


Many embedded systems have substantially different design constraints than desktop computing applications. No single characterization applies to the diverse spectrum of embedded systems. However, some combination of cost pressure, long life-cycle, real¬-time requirements, reliability requirements, and design culture dysfunction can make it difficult to be successful applying traditional computer design methodologies and tools to embedded applications. Embedded systems in many cases must be optimized for life-cycle and business-driven factors rather than for maximum computing throughput. There is currently little tool support for expanding embedded computer design to the scope of holistic embedded system design. However, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches can set expectations appropriately, identify risk areas to tool adopters, and suggest ways in which tool builders can meet industrial needs.
If we look around us, today we see numerous appliances which we use daily, be it our refrigerator , the microwave oven, cars, PDAs etc. Most appliances today are powered by something beneath the sheath that makes them do what they do. These are tiny microprocessors, which respond to various keystrokes or inputs. These tiny microprocessors, working on basic assembly languages, are the heart of the appliances. We call them embedded systems. Of all the semiconductor industries, the embedded systems market place is the most conservative, and engineering decisions here usually lean towards established, low risk solutions. Welcome to the world of embedded systems, of computers that will not look like computers and wonâ„¢t function like any thing we are familiar with.
As the name signifies, an Ëœembedded systemâ„¢ is built into a noncomputing device, say a car, TV or toy. We can define an embedded system as a computing device, built in to a device that is not a computer, and meant for doing specific computing tasks. In general engineering terms, embedded systems are used for the control of industrial or physical processes. In computer science terms, embedded systems are distributed reactive systems. Typically these systems have to react to stimuli from their environment in real time. This can be of high importance in situations where a lot of signal processing must be carried out on the inputs inorder to compute the outputs. e.g., multimedia applications.
Embedded systems have been around us for about as long as computer themselves. These were first used in the late 1960s to control electro mechanical telephone switches. As computer industry has moved towards smaller systems over the last decade or so, embedded systems have also moved along with this trend.
Embedded systems are divided into autonomous, realtime, networked & mobile categories.
Autonomous systems: They function in standalone mode. Many embedded systems used for process control in manufacturing units& automobiles fall under this category.
Realtime embedded systems: These are required to carry out specific tasks in a specified amount of time. These systems are extensively used to carryout time critical tasks in process control.
Networked embedded systems: They monitor plant parameters such as temperature, pressure and humidity and send the data over the network to a centralized system for on line monitoring.
Mobile gadgets: Mobile gadgets need to store databases locally in their memory. These gadgets imbibe powerful computing & communication capabilities to perform realtime as well as nonrealtime tasks and handle multimedia applications.
The embedded system is a combination of computer hardware, software, firmware and perhaps additional mechanical parts, designed to perform a specific function. A good example is an automatic washing machine or a microwave oven. Such a system is in direct contrast to a personal computer, which is not designed to do only a specific task. But an embedded system is designed to do a specific task with in a given timeframe, repeatedly, endlessly, with or without human interaction.
Good software design in embedded systems stems from a good understanding of the hardware behind it. All embedded systems need a microprocessor, and the kinds of microprocessors used in them are quite varied. A list of some of the common microprocessors families are: The Zilog Z8 family, Intel 8051/X86 family, Motorola 68K family and the power PC family. For processing of information and execution of programs, embedded system incorporates microprocessor or micro- controller. In an embedded system the microprocessor is a part of final product and is not available for reprogramming to the end user. An embedded system also needs memory for two purposes, to store its program and to store its data. Unlike normal desktops in which data and programs are stored at the same place, embedded systems store data and programs in different memories. This is simply because the embedded system does not have a hard drive and the program must be stored in memory even when the power is turned off. This type of memory is called ROM. Embedded applications commonly employ a special type of ROM that can be programmed or reprogrammed with the help of special devices.
UMS Hardware:
A common obstacle for developers has been the need to develop different sets of hardware and software for different devices. An intelligent washing machine uses a hardware chip different from that used by an intelligent wrist watch. In addition, the software running on the hardware chip is different. This often results in increased costs and time taken for development.
The Universal Micro System(UMS) from cradle technologies is a solution for this problem. UMS is a general purpose chip built around a simple instruction set. It can be used to develop applications for embedded devices because all the functionality required for a specific device can be modeled in the software. Since the major functionality provided in UMS is through software, the processor and memory units must be very fast and the input, output units must be programmable and versatile. UMS uses a large number of high speed, low power and small RISC based processors on a single chip. Each processing element coupled with two digital signal processors form a multi stream processor(MSP), which processes voluminous chunks of data. Developing on UMS represents a significant infrastructure cost savings, dramatic decrease in time to market and an unprecedented opportunity to combine many functions and redefine products in the market.
UMS hardware architecture:

