Sixth Sense Technology
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6th sense technology

• SixthSense is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
• Device developed by Pranav Mistry, a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab
• Sixth Sense comprises a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device.
• Sixth Sense bridges allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand.
• The hardware components are couple in pendant like mobile wearable device.
• Camera
• Projector
• Mirror
• Mobile Component
• Colored Markers
• Captures an object in view and tracks the user’s hand gestures.
• It sends the data to smart phone.(carry in pocket)
• It acts as a digital eye, connecting you to the world of digital informaton.
• The projector projects visual information enabling surfaces and physical objects to be used as interfaces.
• The project itself contains a battery inside.
• A tiny LED projector display data sent from the smart phone on any surface in view object,wall,or person,etc.
• The usage of the mirror is significant as the projector dangles pointing downward from the neck.
• A Web-enabled smart phone in the user’s pocket processes the video data.
• Other software searches the web and interprets the hand gestures.
• It is at the tip of the user’s fingers.
• Marking the user’s fingers with red, yellow, green, and blue tape helps webcam recognize gestures.
• The movements and arrangements of these makers are interpreted into gestures that act as interaction instruction for the projected application interfaces.
• The hardware that makes sixth sense work is a pendant like mobile wearable interface.
• It has a camera, a mirror and a projector and is connected wirelessly to a bluetooth smart phone that can slip comfortably into one pocket.
• The camera recognize individuals, image, pictures, gestures one makes with their hands.
• Information is sent to smartphone for processing.
• The downward-facing projector projects the output image on to the mirror.
• Mirror reflects image on to the desired surface.
• Thus, digital information is freed from its confines and placed in the physical world.
• Make a call :-
You can use the sixth sense to project a keypad onto your hand, then use that virtual keypad to make a call.
• Surfing up at map :-
With the map application we can call up the map of our choice and then use thumbs and index fingers to navigate the map.
• Check the time :-
Draw a circle on your wrist to get a virtual watch that gives you the correct time.
• Create multimedia reding exp. :-
Sixth sense can be programmed to project related video onto newspaper articles you are reading.
• Drawing application :-
The drawing application lets the user draw on any surface by tracking the fingertip movements of the user’s index finger.
• Zooming features :-
The user can zoom in or zoom out using intuitive hand movements.
• Get product information :-
Sixth Sense uses image recognize products we pick up, then feed us information on those products.
• Get book information :-
The system can project amazon ratings on that book, as well as reviews and other relevant information.
• Get flight updates :-
The system will recognize your boarding pass and let you know whether your flight is on time and gate has changed.
• Feed information on people :-
The system will project relevant information about a person such as what they do, where they work, and so on.
• Take a pictures :-
If you fashion your index and tumbs into a square(gesture like framing), the system will snap a photo.
• Portable
• Supports multi-touch and multi-user interaction
• Connectedness b/w world and information
• Cost effective
• Data access directly from machine in real time
• Mind map the idea anywhere
• It is an open source
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 Sixth Sense is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
 It was developed by Pranav Mistry, a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab.
 SixthSense bridges the gap by bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand
 SixthSense comprises a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device

 The projector projects visual information enabling surfaces and physical objects to be used as interfaces
 The project itself contains a battery inside, with 3 hours of battery life.
 A tiny LED projector displays data sent from the smart phone on any surface in view–object, wall, or person.
 The usage of the mirror is significant as the projector dangles pointing downwards from the neck.
Smart Phone
 A Web-enabled smart phone in the user’s pocket processes the video data
 Other software searches the Web and interprets the hand gestures
Color Markers
 It is at the tip of the user’s fingers .
 Marking the user’s fingers with red, yellow, green, and blue tape helps the webcam recognize gestures
 The movements and arrangements of these makers are interpreted into gestures that act as interaction instructions for the projected application interfaces.
 The hardware that makes Sixth Sense work is a pendant like mobile wearable interface
 It has a camera, a mirror and a projector and is connected wirelessly to a bluetooth smart phone that can slip comfortably into one’s pocket
 The camera recognizes individuals, images, pictures, gestures one makes with their hands
 Information is sent to the Smartphone for processing
 The downward-facing projector projects the output image on to the mirror
 Mirror reflects image on to the desired surface
 Thus, digital information is freed from its confines and placed in the physical world
 Augmented reality is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer generated imagery.
 Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms.
