ASSISTANT DENTAL SURGEON - HEALTH SERVICES kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.The number of articles in Indian constitution :
(C )385

2.The right to property was taken away from among the Fundamental Rights by the :
(A)42nd constitutional amendment
(B)44th constitutionalamendment
(C )46th constitutional amendment
(D)47th constitutionalamendment

3.The Right to Information Act was passed in the year :
(C )2004

4.The Chairman of Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel was :
(B)Madhav Gadgil
(C )Dr. D. K. Subramanian
(D)Dr. V. S. Vijayan

5.The women leader whom Gandhiji hailed as ‘The Jhansi Rani of Travancore’:
(A)Rosamma Punnuse
(B)Anna Chandi
(C )Akkamma Cheriyan
(D)Lalitha prabhu

6.Yuktivati’ was published under the editorship of: 
(A) K. Ayyappan (C ) C. Krishnan
(B) E. Moidu Moulavi (D) K.P. Kesava Menon

7.The credit for having laid the foundation of Western Education in Malabar area goes to :
(A)Church Mission Society
(B)London Mission Society
(C )Basel Evangelical Mission
(D)Salvation Army

8.‘Suchindram Kaimukku’ the traditional ordial of boiling ghee was abolished by :
(A)Uthradam Thirunal
(B)Ayilyam Thirunal
(C )Swathi Thirunal
(D)Gnuri Lakshmi Bai

9.Who initiated the method Misrabhojanam’ to fight against caste system in Kerala?
(B) K. Ayyappan
(C ) Pandit Karuppan
(D) Vagbhadananda

10.The ’Islam Dharma Paripalana Sangham’ was founded by :
(A)Makti Thangal 
(B) Muhammed Abdurahiman
(C ) E. Moidu Moulavi
(D) Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi

11.The first characteristic Malayalam novel is :
(B) Indulekha
(C ) Kundalatha
(D) Dharmaraja

12.‘AMRUT, the programme introduced by the Government of India in June 2015 is intended to:
(A)Child care
(B)Rural Development
(C )Mother care
(D)*Urban Development

13.Who was the first Chair Person of the Kerala State Women’s Commission?
(A)Sugatha Kumari
(B)Justice D. Sreedevi
(C )M. Kamalam
(D)K. C. Rosakutty

14.In normal case the period allowed to furnish information by the Principal Information Officer under the Right to Information Act is :
(A)15 days
(B)45 days
(C )7 days
(D)30 days

15.The writer who won the first ‘Jnanpith Award’ was :
(A)G. Sankara Kurup
(B)P. V. Akilan
(C )Shivaram Karanth
(D)S. K. pottakkad

16.The theme of the historical novel ‘Keralasimham’ is the struggle against the British power led by:
(A)Marthanda Varma
(B)Velu Thambi
(C )Kunjali Marakkar
(D)Pazhassi Raja

17.Who won the ‘Ezhuthachan Prize’ for the year 2014?
(A)Vishnu Narayanan Namboothiri
(B)M. K. Sanu
(C )Attoor Ravivarma
(D)M.T. Vasudevan Nair

18.Sanju V. Samson made his international debut for India against:
(A) Bangladesh'
(B) Australia
(C )Zimbabwe
(D)Sri Lanka

19.Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam delivered his last lecture in the Indian Institute of Management at:
(C )Kashipur

20.The commission to probe the ‘Solar Scam is headed by :
(A) Justice Sukumaran
(B) Justice Thomas P. Joseph
(C )Justice Sivarajan
(D)Justice C.N. Ramachandran

21.The only cranial nerve that emerges through dorsal aspect of brain stem is 
(C )oculomotor

22.True regarding otic ganglion is :
(A)preganglionic fibres arise from superior salivatory nucleus
(B)nerve fibres pass through tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
(C )nerve fibres traverse greater petrosal nerve
(D)post ganglionic fibres pass through facial nerve

23.Submandibular duct is in intimate relation to the following nerve :
(C )Lingual
(D)Inferior alveolar

24.Floor of carotid triangle is formed by all muscles EXCEPT :
(B)Inferior constrictor
(C )Thyrohyoid
(D)Superior constrictor

25.Carotid tubercle is prominent in following vertebra :
(A)C 2
(B)C G
(C )C 7
(D)T 1

