android full report

Android is a mobile operating system initially developed by Android Inc.
Android was bought by  GOOGLE in 2005.
Android is based upon a modified version of the linux kernel 2.6
Android OS is a software stack consisting of java application  running on a Java application framework on top of  java core library running on Dalvik virtual machine. 
ANDROID was founded by ANDY RUBIN , RICH MINER, NICK SEARS & CHRIS WHITE who used to work at GOOGLE.
Android was bought by  GOOGLE in 2005.
On the 5th of November 2007 the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of several companies was unveiled with the goal to develop open standards for mobile devices

phone software like phone diary, call setup, resource manager, installers are part of application framework.
A notification manager that enables all applications to display custom alerts in the status bar.
An activity manager that manages the lifecycle of applications and provides a common navigation backstage.
System C library - a BSD-derived implementation of the standard C system library (libc), tuned for embedded Linux-based devices.
Media Libraries -supports playback and recording of many popular audio and video formats, as well as static image files, including MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, and PNG.
Surface Manager - manages access to the display subsystem and seamlessly composites 2D and 3D graphic layers from multiple applications.
LibWebCore - a modern web browser engine which powers both the Android browser and an embeddable web view.
SGL - the underlying 2D graphics engine.
3D libraries - an implementation based on OpenGL ES 1.0 APIs the libraries use either hardware 3D acceleration (where available) or the highly optimized 3D software rasterizer
FreeType - bitmap and vector font rendering
SQLite - a powerful and lightweight relational database engine available to all applications.
 Every Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of the Dalvik virtual machine.
The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format.
Dalvik has been written so that a device can run multiple VMs efficiently.
Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model.
The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack.
Application framework : enabling reuse & replacement of components.
Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices.
Integrated browser based on the open source WEBKIT engine.
Optimized graphics for 2D graphics library & 3D graphics based on the OpenGL ES 1.0 specification
SQLite for structured data storage.
Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF).
GSM Telephony (hardware dependent).
Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent).
Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent).
Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE.
1.0:- Released 23 September 2008
1.1:- On 9 February 2009,released by T-mobile G1
1.5:- (Cupcake) Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.27 released on 30 April 2009.
1.6:- (Donut) Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.29 released on 15 september 2009.
2.0 / 2.1:- (Eclair) Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.29 released on 26 october 2009.
2.2:- (Froyo) Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.32 released on 20 may 2010.
2.3:- (Gingerbread) Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.35 release on 6 december 2010.
3.0:- (Honeycomb) to be launched soon.
Android Software development kit(SDK) includes set of development tools these includes a debugger, libraries, a handset emulator (based on QEMO), documentation, sample code, and tutorials.
Development platforms include computers running linux , MAC OS X 10.4.9 or later, windows xp or later.
Android applications are packaged in  format and stored under /data/app folder on the Android OS (the folder is accessible to root user only for security reasons).
APK package contains .dex files, resource files, etc
REMOVABLE BATTERY allowing users to secure an extra battery and swap them out.
Almost all phone have the removable SD card.
Run multiple applications .
Support apps designed for other manufacterer using ANDROID.
CHEAPER as compared to other smartphones.
Some phone forces to configure GMAIL account .
Does not deliver an on-screen keyboard that’s capable of supporting multiple language at a time.
Google does not support installing apps to the SD card , so developers are limited in what they can create.
Dear Friends,
I'm developing an android app for Generation of the Discount Coupon system and .This module includes the following...

• Any business entities can have the coupon system made available to the user.
• A unique coupon must be generated and is delivered to the customer. So the same should be notified to the user as well as the respective business entity.
• Use of that coupon should be updated in the respective tables. So that the business entities can keep track of all the customer coupons.

This is achieved through by following some methods that are,

•First user subscribe with us to get the deal alerts on his/her mobile number and mail id.
• Then user will receive deal vouchers on sms and mail id.
• Show the voucher at the merchant location and get discount on purchase.
please i need the android project which provide above requirements.