 Computer vision is the science and technology of machines that see. It is concerned with the theory behind artificial systems that extract information from images.
 Radio Frequency Identification is basically an electronic tagging technology that allows the detection, tracking of tags and consequently the objects that they are affixed to.
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Every one of usare aware of the five basic senses – seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting and hearing. These senses have evolved through millions of years. Whenever we encounter a new object/experience our natural senses tries to analysis that experience and the information that is obtained is used to modify our interaction with the environment. But in this new age of technologies the most important information that helps one to make right decision is something that cannot be perceived and analysed by our natural senses. That information is the data in the digital form, and it is available to everyone through sources like internet. The sixth sense technology concept is an effort to connect this data in the digital world in to the real world.
Although miniaturized versions of computers help us to connect to the digital world even while we are travelling there aren’t any device as of now which gives a direct page link between the digital world and our physical interaction with the real world. Usually the information’s are stored traditionally on a paper or a digital storage device. Sixth sense technology helps to bridge this gap between tangible and non-tangible world.Sixth Sensedevice is basically a wearable gestural interface that connects the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with this information .The sixth sense technology was developed by Pranav Mistry, a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab. The sixth sense technology has a Web 4.0 view of human and machine interactions.SixthSense integrates digital information into the physical world and its objects, making the entire world your computer. It can turn any surface into a touch-screen for computing, controlled by simple hand gestures. It is not a technology which is aimed at changing human habits but causing computers and other machines to adapt to human needs.It also supports multi user and multi touch provisions. Sixth Sense device is a mini-projector coupled with a camera and a cellphone—which acts as the computer and your connection to the Cloud, all the information stored on the web. The current prototype costs around $350. The Sixth Sense prototype is used to implement several applications that have shown the usefulness, viability and flexibility of the system.
'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that informationThe hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device.The SixthSense prototype is comprised of a pocket projector, a mirror,colord marker and a camera. The camera, mirror and projector is connected wirelessly to a blue tooth smart phone device that can easily fit into the user’s pocket.A software then processes the data that is collected by the capturing device and producesanalysis.The software that is used in sixth sense device is open source type.
It captures the image of the object in view and track the user’s hand gesture. The camera recognizes individuals, images, pictures, gestures that user makes with his hand. The camera then sends this data to a smart phone for processing. Basically the camera forms a digital eye which connects to the world of digital information.
Coloured Marker
There are colour markers placed at the tip of users finger. Marking the user’s fingers with red, yellow green and blue coloured tape helps the webcam to recognize the hand gestures.The movements and arrangement of these markers are interpreted into gestures that act as a interaction instruction for the projected application interfaces.
Mobile Component
The SixthSense device consists of a web enabled smart phone which process the data send by the camera. The smart phone searches the web and interprets the hand gestures with help of the coloured markers placed at the finger tips.
The information that is interpreted through the smart phone can be projected into any surface. The projector projects the visual information enabling surfaces and physical objects to be used as interfaces. The projector itself consists of a battery which have 3 hours of battery life .A tiny LED projector displays the data sent from the smart phone on any surface in view- object, wall or person. The downward facing projector projects the image on to a mirror.
The usage of a mirror is important as the projector dangles pointing downwards from the neck. The mirror reflects the image on to a desire surface.Thus finally the digital image is freed from its confines and placed in the physical world.
Technologies that are related to Sixth Sense Devices
Augmented Reality

The augmented Reality is a visualization technology that allows the user to experience the virtual experience added over real world in real time.With the help of advanced AR technology the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally usable. Artificial information about the environment and the objects in it can be stored and retrieved as an information layer on top of the real world view. When we compare the spectrum between virtual reality, which creates immersive, computer-generated environments, and the real world, augmented reality is closer to the real world. Augmented reality adds graphics, sounds, haptic feedback and smell to the natural world as it exists. Both video games and cell phones are driving the development of augmented reality. Theaugmented systems will also superimpose graphics for every perspective available andtry adjust to every movement of the user's head and eyes.The three basic components of an augmented reality system are the head-mounted display, tracking system and mobile computer for the hardware. The main goal of this new technology is to merge these three components into a highly portable unit much like a combination of a high tech Walkman and an ordinary pair or eyeglasses.The head-mounted display used in augmented reality systems will enable the user to view superimposed graphics and text created by the system.Another component of an augmented reality system is its tracking and orientation system. This system pinpoints the user's location in reference to his surroundings and additionally tracks the user's eye and head movements.Augmented reality systems will need highly mobile computers. As of now many computers aren’t there to satisfy to provide this option.
