

1.Co-operative Auditor is appointed by
A)Board of DirectorsB) Secretary
C) Director of Co-operative Audit D) Registrar

2.The trade name of Handloom Co-operatives in Kerala
A)SurabhiB) Co-optex C) HanveevD) Hantex

3.Kerala Gramin Bank is an example of
A)Apex Bank 
B)Regional Rural Bank 
C) Urban Bank
D) Lead Bank

4.CAMPCO is a joint venture of
A)Kerala and Karnataka
C) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
B)Kerala and Tamil Nadu D) Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

5.The maximum term of Administrator/Administrative Committee appointed by the Registrar
A)2 yearsB) 3 months C) 6 months D) 1 year

6.The nodal agency focusing on Co-operative Education, Training and Propaganda in Kerala
A)State Co-operative Union
B)Circle Co-operative Union
C)Institute of Co-operative Management
D)Co-operative Academy of Professional Education

7.The apex society of Rubber Co-operatives in Kerala
A)RUBCO B) Rubber Mark D) RAIDCO
C)Rubber Board

8.‘Gehan’ is not applicable to
C)District Co-operative Banks
B) Primary Housing Society D) Regional Rural Banks

9.Which of the following societies is not functioning in a three-tier structure in Kerala ?
A)Consumer Co-operativesB) Agricultural Credit Co-operatives
C) Marketing Co-operativesD) Diary Co-operatives

10.'Cess Fund' is meant for extending assistance to
A) Marketing SocietiesB) Handloom Societies
C) Housing SocietiesD) Fishery Societies

11.International Day of Co-operatives is celebrated on
A) 14th NovemberB) 1st July
C) 1st Saturday of JulyD) 1st Saturday of November

12.The amount recovered by the Registrar from a person responsible for the money or property lost due to negligence, mismanagement etc. is called
A) PenaltyB) SurchargeC)FineD)Fee

13.Which of the following is denoted by legal tender money ?
A) Currency NotesB) Bill of Exchange
C) Promissory NotesD) Cheques

14.The Co-operative Arbitration Court is constituted as per_ of the KCS Act.
A) Section 70B) Section 77C)Section 70 A D)Section 77 A

15.IFSC stands for
A)Indian FinancialSystem Code
B)Indian FinancialService Code
C)Indian Financial Statutory Code
D)Indian Federation of Scheduled Co-operatives

16.ICDP is founded by

17. Capitalisation of Reserve is done through
A) Issue of Bonus SharesB)Issue of Right Shares
C) Issue of Sweat EquityD)Redemption of preference shares

18.The accrued interest on investment is taken into account while preparing the final accounts by following
A) Materiality principleB) Cost concept
C) Concept of conservatismD) Matching principle

19.Registration Certificate of a Co-operative society is issued under
A) Section 6B) Section 7C) Section 8D) Section 8A

20.Which of the following is not a trade/brand name of a Co-operative organisation ?
A) Indian Coffee HouseB)Sabari
C) LadderD)Triveni

21.Bye-Law amendment should be passed with present and voting.
A) 2/3.B) 3/5C)2/5
majority of members
D) 3/4

22.Double Compartment system is associated with
A) Housing SocietiesB) Consumer Societies
C) Marketing SocietiesD) Hospital Co-operatives

23.The number of members in the Representative General Body should not exceed
A) 250B) 200C) 500D) 600

24.The collective farming societies in Israel is called 
A) KibbutzB) Kolkhos
C) Moshav ShittufiD) UNICOP

25.Production Bonus is related to
A) Handloom Co-operativesB) Coir Co-operatives
C) Marketing Co-operativesD) Dairy Co-operatives

26.The headquarters of RUBCO is at A) Thiruvananthapuram C) Kannur
B) Kottayam D) Emakulam

27.An officer appointed under Section 33 of KCS Act, 1969 is called
A) LiquidatorB)Arbitrator
C) Sale officerD)Administrator