1. Introduction (1)
What is Android?

A software platform and operating system for mobile devices
Based on the Linux kernel
Developed by Google and later the Open Handset Alliance (OHA)
Allows writing managed code in the Java language
Possibility to write applications in other languages and compiling it to ARM native code (support of Google? No)
Unveiling of the Android platform was announced on 5 November 2007 with the founding of OHA
1. Introduction (2)
What is the Open Handset Alliance (OHA)? (1)
It’s a consortium of several companies.
Google formed a group of hardware, software and telecommunication companies called the Open Handset Alliance with the goal of contributing to the Android development.
Most members also have the goal of making money from Android, either by selling phones, phone service, or mobile applications.
Develop technologies that will significantly lower the cost of developing and distributing mobile devices and services
1. Introduction (4)
Android is under version 2 of the Apache Software License (ASL)
2. Slice of history
Android Inc. founded in 2003
Android Inc. acquired by Google in 2005 with
establishing OHA.
Announced Android in 2007 and released source code
Reached version 3.0 releasing Honeycomb .
Slice of history
3. Platform (1)
2.1 Hardware  
Android is not a single piece of hardware; it's a complete, end-to-end software platform that can be adapted to work on any number of hardware configurations. Everything is there, from the bootloader all the way up to the applications.
3. Platform (2)
2.2 Operating System(s) 
Android uses Linux for its device drivers, memory management, process management, and networking.
The next level up contains the Android native libraries. They are all written in C/C++ internally, but you’ll be calling them through Java interfaces. In this layer you can find the Surface Manager, 2D and 3D graphics, Media codecs, the SQL database (SQLite), and a native web browser engine (WebKit).
Dalvik Virtual Machine. Dalvik runs dex files, which are coverted at compile time from standard class and jar files.
Linux Kernel
It is a layer that talks directly to hardware for the operating system.
It supplies all the drivers for the different types of components that may be on the
These drivers include: display, camera, keypad, Wi-Fi, flash memory, audio,
binder(ipc) and power management drivers.
It is based off the Linux version 2.6 core systems.
3. Platform (3)
2.3 Network Connectivity 
It supports wireless communications using:
GSM mobile-phone technology
802.11 Wi-Fi networks
3. Platform (4)
2.4 Security 
Android is a multi-process system, in which each application (and parts of the system) runs in its own process. Most security between applications and the system is enforced at the process level through standard Linux facilities, such as user and group IDs that are assigned to applications.
Additional finer-grained security features are provided through a "permission" mechanism that enforces restrictions on the specific operations that a particular process can perform, and per-URI permissions for granting ad-hoc access to specific pieces of data.
3. Platform (5)
Because Google developed Android, it comes with a lot of Google services installed right out of the box.
Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Web search are all pre-installed, and Google is also the default Web page for the Web browser .
3. Platform (6)
SDK and Android Market Place
Anyone can download the SDK (software
development kit) and write applications for
Android phones. Google doesn't take part of
the profits.
These apps can be downloaded from
the Android Market Place. If the app costs
money, you pay for it using Google Checkout.
3. Platform (7)
2.6 Future possibilities
Google Android Sales to Overtake iPhone in 2012
The OHA is committed to make their vision a reality: to deploy the Android platform for every mobile operator, handset manufacturers and developers to build innovative devices
Intel doesn’t want to lose ownership of the netbook market, so they need to prepare for anything, including Android
Fujitsu launched an initiative to offer consulting and engineering expertise to help run Android on embedded hardware, which aside from cellphones, mobile internet devices, and portable media players, could include GPS devices, thin-client computers and set-top boxes.
More Android devices are coming and some will push the envelope even further.
4. Software development (1)
3.1 Development requirements 

Android SDK
Eclipse IDE (optional)
4. Software development (2)
3.3 Programming Language(s)
Java – officially supported
C/C++ – also possible but not supported
Phones Using Android
Phones Using Android
5. Security & Permissions
Android is a multi-process system, in which each application
runs in its own process.
Most security at the process level through standard linux
Additional securities through “permission” mechanism that
enforces restrictions on the specific operations that a particular
process can perform.
In android security architecture no application, by default, has
permission to perform any operations that would adversely
impact other applications, the OS, or the user.
This includes reading or writing the user’s private data,
reading or writing another application’s files, performing
network access.
All apps (native and 3rd party) are written using
the same APIs and run on the same run time
All apps have APIs for hardware access,
location-based services, support for
background services, map-based activities, 2D
and 3D graphics.
App Widgets are miniature app views that can
be embedded in other apps like Home Screen
6. Overall evaluation (1)
4.1 Advantages 