Gesture Recognition
It is a technology which is aimed at interpreting human gestures with the help of mathematical algorithms. Gesture recognition technique basically focuses on the emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition. Gender recognition technique enables humans to interact with computers in a more direct way without using any external interfacing devices. It can provide a much better alternative to text user interfaces and graphical user interface which requires the need of a keyboard or mouse to interact with the computer. Interfaces which solely depends on the gestures requires precise hand pose tracking. In the early versions of gesture recognition process special type of hand gloves which provide information about hand position orientation and flux of the fingers. In the SixthSense devices coloured bands are used for this purpose. Once hand pose has been captured the gestures can be recognised using different technique’s. Neural network approaches or statistical templates are the commonly used techniques used for the recognition purposes. This technique have an high accuracy usually showing accuracy of more than 95%. Time dependent neural network will also be used for real time recognition of the gestures.
Computer Vision
Computer vision is the technology in which machines are able to interpret/extract necessary information from an image. Computer vision technology includes various fields like image processing, image analysis and machine vision. It includes certain aspect of artificial intelligence techniques like pattern recognition. The machines which implement computer vision techniques require image sensors which detect electromagnetic radiation which are usually in the form of ultraviolet rays or light rays. The computer vision find itself applicable in varies field of interest. One such field is bio medical image processing. It’s also used in autonomous vehicle like SUV’s. The computer vision technique basically includes four processes.
1. Recognition: One of the main task of computer vision technique is to determine whether the particular object contain the useful data or not.
2. Motion Analysis: Motion analysis includes several tasks related to estimation of motion where an image sequence is processed continuously to detect the velocity at each point of the image or in the 3D scene.
3. Scene Reconstruction: Computer vision technique employs several methods to recreate a 3D image from the available images of a scene.
4. Image Restoration: The main of aim of this step is to remove noise from an given image. The simplest method involves using simple filters like low pass or median filters. In order to get better quality images more complex methods like Inpainting are used.
'Sixth Sense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
We've evolved over millions of years to sense the world around us. When we encounter something, someone or some place, we use our five natural senses to perceive information about it; that information helps us make decisions and chose the right actions to take. But arguably the most useful information that can help us make the right decision is not naturally perceivable with our five senses, namely the data, information and knowledge that mankind has accumulated about everything and which is increasingly all available online. Although the miniaturization of computing devices allows us to carry computers in our pockets, keeping us continually connected to the digital world, there is no page link between our digital devices and our interactions with the physical world. Information is confined traditionally on paper or digitally on a screen.
SixthSense bridges this gap, bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand gestures. ‘Sixth Sense’ frees information from its confines by seamlessly integrating it with reality, and thus making the entire world your computer.
Before the knowing about the origin of this “SIXTH SENSE “technology we must have to be aware of the first steps towards this invention, those were
3.TAPUMA --- A Digital, tangible public map
Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate from any bodily motion or state but commonly originate from the face or hand. Current focuses in the field include emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition. Many approaches have been made using cameras and computer vision algorithms to interpret sign language. However, the identification and recognition of posture, gait, proxemics, and human behaviors is also the subject of gesture recognition techniques.
Gesture recognition can be seen as a way for computers to begin to understand human body language, thus building a richer bridge between machines and humans than primitive text user interfaces or even GUIs (graphical user interfaces), which still limit the majority of input to keyboard and mouse.
Gesture recognition enables humans to interface with the machine (HMI) and interact naturally without any mechanical devices. Using the concept of gesture recognition, it is possible to point a finger at the computer screen so that the cursor will move accordingly. This could potentially make conventional input devices such as mouse, keyboards and even touch-screens redundant.
Gesture recognition can be conducted with techniques from computer vision and image processing.
The literature includes ongoing work in the computer vision field on capturing gestures or more general human pose and movements by cameras connected to a computer.
In some literature, the term gesture recognition has been used to refer more narrowly to non-text-input handwriting symbols, such as inking on a graphics tablet, multi-touch gestures, and mouse gesture recognition. This is computer interaction through the drawing of symbols with a pointing device cursor.
