3D PC Glasses

Only a few years ago, seeing in 3-D meant peering through a pair of red-and-blue glasses, or trying not to go cross-eyed in front of a page of fuzzy dots. It was great at the time, but 3-D technology has moved on. Scientists know more about how our vision works than ever before, and our computers are more powerful than ever before -- most of us have sophisticated components in our computer that are dedicated to producing realistic graphics. Put those two things together, and you ll see how 3-D graphics have really begun to take off.

Most computer users are familiar with 3-D games. Back in the 90s, computer enthusiasts were stunned by the game Castle Wolfenstein 3D, which took place in a maze-like castle. It may have been constructed from blocky tiles, but the castle existed in three dimensions -- you could move forward and backward, or hold down the appropriate key and see your viewpoint spin through 360 degrees. Back then, it was revolutionary and quite amazing. Nowadays, gamers enjoy ever more complicated graphics -- smooth, three-dimensional environments complete with realistic lighting and complex simulations of real-life physics grace our screens.

But that s the problem -- the screen. The game itself may be in three dimensions, and the player may be able to look wherever he wants with complete freedom, but at the end of the day the picture is displayed on a computer monitor...and that s a flat surface.
That s where PC 3-D glasses come in. They re designed to convince your brain that your monitor is showing a real, three-dimensional object. In order to understand quite how this works, we need to know what sort of work our brain does with the information our eyes give it. Once we know about that, we ll be able to understand just how 3-D glasses do their job.

Can you send me the ppt and report of 3dpc glasses?

Sherin Kurian

The Head of seminars
3d pc glasses
Respected sir,
subject:ppt&report of 3d pc glasses

I,SHERIN KURIAN hereby request you to get me the ppt&report of 3d pc glasses.please send it fast.
Your's faithfully
Sherin kurian

could i get t seminar report and ppt as soon as possible on 3D PC Glasses
can u please send me the full documentation and ppt of 3d pc glasses.it's very urgent for me.i have seminar in another 2 days.please do the needful.thanks in advance


Only a few years ago, seeing in 3-D meant peering through a pair of red-and-blue glasses, or trying not to go cross-eyed in front of a page of fuzzy dots. It was great at the time, but 3-D technology has moved on. Scientists know more about how our vision works than ever before, and our computers are more powerful than ever before -- most of us have sophisticated components in our computer that are dedicated to producing realistic graphics. Put those two things together, and you ll see how 3-D graphics have really begun to take off.
Most computer users are familiar with 3-D games. Back in the 90s, computer enthusiasts were stunned by the game Castle Wolfenstein 3D, which took place in a maze-like castle. It may have been constructed from blocky tiles, but the castle existed in three dimensions -- you could move forward and backward, or hold down the appropriate key and see your viewpoint spin through 360 degrees. Back then, it was revolutionary and quite amazing. Nowadays, gamers enjoy ever more complicated graphics -- smooth, three-dimensional environments complete with realistic lighting and complex simulations of real-life physics grace our screens.
But that s the problem -- the screen. The game itself may be in three dimensions, and the player may be able to look wherever he wants with complete freedom, but at the end of the day the picture is displayed on a computer monitor...and that s a flat surface.That s where PC 3-D glasses come in. They re designed to convince your brain that your monitor is showing a real, three-dimensional object. In order to understand quite how this works, we need to know what sort of work our brain does with the information our eyes give it. Once we know about that, we ll be able to understand just how 3-D glasses do their job.
I,naveen negi hereby request you to get me the ppt&report of 3d pc glasses.please send it fast at nvnnegi632[at]gmail.com.
Your's faithfully
naveen negi
Reference: http://studentbank.in/report-3d-pc-glass...z15RhoECrg
hi the below page link will be helpful to you to get more on '3D PC Glasses'

but I'd like to ask you if I can download the full seminar report, and how can I do that?because I'm trying to click it's specific page link but it asking for a replay and I get nothing!
thanks again for your help
in which site you tried to download? from seminarprojects, you just click on the attached file.
Hey why cant you upload a full documentation for me i need this for my seminar topic gopireddymanoj[at]gmail.com
How 3D effect work
Our ability to see stereo-vision comes from each of our eyes seeing a slightly different view of the world. The two slightly different pictures picked up by the two eyes is combined into one stereo image by the brain. The parallax is the main factor that creates the stereo effect. The corresponding left and right image points are separated by the distance called the parallax. The two different viewpoints is what creates the parallax.

How 3D displays work
One of the following methods is used by the present display technologies.
-Separate display for each eye (used in HMDs)
-Shutter glasses (most common method)
-Color filter glasses (used in some old 3D movies)
-Polarizing glasses (used in some modern 3D movies)

Polarizing glasses
This technology is used by the projection displays. Here, special glasses are used such that the polarizing directions are 90degrees apart for each eye. So, whatever is projected in one polarising direction is seen by that eye only and those projected in the perpendicular polarising direction is visible to that eye only. Two images are simultaneously projected onto the screen and the brain interprets the two different imagea as 3D.

