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1.Alplia-Naphthol solution is used to identify which of the following bio molecule?
(C )Fats(D)All of the above

2.Which of the following is not an hydrolases enzyme?
(A)Pseudocholine esterase(B)Aldolase
(C )Trypsin(D)Lipase

3.Heavy metals cause which of the following enzyme activity?
.(A) Competitive inhibition
(B)Feedback inhibition
(C )Non-Competitive inhibition
(D)Irreversible Non-competitive inhibition

4.. Synthesis of Nitrazepam can be done from :
(A)2-Amino-5-nitro benzophenone(B)2-Amino-5-nitro cyclohexanone
(C )2-Nitro-2-chloro acetophenone(D) 2-Bromo-5-nmino benzophenone

5.Which of the following is a phenyl acetic derivative?
(A) Mefanamic acid,(B)Sorbitol
(C )Diclofenac(D)All of the above

6.The solvent used in Diazepam I.V injection is :
(A)Propylene Glycol(B)Diflunisal
(C )Water for injection(D)Flurbiprofen

7.Parent ring structure of chloropromazine hydrochloride is :
(A) Benzodiazepine(B) Butyrofenone
(C ) Benzyl aminehydrochloride(D) Phenolhiazine

8. • A skeletal muscle relaxant is : 
(A) Butacaine Sulphate (C ) Dextromehorphan
(B) Thiopentone Sodium (D) Mephenesin

9.Ash value indicates the presence of which of the following?
(A) Heavy metals(B)Minerals
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

10.Which of the following acts as a surfactant in infant’slungs?
(A) Fatty acids(B)Glycolipids
(C ) Sphingomyleins(D)Dipalmitoyl Lecithin

11.Geometrical isomer of Geraniol is :
(A) Nerol(B)Linalool
(C ) Citronellol(D)Citronellal

12.Abietic acid is a tricyclic diterpenoid presentin whichof the following?
(A) Asafoetida(B)Colophony
(C ) Balsam of Peru(D)MyrchMyrrh

13.Ocimene is:
(A) Bicyclic monoterpenoid(B)Monocyclic monoterpenoid
(C ) Acyclic monoterpenoid(D)Sesquiterpene

14.Azovan blue is an azodye used to measure which of the following?
(A) Blopd volume(B)Liver function
(C ) Creatinine clearance(D)None of theseNone of these

15.Klicberman - Buchard test is used for :
(A) Glycoside •(B)Sterols and Diterpenes
(C ) Gums and Mucilage(B)Fixed Oil and Fats

16.Castor oil belongs to which of the following family?
(A) Leguminosae(B) Linacene
(C ) Malvaceae(D) Euphorbiaceae

17.Zellweger syndrome is a disorder in the biogenesis of which of the following functional Organelle?
(C )Lysosome(D)Golgi bodies

18.In the L.T for iron the std.iron solution contains which of the following limit?
(C )20ppm(D)40ppm

19.Which one of these is the ingredient of liquid anti perspirant?
(A)Sodium Lauryl Sulphate(B)Propylene Glycol
(C )Cetyl Alcohol(D)AluminiumChlorohydrate

20.Name the anthranilic acid derivative NSA1D from the following :
(C ) Mefenamic acid*(D) Indomcthacin

21.The presence of Arsenic in its limit test can be determined by which one of the following reactions?
(A)Oxidation of Arsenic complex(B)Reduction of Arsenic complex
(C )Neutralisation of Arsenic complex(D)Hydrolysis of Arsenic complex

22.Cathartic activity of Anthraquinone glycoside is due to the presence of: 
(A) Glycons(B) . Anthronones
(C ) Anthranols(D) Aglyconc

23.Name the parent ring present in Buspirone : 
(A) Pyridine and Pyrimidine (C ) Piperidine and Pyrimidine
(B) Pyrazine and Pyrimidine (D) Pyridiazine and Pyrimidine

24.The term used in disinfectant activity is :
(A) Rf value (C ) pH value
(B)Solubility (D) Rw' coefficient

25.What happens to antihistaminic activity if branching occurs at 2-amino alkyl side chain?
(A) Increases(B) Loss of activity
(C )Decreases(D) None of the above

26.Name the local anesthetic with tropane skeleton :
(C )Lignocaine(D)Cocaine

27.pH range of Methyl Red indicator is :
(A)5.2 to 6(B)6.3 to 7.1
(C )3.1 to 4.4(D)6.8 to 10

28.All of the following except one are examples for mutation :
(A) Transition (C ) Transposition

29.Titanium dioxide is commonly present in :
,(A) Sunscreen cream
(C ) Vanishing cream

30.Hager's test is used to test:
(A) Proteins (C ) Alkoloids
(B) Transduction (D) Tran aversion
(B) Foundation Cream (D) Ophthalmic cream
(B) Glycolsides (D) Steroids

31.The sulphonyl urea acts through which one of these ion channels?
(A) Calcium channel(B) Sodium channel
(C ) Potassium channel(D) Chloride channel

32.In alcohol addicts which one of the opoid antagonist is used for relapsing therapy : 
(A) Naloxone(B) Methyl naltrexone
(C ) Alvimopan(D) Naltrexone

