4g technology seminars report

please send me seminar report on 4g technology

visit this thread for 4G technology:
Presented By
T. Annalakshmi
Implementation of all wireless internet services for 4G mobile communication system


Fourth generation (4G) mobile systems and services will mainly be characterized
by a horizontal communication model, where different access technologies such as
cellular, cordless, wireless local area network (WLAN), short-range connectivity,
and wired systems will be combined on a common platform to complement each
Other optimally for different service requirements and radio environments. To
access different wireless networks, multimode user terminals are essential. The
most promising way of implementing multimodal user terminals is to adopt the
software radio approach. The current software radio technology does not meet the
requirements of different wireless networks; because it is impossible to have just
one antenna and one LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) to serve the wide range of
frequency bands.
In this paper, I am implementing a novel idea using CI/OFDM (Carrier
Interferometry-OFDM) to access multiple networks using a wireless terminal.
The physical size of the wireless terminal proposed in the present work, will be
smaller than the terminal with software radio device, and enough memory can be
inserted in the terminal device to store software for all networks.

Plan of Work

Analyzing the proposed system
Obtaining the system model
Obtaining the mathematical model
Compose the coding using Matlab
Simulation of BER performance

Literature Survey

Willie W.Lu,”Next generation communication towards open wireless standard and software defined radio” IEEE 2008 IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks

To achieve high data rates in next generation communication systems beyond 3G up to 100 Mbps or more research focuses on the open distributed wireless communication system called ODWCS which is a new architecture for a wireless access system with distributed & smart antennas (MIMO), distributed processors and distributed controlling through software defined radio (SDR) which is supposed to take care of all types of mobility management for end to end quality of service with greater reliability. This paper contributes towards the importance of open communication platform with reconfiguring ability with the changing environment of the communication with the aid of software defined radio. SDR provides an efficient and comparatively inexpensive technique for multi-mode, multi-band, multi-functional communications with software upgrades. SDR technology and open standards promise to do for the wireless industry what the PC and object-oriented software and operating systems have done for the computer industry.

Presentation On 4G Technology ( Beyond 3G )

Presented by:
Abhishek Tiwar


Mobile System Generations

First Generation (1G) mobile systems were designed to
offer a single service, i.e., speech.
Second Generation (2G) mobile systems were also
designed primarily to offer speech with a limited
capability to offer data at low rates.
Third Generation (3G) mobile systems are expected to
offer high-quality multi-media services and operate in
different environments.
3G systems are referred to as Universal Mobile
Telecommunications System (UMTS) in Europe and International
Mobile Telecommunications 2000 (IMT2000) worldwide.
4'th Generation,4g

It is a frame work for to meet the need of a universal
highspeed wireless networks.

It supports Interact multimedia services such as

Tele conferrencing.
wireless Internet over wide bandwidth with higher data

It will for reasonable low cost than previous Generation.

Still in the cloud of ITU and IEEE of 3GPP LTE from UMTS
and WI -MAX










An abbreviation for Fourth-Generation
A 4G system will be able to provide a comprehensive IP solution where voice, data, streamed, multimedia can be given to users on an ” Anytime, Anywhere ” basis, and at higher data rates than previous generations.


–Continuous in amplitude and time
–Variations in the signal –disrupts over long distances
Simplest type to wireless data
Average between 4,800 to 9,600 bps (bits per second)


Digital –consists of 1s and 0s
Digital signal:
1) Low level, 2) High level, 3) Rising edge
4) Falling edge

2G contd-

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)
Deployed in mid 1991 in Europe
Benefit from the ability to roam and switch carriers without replacing phones

IS-95 (CDMA)

Idea from military & Developed by Qualcomm
Using CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) One Frequency all the time
Several transmitters to send information simultaneously over single communication channel

The 3G technology adds multimedia facilities to 2G phones by allowing video, audio, and graphics applications. Over 3G phones, you can watch streaming video or have video telephony.
3G networks deliver broadband capacity and support greater numbers of voice and data customers at lower incremental costs than 2G. Standards: - W-CDMA: Wideband Code Division Multiple Access - EVDO: Evolution-Data Optimized

A single family of compatible standards that can be used worldwide for all mobile applications.
Support for both packet-switched and circuit-switched data transmission.
Data rates up to 2 Mbps (depending on mobility).
High spectrum efficiency


The GSM is a circuit switched, connection oriented technology, where the end systems are dedicated for the entire call session. This causes inefficiency in usage of bandwidth and resources.
The GSM-enabled systems do not support high data rates.
They are unable to handle complex data such as video.