Pen Computing has very deep historical roots. The depth of these roots can be quite surprising to people who are only familiar with current commercial products. For example, the first patent for an electronic tablet used for handwriting was granted in 1888. The first patent for a system that recognized handwritten characters by analyzing the handwriting motion was granted in 1915. The first publicly-demonstrated system using a tablet and handwriting text recognition instead of a keyboard for working with a modern digital computer dates to 1956.
In addition to many academic and research systems, there were several companies with commercial products in the 1980s: Percept, Communications Intelligence Corporation, and Linux were among the best known of a crowded field. Later, GO Corp. brought out the Pinpoint OS operating system for a tablet PC product: one of the patents from GO corporation was the subject of recent infringement lawsuit concerning the Tablet PC operating system.
Pen Computing refers to a computer user-interface using a pen (or stylus) and tablet, rather than devices such as a keyboard and a mouse.
Pen computing is also used to refer to the usage of mobile devices such as wireless tablet PCs, PDAs and GPS receivers. The term has been used to refer to the usage of any product allowing for mobile communication. An indication of such a device is a stylus, generally used to press upon a graphics tablet or touch screen, as opposed to using a more traditional interface such as a keyboard, keypad, mouse or touchpad.
Historically, pen computing predates the use of a mouse and graphical display by at least two decades, starting with the Stylator and RAND tablet systems of the 1950s and early 1960s
User interfaces for Pen computing can be implemented in several ways. Actual systems generally employ a combination of these techniques.
Pointing/Locator input
The tablet and stylus are used as pointing devices, such as to replace a mouse. Note that a mouse is aRelative pointing device—you use the mouse to "push the cursor around" on a screen.
However a tablet is an Absolute pointing device—where you put the stylus is exactly where the cursor goes.
There are a number of human factors considerations when actually substituting a stylus and tablet for a mouse. For example, it is much harder to target or tap the same exact position twice with a stylus, so "double-tap" operations with a stylus are harder to perform if the system is expecting "double-click" input from a mouse.
Note that a finger can be used as the stylus on a touch-sensitive tablet surface, such as with a touch screen.
Handwriting recognition
The tablet and stylus can be used to replace a keyboard or both a mouse and a keyboard, by using the tablet and stylus in two modes:
Pointing mode: The stylus is used as a pointing device as above.
On-line Handwriting recognition mode: The strokes made with the stylus are analyzed as a "electronic ink", by software which recognizes the shapes of the strokes or marks as handwritten characters. The characters are then input as text, as if from a keyboard.
Different systems switch between the modes (pointing vs. handwriting recognition) by different means, e.g.
By writing in separate areas of the tablet for pointing mode and for handwriting-recognition mode.
By pressing a special button on the side of the stylus to change modes.
By context, such as treating any marks not recognized as text as pointing input.
By recognizing a special gesture mark.
The term "on-line handwriting recognition" is used to distinguish recognition of handwriting using a real-time digitizing tablet for input, as contrasted to "off-line handwriting recognition", which is optical character recognition of static handwritten symbols from paper.
Submitted by:
Prarthana Wahi

'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
All of us are aware of the five basic senses – seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting and hearing. But there is also another sense called the sixth sense. It is basically a connection to something greater than what their physical senses are able to perceive. To a layman, it would be something supernatural. Some might just consider it to be a superstition or something psychological. But the invention of sixth sense technology has completely shocked the world. Although it is not widely known as of now but the time is not far when this technology will change our perception of the world.
Pranav Mistry, 28 year old, of Indian origin is the mastermind behind the sixth sense technology. The device sees what we see but it lets out information that we want to know while viewing the object. It can project information on any surface, be it a wall, table or any other object and uses hand / arm movements to help us interact with the projected information. The device brings us closer to reality and assists us in making right decisions by providing the relevant information, thereby, making the entire world a computer.
The SixthSense prototype implements several applications that demonstrate the usefulness, viability and flexibility of the system. The map application lets the user navigate a map displayed on a nearby surface using hand gestures, similar to gestures supported by Multi-Touch based systems, letting the user zoom in, zoom out or pan using intuitive hand movements.The user can stop by any surface or wall and flick through the photos he/she has taken. SixthSense also lets the user draw icons or symbols in the air using the movement of the index finger and recognizes those symbols as interaction instructions. For example, drawing a magnifying glass symbol takes the user to the map application or drawing an ‘@’ symbol lets the user check his mail. The SixthSense system also augments physical objects the user is interacting with by projecting more information about these objects projected on them.