There are a host of advantages that Google’s Android will derive from being an open source software. Some of the advantages include:
The ability for anyone to customize the Google Android platform
The consumer will benefit from having a wide range of mobile applications to choose from since the monopoly will be broken by Google Android
Men will be able to customize a mobile phones using Google Android platform like never before
Features like weather details, opening screen, live RSS feeds and even the icons on the opening screen will be able to be customized
As a result of many mobile phones carrying Google Android, companies will come up with such innovative products like the location
In addition the entertainment functionalities will be taken a notch higher by Google Android being able to offer online real time multiplayer games
6. Overall evaluation (2)
4.2 Limitations
Bluetooth limitations
Android doesn't support:
Bluetooth stereo
Contacts exchange
Modem pairing
Wireless keyboards
But it'll work with Bluetooth headsets, but that's about it
Firefox Mobile isn't coming to Android
Apps in Android Market need to be programmed with a custom form of Java
→ Mozilla and the Fennec won't have that
6. Overall evaluation (3)
4.3 Conclusion 
Android is a disruptive technology, which
has introduced initially on mobile
handsets, but has much wider potential.
Android is a big revolution in the field of operating system. Its custom virtual machine optimize memory and hardware resources in a mobile environment.; it can be liberally extended to incorporate new cutting edge technologies as they emerge. The open source platform will continue to evolve as the developer community works together to build innovative mobile applications
Back in 2008, when the Android phone was launched, the IT world quickly recognized it as an iPhone Killer. Though the demand for iPhone didn’t decrease, the arrival of Android marked a revolution against the tyrant iPhone. Within the first 24 hours of Android market, 62 free applications were available, which is less than 10% of the number made available during the launch of Apple’s App store.
With each update, Android OS has brought new and improved quality to mobile devices and better usability. According to NPSD group survey, Android OS smart phones ranked 2nd among all smart phones in the in the first quarter of 2010.
Even if the hardware is basis of any device and those applications are designed to help people perform an activity but it is the operating system which manages both of these resources. There are plenty of operating systems available in the market for smart phones. But the one which is widely anticipated, open source operating system for mobile devices is none other than the Android Operating System.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language.
Google Inc. purchased the initial developer of the software, Android Inc., in August, 2005, making Android Inc. a wholly-owned subsidiary of Google Inc. Android operating system is based upon a modified version of the Linux kernel, which is the most prominent examples of free and open source software. Google and other members of the Open Handset Alliance collaborated on Android's development and release. The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is tasked with the maintenance and further development of Android.
Canalys reported that in Q4 2010 the Android operating system was the world's best-selling Smartphone platform. Gartner reported that Android as an operating system grew 888.8% in 2010. Currently Android represents 31.2 percent of the U.S Smartphone market. Android has a large community of developers writing application programs. There are currently over 150,000 apps available for Android. Android Market is the online app store run by Google, though apps can also be downloaded from third party sites.
The features of Android include:
• Application framework enabling reuse and replacement of components
• Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices
• Integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine
• Optimized graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics library; 3D graphics based on the OpenGL ES 1.0 specification (hardware acceleration optional)
• SQLite for structured data storage
• Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF)
• GSM Telephony (hardware dependent)
• Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and Wi-Fi (hardware dependent)
• Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent)
• Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE
Google is doing with Android what IBM did with the PC and MS-DOS: it's making the platform available to all manufacturers. As happened with the PC, we believe that this model will result in much wider availability of handsets and a much larger user base. So, we will be learning the details about the Android Operating System in detail in the consequent chapters
Android Inc. founded in 2003
Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, United States in October, 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, et al. to develop, in Rubin's words "...smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner's location and preferences." Key employees involved in the founding of Android Inc. include Andy Rubin, also the co-founder of Danger Inc., Andy McFadden, who worked with Rubin at WebTV, and Chris White, who led the design and interface of WebTV. Other crucial employees includes Richard Miner, a co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc. and former vice-president of Technology and innovation at Orange, and all those of whom brought considerable wireless industry experience to the company. Despite the obvious past accomplishments of the founders and early employees, Android Inc. operated secretively, admitting only that it was working on software for mobile phones.
Android Inc. acquired by Google
Google acquired Android Inc. in August, 2005, making Android Inc. a wholly-owned subsidiary of Google Inc. Key employees of Android Inc., including Andy Rubin, Rich Miner and Chris White, stayed at the company after the acquisition. Not much was known about Android Inc. at the time of the acquisition so many assumed that Google was planning to enter the mobile phone market with this move.
Development accelerates
At Google, the team led by Rubin developed a mobile device platform powered by the Linux kernel. Google marketed the platform to handset makers and carriers on the premise of providing a flexible, upgradable system. Google had lined up a series of hardware component and software partners and signaled to carriers that it was open to various degrees of cooperation on their part.
Speculation about Google's intention to enter the mobile communications market continued to build through December 2006. Reports from the BBC and The Wall Street Journal noted that Google wanted its search and applications on mobile phones and it was working hard to deliver that. Print and online media outlets soon reported rumors that Google was developing a Google-branded handset.Some speculated that as Google was defining technical specifications, it was showing prototypes to cell phone manufacturers and network operators.
In September 2007, InformationWeek covered an Evalueserve study reporting that Google had filed several patent applications in the area of mobile telephony.
What’s an Operating System?
What’s a Mobile Operating System?