Get the full information here:

Only a few years ago, seeing in 3-D meant peering through a pair of red-and-blue glasses, or trying not to go cross-eyed in front of a page of fuzzy dots. It was great at the time, but 3-D technology has moved on. Scientists know more about how our vision works than ever before, and our computers are more powerful than ever before -- most of us have sophisticated components in our computer that are dedicated to producing realistic graphics. Put those two things together, and you'll see how 3-D graphics have really begun to take off.
Most computer users are familiar with 3-D games. Back in the '90s, computer enthusiasts were stunned by the game Castle Wolfe stein 3D, which took place in a maze-like castle. It may have been constructed from blocky tiles, but the castle existed in three dimensions -- you could move forward and backward, or hold down the appropriate key and see your viewpoint spin through 360 degrees. Back then, it was revolutionary and quite amazing. Nowadays, gamers enjoy ever more complicated graphics -- smooth, three-dimensional environments complete with realistic lighting and complex simulations of real-life physics grace our screens. But that's the problem -- the screen. The game itself may be in three dimensions, and the player may be able to look wherever he wants with complete freedom, but at the end of the day the picture is displayed on a computer monitor...and that's a flat surface.
3-D PC glasses are designed to convince your brain that you are seeing a real, three-dimensional object.
1.1 Seeing in Three Dimensions
Human beings, like most other creatures, are equipped with two eyes, situated close together and side by side. This positioning means that each eye has a view of the same area from a slightly different angle. You can check this out by focusing on a distant object and viewing through each eye alternately -- see how some things seem to change position slightly?
The brain takes the information from each eye and unites them into one picture, interpreting the slight differences between each view as depth. This produces a three-dimensional picture: one with height, width and depth.
It is the added perception of depth that makes 3-D, or stereoscopic, vision so important. With stereoscopic vision, we see exactly where our surroundings are in relation to our own bodies, usually with considerable precision. We are particularly good at spotting objects that are moving toward or away from us, and the positioning of our eyes means we can see partially around solid objects without needing to move our heads. It's easy to see why some people believe stereoscopic vision evolved as a means of survival.
Certainly, stereoscopic vision is vital for seemingly simple actions such as throwing, catching or hitting a ball, driving or parking a car, or even just threading a needle. That's not to say such tasks can't be managed without 3-D vision, but a lack of depth perception can make these everyday tasks much more complex.
2.A Different Point Of View
The key to stereoscopic vision is depth, and our brain will happily take care of that for us, providing our eyes are given the right information in the first place. This is exactly how those red-and-blue glasses work -- each color filters out part of the image, giving each eye a slightly different view. The brain puts the two different images together, and those blue-and-red blurry images turned into a fantastic 3-D comic, or movie, or TV show.
Stereograms, also known as Magic Eye pictures, use seemingly-random patterns of dots but rely on the viewer to cross his eyes in just the right way, or to look through the image until the eyes see just the right part and allow the brain to decode the hidden depth information.
Both methods have their disadvantages, of course -- the red-and-blue glasses make it difficult to show color in the 3-D image, and viewing stereograms is an art in itself. Neither method is entirely suitable for playing games.
Nevertheless, the underlying principle is exactly the same: creating and controlling those two different points of view. But just how easy is it to create these two separate images, one for each eye?
The answer is all about how games are created. Not so long ago, the graphics we saw on our computer screens were carefully drawn into the computer -- every single frame of animation, every different view of a character. If you wanted a dinosaur in your game, you sat down and drew the different views of a dinosaur into the computer.
i want more about 3D PC Glasses
Although it may be the wave of the future, there are still many disadvantages of PC 3D gaming glasses. The technology for these devices is still in development stages. There are many things that must be processed before this product is ready for the open market. When you're in the middle of a heated tipping playing online video games with other gamers you cannot afford to have any mistakes in your vision.
1. Brief History of 3D glasses