The current prototype system costs approximate $350 to build
We've evolved over millions of years to sense the world around us. When we encounter something, someone or some place, we use our five natural senses to perceive information about it; that information helps us make decisions and chose the right actions to take. But arguably the most useful information that can help us make the right decision is not naturally perceivable with our five senses, namely the data, information and knowledge that mankind has accumulated about everything and which is increasingly all available online. Although the miniaturization of computing devices allows us to carry computers in our pockets, keeping us continually connected to the digital world, there is no page link between our digital devices and our interactions with the physical world. Information is confined traditionally on paper or digitally on a screen. SixthSense bridges this gap, bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand gestures. ‘SixthSense’ frees information from its confines by seamlessly integrating it with reality, and thus making the entire world your computer.
Sixth Sense technology is the science of tomorrow with the aim of connecting the digital world with the physical world seamlessly, eliminating hardware devices. Mistry’s flirtations with the digital world began in the early 2000s when he pieced together four mouse rollers with pulleys and springs to give shape to a motion sensing device.
It is similar to Telepointer, a neck worn projector/camera system developed by Media Lab student Steve Mann (which Mann originally referred to as "Synthetic Synesthesia of the Sixth Sense"). What the researchers have done is combine a number of standard gadgets including a webcam, projector, and mobile phone, to form a brand new interaction experience. In its current form the battery-powered projector is attached to a hat, the webcam is hung around the neck (or also positioned on a hat), and the mobile phone provides the connection to the Internet.
The wearer uses hand gestures combined with the gadgets to perform actions. So, for example, they could make a circle over their wrist with the fingers of one hand. WUW would recognize this action and project a clock face on to their wrist. Make a picture frame with both your hands and WUW will take a picture as if it was a camera. Stand near a wall and you can get a projected desktop allowing you to open applications, view the pictures you’ve taken, or surf the ‘Net.
With the invention of intuitive computer interfaces, the digital and physical worlds came together closer than ever. One just has to place an object (anything from a flight boarding pass to a key) on a Tangible Public Map (TaPuMa) on its horizontal smart screen to get inside-out information about it. Keep a coffee cup on a particular spot on the map and a whole range of cafés in the area is brought to you on a platter. All you have to do to get seamlessly connected with the digital world is wear a simple pendant-like equipment consisting of a camera and a portable battery-powered projection system with a mirror (a more modish version is just round the corner). The device (now known as the Sixth Sense Device) when connected to a cell phone acts as a computation and communication tool. The camera tracks hand gestures and helps gather “meta information” (information from the surroundings) and articulates it with the digital domain. Wearing marker caps on ones fingers (a more stylish option is to paint the said fingernails in a different colour each) and making gestures with them, one can use any interface (Yes! Any interface! No longer is the human race tied to the bulky world of computer screens) to access and modify data. Clicking a picture is as easy as conjuring up a rectangle in the air aimed at the object of visual desire with the thumb and index fingers. A few finger motions help edit and resize pictures and another set of gestures later, the pictures find themselves E-mailed to recipients.
Pranav Mistry, 28 year old, of Indian origin is the mastermind behind the sixth sense technology. Born in Palanpur, Gujarat he received his Bachelors of technology in computer science and engineering from India and later received masters in design from MIT Boston. He invented ‘ Sixth Sense / WUW ( Wear UR World) ‘ which is a wearable gestural , user friendly interface which links the physical world around us with digital information and uses hand gestures to interact with them. Pranav’s eagerness to pop pixels out of the digital world into the real world led to the birth of Sixth Sense technology.
Currently he is a PhD student at MIT and he won the ‘Invention of the Year 2009 ‘- by Popular Science. The device sees what we see but it lets out information that we want to know while viewing the object. It can project information on any surface, be it a wall, table or any other object and uses hand / arm movements to help us interact with the projected information. The device brings us closer to reality and assists us in making right decisions by providing the relevant information, thereby, making the entire world a computer.

Software program processes the video stream data captured by the camera
Pranav Mistry says the SixthSense software will be open source. As far as this seems to be a little set of items, there will not be user interfaces or much advanced programs for the users. There will be much harder and secured coding inside the device to make sure the security of the software. It will be interesting to know the new language for coding for a SixthSense device.