High bandwidth requirement.
High spectrum licensing fees.
Huge capital.


Also known as ‘Mobile Broadband everywhere’
Mobile Multimedia Communication
Anywhere, Anytime with Anyone
Global Mobility Support
Integrated Wireless Solution
Customized Personal Service
Theoretically, 4G is set to deliver 100mbps to a roaming mobile device globally, and up to 1Gbps to a stationary device.
According to 4G Mobile Forum, by 2010 over $400 billion would be invested in 4G mobile projects.
In India, communication Minister Mr. Dayanidhi Maran, has announced a national centre of excellence to work in 4G arena.


Each node will be assigned a 4G-IP address (based on IPv6).
Formed by a permanent “home IP address” and a dynamic “care-of ” address that represents its actual location.
When a device (computer) in the Internet wants to communicate with another device (cell phone) in the wireless network, the computer will send a packet to the 4G-IP address of the cell phone targeting on its home address.
HOW 4G WORKS? contd

Then a directory server on the cell phone’s home network will forward this packet to the cell phone’s care-of address through a tunnel, mobile IP;
The idea is that the 4G-IP address (IPv6) can carry more information than the IP address (IPv4)
IPv6 means Internet Protocol Version 6 including 128 bits, which is 4 times more than 32bits IP address in IPv4. 32 bits IP address looks like this or 11011000.00100101.10000001.00001001 (32 bits).
The IP address in IPv6 version will be 4 times of IPv4; it looks like,,,
HOW 4G WORKS? contd
The first set of the IP address ( can be defined to be the “home address”. It just likes the normal IP address that we use for addressing in the Internet and network.
Second set of the IP address ( can be declared as the “care-of address”. It is the address set up for the communication from cell phones to computers
The third set of the IP address ( can be signed as a tunnel (mobile IP address). An agent, a directory server, between the cell phones and PC will use this mobile IP address to establish a channel to cell phones.
The last set of IP address ( can be local network address for virtual private network (VPN) sharing purpose.
4G Technology

OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex)
Technology that transmits data simultaneously over a large number of channels at different frequencies, enable to send an large data
Using in IEEE 802.11a & g, Hiper-LAN II and IEEE 820.16 BWA

4G Technology

Smart Antenna
A smart antenna system combines multiple antenna elements with a signal-processing capability
Amplify the frequency to user who wants to communicate
Can adopt to OFDM & SDR
SDR (Software Defined Radio)
From military research (SPEAKeasy Project)
SDR technology is enabling frequencies and communications methods and to be changed flexibly by means of software. It responses to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
MBMMR forum (MultiBand ,MultiMode , Radio)
Still in research area


Transmission up to 1Gb/s
2000 times faster than mobile data rates
10 times faster than top transmission rates planned in final build out of 3G broadband mobile

Target mobility and information bit rates
2 Mbps (250 Km/h)
20 Mbps (60 Km/h)
100 Mbps (3 Km/h)
Companies developing 4G technology
Cellular phone companies: Alcatel, Nortel, Motorola,
IT Companies: Hughes ,HP ,LG Electronics

4G Application

5G is a completed wireless communication with almost no limitation; somehow people called it REAL wireless world

5G wireless system is only theory and not real


4G is ”Anytime Anywhere”

4G is still at research stage, available after 2010 (?)...

... While the impact of 3G is still uncertain!

Employing the discussed techniques, 4G has a significant potential for capacity improvements over 3G systems.

Companies developing 4G technology investing about $400 billion for its projects.
More Users/subscribers due to IPV6,large space


[1] UMTS Forum, “Enabling UMTS / Third Generation Services and Applications”, Technical Report 11, UMTS Forum, October 2000.
[2] UMTS Forum, “The Path Towards UMTS – Technologies for the Information Society”, Technical Report 2, UMTS Forum, 1998.
[3] Watkins, D., A., “Overview and Comparison of GSM, GPRS, and UMTS”, Bradley Department of Electrical and Compute Engineering,
[4]MASAUM Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Vol.1, No. 2 September 2009


Thumbs Up 
pls provide me a document
visit this thread for the doc file of this topic.

It was already posted in this thread.