Embedded software has grown complex and pervasive enough to attract the attention of computer scientists. Embedded softwareâ„¢s main task is to engage the physical world interacting directly with sensors & actuators. The most pressing problem is how to adapt existing software techniques to meet the challenges of the physical world. Software for embedded systems must handle problems beyond those found in application software for desktops or mainframe computers. Embedded software often has several things to do at once - respond to external events, cope with unusual conditions without human intervention while being subjected to deadlines. So embedded software is harder to design. Embedded systems are increasingly networked which introduced significant complications such as downloadable modules that dynamically reconfigure the system. Moreover, consumers demand ever more elaborate functionality which greatly increases software complexity. These systems can no longer be designed by a single engineer, fine tuning tens of kilobytes of assembly code. Embedded software design is art as much as it is science. We must know how fast our system operates and know how critical it is to meet each deadline. If deadlines are absolute, then it is a hard real time system else it is a soft real time system.
Functionality has steadily shifted from hardware to software. C has become the language of choice for embedded programmers, because it has the benefit of processor independence. Languages such as C++, Java are also used. Home devices will flourish best if they present a uniform API to application programmers, and an ideal interface is Java. Open Service Gateway Initiative(OSGI) , a java based system that combines services with event on security mechanisms, is defining a set of open standard software application interfaces for building Open Service Gateways including Residential Gateways . Embedded Graphical User Interface™s (GUI) are growing more elaborate day by day. Developers now have to contend with such arcana as a color pallet. In some applications, an embedded GUI has to compete with mechanical controls. In luxury cars, for e.g, Graphical displays are starting to replace mechanical speedo meters and tacho meters.Visualization tools are designed to find bugs that are hard to find with theusual Breakpoint and explore debugging paradigm. They work beautifully on Heisenberg bugs “ so called because they disappear when we start looking for them.
Any source code written in C or C++ or assembly language must be converted into an executable image that can be loaded onto a ROM chip. For this purpose three distinct steps are involved.
Cross compiled or assembled to generate object files.
Object files must be linked into a relocatable program.
Physical memory address must be assigned to the relocatable program.
To run any software we need operating system. Embedded systems do not require a complete operating system, which may make the system bulky, but only the basic functionalities of the operating system in a real time environment “ RTOS. Off-the-shelf operating systems for these systems began to appear in the late 1970™s, and today several dozen viable options are available.Embedded operating systems are available in variety of flavours: Windows NT, LINUX, Windows CE 3.0, PalmOS, QNX, ROMDOS, JBED, RT kernel, Tiny BIOS, Turbo task, Nucleus plus/Tasking, Diamond,ThreadX (#$@%) etc. Out of these , a few major players have emerged , such as Vxworks, PSOS, neculeus, windows CE, ThreadX and linux. ˜Inferno™ and ˜Chai™ are the two popular environments that are used to develop applications.
Embedded Databases:
Embedded Databases are in software applications and in hardware devices, both mobile and fixed. The purpose of Embedded Database is data storage and retrieval with minimum intervention and minimum system impact. The rapid increase in the number of Telecomputers, the explosive growth of E-commerce and general migration to wireless technologies have put Embedded Database development on the IT short list. In a world of mobile computers and smart devices , size matters because memory and storage are very limited. A key factor is a small memory foot print. Embedded database vendors and developers tend to focus on smallness of their achievements. Sybaseâ„¢s Ultra Lite, a version of SQL which is any where portable database has a foot print of 50 kilobytes.
Ëœe2Bâ„¢: The internet gives machines a way to communicate. For embedded internet, communication channels are seen in technologies such as blue tooth, CEbus, upnp and TCP/IP; linguistic mechanisms in notions such as java RMI; HTTP & SNMP. Embedding internet technologies is also called as Ëœe2Bâ„¢ or embedded to business.
Many authors use software and firmware in the same sense. Actually firmware consists of microcode programs executed from very high speed control storage. Commonly used object programs placed in ROMs and PROMs are also some times referred to as firmware. The problem with any approach to the field firmware updates is that if the upgrade contains a flaw, the target system may become an expensive doorstop. Many of the pitfalls are obvious and straight forward, but some insidious defects donâ„¢t appear until after a product has been deployed. Any well designed firmware upgrade system must be able to recover from user errors and other catastrophic events to the fullest extent possible. The best way to accomplish this is to implement a fundamentally sound firmware update strategy that avoids these problems entirely. A microprogrammer is a system level description of how an embedded system beheves before, during and after the firmware update process. This is designed to help avoid many of the problems to downloadable firmware. ËœFlexwareâ„¢ is a flexible firmware development environment.
Other common parts found on many embedded systems:
¢ UART& RS232
¢ ASIC™s& FPGA™s
¢ Watch dog timer e.t.c.
Design process:
Embedded system design is a quantitative job. The pillars of the system design methodology are the separation between function and architecture, is an essential step from conception to implementation. In recent past, the search and industrial community has paid significant attention to the topic of hardware-software (HW/SW) codesign and has tackled the problem of coordinating the design of the parts to be implemented as software and the parts to be implemented as hardware avoiding the HW/SW integration problem marred the electronics system industry so long. In any large scale embedded systems design methodology, concurrency must be considered as a first class citizen at all levels of abstraction and in both hardware and software. Formal models & transformations in system design are used so that verification and synthesis can be applied to advantage in the design methodology. Simulation tools are used for exploring the design space for validating the functional and timing behaviors of embedded systems.
Hardware can be simulated at different levels such as electrical circuits, logic gates, RTL e.t.c. using VHDL description. In some environments software development tools can be coupled with hardware simulators, while in others the software is executed on the simulated hardware. The later approach is feasible only for small parts of embedded systems.


