space mouse (Download Full Report And Abstract)
Every day of your computing life, you reach out for the mouse
whenever you want to move the cursor or activate something. The mouse
senses your motion and your clicks and sends them to the computer so
it can respond appropriately. An ordinary mouse detects motion in the
X and Y plane and acts as a two dimensional controller. It is not
well suited for people to use in a 3D graphics environment. Space
Mouse is a professional 3D controller specifically designed for
manipulating objects in a 3D environment. It permits the simultaneous
control of all six degrees of freedom - translation rotation or a
combination. . The device serves as an intuitive man-machine
The predecessor of the spacemouse was the DLR
controller ball. Spacemouse has its origins in the late seventies
when the DLR (German Aerospace Research Establishment) started
research in its robotics and system dynamics division on devices with
six degrees of freedom (6 dof) for controlling robot grippers in
Cartesian space. The basic principle behind its construction is
mechatronics engineering and the multisensory concept. The spacemouse
has different modes of operation in which it can also be used as a
two-dimensional mouse.

2.How does computer mouse work?
Mice first broke onto the public stage with the introduction of the
Apple Macintosh in 1984, and since then they have helped to
completely redefine the way we use computers. Every day of your
computing life, you reach out for your mouse whenever you want to
move your cursor or activate something. Your mouse senses your motion
and your clicks and sends them to the computer so it can respond
2.1 Inside a Mouse
The main goal of any mouse is to translate the motion of your hand
into signals that the computer can use. Almost all mice today do the
translation using five components:

Fig.1 The guts of a mouse
1. A ball inside the mouse touches the desktop and rolls when the
mouse moves.

Fig 2
The underside of the mouse's logic board: The exposed portion of the
ball touches the desktop.
2. Two rollers inside the mouse touch the ball. One of the
rollers is oriented so that it detects motion in the X direction, and
the other is oriented 90 degrees to the first roller so it detects
motion in the Y direction. When the ball rotates, one or both of
these rollers rotate as well. The following image shows the two white
rollers on this mouse:

Fig.3 The rollers that touch the ball and detect X and Y motion
3. The rollers each connect to a shaft, and the shaft spins a disk
with holes in it. When roller rolls, its shaft and disk spin. The
following image shows the disk:
Fig.4 A typical optical encoding disk: This disk has 36 holes around
its outer edge.
4. On either side of the disk there is an infrared LED and an
infrared sensor. The holes in the disk break the beam of light coming
from the LED so that the infrared sensor sees pulses of light.

Fig.5 A close-up of one of the optical encoders that track mouse
motion: There is an infrared LED (clear) on one side of the disk and
an infrared sensor (red) on the other.
The rate of the pulsing is directly related to the speed of the mouse
and the distance it travels.
5. An on-board processor chip reads the pulses from the infrared
sensors and turns them into binary data that the computer can
understand. The chip sends the binary data to the computer through
the mouse's cord.

Fig 6 The logic section of a mouse is dominated by an encoder chip, a
small processor that reads the pulses coming from the infrared
sensors and turns them into bytes sent to the computer. You can also
see the two buttons that detect clicks (on either side of the wire
In this optomechanical arrangement, the disk moves
mechanically, and an optical system counts pulses of light. On this
mouse, the ball is 21 mm in diameter. The roller is 7 mm in diameter.
The encoding disk has 36 holes. So if the mouse moves 25.4 mm (1
inch), the encoder chip detects 41 pulses of light.

Each encoder disk has two infrared LEDs and two infrared sensors,
one on each side of the disk (so there are four LED/sensor pairs
inside a mouse). This arrangement allows the processor to detect the
disk's direction of rotation. There is a piece of plastic with a
small, precisely located hole that sits between the encoder disk and
each infrared sensor. This piece of plastic provides a window through
which the infrared sensor can "see." The window on one side of the
disk is located slightly higher than it is on the other -- one-half
the height of one of the holes in the encoder disk, to be exact. That
difference causes the two infrared sensors to see pulses of light at
slightly different times. There are times when one of the sensors
will see a pulse of light when the other does not, and vice versa.
3.Three-dimensional user interfaces
For typical computer displays, three-dimensional is a misnomer”their
displays are two-dimensional. Three-dimensional images are projected
on them in two dimensions. Since this technique has been in use for
many years, the recent use of the term three-dimensional must be
considered a declaration by equipment marketers that the speed of
three dimension to two dimension projection is adequate to use in
standard graphical user interfaces.