Submitted by
Jitendra nath gouda

Introduction :
A 4G system will be a complete replacement for current networks and be able to provide a comprehensive and secure IP solution where voice, data, and streamed multimedia can be given to users on an "Anytime, Anywhere" basis, and at much higher data rates than previous generations

Problems with the current system

High speed wireless is not available
Not fit for the data transfer
Shortage of bandwidth

Objectives :
Spectrally efficient system
High network capacity
High data rate
Smooth hand off
High quality of service (QoS)
An all IP packet switched network
global roaming

UWB Devices :

It uses frequencies between 3.1 to 10.6 GHz
Provides higher data rate
Uses less power
Passing through objects like sea and layer of rocks

Smart antenna :
Switched beam antenna
Adaptive array antenna

Technologies used in 4G
Software defined Radio
Multi input multi output (MIMO)




Packet switched wireless system
Next Generation wireless system after 3G.

Drawbacks of 3G That covers in 4G:

Faster Transmission
More Applications
Seamless and Multiplatform



3rd GENERATION WIRELESS SYSTEM (In Late 2002 & In 2003)


OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)
Ultra Wide Radio Band
Millimeter Wireless
Smart Antennas

Full Name- Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
It’s a frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) scheme
utilized as a digital multi-carrier modulation method.
Capability to cancel multipath distortion in a spectrally
efficient manner

Advanced transmission technology
The secret is that it is typically detected as noise.
Not cause any interference with current radio
frequency devices
Greater Bandwidth
Shaped noise

Millimeter-waves are electromagnetic waves.
Used to ultra high speed data transfer
Their ability is to transfer data using only very small antennas.

Employed to help find, tune, and turn up signal information.
It can send signals back in the same direction that they came from.
There are two types of smart antennas:
1. Switched Beam Antennas 2. Adaptive Array Antennas

A multitude of diverse devices
Predominance of machine-to-machine communications
Location-dependent and e-business applications
The extension of IF protocols to mobility and range of QoS
Privacy and security
Dynamic networking and air-interfaces
Improved coverage mechanisms
Improved and dynamic spectrum usage.

Support for interactive multimedia, voice, streaming video, Internet & other broadband services
IP based mobile system
High speed, high capacity & low cost per bit
Global access, service portability & scalable mobile services
Seamless switching & a variety of QoS driven services
Better scheduling & call admission control techniques
Ad hoc and multi hop networks
Better spectral efficiency
Seamless network of multiple protocols and air interfaces
An infrastructure to handle preexisting 3G systems along with other wireless technologies, some of which are currently under development.

Flexible channel bandwidth- 5 to 20 MHz, optionally up to 40 MHz
Data rate of 100 Mbit/s while the client physically moves at high speeds relative to the station, & 1 Gbit/s while client and station are in relatively fixed positions.
Peak page link spectral efficiency of 15 bit/s/Hz in the downlink, and 6.75 bit/s/Hz in the uplink
System spectral efficiency of up to 3 bit/s/Hz/cell in the downlink & 2.25 bit/s/Hz/cell for indoor usage.
Smooth handoff across heterogeneous networks
Seamless connectivity & global roaming across multiple networks
High quality of service for next generation multimedia support
Interoperability with existing wireless standards and all IP, packet switched network.

Improved Bandwidth provides opportunities for previously impossible products and services to be released.
At rates of 15-30 Mbit/s, It should be able to provide users with streaming high-definition television.
At rates of 100 Mbit/s, the content of a DVD-5, for example a movie can be downloaded within about 5 minutes for offline access.

Consumers demand that software and hardware be user-friendly and perform well.
For example, If the U.S. government wants to help, the best way to help all parties is to enforce 4G wireless system as the next wireless system. The software that consumers desire is already in wide use. The transmission hardware to take it wireless is ready to go.



3G: Some Unfinished Business


Improved coverage (e.g., residences)

Inter technology roaming

Inter carrier compensation (esp. data services)


Balance sheet cleanup (debt reduction)

Capacity Utilization

Business Models for New Services

EDGE Technology Enhanced Data-rates for Global Evolution

Evolutionary path to 3G services for GSM and TDMA operators
Builds on General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) air interface and networks
Phase 1 (Release’99 & 2002 deployment) supports best effort packet data at speeds up to about 384 kbps
Phase 2 (Release’2000 & 2003 deployment) will add Voice over IP capability

GPRS Air-link

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
Same GMSK modulation as GSM
4 channel coding modes
Packet-mode supporting up to about 144 kbps
Flexible time slot allocation (1-8)
Radio resources shared dynamically between speech and data services
Independent uplink and downlink resource allocation

