable conditions just after ripening become incapable of germination when they arc stored under unfavourble condition for a few days is due to:
(A)Primary dormancy(B)Natural dormancy
(C )Innate dormancy(D)Induced dormancy

15. The ability of the soil to produce crop per unit area under specified system management:
(A)Soil fertility(B)Soil productivitySoil productivity
(C )Soil textureSoil texture. (D)Soil structureSoil structure

16. A form of agriculture aimed at meeting the needs of the present generation without endangering the resource base of the future germinations :
(A) Organic agriculture(B)Precision farming
(C ) Sustainable agriculture(D)Modern agricultureModern agriculture

17.Maturation of ovule leads to the formation of:
(A) Fruit(B)EmbryoEmbryo
(C ) Endosperm(D)Seed

18.The last phase of seed development is :
(A) Fertilisation(B)DehydrationDehydration
(C ) DessicationCD)Pollination

19.The scar on the ovule made when the funicle detaches at maturity is known as
(A) Raphae(B)Chalaza
(C ) Hilum(D)Strophiole

20.The germination process in which the cotyledons appear above the soil surface
(A) Epistasis(B)Epicotyl
(C ) Hypogoal(D)Epigeal

21.The biochemical test employed to assess seed viabilityis:
(A) Formaldehyde test(B)Tetrazolium test
(C )Ferric chloride test(D)Levene’s test

22.The external factor that affects seed longevity includes :
(A)Wind velocity(B)Soil moisture
(C )Relative humidity(D)Seed size

23.The growth regulator required to initiate seed germination is :
(A)Gibberellic acid(B)Absicic acid
(C )Cytokinnin(D)Ethrel

24.Deterioration of genetic purity occurs due to :
(A)Admixture(B) Developmental variations
(C ) Isolation(D) Both (A) and (B) but not (C )

25.----------------- is heterozygous, but a homogenous population.
(A) Pure line4(B) Hybrid variety
(C ) Open pollinated variety(D) Synthetic variety

26.Multiple effects of a single gene is known as :
(A) Polyploidy(B) Heteroploidy
(C ) Pleiotropy(D) None of these

27.Centre of diversity is the area where cultivated plant species and or their wild relatives show :
(A)High ecosystem diversity
(B)Low competition with unrelated species
(C )Highest variation
(D)Highest related species

28.Triticale is a :
(A) Inter-specific cross(B) Inter-varietal cross
(C )Intra-generic cross(D) Inter-generic cross

29.Polyploidy is induced through : (A) X rays (C ) EMS
(B) Colchicine (D) Ethylene

30.---------------is the quickest method of Plant breeding.
(A) Hybridization(B) Introduction
(C ) Mutation(D) Domestication

31.Basic activity in plant breeding is : (A) Introduction (C ) Domestication
(B) Selection (D) Apomixis

32.Somatic hybridization is achieved through :.
(A) Grafting(B)Protoplast fusionProtoplast fusion
(C ) rDNA technology(D)BuddingBudding

33.The rocks formed by the solidification of molten magma :
(A) Sedimentary rocks(B)MarbleMarble
(C ) Igneous rock(D)Metamorphic rock

34.The concentration of_____________ gas is higher in soil air compared to atmospheric air.
(A) . Argon(B)NitrogenNitrogen
(C ) Carbondioxide(D)OxygenOxygen

35.Stoke’a law is the principle behind- analysis.
(A) Particle size(B)Particle densityParticle density
(C ) Cation exchange capacity(D)None of the above

36.The mobilization and translocation of soil materials from a horizon in solution or suspension by percolating water:
(A) Illuviation(B)Eluviation
(C ) Humification(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

37.The most abundant element in earth’s crust is :
(A) Magnesium .(B)Iron
(C ) Silicon(D)OxygenOxygen

38.In Kerala, the major soil type is
(A) Red soil •(B)Black soilBlack soil
(C ) Alluvial soil(D)Laterite soil

39.The downward entry of water into the soil:
(A) Percolation(B)Infiltration
(C ) Permeability(D)Hydraulic conductivityHydraulic conductivity

40.The mineral that is most resistant to weathering:
(A) Quartz(B)FeldsparFeldspar
(C ) Pyroxene(D)MicaMica

41. Soil water held between maximum water holding capacity and field capacity :
(A) Available water(B)Capillary waterCapillary water
(C ) Gravitational water(D)Hygroscopic water

42.The number of soil orders in Soil Taxonomy :
(A) 10(B)1111
(C ) 15(D)1212

43.Soil moisture can be determined by :•
(A) Tensiometer method(B)Neutron scattering method
(C ) Gravimetric method(D)All of the aboveAll of the above