28.Coir Co-operatives areexempted from audit fee for________years.
A) 3B)5C)6D)8

29.The authority to take disciplinary action against the misconduct of the employee of a Co-operative society
A) Board of DirectorsB) Registrar
C) PresidentD) Secretary

30.Scale of finance is fixed by A) State Co-operative Bank C) NABARD A
B)District Co-operative Bank
D)Regional Rural Banks

31.The secretary of Taluk level administrative body of Co-operative department is
A)Joint Registrar (General)B) Joint Registrar (Audit)
C)Assistant Registrar (Audit)D) Assistant Registrar (General)

32.Kerala Co-operative Employees Self Financing Pension Scheme was introduced in the year

33.Who recommended the creation of Co-operative Education Fund by Co-operatives ?
A)R. L. MirdhaB)V. L. MehthaC)S. C. MishraD)A. D. Gorwala

34.The area of operation of a Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank is a
A) VillageB)TalukC)DistrictD)Block

35.NABARD was formed as per the recommendations of
B)All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
C)Royal Commission on Agriculture
D)Committee on Co-operative Credit ;

36.The milk brand of Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers Federation Ltd. is
A) Arunima MilkB) Arokya Milk
C) Nandini MilkD) Aavin Milk

37.Who among the following enjoys a right to vote for election of office bearers of a Co-operative society ?
A)Person nominated by the Government
B)A nominal or associate member
C)A member admitted within sixty days immediately prior to the date of Election
D)An ex-officio member of the committee

38.The Regional Rural Bank is expected to serve 
A) A villageB) A Taluk
C) One Revenue DistrictD) One or more Revenue Districts

39.Kerala Co-operative Ombudsman Scheme is constituted by means of 
A) Section 68 AB) Section 69 A
C) Section 66 AD) Section 70 A

40.RAlDCO belongs to which category ?
A) Agricultural CreditB) Non Agricultural Credit
C) Agricultural Non CreditD) Non Agricultural Non Credit

41.‘Neethi Stores’ in Kerala started in the year
A) 1995B)1997C)1998D)1999

42.K. F. is associated with the Co-operative movement of
A) EnglandB)ChinaC)IsraelD)Sweden

43.Deposit Mobilization Campaign was started in the year
A) 1975B)1976C)1985D)1986

44.Which country started the Credit Co-operatives in the World ?
A) FranceB)EnglandC)GermanyD)America

45.The amount available as Principal State Partnership Fund can be ultimately utilized for
A)Subscribing shares of Apex Societies
B)Subscribing shares of District Co-operative Banks
C)Writing off bad debts of Apex societies
D)Subscribing shares of primary societies with limited liability

46.The audit fees of a Primary Credit Co-operative is calculated on the basis of
A) Working CapitalB) Total Capital
C) Total sales* D) Gross income

47.When Registrar issued an order for convening a special General body, the committee must execute the same
A) Within 15 daysB) Within one month
C) Within two monthsD) Within 90 days

48.The amount to be set apart to Agricultural Credit Stabilization Fund shall be
A) 7% of Net ProfitB)5% of Net Profit
C) 10% of Net ProfitD)4% of Net Profit

49.Co-operative Risk Fund Scheme is instituted for
A)Meeting the unforeseen contingencies of the Society
B)Writing off bad debts of default members
C)Meeting the loan liability of deceased members
D)To write off non recoverable amount from affiliated societies

50.The website of NDDB is
A) www.nddb.orgB)www.nddb.nic.in
C) www.nddb.inD)www.nddb.com

51.Logistics provide
A)Form utilityB) Time utility
C) Possession utilityD) None of these

52.Logistics managers are responsible for
A)Materials handlingB) Warehousing and storage
C) Return goods handlingD) All of these

53.The production system, where a company waits to produce products until customer's demand
A)Pull systemB) Push system
C) Push-pull systemD) None of these