GPRS Networks

consists of packet wireless access network and IP-based backbone
shares mobility databases with circuit voice services and adds new packet switching nodes (SGSN & GGSN)
will support GPRS, EDGE & WCDMA airlinks
provides an access to packet data networks
provides services to different mobile classes ranging from 1-slot to 8-slot capable
radio resources shared dynamically between speech and data services

OFDM Characteristics

High peak-to-average power levels
Preservation of orthogonality in severe multi-path
Efficient FFT based receiver structures
Enables efficient TX and RX diversity
Adaptive antenna arrays without joint equalization
Support for adaptive modulation by subcarrier
Frequency diversity
Robust against narrow-band interference
Efficient for simulcasting
Variable/dynamic bandwidth
Used for highest speed applications
Supports dynamic packet access

Key Features of 4G W-OFDM

IP packet data centric
Support for streaming, simulcasting & generic data
Peak downlink rates of 5 to 10 Mbps
Full macro-cellular/metropolitan coverage
Asymmetric with 3G uplinks (EDGE)
Variable bandwidth - 1 to 5 MHz
Adaptive modulation/coding
Smart/adaptive antennas supported
MIMO/BLAST/space-time coding modes
Frame synchronized base stations using GPS
Network assisted dynamic packet assignment

send me and ful ppt on 4g technology
plz farward me bionic eye seminar report

4G Fourth-Generation Communication System
Our ultimate goal is to communicate with any type of information with anyone, at anytime, from anywhere. This is possible with the aid of WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY
Developed in 1980s and completed in early 1990’s
1G was old analog system and supported the 1st generation of analog cell phones speed up to 2.4kbps
Advance mobile phone system (AMPS) was first launched by the US and is a 1G mobile system
Allows users to make voice calls in 1 country
FDM was used in communication system
Disadvantages of 1 G
--Variations in the signal
--disrupts over long distances
Digital data can be compressed and multiplexed much more effectively than analog voice encodings
--Fielded in the late 1980s and finished in the late 1990s
--Planned for voice transmission with digital signal and the speeds up to 64kbps
--TDM technique is used
Advantages of 2G–
--The digital voice encoding allows digital error checking
--increase sound quality•lowers the noise level
–Going all-digital allowed for the introduction of digital data transfer•SMS
–“short message service”•E-mail
–Cell towers had a limited coverage area
–Abrupt dropped calls
–gradual sound reduction
--“Spotty” coverage
--Developed in the late 1990s until present day
--Japan is the first country having introduced 3G nationally, and in Japan the transition to 3G is being largely completed during 2005/2006
--Large capacity and broadband capabilities
--Allows the transmission of 384kbps for mobile systems and up to 2Mbps
–A greater number of users that can be simultaneously supported by a radio frequency bandwidth
–High data rates at lower incremental cost than 2G
–Global roaming
CDMA –Code Division Multiple Access is used
–Form of multiplexing
–Does not divide up the channel by time or frequency
–Encodes data with a special code associated with each channel
3G Applications
--Wireless Advertising
--Mobile Information
--Business Solutions
--Mobile Transactions
--Mobile Entertainment
--Person-to-Person Communications
--Bearer Entrance and Periodics
--High input fees for the 3G service licenses
--Great differences in the licensing terms
--Current high debt of many telecommunication companies, making it more of a challenge to build the necessary infrastructure for 3G
--Health aspects of the effects of electromagnetic waves
--Expense and bulk of 3G phones
--Lack of 2G mobile user buy-in for 3G wireless service
--Lack of coverage because it is still new service
--High prices of 3G mobile services in some countries
4G is a research item for next-generation wide-area cellular radio, where you have 1G, 2G, 3G and then 4G
4G Features
•Faster and more reliable
–Speed about 100 Mb/s
•Lower cost than previous generations
•Multi-standard wireless system
–Bluetooth, Wired, Wireless (802.11x)
•Ad Hoc Networking
•IPv6 Core
•OFDM used instead of CDMA
•Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
•Allows for transfer of more data than other forms of multiplexing (time, frequency, code, etc)
•Simplifies the design of the transmitter & receiver
•Allows for use of almost the entire frequency band
–No gaps to prevent interference needed
•Currently used in WiMax(802.16) and Wi-Fi(802.11a/g)
--WALSH CODE is used in 4G