Three-dimensional graphical user interfaces are common in science
fiction literature and movies, such as in Jurassic Park, which
features Silicon Graphics' three-dimensional file manager, "File
system navigator", an actual file manager that never got much
widespread use as the user interface for a Unix computer.
In science fiction, three-dimensional user interfaces are often
immersible environments like William Gibson's Cyberspace or Neal
Stephenson's Metaverse. Three-dimensional graphics are currently
mostly used in computer games, art and computer-aided design (CAD).
There have been several attempts at making three-dimensional desktop
environments like Sun's Project Looking Glass or SphereXP from Sphere
Inc. A three-dimensional computing environment could possibly be used
for collaborative work. For example, scientists could study three-
dimensional models of molecules in a virtual reality environment, or
engineers could work on assembling a three-dimensional model of an
airplane. This is a goal of the Croquet project and Project Looking
Glass by Java.
The use of three-dimensional graphics has become increasingly common
in mainstream operating systems, but mainly been confined to creating
attractive interfaces”eye candy”rather than for functional purposes
only possible using three dimensions. For example, user switching is
represented by rotating a cube whose faces are each user's workspace,
and window management is represented in the form of Exposé on Mac OS
X, or via a Rolodex-style flipping mechanism in Windows Vista. In
both cases, the operating system transforms windows on-the-fly while
continuing to update the content of those windows.
workspace, and window management is represented in the form of
Exposé on Mac OS X, or via a Rolodex-style flipping mechanism in
Windows Vista. In both cases, the operating system transforms windows
on-the-fly while continuing to update the content of those windows.
Interfaces for the X Window System have also implemented advanced
three-dimensional user interfaces through compositing window managers
such as Beryl and Compiz using the AIGLX or XGL architectures,
allowing for the usage of OpenGL to animate the user's interactions
with the desktop.
Another branch in the three-dimensional desktop environment is the
three-dimensional graphical user interfaces that take the desktop
metaphor a step further, like the BumpTop, where a user can
manipulate documents and windows as if they were "real world"
documents, with realistic movement and physics. With the current pace
on three-dimensional and related hardware evolution, projects such
these may reach an operational level soon.
4.1 What is Mechatronics engineering?
Mechatronics is concerned with the design automation and operational
performance of electromechanical systems. Mechatronics engineering is
nothing new; it is simply the applications of latest techniques in
precision mechanical engineering, electronic and computer control,
computing systems and sensor and actuator technology to design
improved products and processes.
The basic idea of Mechatronics engineering is to apply innovative
controls to extract new level of performance from a mechanical
device. It means using modem cost effective technology to improve
product and process performance, adaptability and flexibility.
Mechatronics covers a wide range of application areas including
consumer product design, instrumentation, manufacturing methods,
computer integration and process and device control. A typical
Mechatronic system picks up signals processes them and generates
forces and motion as an output. In effect mechanical systems are
extended and integrated with sensors (to know where things are),
microprocessors (to work out what to do), and controllers (to perform
the required actions).
The word Mechatronics came up describing this fact of having
technical systems operating mechanically with respect to some kernel
functions but with more or less electronics supporting the mechanical
parts decisively. Thus we can say that Mechatronics is a blending of
Mechanical engineering,Electronics engineering and Computing. These
three disciplines are linked together with knowledge of management,
manufacturing and marketing.
4.2 What do Mechatronics engineers do?
Mechatronics design covers a wide variety of applications from the
physical integration and miniaturization of electronic controllers
with mechanical systems to the control of hydraulically powered
robots in manufacturing and assembling factories.
Computer disk drives are one example of the successful application of
Mechatronics engineering as they are required to provide very fast
access precise positioning and robustness against various
An intelligent window shade that opens and closes according to the
amount of sun exposure is another example of a Mechatronics
Mechatronics engineering may be involved in the design of equipments
and robots for under water or mining exploration as an alternative to
using human beings where this may be dangerous. In fact Mechatronics
engineers can be found working in a range of industries and project
areas including
¢ Design of data collection, instrumentation and computerized
machine tools.
¢ Intelligent product design for example smart cars and
automation for household transportation and industrial application.
¢ Design of self-diagnostic machines, which fix problems on
their own.
¢ Medical devices such as life supporting systems, scanners and
DNA sequencing automation.
¢ Robotics and space exploration equipments.
¢ Smart domestic consumer goods
¢ Computer peripherals.
¢ Security systems.