44.Active soil forming factor is :
(A) Time(B)ClimateClimate
(C ) Parent material(D)ReliefRelief

45.horizon is also referred as sub soil.
(A) O(B)AA
(C ) B .(D)C

46.Potential due to the interaction of solutes and water in the soil is :
(A) Matric potential(B)Osmotic potentialOsmotic potential
(C ) Pressure potential(D)Gravitational potentialGravitational potential

47.Add sulphate soils occur in Kerala inregion.
(A) Onattukkara(B)Pokkali
(C ) Kuttanad(D)Kaipad

48.Black soils found in India are :
(A) Swell-shrink soils(B)Sandy soilsSandy soils
(C ) Loamy soils(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

49. An important tool in IPM used for management soil borne nursery disease :
(A)Foliar spraying of fungicides/ insecticides
(B)Soil solarisation followed by drenching with bioagents
(C )Foliar spraying of biotic agents.
(D)Soil amendment with neemcake

50. Systemic fungicide compatible with Trichoderma spp :
(A) Copper hydroxide(B)Carbendazim
(C ) Potassium phosphonate(D)Tridemorph

51.Transmission of yellow vein mosaic of Bhindi:
(A) Seed '(B)Insect
(C ) Soil(D)Plant sapPlant sap

52.Systemic fungicide which is not at all effective against Oomycete fungi:
(A) Carbendazim(B)Copper oxychlorideCopper oxychloride
(C ) Mancozcb(D)Potassium phosphonate

53.A fungicidal group which has bactericidal property :
(A) Triazoles(B)Dithiocarbamates
.(C ) Benzimidazoles(D)Copper fungicidesCopper fungicides

54.‘Kresek’ is a symptom of ; —— of rice.
(A) Fungal disease(B)Deficiency diseaseDeficiency disease
(C ) Bacterial disease(D)Viral diseaseViral disease

55.Viroid disease of Coconut:
(A) Cadang cadang(B)Yellowing disease
(C ) Stem bleeding disease(D).Viral disease

56.Arecanut disease which is caused by a mushroom fungus :
(B)Stem bleeding (C ) Basal stem rot
(D)Inflorescence dieback and button shedding

57.A fungal disease which is closely associated with root wilt of Coconut:
(A) Leaf rot(B) Bud rot
(C )Yellowing(D) Basal stem rot

58.Fungal biocontrol agent effective against Phytophthora rot of black pepper :
(A) Beouveria bassiana (C ) Trichoderma viride
(B)Pseudomonas fluorescens
(D)Metarrhizium anisopleae

59.Chilly variety resistant to bacterial wilt disease :
(A) Anagha(B) Ujwala
(C )Swetha(D) Pant'samrat

60.Panama wilt of banana is caused by :
(A) Ralstonia solanacearum ’ (C ) Verticillium sp
(B) Fusarium oxysporum (D) Erwinia sp

61.Insect associated with inflorescence blight of cashew :
(A)Stem borer(B)Leaf webber
(C )Leaf hopper(D)Tea Mosquito

62.Most favourable temperature for phytophthora infection in crop plants :
(A)30°c - 32°c(B)22°c — 26°c
(C )10°c- 15°c• (D) Above 35°c

63.Bacterial biocontrol agent used for control of insect pests :
(A) Bacillus thuringiensis (C ) Beouveria bassiana

64.White ear head symptom in rice is due to: (A) BPH (C ) Gall fly
(B) Pseudomonas solanacearum (D) Verticillium sp
(B) Stem borer (D) Leaf hopper

65.A high yielding clone of rubber popular in Kerala :
•(A) Tijir 1(B) GM
(C ) RRIM 600(D) RR 11 105

66. Leading turmeric producing state in India :
(A) Orissa(B)Tamil NaduTamil Nadu
(C ) Andhra Pradesh(D)West BengalWest Bengal

67.The lightest pruning method followed in tea :
(A) Collar pruning(B)CenteringCentering
(C ) Skiffing(D)Top pruningTop pruning

68.A hybrid variety of cocoa :
(A) Criollo(B)Forastero
(C ) Trinitario(D)None of theseNone of these a hybrid pepper variety.
(A) Panniyoor 1(B)Karimunda
(C ) Kalluvally(D)Narayakkodi

70.Select the odd one :
(A) Tea(B)CardamomCardamom
(C ) Coffee(D)CocoaCocoa

71.Commercial vegetative propagation method in Cashew:
(A) Air layering(B)Top workingTop working
(C ) Patch budding(D)Soft wood graftingSoft wood grafting

72.Tea mosquito is a major pest of:
(A) Coffee(B)TeaTea
(C ) Cashew(D)CocoaCocoa

73.A growth regulator used for yield stimulation inrubber:
(A) Ethephon(B)Seradix
(C ) Planofix(D)Atonik