4G stands for the fourth generation of cellular wireless standards. It is a successor to 3G and 2G families of standards. Speed requirements for 4G service set the peak download speed at 100 Mbit/s for high mobility communication (such as from trains and cars) and 1 Gbit/s for low mobility communication. The 4G Mobile Internet is a technological breakthrough that allows users to connect their mobile phones to the Internet and surf the net for a very affordable fee that is usually taken out of the phone's load. When before you have to wait for a few seconds to connect to the World Wide Web, with 4G Mobile Access, these seconds are turned into a few milliseconds you won't even notice you're actually connecting your phone to the net. The connection happens in a blink of an eye. Internet is how it allows its users to video call other 4G Mobile Internet users at very low fees or load deductions. The fee is so low that you feel like you're only voice calling your loved ones only that you get to speak to each other with the aid of a video, which is so much better as you feel like you're really in touch with the person on the other end of the line.
The approaching 4G (fourth generation) mobile communication systems are projected to solve still-remaining problems of 3G (third generation) systems and to provide a wide variety of new services, from high-quality voice to high-definition video to high-data-rate wireless channels. The term 4G is used broadly to include several types of broadband wireless access communication systems, not only cellular telephone systems. One of the terms used to describe 4G is MAGIC—Mobile multimedia, Anytime anywhere, Global mobility support, Integrated wireless solution, and Customized personal service. As a promise for the future, 4G systems, that is, cellular broadband wireless access systems, have been attracting much interest in the mobile communication arena. The 4G systems not only will support the next generation of mobile service, but also will support the fixed wireless networks.
Review of Literature
A number of studies have been undertaken to explain indebtedness. They vary not only style and temper but also in their major findings. A few important works deserve reference review.
Elias Aravantinos and M. Hosein Fallah
The 4G technology. Several theories have been developed looking at different standards and aiming to select and develop the most promising one. In this paper we are introducing a study that aims to explain a new concept of “4G readiness” revealing long run national strategies for 4G deployment and suggesting some critical metrics that could indicate the future of this environment. The ranking at country level will help us identify if the biggest players in these countries play a significant role and having an impact as leaders in 4G. The study will reveal which countries have a competitive advantage towards the 4G, the weak countries that might be strong in the digital part but weak in the mobile wireless area and the reasons.
Manuel Ricardo, José Ruela
4G networks are an extension of current mobile communications networks, such as GPRS and UMTS. Besides the assumptions made by GPRS and UMTS that Internet and mobile communications will evolve side by side, 4G introduces the concept that a mobile terminal will be Always Best Connected to the available networks. This is possible since a terminal may have multiple network interfaces, of different radio technologies, which are used according to the user requirements and, possibly, simultaneously. 4G also considers that all the information is conveyed as IP packets. Research problems include the support of mobility, routing, QoS and radio resource management, security, and traffic accounting. Ad-hoc and mobile networks.
Jun-seok Hwang*, Roy R. Consulta** & Hyun-young Yoon***
4G mobile technology is in a determining and standardization stage. Although 4G wireless technology offers higher data rates and the ability to roam across multiple heterogeneous wireless networks, several issues require further research and development. 3GPP LTE is an evolution standard from UMTS, and WiMAX is another candidate from IEEE. These technologies have different characteristics and try to meet 4G characteristics to become a leading technology in the future market. As it was also analyzed and investigated through the scenarios, the comparison was made here that among three candidates for the 4G presented. Every service providers and manufacturers strategize towards high mobility and high data rates whether it is 3GPP, WiMAX or even WiBro oriented.
Mahesh G
1 and 2G standards, bandwidth maximum is 9.6 Kbit/sec, this is approximately 6 times slower than an ISDN (Integrated services digital network). Rates did increase by a factor of 3 with newer handsets to 28.8kbps. This is rarely the speed though, as in crowded areas, when the network is busy, rates do drop dramatically. Third generation mobile, data rates are 384 kbps (download) maximum, typically around 200kbps, and 64kbps upload. These are comparable to home broadband connections. 4G can provide a 10 times increase in data transfer over 3G. This speed can be achieved through Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). OFDM can not only transfer data at speed of more than 100 Mbps, but it can also eliminate interference that impairs high speed signals.
Jawwad Ahmad, Ben Garrison, Jim Gruen, Chris Kelly, and Hunter Pankey
In a fourth-generation wireless system, cellular providers have the opportunity to offer data access to a wide variety of devices. 4G will likely become a unification of different wireless networks, including wireless LAN technologies (e.g. IEEE 802.11), public cellular networks (2.5G, 3G), and even personal area networks. Under this umbrella, 4G needs to support a wide range of mobile devices that can roam across different types of networks (Cefriel ). These devices would have to support different networks, meaning that one device would have to have the capability of working on different networks.
Vish Nandlall, Ed Sich, Wen Tong, and Peiying Zh
4G is still being defi ned – the industry is clearly moving aggressively to a 4G world. Both the pace of 4G adoption and the rate of standards development are by far faster than all previous generations of wireless. In a 4G-enabled wireless environment, the amount of highbandwidth, high-speed data traffic is expected to soar, especially for the high concentrations of users in dense urban environments and in-building office scenarios. This will require the development of technologies that provide higher throughput to users in these areas and ensure high quality of service at lower costs.
A 4G system will be able to provide a comprehensive IP solution where voice, data and streamed multimedia can be given to users on an "Anytime, Anywhere" basis, and at higher data rates than previous generations. The continuous expansion of mobile communication and wireless networks shows evidence of exceptional growth in the areas of mobile subscriber, wireless network access, mobile services, and applications. An estimate of 1 billion users by the end of 2003 justifies the study and research for 4G systems. The key concept is integrating the 4G capabilities with all of the existing mobile technologies through advanced technologies. Application adaptability and being highly dynamic are the main features of 4G services of interest to users.
Allen H. Kupetz and K. Terrell Brown
Fourth generation (4G) wireless was originally conceived by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the same organization that developed the wired Internet. It is not surprising, then, that DARPA chose the same distributed architecture for the wireless Internet that had proven so successful in the wired Internet. Although experts and policymakers have yet to agree on all the aspects of 4G wireless, two characteristics have emerged as all but certain components of 4G: end-to-end Internet Protocol (IP), and peer-to-peer networking.
Govind Singh Tanwa
International Mobile Telecommunications - 2000 (IMT-2000) and the Universal Mobile telecommunications System (UMTS) will be among the first 3G mobile communication systems to offer wireless wideband multimedia services using the Internet protocol. Two important technological changes will facilitate this advancement. The first change is a shift from last-generation radio-access technologies such as the global system for mobile (GSM) communication, CDMA One (an IS-95 code division multiple access standard), and personal digital cellular (PDC) toward more sophisticated systems with higher data-transfer rates such as the enhanced data. Speeds up to 50 times higher than of 3G. However, the actual available bandwidth of 4G is expected to be about 10 Mbps.
Corporate Headquarters iPass Inc.
4G is the next evolution in wireless broadband connectivity, designed primarily for data transport versus voice networks pulling double-duty as data movers. Two leading technologies comprise 4G: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, better known as WiMAX, and LTE, which stands for Long Term Evolution. Both of these 4G technologies are IP-based and use a digital modulation method known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing. Make sure those employees who will need 4G access have it. This will help dissuade them from buying more expensive individual 4G subscriptions and burying the costs in expense reports.
• A data rate of at least 100 Mbit/s between any two points in the world.
• Smooth handoff across heterogeneous networks.
• High quality of service for next generation multimedia support (real time audio, high speed data, HDTV video content, mobile TV, etc)
• Seamless connectivity and global roaming across multiple networks.
For the present study a Descriptive research is used for focus on the 4G technology.
Source of data
Secondary data are collected for study through the internet.
Presented by:
Peerapol Yuvapoositanon