33.All of the following statements related to selective COX-2 inhibitor (NSAID) are true except:
(A)Decrease the risk of MI and stroke
(B)Analgesic, Antipyretic and anti inflammatory
(C )Tolerated by peptic ulcer patients
(D)Do not inhibit platelet aggregation

34.Verapamil is contraindicated in :
(A) Patient receiving p adrenergic drug (B) Patient receiving Statin (C )Patient receiving Digoxin(D)All of the above

35.Which one of the following antihypertensive is used orally in pregnancy?
(A)Nifedipine(B)Methyl dopa
(C )Hydralazine(D)Sodium Nitroprusside

36.Select the structure of protein that relates to degree of polymerization :
(A)4° structure(B)2° structure
(C )3° structure(D)1° structure

37.Measurement of blood pyruvic acid is carried out to establish the deficiency of which vitamin?
(A) Vit Bi2(B) Vit B2
(C ) VitBi(D) Vit Be

38.Aminotransferases require which of the following for their activity?
(A) Biotine(B)Pyridoxal Phosphate
(C ) Inositol(D)Niacin

39.Monosaccharide is not reactive with :
(A) Tollen's reagent(B)Hydroxyl AmineHydroxyl Amine
(C ) Acetic Anhydride(D)Sodium bisulphate solution

40.The major isomer present in glucose solutions is
(A)β -D-Glucose(B)a -D—Glucose
(C ) Both (A) and (B)(D)None of the aboveNone of the above

41.AE for free expansion process of an ideal gas is:
(A) +ve(B)-ve
(C ) zero(D)none of thesenone of these

42.Fentons reagent is:
(A) FeSO/H20(B)FeSO4 /H 2O 2
(C ) FeS04/OH-(D)ii2o,/oh-

43.Oil of bitter almonds is :
(A) Salicylic acid(B)Benzaldehyde
(C ) Glycerol(D)(CttOsCCl

44.Chloroplatinic acid is used for the estimation of:♦
(A) acids(B)chloride
(C ) bases(D)nitrogennitrogen

45.Allyl alcohol on treatment with MnO2 gives :
(A) acrylic acid(B)allylic acid
(C ) acrolein(D)none of thesenone of these

46.Trioxone is a trimer of:

47.Ethanal reacts with Fehlings solution to give a precipitate of:
(A) Cu(B)CuO
(C ) Cu20(D)none of thesenone of these

48.Urotropine is chemically:
(A) (CH2)*N<(B)I1C1IO
(C ) (C*H5)2C(OH)<COOH)(D)HCONMcu

49.Which of the following behaves as an acid in H2SO4?
(A) HC1(B)hno3
(C ) H.1PO4(D)HCIO4

50.Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital of CO is a : 
(A) it orbital(B)σ orbital
(C ) n orbital(D)л* orbital

51.Which of the following is used in air conditioning plants to regulate humidity?
(A) NaCl(B)KC1
(C ) CsCl(D)LiCi

52.Lightest metal is: 
(A) Li.(B)K
(C ) A1(D)Na

53.Fusion mixture is a mixture of: (A) Na2C03 + KsC03(B)NaHCO, + K2COa
(C ) CaC04 + K2COs(D)MgCOa + Na2(X)s

54.Select the polar aprotic solvent from the following :
(C ) THE(D)All of theseAll of these

55.IR spectrum for OO2 showsfundamental 
(A) 1 (B)absorption peaks. 2
(C ) 3(D)4

56.Unit of rate constant for zero order reaction is : 
(A) s-1(B)mol*1 Is1
(C ) mol2 H fr»(D)mol 1-1 s-1

57.Reaction of KI and h with thiosulphate gives : 
(A) S,0/(B)s4o62-
(C ) so3(D)8,0/

58.Determination of CFSE of transition metal complexes can be done using spectroscopy.
(A) Electronic(B) Rotational

59. Metal content in haemocyanin is :
(A) Fe'(B) Cu
(C ) Mg*(D) Co

60. Cu isotope is a---------------emitter.
(A) Beta (C ) Positron
(B) Alpha (D) Gamma

61. Oxidation state of Fe in methaemoglobin is : 
(C ) . 0
(B) 3
(D) none of these

62. Only non metal which conducts electricity is :
(A) Graphite(B) Caborundum
(C ) Diamond(D) None of these

63. Element with maximum electron affinity is :
(A) F(B) Cl
(C ) O"(D) None of these

64. Gun metal is an alloy of: 
(A) Cu, Ni & Sn (C ) Ag and Ni
(B) Ag, Ni & Cu (D) Cu, Zn & Sn

65. Metal oxide used to impart blue colour to glass is that of:
(A) Cu(B) Co
(C ) Ni(D) None of these

66. F centres are the consequence of 
(A) Schottky (C ) Metal excess
(B) Metal deficiency (D) None of these

67.Decomposition of ozone can be catalysed by :
(A)CO(B) N20
(C ) SO2(D) Cl

68.Variation of ent halpy of a reaction with temperature is given by
(A) Kirchoffs (C ) Arrhenius
(B) Clausius (D) Gibbs