54.The document which lists the exact number of items necessary to manufacture a product
A) Bill of MaterialB)Material Abstract
C) Bin CardD)Material Analysis Sheet

55.A supply chain is essentially a sequence of link between
A) Suppliers and customersB)Suppliers and manufacturers
C) Suppliers and agentsD)Suppliers and wholesalers

56.The logical relationship between the firm and its suppliers
A) Inbound logisticsB) Outbound logistics
C) Operations logisticsD) None of these

57.The most important integrated logistics interface is with
A) Manufacturing B) FinanceC) Accounting D) Marketing

58.Arrange the following in the chronological order:
I)Order Preparation
II)Order Processing
III)Order Shipment
IV)Order Transmittal 

59.Which is not a feature of service ?
A)Intangibility B) Inseparability C) Variability D) None of these

60.The major carrier selection determinant is
A)Transit timeB) Reliability
C) Transport costD) Capacity and accessibility

61.Which of the following intermodal transport is referred to as “Piggy Back” ?
A)Truck-water B)Truck-railC)Truck-airD)Rail-water

62.The document issued by carrier in proof of receipt of goods for transportation by passenger train
A)Railway ReceiptB) Parcel Way Bill
C) Goods Forwarding NoteD) None of these

63.The charges levied by Railways in case of failure to unload wagon within the stipulated time

64.Which of the following is not an advantage of Rail Transport ?
A) FastB)SafeC)FlexibleD)Economy

65.Majority of containers are having dimension of
A) 10 ft.B)20 ft.C)30 ft.D)40 ft.

66.The most expensive system of container carriage to the ship owner
A) FCL/FCLor House/HouseB) FCL/LCL or House/Pier
C) LCL/LCL or Pier/PierD) LCL/FCL or Pier/House

67.The container Corporation of India Ltd. was established on
A) March 1,1997B) March 1.1998
C) April 1,1997D) April 1,1998

68.The container used to carry oversized cargo
A)Flat rack B) ReeferC) TankD) Bulk

69.A warehouse in which goods are kept until certain conditions are satisfied, such as payment of duties and taxes, etc.
A) Contractual warehouseB) Bonded warehouse
C) Hypothicated warehouseD) Speciality service warehouse

70.The largest component of inventory carrying cost
A) Capital costB) Storage space cost
C) Inventory service costD) Inventory risk cost

71.Which of the following cost is less apparent than the other costs ?
A)Inventory carrying cost
B)Ordering cost
C)In-transit inventory carrying cost
D)Expected stock out cost

72.Which of the following is not an assumption used in the basic EOQ Model ?
A)Only one product is involved
B)Annual demand requirements are known
C)Demand is not spread evenly throughout the year
D)Demand rate for the item is not constant and known with certainty

73.Selective Inventory Control technique used for spare parts
A) ABC Analysis B) SDE Analysis C) VED Analysis D) SOS Analysis

74.VMI stands for
A)Vendor Material Inventory
B)Valuable Material Inventory
C)Variable Material Inventory
D)Vendor Managed Inventory

75.SAILS denotes
A)Systematic Analyses for Integrated Logistics Schemes
B)Strategic Analyses for Integrated Logistics Systems
C)Systematic Analyses for Integrated Logistics Systems
D)Strategic Analyses for Integrated Logistics Schemes

76.Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists.
List -1
1)Customer order cycle
2)Replenishment cycle
3)Manufacturing cycle
4)Procurement cycle Codes:
A) 1 - C, 2 - D, 3 - A, 4 - B C) 1 - A, 2- D, 3- C, 4 - B
A)Retail order receiving
B)Production scheduling
C)Receiving and inspecting materials
D)Customer order entry
B)1 -D,2-C,3-B,4-A
D)1 - D, 2 - A, 3 - B, 4 - C

77.Which of the following categories of material handling equipment does a ‘counterbalanced type' belong to ?
A) Picking RobotB) Warehouse Trolley
C)Gravity conveyorD) Fork lift trucks