In order to control the SixthSense, it requires some advance hardware as it appears to be. In some of the public presentations, the presenter was wearing some controlling devices including color markers, Camera and projector. They has to be compact and easily controllable. However the hardware integration of SixthSense technology is quite innovative since they have manage to develop camera and pen like day to day objects.
Projector projects visual information enabling surfaces, walls and physical objects around us to be used as interfaces
Camera recognizes and tracks user's hand gestures and physical objects using computer-vision based techniques.
Colored markers (visual tracking fiducials) placed at the tip of the user’s fingers using simple computer-vision techniques helps the webcam to track the movement of fingers. The movements and arrangements of these fiducials are interpreted into gestures that act as interaction instructions for the projected application interfaces
Mobile device may be a laptop, PDA, smart phones etc. These are connected to other hardware devices and sends information to projector for projection. The important thing is that the device is a mobile device. Means, it is so light that we can take it with us where ever we want to. It is as small as a cell phone and is so simple to use.
Sixth sense device analyses what user sees and visually augments the surfaces and physical objects user is interacting with. What the researchers have done is combine a number of standard gadgets including a webcam, projector, and mobile phone, to form a brand new interaction experience. The key here is that Sixth Sense recognizes the objects around you, displaying information automatically and letting you access it in any way you want, in the simplest way possible
The technology in itself is nothing more than the combination of some stunning technologies, but the idea of combining those technologies is really great. The technology is mainly based on hand gesture recognition, image capturing, processing, and manipulation, etc. The camera is used to recognize and track user’s hand gestures and physical objects using computer-vision based techniques, while the projector is used to project visual information on walls or on any physical thing around us. Other hardware includes mirror and colored caps to be used for fingers. The software of the technology uses the video stream, which is captured by the camera, and also tracks the location of the tips of the fingers to recognize the gestures. This process is done using some techniques of computer vision.
Basically it is a device which is a mini projector and which can be projected on any surface, it carries the information stored in it and also collects information from the web. It is the one which obey hand gestures of yours and gives you what you want to see and know.
It is the combined technology of computer along with cell phone. It works when a person hang it on his neck and start projecting through the micro-projector attached to it. Your fingers works like the keyboard as well as the mouse.
In Pranav Mistry’s demonstration, he showed several applications that can be made using the SixthSense technology. It would be a great achievement for the Information Technology as well. Since it is the beginning of the SixthSense applications, there will be lot of tough problems ahead the SixthSense application developers.
Motion Capture
The innovative camera is something that got applauds of the crowd in the demonstration. Four rubber rings in the four fingers two in each can be used do draw a rectangular. It will be the area covered by the photograph. Then the photos can be taken to any interface for editing, managing the galleries and sharing. This is much controversial. There is an inbuilt storage device where the data can be stored. When using a surface, the whole data is taken into that surface and stored in the device after the editing. And also the capturing device being so small like 4 rubber rings can be used to capture the photos of any location. Example using 2 fingers to send 5 seconds, 3 fingers to send 10 seconds likewise it can be done.
There are so many new applications to be developed in the near future. A remote controller for media devices can be implemented to be worked with fingers using this technology. Except having the remote controller to send fast forward, rewind or next or previous options, a SixthSense device can be used. The current process of sending fast-forward or rewind with advanced options.
Many games can be made using this technology. A car race using an imaginary steering wheel will be an attractive application. The player will have to drive the vehicle as a real one using his arms. The SixthSense tool kit will be a good replacement for the XBOX game kit and it will not be much expensive as it is said.Other potential applications include:
Capture photos with fingers: Why to take camera on your holiday and no tension for the photo space as this Sixth Sense computer will work like your camera. It captures the photo, when you make a square with your fingers, highlighting which one you want to frame.
Phone Call: You can call to your friend by typing the numbers on your hand. It displays the keypad of the phone over your palm and the keys appear on the four finger. Use your other hand's finger to press the keys.
Check the brand of the Product: It helps you to choose the best brand product from the super market.
Read Books easily: Check out the ratings of the Book you are going to buy, it checks the ratings from the internet. And another amazing thing is that it reads the book for you.. Smile
Newspapers: Did you saw the moving pictures of the Newspaper in the movie Harry Patter, it is quite similar to it. It Searches the most appropriate video from the web by seeing the headlines or the caption of the News report.