69.Hybridisation in SnC-h is :
(A) sp
(C ). sp*
(B) sp3 
(D) dsp3

70.Tick out the correct sequence of Lewis acidity :
(A) BF3 > BCI3 > BBr3 > BI3 (C ) BFa > BIr, (D) BBm > BCL-i

(B) BCla > BF* > BBr,i> Bh (D) BFs < BCh < BBrs < Bis

71.Redox indicators are generally colourless in their-----
(A) Reduced(B) Solid
(C ) Oxidised(D) All of these

72.Radioactive disintegrations follow ?
(A) zero (C ) second
(B) • first (D) third

73.Variation of rate constant of a reaction with temperature is given by----equation.
(A) Kirchoffs(B)Clausius
(C ) Arrhenius(DGibbs

74. Acetyl salicylic acid is commonly known as :
(A) Phenacetin(B)Ibuprofen
(C ) Aspirin(D)None of these

75. Metal this does not form carbides :
(A) U(B)Sn
(C ) La(D)Ti

76.Starting material for chloroprene is? 
(A) vinyl cyanide (C ) vinyl acetylene
(B) vinyl chloride (D) vinyl ether

77.Photochemical smog is caused by oxides of:
(A) Carbon(B) Phosphorus
(C )Sulphur(D)Nitrogen

78.Which of the following ions yield colourless solutions?
(C )Ti*(D)Sc3+

79.Zirconyl Alizarin S reagent can be used for the detection of:
(C )sulphates •(D)chlorides

80.Microcosmic bead test is used for the detection of:
(C )oxalate(D)none of these

81.William Tobias Ringeltaube was associated with which of these societies?
(A) London Missionary society (C ) Basel Evangelical Mission

82.’Advnitha chintha paddhati’ is a work by : 
(A) Sri Narayana Guru .(C ) Sree Sankara
(B) Church Missionary Society (D) Theosophical Society
(B) Chattampi swamikal (D) Sudraka

83.Who started the journal ’Sahodaran' from Mattanchery?
(A)K. Ayyappan(B)K. Kelappan
(C )Mannathu Padmanabhan(D)Kumara Guru

84.Who founded 'The Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham’?
(A)Dr. Palpu(B)C. V. Kunjuraman
(C )Pandit K. P. Karuppan(D)Ayyankali

85.Who started the newspaper 'Mithavadi'?
(A) T. K. Madhavan *(B) C. Krishnan
(C ) Swami Anantha theertha(D) V. T. Battathiripad

86.’The Islam Dharma Paripalana sangham' was founded by :
(A)Ali Musaliar
(B)Vakkom Muhammed Abdul Khadar Moulavi
(C )*Moidu Maulavi
(D)Muhammed Abdurahiman

87.The creation of the 'Public Service Commission' was an outcome of:
(A) The Abstention Movement(B) The Malabar rebellion
(C ) The Channar Agitation(D) The Vaikkom Satyagraha

88.The leader of the Payyanur salt Satyagraha :
(A) K Madhavan Nair (C ) C. Kesavan

89.'Ithu Bhoomiyanu' is a drama by :
(A) K. Damodaran (C ) N: Krishna Pilla
(B) P. Krishna Pillai (D) K. Kelappan
(B) Thoppil Bhasi (D) K. T. Muhammed

90.The leader of the ’Pattini jatha' (hunger march) from Kannur to Madras was :
(A) E.M.S. Kampoothiripad(B) C. Krishnan
(C ) A. K. Gopalan(D) Subrahmanian Thirumumbu

91.The Head quarters of the Central University of Kerala is situated at:
(A) Kottayam (C ) Kasargod ..

92.Mangalyan entered the Mar's orbit on : 
(A) 24th September, 2014 (C ) lst January 2015
(B) Malappuram (D) Ernakulam
(B) 5th November 2013 (D)1st November, 2014

93.In 'BRICS', ’C stands for what?
(A) Canada(B)Costa Rica
(C ) China(D)ColumbiaColumbia

94.In 'UAPA', 'U' stands for what?
(A) United(B) UnlawfulUnlawful
(C ) Ultra(D)UsefulUseful

95.The proposed Capital of the state of Andhra Pradesh is :
(A) Amaravati(B)Hyderabad
(C ) Visakhapattanam(D)Nellore

96.The winner of first Indian Super League Football championship, 2014 :
(A) North East United(B)Kerala Blasters
(C ) Athletico de Kolkata(D)Mumbai City FC.

97.The Indian constitution has how- many schedules?
(A) 10(B)1212
(C ) 8(D)15

98.The Indian Struggle - 1920-1942' is written by :
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru(B)Dr. Rajendraprasad
(C ) Lala Lajpathrai(D)Subhas Chandra Bose

99.Zend avesta is the holy book of the :.
(A) Jains(B)Buddhists
(C ) Zoroastrains(D)SikhsSikhs

100.Who is the Chief Minister of Telengana state?
(A) N. Chandrababu Naidu(B)Siddha Ramayya
(C ) Hareesh Ravath(D)K. Chandrasekhara Rao

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