History of Android and Open Handset Alliance
In July 2005, Google acquired Android Inc., a small startup company in Palo Alto, California.
Andy Rubin, Rich Miner , Nick Sears and Chris White. At that time little was known about them.
Developed a mobile device platform powered by linux kernel – flexible, upgradable system.
Dec. 2006 - Reports from the BBC and The Wall Street Journal noted that Google wanted its search and applications on mobile phones and it was working hard to deliver that.
History of Android and Open Handset Alliance
What’s different in Android?
Android Architecture
Android Architecture
Android Architecture
Features of Android
Features of Android
Versions of Android
Android 1.1 Platform
Android 1.5 (Cupcake)
Android 1.6 (Donut)
Android 2.1 (Eclair)
Android 2.2 (Froyo)
Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)
Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)*
Market share of different Platforms
Android Devices
Cellphones, smartphones, e-reader devices, netbooks and tablet computers.
1st commercial phone  HTC DREAM  22 Oct 2008.
1st TV  Scandinavia  People of Lava.
Nexus 1 HTC
Nexus S  Samsung
Acer, Alcatel, Bluelans Communication, Cherry Mobile, Dell, General Mobile, HTC Corporation, Huawei, Lenovo, LG Group, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson.
Android Market
Android 3.0 Preview
Optimized for devices with larger screen sizes, particularly tablets.
Introduces a truly virtual “holographic” UI design, as well as an elegant, content-focused interaction model.
refined multitasking, rich notifications, Home screen customization and more.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. Android is a software platform and operating system for mobile devices based on the Linux operating system and developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write managed code in a Java-like language that utilizes Google-developed Java libraries, but does not support programs developed in native code.
The unveiling of the Android platform on 5 November 2007 was announced with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 hardware, software and telecom companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. When released in 2008, most of the Android platform will be made available under the Apache free-software and open-source license.
1.1.1. Google Acquires Android Inc.

In July 2005, Google acquired Android Inc., a small startup company based in Palo Alto, CA. Android's co-founders who went to work at Google included Andy Rubin (co-founder of Danger), Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc), Nick Sears (once VP at T-Mobile), and Chris White (one of the first engineers at WebTV). At the time, little was known about the functions of Android Inc. other than they made software for mobile phones.
At Google, the team, led by Rubin, developed a Linux-based mobile device OS which they marketed to handset makers and carriers on the premise of providing a flexible, upgradeable system. It was reported that Google had already lined up a series of hardware component and software partners and signaled to carriers that it was open to various degrees of cooperation on their part.
1.1.2. Open Handset Alliance Founded
On 5 November 2007, the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of several companies which include Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, Sprint Nextel and NVIDIA, was unveiled with the goal to develop open standards for mobile devices. Along with the formation of the Open Handset Alliance, the OHA also unveiled their first product, Android, an open source mobile device platform based on the Linux operating system.
1.1.3. Hardware
Google has unveiled at least three prototypes for Android, at the Mobile World Congress on February 12, 2008. One prototype at the ARM booth displayed several basic Google applications. A 'd-pad' control zooming of items in the dock with a relatively quick response.
A prototype at the Google IO conference on May 28, 2008 had a 528 MHz Qualcomm processor and a Synaptics capacitive touch screen, and used the UMTS cellular standard. It had 128 MB of RAM and 256 MB of flash, showing that Android's memory requirements are reasonable. The demo was carried out using a 3.6 Mbit/s HSDPA connection.
1.2.1. Application Framework

It is used to write applications for Android. Unlike other embedded mobile environments, Android applications are all equal, for instance, an applications which come with the phone are no different than those that any developer writes.The framework is supported by numerous open source libraries such as openssl, SQLite and libc. It is also supported by the Android core libraries. From the point of security, the framework is based on UNIX file system permissions that assure applications have only those abilities that mobile phone owner gave them at install time.
1.2.2. Dalvik Virtual Machine
It is extremely low-memory based virtual machine, which was designed especially for Android to run on embedded systems and work well in low power situations. It is also tuned to the CPU attributes. The Dalvik VM creates a special file format (.DEX) that is created through build time post processing. Conversion between Java classes and .DEX format is done by included “dx” tool.
Thumbs Up 
thanks for the report dear.. my final yr project is on android.. this info was really helpful to me

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Android Features

Application Framework
Dalvik virtual machine
Integrated (webkit) browser
2D and 3D graphics APIs with HW
Video and audio codecs
Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi
Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer


100s of millions of mobile phone users
Very high growth, esp. in Asia
"Wild wild west" of application development
think 1985 on the desktop (if you were born by then)
no dominant 3rd party developers.... yet
what will the killer app categories be?
what does it mean to have any app + the internet in your pocket?
You can develop for it today!

Project Suggestions

Web Scrapers [movies, weather, sports, <topic> news]
Find multiple web sources
Scrape them for the relevant information
Present in a custom UI on the phone
Asynchronous games [chess, poker, risk]
Develop an API for all games to communicate through
Establish connections by phone number
Send and receive game data
Ability to reopen connections 
Planner/To-do list with location data
Decide route to next class, meeting, etc
Find a order/route for non time-critical tasks
Connect to campus directory to find teachers/classmates


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