Design of an embedded system using Intelâ„¢s 80C188EB chip is shown in the figure. Inorder to reduce complexity, the design process is divided in four major steps: specification, system synthesis, implementation synthesis and performance evaluation of the prototype.
Specification: During this part of the design process, the informal requirements of the analysis are transformed to formal specification using SDL.
System synthesis: For performing an automatic HW/SW partitioning, the system synthesis step translates the SDL specification to an internal system model switch contains problem graph& architecture graph. After system synthesis, the resulting system model is translated back to SDL.
Implementation synthesis: SDL specification is then translated into conventional implementation languages such as VHDL for hardware modules and C for software parts of the system.
Prototyping: On a prototyping platform, the implementation of the system under development is executed with the software parts running on multiprocessor unit and the hardware part running on a FPGA board known as phoenix, prototype hardware for Embedded Network Interconnect Accelerators.
Embedded systems are finding their way into robotic toys and electronic pets, intelligent cars and remote controllable home appliances. All the major toy makers across the world have been coming out with advanced interactive toys that can become our friends for life. ËœFurbyâ„¢ and ËœAIBOâ„¢ are good examples at this kind. Furbies have a distinct life cycle just like human beings, starting from being a baby and growing to an adult one. In AIBO first two letters stands for Artificial Intelligence. Next two letters represents robot . The AIBO is robotic dog. Embedded systems in cars also known as Telematic Systems are used to provide navigational security communication & entertinment services using GPS, satellite. Home appliances are going the embedded way. LG electronics digital DIOS refrigerator can be used for surfing the net, checking e-mail, making video phone calls and watching TV.IBM is developing an air conditioner that we can control over the net. Embedded systems cover such a broad range of products that generalization is difficult. Here are some broad categories.
Aerospace and defence electronics: fire control, radar, robotics/sensors, sonar.
Automotive: autobody electronics, auto power train, auto safety, car information systems.
Broadcast & entertainment: Analog and digital sound products, camaras, DVDs,
Set top boxes, virtual reality systems, graphic products.
Consumer/internet appliances: Business handheld computers, business network computers/terminals, electronic books, internet smart handheld devices, PDAs.
Data communications: Analog modems, ATM switches, cable modems, XDSL modems, Ethernet switches, concentrators.
Digital imaging: Copiers, digital still cameras, Fax machines, printers, scanners.
Industrial measurement and control: Hydro electric utility research & management traffic management systems, train marine vessel management systems.
Medical electronics: Diagnostic devices, real time medical imaging systems, surgical devices, critical care systems.
Server I/O: Embedded servers, enterprise PC servers, PCI LAN/NIC controllers, RAID devices, SCSI devices.
Telecommunications : ATM communication products, base stations, networking switches, SONET/SDH cross connect, multiplexer.
Mobile data infrastructures: Mobile data terminals, pagers, VSATs, Wireless LANs, Wireless phones.
Embedded systems have virtually entered every sphere of our life, right from the time we work out on tread mills to the cars that we drive today. The possibilities in this field are only limited by our imagination.Many of the embedded systems are managed by human controllers by some sort of man machine interface-for example a cash register,a cell phone, a TV screen or a PC interface.It is this MMI that often represents the most costly investment in the systemâ„¢s development,interms of both time and money.
[1] Embedded Systems Programming. Miller Freeman, San Francisco, ISSN 1040-3272.
[2] Daniel D. Gajski. Frank Vahid, Sanjiv Narayan & Jie Gong, Specification and Design of Embedded Systems. PTR Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1994.
[3J Jack Ganssle, Art of programming Embedded Systems, Academic Press, San Diego. 1992.
[4J Shem-Tov Levi & Ashok Agrawala, Fault Tolerant System Design, McGraw¬Hill, New York, 1994.
[5] Nancy Leveson, Safeware: system safety and computers, Addison-Wesle,1994..

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EMBEDDED SYSTEMS full report - by computer science technology - 24-01-2010, 05:46 PM

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