What is fourth generation (4G) mobile systems?
Fourth generation mobile communications systems that are characterised by high-speed data rates at 20 to 100 Mbps, suitable for high-resolution movies and television, virtual . Initial deployments are anticipated in 2006-2010.
Generations Timeline
3G Phones
3G Realities

 A recent study by Herschel Shosteck Associates noted that operators that pay large amounts for spectrum will have to charge end users so much that adoption of 3G will be slow.
 Another study by Strategy Analytics agreed, predicting that, while wireless data revenues will soar, 3G networks will account for less than a quarter of that revenue by 2010. So-called 3G killer apps such as multimedia won't succeed, the second study said.
 Pent-up demand: Now there's the rub. Even NTT DoCoMo doesn't think there's much pent-up demand among consumers for 3G multimedia services, so it will target its initial 3G offering at business -- and price it accordingly.
4G Provides Mobility & Capacity
 “Killer” Applications of 4G
 Visualized virtual navigation Telegeoprocessing: GIS, GPS
 Life- saving: Telemedicine
 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for IPv6
 Related Research Topics
 OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Multiple Access)
 MC-CDMA (Multicarrier Code Division Multiple Access)
 Software Defined Radio (SDR): FPGA, DSP
 Multiple-Output Multiple Input (MIMO)
4G mobile communication seminars presentation