4.3 Mechatronic goals
4.3.1 The multisensory concept
The aim was to design a new generation of multi sensory lightweight
robots. The new sensor and actuator generation does not only show up
a high degree of electronic and processor integration but also fully
modular hardware and software structures. Analog conditioning, power
supply and digital pre-processing are typical subsystems modules of
this kind. The 20khz lines connecting all sensor and actuator systems
in a galvanically decoupled way and high speed optical serial data
bus (SERCOS) are the typical examples of multi sensory and multi
actuator concept for the new generation robot envisioned.
The main sensory developments finished with these criteria have been
in the last years: optically measuring force-torque-sensor for
assembly operations. In a more compact form these sensory systems
were integrated inside plastic hollow balls, thus generating 6-degree
of freedom hand controllers (the DLR control balls). The SPACE-MOUSE
is the most recent product based on these ideas.
¢ stiff strain-gauge based 6 component force-torque-sensor
¢ miniaturized triangulation based laser range finders.
¢ integrated inductive joint-torque-sensor for light-weight-
In order to demonstrate the multi sensory design concept, these types
of sensors have been integrated into the multi sensory DLR-gripper,
which contains 15 sensory components and to our knowledge it is the
most complex robot gripper built so far (more than 1000 miniaturized
electronic and about 400 mechanical components). It has become a
central element of the ROTEX space robot experiment.
Spacemouse is developed by the DLR institute of robotics and
DLR- Deutsches Zenturum far Luft-und Raumfahrt
5.1 Why 3D motion?
In every area of technology, one can find automata and systems
controllable up to six degrees of freedom- three translational and
three rotational. Industrial robots made up the most prominent
category needing six degrees of freedom by maneuvering six joints to
reach any point in their working space with a desired orientation.
Even broader there have been a dramatic explosion in the growth of 3D
computer graphics.
Already in the early eighties, the first wire frame models of volume
objects could move smoothly and interactively using so called knob-
boxes on the fastest graphics machines available. A separate button
controlled each of the six degrees of freedom. Next, graphics systems
on the market allowed manipulation of shaded volume models smoothly,
i.e. rotate, zoom and shift them and thus look at them from any
viewing angle and position. The scenes become more and more complex;
e.g. with a "reality engine" the mirror effects on volume car bodies
are updated several times per second - a task that needed hours on
main frame computers a couple of years ago.
Parallel to the rapid graphics development, we observed a clear trend
in the field of mechanical design towards constructing and modeling
new parts in a 3D environment and transferring the resulting programs
to NC machines. The machines are able to work in 5 or 6 degrees of
freedom (dof). Thus, it is no surprise that in the last few years,
there are increasing demands for comfortable 3D control and
manipulation devices for these kinds of systems. Despite breathtaking
advancements in digital technology it turned out that digital man-
machine interfaces like keyboards are not well suited for people to
use as our sensomotory reactions and behaviors are and will remain
analogous forever.
5.2 DLR control ball, Magellan's predecessor
At the end of the seventies, the DLR (German Aerospace Research
Establishment) institute for robotics and system dynamics started
research on devices for the 6-dof control of robot grippers .in
Cartesian space. After lengthy experiments it turned out around 1981
that integrating a six axis force torque sensor (3 force, 3 torque
components) into a plastic hollow ball was the optimal solution. Such
a ball registered the linear and rotational displacements as
generated by the forces/ torques of a human hand, which were then
computationally transformed into translational / rotational motion
The first force torque sensor used was based upon strain gauge
technology, integrated into a plastic hollow ball. DLR had the basic
concept centre of a hollow ball handle approximately coinciding with
the measuring centre of an integrated 6 dof force / torque sensor
patented in Europe and US.
From 1982-1985, the first prototype applications showed that
DLR's control ball was not only excellently suited as a control
device for robots, but also for the first 3D-graphics system that
came onto the market at that time. Wide commercial distribution was
prevented by the high sales price of about $8,000 per unit. It took
until 1985 for the DLR's developer group to succeed in designing a
much cheaper optical measuring system.
5.2.1 Basic principle
The new system used 6 one-dimensional position detectors. This system
received a worldwide patent. The basic principle is as follows. The
measuring system consists of an inner and an outer part. The
measuring arrangement in the inner ring is composed of the LED, a
slit and perpendicular to the slit on the opposite side of the ring a
linear position sensitive detector (PSD). The slit / LED combination
is mobile against the remaining system. Six such systems (rotated by
60 degrees each) are mounted in a plane, whereby the slits
alternatively are vertical and parallel to the plane. The ring with
PSD's is fixed inside the outer part and connected via springs with
the LED-slit-basis. The springs bring the inner part back to a
neutral position when no forces / torque are exerted: There is a
particularly simple and unique. This measuring system is drift-free
and not subject to aging effects.
The whole electronics including computational processing on a one-
chip-processor was already integrable into the ball by means of two
small double sided surface mount device (SMD) boards, the
manufacturing costs were reduced to below $1,000, but the sales price
still hovered in the area of $3,000.
The original hopes of the developers group that the license companies
might be able to redevelop devices towards much lower manufacturing
costs did not materialize. On the other hand, with passing of time,
other technologically comparable ball systems appeared on the market
especially in USA. They differed only in the type of measuring
system. Around 1990, terms like cyberspace and virtual reality became
popular. However, the effort required to steer oneself around in a
virtual world using helmet and glove tires one out quickly. Movements
were measured by electromagnetic or ultrasonic means, with the human
head having problems in controlling translational speeds. In
addition, moving the hand around in free space leads to fairly fast
fatigue. Thus a redesign of the ball idea seemed urgent.
5.3 Magellan (the European Spacemouse):
the result of a long development chain
With the developments explained in the previous sections, DLR's
development group started a transfer company, SPACE CONTROL and
addressed a clear goal: To redesign the control ball idea with its
unsurpassed opto electronic measuring system and optimize it thus
that to reduce manufacturing costs to a fraction of its previous
amount and thus allow it to approach the pricing level of high
quality PC mouse at least long-term.