26.Motor area in cerebrum is mainly associated with :
(A) Controlling all motor activity
(B) Executing fine movements
(C ) Performing an involuntary movements
(D) Performing all voluntary movements

27.Colour vision is by :
(A)Bipolar cells'
(B) Cones
(C ) Occipital cortex
(D) Rods

28.Stimulation of Baroreceptor leads of:
(A)Decrease in Heart rate and Blood pressure
(B)Increase in Heart rate and Blood pressure
(C )Decrease in Intracranial tension
(D)Increase in Intracranial tension

29.Cerebrospinal fluid is principally secreted by : 
(A) Arachnoid granulation (C ) Floor of Fourth ventricle
(B) Choroid plexus (D) Periaqueductal grey

30.In Athlets bradycardia is because of: 
(A) Cardiac output (C ) Increased Vagal tone
(B) Decreased sympathetic tone (D) Low Venous return

31.Which of the following is an intranuclear inclusion?
(A) Warthin 
(B) Donovan body
(C ) Negri body
(D) Cowdry inclusion

32.Durck granuloma is seen in------------------infection.
(A) Falciparum malaria
(B) Anthrax
(C ) Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
(D) Mycobacterium avium intraceilulare

33.p53 acts as a tumor suppressor by following mechanisms EXCEPT :
(A) quiescence'
(B) senescence
(C ) down regulation of catenin
(D) induction of apoptosis

34.The following statements are true about Superantigens EXCEPT :
(A)they are bacterial proteins
(B)antigens on surface of Bombay group RBCs
(C )cause polyclonal Tcell activation9
(D)cause syndrome similar to septic shock

35.Gum hypertrophy is seen in :
(A)AML M3 (C ) AML M5
(B) ALL L2 (D) CML

36.Zero order kinetics of elimination applies to which drug :
(B)Ethyl Alcohol
(C )Paracetamol

37.The preferred drug for the treatment of organophosphorous poisoning is :
(C )Neostigmine

38.Which among the following is a sympathomimetic bronchodilator?
(C )Montelukast

39.The Drug of choice for the treatment of status Epilepticus is :
(C )Phenobarbitone
(D)Sodium Valproate

40.The preferred drug for the treatment of multidrug-resistant typhoid fever is :
(C )Ceftriaxone

41.All of the following are true regarding Vitamin A activity EXCEPT :
(A)1RAE= 1kg all-trans-retinal
(B)1 RAE =12 kg beta-carotene
(C )1 iu = 3.6 jug beta - carotene
(D)1 iu = 36 fug all-trans-retinal

42.Good cholesterol is:
(C )Chylomicron

43.GLUT2 transporter is seen in all the following tissuesEXCEPT:
(C )Pancreatic beta cell
(D)Small intestine

44.Which of the following is false regarding HbS?
(A)Glutamic acid in beta chain is replaced by valine
(B)GAG in 6th codon is replaced by GUG
(C )RBCs are always abnormally shaped
(D)Sickled RBCs can cause splenic infarction

45.Transamination is the first catabolic step of which amino acid given below :
(A) Arginine
(C ) Threonine

46.Contributions of Louis Pasteur include all EXCEPT :
(A)Hot air oven
(C )Live attenuated anthrax vaccine
(D)Discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

47.Component of Bacterial cell responsible for endotoxic shock is :
(A) Lipopolysaccharide
(C ) Cytoplasmic membrane

48.The mechanism of gene transfer associated with Penicillin resistance in Staphylococci is :
(A) Transformation
(C ) Transduction
(D)Lysogenic conversion

Example of Zoonotic disease is all EXCEPT :
(A) Taeniasis
(C ) Hydatid disease

50.During window period in HIV infection :
(A)Viral RNA cannot be detected in the serum
(B)HIV antibody tests are negative
(C )Viral components cannot be detected in this phase
(D)Infection cannot be transmitted in this period

51.The lines that are seen clearly in longitudinal ground flections of enamel viewed by reflected light are :
(A)Gnarled enamel
(B)Strain of Retzius
(C )Hunter Schreger bands

52.The organic phase in dentin is primarily composed of:
(A)Type T collagen
(B)Type V collagen
(C )Type 111 collagen
(D)Type XI collagen