Objectives of 4G
Principle technology used in 4g
Parameters of 4G
advantages of 4G
Difference between 3G&4G
Fourth generation wireless system with wide area coverage and high throughput.
Any where any time multimedia
4G is a successor to 3G and 2G standards
It is going to be launched in the year 2010.
1G Technology

AMPS ( Advance mobile phone system ) was first launched by US in 1980’s
the radio signals that 1G networks use are analog
Up to 2.4Kbps
1G technology which allows users to make voice calls within one country.
Access technology used is fdma

2G technology

2G cellular telecom networks were commercially launched in 1991
Digital –consists of 1s and 0s
Digital signal: 1) Low level, 2) High level, 3) Rising edge, and 4) Falling edge
Second Generation (2G): Digital voice systems
GSM (Global System for Mobile communication), PDC (Japan) D-AMPS(Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System)
PCS Systems
Second Generation – advanced (2.5G): Combining voice and data communications
Providing enhanced data rate
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
email and web browsing
Global System for Mobile Communications Tdma based
900-1800 MHZ freq used
SIM(subscriber identity module) is used
GSM offers a variety of data services
The lower powered radio signals require less battery power
The digital voice encoding allows digital error checking
- increase sound quality
- lowers the noise level
Introduction of digital data transfer
- SMS –“short message service”
- E-mail

Cell towers had a limited coverage area
Low data transfer rate
3G Technology
2.05 Mbits/second to stationary devices.
384 Kbits/second for slowly moving devices, such as a handset carried by a walking user.
128 Kbits/second for fast moving devices, such as handsets in moving vehicles.
A greater number of users that can be simultaneously supported by a radio frequency bandwidth

More bandwidth, security, and reliability
Fixed and variable data rates.
multimedia services.
Global roaming
Large capacity and broadband capabilities

Disadvantages of 3G
3G phones are expensive
High input fees for the 3G service licenses
Lack of 2G mobile user buy-in for 3G wireless service
network deployment costs
Base stations need to be closer to each other(more cost)
4G Technology
Difference between 3G&4G
4G is being developed to accommodate the quality of service
Improve applications like wireless broadband access, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), video chat, mobile TV, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), minimal services like voice and data
A data rate of at least 100 Mbps between any two points in the world

Principal technologies
MIMO: To attain ultra high spectral efficiency

single channel utilizes multiple sub-carriers on adjacent frequencies.
sub-carriers in an OFDM system are precisely orthogonal to one another, thus they are able to overlap without interfering
It allows transfer of more data than other forms of multiplexing (time, frequency, code, etc)

Advantages of 4G
High speed
low cost per bit
High quality of service
Variety of services
On connectivity