Fig 7.Spacemouse system
The new manipulation device would also be able to function as a
conventional mouse and appear like one, yet maintain its versatility
in a real workstation design environment. The result of an intense
one-year's work was the European SpaceMouse, in the USA it is
especially in the European market place. But end of 93, DLR and SPACE
CONTROL jointly approached LOGITECH because of their wide expertise
with pointing
devices for computers to market and sell Magellan in USA and Asia.
The wear resistant and drift free opto electronic, 6 component
measuring system was optimized to place all the electronics,
including the analogous signal processing, AT conversion,
computational evaluation and power supply on only one side of a tiny
SMD- board inside Magellan's handling cap. It only needs a few
milliamperes of current supplied through the serial port of any PC or
standard mouse interface. It does not need a dedicated power supply.
The electronic circuitry using a lot of time multiplex technology was
simplified by a factor of five, compared to the former control balls
mentioned before. The unbelievably tedious mechanical optimization,
where the simple adjustment of the PSD's with respect to the slits
played a central role in its construction, finally led to 3 simple
injection moulding parts, namely the basic housing, a cap handle with
the measuring system inside and the small nine button keyboard
system. The housing, a punched steel plate provides Magellan with the
necessary weight for stability; any kind of metal cutting was
avoided. The small board inside the cap (including a beeper) takes
diverse mechanical functions as well. For example, it contains the
automatically mountable springs as well as overload protection. The
springs were optimized in the measuring system so that they no longer
show hysteresis; nevertheless different stiffness of the cap are
realizable by selection of appropriate springs.
Ergonomically, Magellan was constructed as flat as can be so that the
human hand may rest on it without fatigue. Slight pressures of the
fingers on the cap of Magellan is sufficient for generating
deflections in X, Y, and Z planes, thus shifting a cursor or flying a
3D graphics object translationally through space. Slight twists of
the cap cause rotational motions of a 3D graphics object around the
corresponding axes. Pulling the cap in the Z direction corresponds to
zooming function. Moving the cap in X or Y direction drags the
horizontally and vertically respectively on the screen. Twisting the
cap over one of the main axes or any combination of them rotates the
object over the corresponding axis on the screen. The user can handle
the object on the screen a he were holding it in his own left hand
and helping the right hand to undertake the constructive actions on
specific points lines or surfaces or simply by unconsciously bringing
to the front of
appropriate perspective view of any necessary detail of the object.
With the integration of nine additional key buttons any macro
functions can be mapped onto one of the keys thus allowing the user
most frequent function to be called by a slight finger touch from the
left hand. The device has special features like dominant mode. It
uses those degrees of freedom in which the greatest magnitude is
generated. So defined movements can be created. Connection to the
computer is through a 3m cable (DB9 female) and platform adapter if
necessary. Use of handshake signals (RTSSCTS) are recommended for the
safe operation of the spacemouse. Without these handshake signals
loss of data may occur. Additional signal lines are provided to power
the Magellan (DTS&RTS). Thus, no additional power supply is needed.
Flying an object in 6 dof is done intuitively without any strain. In
a similar way, flying oneself through a virtual world is just fun.
Touching the keys results in either the usual menu selection, mode
selection or the pickup of 3D objects.