74.Thick shelled variety of oil palm :
(A) Dura(B)Tenera
(C ) Pisifera(D)Deli palmDeli palm

75.Chandralaksha is a hybridvanety.
(A) Arecanut(B)CoconutCoconut
(C ) Cocoa(D)CoffeeCoffee

76.The per ha planting density for tapping rubberis:
(A) 410(B)445445
(C ) 310(U)400400

77.Economic life span of true cardamom is
(A) 7-10 years(B)5-6 years
(C ) 20-25 years(D)30-35 years

78.Coffee species preferring higher altitude : 
(A) Coffea canephora(B)C. arabica
(C ) C. liberica(D)C. congensis

79.The part which is used as spice in clove is : ’ 
(A) Fruits(B)SeedsSeeds
(C ) Mature flower buds(D)LeavesLeaves

80.The scientific name of cinnamon is : 
(A) Cinnamomum camphora(B)C.zeylanicumC. zeylanicum
(C ) C. malabaricum(D)C. lamala

81.Who proposed the preamble of Indian constitution before the drafting committee?
(A)B.R. Ambedkar(B)Jawaharlal Nehru
(C )B.N.Rao(D)K.M. Munshi

82.The government abolished the practice of untouchability under the provisions of which article of Indian constitution :
(A) Article 294(B) Article 18
(C )Article 17(D)Article 20

83.The President can proclaim national emergency only on the written advice of:
(A)The Chief Justice of India(B)The Speaker of Loksabha
(C )The Union Cabinet(D)The Prime Minister

84.The joint session of the Parliament is presided over by:
(A) The President(B)The speaker of Loksabha
(C ) Prime MinisterCD)Chief Justice of India

85.'Thudikkunna Thalukal’ is the autobiography of:
(A) Changampuzha Krishnapillai(B)S.K. Pottekkad
(C ) Kesavadev(D)Ponkunnam Varkey

86.In which year Thakazhi Sivasankarapillni won the Jnanapit award?
(A) 1965(B)19801980
(C ) 1982•(D)1984

87.The first woman director of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)
(A) Arundhathi Bhattacharya(B)J. Manjula
(C ) Tessy Thomas(D)Indra Nooyi

88.Who won the World Food Prize 2015?
(A) Vijay Sharma(B)'K.V. Chaudhari
(C ) Ajal Kumar Jyothi(D)Faizal Hussan Abed

89.Who wrote the book 'Half Girlfriend’?
(A) Chetan Bhagat(B)Anita Nair
(C ) Jayasree Mishra(D)Jhumpa Lahiri

90.Vallathol Puraskaram’ for the year 2015 wasawardedto:
(A) M.T. Vasudevan Nair(B)T. Padmanabhan
(C ) Subhash Chandran(D)Anand

91.The Newspaper ‘Mitavadi’ was started in the year :
(A) 1906(B)19071907
(C ) 1908.(D)19121912

92.Who was the founder of the ‘Vania SamudeyaParishkarani Snbhai?
(A) Pandit K.P. Knruppan(B)Velukutty Arayan
(C ) Ayyathan Gopalan(D)Pampadi John Joseph

93.In 1933, who started a newspaper called 'Velakkaran' for the labourers?
(A)Dr. Palpu(B)Sahodaran Ayyappan
(C )Moorkooth Kumaran(D)A.K. Gopalan

94.“As long as caste disabilities existed there could be no Swaraj”. Who said this?
(A)K. Kelappan(B)C. Kesavan
(C )T.K. Madhavan(D)Mannath Padraanabhan

95.The Mughal ruler who introduced the ‘Chain of Justice’ for the smooth conduct of administration:
(A)Humayun •(B)Akbar
(C )Jahangir(D)Aurangazeb

96.The first Malayalee Woman Chief Justice of Kerala High Court:
(A)Sujata Manohar(B)Anna Chandi
(C )Omana Kunjamma(D)K.K. Usha

97.Who started a Malayalam monthly called ‘Adhakrithan’?
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan(B) K.P. Vellon
(C ) Poikayil Yohanrian(D) C. Kesavan

98.Who founded ‘Atmavidhya Sangham’? 
(A) Vaghabhatananda (C ) Thycand Ayya
(B) Brahmananda Sivayogi (D) Chattampi Swamikal

99.The Nobel Prize for Economics was instituted in the year : 
(A) 1901(B) 1946
(C ) 1963(D) 1967

100.The Delhi Sultan who set up a separate department for the maintenance of slaves was : 
(A) Qutb-ud-din-Aibek(B) Balban
(C ) Firoz Shah Thuglaq(D) Sikander Lodi

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