Telecom Companies Developing 4G
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The objectives of the 4G wireless communication standard:
• A spectrally efficient system (in bits/s/Hz and bits/s/Hz/site)
• High network capacity: more simultaneous users per cell.
• A nominal data rate of 100 Mbit/s while the client physically moves at high speeds relative to the station, and 1 Gbit/s while client and station are in relatively fixed positions as defined by the ITU-R
• A data rate of at least 100 Mbit/s between any two points in the world
• Smooth handoff across heterogeneous networks
• Seamless connectivity and global roaming across multiple networks.
• High quality of service for next generation multimedia support (real time audio, high speed data, HDTV video content, mobile TV, etc)
• Interoperability with existing wireless standards and an all IP, packet switched network.
In short, the 4G system should dynamically share and utilize network resources to meet the minimal requirements of all the 4G enabled users.
4G features
The infrastructure and the terminals of 4G will have almost all the standards from 2G to 4G implemented. Although legacy systems are in place to adopt existing users, the infrastructure for 4G will be only packet-based (all-IP). Some proposals suggest having an open Internet platform. Technologies for 4G include: Flash-OFDM, the 802.16e mobile version of WiMax (also known as WiBro in South Korea), and HC-SDMA.. 3GPP Long Term Evolution may reach the market 1–2 years after Mobile WiMax is released. An even higher speed version of WiMax is the IEEE 802.16m specification. LTE Advanced will be the later evolution of the 3GPP LTE standard
Access Schemes
As the wireless standards evolved, the access techniques used also exhibited increase in efficiency, capacity and scalability. The first generation wireless standards used plain TDMA and FDMA. In the wireless channels, TDMA proved to be less efficient in handling the high data rate channels as it requires large guard periods to alleviate the multipath impact. Similarly, FDMA consumed more bandwidth for guard to avoid inter carrier interference. So in second generation systems, one set of standard used the combination of FDMA and TDMA and the other set introduced a new access scheme called CDMA. Usage of CDMA increased the system capacity and also placed a soft limit on it rather than the hard limit. Data rate is also increased as this access scheme is efficient enough to handle the multipath channel. This enabled the third generation systems to use CDMA as the access scheme IS-2000, UMTS, HSXPA, 1xEV-DO, TD-CDMA and TD-SCDMA. The only issue with CDMA is that it suffers from poor spectrum flexibility and scalability.
Recently, new access schemes like Orthogonal FDMA (OFDMA), Single Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA), Interleaved FDMA and Multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) are gaining more importance for the next generation systems. WiMax is using OFDMA in the downlink and in the uplink. For the next generation UMTS, OFDMA is being considered for the downlink. By contrast, IFDMA is being considered for the uplink since OFDMA contributes more to the PAPR related issues and results in nonlinear operation of amplifiers. IFDMA provides less power fluctuation and thus avoids amplifier issues. Similarly, MC-CDMA is in the proposal for the IEEE 802.20 standard. These access schemes offer the same efficiencies as older technologies like CDMA. Apart from this, scalability and higher data rates can be achieved.
The other important advantage of the above mentioned access techniques is that they require less complexity for equalization at the receiver. This is an added advantage especially in the MIMO environments since the spatial multiplexing transmission of MIMO systems inherently requires high complexity equalization at the receiver.
4g technology PROBLEM FACE

Second-generation (2G) mobile systems were very successful in the previous decade. Their success prompted the development of third generation (3G) mobile systems. While 2G systems such as GSM, IS-95, and cdmaOne were designed to carry speech and low-bit-rate data, 3G systems were designed to provide higher-data-rate services. During the evolution from 2G to 3G, a range of wireless systems, including GPRS, IMT-2000, Bluetooth, WLAN, and HiperLAN, have been developed. All these systems were designed independently, targeting different service types, data rates, and users. As all these systems have their own merits and shortcomings, there is no single system that is good enough to replace all the other technologies. Instead of putting efforts into developing new radio interfaces and technologies for 4G systems, which some researchers are doing, we believe establishing 4G systems that integrate existing and newly developed wireless systems is a more feasible option.

Researchers are currently developing frameworks for future 4G networks. Different research programs, such as Mobile VCE, MIRAI, and DoCoMo, have their own visions on 4G features and implementations. Some key features (mainly from user's point of view) of 4G networks are stated as follows:

" High usability: anytime, anywhere, and with any technology

" Support for multimedia services at low transmission cost

" Personalization

" Integrated services

First, 4G networks are all IP based heterogeneous networks that allow users to use any system at any time and anywhere. Users carrying an integrated terminal can use a wide range of applications provided by multiple wireless networks.

Second, 4G systems provide not only telecommunications services, but also data and multimedia services. To support multimedia services, high-data-rate services with good system reliability will be provided. At the same time, a low per-bit transmission cost will be maintained.

Third, personalized service will be provided by this new-generation network. It is expected that when 4G services are launched, users in widely different locations, occupations, and economic classes will use the services. In order to meet the demands of these diverse users, service providers should design personal and customized services for them.

Finally, 4G systems also provide facilities for integrated services. Users can use multiple services from any service provider at the same time. Just imagine a 4G mobile user, Mary, who is looking for information on movies shown in nearby cinemas. Her mobile may simultaneously connect to different wireless systems. These wireless systems may include a Global Positioning System (GPS) (for tracking her current location), a wireless LAN (for receiving previews of the movies in nearby cinemas), and a code-division multiple access (CDMA) (for making a telephone call to one of the cinemas). In this example Mary is actually using multiple wireless services that differ in quality of service (QoS) levels, security policies, device settings, charging methods and applications. It will be a significant revolution if such highly integrated services are made possible in 4G mobile applications.

To migrate current systems to 4G with the features mentioned above, we have to face a number of challenges. In this article these challenges are highlighted and grouped into various research areas. An overview of the challenges in future heterogeneous systems will be provided. Each area of challenges will be examined in detail. The article is then concluded.


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