fig 8 Spacemouse
5.4 Table-1

Technical specifications of spacemouse

6.1 Features
¢ Ease of use of manipulating objects in 3D applications.
¢ Calibration free sensor technology for high precision and
unique reliability.
¢ Nine programmable buttons to customize users preference for
motion control
¢ Fingertip operation for maximum precision and performance.
¢ Settings to adjust sensitivity and motion control to the
users preference.
¢ Small form factor frees up the desk space.
¢ Double productivity of object manipulation in 3D
¢ Natural hand position (resting on table) eliminates fatigue.
6.2 Benefits
As the user positions the 3D objects with the Magellan device the
necessity of going back and forth to the menu is eliminated. Drawing
times is reduced by 20%-30% increasing overall productivity. With the
Magellan device improved design comprehension is possible and earlier
detection of design errors contributing faster time to market and
cost savings in the design process. Any computer whose graphics power
allows to update at least 5 frames per second of the designed
scenery, and which has a standard RS232 interface, can make use of
the full potential of Magellan spacemouse. In 3D applications
Magellan is used in conjunction with a 2D mouse. The user positions
an object with spacemouse while working on the object using a mouse.
We can consider it as a workman holding an object in his left hand
and working on it with a tool in his right hand. Now Magellan
spacemouse is becoming something for standard input device for
interactive motion control of 3D graphics objects in its working
environment and for many other applications.

Magellan's predecessor, DLR's control ball, was a key element of the
first real robot inspace, ROTEX- (3), which was launched in April 93
with space shuttle COLUMBIA inside a rack of the spacelab-D2. The
robot was directly teleoperated by the astronauts using the control
ball, the same way remotely controlled from ground (on-line and off
line) implying "predictive" stereographics. As an example, the ground
operator with one of the two balls or Magellans steered the robot's
gripper in the graphics presimulation, while with the second device
he was able to move the whole scenery around smoothly in 6 dot
Predictive graphics simulation together with the above mentioned man
machine interaction allowed for the compensation of overall signal
delays up to seven seconds, the most spectacular accomplishment being
the grasping of a floating object in space from the ground. Since
then, ROTEX has often been declared as the first real "virtual
reality" application.
A most intuitive controlling device would be a system that
can be instructed by watching and imitating the human user, using the
hand as the major controlling element. This would be a very
comfortable interface that allows the user to move a robot system in
the most natural way. This is called the visual space mouse. The
system of the visual space mouse can be divided into two main parts:
image processing and robot control. The role of image processing is
to perform operations on a video signal, received by a video camera,
to extract desired information out of the video signal. The role of
robot control is to transform electronic commands into movements of
the manipulator.

The graphics simulation and manipulation of 3D volume objects and
virtual worlds and their combination e.g. with real information as
contained in TV images (multi-media) is not only meaningful for space
technology, but will strongly change the whole world of manufacturing
and construction technology, including other areas like urban
development, chemistry, biology, and entertainment. For all these
applications we believe there is no other man- machine interface
technology comparable to Magellan in its simplicity and yet high
precision. It is used for 3D manipulations in 6 dof, but at the same
time may function as a conventional 2D mouse.


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RE: space mouse (Download Full Report And Abstract) - by computer science technology - 29-01-2010, 07:45 AM

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