Check your Flight Status: You can check the status of the flight while you are on Taxi. Just place the ticket in front of the projector and it checks its status from the internet.
SEE time without wearing wrist watch: Watches are ancient history now with the prevalence of cell phones. With sixth sense technology, it is just “drawing a circle on the wrist” away from catching the current time.
full six sense technology detail report and PDF ADVANTAGES
Integration of information
Providing “just-in-time” information
What is Sixth Sense?
Wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information
Augmented Reality.
Wearable GesturalInterface.
Converts intangible,digital information out into tangible world.
Interaction with the projected information.
No need of special glasses.
The Device……..
Overview of Sixth Sense Device
Integration of information
Gestural interface
Augmentation of information
Wearable interface
Technologies implemented
Augmented Reality
Object Augmentation
Computer vision based techniques
Augmented reality (AR)
Term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with virtual, computer generated images, creating a mixed reality
Object augmentation
the camera recognizes and tracks physical objects such as a newspaper, a coffee cup, or a book and the projector projects relevant visual information on them.
Computer-vision techniques
track objects and align projected visual information by matching pre-printed static color markers (or patterns) on these objects with the markers projected by the projector.
Mobile Phone
Coloured markers
How does the device work?
Camera-logitech quick cam
recognizes and tracks user’s handgestures and physical objects using computer vision based techniques
Projector-3MM Pro110
projects visual information enabling surfaces walls and physical objects around us to be used as interfaces
Mobile phone
projector and camera are connected to the mobile computing device in the user’s pocket
Coloured markers
visual tracking fiducials
Software Requirements
Microsoft Windows platform using C#,WPF and openCV
Internet Connection
Benefits of having a network
Access to the Internet.
Wireless network connection used:- reduces additional burden of wiring
Gestural interaction
3 types of gestures
Supported by multitouch systems
Free hand gestures
Iconic gestures
Implementation of augmented reality
Allows the user to interact with the projected information using hand gestures
Informations projected on to any opacque surface
User does not need to wear any special glasses
Multitouch and moltiuserinterface
Drawing application

Defines a new perspective for human machine relationship
Bridges the gap between digital and real world environment
Uses commercially available components.
No physical interaction with any hardware
Image Recognition.
Surface is required.
Correctness and clarity of gestures.
User profiling.
Highly relevant to a unique user and their current focus of attention
Easily accessible
May replace traditional keyboard or screen based interface
Presented By:

SIXTH SENSE is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. It was developed by Pranav Mistry, a PhD student in the Fluid InterfacesGroup at the MIT Media Lab. Sixth Sense bridges the gap by bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand.
The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device. Both the projector and the camera are connected to the mobile computing device in the user’s pocket. It is a sense that would give seamless and easy access to Meta information or information that may exist somewhere.
So, with this technology we can have our digital world with us wherever we go. And we can start using any surface around us as an interface. It will change the way we interact with people not only with physical world.
The open source software is going to be made available .It costs around $350.
Sixth Sense is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. Sixth Sense bridges the gap by bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand.
Sixth Sense comprises a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device. It was developed by Pranav Mistry, a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab.
It was developed by Pranav Mistry, a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab. The exploration of this sixth sense technology started with a question why can’t we use a computer to interact with physical world.
This literally started with a mouse that comes with a ball in it and TWO ROLLERS that actually guides the movement. So taking out rollers from another mouse totally we have four rollers. Using these a system interface device was formed. With this whatever you do in physical world will be reflected in the digital world.
With this initially a pen to draw 3- dimensions in digital world was made that can help designers and architects not only Think but they can actually draw so that it is more intuitive to use that way. The goal is to bring part of physical world to digital world to make computing devices more intuitive. Not only this, the reverse process is made possible.
Initially the device started with a
helmet consisting of the camera, projector
and color markers. Later it was converted
into a form so that it is easy to use it by
wearing around the neck.
The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device.
Camera ,Projector, Mirror, Mobile Component ,Colored Markers
Camera :Captures an object in view and tracks the user’s hand gestures.It sends the data to smart phone It acts as a digital eye, connecting you to the world of digital information.
Projector :The projector projects visual information enabling surfaces and physical objects to be used as interfaces The project itself contains a battery inside, with 3 hours of battery life. A tiny LED projector displays data sent from the smart phone on any surface in view±object, wall, or person.