53.The first sign of dentin formation is the appearance of:
(A)Lines of Von Kbner
(B)Tomes process
(C )Von Korff ‘s fibres
(D)Contour lines of Owen

54.The principal cell in the lamina propria of gingiva is the :
(A)Endothelial cell
(B)Mucous cell
(C )Histiocyte

55.The earliest histologic indication of tooth development is at:
(A) 6th week of embryogenesis
(B) 2nd week embryogenesis
(C ) 4** week of embryogenesis
(D) 3rd week of embryogenesis

56.The accurate radiograph for the diagnosis of approximal caries lesions when a contact point is present is:
(C )Bitewing
(D).Intra oral periapical

57.A restoration material that will act in the dark is :
(B)Resin modified G1C
(C )Nanofilled composite
(D)Pit and fissure sealants

58.IPS Empress 2 is an example of:
(A) Injection moulded ceramic
(B) CADCAM ceramic
(C ) Sintered ceramic
(D) Glass infiltrated ceramic

59.In the hand instrument formula the first number indicates :
(A)The length of the primary cutting edge in tenths of a millimeter
(B)The width of the primary cutting edge in hundreds of a millimeter
(C )The width of the primary cutting edge in tenths of a millimeter
(D)The length of the primary cutting edge in hundreds of a millimeter

60.Ditch cut is usually employed in :
(A)Lamination techniques
(B)Calla lily preparations for composites
(C )Primary flare for indirect cast restorations
(D)Proximal preparations for amalgams

61.Which is the most common odontogenic cyst reported?
(A) Dentigerous cyst
(B) Odontogenic keratocyst
(C ) Periapical cyst
(D) Gingival cyst

62. Tulip shaped crown is a feature of which of the following condition?
(A) Turners hypoplasia
(C ) Dentinogenesis imperfecta
(D)Dentin Dysplasia

63.Which of the following is the commonest intra oral site for mucoepidermoid carcinoma?
(A) Buccal mucosa
(B)Floor of mouth
(C ) Palate
(D)Labial mucosa

64.Burnished dentine is
(A) Initial dentinal caries
(B)Arrested dentinal caries
(C ) Advanced dentinal caries
(D)Necrotic dentine

65.Driven snow appearance in radiograph is seenin:
(A) Pindborg's tumour
(C ) Cementoma

66.Number of bones present in an infant skull:
(A) 44
(C ) 46

67.Optimum orthodontic force in gm/cm2 is :
(A) 20-26
(C ) 50-56

68. Which among the following is not an example of second messenger involved in tooth' movement?
(A)Cyclic AMP
(B)Inositol Phosphate
(C )Cyclic GMP

Deckbiss malocclusion is seen in :
(A)Class I bimaxillary protrusion
(B)Class 11 Div. 1
(C )Class IT Div. 2
(D)Class 111 malocclusion

Reverse Orthodontics is a term used in :
(A)Interceptive orthodontics
(B)Preventive Orthodontics
(C )Camouflage treatment
(D)Surgical orthodontics

71.Class VI of Ellis and Davey classification of tooth fracture is :
(B)Fracture of root with or without loss of crown structure
(C )Displacement of tooth
(D)Non vital tooth

72.External root resorption due to infected pulp is :
(A) Inflammatory resorption 
(B) Surface resorption
(C ) Replacement resorption
(D) Osseous resorption

73.Objective test of assessing pulp vitality is:
(A) Cold test
(B) Electric pulp test
(C ) Pulse oximetry test
(D) Test cavity test

74.Preservation pulpotomy is:
(A) MTA pulpotomy 
(B) Calcium hydroxide pulpotomy
(C ) Formocresol pulpotomy
(D) Ferric sulfate pulpotomy

75.Fixed space maintainer used where deciduous second molar is prematurely extracted prior to eruption of permanent first molar is :
(A) Band and loop
(B) Distal shoe
(C ) Lingual arch
(D) Trans palatal arch

76.Multiple fibromas of face can be seen in : 
(A) Gorlin Goltz Syndrome (C ) Albright Syndrome
(B) Cowden’s Syndrome (D) Gardner’s Syndrome

77.Reddish to purple discolouration of skin or mucous membrane of size 0.4 — 0.9 cm caused by blood from vessels leaking into the connective tissue is called :
(C )Purpura