we've seen that although there might be something complex going on behind the scenes, with the right equipment we can just sit back and let our eyes do the work. Of course, the technology wasn't always so simple; there have, in fact, been four generations leading up to today's 3-D glasses.
The first generation modified the games themselves to make them compatible with stereoscopic 3-D. The games' creators had to specifically support each type of LCD glasses -- hardly an ideal situation. There was no guarantee that the glasses you'd bought would work with your favorite game. As you can imagine, that didn't appeal to many people; so a second solution was developed.
This second solution was to override the game, actually taking over the computer's screen and altering what was displayed. As far as the game was concerned, it was just doing what it normally did, except, of course, that some of the computer's time was taken up processing the image to make it 3-D. The result was slower performance and low-resolution, blocky images. It did work with hundreds of games, though, and that was a definite improvement.
The third generation worked in a similar way, modifying the graphics driver but also maintaining the resolution of the images -- no more blocky graphics! Unfortunately, it wasn't compatible with many games, though it was a definite forerunner to the 3-D glasses we have nowadays.
In the fourth-generation models, compatibility is high, the complicated work is done by the graphics card, and the lightweight LCD glasses flick so rapidly between the two images that all we see is crystal-clear, 3-D images.
3D PC glasses are designed for the serious gamer in mind. What are these specialized glasses, you ask? They are glasses that make the video games come to life in a way that increases the overall gaming experience for gamers of any age. You can do many things with these incredible glasses. You can enjoy games like never before.
These glasses are specifically designed to help convince your brain that you're literally right in the middle as part of the gaming experience. You don't have to use any fancy equipment. All you have to do is slip these glasses onto your head and all types of PC video games from RPGs to first person shooters are going to come to life in a way that they simply can't in two dimensions.
These glasses are used to turn a normal computer monitor into a real 3D object. What appears on the monitor from your game will look like its really right there, as well.
Feel free to play any game that you want. It doesn't matter if it's "World or Warcraft" or "Modern Warfare," or any other game. You'll have a lot of fun with these 3D PC glasses. You'll find your online games to be a lot more interactive.
Imagine the games you can play while wearing these glasses. You can play shooting games, airplane games, or any game you want. There's no limit to what games you can play.
These 3D PC glasses are perfect for children! They can bring all their learning games to life. Make their educational games much more interactive and fun. With these glasses, their imagination can run wild. There's no limit to what they can do.
You can find these 3D glasses online or at any game store. All you have to is search for them online. You can even read more information on these unique 3D glasses. You definitely won't find these 3D PC glasses anywhere else!
Make the most out of your gaming experience with your own 3D PC glasses. You'll be glad that you made this decision.
Only a few years ago, seeing in 3-D meant peering through a pair of red-and-blue glasses, or trying not to go cross-eyed in front of a page of fuzzy dots. It was great at the time, but 3-D technology has moved on. Scientists know more about how our vision works than ever before, and our computers are more powerful than ever before -- most of us have sophisticated components in our computer that are dedicated to producing realistic graphics. Put those two things together, and you'll see how 3-D graphics have really begun to take off.
Most computer users are familiar with 3-D games. Back in the '90s, computer enthusiasts were stunned by the game Castle Wolfenstein 3D, which took place in a maze-like castle. It may have been constructed from blocky tiles, but the castle existed in three dimensions -- you could move forward and backward, or hold down the appropriate key and see your viewpoint spin through 360 degrees. Back then, it was revolutionary and quite amazing. Nowadays, gamers enjoy ever more complicated graphics -- smooth, three-dimensional environments complete with realistic lighting and complex simulations of real-life physics grace our screens. But that's the problem -- the screen. The game itself may be in three dimensions, and the player may be able to look wherever he wants with complete freedom, but at the end of the day the picture is displayed on a computer monitor...and that's a flat surface.
That's where PC 3-D glasses come in. They're designed to convince your brain that your monitor is showing a real, three-dimensional object. In order to understand quite how this works, we need to know what sort of work our brain does with the information our eyes give it. Once we know about that, we'll be able to understand just how 3-D glasses do their job.
3. 3D Gaming Glasses Technology
It's official: 3-D glasses are back in vogue. You cannot go to the movies, or watch TV today without hearing about 3D everything. Movies like UP and Avatar are giving 3D technology a major comeback. I think every child remembers putting on a pair of cardboard 3D glasses in hopes that is was going to make viewing the world incredible. Those kids were always disappointed. With the improvements to movie and gaming technology, it was only a matter of time before people were going to try to make games into 3D. A new product on the market is trying to accomplish that by creating 3D glasses for the PC in hopes of making gaming really come to life. This moves the technology well beyond the James Cameron movies, as there is a huge buzz all around edimensional 3D gaming glasses for the PC, which are expected to bring the entire technology of 3D PC Gaming Glasses to a whole new level.
All gamers want the most realistic gaming experience possible. 3D PC Glasses claim to make that possible. Different companies have been making different types of 3D PC Glasses, but most of them claim to work on most types of PC's. They should work on virtually all PC Games, turning them into a fantastic 3D experience. They should also be able to work with both CRT and LCD monitors.
Often you will have two different types of glasses, wireless and wired. The wireless glasses are going to be a little bit more expensive, just like wireless controllers for video game counsels. The wireless glasses do need to be plugged into your computer but you should not have many problems with that. Both pairs of glasses should be adjustable and easy to use.
Glasses should come with the necessary software needed, as well as an instruction manual. Setup should be a breeze. Glasses probably will not work on a laptop monitor however. You can check out this article on how to make 3D PC Gaming Glasses, although ones you make won't be as effective as ones made by professional companies.
Stereoscopy (also called stereoscopic or 3-D imaging) refers to a technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image by presenting two offset images separately to the left and right eye of the viewer. Both of these 2-D offset images are then combined in the brain to give the perception of 3-D depth. Three strategies have been used to accomplish this: have the viewer wear eyeglasses to combine separate images from two offset sources, have the viewer wear eyeglasses to filter offset images from a single source separated to each eye, or have the lightsource split the images directionally into the viewer's eyes (no glasses required).
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