MIRROR :The usage of the mirror is significant as the projector dangles pointing downwards from the neck.
Smart Phone :A Web-enabled smart phone in the user’s pocket processes the video data Other software searches the Web and interprets the hand gestures
Color Markers :It is at the tip of the user’s fingers . Marking the user’s fingers with red, yellow, green, and blue tape helps the webcam recognize gestures .The movements and arrangements of these makers are interpreted into gestures that act as interaction instructions for the projected application interfaces.
Sixth Sense Technology
What is Sixth Sense????
Sixth Sense is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
Why Sixth Sense ??
Mobile Component
Colored Markers
How it works??
Related Technologies
Augmented Reality.
Gesture Recognition.
Radio Frequency Identification.
Supports multi touch and multi user interaction.
Cost effective.
Data access from machine in real time.
It is an open source.
Future Scope
Work is in progress for gesture-recognition algorithms that could eliminate the need for the markers.
Use of laser projectors to increase the brightness. 
Solar panel to ensure long backup.
Presented By:
N Mohan Krishna

Sixth Sense Technology
Information is traditionally confined to paper or digitally to a screen.
Even though computing devices allows us to carry computers in our pockets, that connects to the digital world continuously, BUT is no page link between our digital devices and our interactions with the physical world.
What is Sixth Sense Technology
'Sixth Sense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
It augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
Sixth Sense prototype
A Pocket Projector
Projects visual information to interfaces like wall, physical objects.
A Camera
Tracks user hand gestures.
Colored Markers
Movements of fiducials are interpreted into gestures.
Sixth Sense prototype (pictorial view)
Sixth Sense prototype (pictorial view)
Sixth Sense analyses what the user sees and visually augments surfaces or physical objects the user is interacting with.
The user interact with the projected information through natural hand gestures, arm movements, or interaction with the object itself.
WUW projects information onto surfaces, walls, and physical objects around us.
Easy to Draw: A person can draw anything on paint with the help of his fingers. So, why to use mouse for painting.
Capture photos with fingers: why to take camera on your holiday and no tension for the photo space as this Sixth Sense computer will work like your camera. It caputes the photo, when you make a square with your fingers, highlighting which one you want to frame.
Check the brand of the Product: It helps you to choose the best brand product from the super market.
Read Books easily: Check out the ratings of the Book you are going to buy, it checks the ratings from the internet. And another amazing thing is that it reads the book for you.. Smile
Check your Flight Status: You can check the status of the flight while you are on Taxi. Just place the ticket in front of the projector and it checks its status from the internet.
Phone Call: You can call to your friend by typing the numbers on your hand. It display the keypad of the phone over your palm and the keys appears on the four finge Newspapers: Did you saw the moving pictures of the
Newspaper in the movie Harry Patter, it is quite similar to it. It Searches the most appropriate video from the web by seeing the headlines or the caption of the News report. r... Use your another hand's finger to press the keys.
By using sixth sense technology the user can convert any thing as a surface. (wall ,hand, newspaper).
If we using sixth sense technology it will give u information about the thing you r looking.
Cost & Avaliblity
The device can be made in current prototype system costs approximately $350 to build.
In Indian currency 17000Rs .
The interesting thing here is that Sixth Sense can never really be more expensive than its individual components
Sixth Sense hardware and software at present works with smartphones.
The software’s source code will be available on an open-source model. AS THE STATEMENT OF IT’S MAKER.
About the Developer of Sixth Sense Technology
Pranav Mistry is the inventor of Sixth Sense.
He is a research assistant and a PhD candidate at MIT Media Lab.
Pranav holds a Master in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT and Master of Design from IIT Bombay besides his Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering from Nirma Institute Of Technology, Ahmedabad..
Sixth Sense has been awarded 2009 Invention Award by Popular Science. Pranav also won Young Innovator Award by Technology Review.
respected one...
i am interested to do a seminar project on sixth sense technology. so kindly i requested you that please send this seminar report as early as possible.
thanking u....
yours truly
respected one...
i am interested to do a seminar project on sixth sense technology. so kindly i requested you that please send this seminar report as early as possible.
thanking u....
yours truly
respected one...
i am interested to do a seminar project on sixth sense technology. so kindly i requested you that please send this seminar report as early as possible.
thanking u....
yours truly
i want to do a seminar project on sixth sense technology......... can please help me.........
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