78.Quality system model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing 
A) ISO 9001 B) ISO 9002 C) ISO 9003 D) ISO 9004

79.The integrated logistics dealing with service error and turns the mistakes into a customer service advantage
A) Response Logistics Recovery B) Quick Response Logistics C) Efficient Consumer Response D) Reverse Logistics

80.The suitable method of pricing material issues in times of falling prices
C) Average CostD) Standard Price

81.The theme of K. R. Meera’s Malayalam short story, ‘Coming Out’ is
A) Poverty C) AIDS

82.Kadamanitta, Othara and Neelamperoor are famous for
A) Padayani
C)Hydro electric Power station
B) Pavakoothu D) Wind Power mill

83.Who wrote the Malayalam novel, ‘Smarakasilakal’ ?
A) O. V. Vijayan C) Punathil Kunhabdullah
B)M. T. Vasudevan Nair
D)Ambikasudan Maangad

84.The leader of 'National League for Democracy (NLD).
A)Aung San Suu Kyi
B)Meghavathl Sukharno Puthri
C)Sheikh Haseena
D)Angela Merkel

85.The Jawahartal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI) is situated in
A) BangaloreB)Peechi

86.The Pempilai Orumai Strike’ was held at
A) PattambiB)Walayar
C) MunnarD)Kaviyoor

87.Who sung the famous Hindi film song 'Gori tera Gaon bada Pyara’ under the music direction of Ravindra Jain ?
A) Manna DeyB)K.J.Yesudas
C) Sonu NigamD)Kishore Kumar

88.Who was the founder of the Sabari Ashram at Palakkad ?
A)Kuroor Nilakandan Namboodiripad
B)Brahmananda Sivayogi
C)Vallathol Narayana Menon
D)T. R. Krishna Swamy lyyer

89.Who served as the Chief Editor for translating the works of Karl Marx in Malayalam in the year 1968?
A) E. M. S. NamboodiripadB) K. Damodharan
C) M.C. JosephD) Kuttipuzha Krishna Pillai

90.The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act’ also known as
A) Rowlett ActB) Mont-Ford Reforms
C) lllbert BillD) Better India Act

91.Who was known as The Martin Luther of the Kerala Christians’ ?
A)Paalakkunnath Abraham Malppan
B)Mar Sapir lso
C)St. Chaavra Kuriakose Alias
D)St. Thomas

92.Who translated William Shakespeare’s drama, The Taming of the Shrew’ in Malayalam as ‘Kalahinidamanakam’ in 1894 ?
A)K. Paramu PillaiB)Kandathil Varghese Mapilla
C)K. Chidambara VaddiyarD)Umman Philipose

93.Who was the President of the Civic Right League in Travancore, founded in 1918 ?
A)T. K. MadhavanB)T. M. Varghese
C)C. KesavanD)E.J. John

94.The famous 'Vaikkom Memorial' was submitted to
A) Sethu Lakshmi Bai C) Diwan T. Madhava Rao
B) Ayilliam Tirunal D) Sri Moolam Tirunal

95.Who used the pen name ‘Pro-Patria' to write articles against the Diwan of Travancore?
A)K. Ramakrishna Pillai
B)Kesari A. Balakrishna Pillai
C)Barrister G. P. Pillai
D)Dr. Palpu

96.Who was The father of South Kerala Mission' ?
A) Charles MeadB) Benjamin Bailey
C) William Tobias RingelTaube D) Col. Munroe

97.The University of Travancore was started in the year
A) 1945B) 1957C) 1935D) 1937

98.Sunil Mittal is associated with
A) Bharati AirtelB)Reliance India Ltd.
C) Idea CellularD)Vodafone

99.Vassiliki Thanou was the first woman Prime Minister of
A) JapanB)Congo
C) GreeceD)The Philippines

100.Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was signed on 
A) 24th October 1945B)10th March 1948
C) 10th December 1948D)6th August 1945

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