78.Hardner used in a Fixer solution is :
(A)Ammonium Sulfate
(B)Benzo triazole
(C )Aluminium Sulfate
(D)Sodium Sulfate

79.The ability of a radiograph to define an edge precisely:is called:
(A)Film Sensitivity
(B)Film Sharpness
(C )Film Contrast
(D)Film Resolution

80.SI Unit of Radiation Exposure is :
(C )Roentgen

81.Which isa Non-operating Dental Auxiliary?
(A)Dental Laboratory Technician
(B)Dental Therapist
(C )Dental Hygienist
(D)Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA)

82.Which isnot a property of normal curve?
(A)Boll shape
(B)Mean is Zero and standard deviation is one
(C )Mean, Median, Mode Coincide
(D)Mean is one and standard deviation is zero

83.Exampleof an irreversible index:
(A)Loe and Silness Gingival index
(B)DM FT1 index
(C )Oral hygiene index
(D)None of the above

84.Safety tolerated dose of fluoride :
(A) 4-8 mg of fluoride/kg body weight
(B) 8-16 mg of fluoride/kg body weight
(C )16-32 mg of fluoride/kg body weight
(D) 32-64 mg of fluoride/kg body weight

85.Which is not true for Cohort study as compared to case control Study?
(A) Expensive
(B) Proceeds from cause to effect
(C )Unsuitable for study of rare disease 
(D)Yields results quickly

86.The lymph nodes that are involved in acute necrotising ulcerative periodontitis are confined to:
(A)Submandibular lymph nodes
(B)Sublingual lymph nodes
(C )Submandibular and Sublingual lymph nodes
(D)Submandibular and Cervical Lymph nodes

87.The material present between the bacteria in dental plaque called intermicrobial matrix accounts for around:
(A)25% of plaque volume
(B)35% of plaque volume
(C )50% of plaque volume
(D)75% of plaque volume

88.The enzyme Argl protease in biofilm is produced by:
(A)Porphyromonas gingivalis
(B)Actinomycosus viscosus
(C )Capnocytophaga
(D)Treponima pallidum

89.The desquamative lesion having an ocular manifestation :
(A)Pemphigus vulgaris
(B)Benign Mucous membrane pemphigoid
(C )Erosive lichen Planus
(D)Erythema multiforme

90.The most ideal surgical treatment for single tooth gingival recession is :
(A)Coronally displaced flap
(B)Sub epithelial connective tissue graft
(C )Laterally displaced flap
(D)Free gingival graft

91.Which is the naturally occurring catacholamines?
(C )Dopamine

92. One of the following nerve is not aneasthesied in gowgate technique of nerve block :
(B)Lingual Nerve
(C )Nerve to lateral pterygoid
(D)Mylohyoid nerve

93.Andygump deformity commonly occur following
(A)Total maxillectamy
(B)Alveolar ridge agumentation
(C )Gunshot injury of midface
(D)Total mandibular resection

94.Followingis not a clinical feature of superior orbital syndrome :
(B)Forehead aneasthesia
(C )Constricted pupil

95.W hich of the following is not associated with temperomandibular joint pathology?
(B)Open bite
(C )Deep bite
(D)Traumatic occlusion

96.Which of the following materials is commonly used formaking laminate veneers?
(A)Metal ceramic
(B)Injection moulded ceramic
(C )Zirconia ceramic
(D)In Ceram

97.A desirable property of metal ceramic alloys is :
(A)Low elasticity
(B)High thermal expansion
(C )Sag resistance
(D)High flexibility

98.Shaped block out is used for :
(A)Removal of undercut in the proximal side
(B)Removal of undercut in the buccal side
(C )Removal of undercut in the interproximal area
(D)Placement of retentive clasps

99.Minor connector for a mandibular distal extension RPD should extend posteriorly to the :
(A) Retromolar pad
(B)1/2 the length of the edentulous ridge
(C )2/3 the length of the edentulous ridge 
(D)Length is not a problem

100.Which of the following is an occlusal scheme not seen in natural dentition?
(A) Balanced occlusion*
(B) Canine guided Occlusion
(C ) Group function Occlusion
(D)Mutually protected occlusion

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